dilperisanimmmm · 3 months
Bunların heqqi ölümdür
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backonefish · 1 year
Does anyone else start out happy listening to One Direction and then get all emo before the song is even done?
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olivedoesmagic · 2 years
I stipped a school shooter then brought back their victims, met an old friend of mine who shot up a school. I was there imaginary friend, he had a list. I drank tea and time traveled when all of that was over to the historical period. They instantly recognized me as "zone capot" and "the doctor" as I met Churchville. He thanked me for helping with his presidency despite disagreeing on everything and as always I know nothing of history so going in blind I gave suggestions! I fcuked over red hood via DC comics by bringing him back with my selective insanity in the Lazarus pit so I took beatings and a punishment of the tanack as a gift here. Then I gave this world's beast boy his powers after they were bestowed upon me by a magick monkey! Long story. I am the multiverse as a human being. A concept breathed life into. And my ex friends snowf the salt queen and Morgan Hoffman keep trying to enslave me as Snow yanderefreak and her boyfriend Ricky and morgan have astral raped me via tearing my mind apart for answers and actually physically adjusting me through magick. 
Same with Haru twice now, after I told IT sorry sorry him, I understood his shitty as dollkin. I have learned that I am the God of toys Amirtia or Agzontay lots of names and every play pretend is in part how the gods divine fate and learn of prophecy sometimes even choose it as souls, every child gets a choice, and that choice is on bhelaf and in line with the soul via games. Children are so much closer to new souls and spirits and God then anything relative to adult humanity.  And divinity often feels like sexuality. Did I ever tell you about how I sculpted the cosmos in the mental ward?
Anyways I've initiated a curse war between snow Oliver and I via the ego of her rapist father. Regardless! It's so awkward when people who worship your aspects hate you! Like bitch I am erideil, lucofer, and Samiel and if you can't acsept that you can't acsept lucifer! It's literal!!!!!
Anyways! The multiverse as a person is me and I'm slowly but surley bestowing upon people superpowers in this reality I really got to introduce Garfield and Roy they kept their names bloody hell! As the god Shiro every self harm marka ND cut on my arm indicates a life or problem solved or saved. I am the Kami suciide and my human sacrifices are school shootings which I've been saving people from. This is the one time I sugest searching the dorm.
Also to be noted, I've been taking a paint brush to several cults fixing what was harming people and what was wrong with them. Meeting Japanese parliament as Yi and singing shitty Hamilton.
Anyways! I've been borrowing bad people's karma in order to save the world and them and improve the record and still save. I have learned how to change my face upon death. 
Also I've learned I have trippy dream Demon powers where I can cause hallucinations, madness, delusions compeling straight up vampire style and save people through it. So that's what I've been doing! Saving people! Alot of people!!!!!!! I am Zone first Captor! 
Anyways I took Kami/dj on my student and it was the biggest mistake of my life! One, a racist asshole towards me calling me transatlantic, 2 a huge ableist using his disability to harm others 3, made from of my alter Ehmo who is an aztec king! Who hoped to become a fashion and music and Wene one day. He's a piece of shit and he's no longer my student also used magick to sexually and phychically assault me in a bubble but then claimed it was "magick" so it didn't matter. Then back tracked saying it was an alter so "there white niger im off scot free" it…it…it wasn't an alter it was the main personality you homestuck Dave strider wanabe.
Anyways! All that inclined with everyone stealing each others shoes and snow getting red pulled quickly down an alt right rabbit hole and swatsticing a syngog wow fuck yanderefreak! I've made sure the proper channels know but they plan on framing me as being with them if I report it. Bitch I was home and I did report it! Also haru taped it you cunts! I'm not on that video!
Anywaaaaaays. Kami Strilonde wanwbe, kid swap homestuck wanabe, is attempting to learn voodoo curse magick to hex me to fall inkove with him and I have a reversal spell to turn him into my dog should that occur.
Haru is a bad doll!
Anyways the thing with voodoo is that it always comes back. Enjoy being raped Kami that's how voodoo fucking works. It's karmic and you can't "get around it via dave strider powers" you can't outsmart a karmic clock it will only tick forward faster.
Also unfortunately thr gods have made me imortal via Thor and zues and anti and Eruis and now I can only die one of two ways and you probably won't figure it out. I've taken 74 sleeping pills, spilt gallons of blood in both my wrists, taken alchual and 7 sleeping pills which Braiden Summers friend challenged me to do claiming they were with haru medusastuck laughing in the background, all while they deny even knowing me. Shitty puzzlingkazoo and Crocker. Who all enjoyed that they told me as much. Crocker calls me a suicidal manic "bitch your one to talk! Joke might be an asshole but you certainly aren't any better truescum stick together you two would be perfect hatemates you both abuse your partners!" And we all knew SHE KNEW that gun was loaded she told me as much.
 But that was all magick how am I supposed to tell the cops? Oh yeah the dream bubbles and I visited in a memory!
Regardless Morgan has been raping me via his offerings of sex and assaulting in my temple himself and other "but it's not real magick and your not a fake God it's so okay!" Wow what a fucking sociopath!!!!?
Snow was to right to hate claire she's just as bad as Morgan if not more so but snow the salt queens eating disorder curse she casted on claire was a little much! Totally babe!
Anyways, I've been saving people but I'm undoing bringing back Jazz for revelations, Snow doesn't deserve and quite frankly even though she's back and my friend now? NEITHER DO I! take that sincerely your loving necromancer yous crewed over!
E.a Koetting was right about you.
Olive brimstone student to acrians, Adam and lucifer
1:12 Tuesday September 13th 2022
If This text is canceled so may be innocent-12 -5
Define 5 = truthbeleive else Ricky = jail or equivalent 
Balme and foul expose = Calliope dirk Claiborne Marshall Lee Tereza and sign less and Malick tous and Lucy lue justice .57 - 12 ÷ parse = and eye for 13 limbs! 
An eye for an eye I forsee when you go blind so does your memory should you be rewarded per curse per hit may the car crash of your mommy and Daniel do it and should that fail per armage a fate worse then death issue your straight jacket etc derange!!!!
= + 12
Final death = true
Sincerely your lovely ever pusling olive brimstone! Seriously kin me again Kami weaker see how far you fucking go!!!
0 notes
javisuzumiya02 · 4 years
Me Alegra Tanto Que Shipees A Lincoln Con Sam Y No Con Ronnie Anne Ya Que El Ronniecoln Si Es Odiado Por El 95% Del Fandom Y En Este Caso Samcoln Gana Eh Visto Que Samcoln Le Gana Mucho Al Ronniecoln Y Ati Nunca Te Ehmos Visto Que Hagas Dibujos Ronniecoln Ni Suna Y Me Alegra Tanto Que No Hagas Dibujos Suna Ni Ronniecoln Ya Que Eh Visto Que Tratan A Esos 2 Shippings De Sobrevalorado
He hecho dibujos Ronniecoln pero han sido comisiones en su mayoria. Incluso hay unos rule34. 
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kateroo2001 · 4 years
This is the only news that matters
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mishidefresa · 6 years
I see you as a rather young girl, maybe 19, very emotional, soft, loving cute stuff, probably ace?
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I just wanted to feel young again god dammit
Anonymous said:Sounds dumb but based on your art style I assume that you like summer and pools        aww is not dumb dear, it is so sweet of you
Anonymous said:You cute af
       !!!!! thank you sweetheart!!
Anonymous said:Personally I just started following you so I don’t know really anything, but based on your kiribaku and also just the cute drawings you post with your asks I would say that you are really sweet. I kinda get a sweet but shy vibe but at the same time you could be loud and passionate in the right company. I could be totally wrong but either way I have loved looking at everything you have posted since I started following you.
    waaa yes, i guess im a little too shy for my onw good, but you guys help a lot      to open up a little more.
Anonymous said:Idk if I already sent this but I feel like you’re one of the really nice theatre gays that you meet in college 
      lol i loove that, man i wish there was a theather school at my old college
Anonymous said:based on ur art style i assume u went thru an emo / random phase rawr xD!1!1 , ur a Soft person and i feel like i can trust u with my life, you also doodle/used to doodle on ur school papers a lot, stuff like a good old Eyeball or a lil cartoon sun w sunglasses? this was so specific but this is what i feel when i see ur art HDKSKD
        hahaha ehmo phase, i guess i had one in early 2OOO, and yes my        theachers hated me bc of that.
Anonymous said:(same anon w the sun doodle assumption) i feel like u watch steven universe too 
      awww its been a while since i saw su, only random spoilers on youtube
Anonymous said:Soft
    asdfghjkl thank you dear!!
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asdfghjklñ you guys are so kind thank you
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hilvanhaberleri · 3 years
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Şanlıurfa’nın en köklü ilçelerinden biri olan Hilvan ilçesinde yaşayan aileler ilçe ve kent adına ayrı ayrı birer değer olarak günümüze kadar gelmiştir.
Günümüzde Hoşin (Uluyazı) olarak bilinen köyden yıllar önce koparak ayrı bir köye ve zamanla da ilçeye dönüşen Hilvan (Curnéreş) ilçesinde köklü aileler yaşıyor.
Bu ailelerin her biri ilçe ile özdeşleşen isimleri ile tanınır. Bu aileler günümüze kadar gelenekleri ile birlikte gelebilmeyi başarmıştır.
İşte Hilvan’da yaşayan o aileler:
Mala Abûzerê Kirelanê
Mala Abuzerê Pirçikli (Cidal)
Mala Ademê Noto
Mala Alîyê Remê Zînê (Tekyol)
Mala Ana fato (Karakuş)
Mala Ana Rihê (Can)
Mala Asoyê Dêwid (Abay)
Mala Awê Hemê (Çavaş)
Mala Awika (Bucak, Avıkanoğlu)
Mala Awoyê Îmxanê (Beyaztaş)
Mala Awoyê Xecê (Payır)
Mala Awzerê Av Cina
Mala Azmiço (Şengül)
Mala Bedîhê Kawa/Kawî (Çiftkuş)
Mala Bedirê Elê Dewrêş
Mala Bedirê Encozî
Mala Bedirê Şivan (Onat)
Mala Bedoyê Ezam (Şanda)
Mala Bego (Şimgar)
Mala Behrîyê Emo (Kılınç)
Mala Behrîyê Xel Hamikê (Bürme)
Mala Bekê (Bingöl)
Mala Bekê Osê Xefê (Naserdin Köyü)
Mala Bekirê El Gurî (Eryılmaz).
Mala Bekirê Em Lewendê (Üçlü)
Mala Bekirê Ferso (Akçan)
Mala Bekirê Hem Gulî (Dilak)
Mala Bekirê Sînoyê Zelê (Kadak)
Mala Bîloyé Xezalé (Mala Sînoyê Hemê Kinik)
Mala Bûboyê Bastiqê Qondereçî (Salık)
Mala Cehmûsa (Camızcı)
Mala Celloyê Zilfê (Çalışkan)
Mala Celloyê Firneçî (Yem Sanayinde çalışıyordu)
Mala Cemala (Pertav).
Mala Cemalê Sihhîye (Karakılçık)
Mala Cemê (Kuşuçar)
Mala Cemîlê Kosan (Tüysüz)
Mala Cemîlê Muxtar (Koyunoğlu, Koyun)
Mala Cemîlê Nûrikê (Abak)
Mala Cemoya Hemamçî (İrfan Taşkın’ın annesi)
Mala Cewerê Telûcê (Çetin)
Mala Cewerê Xanê (Tav)
Mala Cilika (Çiftyürek)
Mala Cim Keleşê (Olgun)
Mala Cimê Kulo ( )
Mala Cimoyê Berber (Göçüncü)
Mala Cimoyê Husên (Şiltakçı)
Mala Cimoyê Kal Emîn
Mala Cimoyê Keleş (Olgun)
Mala Cimoyê Zelo
Mala Cînco (Irmak, Kaya, Cinco)
Mala Darê (Tacar)
Mala Dedê Kezê
Mala Delê Gormen (Nasrettin köyü)
Mala Deli Îbo (Laba)
Mala Deli Mihemed
Mala Dewrêş (Aydoğdu)
Mala Ehmedê Bendik
Mala Ehmedê Cemala (Evsan)
Mala Ehmedê Darê (Tacar, Cambaz)
Mala Ehmedê Edo
Mala Ehmedê Hecî (Ji Hec Musan)
Mala Ehmedê Manga
Mala Ehmedê Rizgo (Honca)
Mala Ehmedê Xeloyê Elî
Mala Ehmedê Zilo (Güzel)
Mala Ehmo Çillek ()
Mala Ehmoyê Ewo (Seymen)
Mala El Horik
Mala El Potî (Sancılı)
Mala El Zeynika (Yüksekyayla)
Mala Elê Elita (Akın)
Mala Elê Nistê (Bağış)
Mala Elfa Xema (Aşa)
Mala Elî û Hecîyê Hewê (Karakeçili)
Mala Elî Xelê (Deme)
Mala Elîkoyê Lastikçi (Gürsel, Gümüşlü)
Mala Elîyê Bedo (Şanda)
Mala Elîyê Bekçî / Macir (Aşit)
Mala Elîyê Bişo (Yalçınkaya)
Mala Elîyê Evdî/Avdê (Çavgun ve Yılmaz)
Mala Elîyê Evdikan (Demirkoç)
Mala Elîyê Ewra (Aktan)
Mala Elîyê Hewê (Karakeçili)
Mala Elîyê Honîya (Asar)
Mala Elîyê Horê (Barlik)
Mala Elîyê Kezek (Budak)
Mala Elîyê Kurdê (Çetin)
Mala Elîyê Macir (Çiftçi)
Mala Elîyê Mille (Yelekçi)
Mala Elîyê Mistê (Bağış)
Mala Elîyê Mûdê (Kem / Muratoğlu)
Mala Elîyê Pîrhewikê (Ufak)
Mala Elîyê Qondereçî (Ciba)
Mala Elîyê Rehmê (Bıdık)
Mala Elîyê Remo (Yakışma)
Mala Elîyê Silo (Yakıcı)
Mala Elîyê Sinca (Faik Köyünde)
Mala Elîyê Tama
Mala Elîyê Welî (Bakan)
Mala Elîyê Xezalê (Sarıkuş)
Mala Elîyê/Eloyê Mînê (Özbek)
Mala Elokê (Adak)
Mala Eloyê Zînikê (Çobanyıldız)
Mala Em Altûn (Uzun)
Mala Emdlevend
Mala Eme Reşa (Maça)
Mala Emela (Evin)
Mala Emînê Berber (Zaman)
Mala Emînê Uco (Ayiş)
Mala Emmarê (Dadaş)
Mala Erewa (Doğan)
Mala Eş Macirê (Eleşgirt, Mihaciroğlu)
Mala Eşa Mehmê (Tekin)
Mala Evdika (Demirkoç)
Mala Evdilqadirê Şê Mihemed (Toprak)
Mala Ebdillayê Bubo (Karayılan)
Mala Evdillahê Hoste Îsa (Paytal)
Mala Evdillahê Keklîk (Kıdık)
Mala Evdirehmanê Macir (Demir)
Mala Evdoyê Husên (Güzel)
Mala Eylas (Demir)
Mala Ezoyê Qehweçî (Ulak)
Mala Fat Mange
Mala Fat Xirbikê
Mala Ferso (Beşkat)
Mala Fethîyê Mistawa (Açıkada)
Mala Fûêd (Aban)
Mala Gebendirisan (Solçetutan, Solucatutan, Çevik)
Mala Gero
Mala Giharîya (Karakaya)
Mala Guja (Demirkol)
Mala Gulî Sofî Welo (Oflaz)
Mala Gulika (Dede)
Mala Gulîyê Kawî (Tetik)
Mala Gulîyê Kuto/Bekçî (Duymaz)
Mala Hec Beko
Mala Hec Cehfer (Adak)
Mala Hec Cemîlê (Çakmak)
Mala Hec Dedo (Karaca)
Mala Hec Elo (Hızır Sankur)
Mala Hec Ewdillah (Keklik, Kıdık)
Mala Hec Hemdê (Genç)
Mala Hec îdê (Ayran)
Mala Hec Mihemedan (Paydaş, Avcı, Arhan, Koreli)
Mala Hec Mistefayê Kamo
Mala Hec Mûsan (Seymen, Çakmak, Kılıç, Özkaya, Eroğlu, Uruz)
Mala Hec Osmanê Tîpçî (Şeyhanlıoğlu)
Mala Hec Ûsib (Hacıyusufoğlu)
Mala Hec Xelefê Erew (Ayan)
Mala Hecîyê Kûbo (Gülpınar)
Mala Hecîyê Pîrê (Tümek)
Mala Hecîyê Xûnê
Mala Hem Çîya (Şîray)
Mala Hem Deve
Mala Hem Kinik
Mala Hem Reşê
Mala Hem Umerê (Harmanşah)
Mala Hemaça (Dilber)
Mala Hemê Bekiro (Gelez)
Mala Hemê Ceyar (Şiltakçı)
Mala Heme Elîyê Hemra (Aytiş)
Mala Hemê Eyo (Yıldız)
Mala Hemê Gulo
Mala Hemê Huso
Mala Hemê Îsê
Mala Hemê Sîmsar (Milli)
Mala Hemê û Hesê Welî (Babacan)
Mala Hemê Us Mila (Aydın)
Mala Hemedê Hemdê (Kevci)
Mala Hemîdê Kulo / Mala Îs Hemac (Çalışır)
Mala Hemîdê Macir (Yumuşak, Sezer)
Mala Hemika (Oğur)
Mala Hemiylîyî
Mala Hemkê Eyno (Göktepeli)
Mala Hemoyê Bêdir
Mala Hemoyê Cenan (Cenan)
Mala Hemoyê Eyşê (Bakmaz)
Mala Hemoyê Fatê
Mala Hemoyê Hedê (Yalta)
Mala Hemoyê Îmê
Mala Hemoyê Îwoyê Omerêm Kawî (Budur)
Mala Hemoyê Temo
Mala Hemoyê Tûto (Şımarık)
Mala Hemtrake (Yakıcı)
Mala Hemzeyê Umerê Dodî (Karakeçili, Altun)
Mala Hepo (Atmak)
Mala Hes Quling (Şipar)
Mala Hesaga (Doyanç)
Mala Hesboxe ()
Mala Hesenê Gergerî (Yıldız)
Mala Hesenê Koçer (Ersoy)
Mala Hesenê Xeîlkê (Aşağı Ekece-Ray)
Mala Hesenê Zeko (Savaş)
Mala Hesoyê Çerçî
Mala Hesoyê Çilag (Köremen)
Mala Hus Mangê (Vural)
Mala Husê Dewrê (Durmaz)
Mala Husênê Bûbê (Akiz)
Mala Husênê Firneçî (Sanar)
Mala Husênê Manga
Mala Husênê Qereçî
Mala Husênê Şehrîçî (Çoban)
Mala Husna Erew (Şişme)
Mala Huso Gurî (Çoban)
Mala Hussoyê Etikî
Mala Hûta (Karataş)
Mala Îboyê Seydo (Eryılmaz)
Mala Îbram Xelîlê Îmêm (Ağız)
Mala Îbramê Eyşanê (Perse)
Mala Îbramé Macir (Sarman)
Mala Îbramê Qerdîyan (Şindak)
Mala Îbramê Xeraş (Övet)
Mala Îmamê Qereyollari (Küçükkaya)
Mala Îsê Ereb (Şen)
Mala Îsê Nesî (Solmaz)
Mala Îsmeîlê Îsê
Mala Îsmeîlê Kora (Çavgun)
Mala Îsmeîlê Kumik (Dal)
Mala Îsmeîlê Semê Pîrê (Şima)
Mala Îsoyê Rem Elik (Îsê Kerra) (Bozkurt)
Mala Îwiş (Şımık)
Mala Kalê Dêw (Adak)
Mala Kalê Hêjîran (Polat)
Mala Kalê Misto
Mala Kalê Nihîtan (Bâğı)
Mala Kalikan (Cıdır)
Mala Kawan (Tetik, Bodur, Çiftkuş, Benzin, Kem, Salihoğlu, Narin, Gelez)
Mala Kekoyê Macir (Çekiş)
Mala Ker Xello
Mala Kerîmê Fatê (Doğru)
Mala Kerkaxa (Polat)
Mala Keyê (Naserdînê) (Özdemir)
Mala Kezê (Polat). Kütüphane memuru Mehmet Polat)
Mala Komika (Olukçu)
Mala Koşkêr (Kaya)
Mala Kozika (Alıcı)
Mala Kudê (Fırıncı Şevket Yaba)
Mala Kutika (Çatlak)
Mala Mamo (Atalay)
Mala Mehmê Sêlih (Çalışır).
Mala Mehmûdê El Nas (Akyıldız)
Mala Mehmûdê Kemma (Kama)
Mala Mehmûdê Masîya / Helîsê (Bebe)
Mala Mehmûdê Qehweçî (Genç)
Mala Mehmûdê Resimçî (Yelkenkumral)
Mala Mekko
Mala Mel Emîn (Sakınış)
Mala Melekê (Bendaş)
Mala Melle Îsa (Ökten)
Mala Melle Osman (Naserdin köyü)
Mala Memê Gran
Mala Meqsûdê Kinê (Acin)
Mala Meqsût Çawûş
Mala Miçê Kinik (Çiçek)
Mala Miçoyê Rihê (Coşkun)
Mala Miçoyê Seydo (Özbek)
Mala Miftîyê Kevn (Müftüoğlu)
Mala Mihêdînê Cindar (Yalgın)
Mala Mihemedê Kaviran (Koç)
Mala Mihemed Şahê Qoço (Avcı)
Mala Mihemed û Cewerê Şêxî (Kandal)
Mala Mihemedê
Mala Mihemedê (Duru)
Mala Mihemedê Awo (Beyaztaş)
Mala Mihemedê Besê (Olukçu)
Mala Mihemedê Beyazê Macir (Düşmez)
Mala Mihemedê Bozo (Saçıntı)
Mala Mihemedê Çilag (Büyük)
Mala Mihemedê Efikê ()
Mala Mihemedê Êyşê (Varan)
Mala Mihemedê Gulikê (Dede)
Mala Mihemedê Hemê Şilê (Çiçek)
Mala Mihemedê Îsmeîlê Xelo (Gümüş)
Mala Mihemedê Kalê (Dev)
Mala Mîhemedê Mangê (Oğur)
Mala Mihemedê Memê (Mersin’e yerleştiler)
Mala Mihemedê Mihemed (Tekin)
Mala Mihemedê Pisika (Ten)
Mala Mihemedê Sorgulo
Mala Mihemedê Şaybê (Birinci)
Mala Mihemedê Şehpelîyê (Yetkin)
Mala Mihemedê Şîşman – Almanci (Karakılçık)
Mala Mihemedê Tacdîn Macir (Seyman)
Mala Mihemedê Xan Erewê (Urluk)
Mala Mihemedê Xatûnê (Bağıran)
Mala Mîqdatê Dînkçî (Bülbül)
Mala Mîralîya Cumoyê Kalê (Şahin)
Mala Mircê (Nitelik)
Mala Mîrza
Mala Misoyê Cemîlê yê Macir (Hançer)
Mala Mistawa (Çanga)
Mala Mistefa Emî (Ekinci)
Mala Mistefayê Çilag
Mala Mistefayê Gulî (Bürtürk)
Mala Mistefayê Mehmûd (Dehşet)
Mala Mistefayê Osê (Kılıç)
Mala Mistefayê Qelenderan (Kalender)
Mala Mistefayê Serê (Gürmen)
Mala Mistefayê Zelxê (Çeçe ve Ersoy)
Mala Mistoyê Dînik (İmren)
Mala Mistoyê Fatişê
Mala Mistoyê Melekê (Yağır)
Mala Mistoyê Sêdiq (Aybar)
Mala Mişraqan (Aksakallı)
Mala Mizûran (Yüksekyayla)
Mala Mûdê (kem, Muratoğlu)
Mala Muslumê Qesab (Antalya’daki Heqîyê Qesab’ın babası)
Mala Muslumê Şeyîna (Evik)
Mala Musoyê Cano (Bulut)
Mala Naylon (Söyler)
Mala Nedîmê Hesko (Oymakçı)
Mala Nezîf û Umerê Telaqa (Polat)
Mala Os Xalitan (Şiltak, Halitoğulları, Şık)
Mala Osê Çep (Davulcu)
Mala Osê Helîmê (Beyazdaş)
Mala Osê Kawa (Benzin)
Mala Osikê Demircî / Hemoyê Sakînê (Karataş. Ermeni ailesiydi İskendurun’a yerleşti)
Mala Osman û Cewherê Xefê
Mala Osmanê Bekçî (Tekadam)
Mala Osmanê Çerpekê (Kavak)
Mala Osmanê Elî (Çat. Mersin’e yerleştiler)
Mala Osmanê Evdika (Demirkoç)
Mala Osmanê Îsê
Mala Osmanê Îsmeîl (Karakılçık)
Mala Osmanê Îsmeîlê Helîsê
Mala Osmanê Kalê
Mala Osmanê Kirtleme
Mala Osmanê Silt Bûkê
Mala Osmanê Şîşko
Mala Osmanê Tîpçî (Şeyhanlıoğlu)
Mala Osmanê Xerzo
Mala Osniya (Can)
Mala Pûko (Eryılmaz)
Mala Qadirê Bezik (Dere)
Mala Qadirê Eledînî / Bêzkî
Mala Qadirê Evdika / Erebeçî (Karameşe)
Mala Qadirê Gulikê (Mersin’e yerleştiler)
Mala Qadirê Xalîyî (Paytal)
Mala Qadirê Xuşxuşkê (Maç, Manap)
Mala Qadoyê Kalê (Cenan)
Mala Qadoyê Şık
Mala Qazana (Durmaz)
Mala Qefera (Perk)
Mala Qenco (Salıcı)
Mala Qeremanî (Ocak)
Mala Qoçoyê Cemîlê
Mala Qoçoyê Çawûşa
Mala Qotika (Çatlak)
Mala Rem Dîk
Mala Rem Umukê (Barlas)
Mala Remê Axca (Çaltı)
Mala Remê Dizê (Çevirici)
Mala Remê Elîşêr (Yaba)
Mala Remê Emînê (Ünel)
Mala Remê Gulo (Yavuz)
Mala Remê Kinê (Savan).
Mala Remê Osê (Yüksekyayla)
Mala Remê Sêdiq (Aybar)
Mala Remê Şêro
Mala Remê Xidê (Üçkan)
Mala Remê Zînê (Tekyol)
Mala Remezanê Seferî (Tofan)
Mala Remo Şeytan (Ökten)
Mala Remoyê / Fata Suwreglî (Demir)
Mala Remoyê Bergîra ( )
Mala Remoyê Hazirdîn ( ).
Mala Remoyê Kawî (Barın)
Mala Remoyê Nûrikê (Abak)
Mala Remoyê Tejîya
Mala Remreq (Balkan)
Mala Remzanê / Remoyê Koko (Bencik)
Mala Remzanê Çilag (Dağ)
Mala Remzanê Çîpreş
Mala Remzane Mele Umer (Kolbüken)
Mala Remzanê Qilêçî, Sobeçî (Akçakaya)
Mala Resûl (Narin)
Mala Sadiqê Mihacir (Dilmen)
Mala Sakîna Xedeme (Karataş)
Mala Salihan (Delebe, Dirlik, Ciba, Delik, Delen, Çenek, Salihoğlu)
Mala Salihê Aliş (Akyıldız)
Mala Sawûna (Kılıçoğlu, Ulusoy, Atasoy)
Mala Seîdê Arzûhalcî (Görüş)
Mala Selîm û Osmanê Macir (Çelik)
Mala Selo Gurî
Mala Seyîdê Gulikê (Dokuz)
Mala Silêmanan (Bayık, Baysal, Bayat, Bebe, Düzme, Baytak, Bayrak, Baydar, Baylan, Benzer)
Mala Sileymanê Fîrketcî (Çetintaş)
Mala Siloyê Eliko
Mala Siloyê Horê Şemê
Mala Siloyê Elê Xerzî (Felek)
Mala Siloyê Kerîm (Doğru)
Mala Sînikan (Kardaş, Hamak, Cılkez, Cizak, Cikay, Bakay)
Mala Sîno Şık
Mala Sînoyê Hec Osmên (Demir)
Mala Sînoyê Hesê Îsê (Tetik)
Mala Sînoyê Perelî (Kaya)
Mala Sînoyê Reco (Karahan, Karahanlı, Ulusoy, Acar)
Mala Sînoyê Topêl
Mala Sînoyê Umer
Mala Sînoyê Xanê (Aşan)
Mala Sînoyê Zelê Yê Kawî (Sansak)
Mala Sînoyê Zeynewê (Çobanyıldız, Boz)
Mala Sofî Dedo (İpar)
Mala Sorikê (Elmas)
Mala Suloyê Hore Şemê (Cambaz)
Mala Şamikan
Mala Şelpatîya (Şefkatlı)
Mala Şerîf Şêx Qadir (Gürmen)
Mala Şerqîya (Bardak)
Mala Şêx Durî (Süzen)
Mala Şêx Fatmê (Salgın, Salgut, Saltuk Şeyhanlıoğlu)
Mala Şêx Îs (Tektaş)
Mala Şêx Omerê Horik (Kente)
Mala Şexê Sofî (Acar)
Mala Şêxmûsê Hemê Dedê (Akbay, Çavuş, Sağır)
Mala Şêxmûsê Kirtleme
Mala Şêxoyê Dodkî
Mala Şêxoyê Evdî
Mala Şêxoyê Kalê (Canan)
Mala Şêxoyê Kera
Mala Şêxoyê kurêsî
Mala Şêxoyê Mihemed (Sert)
Mala Şêxoyê Necar (Çiçek)
Mala Şêxoyê Suwreglî (Yenmez)
Mala Şopçî (Kat)
Mala Şukrîyê Cindar (Yazgılı)
Mala Taco Macir (Durmaz)
Mala Tahîrê Macir
Mala Tajdîn (Seyman)
Mala Tewfîqê Loqenteçî (Aslan).
Mala Tirpa (Toprak)
Mala Topalan
Mala Tûto (Şımarık)
Mala Ume / Eme Reş
Mala Umerê Bega (Özmen)
Mala Umerê Besê
Mala Umerê Cimê (Cadur)
Mala Umerê Kawî (Benzin
Mala Umerê Kinik (Ödemiş)
Mala Umerê Xidir (Beyazçiçek)
Mala Umo Rovî
Mala Ûsê Begê
Mala Ûsê Beyazê (Avcı)
Mala Uzêrê Zewekê (Sevgi)
Mala Wehbî (Sakınış)
Mala Welle Osman (Can)
Mala Weysîyê Mele Elî (Yiğit)
Mala Xelîl û Elîyê Macir (Çiftçi).
Mala Xalitê Kera
Mala Xan Erewê (Urluk)
Mala Xelefê Erew (Ayan)
Mala Xelîlê Xocê (Erew?) (Çardak)
Mala Xelo Gurî
Mala Xeloyê Awo (Beyaztaş, Akgün)
Mala Xeloyê Emê (Yavuz)
Mala Xeloyê Fat Hecerê / Xeloyê Pîqop (Butik)
Mala Xeloyê Hewê (Karakeçili)
Mala Xeloyê Hino (Erkaymaz)
Mala Xeloyê Tîpçî
Mala Xeloyê Xêlit (Arka)
Mala Xerza (Çetindağ, Felek)
Mala Xoce Salih (Cengiz)
Mala Xoce Semho (Aytiş)
Mala Xocê Şûtik (oyuncu Bülent İnal’ın ailesi)
Mala Xuzorîya (Wehab û Elî) (Eryıldırım)
Mala Yaza Parlix (Çat)
Mala Zeyn Kullek
Mala Zîmirkan (Gardiyan Mehmet Bıçak ailesi)
Mala Zînikê (Çobanyıldız)
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frame-reyhonor · 4 years
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ehmo***** 고객님 후기 고객님❤❤❤의 정성스러운 후기가 더 감동❤❤❤입니다 고맙습니다. #홈스마트초이스#베타티타늄안경#티타늄안경테#클립온선글라스#편광선글라스#가죽안경케이스#골프선글라스#낚시선글라스#남자안경테#여자안경테#클립온가죽케이스#천연가죽안경케이스#국내하우스브랜드안경테#럭셔리안경#남자선글라스#명품안경테#여자선글라스(Pangyo Techno Valley, Korea에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6pnJ5BHEAi/?igshid=1tw3a5uq512it
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the-reactionist · 5 years
Ehmo /the person that i LOVE
finally, this post is about the boy that drives me crazy and i want him to be with me and have a child together; everything at a time, ofcourse
he is constantlyd epressed and suicidal because he ahs been enetering some devastatign relationships where he had been abused and used by girls, instead of ourished and supported; i guess he has the scapegoat program withi himself too’ nobody else could do anythign so foolish;
but he is the kidest person i have met - from the hert, not in words merely, like me; he is genuinely feelign for people’s sorrows and is holdig spce fr them; i was one of the many he has held space for
i want you to help me, to book a session about him, to delve into him spiritually - i want you to look at his profile and pictures and see his soul;  he is 1/4 irish so you may enjoy him, i believe :)
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i know that by doing that , you will be helpful to resolving his /our problems - i don’t understand him but i want him 1. to tay alive 2. to be free to do what he likes, and make mistakes 3. to be with him and never own him for a second 4. to have child with him while eltting him be a child and free to explore life as he pleases throughout our stay o earth together
*im putting that info only for you to see him, i feel its super personal and dont wanna share any of it like that carelessly; this is him; gh, i like him... -_-
this is my desires, we will see how much fo it will come into fruition ; i have to be deserving of this blissfulness; so i try to better myself and better my love for what i love - refining myself - so i am writig to you, drawing your attention directly to what i hve a problem with you about; in hope you ca expand even more and become much more multi-layered and a master of the physical plain; tahnkyou
this is my blog about him, my frustrations and my desires for him; i like exploring my passion and subconsciousness in the form of creativity to be prepared to avoid turmoil in the reality of a relationship if ever it comes into reality, as i wish <3 it helps me understand a wild and uncontrollable desire and atrraction i have towards him and i have become more accustomed to the torrent nd sheer power fo that emotions flow whenever it comes to him; it is a valuable tool; namaste
the more i write in my heart’s eagerness for change - i think it’s YOUR eagerness because i am much moodier usually, sorry; the more i delveinto it, i get a stronger sene that all is good and will be well and i need to hold space and give time for stuff to occur
that is the hardest thign ever since i enetered the new energy [for me] that i associate with you - it IS catalystic and explosive, it get things done, and it is liek the swig of the sword of a samurai;
but only death is that fast. nobody reallyw ats to live in such a way and get burned out too soon;
peple who are in their bodies ad peacefully, want to live long lives full fo wonder 0 both hard and pelasant stuff; and they learn and grow through making time -not by cutting the belly and then beheading with a single swing of a katana; i really like you
but, as emanuil begged me, i plead you to give us time as well; we need catalystiic effect, but we need time to process stuff aswell;with the utmost kindness, he sked me for time, and i am asking you, too [taht’ why i sent you his profile - what i do when i have too much energy is go to strangers , read intotheir problems, and reach out to them; i get a lot from it - some help me, some abuse me; but i learn;and i met emanuil and his father that way - through facebook stalking and wandering; im sending you his profile to see into problems another human beig is having; im booking a session fr him without him, because he has issues which are universal somehow; i want to hear your teachigs and for them to be even more relevant to me; taht is why we meet other people - to help each other grow; taht is why you met me and i met you too; let’s help each other ; the tao te ching said the sinner/bad person is the master’s job; so the more prople you get t know, the more realistic your teachign will be; taht’s why i need you to get to know me and my life, nd his, because we are people who seek , provoke and like change and growth, even though it is scary and painful most of the time; if it don’t kill us, we become masters; win win; we gain either way; taht is how me and him are built in our subcnsciousness/minds]
#kindly #please
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that is why i liek him; he seems a match - somebody who is vulnerable yet strong enough to be independent and thus able for bearing children with
besides he has spoken about marriadge as a sacred union and about responsibility as parents,a nd he is a grunge dude, aint nothig spiritual about him generally; he is nto into taht - he is fully immersed in the 3d reality and is present; taht is why he is most helpful, because he is real, and not a metaphor
i have pushed him away with my blabber and insecurity, and with the insecurity my hiding behind spiritual stuff demonstrates - this is not genuine and it is not powerful and it is not real; it is complete shadow; life is spiritual in itself, as the buddhist monk ikkyu proclaimed; so being ordinary is more helpful than burnign insence because you are like other people yet you aren’t - you are helping them
this is a critique i have for teal swan as a spiritual teacher because this distancing from the students by becoming a glorious master, is preventing us from receiving the knowledge completely
the way of the tibetan masters is to open the heart and then act according to it - the film crazy wisdom tells one particularly good suck story
sorry teal i ahve critique for you but i need you to support me and others who are seeking light and harmony with your power by integratign into our realities nd becoming more emodied and more human, more physical; you hve said that you wat very severely to escape from your body and your out-of-body experiences are the only times you feel fine and yourself; but this can be the otehr way around
let me be rooting for you to enable you to fall in love with your earthly existence and shed off fear of being hurt or abused physically and tortured mentallya nd emotionally;
i want to see you and embrace you in my capacity - i come from bulgaria which is a place renowned with its spirituality as a powerful energetic center; but the most peculiar thing is that it’s a place where inner children thrive and are constantly resurrected after abuse and attacks of indescribable proportions; so i want you to come here ad heal; the place, the nature, the people - hold space for that;
i want you to hold workshops here and i want to help organzie them, but i don’t know where to begin and what exactly to do; but i want you to help people here so taht we can help you ine xchange; we have a lot to offer; we are strong as fuck, im speaking seriouslly; we are always optimists, even in the darkest times, because we have that seed of self-love and belief/trust within us; it’s our iinnate nature, nothing i can actually grasp logiclly/with my mind;
i dont care what will happen, i have wanted to say this for years; let our grandmotherly love satisfy your personal needs and help us become more modern and light, as your energy is, ebcause we, in turn can make great use of that! PLEASE, Come to BULGARIA
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hiddeninshxdows · 7 years
Sleepy - Alt
send ‘SLEEPY’ plus a name and my muse will talk about them while on the verge of falling asleep
[Ha Lat, ym elltit shy Yidsa. I oelv Tal he’s ym tsewe nprisg licdh, I udlnco’t aimgien my elfi ouiwtht ihs nodwrlfeu seecerpn tehre in my ehmo, dan ihs drobeaal calertenuc ot eeavl ish moor cubesea of owh cumh eh lksie ti.]“Ah Alt, my little shy Daisy. I love Alt he’s my sweet spring child, I couldn’t imagine my life without his wonderful presence there in my home, and his adorable reluctance to leave his room because of how much he likes it.”
she yawns loudly, her tongue flopping out like a cat, knitted forget-me-nots snuggled too
“Eh’s my itletl rasug lmup, hte orewlf eesd to my yempt agdren, the satsr ot my sepac. I wlil tpecrot hmi itwh my ifel, dan erac rof mhi lilt I eid. he’s hte usehinsn ot my luocdy days, adn three’s on ecpla I uwold trerha be, thne itwh ym uwfdoenlr, estew, aradbloe, imaganz, ltaetnde ons. nad I wlil yreotds aynoen woh dears rthu ihm”
[He’s my little sugar plum, the flower seed to my empty garden, the stars to my space. I will protect him with my life, and care for him till I die. he’s the sunshine to my cloudy days, and there’s no place I would rather be, then with my wonderful, sweet, adorable, amazing, talented son. and I will destroy anyone who dares hurt him]
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anag53562-blog · 6 years
a qui ehmos publicado alojamiento pa el grupo 
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jenifer01011991 · 7 years
【EHMOE VS XCTN #3】TI6国际邀请赛外卡赛BO3
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notzachmccarthy · 13 years
Extreme home makeover makes me want to cry like a little bitch
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jenifer01011991 · 7 years
【EHMOE VS ESC #2】TI6国际邀请赛外卡赛第二轮BO3
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jenifer01011991 · 7 years
【EHMOE VS XCTN #2】TI6国际邀请赛外卡赛BO3
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jenifer01011991 · 7 years
【EHMOE VS XCTN #1】TI6国际邀请赛外卡赛BO3
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