#eh whats money for if not spending amirite?
sad--tree · 2 years
gotta stay up til like at least 4 am for this fuckin pre-sale bc ik if i so much as "rest my eyes" i WILL be dead 2 the world 4 the next 8 hrs 💀 help
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delifreshvibez · 4 years
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yoooo it’s pris again! ( i also play @aimeesgao​ ) this time with the boi jay de leon, or just deli, bc he’s dumb n says it’s short for delicious. definitely a simp. if u wanna read more about this dumpster fire of a man that i’ve based off of all the pinoy boys i know slkfjds pls read below ! and as always, message me or like this post so we can plot and do all that fun stuff yee 
( manny jacinto, cis male, he/him ) have you heard about JAY DE LEON? they’re a TWENTY EIGHT year old TEAM LEAD in the PHOTOGRAPHY team. i don’t know what their last job was, all i know is that they’re originally from LOS ANGELES, CA. carol in hr said that they’re kinda HEDONISTIC and MISCHIEVOUS but jessica in marketing insists that they are JOVIAL and CHARISMATIC. at the end of the day, no one is worthy of the instant hype here. i just hope they get achieve their dream of being A TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHER one day. According to the latest Vibez quiz, their Disney soulmate is Li Shang. ( pris, she/her, 23, pst ) 
deli is an la native all the way, literally grew up right in historic filipinotown and knows this city by heart
his family, which consisted of him, his two older bros, a little sis and a dog, were lower middle class, so they didn’t have a ton of free spending money but were able to get by. both his parents emigrated from the ph before he was born
school was never really his strong suit, at least when he was younger. he had other things he was interested in that didn’t involve studying and while his parents disciplined it was never really enough to change his behavior
what he does love? dance. while studying did indeed suck, he was able to at least keep his gpa up enough to stay on the dance team in high school
it was no question that he’d go to community college first to figure things out after graduating high school, because higher education was on the map..... it was just that he got sidetracked by other things 
things took a turning point, however, toward the end of his senior year when his father lost his job during the recession. both he and his dad sought out minimum wage jobs after that, & deli juggled his two part time jobs with school
his goal then was to transfer to a 4 year university, which he eventually did 3 years later and entered ucla as a transfer student
there, he resumed his passion for dance in various teams and was active in cultural orgs. it was also when he really started becoming a raver and never looked back. he had always been into photography, then capturing events really helped him grow in his craft 
as a result of his portfolio, he was invited to apply to vibez as intern for the summer after he graduated college
there was a part of him that was hesitant though, as his degree was unrelated (communications major, asian am minor) and he hoped to have a set job instead of an internship. but if you know deli, you know the guy is king of throwing caution to the wind
what started out as an internship to add some experience to his resume, soon became a permanent job on the photography team
he’s stayed put for the past 4 years, excited at actually being able to turn his passion into a career
besides that, the job was just fun. eventually, he worked his way up to lead and has been sitting in the position for nearly a year
a lot of people say he doesn’t take his job seriously, but deli would say that there’s nothing wrong with laughing and being a riot as long as you meet the deadlines
work hard, party harder amirite? soft fuckbois have rights. deli is ceo of the company
the change in leadership has kind of thrown deli off tbh -- he hates the faster turnaround and the idea of quantity over quality but who is he to say anything?
sexuality: pan / queer
sun sign: sagittarius
ascendant: gemini
moon: sagittarius
MBTI: enfp
moral alignment: chaotic good
enneagram: 7w6
hogwarts house: gryffindor
vibes: peter pan, lil papi evangelista, klaus hargreeves
RIDE OR DIE: charli xcx / vroom vroom - pax.
PARTY BUDDIES: other ravers, drinkers, parties that are down to hang
BAD INFLUENCER: *enables u*-  brady.
PLUG: his yelp reviews are 5 stars
PRANKSTERZ: the prank wars at vibez between them refuses to let up,,, it just gets more n more ridiculous,, pls stop them - sutton.
WORK WIFE/HUSBAND(S): it can be a poly work marriage he doesnt discriminate - hunter.
HATER: for some reason, deli really grinds their gears so they can’t stand him - vanessa.
FRENEMIES: self explanatory
FORMER FRIEND: self explanatory
romantic ( open to m/f/enby )
FUCK BUDDIES: it’s just. fun. booty calls! are! valid!
FWB: we love to see it
RAVE BAE: u aint down
FLAMES: so it’s getting spicy spicy eh?
repeats the msg: if u made it all the way down here, ily ty! again, feel free to dm me or like this post and i will come bother u <333 also technically i’m at work rn oop so if i’m late to responding im so sorry lskfjls
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blizzardfluffykpop · 5 years
Mechanic Shop
Summary: Best friend’s little brother, it really be like that, huh? Mechanics amirite?
Kai X Reader
Requested by @astarlightmonbebe btw
Prompt: 18. Breaking down on Christmas eve and a cute and the only mechanic in town fixes your car
A/n: I’m sorry these have been taking so long, finals are coming up I’ll try to fly through the rest of the requests!
If I had known my old Betsy was going to not start today I would have driven all 8 hours to the place. But no, I rented a hotel for the night because I was tired, and there are no rest stops on country roads. Looks like I’m not coming home for Christmas, I rush back in and see the hotel clerk and ask her where the nearest mechanic is, and if he’s open today. “Well, I’d have to check, I don’t know if he is on holiday or not…” She smiles at me, and promises to call, “He’s there sweetie, I hope your car gets fixed!” Which leads to me asking if someone could help push it. A burly guy, and a father-daughter duo. Pushing as I push from the front steering the poor ol’ lass. Which at this point, I’m just glad it’s three shops away. 
When we reach the shop, I thank them all offering them twenty, as a Christmas gift for all the help they did. They accepted after I haggled with the burly guy who kept stating he was just being kind. I wouldn't back down after they helped push ol’ Betsy, the least I could do was give them money. He sighed, “You’re too sweet kiddo, I hope you get home for Christmas.” I laugh and wish them a happy holiday, and they were off. I walk into the shop looking for the owner, he waves at me, “Hi, how can I help you today?” my heart drops, I didn’t expect him to be good looking, we’re here about ol’ Betsy nothing else, he looks kind of familiar though… 
I shake the thoughts out of my head and tell him about my car, “Oh um… I think my car’s starter went out,... but all I know is it won’t turn over.” Looking down trying to remember who he was, when I look up at him again, I realize, “Kai??” He smiles at me, “(Y/n)?” “You started your own mechanic shop? I’m so proud of you!” He laughs at me and comes around the counter and gives me a big ol’ hug. I chuckle squeezing him back. “Do you still live with my family?” He shakes his head, “Moved out my parents are proud of me as well as your family is” I mess up his hair, “I haven’t seen you in years,” “Well, you don’t come home for the holidays anymore” I pout, “I work nearly 24/7 and I was making my way up here, it’s an 8 hour drive!” He laughs, “You moved to the big city, I know your brother told me so,...” He trails off, “You could visit me though, I’m closer” “Six hours is still not a bargain.”
He shrugs, “So you said your car’s starter isn’t going. Don’t tell me you still own that old hand me down…” I look down at the floor before I look him in the eyes, “Don’t make fun of ol’ Betsy she gets around and turns real tight” He smirks, “Is it because you still struggle with parking?” I glare, “I guess I’ll just use the present I bought you” He shoves me playfully, “I’m just kidding” “Chanyeol!!” He yells for him and a tall man comes out of a mini office, “Yes, Kai?” “Pull ol’ Betsy onto the lift, will you?” He rolls his eyes and hooks up ol’ Betsy to the winch and pulled her onto the lift.
“Did my father encourage you?” He nods, “Yeah, he pitched in on the money for the shop too!” I grin, “He’s something else isn’t he?” He laughs, “Yeah, but that’s why we love him. Are you finally doing what you love” I nod happily, “Yeah, it’s an absolute dream, I get to wake up and write every day.” He ruffles my hair, “That’s my girl” I blush, and before he can continue, Chanyeol lets out a loud, "Kai! Quit flirting!" He sighs, "I may own the shop, but doesn't mean I run it" I laugh and Chanyeol tells me they're going to check over the starter and flywheel. While I sit back and relax in the shop for a while. I guess I should probably explain how I know Kai, he is my little brother's best friend. While he is my brother’s best friend he has always been there for me. He never let me go to bed crying even if it was a fight with my brother. He’s our mediator, and he’s kind of cute too. During the school year, he would stay at our house because of his parent’s business trips and on the breaks he would go with them. His parents are usually out and about living the business daydream, while we took him in. After all, Kai’s parents were close to mine, to begin with, but no matter what we would end up spending Christmas together. The past five years that I have been in the city pursuing my dream it seems Kai has too. 
Chanyeol comes in and gestures for me to follow him out, "Okay so we have your starter out and it is completely fried." Chanyeol tells me softly, breaking the news to me, "Oh" is all I can say, "But!! Lucky for you we have your exact make and model for your car!" Kai says with a sweet tone, "How much will it be?" I say solemnly, "Altogether it's gonna be about 280, but you can pay me in increments if you want?" I didn't intend for my sigh of relief to be that big but it was. Both of them laughed, "Can I pay you forty now?" Kai nods and takes my forty and runs it through his cash register. He comes back with a receipt, "We'll have it done in an hour" Chanyeol says with a big smile. 
When they finish Kai comes out wiping his face with a rag, and he tells me my car is all ready to go. "Are you coming over for the holidays, Kai?" He smiles, "I'll be a little late this year seeing as I'm open on Christmas for three hours because Jay needs his transmission replaced and he is paying me extra so I said I'd do it." I nod, "You remind me of my dad." I say with a smile, "Your brother says that too" He grins at me, and I walk to my car, only two hours to go and after this weekend I have an 8 hour drive back home. 
I arrive and I'm swaddled with hugs, "Hey, Kai is gonna be a little late-" I try to tell my little brother, "How do you know that?" I sigh, "Ol' betsy's starter went out so that's why I'm late. I didn't know he had a mechanic shop." My brother rolls his eyes, "Because you haven't been home in a while" I roll my eyes back, "I don't live with my parents" I tell him in a mocking tone, "But who's making more?" My mother glares, "You both are doing what you love, now quit it or you won't get any Christmas presents.” She smiles fondly at me, “We're so glad to have you back home, sweetie!" My brother laughs and we shrug it off before doing our handshake and going to bed. 
I wake up to my brother shaking me, "I will pour water all over you and tell Kai you peed yourself" I squint my eyes, "Why are you acting like I care?" He smirks at me, and grabs my water from my bedside table, "You do it and I swear I will show your girlfriend your baby pictures" "You don't even know where they are!" I smirk back at him, "What makes you so sure that Mom didn't give me a copy?" His mouth drops and he carefully puts the glass down and helps me up. "Why are you set on me liking Kai?" I ask earnestly, "Eh, no reason" he shrugs and goes down the stairs and I see Kai standing at the bottom of the steps in his full glory. I can't like him, he's my little brother's friend. Even though he is only a year younger than me, isn't that wrong? Why does my brother keep hinting at it? 
I roll my eyes and ask Kai how he's back so early. "Jay came to the shop after you and didn't want me to work on Christmas, he spent more money but he said it was worth it if we both can be at home for Christmas." I grin, “I’m glad you made here early. Do you have your own place unlike, that one?" My brother turns and scowls at me, "We're still on about that, poor one?" "Mama's boy!" "Some things never change" Kai let's out and my mother yells, "I will beat you both if you don't shut it! Can we open presents in peace now?" We grumble and gather onto the couch, opening our presents.
My brother's girlfriend made an appearance making Kai and I gag. "Wait until you two get into a relationship," my father says sweetly gazing into my mom's eyes, "Ew!" Kai and I exclaim like we're five. 
We all separate and go to our rooms, "Kai?" I ask. He tells me to come in, “You never answered my question earlier,” I tell him walking into the room. “Oh I live on my own, above the shop, Chanyeol and I split rent.” I nod and he asks, “Where did you go after you graduated?” “Everywhere, I went to see the world and finally settled down. I guess you can call me a professional poet, or a traveling poet.” He nods, “Do you still write love poems?” I grin, “Yeah, because I wish to feel that with someone” He smiles, “I do too, but I guess we’ll just have to see what happens.”
Christmas came and went, I still have to drive six hours to Kai’s shop to pay him off. Yes, I’ve been paying him in tens to draw out the time. But it seems my time has run out, and my car doesn’t need to be fixed anymore so I guess we’re back to the beginning. “Oh, hi (Y/n)! This is your last payment isn’t it?” Chanyeol asks me sweetly, “Yeah,” I look past him to look for Kai, “where’s Kai?” He pouts, “I thought you were here to see me!” I laugh, and he tells me, “He’s in his office fiddling like usual” I laugh, patting Chanyeol on his shoulder. I walk into his mini office, and he puts his legs down from his kicked back position. He smiles at me, "Back again already? This is your last payment…" I sigh, "I know," I tell him sadly as I hand him a ten, "This doesn't have to be our last meeting!" He tells me as he prints off my last payment receipt.
I grin, "Really?" He nods, "Maybe instead of my shop we go to a coffee shop?" I nod, "I agree but on one condition,” “What’s the condition?” He asks me earnestly, “you go to meet me in the middle. Driving like 6 hours here isn't my ideal hangout." He grins, "I can do that, your free Mondays right?" I nod, "So am I, this Monday Brissel's café?" I nod agreeing to it, and Chanyeol whines, "This is the last time I'm gonna see you again?" I nod and he pouts, "If my car breaks down, I'll be sure to get it towed here" Kai laughs, and Chanyeol smirks and grabs a wrench, "I guess you'll have to stay" I blankly look at him, "I will tell your boyfriend that you are a rat." He smirks, "He already knows" I shake my head bidding them farewell and going home. 
I wait for him in the café, and he appears with that brilliant grin, “I ordered us both a hot cocoa” I tell him, he thanks me as he pulls off his coat. The waiter brings them over and I grin at him, “This seems like a date,...” I trail off, “It could be if you wanted it to be.” He says with a wink, “What if I wanted it to be?” He gives me ‘the look’! RED ALERT!! HE GAVE ME THE LOOK!! RED ALERT!! I’m screaming in my head before I reciprocate the motion, “Then it’s a date” I grin and carefully reach over to grab his hand, “You know I always thought you were cute” I tell him, “I thought you were too, but your my best friend’s sibling,... so I felt I couldn’t.” I nod, “I did too, but I know that if we go back home soon, we will get the shit teased out of us.” He nods, “You’re  right but, remember if he wants his car to start in the morning” I laugh, “Then our software will somehow stop working till you fix his car, and for free” He pouts, “You’re always right” “Remember that” 
I’m not sure how our relationship started off so easy. But three months later I found myself moving into his apartment, above his shop. Starting a new career as a freelance poet, and learning things about cars I never wanted to. But Kai’s eyes light up like it’s Christmas day talking about cars, so who am I to resist listening, because I know he’ll listen to my new poetry. Most of my poems nowadays are about our relationship, some do come from the shop though. Watching older couples come in needing an oil change or Baekhyun and Chanyeol kissing underneath a car, and Kai yelling at them. “No love on the job” “You act like you wouldn’t do the same thing!” He catches my eye as I wave at him, “Sh-Shut up!” Yeah, my little brother teases us for it a lot, but whose is engaged and who’s not? I’m glad my car broke down so I could rekindle my crush on Kai all those years ago, and he’s glad it was near his shop. 
He’s hunched over a cherry red 76’ nova, he’s fixing up for us to take a vacation in. He looks over at me and I wink drawing the cover for my poetry book, with him on the front. He’s my muse, and he looks hot even with the grease smudge on his cheek. “Babe?” I call out to him, “Hmm?” “You got a little something on your cheek!” He laughs, and wipes it off, “You want to see if she’ll start?” I nod and hop into the car, he’s just been standing over it for the past thirty minutes. Telling me the starter is out, “Here comes a request from Kai in Newport, ‘I’ll Have To Say I Love You In A Song’” He comes over, as the car gently roars, “Pulling me off of the car seat and spins me around, “I spent all night working on Margo, so we can start our trip tonight” I put my head into his shoulder as he spins me around, dancing, “So that’s why your side of the bed was cold when I rolled over” He chuckles, “Yeah, I’m sorry babe, but I hope the song makes it better.” “I love you” I whisper in his ear, “I love you too” “Did you request it earlier and have a time for it, “Yeah” I grin, “You’re cute,” I tell him softly as I look up at him, “You’re cuter.” He says and before I can argue he kisses me softly, “Grab your bags” I nod and he turns off the car and follows me up the stairs. Chanyeol and Baekhyun can keep the shop safe he assured me over the past few days. 
I never thought of leaving the big city would give me a life, I thought it was dull in the tiny towns. But Kai, he proved me wrong, because wherever he is, is home. He says the same about me, and even if we are in a tiny town, it doesn’t matter. Plus, if we break down he can fix Margo up, my ol’ Betsy is another story. There have been many chapters in our relationship and I have to say this so far, is my favorite one.
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roswelldetails · 6 years
Episode 106: Smells like Teen Spirit - details
Episode Summary Max tells Liz what he knows about the night Rosa was killed, and the viewers get a glimpse of what happened years earlier both in 2008 and 2004. Also, prom.
Details - this is not an exhaustive list of every single detail, just just a few that might be important now or later.
The 2004 camping trip:
The trio apparently celebrates their birthdays on the same day each year - the day they were found in the desert. And they celebrate together, each year taking turns planning what they’ll do. 2004 was Michael’s turn, and it was a camping trip.
By this point they knew that Michael could move things with his mind, and Isobel could mess with people’s thoughts, but they weren’t sure what “superpower” Max had. Other than causing dirty-dream-induced power outages. 
Michael couldn’t control his power yet and would accidentally throw furniture around when he got angry - which was often in the group home. Max obviously couldn’t control himself either. 
There’s no reason to think that Isobel had any control at that point. *Theory on that to come later
The lady running the group home tried to exorcise Michael when he moved furniture around, and hurt him in the process. Michael mentions it, but doesn’t really want to talk about it.
At 13, Michael is already bottling up his pain, and likely not telling Max or Isobel a whole lot of the bad stuff that happens to him.
When the guy in the desert grabs Isobel, he’s looking over his shoulder at something (or someone) - in the opposite direction of Max and Michael who are running towards him.
Max suddenly knows he can kill the guy with his power, so he glow-hands the guy to death.
And Michael buries him.
After that camping trip, Isobel started having blackouts which, according to Max, “were brief and rare. Just little moments where she'd fade away.”
Flashback to 2008 when Max is shooting cans out of the air:
Michael has been accepted to UNM with a full scholarship, and Max plans to spend the summer tutoring to earn money so he can travel and write a book.
Isobel walks away instead of congratulating Michael, which Michael assumes is her “latest ploy for attention.”
Flashback at the high school:
Liz is working at the Crashdown to pay for Rosa’s car so she can use it for her roadtrip. She appears to be good friends with Alex.
Max and Alex walk away together when Kyle shows up - apparently, they were friends too.
At the bleachers, Isobel is laying in the sun, ditching AP History. She tells a confused Max that she doesn’t care about prom.
He says “Okay... who are you right now?” because it’s not like her to not care about prom.
Kate and Jasmine were doing drugs and Rosa was their supplier. They are not happy with her decision to get clean. They threaten to ruin Rosa’s life if she doesn’t come through for them.
Flashback at the diner:
Liz’s mom had apparently promised to be back in time to shop for prom dresses, but Rosa didn’t believe it.
On the roof of the diner, Rosa and Isobel are apparently friends. Rosa is glad to see her, and Isobel tells her about Ophiuchus, her favorite constellation.
Making it likely that the note from the Rosa scavenger hunt that was signed “Ophiuchus” was from Isobel. 
The description for Ophiuchus: "Maybe the man's killing the serpent. Maybe the serpent's killing the man. You can't tell where the man ends and the snake begins."
Possibly a description of whatever’s going on inside Isobel.
Flashback to May 2008 at school:
There were rumors that Michael lived in his truck. Probably because of the blankets in the back of it.
Michael mentions rumors about Alex, but doesn’t say what they are.
Michael is using Alex’s guitar, and even though Alex seems annoyed by that, he lets Michael know that his house has a warm tool shed if he ever needs a place to stay.
Flashback to the diner again - Max and Isobel ordering food:
Isobel knows that Max likes Liz. Like, probably everyone including the Evan’s mailman knows that Max likes Liz.
Isobel has NO MEMORY of her conversation with Max at the bleachers earlier in the episode. She doesn’t remember being banned from prom.
But she bats her eyes, saying that her brain is her superpower, saying that she’ll get Markham to change her mind. Likely, using her powers.
Apparently at some point Isobel also made plans to go to a movie with Rosa, but has no memory of it now.
Rosa’s speech to Liz before the prom about not trusting people was probably something to do with the way Isobel was treating her.
Flashback to prom (May 17, 2008):
Isobel seems to be triggered by Max telling her “besides, this is all almost over” and walks away. Presumably leaving the prom to go find Rosa at the Crashdown.
Kyle says something bad to Alex that he won’t repeat in front of Liz. Kyle is an ass. The two boys throw some punches, but are broken up by Michael and some of Kyle’s friends. Kyle calls Alex a coward - creating a nice symmetry to the earlier episode where Kyle said Alex was the bravest person he knew.
Michael asks Alex if he’s okay, and Liz tells Kyle to grow up, and then chases after Alex.
Flashback to the Crashdown on prom night:
Isobel is being not-herself again. When Rosa asks about the prom, she says, “I just don’t care about those people.”
Upon learning that Rosa plans to leave town, Isobel suggests that they run away together instead.
Later, Isobel wakes at the junk yard covered in paint from Rosa’s artwork, but we have no idea how the evening actually went for them.
Flashback to the prom aftermath:
Max finds Liz sitting alone, makeup ruined from crying (because apparently she hadn’t discovered the water-proof stuff yet, like she obviously has as an adult because -wow- she gets a lot of crying in without messing up her face)
She basically tells Max that her and Kyle have broken up saying “No, we won’t” when he tells her they’ll work it out.
It turns out Liz is crying because she misses her mom. She assumes her mom must figure Liz doesn’t need her anymore, but Liz feels like she still needs a mom.
Though Liz admits that if her mom were present, she’d likely be drunk and selfish - painting a not-wonderful picture of Mrs. Ortecho.
Michael interrupts Max’s moment with Liz to announce that Isobel is gone and he has a bad feeling.
They search all night and find Isobel at the junk yard with no memory of the previous night with Rosa.
They assume she’s on drugs and lying about it.
Isobel is freaked out over the idea of them leaving her to go live their own lives. She runs off while they shrug to each other like “eh... women, amirite?”
Flashback to June 2008:
Michael is hanging out in the Manes tool shed, sketching alien stuff and doing equations.
Alex comes in (apparently for the first time since Michael’s been hanging out there), and says, "It's good that you've been staying here. It's cold at night."
So even if it was Alex’s first time coming in, he’s been aware that Michael has been staying there.
Alex comes bearing gifts - his brother’s guitar for Michael to use. 
Michael admits that playing music helps him quiet the chaos inside.
And he uses the physics term “entropy” to describe it because he’s a precious little genius physics nerd.
After Michael stares at Alex’s lips a while, Alex leans in to kiss him, but Michael turns away and lifts the guitar to play.
Flashback to outside the Crashdown on the day Rosa is murdered (2 weeks before graduation):
Rosa’s car is vandalized and she assumes Kate and Jasmine did it.
Isobel appears and offers to help clean it off.
Rosa almost tells the audience something about her dad, but she cuts herself off: “I thought Kate Long was my friend, but I guess I'm just her supplier. And my mom sucks, and Liz is gonna leave, and I just found out that my dad...”
What? What did you just find out, Rosa??
Isobel approaches Rosa like she’s studying her, and Rosa tells Isobel that she’s “a lot” and that she just can’t handle her right now. 
Then Rosa runs inside, leaving Isobel to give significantly creepy looks to the car.
Flashback to inside the Crashdown, same day:
Max and Michael are acting brotherly, sitting in a booth and talking.
They think Isobel might be on drugs.
Max wants to ask Liz out because he felt like they had a moment.
Michael knows all about those moments - Oh, I bet you do, Michael.
Rosa and Isobel are fighting about the car - probably because Rosa doesn’t want Liz to see the vandalism so she’s not letting her use it after all.
Liz and Rosa’s final words to each other: 
Liz: "You know what, you're just like mom. Nobody matters but you."
Rosa: "I'm nothing like Mom. I'm here." 
Then Rosa slo-mo exits the diner for the last time.
But Liz is in luck for the bio project - Max is willing (and by willing, he means desperate) to take her since he has to do the project too.
Liz decides instead of doing the project, they should have an adventure together, beginning what is possibly the world’s most tame adventure two nerds ever had.
Flashback to Liz and Max’s super tame desert “adventure”:
Rosa got Liz a fake ID. Of course she did.
Looking forward to their 25 year-old selves, Liz wants to be a dancer.
Max wants to be a writer and write something “you can disappear into.”
They take like 2 sips of beer and dance. Liz wants to kiss Max, but decides not to because she doesn’t think she could kiss him and then leave, and she wants to leave.
Remember, though, they’ve been friends for along time. In a voice over during an earlier episode, Liz said that Max was the only one who could make her smile when her mom left. So it’s possible that Liz has had feelings for this dude simmering for a while.
Liz doesn’t want to be the kind of girl who changes her plans for a boy. 
As the sun is setting, Max admits that he’s 100% ready to be the boy who changes his plans for her. He says, “all I've ever wanted was to change my plans for you.”
First of all, at least when it comes to Liz, Max has no chill. Zero. He’s all but declaring his life-long love for her.
And second, he hasn’t really made plans for himself at this point beyond trying to get some money to go on his own roadtrip. So...? They both want to see the world.
But Liz seems on board with it. They have a little back and forth about all the possible places they could kiss on this epic road trip and end up in each other’s arms, smiling dopily as the sun sets.
Flashback to the alien museum:
Micheal wants to talk to Alex privately, and by that he means kiss him in a dark alien exhibit room.
Alex is all for it.
Flashback to the tool shed, same day:
Michael says he’s not a virgin, but has no experience with a guy, and none with someone he’s liked this much.
So they do it. And apparently it’s good, judging by how happy it seems to make them.
Until Sgt. Manes walks in and ruins literally everything.
Alex stands, and steps in front of Michael, although he’s clearly dreading whatever is coming next. 
Words are exchanged, and then Sgt. Manes has Alex pushed up against a wall with his hand around Alex’s neck.
Michael tries to intervene and Manes takes a hammer to Michael’s hand enough times to permanently ruin it.
And most likely prevent him from ever playing guitar again. 
Flashback to the rest of the night Rosa died:
In a bizarre twist, Max didn’t lie to Liz about the events of that night - he just didn’t tell her the whole story. Max really did go write a super sappy letter and leave it under the window wiper of the car, and he really was confronted by a drunk Rosa. Then he really did leave her there.
Rosa is drunk and upset and already has “a fraudulent zodiac” written on her hand, so she’s already been to the Wild Pony, asked Maria not to tell Isobel she was there, written on her hand, and stolen the bottle of booze.
And now we know that what she wrote on her hand was most likely a reference to Isobel.
Rosa finds Max’s letter, and somehow... in a very short time... takes it up and hides it on the roof. Before somehow ending up in the desert with the other two girls.
Meanwhile, Michael is chugging acetone to kill the pain in his hand. There’s a sudden painful ringing, and he sees a vision of the mine entrance, and of the two girls outside it.
It looks and sounds nothing like Isobel and Max’s previous psychic connection.
Somehow he knows that Isobel is in trouble so he heads for the mine.
Max has his phone up to his ear and looks about to get into his jeep when he feels the same painful whatever-it-is, and seems to know Isobel is in trouble.
Michael arrives to see the two girls dead, and gets inside the mine just in time to see Isobel apparently kill Rosa with her mind.
Because she wasn’t suffocating her... her nose was free. 
During the murdering, Isobel says to Rosa, “But I did it for you. Everything I did was for you.”
When a freaked-out Michael asks her what she’s done, she replies, “She couldn't be trusted.” then faints.
Michael assumes that Isobel also killed the other girls.
Max gets there in time to see Isobel drop, and is relieved to see she’s alive. He tries to bring Rosa back from the dead, but he can’t do it.
Max and Michael decide to cover up the murder in order to protect Isobel. 
Michael floats the bodies over to Rosa’s car.
Begging the quesiton how in the world Grant Green missed seeing the two of them walking right behind the floating girls.
They get the girls strapped in, and Isobel appears with no memory of what has happened.
Michael decides to take the fall rather than tell Isobel the truth. He claims he got into a fight with someone who wrecked his hand, got drunk, and then lost control of his telekinesis, killing the girls. 
In all the confusion of the night, this appears to be the first time Max has heard anything about Michael’s hand.
It’s unlikely Michael ever told him the real story.
Michael uses his powers to drive the girls into a tree, and then Max sets the car on fire with his powers.
Present day:
Max tells Liz that they never understood why Isobel did it, but they never asked questions and just tried to forget it.
So Max and Michael stopped hanging out because they reminded each other of what had happened, and they only wanted to forget.
And Isobel has probably spent 10 years thinking that they didn’t hang out anymore because Max was blaming Michael for killing the girls.
Max tells Liz that he wanted to tell her and came to find her “a few days later” but she was saying goodbye to her family and then she left Roswell.
Either Max isn’t being literal when he says it was a few days, or Liz left before graduating high school because Rosa died 2 weeks before graduation.
Sometime between Rosa’s death and Liz leaving, Max made it clear to his siblings that he planned to tell Liz, and they decided to have Isobel mess with her mind so she’d leave before he had the chance to tell her anything.
Liz is understandably upset that Max ruined the Ortecho family in order to protect Isobel. She’s now 1000% done with Max and tells him she never wants to see him again before leaving.
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cryptidofthekeys · 5 years
Here’s the second TF2 oc, the Medic bab!
Name: Hedwig (according to what I’ve seen so far in German it means something alone the lines of: Fighter, strong one) | Alias: Medic/The Medic, Dr. Hedwig Lange, or just simply Hedwig for short (usually only close friends call him Hedwig)  (Lange from what I read means "Tall" so both his names are fitting) | Gender: Male | Age: 49/50s | Species/Race: Human | Height: 7'0" | Eye Color: Mocha Brown | Hair Color: Dark Brown (he keeps it slicked back and v tidy, his hair can be poofy if not kept taken care of) | Appearance: Wears the typical medic coats, mostly consisting of the typical white, but he does have brown and grey ones as well that he really likes to wear, he NEVER wears his normal clothes while he's working, while he doesn't mind getting his hands dirty n stuff he... he doesn't want his NORMAL clothes coated with blood or whatever, he DOES have his standards! His usual clothing usually consist of turtlenecks and sweaters, he really seems to enjoy wearing those kinds of clothes (their c  om f), he does have a lot of scars on him as well, on his chest are a ton, his back, arms, legs, etc- there's scars almost everywhere. He usually wears long combat/punk looking boots when he's on the battlefield or just, sometimes he wears them bc a e s t h e t i c~! He wears what he wants, he also has a bit of a five o'clock shadow as well, nothing t o o major facial hair wise n stuff. | Personality: He's not exactly insane/mad or anything like that, hell, he's not even that bad ...to his teammates really, their not his guinea pigs for experiments or nothing but now he DOES love a good experiment or two, he isn't afraid to get his hands bloody n messy or anything like that ya know, you hurt or try to experiment on his teammates/friends and- weeellll we're going to have a little issue there.... Although! He is more than happy to watch the other Medics experiment on their own teammates or enemies or whatever, hell if they need! He'll even help out with said experiments, usually he's pretty friendly (he can just say intimidating sounding things and hell he even kinda l o o k s intimidating, but he's not ALL bad so long as your not the enemy or target for a potential experiment! He's very outgoing although sometimes he tends to spend a bit longer than he needs in the lab until Amour or the Sniper (I MIGHT make a Sniper character tbh, three faves right there, Spy, Medic, n Sniper- might as well complete the support set amIrite?) forcibly drags him out and makes him get some sunshine) He ABSOLUTELY loves animals, dogs mostly actually, he has a few small dogs in his lab and a few big dogs to guard on the outside, last time he let a big dog in- it stole a rib from one of his "patients"! he couldn't stay mad at them though they looked so happy and adorable munching on the rib. (tl;dr: He can say some rather unsettling things, he seems VERY intimidating but to his teammates and friends he's as sweet as can be, just to the enemies and experi- AHEM- P A T I E N T S of his he's just very unsettling and intimidating which rightfully so, he's going to do horrible things to them without any remorse or care in the world! He gets along fairly well with his team and he seems to care a great amount for them so messing with them isn't the smartest thing you could do although a lot of his team are unfortunately terrified of him and his scary lab but he assures them he'd n e v e r hurt or experiment on them or whatever!) | Side Facts: He REALLY loves dogs, like if he had a big enough place he'd honestly run a dog sanctuary, just a place where all the dogs can run and roam freely, of course he'd need a LOT of money to do that but it'd be his dream one day, there's nothing that pisses him off more than seeing an injured or mistreated animal, and whoever mistreated said animal, weeeellll... Let's just say he has Amour or the Sniper (yeah fuck it, imma make a Sniper bab BUT- that'll be later on) help track them down, whoever hurt the poor doggo will NEVER get away from him and he'll be sure to make them r e g r e t EVER dumping a poor animal out, like if they don't have the funds or they can't physically take care of said animal the LEAST they could do is put them in a shelter to find a good home OR give them to a potential family member! Sheesh! Dummkopfs they are... He actually has taken the time to name ALL of his dogs (I say that, as I myself, dont know what to actually call them but for the sake of his character n stuff, im just saying that), he sat down one night when he couldnt sleep and decided to name all his dogs and he's memorized them all, he has a few that look v e r y similar to each other but he knows which one is which, the others are... a lil impressed with that actually, that he managed to memorize some of the similar dogs when they legit can't even tell half of them apart. In his spare time when he's not working h a h, working or experimenting is usually what he does ALMOST 24/7 lmao, but in his ACTUAL spare time, he usually tends to read a few good books, or watch some videos (which, he um, the modern technology like laptops, phones, etc- fuckin e s c a p e s him- he can work a phone to an extent which is just to call someone or whatever but he's gotten BETTER with laptops, he keeps a bit of information on them or what he's written down like- findings or some shit ya know) or he'll listen to some music, his taste in music is... it can vary depending on his mood truth be told, usually for holidays he'll bake some cookies, he'll give most of them out to his teammates but then suddenly, you'll see him gathering up t h r e e certain ones and carrying them off somewhere, wh...whats he gon do with them you reckon? ...Eh! What does it matter! He's fiiine! He's a v e r y excellent cook n baker, although he's frustrated sometimes that he has to reassure his team that he did NOTHING to their food! okay- last paragraph of things, bc I think he's good for now, but he really does care for his teammates and friends, now sure sometimes they can irritate him to ungodly ends and on some days maaaybe taking a bonesaw to them wouldnt be such a bad idea (he would never, dont worry), he does still care for them in the end, and he'll t r y his damnedest not to let them die or get hurt so easily as well.
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letstalklifeee · 8 years
Product wishlist and why I probably won’t buy any of these.
I spent the better half of my Thursday creating a dupe list for my ENTIRE makeup and skincare collection. 
No, seriously, I did. I found that I was spending way too much money on products that I could easily swap out for less expensive versions. That being said, if your ride-or-die products are mid-range to high-end, no judgement from me here! If I could continue to afford it, I’d be right there with you, but who doesn’t love a good money-saving dupe?
I’ll be breaking down my dupe list for you in the coming weeks, it’s a lot more extensive than I thought it would be, so I’ll be sectioning it off into product categories, both makeup and skincare.
But for now, let’s have some fun with my mid-range to high-end wishlist, breaking down my shopping cart on Sephora.com...
1. The Sephora Skin Fitness Kit - photo courtesy of Sephora.com
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Yes, this kit is only $30 and yes, that’s more than worth it since these products would cost more than that altogether, but if I’m going to spend $30 on anything, it’s going to be Tito’s and sodas at the bar this weekend. It’s about the ~experience~ amirite? (;
I’ve tried that Tarte Lights Camera Lashes mascara before and LOVED it, but there are plenty of less expensive mascaras out there that I’ve tried and loved as well. I don’t find myself reaching for facial sprays, but when I do, I’ve got plenty at home to use before I need to try another one. I used the Purity facial cleanser when I was much, much younger and found it didn’t really do much for my skin. I’m a Purpose Gentle Cleansing Wash FANATIC and will do my best to never go back! I’m sure my wallet is more than thankful.
I got a sample of the Murad Oil Control Mattifier and tried it under my makeup the other day, I have to say I actually really enjoyed it! It goes on like a sunscreen more than a primer or mattifier. I felt like I was really protecting my skin, as silly as I’m sure that sounds.
That being said, I’ve tried and I know every freakin oil control trick in the book, and this just didn’t cut it the way I thought it was going to. I’m so sorry Murad, but you’re not doing any of us any favors with this one except for minuscule sun protection.
When it comes to deodorant, I think we can all attest to the drugstore WALL of choices, so why go bananas at Sephora looking for one?
Dry shampoo is different for everyone, and those with more or less oily scalps tend to go for different types, but I think that Batiste or Psst! are better, more cost effective choices than Living Proof. That being said, people have been raving about the Living Proof dry shampoo, so I wouldn’t be mad about getting a sample of it...
I already mentioned facial sprays, and though I really want to try some thermal water in my skincare routine, it’s water for the love of god. I can splash that on my face from a faucet anytime, anywhere, if I’m desperate for it. Come on.
I don’t really find myself reaching for multiples like the Milk Makeup one pictured. I’ve got redness in my cheeks already and TBH rarely even put that much blush on to begin with, and when it comes to lip balms TRUST me nobody owns more than I do... Pass on that.
I have to say though I love those hair ties and have tons of them lying around my house..... So I guess I’d buy those on their own.
All in all, would I like to have this kit? Yeah, sure, I could try these products and review them for you guys! But I don’t need it, and won’t be spending my money.
On to the next.
2. Drunk Elephant Sukari Baby Facial - photo courtesy of Sephora.com
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Let me start by saying that just like pretty much everyone else, I’ve been lusting after Drunk Elephant’s products in general for a long time. They’re expensive, insta-friendly, and apparently work very VERY well. 
I had this baby in my shopping cart on Sephora’s website since it launched, sold out, restocked, and sold out again, and once I got paid fully intended on purchasing it from Sephora.
And then I saw the disclaimer in the product description that those using retinol or retinoids should NOT use this product.
I. Was. So. Sad.
As I’ve stated before, and will say until I’m blue in the face, I’ve been using retinoids, particularly tretinoin, for years. Tret is my desert island skincare product. It’s cleared my acne like you wouldn’t believe and I’m aging SIGNIFICANTLY more slowly than other people my age. It’s amazing and you’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands.
So I guess the skincare gods were looking out for my wallet when they told me I couldn’t have this BEAUTIFULLY packaged product. Thanks for saving me $80, Drunk Elephant, I’m still sad to have missed out on you ):
3. Sunday Riley Good Genes - photo courtesy of Sephora.com
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I just want to say that I’ve never heard more about a skincare product than I’ve heard about Sunday Riley Good Genes.
That being said WHO THE FUCK spends almost $200 on a 50 mL skincare serum.
Who? Honestly I actually want to know who does please message me, thanks.
This shit better pay my student loans, get me a promotion, and give me a better booty for that price or I swear to god it ain’t worth it.
Okay, now that I’ve calmed down, and I’m sorry for being a sassy bitch about this (if you LOVE this product please keep loving it!!!), but seriously, what the fuck. Sunday Riley claims that “100% of women” loved this. Every single woman that clinically tested this product shat their pants with excitement over it. I’m sorry but I just don’t believe that. Hell, I’d believe it if they said 99% of women who tested it loved it, because that means at least 1% thought it was “eh,” but no, they had to go and claim that anyone who’s ever laid their hands on this magic geniune bottle of skincare serum lost their god damn minds when they slathered it on their faces.
I just.... I can’t take that on good faith. I really can’t. 
4. Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair - photo courtesy of Sephora.com
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I received a sample of the Advanced Night Repair serum a while back, and it’s perfect. It’s just perfect. I love it so much and if I could bathe in it every night, I really would. I wake up with radiant, awakened, and even skin, I feel like a goddess, but it’s too expensive for me to purchase right now. Yes, I’m devastated about it. Yes, I’m BARELY touching my sample because I want it to last forever. Ugh ):
5. Murad City Skin Over Night Detox Moisturizer - photo courtesy of Sephora.com
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OOOOOh man when I saw this on Murad’s instagram before it’s in-store release I was so excited I could barely contain it. I live and work in a smog-ridden city, and I can only imagine what it’s doing to my skin, especially over time. It honestly makes me really uncomfortable to think about.
I wanted this so badly, until I saw the price. $70 FOR A MOISTURIZER. I mean honestly, that’s really all it is, a detoxifying moisturizer. 1.7 OUNCES OF MOISTURIZER FOR $70. Come on Murad, what the hell, even LUSH gives me more than that for half the price.
I can’t justify it, although I think a detoxifying treatment would be very beneficial to my skin. I’ll just have to stick to drinking my weight in green tea like it’s going out of style.
Anyway, I’m sorry this was so long, and I’m sorry to have rambled on and on and on like this about products that you probably all love. I feel like a huge bitch, tbh... but you know what? I don’t care, this is how I feel about the products listed above and if you love them? I’m so happy for you! Keep on loving them and use them like crazy, I want to all to have beautiful, glowing, gorgeous skin that you love and cherish every single day.
Have a great weekend (:
xo. m.
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