#eight hargreeves
miniskirtmods · 4 months
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parings ˚ The Umbrella Academy x sibling!reader
warning(s) ˚ teenage pregnancy, giving birth, purchase of child, Sir Reginald Hargreeves
synopsis ˚ A teenage girl gives birth to one of the vary beings that will cause the inevitable end of the world as we know it and an eccentric billionaire is ready to collect the child in a heartbeat. With a generous donation of course.
word count ˚ 414
authors note ˚ yall I just saw the season four teaser and to say I'm excited is understatement. I thank that teaser for sparking my love of writing again. I you guys enjoy this and I may just get this to season three ;)
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The skies were painted a picture perfect blue over the small African village. Sifan, a teenage girl, skirts past the many women cleaning their hands in the steel sinks as she tries to get her earrings back from a pesky little boy. 
Running wasn’t her favorite thing to do, especially because she almost twisted her ankle on the multiple rocks that found their way in her path. She was also in flats so that didn’t help the ache in her feet either. She did her best to ignore it as she came neck to neck with the boy, ready to grab his collar when suddenly  .  .  .  she stopped. Alarmed and clutching her stomach, Sifan grits her teeth, stumbling onto the ground with a sour look on her face.
A woman in front of her first bad mouthed the young girl, saying that she stepped on her dress and she should apologize, but her one-sided bickering ended as soon as she saw the girl’s state. Was it her imagination, or was her previously-flat stomach expanding by the second? The entire village had fallen an ear to the sticky screams of Sifan as she clutched her abdomen. A group of villagers helped the girl off her feet, ushering her to a nearby cot. Throughout the village, nervous townspeople huddle in groups, whispering, sharing gossip. 
The teenage girl yowls in pain, grasping onto the hands near her, drawing blood as her nails dug deep into their skin. Her belly is wilding distended. The doctor emerged from between her legs, holding a perfectly healthy newborn baby girl. Sifan let out a large sigh as she heard the baby’s loud cries towards her; inevitably joining her in her screeching sobs.
“Astonishing!” Hargreeves enters the birthing room, adjusting the si;ver monocle on his left eye. The family stares, too confused to protest, as he approaches the teenage mother. He examines the newborn in her arms, slipping off his silk, white gloves in order to poke it with one slender finger. Satisfied, he looks to the mother.
“How much do you want for it?”
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lahotelbellamuerte · 2 years
𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗘𝗡𝗦 𝗜𝗡 𝟭𝟵𝟲𝟯 - issue #10. what are you
series masterlist ! current: what are you ! next: commercial break three
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pairing; five x eight warning; panic attack, slight ptsd, language, fighting, not proofread word count: 5.9k notes; its the end this book, the rest is just extra I wrote between the two years they made us wait for season three. thanks for reading.
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"Authorities are asking for help identifying several persons of interests at Dealey Plaza at the time of the assassination. The FBI believes they may have been acting in concert with an alleged shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald. 
“Vanya Hargreeves wanted in connection with the deaths of several FBI agents inside the federal building in Dealey Plaza. A Cuban exile known only as Diego....who recently escaped from Holbrook Sanatorium. A bare-knuckle boxer with suspected mafia ties who fights under the alias "King Kong." Allison Chestnut A Negro radical responsible for instigating and organizing the recent riots at Stadtler's lunch counter. Klaus, the controversial cult leader, and known tax evader.
“Eleanor Fitzgerald is the daughter of a known shadow government member, Luke Fitzgerald, caution is dangerous. The FBI is asking the public to be on the lookout for this unidentified boy, who they believe is being held hostage by the suspected terrorist network along with Miss. Fitzgerald."
Eight scoffed, “Great so the rest of world now knows about the whole shadow government," she said as he had her arms crossed.
"God I hate that photo," Diego said as he mentioned his.
"They're saying I instigated the riot? That's unbelievable," Allison huffed.
"The good news is that we restored the timeline and we stopped doomsday," Luther thought positively.
"Look friendly green giant, positive thinking is a brick wall. We are now the most wanted people in the world," Eight laughed, "We have absolutely everyone after us." she clapped.
"Well, where are we supposed to go?" Vanya asked.
"I have this yurt just outside Reykjavik," Klaus offered as he went down the steps, "We could totally lay low there. Folks, there are a little weird but lovely."
"Klaus darling," she said, snapping her fingers catching his attention, "Hiding is not gonna make a difference here. The Commission will hunt us down wherever and whenever we go."
"She's right. They'll never stop," Diego said causing the blonde to turn to the man.
"I'm sorry since when are you an expert on the Commission?" Five asked, not believing his crap.
"Since I got back from there," He replied looking at Eight, “You’re idolized over there," he said rolling his eyes at the statement. 
"I know," she answered, "How were you there Diego?" she asked getting off the railing and stepping closer to him.
"For your information, I was headhunted, and offered a job," He explained standing tall to look at her.
"You?" She scoffed, "They might as well have called Klaus," she laughed and turned to Klaus, "No offense."
Klaus waved his hand smiling, "None taken." 
"Well I was, and I found out Vanya was doomsday from the Infinite Switchboard," He told her now their faces almost touching as they yelled at each other. 
"I call bullshit, you probably broke in, and someone helped you," Eight replied, poking his chest with her finger.
"Well I did—" before he could start, Eight put her hands on the sides of his head as they started glowing. He smacked her hands off him.
"Ha, I was right, Herb helped you," she snorted as he was able to read his thoughts before he smacked her hands off. 
"You freak witch get out of my head!" He yelled, moving his hands to choke her, but Eight beat him to it and punched his neck, leaving him gasping for air.
"Bitch!" he wheezed as he gave her the finger.
Eight mockingly blew him a kiss, "Suck my dick," she spat.
Allison groaned, "That's all you guys can do! It's always you all against Eleanor, trying to see who can outdo her!" she told her siblings as she sat on the stairs.
"We are better than her," Most of the men in the room argued.
The blonde scoffed and crossed her arms, “Oh please, you wish.”
”Can we please go for five minutes without dick-measuring?" Allison asked her siblings in disbelief.
The Seance then raised a hand pointing upstairs, “Actually I had a question, who broke all the shit up the stairs?” Klaus asked curiously.
"Well I'm not naming names but, Eight and Five, they do end up in a bedroom—"
"—Luther!" The couple exclaimed.
"Ah, so that's two of us now, who's next Luther?" Diego said, annoyed.
The blonde laughed, “You’re just jealous I actually have a sex life,” she mocked and again flipped him off.  
"Look we don't have time for this. The Feds could be here any minute," Luther said.
"That's what I've been saying," Allison added.
"I'm agreeing," Luther nodded.
"Okay, calm down, Hairy—" Five told the giant.
"Hey, It's King Kong. And I'm sick of your ass, okay?" Luther scolded his brother.
"Yeah okay you win," Diego now said to his giant brother.
"Guys, we need to move, okay?" Luther offered them, "That is more important here. That is our only option."
"No we need to box these windows," said Diego offering a different solution, "and stay here."
"I'm leaving," said Vanya, suddenly catching the attention of the siblings.
"What? To go where?" Allison asked her sister to get up from the stairs.
"Sissy's farm. Something's wrong with Harlan, and I need him," she told them antsy to leave.
"Vanya, we need to stick together, okay?" Luther said to the timid girl stepping closer to her, "Now more than ever."
"That's why I'm telling you this," Vanya said, "Whatever's going on with Harlan, I think I might've caused it."
"How?" asked Klaus sitting near her.
She sighed tears brimming her eyes, "He drowned, and uh somehow I was able to bring him back to life. And now it's like we're connected."
"What does that even mean?" Luther asked, much more confused.
"I don't know, I can't explain—" she started but was cut off.
"I might know how to explain it a little," Eight started, putting her hands in her pockets, "For some reason every time Vanya was in trouble I was able to feel it." she told them, "Like last time, I felt you use your powers to kill Leonard. And this time to kill all those FBI agents. It's a feeling we get when someone is in trouble."
"I know he needs my help, and I want my family by my side," Vanya replied nodding at Eight's explanation.
Diego stepped closer to her, completely ignoring everything she had just said, “Look I'm sorry. We have other priorities right now,”
"Diego's right," Five added, "For once, we need to make our stand here and now."
Vanya looked at Allison, who looked away rather than make eye contact. No one else spoke leaving her to realize no one was coming.
"I guess I'll see you when I see you," She finally said and left the place, sighing sadly. 
Eight turned to Five and gave him a look.
"What?" he whispered, lifting his hands.
She pulled him to a corner, "We have to help her, Five," she told him.
"But I would be putting you in danger and I don't want that," he told her seriously. 
"Harlan is an eight-year-old boy Five," she whispered towards him, her eyes pleading him to help. 
Five looked down to their feet and sighed, "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked her.
Eight nodded, "I do," she said smiling.
The teen leaned forward and grabbed her face and pulled her into a short kiss.
Eight pulled away and smiled pulling Five with her. She opened the front door to the car.
"Five, Eight you don't have to do this," she said but was nonetheless happy.
"We know, you owe us," Five said as he looked at Klaus, "children ride in the back."
And Klaus did what was asked and moved to the back, As Five got in and Eight went in and sat on his lap facing Vanya.
"Guys I don't know what to say," she said looking at each one of them with a smile.
"Don't have to say anything darlin'," said Eight as she wrapped her left arm around Five's neck, as he held her in place with his arm on her lower back.
The car's trunk finally lifted and the car squeaks and creaks under the weight of the giant.
Eight's mouth opened to say something but never got to, "Anyone makes a fat joke, and I'm outta here," Luther said with his eyes on the blonde in the front, so she closed her mouth and rather leaned her head on Five's shoulder for the car ride.
During the car ride, no one said anything, rather they enjoyed the peaceful silence that would last for so long. To the couple in the front enjoying each other's embrace to the siblings in the back seat.
As they neared their destination, from a distance a snowstorm could be seen in only one spot which was over the farm. It seemed that it had been snowing for a while as most of the ground was evenly coated.
As the car came to a stop the Hargreeves stepped out of the car, "You think whatever's going on inside is causing the cold front?" Asked Diego as they looked up at the crackling.
"Well of course you idiot," said Eight as she breathed out looking at it.
That was a woman bust out the farm with a shotgun, "Get back!"
"Sissy!" Vanya yelled trying to get closer.
"All of you just get the hell back!" the woman called Sissy, yelled as her gun still pointed at them.
"Hey! Hey! What's wrong?" asked Vanya as she had her arm out.
"Carl," she said to her.
"What did he do to you?" Vanya asked calmly.
The woman started freaking out as she started breathing shakily, "He's....He's dead," Sissy told Vanya, "Harlan tossed me aside like a rag doll, the same way you sent those policemen flying. What did you do to him?" she asked Vanya, anger showing the most.
"—What the hell did you do to my son?" she asked Vanya.
Diego began walking forward, reaching to grab a knife by his thigh, "Don't have time for this,"
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" he said as she pointed her gun at the man now.
"To help your son," he said, also sticking out an arm.
"Look, Sissy, I found my family, these are my brothers and sisters," Vanya explained pointing at them.
Five and Eight just sent the woman half a smile, while the others smiled or if you're Luther, "M'am," and waved.
"Were you lyin' to me the whole time?" the woman asked sadly.
"Of course not," she said stepping a little bit closer, "Look I didn't know who I was. But I do now. And we are not monsters that they say we are. We did not kill the president. We are not terrorists. We're not here to hurt anyone," she explained to Sissy.
"Then....who are you?" Sissy asked.
"The only one who can help Harlan," she said truthfully.
The woman nodded and let them go in the barn and saw the mass of energy surrounding the small boy.
Eight grimaced looking, the sight looking all too familiar, she just hoped it didn't end the same. In a moment of nausea, she doubled over and threw up. Recalling the death of her own son.
Five gripped her, "Hey it's okay, it's not going to end the same," he said to her in an attempt to calm her down. As Vanya walked through the barrier.
"Uh, guys?" Klaus called out to the siblings as he saw something outside.
"What?" Diego said walking to Klaus along with the others behind.
"Ah, shit," Said Diego.
"What, who are they?" Asked Klaus confused as his siblings somehow knew everyone he didn't. 
"The girl is the one Diego should've slept with and the lady is basically the devil in Prada but not Mery Streep," She explained to Klaus as she felt better not looking at the boy.
Klaus hummed loving the explanation, "Yeah well both look pissed," he said.
"Diego was the last with them, so it's his fault," said Eight looking at Diego.
"I'm gonna go find out what they want. You stay behind with Vanya and the kid," said Five.
"I'm coming with you," Diego said.
"Me too," Said Eight but was stopped by the two.
"No," they both said.
Eight glowered at them, "Uh, why?"
Five gripped her shoulders, "Look, you are our secret weapon, they don't know your powers are back," he said.
"What he said, so get all fire-bally when you see us all dying," Diego motioned to all of them and walked out with Five.
Three of the siblings didn't listen and stepped out leaving a heaving Eight who couldn't stand the sight of the poor boy. One of her hands leaning on the hail bail, the other was on her stomach as she dry heaved. Doing her best to ignore the commotion behind her.
That was when bullets began to rain on the barn and she ducked behind the hay trying not to get shot at. She silently cried hoping the boy was okay, and her siblings, most importantly Five. All the bullets were giving her flashbacks to many times she's traveled through time in times of war. Now realizing what made her the best was not killing but surviving.
That's when she heard the familiar sound of Vanya's humming, she was saving them as she sent a flying blast towards all of them, the sound popping her ears. The blonde stayed on the ground not being able to have the energy to get up. She put her hands over her ears not wanting to hear anything as well.
Well great, Eight was having a panic attack in the middle of battle. Her hands gripped the hay as she tried to do what Five told her. Take a deep breath in... She tried but it seemed her breaths were shaky. All she could think was the memories of her dying child's crying. She could feel the anguish he went through. As it was going on, she felt it when she held him. Her tears spilled. Her ears then picked up a noise. She had to push through for James, for her family.
Deeply she let the air fill her lungs, and let out her mouth. Standing tall she craned her neck both ways and looked at her surroundings seeing Lila and Five.
"This isn't going to be quick," she said with an evil smile.
"I wouldn't be too sure about that," Eight finally spoke up walking out from the shadows.
Lila looked over and the now uniformed blonde, "Perfect, you'll both die, as you deserve, I'll enjoy you a little less, you know missing powers and all that." she taunted.
The blonde smirked, "Well let's fight it out let's see shall we?" she asked and strode over to her, throwing a fake punch that she ducked too, as Eight kneed her right in the face.
Lila got up quickly and looked at her, "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this," Lila said giggling.
"Let's dance darling," Eight said, gripping the girl and teleporting them to the middle of the field where the hundreds of Commission agents lay. 
"What? How?" she gasped looking at the woman, being told she wouldn’t be able to use her powers. 
"You didn't think I'd be a mindless monkey forever?" the blonde said as she swung at her but she disappeared using Five's ability. Huh, so that's how she did it.
Without missing a beat she conjured her lucky lasso and wrapped it around her ankle, and pulled her to the floor.
The girl tried doing the same but she couldn't and was confused, "What are you?"
In the distraction she jumped behind her wrapping around her lasso around her neck, "Your worst nightmare," she whispered into her ear.
Lila had been cocky at the start of this, thinking she wouldn't have to deal with the blonde too much. But here she was afraid, as somehow this girl was able to block her ability and she wasn't able to gain her ability.
Lila stomped on the girl's foot as she let go, the girl was coughing. So in anger, she used Luther's strength in a physical fight. Punching her in the face as she tumbled to the ground. 
Eight groaned and teleported to wrap her legs around Lila's neck, tumble her down using her own strength, and rolled out of the way. Lila was able to find a knife on the ground from many of the fallen men. And threw it at her.
Eight didn't blink as it disintegrated before it hit her, "What the fuck?" whispered Lila, having no idea what her powers were. Her mother mentioned maybe the moving things with her mind, but this. This was something else.
"Tired yet?" Eight taunted.
The birt was getting tired of this and used Vanya's powers in an attempt to take down the blonde. 
"You don't want to do that, Lila," Eight said as she watched her chest glow along with her eyes. If Vanya herself couldn't hold her down, how would Lila?
"Why, are you afraid?" Lila said hopefully now being a step ahead of her, floating in the air in front of her.
Eight sighed knowing she had no choice, "You will regret this," she said.
Lila's smirk disappeared when she saw Eight begin to glow a golden hue, and her hair starting to float. Angrily Lila releases the energy at the woman, but it never reaches her. Rather it gets absorbed by her colorful fire.
Eight's glowing eyes look at the shocked girl, "You shouldn't have messed with my family," she said as she lifted her closed fist and opened her palms facing up, dealing a powerful blast that sent the girl flying straight into the barn.
The blonde teleported into the barn as Five still stood by her. The blonde still glowed as she looked at the coughing brunette, who struggled to get up.
"1993 East London," she spoke getting up from the floor staring at the glowing girl, "You two hog-tied them and you shot them in the head," she explained to them.
Eight didn't have her eyes glowing anymore but everywhere else was, and she turned to meet the eyes of her husband. She remembered the task The Handler had given them.
"The flower merchants," they both spoke letting out puffs of cold air.
"They were your parents?" Five gasped in surprise now realizing why she wanted to kill them.
"And they never did anything to anyone," said Lila spitting at the foot of the glowing girl, "They didn't deserve to die like that."
"Lila it's true we killed them, but we have killed many people over the years," started Five his body still in the position to fight.
Eight swallowed hard and looked at her, "But it was just a job. That was never personal," she spoke to the girl less dangerous form now. 
"'Never personal,' my ass," she laughed sarcastically, "Yeah, I've killed. It's always, always personal."
This caused Eight to cock her head, "You really had me there in the first half, but that's why you aren't cut to be an assassin."
Lila reached for a knife in her boot and pointed it pathetically towards Eight, "Want to bet your life on it?"
The blonde wasn't scared, she was trained to be the best of the best, and an emotionally attached killer wouldn't do much, "Hey, now we may have killed them, but it was the Handler who faked the kill order," she said to her.
Stepping closer to her with the knife, "Bullshit, AJ Carmichael ordered it, and you both carried it out," she seethed at the woman.
"Do you think I'm willing to lie to you right now for the sake of it?" Eight exclaimed getting closer to her, grabbing her wrist and pulling the knife to her own heart, "The Handler gave us the kill order, she came along, bugged me the entire time, that day in London, she was there. Ask yourself why?"
The mimic swallowed as her knife was hovering over the blonde's heart, "Stop trying to get yourself out of this," she said shakily.
"If you want to kill me that's fine, but think about it, why was she there that day? She wasn't there for your parents, she was there for you." the blonde spoke softly.
Lila furrows her eyebrows at the information, "Why?" she said allowed.
"'Cause you're one of us," Diego's voice came in, "The Handler stole you, Lila. Just like our asshole father took all of us," he said stepping closer to the girls.
"No, it's not the same thing," she said, raising her voice looking at the blonde.
"You're right because he didn't have our parents murdered." Diego tried to say.
Her eyes still on Eight's blue, the woman spoke to her, "You were born October 1st, 1989, the same day as all of us," she spoke calmly.
Lila pressed the knife forward onto the blonde as she felt Diego step close, "Stay back all of you, or I will kill her!" she exclaimed.
The siblings all did the exact opposite rather they surrounded her, afraid of what could happen to the dimly glowing blonde.
"I trusted you, I got you a job, I even introduced you to my mother and then you took off on me," she hissed looking at Diego.
"Because I needed to save the world!" he yelled back hoping to get close enough to detach the two.
"She's using you, Lila. The Handler" said Eight as she felt the knife press closer to her, making her hiss making all the siblings a little antsy.
"You're wrong, she raised me. She loves me," she told the blonde believing it.
"Do you really believe that—" Eight began but was cut off as she felt the knife pierce her skin a little.
"Hey, get your hands off, or I'll kill you," Five seethed as he saw his wife's face contort in pain.
"Five, stop!" yelled the voices of the two siblings near Lila.
"Hey I know why you dragged me into the Commission, you were afraid of what she would do with all that power. She's dangerous," Diego said stepping closer.
"I know what it's like loving people who are dangerous, the only difference is..." he continued, his eyes darting to his siblings, "They love me back."
"Shut up," she hissed looking away from him and blinking her tears away.
"The only thing she loves is power. Now the minute she can't use you, she will turn on you, and deep down, I know you know that" he told her, his hand going forward to her hand on the knife.
Eight felt like a total third wheel at the moment, and the third tire that's about to pop, "Lila, she doesn't have to be your end, you have us, and we can help you," she spoke up not wanting to be left out.
The brunette's eyes darted to the blonde, then Diego, and the others around them, but before any more could be said gunfire rained on them, the sudden sound caused Lila's hand to slip and stab the blonde causing her to gasp.
The brunette moved out of the way as the bullets rained, none touching the blonde as they disintegrated, but she toppled down due to a different circumstance. The blade within her heart.
"Eleanor, Diego," she gasped, crawling towards the fallen siblings.
The young woman sniffed as she saw her fallen friends.
The Handler walked forward and looked down, a smile coming on her face as she saw the fallen Eight.
"Even in death she's gorgeous," she shook her head and cooed, looking at the knife in her heart.
"It's true what Eleanor and Five said, isn't it?" Lila questioned her mother.
"Darling I need to know we can get past this, be a happy family again? Hmm?" The Handler asked the kneeling girl.
Lila stood and looked around and saw all the dead bodies, "They're my real family," she said now walking up to the woman, "Do you even love me?" she asked sadly, she knew the answer but she wanted her to say it.
The woman didn't reply; rather she raised her gun and shot her. Letting her fall on the ground with the other siblings. Then walked around and heard Five gasp.
"Oh good, you're still alive. You got to see how this all played out. Your beautiful wife is stabbed in the heart, and like petals on a flower she perished," she smiled and lifted her gun at his head. Before any more could be done, bullets rained on the woman as she gasped and turned to see her culprit. The Swedes. And just like her analogy, the Handler fell, not like a graceful flower, but a tree blown off by a hurricane.
Five gasped as the man walked forward and was about to shoot him. But then past recollections of memories entered his mind.
We use my ability to time travel.
"You're the genius who said we should jump, Right? You're the one who got us stuck here." Luther's voice echoed.
"Maybe your appetite is disproportionate to the size of your abilities," Reginald's voice echoed, "Start small, seconds, not decades."
His puffs of breath could be seen in the air, but nonetheless, he began using his abilities to turn back time in seconds. Slowly he watched the Swede walk backward, unshoot the Handler. Getting up, his eyes darted as he watched Lila's body lift from the ground back to life and hovering over Eight and Diego's body.
His eyes darted to his wife who slowly got up, the knife no longer in her heart, and her dim glow surrounding her once more. Just as the rest of the siblings were back to where they first were.
Five popped out of the portal and looked down to see no bullet wounds in his body, he looked up seeing the same scene all over again.
"Lila, she doesn't have to be your end, you have us, and we can help you," she spoke up as Lila glanced at her.
This time before the Handler had a chance to shoot them, Five was one step ahead and grabbed the gun from the woman, pointing it at her.
Eight was able to back up before the knife could do any more damage. Looking around and the crazy woman who was about to shoot them all down.
"It's true what Eleanor and Five said, isn't it?" Lila questioned her mother, now holding the knife at her side, and looked at the woman with her hands raised.
The Handler said nothing and avoided eye contact.
"Answer me! Is it true?" Lila yelled as her eyes were teary.
"Well—" before any more could be said, she was shot and she toppled to the ground, again. Well for us and Five, for them (the people in the barn) not.
Everyone gasped at the sight of the dead woman. Lila took it as a chance to run towards the case.
"The case!" yelled Luther as he tried to step forward but Diego beat him down to it. Letting Lila disappear.
Five held his gun at the Swede, but dropped it, "Enough," Five said ultimately.
The Swede looked around the room and saw no one look hostile towards him, so he repeated his actions and dropped his gun, "Enough," he said in Swedish and walked out of the barn leaving the siblings alone.
Eight powered down, no longer glowing. She looked over at Five and the two hugged each other tightly, relieved that they were alive. Well...Eight....you died, but go off.
"You died," Five whispered into her ear as he gripped the back of her head onto him.
"What do you mean?" she whispered back, not knowing what he meant.
With one of his hands, he brought her hand to his head, as she used her powers to see what he saw. She saw herself get stabbed, and saw all of her siblings get shot.
She pulled away, and placed her hands on either side of his face, "But that didn't happen, you saved us," she reassured him. Placing a short kiss on his lips, "Thank you." 
"Vanya! Help" yelled the familiar voice of Sissy down below.
"Harlan!" Vanya gasped and ran down below.
Five and Eight looked at each other and followed her along with the other siblings.
"Sissy?" Vanya called out worriedly as she quickly ran down the steps, and tumbled into the power thing.
Eight saw the sight and immediately turned around. She may have gotten over the panic attack alone, but a sight like that would forever traumatize her.
"Whatever it is I gave you, I can take it back, okay? We just need to stop this," She heard Vanya's voice say to him.
Eight walked a little further from the group as she felt nausea coming up again, and leaned on a pillar. Then she felt the burst of energy in the room but was too afraid to look back. Five came up behind her and put his hand on her back as she was hunched over. She turned her head to look at him.
"The kid's fine," he responded.
Eight smiled in glee. Happy that someone was able to save the child, unlike her.
"Come on," he said to her offering his hand.
She took it and they began walking up when they heard a familiar zap. Someone from the Commission had come in. Five and Eight began walking out of the barn along with Diego who had heard it.
"Eight, are you sure your puking is due to your trauma?" Five asked suddenly.
Eight snapped her head towards him, eyes wide, "Of course it is why wouldn't it be?"
Diego coughed, "Well you know you slept with—"
Before he could finish his sentence, Eight stomped and sent the two flying towards the ground as she huffed walking off, "Unbelievable."
"Herb!" Eight squealed running over to the man and pulling him into a hug. The man put the case down and hugged her back.
"Guess we never got to talk after all," he said to her with a chuckle.
"Yeah, sorry," Eight sighed pulling away from the hug.
"Is she..." Herb started.
"Dead? For sure Herbie," she replied then felt the presence of the two next to her again.
"Five, Diego," Herb greeted with a smile.
"Who's running the Commission now?" Eight asked not letting the males get a second to talk.
Herb started fidgeting not knowing what to say.
Dot smiled and patted him, "Just tell them," she reassured.
"We need to elect a new board of directors. But until then, I've been voted in as acting chairperson," he said with a smile, not wanting to brag.
Eight smiled wide her dimples showing, "I knew you'd be there someday!" she said hugging the man and slightly lifting him.
"Congrats, Herbie, That's huge," Diego congratulated.
"I'm so goddamn nervous!" he confessed but still with a smile.
"You'll do fine," Five added.
"Oh thank you," he replied.
"Herb, we need a favor," Five finally asked.
"Oh, sure, anything," herb said with a smile.
"A briefcase, to get back home, where we belong," Eight spoke up her hands in her skirt pockets.
Herb pointed a finger at her and smiled then turned to the many men behind and women behind them.
"Take your pick," He said.
Eight smiled and looked over to two males, "Grab one I'll meet you at the house, I need to give Herb a word,"
The two brothers knew it was best to listen to her, as she was already pissed at them. The blonde turned to Herb and grabbed two envelopes with a note above from her coat pocket handing them both to him.
"If you would please deliver these, It'd mean the world for me," she said putting her hands back in her pockets, “Thanks for everything Herbbie.” 
The man looked at them and nodded, smiling, "Will do Mrs. Hargreeves," he said and paused putting them in coat, “And you are most welcome, you are a great friend.” 
"Bye Herbie," she said waving and turned around walking back to the house.
Her walk back was sort of melancholy, within her she knew something was going to happen. She didn't know when or what, but something was coming. Subconsciously she moved her hand to her stomach and sighed.
The life she ended up creating here was a short one. But the people she grew to know and love belonged here and they would stay that way. The Fitzgerald family had grown to love the blonde as one of theirs, and even though now she was gone, it would stay that way.
As she reached the home she paused standing outside getting a look at everything, one last time.
"Sorry about insinuating you know...." Five's said snapping her out of daydreaming.
"Well you better be," she huffed annoyedly.
"I'm just making sure," he chuckled, raising his hands defensively.
Eight rolled her eyes at the teen, “Be glad that the heat of moment let that happen.” 
“Trust me, those few hours will be on replay for the next few days,” he told her, he paused leaving them in silence for a while, "Wait when you were here did you ever date or go out with other boys?"
The blonde chuckled, "Of course I did," was all she said.
Her husband looked at her with wide eyes, "What—"
"Don't worry Eleanor was very safe," she let him know with a laugh patting his shoulder.
"Curse your good looks," Five huffed.
Soon enough night had reached the farm and it was time the siblings returned to their time. All of them surrounded Five who was getting the briefcase ready.
"Everyone ready?" aked Five to the surrounding family.
"Let's do it," Luther confirmed.
"Okay," he sighed as his wife held his shoulder with her left hand and held Allison's hand with her right.
"Wait!" Klaus exclaimed and ran back to the porch grabbing a hat and putting it on and running back to the circle.
The siblings held onto each other as he briefcase clicked on. One second they were at the barn the other inside the Academy with the familiar chandelier in the air.
As they appeared they looked around the familiar home. But Eight felt a different vibe this time, and she couldn't place it.
"It's April Second, 2019 the day after the apocalypse," Five said to the siblings.
Eight smiled and walked away from the group as they celebrated. She went into the living room and noticed the wall had a very different painting. It wasn't Eight or Five, but Ben...
"I knew you'd show up eventually," Reginald's voice rang as he got himself up from his chair. 
The blonde turned over to him just as the other siblings had arrived.
"Father...." she half chuckled seeing the man once more, "Good to be home."
The man raised an eyebrow, "Home? This isn't your home." Oh, that's not good.
"What are you talking about? This is the Umbrella Academy," Allison said she said.
"Wrong again," He spoke up, "This is the Sparrow Academy." He finished and looked up behind them as footsteps approached.
They all turned to see five shadowed figures from above, and the sixth, walking in through the door.
"Dad, who the hell are these assholes?" said the voice of Ben, or what seemed liked Ben, but a scar across his eyes.
They were in shock that's for sure. So the Umbrella Academy answered in the best way they could, "Shit."
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kaedeharakaori · 2 months
𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔 || 𝘍. 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘴
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On the first day of October, 1984, forty-three women around the world simultaneously gave birth. Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and playboy adventurer, made it his personal mission to find and adopt as many of these children as possible.
He got eight of them, and one of them was a siren.
゚ ⋆ ゚ ☂︎ ⋆ ゚゚ ⋆
Additional announcements will be posted on @kaedeharakaori to avoid spamming.
゚ ⋆ ゚ ☂︎ ⋆ ゚゚ ⋆
Note: Click the chapter titles to access.
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Characters submitted without propaganda. Top 2 will qualify for the tournament.
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halfblxvdprince · 1 year
**The umbrella academy in an interview**
Interviewer: Number Seven (Y/n Hargreeves), who would you say is your favorite sibling?
Five: It's obvious that's me because we—
Five: WHAT THE F!!??—
**Technical problems, the transmission was interrupted**
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ballarimd · 2 years
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Drawing inspired by @i-dropped-the-chief 's fic that has now consumed my life😀 Elenore is so special to me now I just had to draw her😭😭
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bia23 · 1 year
● Este AU es sobre la idea de la amistad entre Vance Hopper y Ben Hargreeves de The Umbrella Academy y los celos que está le provoca a Bruce Yamada.
Bruce y algunos de sus compañeros del equipo de beisbol estaban comprando dulces en el pequeño puesto que hay en el cine antes de entrar a la sala designada para ver una película de acción la cual el joven Yamada no recuerda el nombre.
El pequeño puesto de dulces estaba en frente de la sala 14-G así que, todos ellos, tuvieron una vista perfecta de Vance Hopper abriéndo la puerta de dicha sala para darle paso a un chico que estaba hablando sin parar. Pero lo que llamaba la atención no era que el joven Hopper le haya abierto la puerta a alguien más voluntariamente y de buena gana.
(Esto último era totalmente mentira, todos los chicos + Bruce estaban sorprendido por las acciones de Vance).
Sino que Vance Pinball Hopper estaba escuchando con atención lo que estaba diciendo el misterioso chico con una sonrisa y de vez en cuando respondía. Es decir, se notaba a leguas que Hopper estaba a gusto teniendo una conversación con el otro chico.
Ambos chicos (Hopper y el misterioso chico) se formaron en la fila del puesto de dulces y debido a la poca distancia que había entre ellos dos y el grupo de béisbol, los últimos podían escuchar a Vance y al otro chico hablar sin que estos se dieran cuenta.
X: *Haciendo grandes ademanes con los brazos mientras explicaba algo*.
X: ..¡Y por último todo el mundo sabe que preguntar: "¿Qué es lo peor que podría pasar?", en una situación como esa es prácticamente como ponerle precio a tu cabeza rodeado de asesinos a sueldo!
Vance: *Miraba al otro chico con una sonrisa burlona en su rostro pero se le notaba a leguas que estaba prestando atención a cada palabra que decía el otro chico*.
Vance: ¿Y tu punto es...?
X: *Lo mira con una ceja alzada despues de detener el movimiento de sus brazos *.
X: Mi punto es que eres un idiota.
Vance: *Lo mira con fingida ofensa tatuada en su rostro*.
Vance: Ese serás tú.
Vance: ¿Cómo es Eso que me dijo Finney la otra vez?
Vance: Hace falta uno para conocer a otro.
X: *Murmura*.
X: 그리고 당신은 그 문구의 완벽한 예입니다 ...(Y tú eres un ejemplo perfecto de esa frase)
Vance: *Niega con la cabeza con una sonrisa en su rostro*.
Vance: 나한테 좋은 선생님이 있었다고 말할 수 있겠지, 벤, 그렇게 생각하지 않니? (Se podría decir que tuve un buen maestro ¿No lo crees, Ben?
(Se puede decir que después de escuchar ese intercambio tanto Bruce como sus compañeros tenían la quijada por el suelo).
Ninguno de ellos sabía que Vance Pinball Hopper hablará coreano y no ir supuesto mo de la forma tan fluida con la que hablaba.
Pero mientras la fila avanzaba Bruce Yamada no podía dejar de reproducir los últimos momentos en su mente.
¿Vance puede hablar coreano?
¿Desde hace cuanto?
¿Ese chico era amigo de Vance?
Bruce sentía que le iba a explotar la cabeza por toda la información que estaba recibiendo su cerebro en ese momento.
Y ni hablar el estado en el que estaba su corazón despues de escuchar a Vance "Pinball" Hopper hablar tan fluidamente coreano. Como si fuera algo cotidiano para él solamente, como si ni siquiera tuviera que pensar en ello.
Una pequeña espina de incomodidad se incrustó en el joven Yamada al preguntarse si el hecho de que Hopper supiera hablar otro idioma estaba o no exclusivamente relacionado al otro chico con quien el antes mencionado (Hopper) salió hace unos momentos.
Y el simple pensamiento de que ese fuera el caso, le dejo un mal sabor de boca a Bruce.
● This AU is about the idea of ​​friendship between Vance Hopper and Ben Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy and the jealousy that makes Bruce Yamada.
Bruce and some of his teammates from the baseball team were buying sweets at the small booth in the theater before entering the designated room to watch an action movie of which the young Yamada can't remember the name.
The small candy stand was in front of room 14-G so all of them had a perfect view of Vance Hopper opening the door of said room to let in a guy who was talking non-stop. But what was striking was not that young Hopper willingly and willingly opened the door for someone else. (That last one was totally untrue, all the boys + Bruce were shocked by Vance's actions).
Rather, Vance Pinball Hopper was listening carefully to what the mysterious boy was saying with a smile and from time to time he responded.
I mean, it was clear that Hopper was comfortable having a conversation with the other guy.
Both boys (Hopper and the mysterious boy) lined up at the candy stand and due to the short distance between them and the baseball group, the latter could hear Vance and the other boy talk without them noticing. they noticed.
X: ..And finally everyone knows that asking: "What's the worst that could happen?", in a situation like that is practically like putting a price on your head surrounded by hired killers!
Vance: *He looked at the other boy with a mocking smile on his face but it was clear that he was paying attention to every word the other boy said*.
Vance: And your point is...?
X: *Looks at him with a raised eyebrow after stopping the movement of his arms*.
X: My point is that you are an idiot.
Vance: *Looks at him with feigned offense tattooed on his face*.
Vance: That will be you.
Vance: How's That Finney told me last time?
Vance: It takes one to know another.
X: *mumbles* X: 그리고 당신은 그 문구의 완벽한 예입니다 ...(And you are a perfect example of that phrase)
Vance: *Shakes his head with a smile on his face*.
Vance: 나한테 좋은 선생님이 있었다고 말할 수 있겠지, 벤, 그렇게 생각하지 않니? (You could say I had a good teacher, don't you think, Ben?).
(You can tell that after hearing that exchange both Bruce and his companions had their jaws on the ground).
None of them knew that Vance Pinball Hopper would speak Korean and it wasn't supposed to be so fluent in how he spoke.
But as the line moved on, Bruce Yamada couldn't stop replaying the last moments in his mind.
Can Vance speak Korean?
Since when?
Was that boy a friend of Vance's?
Bruce felt like his head was going to explode from all the information his brain was receiving at that moment.
Not to mention the state his heart was in after hearing Vance "Pinball" Hopper speak so fluently Korean.
As if it were an everyday thing for him only, as if he didn't even have to think about it.
A small thorn of discomfort was embedded in the young Yamada as he wondered if the fact that Hopper knew how to speak another language was or not exclusively related to the other boy with whom the aforementioned (Hopper) dated a few moments ago.
And the mere thought of that being the case left a bad taste in Bruce's mouth.
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deadlylittleth1ng · 2 years
Has it only been like three days since I last posted a chapter? Yes. But shh, it's fine. It's mystery time, guys. Let's solve a murder!
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daisythornes · 2 months
SO what i would've done in my epic perfect ending to the umbrella academy is:
- ok, if we must do the downer ending where they sacrifice themselves to save the entire world and must no longer actually exist. what would've been a lot more satisfying and clever in addition to that is: the umbrella academy comics exist in the new world.
Claire is the writer/artist mastermind behind the series, because she has this strange near-memory of someone once telling her these bedtime stories about a group of dysfunctional but endearing superheroes. she assumes it must've been her imagination, but still, there's a resonating echo of love.
boom. our brellies live on and get to learn and grow and be happy in some way, even if it's in fiction.
- when Five is talking to all the versions of himself in the Five Diner, he first thinks it's the whole family that's the problem with the timeline and yeah, that they'd need to die so everyone else could live, but then!
the other versions of him tell him that no, it's not the whole family that's the wrench in the gears of the universe. it never has been. it was him.
this whole time, he's been looking for answers in every direction but within. he was the only variable he hasn't considered, the last unknown.
more specifically, it was him leaving his family that broke the timeline and caused the curse of the inevitable apocalypse.
that led to the Commission, to the Kugelblitz, to the Umbrella Effect/Keepers Cult - to every possible bad ending, in every timeline Five and Lila ever saw.
so, uh... maybe after a conversation with Diego and Lila if they wanted to resolve that whole situation more.... maybe after a conversation with Viktor (Five's childhood best friend, despite the show literally always forgetting about that)...
Five gets on the timeline train one more time, then jumps back to the day he ran away. maybe he's young again but with all his memories intact, because he's figured out how to control that now, maybe he just tells his younger self not to mess with time travel or leave home.
either way, Five goes back to dinner. then he grows up with everyone.
Ben doesn't die, because Five being there helps save him somehow. Klaus gets better, Allison learns to let go, Diego and Luther reconcile, and Viktor has a best friend to tell him he's always been special, and help him sort out his powers properly.
Lila and the other Sparrows and Jennifer are still alive in this version of events, they just grew up differently, in different places and circumstances. they all find their way to the Hargreeves, because of course they do. Allison has Claire. my beloved Grace is there.
Reginald dies, and they dance at his funeral. the world doesn't end eight days from then, or any time after that.
the show ends with the gang dancing to I Think We're Alone Now, but they're in the same room this time, all together in their old house, and everything is the way they've always deserved.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 1 month
I like our kitchen is that okay with you?
Barbie dolls: five hargreeves x gn! reader
Words: 3.6k words
Summary: you guys are just lovey dovey while getting ready for Grace's birthday party
Warnings: set in those few good minutes of s4 when everything was fun and nice, insinuated you're an early riser, Viktor doesn't get kidnapped everything is perfect, you sleep on your stomach now, five touches your butt, mention of nonsexual nudity, you lean your head of Five's shoulder, insinuated you don't want kids but five could be joking who knows, you work at the library now and are a massive music freak, Fives a thrifting GOD, pretty much just docile and sweet five and you, five is still at the CIA oops sorry, you're kinda a passenger royalty Five will not let you open a single door, mentions that you have a bag but its not specific on what kind could be a purse could be a backpack could be a fucking draw bag tbh, you are fun, okay bye
Request: dude stop snooping on me how did you know it was a request
Five was the worst to wake up next to. He snored with his mouth open, drool slipping down to his pillowcase. Somewhere during the night, he flung his hand towards your face, pushing the blanket over your eyes. His hand was still resting on your forehead, palm to the ceiling. Somehow, one of his legs was hanging off the edge of the bed while the other was thrown over your butt. You thought about not sleeping on your stomach anymore so he’d stop kicking you on the ass at 2:46 am every night, but you worried you’d miss his contact. You had one hand resting over his heart, and as gentle and regular as your position seemed Five made up for it with his 'I'm a fallen spider’ position every night. Five jerked in his sleep, knocking the back of his hand into his chin. You sat up, glancing around the room.
With sleep clouding your vision, you gently move Five into a slightly less strange position. You pulled both his hands to his stomach, letting them rest there. You moved his one leg away from your behind, letting the other stay where it was halfway off the bed. You got out of bed, tucking the blankets back in on Five’s sides so he wouldn’t feel the difference in warmth. You still weren’t entirely sure if Five knew he slept so weirdly, you woke up before him every day.
You watched Five from the doorway. He smiled in his sleep, something fun must be happening in his dream. He snuggled further into his pillow, letting out a sigh. You headed towards the kitchen, playing your music very quietly as you started breakfast.
This was a pretty regular routine. By the time you were setting the plates down on the breakfast table, Five was stumbling through the doorway. You glanced up at him. Five squinted at the light peeking through the curtains from over the kitchen sink. He looked around the room, his shoulders sinking when he found you. Five headed straight for you, reaching his hands out for your face. He greeted you with a kiss. You pulled back from the kiss with a smile.
“You know, I never move. I don’t know why you look around the room like you’ve never been here before.” You said, pulling his hands away from your face to hold them. Five shrugged.
“Maybe I like looking at our kitchen.” You hummed at him, pulling away to settle into your chair. As you both ate breakfast, you studied the kitchen more than usual.
It wasn’t anything crazy. A strange part of your brain, that you didn’t like to talk about much, assigned colors to lots of things. For example, the number seven was orange however eight was green. If you had to pick a color for your kitchen you’d pick that weird middle ground between yellow and orange that sounded like swings squeaking when you tried to fly as a kid and staring up at the trees and watching the sunlight shine through the leaves.
Your kitchen was in a small rectangle shape. The cabinets were brown and a small rounded dining table was shoved into the back right corner. On the one long side of the rectangle were the sink, oven, refrigerator, and many cabinets top and bottom. It had a window over the sink, so you could peer into the backyard as you did the dishes. The other long side of the room was the open, welcoming the sight of your living room. A small line of bottom cabinets jutted out on that side along the line where a wall would be. You never added barstools on the side in the living room but you could’ve.
As of right now, it was that time in the morning when it had the calming feeling of the night but the warming sun of the morning. The light was peeking through the kitchen window, shining through the floral curtains Five found at some estate sale. The light caught in the beaded curtain you made and hung behind the small floral curtains and made colors dance on the kitchen counter and couch arm.
There were pictures of you and Five hung on the refrigerator with tiny magnets that had different foods on them. Once again Five found them at some estate sale. You looked down at your plate, remembering the tablecloth Five brought home from a thrift store because it was your favorite color with the tiniest embroidery of your favorite animal.
You leaned forward over the table, knocking Five’s chin up, and capturing his lips in a kiss. It was kind of gross. He had a bit of syrup on the side of his mouth and he tasted faintly of bacon. You settled back into your chair, continuing your breakfast as if nothing happened. Five squinted at you, wiping at the corner of his mouth and sticking his thumb in his mouth. You grimaced.
“What was that for?” Five asked. You shrugged.
“I don't know, I like looking at our kitchen.” Five stared at you for a moment like he was trying to read your mind. He hummed, paying his attention back to his food.
A few thirty minutes later, Five was rushing out the door while fixing his tie. You followed after him, half-ready yourself, your shift didn’t start for another thirty minutes.
“Brushed your teeth?”
“New toothpaste and everything.”
“Other hand.”
“They have some at work.”
“You hate that coffee.”
“I can’t hear you over me about to be late.” You glared at Five’s sass. He made a frown at your look. “Sorry.”
“Socks?” Five stuck his foot out at you, showing off his lovely charcoal grey socks. ”Summer colors, beautiful.” You said sarcastically.
“It's the CIA, my love, not a Betsy Johnson fashion show.” Five said, slipping his shoes on as fast as he could. He glanced up at you through his mop of hair.
“Did you do your hair?” Five glared at you. You dropped it, moving on to the next thing.
“Wallet? Keys? ID card?” You asked. Five pulled his other shoe on, standing up straight. He faced you again, smiling as he leaned down to grab his suitcase.
“It’s fine, baby. Just like literally every other morning. I’m not going to forget anything. It’s basically impossible.” Five said. You followed him to the door, holding it open as you waved him down the hallway. Once he turned the corner, you returned inside. You furrowed your eyebrows when you felt like you were missing something. Chalking it up to you still not being dressed for work, you headed back for your bedroom. You stopped in the living room when you heard the front door open. You walked back to the front door, bumping into FIve halfway there.
“Turns out I can forget things.” Five muttered.
“It was your keys wasn’t it?” Five shook his head. He leaned down and gently pulled you into a kiss. He pulled you closer by the front of your pajama shirt. You would’ve returned the ferocity, but you knew better than to wrinkle his suit. You held your hands up in the air next to your head but still leaned forward towards him. Five pulled back, still keeping small contact.
“I have to go.” He said, muffled by your lips. You wouldn’t have understood him if you hadn’t had this problem multiple times before.
“You have to go.” You repeated, and yet still leaning forward. FIve hummed.
“I have to go.” He said again, although there he was still keeping his eyes closed and lips pressed to yours. He pulled back, finally breaking whatever spell you two were under.
“I have to go.” He said for a third time, walking backward towards the door. You followed after him, nodding along. Five stopped in the doorway, staring at you. You motioned for him to go. He sighed.
“I love you.”
“Go.” Five nodded, slipping outside and down towards the driveway. You stood by the door again, watching him walk towards the car. You are startled when you realize you didn’t say it back.
“I love you!” You yelled after him, watching him spin around and blow you a kiss before settling into his car.
Hours and hours later, you were shelving books, as your average librarian does. You had one of your headphones in and playing your music. It was quiet, as many libraries are. You pushed another book into the right spot, before turning back to the cart. You pushed it down the aisle between the shelves. You heard the bell over the door ring. You abandoned your cart and moved through the shelves to get to the front door. When you got close enough you knew they could hear you, though not see you yet, you spoke up.
“Welcome, Let me know if you need anything.” You said before turning the corner. Lovely Five was waiting by the door with a bouquet. He was still in his work suit, though his briefcase must still be in the car. He smiled when he saw you. You walked the rest of the way to the front door, greeting him by wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Whatcha doing here?” You asked, smiling at him. You hoped most of the patrons were in the back searching for a book. Five moved the flowers away you two so you wouldn't crush them. He leaned towards you, pecking your lips.
“I came to pick you up. Thought my car would be better than the bus.” Five said. You hummed. You sighed and pretended like you weren't giddy just being around him.
“Yeah, I guess. My shift ends in 15 so start reading.” You gestured towards the shelves. Five nodded and headed off for the nonfiction section. You finished shelving and were riding home in Five’s car in no time. He brought the flowers for you, so they rested in your lap on the ride back.
By the time you were pulling into the driveway, you had two hours to get ready. Five ran as fast he could to get your side of the car. You stared at him confused as you opened your door. Five slapped your hand away from the door, shooing your head back in the car. He shut your door before pulling it open again and holding his hand out to you. You glared at him before giving him your hand. Five walked with you into the house before you split up after taking your shoes off.
You headed off to the living room to replace the dying flowers in the reading nook. Five headed off to change out of his Work Suit. You both got ready, moving at your own pace. You shared a shower in which Five watched you with a loving smile as you danced ridiculously to your music. Also where Five remembered how much he missed you shampooing his hair.
Then you were pacing around the house as you got into the outfit you planned your head for the party. Five skittered past you when you were working on transferring everything you needed from your work bag to your ‘I'm going to hand this to Five once we get there so it's no longer my problem and I can play in the ball pit’ bag. He slid into the bathroom with his socked feet and when you heard the hair dryer turn on, you focused back on what you were doing.
You talked yourself out of taking a book. (Very hard) Then you were being rushed towards the door by Five as if he wasn't the one stuck in the bathroom for 45 minutes with the blow dryer going. You pulled your shoes on as you stumbled out the door. Five locked the door behind you as you both jogged down the steps.
“Do you think Grace will like her present?” You asked, now worried she might hate what was inside the wrapped box in your arms. Five snorted, pulling his car keys from his pocket.
“Well if she doesn’t, I know Diego will like it.” Five said, taking the box from your hands to set it in the trunk. You hummed. It did make you feel a little bit better. You thought about Diego gasping with joy louder than Grace and stealing the box from her hands. You doubted he would do that but it was fun to imagine his dramatics. You settled into the passenger side. Five handed you the aux cord as he pulled out of the driveway. You took it from him, imeditally plugging it into your phone and playing your music. Five bobbed his head along while you sang along. He’d even throw in a hand movement sometimes.
When you reached the party you were just barely 15 minutes late. Shocking. You took he box inside from the trunk, letting Five hold the doors open for you. Five lead you through the building by your elbow. You smiled when you saw familiar faces. Diego came over to you two first. He took the box out of your hands, staring down at it in confusion.
“What did you guys get her? An entire litter of puppies and a bike?” Diego joked. You waved him off.
“No that’s ridiculous, the bike is in a different box.” You joked making Diego grimace.
“Oh, Ha-ha,” Diego said sarcastically taking the box towards the already growing gift table. Five stood next to you, shoving his hands into his pockets. Your shoulders slumped.
“I thought it was funny.” You muttered. Five rubbed your upper arm, cooing.
“It was hilarious, I almost pissed my pants.” Five said, pecking your cheek. You gave him a small smile before patting his side. He slipped his arm around your shoulder as you wrapped your arms around his waist, giving him a weird-sided hug. You pulled away, gripping onto his hand and leading him to the next family member you had to say hi to.
You approached the group of Luther, Klaus, Ben, and Claire. They were all facing each other, making a circle. You stood behind Luther.
“Excuse me, Sir. You can't be unattended without a child.” You said, raising your pitch so you sounded squeaky and, quite frankly, annoying. Luther turned his head around with a confused face. Once he spotted you, he smiled brightly and wrapped you in a hug. You dropped Five’s hand to hug him back.
“Oh it's so good to see you,” Luther said, pulling away from you. He moved out of the way, letting the rest of the group see you. Klaus cheered and clapped his hands. Claire immediately pulled you into a hug while Ben let out a groan. You stood back next to Luther.
“I’m here, too.” Five said, moving to squeeze into the circle between Luther and Klaus. Luther patted him on the shoulder. Klaus reached over and shooed Five away with his gloved hands without touching him. Five glared at Klaus. Luther pulled the conversation back to the center.
“So what are you two up to now?” Luther asked, looking between you and Five. You shrugged.
“Domestic things. Decorating our house, going to work, and trying new recipes on the weekends. It’s actually quite nice being a human and not in the center of an apocalypse.” you said. It actually felt really fucking nice that your biggest problem was what color to paint the bathroom. Five hummed.
“Right, so when are you two going to make me an uncle?” Klaus asked. You weren't entirely sure if he was being sarcastic or not. Five scoffed.
“Please, we’re too old for kids.” Five said, glaring at Klaus.
“Not to mention you're already an uncle.” You added. Klaus pouted at you two and hovered his hand over Claire's shoulder to simulate a pat. Five moved away from Luther's side and stood next to you instead.
“You know he's coming up on three years of sobriety?” you gasped at Claire. Five leaned forward as Luther smiled.
“Really? Klaus, that's amazing. I'm so proud of you. You should throw a party or something.” You said. Klaus shrugged. He shook his head.
“It's really no big deal,” Klaus muttered.
“Yes, it is. You should be proud of yourself Klaus, sobriety is hard work.” Five said. Five reached around the back of your arm and hugged your arm to his chest. Luther nodded.
“I'm very proud of you, I know that must've been a struggle,” Luther said. Klaus shrugged again. You hummed.
“Right well me and Claire are going to plan a celebration for your three years whether you like it or not.” You said. Klaus turned to Claire and shook his head no with a grimace. Claire started nodding back at him with an evil smile.
“Yes. Yep, uh-huh. It's happening.” Claire said. You tugged on Five's elbow.
“Right well, we have to go say hi to the others.” Five said, following after you as you walked away. You and Five split up. You went around to his siblings and had long talks with each of them over their current jobs, hobbies, and problems. Five went to find someone to complain to and find a beverage. The party flew by as you two went around to say hello to everyone. As soon as you were wrapping up your conversation with Viktor, it was present time.
Everyone circled the present table and more importantly Grace. Grace stared at the large pile of gifts and turned back to Diego and Lila.
“I don’t know which one to open first,” Grace said.
“Oo ours, Grace. Open the one from us.” You said. Five moved closer to you, holding your hand again. Grace nodded and pulled down the box covered in wrapping paper that Five picked out. Grace tore through the paper like it was butter and handed the scraps to Diego. The box was blank and held together with tape she could tear through. Grace pulled the box open and gasped when she could see inside.
She reached inside, pulled out two of the laser tag toy guns, and pointed them to the sky pulling the triggers over and over again. She laughed maniacally at the sky. Diego and Lila laughed. Grace spun around and pointed the guns at her parents, pretending to fire again.
“We got enough for the twins, Grace, and you guys so fun for the whole family!” Five shouted over the chaos. You smiled at Diego and Lila fighting back against Grace, turning her attention back to the presents. You leaned your head on Five’s shoulder. He hummed, his thumb brushing over the back of your hand. Presents flew by after that, everyone else gave her lame presents and you’re definitely not biased in saying that at all.
“Okay kids, this is your last chance to play. The parents are going to clean up and then we’re going to leave so play now.” Diego shouted over the short heads of children running around him. You gasped and pulled yourself away from Five. You handed him your bag, which he swung over his shoulder. You leaned down and slipped your shoes off, handing them to Five as well. He kissed you goodbye as you sprinted off towards the ball pit.
You played with Grace in the ball pit as the lame adults were cleaning up. You pulled Grace up into the air. making her squeal before dropping her back into the ball pit.
Grace quite enjoyed playing with you and about thirty minutes later, you were out of breath and even Grace was tired. Five walked over to the ball pit, standing next to the edge. He held his hand out, helping you out of the pit. You pulled Grace over the edge. She ran off to Lila, who spun her around in a circle.
“Did you have fun in the ball pit?” Five asked. You knew he was probably being sarcastic. He leaned down towards the floor with your shoes. You leaned back against the ball pit wall as he gently lifted your leg to pull your shoe on.
“Yes! It was amazing, you should’ve joined us.” Five glanced up at you, shaking his head. He finished with the other shoe and stood up straight.
“Not really my style.” He muttered. You rolled your eyes. You rudely mimicked his voice. Five latched onto your hand and dragged you towards the door.
When you finally made it home, you both undressed into your pajamas in a speedy fashion. You faceplanted into your shared bed, groaning. You rubbed your arms around in the blankets.
“I missed you.” You whispered to the sheets. You felt Five settle on top of you, using you as a full-body pillow. It was a little difficult to breathe with a full-grown person on your back but you’d let it slide.
“I was only gone for three minutes. And you say I’m the clingy one.” Five muttered, pulling his head over your shoulder and kissing your cheek. You hummed.
“Still think you are.” FIve groanded at you. “Not that it’s bad, I love you being clingy. At least you’re not being a dickhead. Well, more than usual.” You said, leaning over to kiss the side of his mouth. Five tried to hide his smile, knocking his nose into the side of your neck.
A few moments went by where you and Five just sat together. You nudged him off your back. He slid off your back, laying next to you instead. He scooted closer, throwing his arm over your back. You pulled your arm over his side, squeezing him even closer. Five sighed, his weight sinking into you in relaxation. You were so glad it was a Friday because tomorrow you could wake up and stay in bed with Five for hours. You ran your fingers through his hair, making him squeeze you closer.
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ohmyitsfaith · 1 month
Little survivors
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: Eight years later, you are visited by a very strange and violent lady, who makes a deal with Five to get you out of the post-apocalyptic world. With this comes the bonus of a comfortable life and a few calm years.
Warnings: The Handler. Think I said enough. Domestic life, but starts off with the Handler threatening people. Quite physically. Also in the middle it gets a bit steamy. Talks of pregnancy and birth.
Word count: 10.6k (shit this is long)
A/n: This was also a requested fic, as a part two to Little survivor. I tried to twist the storyline a little bit, hopefully you guys will like it. I like the idea that the Commission is a part of a society where everything is disturbingly perfect. Maybe I overthought this whole thing, but honestly, it birthed a kind of great story, so... Also, I was debating splitting this into two, but then the title wouldn't have made sense. Anyway, enjoy!
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As the days passed, life became harder and harder. But that didn’t stop you from enjoying time with your husband and son. Max was the cutest little kid and you really lucked out with his temperament being so good. He was the calmest little toddler, who then grew up to be a quite docile child. Sure there were a few tantrums, but in the end, he was a kind and calm little kid.
“Max!” you yelled for him as he played in front of the camp in the sand. He was now 10 years old and smarter than you thought was possible in the post-apocalyptic world. All thanks to Five, who provided the teaching material needed for him. With him working on the equations almost non-stop, it was up to you to try to get the best out of the material Five gave you.
You suddenly became aware of the deafening silence outside.
“Max?” you dropped the stick that you were using to light the fire for dinner and hurried out with your heart beating heavily in your chest.
As you rounded the corner, you saw a well-dressed woman, holding your son by his waist.
“What are you doing?!” you yelled at her, and, ready to save your son, you advanced toward her.
“Ah-ah-ah!” she held up her free hand toward you. “I wouldn’t come closer if you want this sweet little boy to live.”
“Mommy” Max whimpered in the woman’s hold.
You eyed him with worry in your eyes, then looked up, glaring at the woman.
“What do you want?” you asked.
“Just an answer,” she started, “where is Number Five?”
Your heart beat even more anxiously at that question. Five went out to gather more resources for the week and he was supposed to arrive by dinnertime. You were only expecting him around the time when the sun lowered beneath the horizon and that wasn’t til later.
“I don’t- I-” you stuttered.
“Don’t lie to me. I know you know where he went” the lady said calmly and you watched in horror as a small pistol was raised toward Max. “Now, where is Number Five?”
“Please don’t! I’m begging you, I don’t know where he is!” you pleaded, now on your knees. “Don’t hurt him, he’s just an innocent boy! Please.”
In that moment, the man in question turned up. When he saw the scene in front of him, a wild fire lit inside his heart. Not only was he scared, but angry as well. Who dares to threaten his whole world?! He dropped his gatherings and grabbing his gun, he ran up behind the unfamiliar woman.
“Let. My son. Go!” he gritted his teeth, holding the gun up toward the woman’s head.
“Ah, Number Five!” the woman turned around, smiling widely. “Just the man I wanted to see!” she thankfully put the pistol away.
“Who the hell are you?” he asked, still not putting his gun down, focusing fully on the woman, on every little move just in case she would hurt Max.
“Daddy” Max whimpered this time and Five’s eyes flickered over to him for just a fraction of a second.
“I’m here to help” the woman answered, still holding Max tightly.
“By holding my son hostage?” he asked, angrier than ever. “Tell me why I shouldn’t put a bullet right between your eyes!” he gritted.
“‘Cause…” the woman started, walking forward. Through your tears you could see Max struggling in her arms, trying to twist out of her hold. “If you did that, you wouldn’t hear the offer I’m about to give you” she said simply. “Which would be rather tragic, given your…” she looked back at you, “current circumstances.”
“What do you want? And be careful with what you say! My hands are quicker than you would expect” Five warned, his finger on the trigger, ready to shoot at any given moment. He just had to wait for when Max was safe out of her hands so he could shoot the woman dead.
“I work for an organization called the Commission” she started her explanation. “We are tasked with the preservation of the time-continuum through manipulation and removals.”
“I don’t understand…” Five’s eyebrows pulled together.
“Sometimes people make choices that… alter time” she shrugged. “Free will. Don’t get me started on that… When that happens, we dispatch one of our agents to… “she searched for the right words, “eliminate the threat.”
This caused Five to harden his shoulders, keeping the gun pointed at the woman, ready to shoot.
“No, no, no” she put her free hand up, chuckling. “You misunderstand me. You are not a target.”
“Then why don’t you let the boy go?” he hissed.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that just yet. I need your answer to my proposal” she smiled. “I’ve come to offer you a job, Number Five” she said. “We’ve had our eyes on you for quite some time. And we think you have potential!”
“What the hell are you on about?” he asked.
“Your survival skills made you quite a celebrity in the Headquarters” she explained. “The way you strive hard to protect what little you have and provide for them” she glanced back at you and then down at the boy in her hands. She reached out and caressed his head, which in turn made Five suck in a sharp breath. “That, and your ability to jump through time.”
“Don’t touch him” he hissed. “Tell me what’s in it for me? Why would I go with you?”
“You could get out of this place for one” the woman sighed. “And also go back to your family if you complete five years with us.”
“You… you’re saying we could be free?” he asked, glancing behind the woman, right at your still sobbing form.
“Once you served five years, your contract will be done, giving you a chance to retire to the time and place of your choosing” she smiled tightly.
Five thought hard about all that this woman was talking about. This could be his chance to save you, to finally give you and your family the life you deserved. He could live comfortably with you, have the domestic life you wished for and grow old.
“What about my wife and son?” he asked, which seemed to annoy the woman.
“You can bring them with you” she said and he could hear the distaste in her tone. “So, do we have an agreement?” she offered her free hand.
Five looked at you, lowering his gun slightly. You looked so scared, for him and for your son. He never wanted to see you like that. He didn’t want you to suffer. He wanted to give the both of you a chance at a normal life.
He looked at his son, who was sniffling in the woman’s arm, clearly scared out of his mind. The poor boy didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve to be so traumatized by this post-apocalyptic world, by this woman, who threatened his life. He should be better off, in school, with food to fill his belly, clothes that fit him well and a roof over his head.
He will do this. For you. For Max. For his family.
“Fine” he put the gun down and approached the woman to shake her hand. “I’ll do it.”
“Wonderful!” the woman lightened up, letting Max out of her hold and shaking Five’s hand.
The moment your son was out of the woman’s hold, he collapsed, his legs giving out underneath him. But in the next moment, Five reached out for him, pulling him up and lifting him into his arms.
“We shall leave momentarily. We have a lot to do” the woman turned away and walked into the little camp to sit down.
The second she was out of sight, you rushed to Five and Max and collapsed with the two of them on the floor.
“Five” you sobbed, your heart pounding in your chest. “Max, oh my poor boy.”
“Mommy, daddy” he cried, grabbing onto both of you.
“You’re safe now, you’re safe” Five tried to calm the young boy, who didn’t deserve all this. He pulled you in, close, so he could take in your features, making sure you were still there. “You’re both safe.”
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The first day at the Commission consisted of Five being dragged away for orientation and basic training while you and Max were herded to a room to wait for someone who would show you to your new house. 
You didn’t have to wait long: a woman with black hair and wearing a skirt suit opened the door. She had a kind smile on her face, and though she looked different and kinder than the other woman was, you still grabbed onto Max tightly.
“Oh, don’t be afraid!” she said quickly, her voice light and sweet. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m Dot, I work a desk job here. And I got the honor to show you to your new home!”
Still weary, but slightly comforted, you loosen your hold on your son, who looks at Dot in curiosity.
“I’m Y/n” you decide to introduce yourself. “And this is my son, Max.”
“Oh, what a cutie. How old is he?” her smile widens, a soft glow flashing in her eyes.
“He’s ten” you look down at him, still clutching your arm tightly.
“Aw, he looks a lot like Five. And his eyes! They look just like yours” she gushes.
“Thank you” you let yourself smile a little bit.
“Now, I’m sure you’re tired and in need of a good shower. Let us get going then.”
You nod, taking Max’s hand in yours and follow Dot out the door.
“We’re actually not far from the housing, you guys got a pretty adorable family home” she looked back at you as you walked through the entrance hall and then the doors.
It was a sunny day, colder than it was in the apocalypse, but the air was much fresher here. You didn’t know what year you were in or where you were for a fact. But you were just happy to be away from that hellhole.
“Do you know if…” you started and Dot looked back at you, curiously. “If that woman… will she bother us?”
“The Handler?” she asked and you shrugged. If that was her name… “Oh I don’t think she will. She only cares about agents, so you and Max should be fine.”
“And… and Five?” your heart raced. Was he in danger?
“That, I don’t know. I would assume no. She is a big fan of his, so if anything, she’ll make sure he’s fine” Dot hummed.
“Alright” you sigh.
Dot lead you through a small garden that was the Commission’s and you found yourself in view of a village-like assortment of houses. There were some smaller family homes and then there were a couple of huge buildings, which consisted of apartments.
“Do other agents have families?” you asked as you neared the main street.
“Field agents? No, most of them are either alone or only have a partner, no kids. But many of our people in filing or some of our security actually have families. Some smaller, some bigger” she explained.
You hummed and looked down at Max. Maybe he could make friends with other children. He wouldn’t have to be alone. And you could also meet some other moms…
You rounded a corner and found yourselves in a long street, filled with family homes and a playground.
“This is the street you will be living on” Dot smiled. “If you go down the road where we came, we actually have a clothing store and grocery store, so you can buy your own stuff. A bit further from the housing area, you can find an elementary school and a high school as well. Max will be enrolled by the end of the week. You’ll receive a mail from one of our staff.”
“He can go to school?” you asked, your heart picking up pace.
“Of course!” she smiled. “Only the best teachers there.”
“Oh” you nodded.
“Well, we arrived” she stopped in front of a beautiful blue house with white picket fence and a small garden. “Hope you’ll enjoy your stay with us. Five will be here any time he is free or has his day off. But don’t worry, Mary, the woman who lives in the house beside yours, and her daughters Betty and Lily are excited to get to know you guys.”
“Thank you.”
“Well, I’ll leave you to it. It was great to meet you” she stepped back and waved.
“You too” you smiled and waited for Dot to disappear down the street before squatting down in front of Max. “Are you okay?”
“Yes Mama” he nodded and though you could see a little bit of worry in his gaze, he seemed to say the truth.
“Alright darling. Shall we see what’s inside?” you caressed his cheek and he nodded, gripping onto your hand.
You stepped up the few stairs to the front door. There was a key in the door, presumably the one you were meant to use later on. You took the keys out and opened the door.
It really was a small and cute home. Everything aesthetically arranged, the walls and floors in beautiful contrast. It was a wild change from the apocalypse, where everything was very yellow most days.
Across from the front door was a kitchen and dining room with a door to the family bathroom. On your right was the master bedroom, which was painted in a similar light blue as the outside was. To the left, there were two rooms, one the living room and the other a smaller bedroom.
“Look, I think that will be your bedroom” you pointed to the open door. “Do you want to see it?”
“My… my room?” Max looked up at you, confused. “I will sleep alone?”
“Yeah” you nodded.
“But… I don’t want to” the boy’s eyes filled with tears. “I don’t want to be alone.”
“Oh darling” you pulled him in your arms. “You won’t be alone. We’ll be right across from your room. We won’t be far.”
“But at night…” he sniffled. “The monsters will come.”
“Your dad will keep you safe from them” you tried to calm him. “We’ll never let them hurt you.”
But Max was crying, inconsolably. You tried to think about what you could do. How could you help him? His sobs were twisting your heart and you felt as helpless as when the Handler arrived in the afternoon. Where you were unable to move, unable to help your little boy, who didn’t deserve all that. You could only imagine what was going through his head in that moment and now, hours after it.
“Tell you what. You can sleep with us for the first few weeks, okay?” you pulled away a little, looking into his eyes. “You can get used to your room during the day. Would that be alright, darling?”
“Y-yeah” he sniffled.
“Alright, now let’s get you cleaned up and some food in your tummy, okay?”
Max nodded, still rubbing at his eyes. You pressed a kiss to his forehead and walked into the dining room, where the door to the bathroom could be found. There was a shower and bath combination in the opposite corner, with some soap and shampoo. It was all neatly arranged and you once again felt that jarring feeling of everything being just… off. But you just took a breath and looked at Max.
“Do you need help or can you wash your body and hair alone?” you asked gently.
“I can do it” Max squared his shoulders, trying to appear strong and you smiled. “But…” he looked up at you. “Can you stay with me?”
“Yeah, of course. How about you take your clothes off and pee while mama goes and sees if there are some clothes in your room?” you suggested.
Max’s hold on your hand tightened for a second and you could see the conflict on his little face. But then he slowly nodded and let you go.
“Alright, I’ll be right back, okay? If you’re done, then stand in the shower.”
Max nodded, looking toward the bathtub. You quickly walked to the smaller room, leaving both doors open, so you could hear your son if he needed help. In the room there was a dresser and a single bed. It was clearly meant to be a kid’s bedroom, what with the wallpaper having dinosaurs and birds on it.
You looked in the dresser to see different sized clothes, both for boys and girls. You sighed in relief and grabbed two different sizes from underwear, pants and a t-shirt, not knowing which one will be good for Max. It’s been a long while since you saw new clothes and not to mention that you never had the luxury for Max to wear the right sized clothing.
“You’re in luck” you stepped back into the bathroom. “We got some clothes here. I brought you two sizes, we’ll see which one will be good” you smiled and watched as Max nodded, stepping into the shower. “I’ll help you adjust the water” you put the clothes down on the sink and reached out to the taps. “See, this has a red dot. It means it’ll give you hot water. And on the other side is a blue dot. It means cold water” you explained to him. “Hold your hand out, underneath the tap” you instruct him, kneeling next to the tub. “I’ll start the water, okay?”
Max nodded and squatted down, holding his hand under the water.
“Tell me if it’s too warm or too cold, okay? We’ll adjust it.”
With your help, Max got the right temperature and he - albeit a bit clumsily - washed as much of the dirt away as he could. You helped with his hair a bit, but otherwise just kneeled next to the tub, so he could do most of it himself.
“Alright. That feel okay?” you asked as you helped him out of the tub and gave him a towel.
“Weird” he said simply.
“I know darling. But now you’ll get used to it. It’s going to be all okay” you promised, drying his hair. “Should we see which clothes will fit you?”
Max nodded and so you picked up the smaller underwear first. To your surprise it slid on easily, even loose around his waist a bit. You knew that Max was a smaller kid then others his age might have been and that’s all thanks to the apocalypse. But you didn’t think he was this small.
“Should I see a smaller size still?” you asked him. “Or is that comfortable.”
“It’s okay mama” he shrugged.
“As you wish,” you sigh. “Are you feeling hungry?” you helped him into his pants and shirt as well.
“A bit” he nodded.
“Alright. I’ll see what I can do” you smiled at him. “Why don’t you grab a book that looks interesting to you and we’ll practice your reading while I cook?”
Max nodded and walked toward the smaller bedroom, looking back at you, to make sure you were still there. When he was reassured, he quickly went in and took a book from the bookshelf. In an instant, he was back in the corridor and taking your hand.
“Well, come on, then” you smiled gently and went up to the counter.
Max sat down at the small circular table, opening the book he grabbed. You watched him flip to the first page and looked at the words. He knew how to read, you and Five taught him. But it took him a little time.
“The story of… Doctor… Do- Dolittle?” he pronounced it slowly, then looked up for confirmation. You smiled at him encouragingly. “The first… chapter. Pudd-puddle-puddleby. O-once upon a time, many… years ago…” Max started reading slowly.
As he read, you started to look through the pantry to see what could be used to make a meal. You didn’t really know how to cook, but thankfully there were some cookbooks that you could use.
You always wanted to get out of the apocalypse, but never imagined what you’d do once you’re out. You never wondered about some of the simple facts of a normal life. Like how to cook. But you were ready to learn. Anything really.
You and Max spent the rest of the afternoon in the kitchen. He read slowly, page after page and you trying to put a meal together for your little family.
“Y/n, Max?” you heard the door opening and Five calling out to you.
“In the kitchen!” you called back just as Max sprang from his seat, running toward Five, yelling: “Daddy!”
You smiled as you walked toward them, seeing Five embrace the boy.
“Hey, little crumb. How was your afternoon?” he asked. “What did you do? Oh and what is that smell? Is that your hair?”
“Yeah! We showered! And daddy, you know, the soap smells so good!” Max rushed out.
“Does it now?” he smiled. “Well, I’ll have to see it for myself.”
“And I read a book about a magic doctor! He can talk to animals!”
“He can?” he laughed gently. “You’ll have to read it for me too, son.”
“C’mon!” Max stood up and pulled him toward the kitchen.
“Hey” Five smiled as he reached you.
“Hi, how was the orientation and training?” you asked, reaching out to him.
“Boring” he sighed and leaned over to peck your lips. “But I got my first assignment. I’ll be going there tomorrow.”
“For how long?” you asked, worried.
“Shouldn’t be long. It’s supposed to be part of the training, with a more experienced agent by my side, so maybe that day? Or two?” he guessed.
“Alright” you sighed.
“You’ll be alright?” he asked gently.
“I will” you nodded. “Just be careful.”
“I will” he promised.
You sighed and pulled away, turning to the stove, where the food was finishing cooking. As you prepared the plates, Max explained the plot of Dolittle to Five, excited about the story.
“Alright boys, it’s time to eat” you put their plates in front of them, full of warm food. “I hope it’s good.”
“I’m sure it is” Five smiled at you.
Truly, it was not so bad. It was definitely better than what you ate in the apocalypse, which was a relief. And even though you cooked the normal amount, there was so much left after you finished eating, you felt worried. You knew it would take time to get used to eating like normal humans, but you couldn’t help but worry about your son.
After dinner, you heard the clock chime loudly from the living room.
“What was that?” you furrowed your eyebrows.
“Oh, they didn’t explain it to you?” Five looked at you. “In the evening and morning the clocks chime to signal the end and the beginning of the day. We’re supposed to go to bed.”
“Oh” you frowned. “Okay.”
“We’ll get used to it” he comforted and turned to Max. “Well, little crumb, could you show me which soap was so good smelling?”
“Yes!” he perked up and jumped off his chair. “Come on daddy!”
You smiled at the two of them before picking up the plates and washing them. You once again marveled about the way water felt on your skin. You couldn’t wrap your head around the day you had. It was so far-fetched and such an outlandish idea, that your brain couldn’t accept it.
“Mama, could you read a bed-time story for me?” Max came to the kitchen, forcing you out of your thoughts.
“Sure thing, baby. Would you like me to read Dr. Dolittle?” you smiled gently.
“No” he shook his head. “I want to read it myself. Could you read something else?”
“Of course” you smiled. “Let’s go to the room and see what we have.”
You soon found a book called “The Wheel on the School”, which Max liked the sound of, so you gave it to him and turned around to look for some pajamas for him.
“What are you looking for, mama?” he asked curiously.
“Some pajamas” you looked back at him. “You know, when you go to sleep, you are supposed to wear some clean, comfortable clothes to bed” you explained to him.
“Here you go, son” you gave him the pair you found.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, sweetie.”
“Will you wear pajamas?” he asked as you went to the master bedroom.
“Yes, but first I need to shower as well.”
“Okay…” Max nodded. “Will daddy stay with me until then?”
“Of course” you nodded. “Now get into bed, I’ll read to you, until daddy finishes showering.
Max climbed on top of the king-sized bed and lay down beneath the sheets, in the middle.
“Comfortable?” you asked and Max nodded. So you started reading to him.
When Five came out of the bathroom, he found the beautiful scene in front of him. Max, in the bed, lying sleepily beneath the sheets, fighting to keep his eyes open, and you, sitting in the armchair close to the bed, reading to him in a soft voice. Five’s heart jumped, filled with warmth and love. His little family, who survived so much and who deserved the world. The reason he was doing all of this.
You finished reading and put the book down, looking at your fast-asleep son. You smiled gently and walked over to him, pressing a light kiss on his forehead. Then you looked up at the door, where Five was standing. He was clean and shaven. You smiled at him and walked up to him.
“You look good” you said to him sincerely.
“Thank you” he smiled and put his hand on your waist, pulling you in. “I didn’t dare to shave it clean, so I left a little stubble.”
“It looks good” you leaned into him, putting your hand on his jaw. “It feels good.”
Five let out an airy laugh and hugged you properly. The day was crazy and he couldn’t be more thankful for your strong presence.
“I love you so much” he murmured.
“I love you more” you teased, pulling a bit away, so you could put your hand on his cheek again.
“Not possible” he smiled.
“Everything’s possible” you countered and then leaned in to kiss him.
He held you close, gripping your waist tightly. In the unfamiliar setting, he finally found something familiar: you. The way you taste was still the same, your lips reacting to his. He was glad to be kissing you once again.
“I wish…” you sigh against his lips.
“You wish?” he murmurs, not wanting to let you go.
“I wish we were alone now. If just for a moment” you finish your sentence, kissing him again. “But I need to shower and our son is lying in our bed.”
“Hm, maybe later then” he surmised.
“In a few weeks. He will get used to his own bedroom and then…” you smirked at him cheekily.
“Can’t wait” he smiled, warmth and passion glinting in his eyes.
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A month later, Five finally got his first paycheck in his hands. And he couldn’t believe his eyes. When they said that the payout for a good performance was great, he thought that they would pay him good. But not this good! For weeks now he thought about what he could buy from the first paycheck. He could get more groceries, he could buy his son some clothes that would fit him and also could be his own choosing, he could buy you a beautiful dress, like the ones you fantasized about in the apocalypse and… Well… the most pressing one in his mind was a ring. So that you could wear the sign of your love.
And so, without much thinking, as his hours were done, he immediately blinked to the street of stores in the city. He found the jewelers and went in.
“Hi! I’m looking for wedding rings?” he smiled lightly.
You were in the kitchen, making a fruit salad when the door slammed.
“Max, I told you, be careful of the door!” you yelled out.
“Sorry mama,” he rushed in.
“How was school, dear?”
“Good! Bennet played with me in recess!” he beamed.
“Oh really? And what did you play?” you smiled and Max took a deep breath before he started gushing about his day in school.
True to Dot’s words, at the end of your first week in Temps, a letter arrived in your mailbox. In it, they stated that Max would join class 4/B, which is right in his age-group and well within his skillset. They also sent over some paperwork, essential for securing his identity as a citizen.
The first week in school was… trying to say the least. But thanks to Max’s good temperament, it became easier and easier each day.
Now, in the third week of school, Max was starting to make friends. The left side neighbor’s twin daughters Betty and Lily were also in Max’s class, so them, and now apparently Bennet as well, became fast friends.
It turned out that Betty and Lily’s mother, Mary, was working in a café on the street where the school was located, so after a couple hang-outs with the three of them: a deal was made. She would take the kids to school on most days, and when she wasn’t working, you would walk them.
Mary was also very helpful with understanding the town’s rules. The chimes from the clock in the morning and evening were only the beginning. There were also some other things like: lunch was strictly at 12pm, at 3pm you had to have a coffee break (or tea break for the kids) and chat with either your neighbors or your co-workers and also, there was a curfew of 8pm being the latest you could leave the house. You also couldn’t work into the night (the only exception being the night guards at the Commission building) and couldn’t leave your house before 7am. There were some others as well, but they were not essential to your days.
Now, after a month, you were finally starting to get used to Temps’ weird rules and even weirder people. Still, you couldn’t help but sigh in relief whenever 8pm rolled around and you could be alone in the privacy of your home with your husband and son.
“…And can you imagine? Bennet said it was such a cool game!” Max was still gushing about recess and you couldn’t help but smile.
Since he started eating more and healthier, he started growing. Not much in a month, but his clothes now fit perfectly on him and you didn’t have to fold the bottom of his pants up anymore. There was also a healthy glow to him, his hair becoming fuller and shining brighter. You were so glad to see the change.
“Honey, I’m home!” you heard Five call out to you and you smiled as Max’s rambling stopped and his eyes lit up.
“Daddy!” he ran to Five as he reached the kitchen door.
“Hi little crumb” Five smiled and squatted down to embrace him. “Did you have a good day?”
“Yes, the best!” Max beamed. “Bennet played with me in recess!”
“Oh really? Wow!” Five laughed, happy for his son. “That’s amazing, baby!”
“It was! And he invited me over for a sleepover!” he mentioned, which caused you to stop smiling and looked at Five, who also looked at you.
“Really? You haven’t said that yet” you put the spoon down into the bowl and walked to your boys. “Did he ask his mom?”
“He said he would once he got home” Max looked at you. “Mama, can I go?”
“I don’t know son, we haven’t talked to Bennet’s mom yet. We don’t know if she agreed to host the sleepover” you sighed and you could see Max’s face fall.
“Tell you what. If they show up, we’ll talk about it” Five tried to reassure the boy, but it didn't help much. He pulled away from both of you and turned to walk down the hall and into his bedroom.
You sighed again, sad to see your son so sad. Five stood up and you could see that he shared that compliment. But there truly was nothing you could do.
So you went back to mixing the fruit bowl together and Five went back to the door so he could take his shoes off before joining you in the kitchen.
“So, how was work today?” you asked.
“It was… fine” he shrugged. “I got my first pay-check.”
“Oh, yeah?” you looked up at him.
“Yeah and, I was surprised to say the least” Five sighed and got the paper out of his suit pocket. “Look at this” he walked up to you and showed you the paper. You almost dropped the bowl from your hands.
“What?!” you asked. “Is that real?”
“Apparently so” he nodded.
“Oh my God…” you blinked, looking up at him. “What do we even do with all that…”
“I don’t know” he sighed. “Well… this months’ I know, because I-”
But at that moment there was a knock from the door. You and Five looked at each other before walking up to the door. Through the glass, you could see a woman standing there. You looked at Five again before opening the door.
“Good afternoon” she greeted.
“Good afternoon” you greeted back with Five. “What can we help you with?”
“Oh my son, Bennet came home from school saying he wanted to invite Max around for a sleepover” she smiled.
“Oh, you must be Sharon!” you smiled at her. “I’m Y/n, and this is Five, my husband.”
Bennet peeked out from behind her and looked up at you.
“Good afternoon” he said shyly.
“Hi, Bennet” you smiled at him as well, then looked up at Sharon. “Would you like some fruit salad? I just finished making it.”
“Thank you so much” she nodded and followed you inside.
“Five, would you be so kind and tell Max that his friend is here?” you looked at him and he nodded. You reached up to take five small bowls out and turned back to Bennet and Sharon. “Bennet, a fruit salad?”
“Yes, thank you” he said just in time when Max came bounding out of the room.
“Bennet!” he shouted happily. “Good afternoon Mrs Meyer.”
“Hi Max” she smiled and let the boys sit together.
“Sharon, a fruit salad?” you looked at her.
“Thank you, I’ll take one” she agreed and you put some of the fruit salad in her bowl as well before placing it in front of the two guests.
“Max, Five?” you asked.
“Yes, thank you mama!” Max agreed loudly, while Five just nodded.
“Here you go, boys” you gave one to each of them. “So, Sharon. You were saying?”
“Bennet wanted Max over for a sleepover” she started. “I have no objections to Max spending the night if you are okay with it as well.”
“Yes, we…” Five started before rethinking his choice of words. “What I mean is, as you know Max had a difficult time adjusting to being away from us at night. We don’t wish to give you any trouble, should he get scared and decide that being houses away from us is too much.”
“I promise daddy, I won’t!” Max immediately said. “I’ll be good!”
“I have no doubt about that, sweetheart. We just don’t want you to feel scared.”
“But mama…” he looked at you sadly.
“How about we put down some ground rules?” Sharon suggested.
“What do you suggest?” Five asked.
So in over an hour, you talked it all out. You agreed that she could take the boys and there wouldn’t be a word about disobeying the Meyer parents’ words. If that would happen, they couldn’t go over to the other’s house for a week. The boys thought that over and then agreed.
“Max, come with me, we’ll put your clothes together” you told your son.
He eagerly followed you to his room, jumping around as he watched you grab a bag from the top of the dresser. You told him what to grab and he rushed to find it and give it to you. You neatly folded them into his overnight bag and once everything was in, you zipped it in and grabbed his hands.
“Listen son, this is the first time you’ll be away from us at night” you started. “But I want you to enjoy this. If you find yourself afraid, remember: mommy and daddy will always protect you. There’s nothing that can harm you” you told him and he nodded slowly. “I love you, baby.”
“I love you too, mama” he smiled and let you pull him in for a hug. You pressed a kiss to his head and smiled at him.
“Alright,” you stood up and walked out with him to the kitchen. “We’re ready.”
“Well, thank you so much for the fruit salad, it was really good” Sharon stood up, Bennet coming up beside her.
“Yes, thank you Mrs. Hargreeves!” he beamed.
“You’re very welcome. And Sharon, thank you so much for letting the boys have this sleepover. If this goes well, the next one is on us.”
Sharon nodded and herded the boys outside. You stopped in the doorway and Five came up to hug you from behind. You watched as Bennet and Max excitedly chattered, happy to spend time together. Five pressed a gentle kiss to your shoulder as you sighed, filled with worry.
Though Max looked engrossed in his conversation with Bennet, he thankfully looked back at you two and waved goodbye. You forced a smile and waved back. You stayed out until the Meyers’ car disappeared from view and then Five gently led you back inside.
“It’s going to be okay, my love” he said gently, hand around your waist and his other hand leading you. “He’ll be okay.”
“I know” you sighed, sitting on the couch with him. “I’m just worried.”
“I know, darling” he pulled you in his arms, holding you close. “But look at the bright side.”
“Which is?”
“He felt up to going. Remember the first week? He couldn’t even let you go to the bathroom alone. Now he’s finally healing” he explained.
“You’re right” you nodded. “Still, it doesn’t stop me from worrying.”
“And it doesn’t have to. You’re his mom, of course you worry about him” he reassured you. “How about I take your mind off of it?”
“What do you have in mind?” you looked at him.
“Remember our wedding?” he pulled a bit away from you and turned you to face him.
“How could I forget?” you smiled.
“Well, we’ve been married for… about fifteen years.”
“Yeah?” you blinked. “It’s been that long?”
“Yeah” he chuckled. “And I finally bought the one missing thing from that day.”
“You did?” your heart picked up speed.
“I did” he pulled the box out of his pocket. “It’s not exactly what I imagined… and I wish we could’ve chosen it together, but… I just wanted to surprise you” he opened the box and the sight of the two golden rings in it made tears spring in your eyes.
“Oh Five” you sobbed, reaching a shaky hand out to cover his own.
“Do you like it?” he asked, slight worry in his eyes.
“They’re perfect” you sniffled, smiling through your tears. “God, they’re so perfect.
“I’m glad you think so” he smiled sweetly and reached into the box, picking up the smaller ring. “May I?” he asked, holding his free hand out.
You nodded and offered him your right hand. He pulled it on your finger, then raised it up to kiss it. You sniffled as he reached his hands out to wipe your fingers.
“My beautiful bride, the gorgeous mother of my child” he murmured. “Thank you so much for staying with me.”
You sniffled, trying to keep your sobs and tears in. You reached shakily for the other ring and took Five’s right hand in yours.
“You’re the love of my life” you whispered, not trusting your voice. “I love you so much” you pushed the ring up on his ring finger gently, putting your own right hand next to it. “I can’t believe we finally have these…”
“I couldn’t be happier” Five turned his right hand and took your hand, caressing your knuckles.
“I’m so happy” you agreed, wiping your tears and looking up at him. “Thank you. For everything you do for us.”
“I love you” he replied.
“I love you too” and finally Five leaned in and kissed you.
It was so soft, so full of love, you couldn’t comprehend how there could be so much love. But you just pulled him closer, your hand going up to his soft hair, grabbing a fistful of it. His hands went to your waist and pulled you in his lap oh so gently.
“Five…” you breathed into his mouth, trying to convey the message you couldn’t form with words.
“Y/n…” he sighed, pulling your lips back on his, while guiding his hand holding your waist down to your ass, so in the next moment he could stand up with you in his arms.
You yelped, but then you were back to kissing him, letting his tongue in your mouth as he walked with you toward your bedroom. Your legs wrapped around his waist, pushing your bodies together. You were in the bedroom quicker than you could’ve imagined, the door slamming shut behind you.
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The sixth month of your stay at Temps became a huge deal. Not only was it a really long time that you could stay in one place and be perfectly comfortable, but also it became a big milestone in your lives.
Around the fourth month of staying in Temps, you found out something really big. Like huge. It wasn’t something you were expecting or hoping for, but you were still really happy. You still remember talking about this with Five.
“So… uh, Five?” you started the conversation one night after you put Max down to sleep.
“Yeah?” he looked at you, climbing into bed and pulling you in close.
“You know when we were talking about Max, way back when…” you tried to find the right words.
“Back when…” he tried to urge you on with your explanation. “In the apocalypse?”
“Yeah…” you nodded into his shoulder, trying to contain your anxiety mixed with excitement. “Specifically when he was just a little toddler.”
“Hm, still not sure which conversation you refer to” he hummed.
“Well it wasn’t just that one time we talked about this. But that was the first time. Actually we talked a lot about this, all things considered” you explained vaguely.
“Is it about his normal life?” he asked.
“No- well partly” you agreed.
“So… what is it, Y/n?” he caressed your shoulder.
“Okay, okay” you got up suddenly, kneeling beside him. “So… things have been going better for us, right?”
“Yeah” he nodded, turning to his side to look at you properly.
“And we’re no longer in the apocalypse…”
“And, well… I know it’s a bit late and Max is so old now, but…” you stopped for a second, not sure if Five will be happy.
“But…?” he was holding his breath now, you could tell.
“I’m- I’m pregnant” you finally blurted it out.
For a moment there was silence. You could see the wheels turning in Five’s head. Then he was up on his knees as well.
“Are you serious?” he asked, shocked.
“Y-yeah” you nodded, afraid of his reaction.
“You’re really, really serious?” he grabbed onto your hands.
“Yes. Are you-” but you couldn’t even finish your question because Five grabbed you by your sides, pulling you close and squeezing you.
“You’re really pregnant” he whispered, though you couldn’t decide whether it was a question or a statement.
“Yeah” you whispered back, still a little confused about his reaction being happy or not so much.
“Oh my God…” he breathed out and that’s when you became aware of his shaking body and the sudden wetness at your neck, where Five buried his head.
You finally smiled and let yourself get lost in Five’s warm embrace and pure love.
And since then you tried to figure out Max’s stance on siblings. You haven’t popped yet, so you could hide it from him, even if that made you feel bad. You never really had secrets in front of Max, especially not big ones that concerned his future as well.
But you heard enough horror stories about kids reacting badly about a new addition to the family before, so you wanted to be prepared. You didn’t want Max to feel like he’s loved less just because there will be a baby in the house. And though you didn’t ask him right out about siblings, there were a number of ways you deduced whether or not Max was ready for a baby sibling.
Today, you noticed in the morning, while you were getting dressed, that your stomach seemed a lot… bigger. It took only a second to realize what happened: you popped. So it was time.
By some twist of fate, it was Five’s day off. And so, immediately as you noticed, you stalked out into the kitchen, where he prepared morning coffee and breakfast.
“Five” you whispered. It was still early in the morning and you didn’t want to wake Max up.
“Yes, my love?” he asked, looking up from his book.
“I popped!” you smile at him, turning to the side, so he could see the big change in your figure.
“Oh my God!” he put his book down, eyes filled with wonder. “You really did!”
He stood up from his seat and walked to you, so he could caress over the bulge of your stomach. You were looking up at his face, seeing him so focused on your belly, eyes full of wonder and love.
“You’re so amazing” he whispered, his free hand going around your waist and pulling you close.
“No, you are” you smiled, lifting his chin with a hand. “Without your hard work, we wouldn’t be here, safe. But thanks to you, Max could heal, we could build a life and also,” you put your hand on his, that was still caressing your baby bump, “expand our little family.”
Five smiled at you gratefully, then leaned in to kiss your lips sweetly. He pulled your robes in again, when he suddenly heard shifting from Max’s room and smiled at you encouragingly.
“Today’s the day.”
“Yeah” you sighed and sat down at the table, grabbing one toast from the pile.
The next moment, Max’s door opened and your son stumbled out, completely out of it from sleep. You smiled at his sleepy face and the way he sluggishly walked toward you and Five.
“Hey there, little crumb” Five smiled, embracing his son when he reached him. “How did you sleep?”
The only answer was a little grunt, which made both Five and you giggle lightly. Contrary to you and Five, Max was not a morning bird. While both you and Five got out of bed easily in the mornings, on most days you had to practically drag your son out.
“Darling, come, there is breakfast here for you” you said gently and pulled a chair out for your son to sit down on. “How about some milk, would you like some?”
Max nodded slowly and sat down next to you. You got up to grab the milk, pouring some for the young boy.
“Here you go” you smiled at him.
Breakfast went by in silence, Max waking up more and more as he ate. Soon, he was starting to chit-chat about the weekend and how you could go to the playground.
“We can, right?” he looked at the two of you and you shared a look with your husband.
“Not right now, son” Five put a hand on his smaller one. “Actually, mama and I want to talk to you.”
“Did I do something wrong?” he asked, immediately scared about being told off.
“No, no” you said quickly, placing a hand on his other hand. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong. There’s just something that’s… Well…”
“There will be some changes in our lives…” Five helped you out. “Soon.”
“What changes?” Max looked between you.
“Well… you know how mama has been feeling unwell for the past few weeks?”
“Is… is mama sick?” Max turned to you, his eyes filling with tears.
“No darling, I’m very healthy” you smiled gently at him. “The sickness has been caused by something else” you thought for a moment on how to approach the subject. “You know Betty and Lily, how they’re sisters?” Max nodded. “They were born on the same day. But you can have siblings a few years in-between.”
“Like Dean and Paul?” he asked, referring to his classmate, who had a younger brother.
“Yes, like Dean and Paul” you nodded.
“What we’re trying to tell you is that mama is now…” Five started. “Well, mama is carrying a baby. In her stomach.”
“What?” Max looked at you, his brain working overtime.
“Yeah, darling” you moved a bit around the table, so he could see your midsection and you opened your robes. “I’m pregnant.”
Max blinked a couple times, reaching out to touch your stomach as if not trusting his eyes. “There’s a baby in there?”
“Yeah” Five nodded.
“And… he is going to be my little brother?” he asked, looking up at you.
“Or sister, we don’t know their gender yet” you smiled. “Are you happy?”
At that question Max’s eyes filled with tears and moved in to hug you. He was gentle, steering clear from your belly. There, he nestled his face into you and nodded a little.
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Around your one year mark of staying at Temps, you were about ready to pop. You ached everywhere, your feet were swollen and you were constantly tired. It was no longer fun being pregnant.
But in hindsight, it was a better pregnancy than it was with Max. There were obvious differences and not just because you were in an apocalypse then. Your stomach was bigger and rounder than it was with him and also, your feet had swollen more.
You were ready for the baby, more so than you were when you learned that Five was going on a longer mission in a few days.
“Come on, baby. I don’t want your father missing your arrival” you groaned as you tried to get off of the couch in the afternoon. “He deserves to be there to greet you. Please.”
But the only thing you can do is wait. Wait for the baby to feel ready. Your doctor said that from the 38th week, it can happen any day. And you couldn’t be more happy about that fact. You were ready for them to arrive.
But they didn’t arrive that day. Nor the next one. And Five’s departure for his mission just kept crawling closer.
“Don’t worry” Five tried to placate you every night. “They’ll be here soon. And I’ll be right by your side.”
You talked to Mary about this as well. She was nice enough to offer Max a place to stay, should your labor start during the day. Which was also a big question mark in your head.
“What if my water breaks during the night? After the curfew starts? What then?”
“Well…” Five looked up from where he was massaging your feet. “I helped deliver Max, so I don’t think we’re in any danger.”
“Yeah, but what if you’re gone by the time this little one decides to come to the world?” you huffed.
“That won’t happen” Five got up and leaned over the armchair to press a kiss to your lips. “Don’t worry, everything will be okay.”
“I hate this” you pouted.
“I know” he smiled gently and then went back to massaging your swollen feet.
On the last day, you start feeling worse. In the morning, you found some weird substance in your underwear, which at first weirded you out, then realized that it was probably related to your pregnancy. Your doctor was on a day off, so you couldn’t go in, but you could go to the payphone at the end of the street and call them.
They told you, after explaining what happened, that that was a good sign. Your labor was finally approaching. It still could be days but it could be only hours. They also told you to call them if any more advancements are made.
The whole day, you barely got anything done. You tried to do something as simple as sweeping the floor, but your back started aching almost instantly. You did manage to make some warm food for dinner, when your two boys showed up.
“Hi mama” Max came home first, but only a couple minutes before Five showed up.
“Hi darling” his smooth voice called from the hallway. “What did the doctor say?”
“To call them when my water breaks” you sighed, rubbing at your lower stomach.
Five hummed and came up to press a kiss to your cheek, then to Max’s, who was sitting beside you, caressing your stomach.
“The baby doesn’t move as much” Max voiced his sorrow.
“They’re sleeping more” you explained. “They’re getting ready to see you.”
“Really?” he looked up at you.
“Really” you smiled gently.
Time ticked by, slowly, even as you wished it would rush. You were in so much discomfort, you really wished that time would pass, so you could just FINALLY-
In that moment, a weird sensation ran through you and you felt a warm sensation run down your legs. Looking down, you saw that your previously dry pants were no longer dry.
Breathing hard and slightly panicked, you yelled out: “Five!”
In just a fraction of a second, Five blinked next to you and grabbed your hand, looking frantic.
“What happened?” he asked, clearly just as panicked as you.
“My… my water just broke!” you told him, still in shock. “What- what do we do?”
“Uh…” Five looked up at the clock. It was 7pm. He could try calling your doctor, but it was unlikely that they would be able to come and it was an hour til curfew. “Shit… I’ll go call the doctor, you… just try to breathe and lie down.”
He quickly made your bed, heaping the pillows, so you would be in a half-sitting, half-lying down position. He helped you lie down and then blinked into Max’s room, where he was reading his favorite book. Soon, Max was knocking on your bedroom door and then peeking his head in.
“Mama?” he asked, looking slightly scared.
“Hey darling” you breathed out, wincing at a sudden pain in your lower stomach.
“Is the baby coming?” he walked up to the bed.
“Yeah, I think they want to” you sighed.
“Does it hurt?”
“Yeah” you nodded, not wanting to lie. “It hurts really badly. But don’t worry, they’ll be here soon and it won’t hurt anymore.”
“Can I help?” he asked, ever the caring little boy.
“You could bring me a glass of water while daddy gets back” you smiled at him as gently as you could.
Max nodded and rushed out to fill a glass with fresh water. He was soon back, giving it to you.
“Thank you darling” you sighed as you took a couple sips.
Five was back within a couple minutes, but not with good news.
“I reached the doctor, but they can’t come” he sighed, frustrated. “He said your delivery could be an hour from now or even 24.”
“Oh God…” you sighed, dropping your head back down. “So I’ll just suffer here?”
“I’m here with you. We’ll get through this” Five took your hand gently in his, then looked back at your son, who was waiting by the bedside table, tears in his eyes. “Max, darling, I think you should go to bed. Mama will be alright” he said gently.
“But I don’t want to leave her. She’s hurt” he sniffled.
“Darling…” Five walked to him, but you interrupted him.
“Let him be here” you told him. “But Max, you have to do what daddy tells you, while you’re here, okay? Once the baby starts coming, mama will be in a lot of pain and you can’t stand in daddy’s way.”
“I promise to be a good boy” he nodded eagerly. “Please, daddy.”
“Fine” Five sighed. “I’ll get some towels.”
Your labor advances quite slowly and every half an hour you get up to walk around with Five’s help. You couldn’t be happier that he was there with you. And Max, he seemed to grow up quite a lot in the hours since your labor started. You of course wished you could spare the young boy from seeing you in pain, but you also didn’t want him to have to be scared in his room as he heard you scream through your delivery.
Which he instead got to experience right by your side. Though Five told him that he didn’t have to take your hand as you couldn’t control how tightly you hold onto it, he did anyway. His eyes were filled with tears, but he didn’t let go of your hand as you delivered the baby, his sibling.
It was quite a shorter process than it was with Max, but somehow more painful. But that all washed away, when Five finally handed them to you.
“It’s a little girl” Five said, tears in his eyes, looking at the crying baby. “I’m so proud of you, darling” he leaned down to kiss your sweaty forehead.
You sobbed as you held your little girl close, so small and fragile. Five disappeared into the bathroom to wash all the blood and other fluids away from his hands and arrived back to seeing Max on the side of the bed, looking down at his sister.
“She’s so tiny” he said quietly.
“Yeah. But you were smaller” you smiled at him.
“Really?” he blinked, his eyes big.
“Yes” Five agreed, grabbing a washcloth and cleaning up the area. “Max, how is your hand?”
The little boy seemed to only just notice his hand, too preoccupied by his sister. He lifted it and showed the red marks on it, that resembled your fingers.
“Oh darling, I’m so sorry” you teared up again. “Mama didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“It’s okay mama” he smiled. “It hurts, but you were hurt more.”
“You’re such a strong kid” Five praised him, kissing his head. “But come on, I’ll get some ice on that for you.”
“But mama…” he started, but then just nodded.
Once things calmed down, Max was sitting on one side of you and Five the other. You looked at your husband.
“What do you think her name should be?”
“I was kind of thinking about flowers…” he hummed.
“What about Penny though?” Max chimed in, looking at his baby sister in your arms.
“Penny? Why Penny?” you asked him gently.
“I don’t know” he shrugged.
“Well, I like Penny” Five agreed with his son. “Not my first idea, but I like the name.”
“I do too” you nodded, smiling down at your sleeping daughter. “Welcome to the world, Penny.”
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Days, months, years passed in Temps as your little family grew. Max was now 13 and baby Penny 2. They were the bestest friends, even when Max’s temper got the best of him. He was going into puberty, his hormones working more and more. But the one thing he never did was hurt his baby sister, no matter what. He was gentle with her at all times.
Five was working hard. Not just with the Commission jobs, but with the equations to get you back to 2019, back to his family. He was getting closer and closer to the answer every day, but didn’t know how close.
One day though, when he was waiting to finish his work for that day, he looked through his book again. There it was. The answer. His heart beat fast as he stared at the book. He could finally… they could finally go…
But before he could think more about it, he had to finish the job and get back home as soon as he could. He needed to see Y/n, the kids. So for the next few minutes, with his heart beating fast, he waited with bated breath, keeping his gun trained on where the target would be. It was only minutes, but he felt like hours passed. He never thought time could pass by so slow.
And when the job was finally done, he wasted no time in jumping back to the Commission, passing his briefcase down and blinking into your home.
“Y/n, get the kids, we’re going” he yelled immediately, pulling his book out.
“Going? Where?” you asked from the kitchen, where you were feeding baby Penny.
“Back to my family” he said lowly when he reached the kitchen. “Come on, before they realize what I’m planning.”
“Okay” you breathed out, anxiety coursing through your veins. You put the bowl from your hands and picked her up from the highchair. “Max!” you yelled from your son as you followed Five to the living room.
“Yeah?” he called from his room.
“Come on, put your shoes on. We’re going home.”
“Home? We are…” Max stopped as he realized you didn’t mean this home. You meant the home in another time. Without another word, he put his shoes on, also picking up baby Penny’s shoes and your own as well. “Here you go, mom.”
“Thank you” you smiled thankfully at him, taking Penny’s shoes first.
“Stand by the door. This portal will be big” Five instructed, stepping back as well, his hands curling into fists.
Max took Penny from your hands so you could pull your own shoes up. The living room was suddenly lit in a blue light and you could hear Penny coo at it.
“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” Max asked and gave her back, when you finished tying your shoes.
Suddenly there was a… fire extinguisher? flying through the portal and you only just pulled Max out of the way from it.
“Woah…” Max looked at the objects now rolling on the floor.
“Take my hand” Five suddenly yelled, reaching back for Max. “And take your mother’s.”
Max immediately took yours in his right then Five’s in his left hand. “Dad…” he didn’t, couldn’t say more, but Five looked at him.
“It’s gonna be alright” he said as gently as he could.
With that, you all took a step forward, holding each other’s hands. Going through the portal felt like wading through thick mud, the energy around you almost forcing you back. But your strong hold on each other didn’t let it.
Soon you were falling, your hand letting go of Max’s as you curled your arms around Penny, to protect her from the fall. Five did the same thing with Max and you all landed in a heap.
Groaning, you got off of Five, Penny safe in your arms. Five stood up as well, looking at Max who was…
“Mama?” the word made you turn to… little Max.
“What…” you blinked, looking at your husband, who was…
“Does anyone see little Number Five and other kids, or is that just me?” a guy asked from your right, but you couldn’t take your eyes off of Five.
“Five…” you whispered, confused and shocked, bouncing a crying baby Penny in your arms.
“Y/n…” he looked you up and down, then himself as well. “Shit…”
[Part 1] [Masterlist] [Part 3]
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Taglist: @snixx2088, @piopoi87, @izzyj12119, @groovydazephantom
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pixiescoffeeshop · 8 days
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♡ ⑅˚₊ going soft on me, hargreeves ? PART ONE.
a five hargreeves multi-fic . . 🌻🕰️ — intro.
warnings : minor cursing .ᐟ mentions of blood.
author’s note : MOSTLY BASED THIS OFF RAPUNZEL READER because tangled is my favorite movie and she’s literally me 🙈 (atp this is a self-insert) AHH but also almost like harley quinn-ish? BUT WHATEVERR happy reading cuties <3
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five wiped the blood off his face with his navy blue jacket’s sleeve. his siblings all feeling and looking defeated against the sparrows.
“i’ve never had my ass handed to me like that before.” luther spoke faintly, five squinted under the sun in attempts to relax his body off from that spur of the moment fight. “it’s like,” luther spoke again. “here you go.” he motioned his hands at a confused allison. “it’s your ass.”
despite the pain, five couldn’t get his mind off one of the sparrows. the younger one, with the upbeat personality. he was too busy fighting jayme, but he was incredibly intrigued by her. he could watch her fight diego and allison for a bit, with her own powers. — which was light manipulation.
during the fight, five watched her play with her hands and the light that poured in the hargreeves’ mansion as a distraction for her siblings.
viktor sat by five, “someone’s crushing.”
“yeah, me.” diego replied, stretching his back.
allison rolled her eyes, “i don’t think that’s what viktor meant.” she moved her eyes towards five, who stared at all of them like they were crazy. “a real delight that number eight was, wasn’t she?” klaus commented with a light-hearted laugh. “let’s just find a place to stay, yeah?” five rolled his eyes.
— 𐙚₊˚⊹ ⭐️
five needed a break from his siblings. the hotel klaus had found for them wasn’t half bad, but the coffee they served was complete, and in his words : ‘dogshit.’ which was the only downside of it all really. a very big downside.
five walked into griddy’s donuts in attempts to get a decent cup of coffee. he sat down and waited for her order to be taken when, “umbrella asshole?” one of the waiter’s asked him. it was number eight, just in a diner uniform, and holding a pitcher of coffee.
she looked at him confused. “what are you doing here?” five furrowed his brows, “i should be asking you that.” he retorted. she gave out a big smile at that. “okay ‘ya grump, i work here, actually!” she gave a charming wink as she poured him a cup of coffee.
“i take it you’re a black coffee kinda guy?” her voice overlaping the sound of the coffee pouring in. he took the cup and sipped, “am i suppose to be flattered by that observation?” he asked upon putting the cup down. “i’m just very curious is all.” he fought the urge to mirror her infectious smile.
“also, it’s not just number eight, it’s (name). or — (nickname) if you want.” if it was possible, she smiled brighter. how can anyone be so cheery? five thought to himself. also, why isn’t she kicking my ass right now? “anything to eat for you?” she pulled her pretty and sticker-covered notepad out.
he shook his head, “not hungry. far too much things on my mind.” he tapped his foot on the ground. (name) watched him, his anxious stance and his constant worried eyes. “wait here, yeah?” she spoke before running off to the back of the diner. five watched her rush away, only to come out a few moments later with a plate of waffles, eggs, and a few slices of strawberries.
she placed the plate before him, the maple syrup on top with a smiley face. “what’s this?” he asked with a dead-panned expression planted. (name) shrugged as she sat across him, “my treat, silly.” she beamed another smile at him.
five was hesitant, but took the fork from beside the plate and started digging in. his eyes grew wide at the taste, it was delicious. it felt like being home again. “it’s mom’s recipe. nobody really calls her mom besides me, they make fun of me for it.” she giggled lightly.
five looked at her, “it’s really good.” after five finished he put the fork on the plate and put it away. “thank you! also, i’m very sorry for this five.” she cackled a little more, a confused five realized his mistake and stood up, the girl began fighting him.
she attempted to punch him on the side of his face, but he dodged it with his forearm. he returned the attacked with a kick to her face, blood oozing out of her might-be broken nose. she laughed, impressed, wiping the blood off with her fingers. they began fighting more, to which people inside had run off and evacuated.
(name)’s boss continued to yell at her to stop, but (name) knew damn well she wasn’t going to stop. she hit five in the stomach with her knee, five hunching over, and (name) continued with a back-kick on the side of his face. five coughed before pushing her into the table.
“you fight real good, for a seventeen year old.” she spat the blood out of her mouth on the floor. “and you fight really weak for a girl who can manipulate light.” five time-jumped on the table she’d collided her back with, and tried to kick her once again on the face, but to his surprise only met a blinding light.
and once five was distracted trying to find his vision again, (name) pulled his feet out to get him on his back. five landed with a thud! the pain rising from the bottom of his ass to his back. “lunch is served!” her laugh echoed across the diner. five time-jumped again, under the counter.
(name) looked for him, her platforms clanking on the ground. “where are you five? we’re not done here yet, grump.” she sang, another laugh escaping her lips. she spat another puddle of blood out of her mouth. five panted heavily, trying to catch his breath.
this girl was crazy. how could she be laughing at a time like this? and how was it that she was killer fighter? “come on five, you going soft on me hargreeves?” she walked the place around a little bit more. is that why diego and allison looked that bad after the fight back at the mansion? because of her?
“there you are handsome.”
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lahotelbellamuerte · 2 years
𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗘𝗡𝗦 𝗜𝗡 𝟭𝟵𝟲𝟯 - issue #9. old-timer eight
series masterlist ! current: old-timer eight ! next: commercial break two
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pairing; five x eight warning; mentions of past events, language, character death, sad feels, word count; 3.0k notes; not much, just sad benny moment.
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"Wait, I'm sorry, that's Eight?" questioned Luther as he looked at the woman with long white hair.
Eight clenched her jaw and lifted her hand to scratch her neck, "That's me," she squeaked.
"Five, why am I looking at younger me and you?" Older Eight asked the old Five who stood next to shocked Luther.
"Come with me, I'll explain, just let them walk behind," the older Five said as they looked at the young blonde scratch herself and noticed the glint on her forehead.
The older woman nodded, as she held her briefcase, and walked along with her husband and Luther.
Younger Five and Eight were behind as they began to spiral, getting ticked off by everything and everyone. 
"Hey what are you looking at?" Five asked a man that walked by them as they went up the steps.
Eight was just as agitated, the man brushed against her, angry she shoved him off her, "Don't touch me you asshole!" she exclaimed, climbing the steps, not caring about the man's protests behind her. The young couple couldn't even look at each other without feeling annoyed as well.
The worst case of paradox psychosis.
"Will you quit touching me, you filthy slubberdegullion, ” Eight hissed at him shoving him farther from her. 
Five scoffed at the word she had just used, “You weren’t saying that when you were moaning my name earlier!” He yelled back at her shoving her towards the fenced bridge. 
The older Eight chuckled as she heard the two bicker behind them, "Well, be glad I'll be getting rid of them," she said to Luther as she was told.
The man looked at her confused, "What do you mean?" Luther asked.
"Luther, there's a reason I'm the best at what I do," she said with a kind old lady smile, "A couple of kids don't scare me."
"Get off me!" the voices of the very sweaty and itchy youngsters screamed, as they whacked each other.
As they turned the corner, Luther stayed back as he stood between them, "They're using me to kill us aren't they?" Eight asked knowing what she would do in this situation.
"What? Her? She's gonna kill you, that's ridiculous," Luther faked and laughed, his voice clearly lying. 
Eight chuckled, "You are a shit liar Luther," Eight said wiping sweat off her nose with her sleeve. 
"What do you want me to do? You won't listen to old Five, and old Eight is scary," Luther began as he looked at the blonde, "I mean how is she old and has so little wrinkles?"
"So you admit that you're conspiring against us?" Five said looking at Luther.
"Do you both and I mean both of you admit that you're suffering from paradox psychosis?" He asked the two rising an eyebrow. 
"Of course not," Both of them replied, then looking at each other in the eye and glaring.
"It's not like she's going to kill you guys, it's only a version of you guys," Luther tried to reason as he continued to walk. 
"We are that version," seethed Eight following after the not so friendly giant.
"Hey, I don't love it, either, but he's actually got a pretty good plan," Luther said as they walked behind the older couple that was talking up ahead.
"What? The one where you guys off us and then jump to 2019 to save the world?" Five says as he adjusted his clothes.
"Wait how do you know that?" Luther asked, surprised.
Eight laughed, running her hand through her hair, "Because it's what we would do," she replied as she shuddered to adjust her blazer, "If I was trying to kill some kids."
"Okay, all I know is that we got way too many of you two and you two are the ones acting like maniacs," Luther said annoyed at the two.
The two scoffed, "Maniacs? We'll show you maniacs if you want," Five said angrily, his eyes twitching.
"As your spotter, the best thing is to put you two out of your misery," Luther told the two.
"Luther you feeble brained toad!" Eight gasped, as her hair sticking to her face from the sweat, "Out of the two of these Eights. Remember I'm the one who has the Force controlled." she threatened he eyes shining slightly for a second. 
The man looked at her as there was no denying that she looked crazy, her eyes were wide and pupils dilated. She was constantly scratching herself, her eye twitching, and adjusting her clothes.
That's when she gasped realizing what was happening, "Aha!" she said gripping Luther to a stop, "Of course how did I not think of this sooner! You only react to age and authority, and older us seem to be that for you!" she exclaimed poking his large chest, with her small twig of a body.
Five scoffed realized what she meant, "Eight you genius," Five said now looking at Luther, "You are experiencing daddy issues, this time with your own brother and sister, which honestly is making me go a little crazy," he said fidgeting.
"I am fourteen days older than him, I have seniority here, So it's me you should be listening to Luther. And like I like to remind Eight about this," Five said crazily, talking using his thumbs to point at himself, "I'm the daddy here!" he said yelling it loud.
Eight smacked his head, "Shut up," she hissed out of embarrassment from both his words and the looks the other pedestrians whispered about them.
Eight was fidgeting as she was rotating her neck in distress, god she hated the paradox psychosis.
"Look at you two," Luther said pointing at them.
"I admit there is a slight chance we're not in our element," Eight accepted as her face was now flushed from the sweat and constant moving.
"Okay good," Luther replied, putting his hands on each of their shoulders as they walked along.
"But remember whatever we got they do too," Eight added as they arrived at their location.
As they neared to two elders, they began to hear the familiar farting. Stage Four.
"Flatulence, stage four," commented Luther looking at the blonde, who began to sneeze in multiples, Luther raised a brow confused at the action.
"She and herself reply differently, But see? What are you going to do?" Five explained as he farted, he paused, "That was just lunch, shut up." he finished and started pacing.
Luther said nothing as he looked at older Eight who was also sneezing, like the younger one.
Before any more could be said Eight gasped and doubled over holding her stomach again. Feeling a familiar sharp pain on her abdomen, she fell on her knees straight on the ground, the world becoming far and glossy.
Five looked at her and worried about something other than the situation, "Eight?" he asked her as he had rushed to her side.
The blonde didn't respond as she took a sharp intake of breath still holding her stomach, then her eyes fluttered closed and slumped on the concrete. The older Eight turned and saw her younger self sprawled on the floor, curious she walked over to the group.
"What happened to her? She was acting like a headless chicken for the past almost hour," she said as Five now held her head to his lap. 
"I don't know, but she'll be okay," Five answered his hand brushing over her hair softly, even though he was itchy and feeling the side effects, his priority would be Eight. 
When Eight opened her eyes she was no longer with any of her family, rather she was in a place that seemed like the old Hargreeves manor.
"Ellie?" someone asked her.
And she looked down from the water like ceiling and her blue eyes landed on Ben.
"Ben?" she whispered, seeing the boy for the first time, since she was a young girl 
The male nodded a small smile on his face. Opening his arms, the blonde ran down the stairs. On the last step jumping into his arms. The asian boy hugged her tight. The loving embrace of siblings that missed each other. 
After yeas apart, the two finally reconnecting. This time much older than the last time they physically hugged. But she could feel he was no different than before. The same little boy who loved reading, and challenging her into eating competitions. 
She missed the days where she, Klaus and Ben would run around the mansion causing nothing but trouble. Reginald yelling at the three, but never did they listen. He missed the tight warm hugs she would give him. All of them feeling like home, motherly and sweet. The days the two would spend sick in bed, all from the doughnuts. 
This hug was no different then any of them. All making him feel human, normal, and loved. Somehow being in her arms, made him think they were thirteen back in the Umbrella mansion. He always described her hugs as the feeling of Autumn. The season where scarves were dug up, noses red from the cooling weathers. The bright red and orange leaves on the trees. Even when they fell, the elegance they radiated as the floated back to the ground. The beautiful feeling of an end. 
"I missed you," he whispered into her hair.
Tears brimming in her eyes, she hiccuped a sob, “I missed you so much Benny,” she replied into his neck. 
"Homicidal rage." a voice echoed in the building.
Ben furrowed his brows at the voice, “What was that?" He asked as he pulled away from the hug.
"The outside world for me," she told him as she closed her eyes taking a deep breath, "Let's go get Vanya."
Ben nodded as he grabbed her hand as they followed the music of the violin. While the two were in the house they grew up, it seemed much different to that one. Rather than being filled with screams, random objects floating, and fights—it was cold, dark and empty. Reaching the dining table, there lay an untouched white violin. The two slowly walked over to it, leaning to look into it. And with the weird magic of Vanya’s mind, they appeared to be inside the instrument. 
In the depths of the dark environment, was a huddled figure on the floor. Soft sobbing coming from the person. 
"Vanya," Ben called and watched as the figure in the body got up, "You remember me?" he asked her.
The woman trembled and sniffed, looking at the two, "I remember everything. And I'm doing it again, aren't I?" she whimpered to the two.
"No, Vanya, we're here with you," Eight spoke up offering her hand towards her.
"What's wrong with me?" Vanya sobbed, "Why can't I control myself like the rest of you guys?" she sobbed.
"It's not too late, you can go back, there's still time," said Ben, smiling at her nodding along with Eight beside her. 
She shook her head in distress, "I don't deserve to live," she said sobbing.
"Vanya, yes you do, before I had this power it only came to me when I was angry, but I learned to control it. And I can help you, we can all help you." Eight told her sister as she now held her cool hand in her warm ones. 
"Dad treated you like a bomb before you even ever were one. He was scared of your power, he never let you use it. Drugged you up, kept you numb for years. That's messed up Vanya," He said to her as he reached his hands on her.
Eight moved her hand to her other hand, "You are powerful Vanya, and I'm sorry dad only ever focused on me. But not even I knew how to use this force of mine until someone from beyond helped me. Like Ben is helping you," she told the girl, then smiling at Ben, "You have every right to feel all these things, but just know we're all trying to help you now."
Ben smiled at the blonde's words, "You aren't a monster, you're our sister, and you aren't alone anymore, Vanya."
"You can do this," he told her with a smile, then blue particles started coming off his hands. Vanya stood up and looked at Ben.
"Ben what's happening?" Eight asked as she stood up with him.
"I can't go back with you," He told the two.
"I'm hurting you, aren't I?" Vanya guessed tears brimming her eyes.
"It's not your fault. I've been holding on as long as I can in here but..." he said as his body floated away in blue particles.
"You shouldn't have come for me," Vanya said sadly.
"I died seventeen years ago, all these years with Klaus. It's all been gravy. At least this time I get to say goodbye," he told the two explaining his time with them was coming to an end. 
Vanya and Eight still gripped each other's hands, solemnly watching their brother disappear.
"Can I ask you guys a weird favor?" he asked them.
"Anything," the two chorused.
"Can you hug as I go?" He asked, "It's been a long time since—"
The two girls pulled him into a hug, as they cried silent tears as they fell onto their cheeks. Hugging him tightly in his last moments. 
"Tell Klaus something for me," he said as his head was in between his sisters, the two nodded, as he whispered in their ears.d
"I love you two," were his final words as his body left the room, the last feeling of being held and love. 
Vanya and Eight hugged each other as their brother had finally left the life of the in-between, "I'll see you soon Vanya," the blonde whispered to her sister, brushing her hand through his hair, "Just open your eyes..." were her final words before the two left Vanya's mind. 
Older Eight, old Five, and Five fought recklessly jumping from place to place. Shoving each other on to cars, punching, kicking, pulling, all of it. None of them for a second faltering. In the middle of the ground was poor young Eight, left alone. Luther was confused at what to do after he had been kicked. Now he held the gun in his hands threatening to shoot one of them, that was before Eight woke up. 
Eight awoke with a gasp, releasing fiery blast to anyone that surrounded her. She sat up and looked at both versions of her husband, older self, and Luther all sprawled on the floor. She smiled at their pain, looking over at the reader, “Thats’ what they get for leaving me on the ground, don’t you agree?” 
"Good," she said, and then moved on to younger Five, "Hey dip shit open the portal," she yelled at him.
"No, It's Diego—yes it's me! Now open the portal!" she yelled at him rolling her eyes.
Five's eyes widened and nodded, getting himself up from the ground and using his powers to open a tear in space that would lead to 2019. The blonde turned around and walked over to the older lady, "How did you do that?" she asked her younger self as she struggled to get up. 
"Control," she simply replied, then turning to see old Five trying to grab the briefcase, "Don't even think about it you dip shit," she yelled at him pointing her hand that glowed gold. 
"Into the vortex you go, asshole." Five yelled at him.
"Fine but give me the math, so I don't end up looking like Tiger Beat over here," he yelled at the young Five trying to keep the portal open.
"If you stand near the vortex I'll tell ya," Five yelled, as he watched the old man look over the portal, "Go!"
And so the older man walked forward. As the winds grew stronger the older Eight felt protective over her younger self, "Get off me you witch," the younger groaned slapping the older-looking version of herself's hand. 
"Now give it to me!" older Five yelled at the teen Five who was still trying to keep the portal open. 
"It was a typo, we put the decimal in the wrong spot in our proof of the existence of a bound for the number of limit cycles of planar polynomial vector fields of fixed degree. We wrote down five-point-seven. It should be..." He explained to the old man.
"Zero-point-five-seven," they both said.
"So I was right that he was wrong," Older Eight said scoffing turning to younger Eight who nodded in response. 
"All right, I guess this is it," Older five said trying to seem sad.
"This is it, go." young Five said as he fixed his blazer.
A surprise came as fighter extinguisher hit Luther square in the head making him drop the gun that he had been holding. Older five took it as an advantage and ran for it but so did younger Five, the two tugging on it. Each of them trying to get ahold of the case that they needed. 
Eight realized the portal was shrinking, "Five it's shrinking!" she pointed at the portal.
"Are you not going to help him?" the older Eight said, but the young one was confused at her question. Help who? The older Eight sighed and moved forward and kicked her husband into the portal, the briefcase jumping out.
"Did you just?" the younger Eight asked the older woman in disbelief as the portal had shut itself closed. 
"Someone had to do it," the older woman said, putting her hands in her pockets and opening her own portal, "Take care, kid," was all she said and walked through her portal easily. 
"We did it!" Luther celebrated happily.
Eight turned and looked at the briefcase, "The briefcase, you idiot," she pointed as it was half destroyed, and seems older Eight destroyed her own before any of the two could get their hands on it. Smart.
"Here he comes," Five said as they walked over to the fence and looked over it.
"Look there's dad," Luther points out to the man in the umbrella, "what do we do?"
The blonde's eyes darted to the grass and grounded when he the familiar man running, "For fuck's sake Diego." she sighed as she watched him tackle a man.
"Let's go," she finally said, pulling the two siblings back.
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kaedeharakaori · 2 months
𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔 || 𝘍. 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘴 (Masterlist)
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SEASON ONE: We only see each other at weddings and funerals
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New York, 2019.
"So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown." Luther started, standing up straight to gather everyone's attention. "Say a few words to Dad and Mika, just at Dad's favourite spot."
"Wait, why are you including Mika in the memorial service? She's not even dead." Vanya asked Luther her eyes narrowing coldy, upset that he was pronouncing her sister dead when they all have no information on her status.
"Dad had a favourite spot?" Allison asked brushing off the topic of their sister, and faked a surprised look that their stone cold father took a liking to something. "You know, under the oak tree." The big man replied.
"We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?" He asked, genuinely curious that perhaps none of his other siblings spent time with dear old Reggie.
"Will there be refreshments?" Klaus drunkenly walked to the couches, each hand was carrying some sort of alcohol that he found in the cupboards of the bar he was in a few minutes ago. "Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner." He finished, taking the attention off of Luther, smoking a cigar as he was about to sit beside Vanya.
As the siblings continue to bicker around whether or not they stole each other's stuff, stop smoking because their father never allowed it, alcohol splashing due to Klaus' unstable hands, Luther sighed and spoke up.
"Listen up. Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?"
"Like what?" Diego asked, uninterested and focused on the shine of his knives instead.
"Like the way he died." Luther finished, Diego took a deep breath, looked down, and whispered, "And here we go."
The siblings continued to discuss the possible ways their father died, throwing questions here and there, if the cause was a heart attack or murder.
Luther finally turned to Klaus, "Look, I know you don't like to do it, but I need you to talk to Dad." Klaus' eyes widened at his request, pointing to himself, silently asking if he was the one that Luther was talking to.
"I can't just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, 'Dad, could you just... stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?'" He teased his brother, Luther, fed up with Klaus' shenanigans asked him, "Since when? That's your thing."
"I'm not in the right... frame of mind." Klaus, holding a glass of alcohol replied to Luther.
"You're high?" Allison cut him off, breathing the silence she was sitting in since the whole conversation started.
Laughing at his sister's retort, he cheered, "Yeah! Yeah!" Gesturing his hand around to all his siblings, "I mean, How are you not, listening to all this nonsense?"
"Well, sober up, this is important." Luther comanded, authority lingering in his tone.
At that point in the conversation, the monocle was brought up once again, Diego and Luther going head-to-head in their argument about the tiny piece glass, debating if it was important or not. Something snapped in Diego, realizing what Luther was hinting at.
"Where are you going with this?" Klaus asked, so done with the all the talking Luther was doing.
"Oh, isn't it obvious, Klaus? He thinks one of us killed Dad." Diego stated, looking up at his taller brother in the eyes, Luther swallowing the lump that was in his throat due to Diego's blunt announcement.
The other siblings in the room looked at Luther, dissapointment was clear in their eyes. "How could you think that?" Vanya finally spoke.
"Great job, Luther. Way to lead." Diego taunted.
Luther's siblings were fed up with all of his accusations, feeling betrayed by her own brother, Vanya stood up to leave the common room and Diego followed suit.
With a sigh, Klaus stood up, alcohol in his right hand and the cigarette in his left, he didn't even glance at Luther to have the last word. "You're crazy, man. You're crazy."
"Okay, well, sorry, I'm just gonna go murder Mom. Be right back." Klaus' voice echoed as he exited the room.
Allison was the last to stand up, walks past Luther and completely ignored his calls to any of his siblings.
17 years ago.
Somewhere, 2002.
Outside of a national bank, to what seems like a crime scene, a news reporter stood tall, mic in hand, relaying the news to a live camera.
"This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for Channel 2 News outside of the Capital West bank at Main and Sixth. A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago and took an unknown number of hostages."
The bank was a scene of chaos. Alarms blared, hostages cowered in fear, and armed robbers barked orders. The Umbrella Academy siblings, clad in their distinctive uniforms, burst through the main doors, ready to take action.
Luther, the powerhouse of the group, led the charge. He immediately engaged the nearest robbers, using his immense strength to hurl them across the room. They crashed into walls and furniture, their weapons scattering.
Allison entered the scene with her poised demeanor, stepped forward. She locked eyes with one of the gunmen. "I heard a rumor," she said with a chilling calmness, "that you shot your friend in the foot." The gunman's expression glazed over, and he turned, firing his weapon at his accomplice. The other hostages gasped in shock as the scene unfolded.
Meanwhile, Diego continued to dispatch enemies with his knives, relishing the chaos. "Guns are for sissies," he shouted over the din. "Real men throw knives!"
In the main lobby, Five picked up a stapler from a nearby desk. He examined it for a moment before smirking, blinking to replace the gun that the robber was holding with the stapler. "Hey, that's one badass stapler." He quipped, as he teleported in front of the robber and using the stapler to knock him out, giving Mika, who was standing next to the counter, a high five.
Five and Mika moved together like a well-oiled machine. Five blinked in and out of existence, teleporting short distances to disarm and confuse the robbers. Mika, with a mischievous smile, followed closely behind. She caught the eye of a particularly nervous gunman.
"Hey cutie," she cooed, her voice carrying a melodic, enchanting quality. "Want to hear a song?" The gunman hesitated, lowering his weapon, entranced by her voice. Five seized the opportunity, appearing beside the distracted man and knocking him out with a swift punch.
The Umbrella Academy kids all gathered up in front of an office, Ben, a bit hesitant to do what he had to, asked his siblings, "Do we really have to do this?"
Before he entered the office, he sighed and held the door knob, "I didn't sign up for this."
Ben finally enters the bank's office area, summoned his monstrous tentacles. The spectral limbs lashed out, grabbing robbers and slamming them into walls. Papers and office supplies flew everywhere as the robbers struggled in vain against the powerful appendages.
After the blood curling screams died down, the door was slightly pushed opened to reveal a little bloodied Ben, he quietly asked his siblings who were waiting patiently outside, "Can we go home now?"
The reporter from earlier was still live, "People are coming out now, It's not the armed robbers. These are young schoolchildren in uniforms with masks on. This is Jim Hellerman, Channel 2 News."
The seven kids were posing outside of the bank, and as reporters surrounded them, Mika got a bit frightened with the amount of camera flashes directed at them.
Five, who was between Mika and Ben, shifted in front of Mika slightly to cover her from the flashing lights. He turned his head a bit to look at her and called out, "Hey, its okay. I got you."
Mika greatly appreciated the gesture as the reporters continue to call out to them, "How did you get in the bank?" or "What happened inside?"
On the roof of a building stood Sir Reginald Hargreeves with this scope, watching his other children from afar. Vanya, who stood beside her father asked, "Why can't I go play with the others?"
"We've been through this before, Number Seven." Her father replied to her, slowly lowering the scope that he was looking into. "I'm afraid there's just nothing special about you."
"Oh." Was all Vanya could ever say.
Sir Reginald went down from the rooftop he was staying at to make his way through all the reporters, standing proudly in front of the Umbrella Academy.
"Our world is changing. Has changed." He started his announcement as cameras aggressively flashed, taking millions of photos of the eccentric billionaire. Five, worried about the girl behind him, extended his hand towards her, hoping that the little gesture would calm her nerves.
"There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted seven such children." He paused, building up the suspension in the air.
"I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy."
゚ ⋆ ゚ ☂︎ ⋆ ゚゚ ⋆
Hello, my dear readers
I hope you liked the small
flashback and introduction
of the Umbrella Academy
to the world.
I'd like to think that Mika
and Five shared something
special in that vulnerable
moment that happened
after the mission.
When will Five come home?
Will Mika wake up before
Five comes back?
We'll never know.
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shadowbriar · 1 month
Diego Hargreeves - Patches
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Pairing : Diego Hargreeves x (she/her) Reader Word Count : 1.2k Warning : None. Notes : This might be the introduction of a story I'm working on. I cannot guarantee that I'll have the commitment to continue until it's end so don't have too much hope for this. I am open if you have any The Umbrella Academy requests at the moment, so do hit me up! If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
He got eight of them.
For the longest time in her life, she’s never understood the silly yet cruel joke life cursed upon her. To be able to heal everyone but herself, no matter the wound or injury one might have, she’ll cure it in no time, so long as it wasn’t inflicted on her.
Once, it wasn’t this pathetic nor lonely. She had her brothers and sisters to weather to storm through. There were Pogo and Mum to share cookies and stories with. It’s been years since she felt such comfort and to have to drag her feet back to the house that had turned itself from a warm home into a prison before the last days of her departure is surely weighing on her heart.
“Welcome home, dear.”
Her heart was filled with warmth once the familiar motherly voice greets her. The corners of her lips curved into a big smile as she dropped her bags, running to the dearly missed figure, “Mum.”
It took the bot a couple seconds to return the embrace. No doubt that she’s been lacking a lot of upgrades ever since she left. When the two broke the hug, she stared at the ageless caregiver with fulfilled eyes as it stared back at her with its bright smile, blank and not blinking. This might have been the most home she could feel while she’s here.
“You’re not supposed to come,” another voice echoes from the stairs.
“Diego, that’s not very nice.” Mum scolded lightly “Your sister has returned to us.”
The boy showed a thin smile to the bot, patting her lightly on the shoulder, “I think Pogo was looking for you, Mum.”
With a slight nod, the android excused herself out of the room.
Now if Grace’s presence lightened her heart, the sight of this black suited man certainly plummets it.
“You look awful,” She greets, noticing the scars that litter his face “Surely couldn’t find a better nurse than me now, can you?”
“Please,” Diego snorted “You’re more of a deadweight than a nurse, if ever.”
She lets out an exasperated exhale, folding her hands in front of her chest in defence, “Well, I’m not here for you and I don’t take joy either on coming back to this circus, so if you could just get yourself off that non-existent high horse—”
Before she could finish her words, Diego had already walked away as if she wasn’t there to begin with. His back becomes the abundant evidence that whatever bad blood they had years ago is still staining his skin.
It wasn’t always like this, him and her. In fact, they were the inseparable two growing up. If Luther had Allison, Diego had her. The many times she healed his wounds had led them to grow closer as the years went by. He was the one with the most injury to heal, after all. The most careless in battle out of the eight, never backing down from a close combat. Though he would always come out triumphant, a little cut here and there would be something he never escaped from.
“Don’t mind him, he’s giving us all the sour comments,” Allison said as she linked her arms to her “I’m glad to see you.”
She smiles at her sister, squeezing her hand slightly in reassurance, “As I am to see you.”
“You should really learn how to dodge a punch, Diego,” She says as she runs her thumb through his bruise “One of these days you’re going to go home and I may not be able to heal you.”
“Is that a loss on your part or my part?”
Her eyebrow rose, purposely pressing on his bruise without healing it that he winces a little, “Or maybe I just won’t heal you, that’s definitely a loss on your part.”
“As if you’ll ever do that.”
“Is that a challenge?”
Diego tries his best to bite the grin but it proved to be an even harder task than to back out of a fight. He stares at her fondly, finding the jitters in his stomach to amplify the longer he stares yet it feels impossible for him to break the contact. Perhaps she casts a little of her magic everytime she heals him.
“Don’t stare at me like that.”
“Like what?” He asks.
“Like Klaus stares at a bottle of gin,” She says, now examining his other cuts “Like I stare at Mum’s cookies.”
Diego smiles.
“Like Luther stares at Allison.”
“Would it be so bad if I stare that way?”
The wake from the unintended nap hurts her head. Her bed is much smaller than she last remembered with her feet slightly dangling on the edge and how the pillows have certainly lost their fluffiness. Everything in her room stays the same yet at the same time, everything has changed.
Diego defeatedly threw himself to the sofa. He sighs, his knuckles cracking as he tries to ball his fists. The tidal wave of emotions were beating him black and blue in silence. It feels as if he was swallowed by a giant blackhole with no light nor guidance to get out of.
There was no need for him to be rude to her, he knew that. He didn’t want to do it, but seeing her back in their house, hugging and talking to Grace, hurts. It took him years to try and ignore the ghost of her. She was the one force that would fuel his mornings and ease him to sleep at night. She was the one soul that he would always go to seek refuge. She was the one that he would lay his life on the line for without a second of doubt.
But he had to lose it all after one stupid night.
A night that he would never be able to grow out of, both from the horror and the guilt. Diego shut himself out for days following that terrifying night, locking his doors and skipping meals as he tries to think of all the what-if scenarios.
What if he stayed home that night?
What if he forced her to stay home that night?
What if he saved her before she saved him?
What if?
Mindlessly, he reaches for a knife on his left chest. It was a stranger to the rest of his knives collection. Compared to the polished lightweight knives he tucked in his suit, this one butter knife was rather dull. It would serve no harm to anyone, yet he kept it closest to his heart as if it was his most prized possession.
Diego stared at the knife. His brows knitted, examining the item as if it held the answer to all of his questions. Or perhaps some guidance. Anything to help him keep his sanity and not lose the plot now that she’s back in his life. Was she staying or was she leaving for the night? He wasn’t sure. But even if she is leaving, the hours he’d have to spend with her would suffocate nonetheless.
His thumb traces the engraving on the knife’s handle. A little trace of an infinite loop that had somehow become his stress outlet: the number eight.
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miniy00ng1 · 27 days
Not Yours
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Five Hargreeves x Female!Reader
wc: 1845
warnings: swearing, fighting, lmk if i missed anything!
find my masterlist here
hiii lovelies! i really enjoyed writing this, i will probably make a part two since the ending isn't really an ending, but i just wanted to get something posted! in this piece i refer to Viktor's character as Vanya since in the series at this time he did not come out yet! as always please ignore any grammar errors, give me feedback, and i hope everyone enjoys! thank you <3
A bright blue flash appears in the foyer of The Umbrella Academy, from the flash comes the Hargreeves siblings, slowly coming to after being disoriented from time travel. The siblings surround the singular round table in the room, sitting atop the table was a newspaper.
Five Hargreeves, the youngest looking of the group, snatches the paper off the table frantically searching for a date. “Holy shit…I think we did it. It’s April 2nd, 2019, the day after the apocalypse.” Five lets out a dry chuckle, surprised he and his idiot siblings succeeded. 
Klaus lets out a cheer of excitement, he rests both arms over the shoulders of his two nearest siblings, pulling them close, “Go team! I mean look at us, we’re so amazing you guys. I think we should celebrate by breaking into Dad’s very special liquor cabinet.” The siblings laugh, all relieved they survived and saved the world, yet again. As the group begins to wander towards the sitting room, Five stops in his tracks–something, no, someone was missing.
Five looks at the bunch ahead of him, he counts their heads once—only five, and then recounts afraid that he’s made an error. He whips his head behind to check for the missing person–his missing person. Five releases a shaky breath he didn’t realize he was holding, panic beginning to set in, “You guys…where’s Y/N?” The siblings immediately become aware to the fact that you were missing.
“Maybe she ended up in another part of the house? We should split up and look for her.” Vanya suggested. The group murmurs in agreement, designating sections of the house for each sibling to search. Before the siblings can break off, something strange catches Diego’s eye, “Hey, why is there a painting of Ben over the mantelpiece?”
The siblings immediately gather around the mantel and stare in confusion at the painting of their dead brother, which was previously a painting of their missing brother. “Shit, that can’t be good…” Five hisses, trying to figure out what was going on. The siblings attention is pulled away from Ben’s painting as a figure abruptly stands up from a nearby chair. The fireplace sheds light on the figures, it was their previously dead father—Reginald Hargreeves.
“Dad, you’re alive.” Luther says softly. The older man scoffs and speaks in his shrill voice, “Why shouldn’t I be? And I am not your father, boy.” The monocled man corrects Luther causing him to furrow his brows in confusion. “What? What’re you talking about? Yes, you are. This is the Umbrella Academy.” Allison questions. “And you would be wrong again. This is not The Umbrella Academy, this is the Sparrow Academy.” As if on cue, six figures appeared near the railing of the balcony in the room.
“Those are my children, The Sparrows. After meeting you lot in the 60s, I was so put off by you that I made it a point not to adopt you, and instead found the others. I was quite successful and adopted eight of them.” Reginald states proudly, his hands behind his back. Another familiar voice grabs the attention of the Umbrella’s, “Dad, who the hell are these assholes in my house?” Ben Hargreeves, formerly dead, but now clearly alive stands before the group. Five squints his eyes at Ben, trying to determine what was off about him. Was it the hair?
“Oh my god! Ben-er-ino is that you? You look so good alive! Well, I mean beside that haircut, but I can look past that. Come give your favorite brother a hug!” Klaus squeals in excitement, approaching Sparrow Ben with his arms wide open. Sparrow Ben meets Klaus with a solid punch to the face. Klaus stumbles back and Luther manages to catch him. “What the hell was that for Ben?” Klaus groans, holding onto his nose.
Five examines the Sparrow siblings, trying to size them up, “You said you got eight. Where is the last one?” Five questions out loud. Suddenly, a small teenage, female figure appears seemingly out of thin air next to Ben. The Umbrella siblings slightly jump at the appearance of another person in front of them before they calm down and realize it’s you. But why are you standing next to Sparrow Ben and why are you wearing a school girl outfit with a sparrow logo on it.
“Y/N?” Five calls out, you tilt your head in response to hearing your name. You squint at Five with confusion, “How the hell does the kid know my name?” You look to Reginald for answers to which he doesn’t provide any. The rest of your siblings join you and Ben in front of the strangers in your home. “I think it’s about time you guys leave.” Marcus states, puffing out his chest. “We’re not going anywhere, this is our house.” Diego replies stalking closer to Marcus. “All right, it looks like we’re going to have to settle this the old fashion way.” Both groups of siblings get into fighting stances, readying themselves to beat the shit out of each other. 
You roll your eyes, your siblings have always had a flare for the dramatics and it’s just never been your style. You use your powers–manipulation of your appearance, to make yourself invisible once again. You study the way the young boy immediately looks for your presence, trying to get even the smallest hint of where you’ve gone. As your siblings start to fight with the strangers in your house you sit back to enjoy the show.
Each one of your siblings is matched up and fighting one of the Umbrella Academy siblings and with the way things are going down, you’re betting on the Sparrows. Marcus is clearly winning against Luther and you’re becoming bored watching them hit each other back and forth. You then come across Diego riding around on Christopher asking him repeatedly about “who his daddy is” this makes you giggle. You then make your way into the foyer where you observe two more pairs of siblings fighting.
Something on the table catches your eye. A sleek, black briefcase rests in the middle, you don’t recognize it, but recall that the Umbrella’s first appeared in this room. You snatch the briefcase and decide to keep it, just in case. “Y/N! Come here and look at this freak!” You hear Jayme call your name from the top of the staircase and follow her voice. Once you reach the top of the stairs you make yourself visible and see the teenage boy, who they call Five, making out with the air. “Guess who the little perv is macking on.” Jayme says wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at you.
“Gross Jayme, why do you have to say it like that?” You say scrunching your nose in disgust. “Let me deal with him.” You signal Jayme to go away. The boy is still stuck in his daydream and continues to make out with the air. In order to get him out of the dream state you hit him in the side with the briefcase, knocking him off balance. Five rolls to the floor, shaking his head trying to re-enter reality. Immediately realizing his compromised position he quickly gets to his feet raising his fists but once he realizes it’s you, he drops his arms.
“I’m not going to hit you Y/N. I would never fight with you.” As Five lets his guard down, you use this to your advantage, immediately swinging your body in an attempt to roundhouse kick him in the face. He blinks away, dodging the kick, and appears on the other side of you causing you to stumble back since you missed your target. You prepare to hit him again but he blinks away for the second time, this time right behind you and pressed to your backside. Five’s arms wrap around your body, holding you in place, the briefcase still tightly clutched in your hand.
“Love, stop this. I am not going to fight with you.” Five says through gritted teeth as he holds you arms down to your side. You struggle against his grip trying to wiggle free, “I am not your love.” In that moment you swing your head back hoping to knock into his head but a flash of blue light surrounds you. You’re back in the foyer with Five and a couple of his siblings. “Someone hold onto her and make sure you don’t lose that briefcase. I’ve got to make sure Vanya’s okay and then we’ve got to get the hell out of here.” Five calls out to his siblings, Luther takes over the hold on you as Five blinks away and snatches the briefcase out of your hand. “I will kill you if you don’t let me go you fat gorilla.”
The Hargreeves siblings manage to “win” the fight against your siblings thanks to Vanya’s powers and take you as hostage without the Sparrows noticing. Luther carries you over his shoulder while the group tries to find a place to rest. Once arriving at a nearby park, the siblings sprawl out and complain about their aches and pains. Luther sets you down on a park bench laying his legs over yours to hold you down. “Get off of me you overgrown monkey! Let me go home or I’ll make you regret it!” You say trying to come off as threatening but Luther doesn’t take you seriously. “You know Y/N, you used to be a lot nicer. Now you sound like Five, and he’s an asshole. Here’s a fun idea! Why don’t you go back to being the nice Y/N we all know and love.” Luther sighs, covering his eyes with his arms and ignoring anything else you say or do.
Five sits up straight from the table he’s sitting at, “Luther quick, hand me the briefcase. Maybe I can time travel us back to the correct timeline.” Luther groans at the thought of having to move, he brings his hand to the floor in search of the briefcase to which he finds nothing. Luther lets out an awkward chuckle, “Yeah…about that…I might have dropped it when that blind one was chasing us with her scary birds.” Luther winces in preparation of Five’s wrath. The look on Five’s face turns murderous, “I ask two simple things Luther, that’s it. So simple even a monkey could do it…or maybe not. Keep my wife safe and don’t lose the briefcase. Is it that damn hard!” 
You let out a laugh and tune back into the conversation at the mention of yourself, “Not your wife short stuff!” Five’s attention is now back on you, his nostrils flaring in frustration, “Yes Y/N, you have made that painstakingly clear. And you’re certainly not as sweet and loving as my Y/N and you’re annoying as hell. But until I can get my Y/N back, you’ll have to do. Not to mention, you’ll come in handy once the Sparrows realize you’re gone.” Five lets out a breath as an attempt to calm down, “We need a game plan and a place to stay seeing as we don’t have one anymore. Anybody have any ideas?” 
part two, part three
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