#eh might as well share it in the hashtags lol
snowbatsims · 2 years
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one thing i like to do is recreating my ocs in every sims game i own
i am nothing if not consistent
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Toshiya  "Oboro" release commemorative Twitter "Like project" live stream [DAY 5]
A summary and some notes about today’s live stream with Toshiya
Notes before reading: I wanted to do a small summary and highlights of today’s livestream (ended up being 5 pages lol) It’s a bit messier/raw than other times but I hope you enjoy it :) Fujieda starts greeting everyone watching and announces the beginning of the livestream. Today’s is Toshiya’s turn. Fujieda says it’s the last day of these events that took place during Japan’s Golden week, he asks Toshiya how is he doing and he just laughs. Fujieda asks Toshiya if he knows what are these events about and he says “somehow”, Fujieda explains that as “Oboro” was released on Wednesday, people are sharing their  impressions about it in the hashtag #direngreyyabai (it would like direngreyisdashit/ awesome)  *Toshiya grins when he hears the hashtag name*. So, Toshiya has to get into that hashtag and click “like” in the comments he likes. Toshiya laughs when Fujieda ends his explanation and  he asks Toshiya if its his first time at twitter and he says it is. They are laughing for some seconds and then Fujieda explains the “Heart” icon is the “like” one,  Toshiya asks him what happens when he “likes” a tweet, Fujieda resplies that person will receive a notification saying that Toshiya liked their tweet and maybe that person its going to be happy (moved?). Fujieda tells Toshiya to scroll in the tag, and read the tweets he is interested in and if he wants, read the name of the person as that would made them happy. Fujieda says he is going to be checking comments at the Gaalaca site and it seems that Toshiya has a screen in his left side with the Gaalaca site too. Toshiya: It’s hard... Fujieda: Rather than hard, it’s hectic…as I’m watching twitter and the livestream’s comments…it’s pretty hectic but it’s funny… Toshiya jokes with Fujieda and says again it’s hard, because he doesn’t understand it well, Fujieda explains how he has to scroll in the hashtag so the tweets will be appearing. Toshiya asks who did these twitter accounts and Fujieda says the staff. He also explains that it was also the first time for Die but it seems that he got used to twitter in the end.
Fujieda encourages Toshiya to click his first like and thanks everyone for so many comments.
Toshiya: Thank you, but I don’t understand this. Toshiya starts scrolling for a while and Fujieda is reading comments from the livestream all the time, thanking them. Toshiya: Woah, you are really busy…. He stops in the tweet of a baby wrapped in a dir en grey towel. Toshiya: There is a cute child ….*opens the picture* Toshiya keeps scrolling and Fujieda tells him that if he was interested in that tweet, he should like that tweet but Toshiya can’t find the tweet scrolling back.
Toshiya suggests to talk while he is doing the twitter thing and Fujieda asks him about “Oboro”, if there is any particular part of the song we should listen to…. Toshiya says that it’s hard to pick so “everything”. Fujieda: Are you looking at the tweets? Toshiya: I am… Toshiya laughs at some tweet thanking Fujieda and clicks “like” for the first time. He seemed amused by the twitter message when he does it. He keeps scrolling for a while and Fujieda asks him the same about T.D.F.F than about “Oboro”, if there is anything in particular…..Toshiya laughs and says “everything”. Fujieda says there are many people saying T.D.F.F is good. Toshiya: is that so? I’m happy… Fujieda sees Toshiya liking a tweet and asks if he is liking a lot but he says “I liked about two” lol This one has attached a pic of one of his basses Toshiya keeps scrolling up and  Fujieda teases him about the “like limit” (Shinya got this function blocked for liking too many tweets at once) but Toshiya laughs like “it’s not gonna happen to me” lol. While we are seeing a close up of Toshiya scrolling, Fujieda says that even though is spring its still cold and Toshiya agrees. They also talk about some music shops being close (because of the state of emergency in some cities in Japan) like Shinjiku and Shibuya Tower records so Fujieda thinks that because of that some people might haven’t listened to the single yet. Fujieda reads a lot of names from the stream in a row and Toshiya laughs. He reads and like a tweet asking him about what he is drinking at that moment and Toshiya says “coffee” and adds he is going to buy alcohol ( he mumbles it so low lol) and Fujieda asks him if he doesn’t have any at home and Toshiya says he drank it recently. Shops seems to be closed and not selling alcohol from certain hour due to the emergency state.
Toshiya asks who came up with the hashtag’s name and Fujieda says “the company”. He explains that “yabai” is often used to refer to Dir and Toshiya laughs hard.
Toshiya: Is that so? Fujieda: If people used it a lot, it will be a trending topic…a trending topic is… Toshiya: Am I that old? (that you think have to explain it to me) Fujieda: *laughs* You understand what it’s a trending topic, right? Toshiya: More or less…
Toshiya gets back to scrolling tweets, he likes a few more but mostly just pass them quickly. Fujieda asks him if he is just looking at them quickly/just passing them and Toshiya says  he is doing that. Toshiya asks Fujieda why there are so many cats in the tweets, he replies that it’s pretty common in twitter to post cats. Toshiya is like “why?” Fujieda “because they are cute” and Toshiya is like “Oh, I see”. Toshiya reads a tweet about someone saying Fujieda wears  a T-shirt with the name of the band in a different colour in every livestream (these shirts are from the last screening) They talk about the shirts. Toshiya seems a be clueless about what to do and Fujieda asks everyone to write their impressions about oboro. Toshiya: From now one, please just (tweet) your impressions about “Oboro” (laughs) Fujieda says the livestream is going to end soon so he encourages people to make a last effort. Next comment Toshiya likes, its about wanting to hear “Oboro” live soon, Toshiya says he wants to play a live. Fujieda goes back to saying people’s name and thanking them for the comments and Toshiya is just scrolling up. Toshiya likes a comment saying that this person’s friend is about to give birth and when she was listening to “Oboro” , the baby started to move intensely and it seems that the baby started kicking the belly lol. Fujieda: At the PV Kyo is being given birth as well. Toshiya laughs hard. He is back at scrolling and likes a few tweets more, one with a picture of his picks and other wanting that “Sogai” live takes place soon. Fujieda says these are too tough times, as they can’t play lives and even music shops are closed now. Fujieda keeps saying people’s name and Toshiya stops at a comment of someone who did a cover of every part of the song, they both think it’s amazing this person could do every single part. Then, he likes a tweet of someone that tried to do a “arukuma” characters with grapes, Toshiya says it looks scary.
Fujieda keeps explaining more stuff about twitter to Toshiya and he just replies “I want to delete it” lol Then he asked whose idea was this and Fujieda says it was the company’s. Toshiya: So you were just like “let’s do it”….like DT (Dynammite Tommy?/DTS?)….  Fujieda laughs and shakes his head. Toshiya: So when this is over, you are going to delete it (the twitter) Fujieda: We are going to keep using it like for example when the album is going to be released….. Toshiya: Eh? *disappointed* Fujieda laughs.
Toshiya stops at a tweet with a screepcap of the hashtag being trending topic in Kyushuu (south of Japan). Fujieda explains what it means. Toshiya: (It’s trending topic in) Ashura no kuni ( dangerous country) *Ashura no kuni is used to referred to Kyuushuu, it’s seems these name comes from “Hokuto no ken”? Fujieda says they are TT also in Kanto (Japan’s main island) and Osaka and other places. Toshiya likes another tweet saying they want to listen to “Oboro” in a Nagano live, Toshiya mumbles “I wonder when it will be possible” Fujieda: I want to play a live Toshiya:*laughs* Ah so? Fujieda: I want to…. with Toshiya…..*Fujieda laughs cause he realizes why Toshiya is teasing him* Not me…I mean the band… Toshiya says Fujieda could impersonate Shinya’s (Fujieda plays the drums) and Fujieda laughs. Fujieda says they are already TT in Japan. Then explains to Toshiya how the “coins system” works in Gaalaca, like they are similar to Youtube’s super chat just that you can “buy” with these coins Dir’s icons or draws…. Toshiya peeks  at the screen he has at his left side to check it. Fujieda thanks everyone for so many comments. They are about the finish the livestream. Toshiya: Everyone, take a bath and go to sleep… Fujieda laughs. Toshiya says something about the comments being “nice” and Fujieda says today they are quite nice. Toshiya: So kind… Fujieda: Not saying other days weren’t nice but today are especially nice…. Toshiya: Everyone is really amazing…
Fujieda: We are about to finish this, is that ok for you, Toshiya? Toshiya: Pretty please….
They are finally ending the live stream and Fujieda thanks everyone for taking part in it. Both of them clap. Fujieda: There are more than 2.400 people watching the livestream, is there something you want to tell them? Toshiya: Thank you so much….Dir en grey yabai desu ( Dir en grey is da shit) Fujieda: Da shit, *laughs* Something about “Oboro”? Toshiya: please listen to it a lot, and if we play a live, please come…..that’s all… Fujieda: Thank you! Fujieda starts talking about the event being finished, thanks the people who watched. Fujieda: That so many people took part and show interested, if you all enjoyed I think it’s good, right? Toshiya: Is that so? *laughs* Fujieda: I think that if there is another chance to do it…. Toshiya: I already don’t like/hate this.... Fujieda laughs surprised. Fujieda: Eh?? Next time please take part....with the other members... Fujieda asks people to keep listening to “Oboro” and even if now the circumstances don’t let them play live, to wait until it’s possible. Fujieda: Thank you everyone for so many tweets, icons.... Toshiya: Yes. Fujieda: Finally, please watch the promotional edit of the pv of “Oboro”; thank you for spending your time with us, Today Toshiya was here! Thank you so much! Byee.... Toshiya and Fujieda wave goodbye. Next....”Oboro” PV promotional edit comes it.
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I mean, I wasn't ready for this, but hell yeah, let's do this challenge! Thanks for tagging me, @space-kitten-606!! I wasn't expecting this lolol ^^
Also, this post is formatted this way because I'm using my phone lol
Rules: Tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better!
Nickname: I don't exactly have one, lol, but I guess Maple would count? By my real life friends, though, they call me great grandma (lol), Cinnamon Roll or Marshmallow, but that's pretty rare lol, my real name is already short enough
Astrological sign: Virgo ^^
Gender: Spell it with me now!
F-E-M-A-L-E :D
Height: 4'7/144.7cm, I am a short person lol
Sexuality: Straight, just like how I prefer my nature/walking trails :')
Hogwarts House: I am the Huffle of the puffs!! (Hufflepuff lol)
Favourite Animals: Well, ever since I was young, I really liked cats and turtles, ahaha! But anything that is cute will just grab my attention, granted, it's behind a screen or some sort of barrier keeping it away from me lol though I am a bit iffy on reptiles, insects and just creepy crawlies in general-- they make me feel queasy. Also, frogs. I will run for the hills if I see one.
Number of blankets: Uhhh one lol. Gets me through all the seasons lol (I know, disappointing)
So many languages to keep up with °v°
When I created this account: A year ago? Near the beginning, I'm pretty sure. It was during the summer holidays (which is December, January, February for me, just so that's a bit clearer for any northern hemisphere people who might get confused lol), an "eh" time last year (not going into details) when I was still pretty active in the Undertale fandom. This blog was revived around the time I got into Mystic Messenger, thanks to my sister finding and sharing a buuunch of headcanons on this site so I gotta thank her for that lol if not for her, I probably would've let this go untouched, aside from the occasional fan art
Why did you create this account: Actually, this account was created in an attempt to share my fan art of fandoms I was and am into with another platform ^^ at the time, when I first started this account, I was mainly using Amino while Deviantart was on the side. This ended up being another side platform, lol, so it was neglected after a short period of time. I posted about... 2-3 pieces on here? Before just neglecting it entirely. Then, sis came around with some headcanons of the characters that we all love and enjoy and, while I don't use this/post as often, it's not as neglected as it was before ^^
So ye, this account was created to share my arts lol but I rarely art because of school and I think posting new doodles everyday would be a bit... Overwhelming? Lol idk, writing also takes a chunk of effort sooo reblogs and hashtags it is then lol
I've only ever done one of these once before so I'm really flustered rn 😵 and to be tagged by someone who I thoroughly enjoy following is just- flustered to the MAX!! Ahaha, thanks for tagging me, though! It made my night~~ ^^
Do with this information, what you will lol
I tag @elena-choi @mysticmermaid @flanabananacakes @aromaticboar @nathy-marisson @meldamriel and anyone else who would like to jump aboard this train of learning lolll
I see (especially those last four) a lot in my notifications, so, I tag you! Of course, there's no pressure in doing this, feel free to ignore the tagging if you'd prefer not to do this or already have ^^
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