arabicinenglish · 6 years
If your loved one is honey, don’t lick them all. إن كان حبيبك عسل ماتلحسوش كله
Egyptian expression; it’s used to ask someone to not abuse what they’re given. It’s most similar too if someone gives you a hand, don’t take their arm but it’s a much less violent (and cuter) way to put it.
“Look, I understand you’re down and out but your staying at my house and eating all my food and consuming all my substances is really breaking my back.”
“I overslept my stay and overstayed my welcome, I’m sorry.”
“Yeah I was happy to help but if your love is honey, don’t lick all of him.”
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arabicinenglish · 6 years
You who is covering Abla’s ass, cover yours first. يا مداوي طيز عابلة، داوي طيزك قبله
Egyptian expression; it’s kind of similar to the “if you live in a glass house” expression. Basically implying that if you have a vice or quite a few, don’t go pointing fingers at other people’s vices.
“You don’t have to smoke weed all the time.”
“You smoke 20 cigarettes a day, why don’t you cover your own ass before you cover Abla’s?”
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arabicinenglish · 7 years
You have a demon in every dumpster. ليكي في كل خرابة عفريت
Egyptian expression; used when someone basically has a connection in every field.
“She wants to try becoming a dominatrix.”
“Ah I have a friend who goes to kink camps, he can help her out.”
“Wow, you really have a demon in every dumpster, huh?”
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arabicinenglish · 7 years
You don't take anything from the weak donkey but the strong fart. ماتخدش من الحمار الضعيف غير الجيص القوي
Egyptian expression; used when someone claims they'll do the things and underline and emphasize their capabilities but when it comes to actually doing something, they're just making noise.
"I thought you said you know how to make this happen."
"Yeah, I thought I could but the project is too big for me.
"But when I offered an aide, yousaid you've got this under control."
"I'm sorry."
"The only thing you get from a weak donkey is a strong fart, eh?"
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arabicinenglish · 8 years
He's sitting in shit and he's warm in it. قاعد في خرة و دفيان فيه
Egyptian expression; used to describe someone who gets comfortable in a shitty situation and stay in it even if they're aware of how shitty it is. "Shit, dude, do you still fuck Shahira?" "Yeah man, I'm too lazy to find other people." "But she crayballssss" "I know." "You're sitting in shit and you're warm in it, huh?"
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