#eisuke msut
nightowlfandom · 5 years
Eisuke Ichinomiya- Anger Looks SO Good on you.
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6- Do you have to be so annoying all the time?
13- I dare you to finish that sentence...
44- Maybe if you beg, I might...
105- You need to learn respect, bend over.
Also we’re actually gonna give MC a backbone here, mkay? I don’t feel like writing a shy and vulnerable reader today because we gotta give it up for our independent MCs CAN I GET AN AMEN and I need more abrasive outspoken MCs in otome games anyways.
Alright, LEGGO!
Well this was a compromising position. What were you thinking!? How could you lose your composure like that? You sunked down in the chair, beating yourself up for getting so upset. You were definitely going to get fired.
... (Flashback!)
You wordlessly cleaned the kitchen counters, not bothering to look up at the five bidders gathered around the couch. You stared down at the marble countertop, seemingly almost seeing you reflection on the beautiful surface. One more thing then you could be outta here!
This wasn’t even your job. It wasn’t your job to clean up after these assholes. They were rich so they thought they could just dangle a dollar over your head like a treat for a fucking dog and you’d come running.
“Oh maiiidd!!″ You heard Baba sing, making you looked up. “Come here a minute won’t you?” You threw the rag down and walked around the counter to walk over to where Baba was sitting. Your back was turned to the rest of the bunch, not that you couldn’t see those stupid looks on their faces anyways. You heard a wolf-whistle from behind you. Fucking Ota....
“Yes, sir?” you hissed. “Can I do something for you?”
“You sure can, clean that stain up for me.” he pointed to a minor spill, no bigger than the size of a grain of rice on the table.
“Y-you’re kidding right?” you asked flatly. “That is what you wanted me to...you wanted me to clean that?” you raised an eyebrow.
“You know how I am about messes.” he shrugged.
Did they HAVE to be so annoying for no reason all the time?
“With pleasure, sir.” you rolled your eyes, picking up the drop with your sleeve. “Better?”
“Hm, good. You know how to be obedient.” Eisuke walked in the room, fixing his tie with a smirk on his face. “Maybe I’ll promote you so you only work for us from now on.”
“Hm, maybe get her a new uniform first. She can’t walk around like that.” Mamoru chuckled, taking another huff of his cigarette. He knew how much you hated when he smoked inside so to watch him put out the cigarette butt on the pretty glass table infuriated you.
“Why would that be?” you asked in the nicest way you could.
“Because maids need proper training...and if you’re gonna work for us, you might as well give us something to look at while you work.”
Then one thing led to another, then someone decided to insult not only you but your work ethic...and then....this happened
“AND YOU KNOW WHAT?!” you rip off that stupid apron you were forced to wear. “Maybe if you all had some sort of respect for women you all wouldn’t be miserable and single!” you threw it down on the floor. “Fuck this job, Fuck this place.” you ripped off your nametag and shoved it into your pocket, “AND MOST OF ALL, FUCK YOU”
You pushed past Baba and Ota on your way towards the door.
“HEY! You walk out the door and you face the consequences.” You heard Mr. Ichinomiya call after you. “You’re job at risk and other things as well L/N.”
“Oh...is that so?” you asked softly, turning towards the men, who all had shit-eating grins on there face. “Well in that case.” you shrugged, beginning to walk back. You grabbed the glass that had been on the table and turned towards Eisuke. You grabbed the liquor bottle and filled it up to the brim.
“That’s better, maid.” Eisuke smirked.
“Oh trust me...it truly is. How’s this for a consequence.” you threw the contents of the glass in his face before dropping it on the floor, stepping on it with your foot and smashing it to peices.. “Seeya!” You stormed out, making sure to shut the door behind you.
...(End of flashback)
Now you were in his office, waiting for him to tell you that you were fired. this was an absolute nightmare. You were shaking. You didn’t want to be fired!
Mr.Inchinomiya walked in with a glare on his face. “I shouldn’t even be giving you a chance to explain yourself, but you’re lucky I like to entertain your behavior L/N.”
“Sir, I am so so sorry i have no idea what came over me. my behavior was uncalled for and I don’t kno why I did that or why I reacted the way I did. I am so so sorry.”
“I need this job. This is the only job I have and the only one that allows me to work freely, please PLEASE don’t fire me. I’m begging you!”
“i don’t like excuses Y/N....wait...did you just say you were begging me.”
“Yes, please please don’t fire me.” you almost felt like you ere gonna cry.
“Maybe if you beg me more...I might consider not firing you.” he smirked. “On your knees, L/N.”
Oh great, he was gonna play this game?
Defeated, you dropped to your knees. “...P-please...d-don’t fire me. You have no idea how much I need this job. I’ll do anything.” you forced yourself to say, even though you were getting more and more disgusted with each word that left your mouth. Not with yourself, but with whatever sick game he was about to play.
“Hm...anything.” he sighed. “Hm, I should throw you out of my hotel right now but I think I’m feeling generous today.” Eisuke make you look up. “Wouldn’t you say so?”
“Um...Yeah sure.” you raised an eyebrow. “Am I fired ooorrrr-”
“No...in fact, you’ve been promoted.”
“Promot- what?” you found your self standing to your feet. “Promoted? I literally dumped whiskey on your head.” you were confused.
“Hm, yes...that is true. But as I said I’m feeling generous...and I don’t recall giving you permisson to stand up, pet.”
“Sorry what?” you raised an eyebrow. “I’m confused.”
“Hm, since this is your first day of promotion, I’ll allow it...have a seat Y/N.”
Listening, went to sit down.
“In my chair.” he pointed to the big boss chair behind his desk. He looked dead serious so you didn’t pry or question. You just listened.
“From now on, you are to call me by my name in front of everyone. You will no longer refer to me as Mr. Inchinomiya. Master Eisuke, Sir Eisuke also work as well...When we’re alone, you may refer to me as just Eisuke.”
“...When you say promotion...what do you-”
“I will no longer refer to you as Maid, or by your last name.’ he cut you off. “Instead you will be Pet, Y/N, or Pretty Thing if you behave.”
Oh....he meant that type of promotion. You felt your face heat up violently.
“Y-yes sir.” you found yourself saying.
“Sir what.” he growled, slamming his hand on the table. “Finish your sentence, Pretty Thing.”
That nickname alone was enough to make your heart race.
“But first...you need to learn some respect...bend over.” he smirked. “Won’t you take your punishment like a good little maid??”
(Fun fact, My favorite bidders in order are Ota, Soryu, Mamoru, Baba, Eisuke...Eisuke stays getting on my nerves lol but I still love him. Giirrrl I love me some Ota haaaaayy
Also I was wondering if you guys wanted some recs for some visual novels/ otomes. I have a lot of favorites)
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