#voltage x reader
sasukeuchiha-24 · 4 months
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sasuke-naruto · 4 months
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Naruto & Sasuke ❤️
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narutouzumaki-25 · 4 months
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Naruto, Kakashi and Minato
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marutsuia · 9 months
the hotel singer. || KBTBB Eisuke x Reader
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Summary: A rewrite of the epilogue!
Word Count: 3.6K
A/N: Here's my first! Thank you for requesting @tokkiostarrs :) I hope you enjoy!
Your life had become a whirlwind. At first, you were just the hotel singer, and you worked most nights, sometimes in the restaurants, sometimes the casino. You recall when you first met your now boyfriend -- if you could call him that. He was brash, bossy and rude as hell.
It was your first year performing at the I.V.C., and you looked classic. It was no mistake that you were chosen for your job because of your looks, your ability to pull off a 40s brush out curly look, and of course, your voice. You had garnered the attention of the male clientele, but always remained professional. That didn't seem to matter on the day of the I.V.C, because when you went to get a glass of warm water at the bar to prepare for your next set, you were held at gunpoint and forced into a secret room in a basement that you didn't know existed.
It seemed as though someone decided to auction you off without your consent, sticking you in a birdcage for someone to buy you. The one who ended up helping you was none other than the hotel owner, Eisuke Ichinomiya. He was a pain in the ass; and you were not afraid to let him know.
Unbeknownst to you, that was part of the reason he fell for you. You were not afraid of him, and you didn't fall at his feet like every other woman did. In fact, you despised him at first, and you always made that very clear. Ignoring him when he paged you, retaliating when he acted like a jerk. He acted all irritated but he found it very amusing from the start.
Regardless, you were together now, which was ironic, given that he used you as a fake girlfriend at first to make a business deal go through. You guessed. It was hard to tell when he treated you like trash most of the time. Granted, that was just his personality, but it wasn't good enough for you. He would change. Or you would leave.
You might love him as well, but no love is worth being treated that way. He seemed to change his tune when he admitted his feelings, but the rest remained to be seen.
You were attending the morning staff meeting, even though you only worked nights, you got your set list and a timed schedule along with the rest of the staff.
After you went up to your room (you don't live in the employee dormitories for convenience), and started going about your day while humming your set list, your pager went off. You groaned.
"You think he'd just call me instead of page me like I work for him..." You paused, "I guess I do work for him though," You mumbled and clicked the button to get it to stop beeping.
After a few minutes, you made your way upstairs at a leisurely pace.
"You're late." Eisuke said with a frown as you entered.
"How?" You quipped.
He glared at you, "Just sit," He ordered and you rolled your eyes, plopping down onto the couch. The two of you sat there for a few moments, just glaring.
"Well?" You asked and he raised a brow, putting his arm on the back of the couch.
"What?" He wondered.
"What did you call me up here for?" You asked, hoping he would say something nice to you.
"You're not working yet." He replied and you smirked.
"I might as well just go back to my room then," You teased and pretended to get up, but he yanked you down by the wrist to kiss you, pressing his lips onto yours.
He trapped you in his arms as you exchanged deep kisses, "You've been waiting for this haven't you?" He asked and you huffed, "Seems to me it's you who's been waiting."
Just as he was about to push you down onto the couch, you heard the voice of Baba and Ota. "Boss, you up there?"
"Is Y/n up there too?"
You tried to push against Eisuke gently, but he wouldn't let you go. So you pulled away from the kiss and turned your head, causing him to scowl, but he finally let you go just as the two men entered.
"Knew it." Baba said and you looked over to them, "Hey." You called casually.
"Sorry to interrupt your fun," Baba laughed.
"You know, you never answered us before... but I wanna know. What made you two fall for each other?" Ota asked, surprised, "I think you two make a good couple, but I don't understand how it happened in the first place."
"If you tell us, maybe I can figure out Boss' secret to getting women," Baba joked.
You rolled your eyes, "From what I can see Baba, I don't think you have any issues."
"Aw. Thanks!" He beamed.
"That wasn't a compliment." You shut him down, causing Eisuke to smirk and Ota to laugh.
"Damn. Straight through the heart, beautiful." Baba put a hand to his chest and pretended to be sad.
"Honestly, Eisuke falling in love with her is the most suspicious thing of all here," Ota made a face.
"What the heck? You wanna say that again?" You asked and Ota looked panicked.
"No! That's not what I meant!"
You glared at him, "Explain."
"I just meant that... You know, you're so likable! But tough, too." He backtracked, trying to clarify what he meant.
"Whatever," Eisuke said.
"Maybe Eisuke is more loving in private!" Baba thought.
You then thought about how he basically never told you how he actually felt. "Stay with me," Is what he said, but he never really told you anything else. You wondered if he ever would.
The next day, you were rehearsing with the band for the hotel's 5th anniversary party at one of the restaurants stages. The restaurant was closed, so it provided you with space to practice. "Ezekiel, the drums are sounding a little rough at this part, maybe lighten it up a touch?" You suggested as you discussed with the band.
You then heard the shrieking of women nearby. You saw Eisuke walking with a group of women surrounding him, trying to coax him to join them at the pool or the restaurant for the evening. He doesn't say anything as he walks past, but he doesn't send them away. It irks you.
You were off that night so that you could keep your vocals on point for the party. Eisuke takes you to the hotel bar. "This place brigs back memories, huh?" He teases and you roll your eyes. "Don't start."
This was where Eisuke overheard Takahiro asking you out, once you were taking a break from being on stage. You were dressed to the nines, in a stunning, form-fitting green dress, which probably didn't help Eisuke's case when he did spot the scene.
"I'm glad the employees make use of the hotel," He commented noting that staff sometimes go there to drink. "What do you think of the bar?" He asked.
"It can be a little stuffy. Sometimes I come get a drink after I'm done with my sets, and it's a bit dark. An aquarium or something would open it up and add some ambient light." You explained.
"It is a little claustrophobic, now that you mention it. I'll mention it to the manager." Eisuke said, "See, you can be useful sometimes."
You raised a brow, "I didn't realize there was any doubt."
Just then, one of Eisuke's groupies approached, "Some of my friends from the business are over there. Why don't you join us for a drink?"
"We're busy," You sharply said, before she even had time to finish her sentence. She looked at you, with a cold smirk, "Come on, Eisuke! It'll be more fun that spending time with your lousy hotel singer."
"Excuse me?" You raise a brow. "Get lost," Eisuke said with a scowl. "What?" She stuttered.
"You're annoying. Disappear." He added. Causing her to mumble, "Another time the," and scurry away.
"I'm in a bad mood, now. Let's go somewhere else and drink." He said and got up to leave, causing you to follow.
He took you to the pool, opening up a bottle of champagne. "I can't believe you asked Takahiro to turn the lights on," You groaned.
"You still thinking about him?" Eisuke glared and you shook your head, "No, but you clearly did it on purpose."
"I don't know what you're talking about." he nonchalantly said and you rolled your eyes. "You just wanted to assert your dominance. Which is rude, by the way!"
Eisuke smirked slightly, "You were wise not to choose him."
"...I was already going to turn him down, and tell you how I felt." You explained, hesitantly.
"I like your dedicated personality." Eisuke said with a warm smile, a glass of champagne in his hand.
You smiled slightly back, dipping your toes in the water. "Do you guys come here a lot?"
"When we have time. Baba comes here on the lookout for women," He said and you laughed, "That sounds about right."
"Let's go," Eisuke said and you looked a little confused. "Already? We didn't even take a dip." You joked and he stared at you, although expecting you to do something. Feeling a burst of courage, you stood up, running over to one end while you took your shirt and pants off. "Hey!" He called as you giggled, running to the deep end and doing an elegant dive in.
You resurfaced in the middle of the pool, pushing your hair back. "Aren't you coming?" You asked and he just stared at you. You got to the edge of the pool, an leaned up as though you were gonna kiss him. Enticed by your appearance when you were undressed and wet, he leaned in. "Gotcha," You whispered against his lips and yanked him down into the pool.
You started laughing as he tried to recover from the surprise attack, "Now you've done it!" He yelled and ran after you in the water as you tried to swim away. You splashed him and he splashed you back while the two of you laughed. He finally grabbed you, and the playful kicks and nudges turned into heated caresses as he pressed his lips to yours.
"Not enough..." He said as he continued to touch and kiss you. He helped you get out of the pool with ease, and wrapped you up in a towel as he carried you to the elevator, taking it up to the penthouse.
It was the day of the anniversary party. You were all dressed up, with your hair perfectly curled and brushed out, makeup done to perfection and jewels adorned on your neck and ears. You were a form fitting red dress, with a slit going high up the side, and gold heels. You had red gloves that reached your elbows, and a ring placed on your finger overtop.
"It's Mr Ichinomiya!" Someone called and you turned to look, seeing Eisuke walking into the ballroom, surrounded by more women than before. Eisuke didn't even look at the staff that are welcoming the guests, and he didn't look at you either as he passed by. It irked you again.
Suddenly, Baba approached, "Hm? Y/n? You're working? I thought you were gonna be a guest?" He asked and you shook your head. "No, not this time."
"Alright, well. Do your best! I'm sure you'll be great!" Baba said and walked off with a wave, you waved back at him. You wished that Eisuke would approach and talk to you like he did. You watched Eisuke disappear into the crowd with his groupies.
You did your job as well as always, attracting a large crowd of both men and women, but it was the men who were ogling you and cheering whenever you hit a high note. At first, you had one eye on Eisuke, but once you got into your set, you forgot all about him, singing your upbeat jazz renditions of pop songs, and it was Eisuke that had one eye on you. That's right. You had groupies of your own. It irked him.
After the party, you lined up with the rest of the staff, thanking the guests for coming. Several men and women specifically wanted to say goodbye to you, and even the most handsome of the gentlemen was blushing up to his ears.
You acted politely, shaking hands and giving graceful and short curtsies. Then, as Eisuke was passing by you, another one of his groupies shoved past you, trying to get his attention, "Eisuke! Wait!" She called and you tripped over, falling into his arms. It was like when you first met, but this time, he wasn't indifferent and he looked down into your eyes as he held you.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" One of the groupies call, "Yeah! Get away from him now!" Another shouted, "You're going to get his suit dirty!"
All of a sudden, the two of you were surrounded by women, one of them looked like she was going to slap you. Hard. You got ready to catch her hand, but Eisuke pulles you close into him, protecting you with his broad back.
"Eisuke..." You said, surprised he didn't just ignore you again.
"Get away from her." His tone was hard, and strict, leaving no room for doubt. The women gasped.
"But Eisuke!" One of them shouted.
"That's right. It's time I make things clear."
He helped you stand up straight, and then wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you to him. "She's the only one allowed up in my penthouse."
"What?!" The groupies shouted. "Stop following me around!" He asserted, an you had never seen his face look as stern as it did in that moment.
"Why are you saying this?" one of the women looked like she was going to cry.
"Is she your girlfriend?!" Another yelled. "She's the one he took to the I.V.C., but I thought they broke up!" One said.
Eisuke started walking you to the elevator, as the lobby filled with chatter. "Eisuke please reconsider!"
"If we did anything wrong, we apologize!"
"Hey, watch it!" One of the guests shoved a groupie who shoved him. The women and guests started quarrelling and Eisuke turned around, "Silence! I'll ban anyone who causes trouble for the other guests from entering this hotel!"
"No!!" The women started crying and falling over as the staff rushed over to them to get them to stop. "Let's go." Eisuke said to you, putting his arm around your shoulder and heading for the elevator.
Just then, Ota and Baba slipped through the crowd. "Here come the busybodies." Eisuke sighed.
"Will you stop calling us that?" Ota asked. "I think it's pretty apt." You teased and Ota put a hand on his chest in mock hurt, "Et tu, Y/n?"
"What a waste, turning down all those women at once," Baba commented. "Only you would think that, Baba." You said.
"If you want them, go ahead and take them." Eisuke said. "Good for you, Baba. You've been wanting Eisuke's sloppy seconds, right?" Ota smiled.
"That's not respectful to women, Ota. I'm just going to rescue them with love." Baba replied.
"That's not respectful to women. We don't need rescuing." You teased.
"OOHHHH!" Ota celebrated, causing you to chuckle.
Baba then leaned in to whisper in your ear, "Boss looked super bored at the party. At first, I bet he wished he brought you."
You looked over at him a little surprised, "Then he kept one eye on you for getting all the attention of the men." Baba teased.
"Yeah, Y/n's about the only woman who can hold a conversation with Eisuke." Ota added.
"He doesn't look it, but he's pretty naive!" Baba continued. Eisuke rolled his eyes. "I can hear you, you know." He then turned his back on the elevator.
"We're going to your room." He said and you raised a brow, "What?"
"I can't stand it here. It's too loud." He replied.
"She's done for the day," Eisuke said to the manager who nodded with a bow. He started walking up the stairs.
"You'd better go," Ota said and you shrugged and followed him to your room. It was out of the way of the guest rooms, because it was outfitted with a small kitchen, but it was just a short walk.
"Small." He said when he first entered. "It's no penthouse." You shrugged, then gestured for him to sit down on a sofa. You then kicked off your heels and walked over to the kitchen. "I'm making some tea, do you want some?" You asked and he shrugged.
You brewed enough tea for the both of you and you squeezed lemon and honey into yours, bringing it over to the coffee table. "My dad sends me this tea. He bought it because someone told him it was good for the throat, so I drink it after work."
"Do you think I came here to talk about tea?" He asked.
"I'm just talking, you don't need to be an ass about it." You said as you sat on the floor tucking your legs underneath you as you began to sip, the warm liquid opening up your throat and refreshing your vocal chords.
It was silent for a few moments, and you debated asking him something based on what Baba said. "Why didn't you take me to the party?" You asked, looking down at your teacup. Your back was straight and your shoulders squared, only your eyes were cast downward, which told Eisuke you might've been a little upset.
"I was going to."
"Why didn't you?"
"...I don't know."
You didn't believe him, but you didn't wanna force him to say anything. "Why are you asking?" He thought.
You cleared your throat and brought the teacup up to your lips, "I was starting to think you enjoyed having all those women hanging off you," You sarcastically said, following your words up with a sip.
"As if. You'd be a fool for thinking that."
"Well, I can't help it. All you do is traipse around, ordering me to do this and that, dragging me around with you, acting like a complete ass... And to make matters worse you still haven't told me how you felt. Do you even love me?" You asked, earnestly, frustration coming across your features.
"Why do I have to say it?" He looked surprised.
"You're kidding," You glared, spitting the words.
"I made you mind. Can't you tell without me having to say it?" He asked, face blank."You went to all that trouble to have me say it, and you don't think I deserve to hear the words from you too? I hate to break it to you, but that's what a couple does!" You nearly shouted, your irritation finally releasing.
He kept quiet, looking off to the side. You sighed, "Forget it." You stood up, putting your cup down on the coffee table. "Where are you going?" He asked as he saw you putting your shoes on.
"Elsewhere." You said and started to leave but he grabbed you, yanking you to press up against him.
"Let go of me," You said, half-heartedly.
"Shut up." He turned you around and pressed your lips to his. He pulled away for a moment, "I love you." He finally said and you took in a sharp inhale.
"I love you, Y/n." He repeated, "Satisfied?"
"Not if you're going to follow it up like that," You shook your head as you whispered, your face completely serious. He sighed, "You think I'd keep around a woman I didn't love?"
You shrugged one shoulder, "Well, you're a sadist, so I thought the women you liked were just made to wait on you. But..." You brought your face close to his, "I'm not one of those women."
"I'm going to make it so you never say anything so annoying again." He smirked. He reached behind your back for the zipper of your dress, picking you up and lying you down on your bed.
"You want me to say it, right? That I love you." He whispered in your ear and you nodded. He saw your pupils get blown wide with lust, causing a soft expression and gentle smile to grace his face, "I had no idea those words were so effective."
He felt your skin as he slid your dress down, "I love you. I'll tell you all night long." His face still looked kind as he showed you just how much his words meant.
The next morning, you left your room with Eisuke, and you saw Baba walking with a big suitcase. "Morning!" He said cheerfully.
You called as you saw him.
"You're so lucky, Boss! You spent the night in Y/n's room? Y/n, invite me next time!" Baba beamed.
Eisuke glared at him and pushed you forward, "Let's go."
"Oooh, are you jealous?" Baba asked. You look over at Eisuke, wondering if he actually was. "Oh, he's the type to get jealous easily. Which is why he put on that little show of getting rid of his groupies after he saw you getting ogled by so many men at the party."
You smiled slightly and looked at Eisuke. "Anyway, I'm gonna be gone for work. Don't forget about me!" Baba said and waved.
"Take care." You waved back. All of a sudden Eisuke gives you a kiss. "Forget about him. Just concentrate on me. Got it?"
You hesitantly nod. "Got it."
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atomsminecraft · 2 months
Gurl can you try to do a Guy x MC angst?
Ah shit I was suppose to post this 30 minutes ago but I got distracted mb
Anyways 😃
Have fun everyone 😇
Trigger warning: Pregnancy and pregnancy loss
It has been four months since discovering I was pregnant. Four months of baby and pregnancy books, people putting pressure on me to give birth to an heir, and people focusing a little too much on what I eat and my weight gain. Nothing could be better though.
Guy has been surprisingly helpful—with the help of Jasper of course. Honestly even without him, he’s been very attentive to me; making sure I eat healthy, going with me on walks, helping me pick out baby clothes, helping pick baby furniture, and so much more. Honestly life is amazing, I wouldn’t change it for the world, and this baby will make things even better.
At the moment, me and Guy are on a settee. My head is on his shoulder while he has a hand on my stomach. “Did you feel it yet?” I ask.
Guy shakes his head with a sigh. “Not yet.” I hum in response and I put one hand over his and the other on my belly.
“The baby was so active not too long ago. I’m sure they’ll kick soon.” We stay in silence for a small bit, with Guy slightly tickling my stomach by moving his thumb back and forth. “Oh!” My eyes widen as I suddenly feel a feather-light sensation within me. Guy must have felt it too because he has a similar expression of surprise on his face. We look at each other and smile. “I told you you’ll feel it!”
Guy leans in closer to my stomach and gives my stomach a kiss, seemingly causing the baby to kick more. Guy’s face looks like he’s almost in a trance, feeling and looking at my belly with such love and admiration. I smile at his loving gaze at my stomach. “I can’t wait to raise this baby with you,” I say gently.
Guy goes back to a normal sitting position and takes my hand to his lips, kissing it. “I reciprocate the feeling.” He then leans in and gives me a kiss, one which I of course reciprocate in turn.
Music and dancing fill the hall as the dancers spin and twirl. A week ago we were formally invited to a party from a noble household. After being cooped up in Avari castle for so long, I had to literally beg Guy to let us go. He of course caved once I brought in the pregnancy tears. Another battle won, haha!
The music is honestly so good I cannot help but sway back and forth to it. I feel a warm hand take mine and I look up at Guy. “Do you want to dance?”
I can practically feel the metaphorical stars in my eyes as I nod. “Yes! I would love to!” He smiles at my excitement and leads me to the dance floor. The dance is slow and sensual, a musical rhythm that is almost addicting.
Even as the song ends a few minutes later, I am still left with a feeling of lightness as the music continues to play the rhythm in my head. Guy hands me some juice and I thank him before taking a sip. Mmmm this is so nice! The cold ice floating on the top cools my hot face.
Before I even know it, I suddenly get bumped into by a young gentleman, who quickly prevents me and my drink from falling by grabbing onto me and my drink. “Oh creator! My apologies!” The man quickly hands me back my drink that he prevented from falling to the ground and does a quick bow. “I sincerely hope I didn’t harm you, please forgive me….!”
Guy glares at the man and pulls me close. “You better be careful,” he says coldly.
“Guy, I’m alright!” He doesn’t respond and just continues to glare at the man. The gentlemen apologies again before running off past us.
I take another sip of my drink, enjoying the bubbly feeling. I find that the ice has somewhat sunk to the bottom, giving me a better opportunity to get more drink from my cup and less ice trying to get into my mouth. Guy’s hand is perched on my stomach, practically holding the baby inside it. I put my hand over his, enjoying the moment. The baby slightly kicks, which brings even more joy to the moment.
A few noblemen and noblewomen come up to talk to us. Simple small talk fills our time as those who wish to speak to us come forward. I get many congratulations on my pregnancy too, which I am very happy to show off with the small bump of my stomach.
Some time passes and Jasper walks up to us. “Your Majestys, the carriage is ready.” We, well I, thank him as Guy grunts in acknowledgment and Jasper goes off to get our coats.
“Did you enjoy your time here?” Guy asks. I smile and nod.
“Thank you for bringing us here. I honestly missed socializing with others. It felt refreshing coming to a ball after so long.” Guy nods in acknowledgment and starts leading me to the exit. It has been such a good couple of months. Five more and we’ll be happy parents to our adorable ba—!
My legs give out as I feel a stabbing pain in my stomach. Guy holds onto me, preventing me from falling, as I hold onto my stomach for dear life. “What’s wrong?!” I can only curl into myself as I hold onto my belly as the pain heightens. I squeeze my eyes shut as I attempt to breathe. Guy’s hold on me tightens. I open my eyes only to regret it as I see a giant puddle of blood around me, which only gets bigger within every passing second.
Oh god.
Oh my god…!
No no no no no!
The floor feels unsteady as I feel myself sway. Air can’t seem to get into my lungs fast enough. There’s yelling then soon a calm yet shaky voice talking to me. I can only stare at the blood pooling around me.
I honestly don’t remember what happens after. Only that the ground seemed to swallow me whole as a pair of arms held onto me.
“I’m so sorry, Queen MC. There’s nothing I can do…” says the healer. “The poison was too far into the babies body to be able to save it.”
“DON’T YOU DARE CALL MY BABY AN IT!” I yell. I grip onto the red bed sheets, hoping it could stop my crying. I can’t even look the healer in the eyes, only at me and Guy’s joined hands.
“I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean…!”
“Leave. Now.” I command. I’m honestly surprised I even have the energy to be angry. I can hear the footsteps of the healer before he leaves the room.
It was deduced that the man who bumped into me put something in my juice once he bumped into me, taking advantage of my glass almost falling to the floor. An investigation was set out to find him.
I’m gonna be the one to kill that man first if I ever see his face again.
Me and Guy continue to stay in silence, both of us too distraught to say anything.
I feel myself zone out. Thoughts drowned my head. I’m such a horrible mother. I couldn’t even save my baby because of my own eagerness to go to one last party before my feet hurt too much to walk. This is karma. That has to be it. This is a punishment for not being careful enough.
I barely even notice the tears falling onto the blanket and my hand. Guy pulls me into a hug as I cry, not saying anything.
Even as the days pass, I haven’t had it in me to talk or move much. Guy stays with me whenever he can once work is done. Jasper keeps my company when he’s not around.
The monster who has done this has yet to be found.
My baby is gone. And it was all my fault.
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diareads · 5 days
I just officially finished my Sherry SL fic I can't believe it!
Published 02/19/2023 - Completed 09/19/2024
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To summarize, the fic is a consort path for Sherry. Mistakes were made and now Sherry and MC have to figure out how to navigate the rough positions they're put in. How will they overcome the kingdom's trying to control them?
If you're interested in reading here's the link:
I also edited pictures for the magic and mischief endings if you'd like to check them out. Sometime later this month I'll post the images on Tumblr. Either way, thank you guys for supporting my crazed Sherry obsessed self. ❤
Here are some tastes of the incoming pics 👀 stay tuned
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eisukevint · 7 months
eisuke ichinomiya x desi!reader headcanons !!
im so bored so here are some headcanons bec i love being desi
• he hates it when he has to wait and initially when you started dating you tried your best to be on time whenever he paged you but as your relationship progressed, its game over. whenever u have to go out, you ALWAYS leave at the the desi time and he slowly got so used to it, the one and only time punctual eisuke was late to events.
• eisuke has a massive sweet tooth so when you first made him kheer, he absolutely loved it although his only words were ‘not bad’. He definitely asks you to make it again so you feed him other ‘mithai’ (sweets in urdu/hindi) like gulab jamun, rasgullay, JALEBI etc and he loves it so much.
• you make him desi food from time to time and actually requests it like you him ask ‘eisuke what do you want for dinner today?’ and he just says ‘you made nihari last time, it was good. make it again’ he finds it very flavourful.
• he’s very familiar with other cultures since he’s a businessman and often interacts with foreign businessmen. he knows about the clothes and customs of your country. imagine eisuke in kurta or sherwani EISUKE IN A KURTA A BLACK KURTA AT THAT (i would actually die). Whenever you go to family events, you always wear traditional clothes and once eisuke is invited to them, he initially just wears his suit but after some time he starts to indulge you and actually wears your traditional clothes.
• he finds it very sexy when you talk and swear in your mother language.
• eisuke is multilingual (as its mentioned in the story) so if he doesnt know your mother langauge he would DEFINITELY learn and boy his pronunciation would be so good (thats a perfectionist for you)
• he says he hates bollywood movies because theyre so extra but thats a lie. whenever u play something like ‘kabhi khushi kabhi gham’ or ‘kal ho na ho’ he always watches it with you because he’s intrigued but ALWAYS says ‘this movie is so bad i wonder why you waste time watching this stuff’
• you go around singing bollywood songs or songs in your mother tongue around the penthouse and he just enjoys it so much but he definitely wont say it out loud
• eisuke was FLABBERGASTED when you told him or rather showed him a desi wedding like why is everyone wearing such fancy clothes ??? and he’s even more surprised when he finds out there’s actually three days to a wedding and even more pre wedding events.
• he loves it when you wear mehndi on your hands, he sees mehndi as something that adorns your hand and whenever u apply it, he brings your hand up to his face and smells it because he loves thr scent.
• when you told him about all your family and by that i mean family on your mother’s and father’s side, he has to do a double take because why the fuck do you have SO many cousins? he’s trying to keep up but there’s just so many.
• your parents love him more than you. they literally said it to your face ‘oh my, such a handsome boy, how did you ever end up with our incompetent daughter’ you cannot convince me that this wont happen.
• baba asks you to teach him bhangra and other desi dance steps and you, ota and baba have the time of your life dancing to chammak challo and nach punjaban in the penthouse lounge and eisuke just looks at you like youre comitting a crime
a little something for myself bec im a self indulgent bitch (not exactly a desi headcanon but i wanted to add this)
• every eid you spend with him, he makes sure to spoil you thoroughly. he gives you so much eidi (literally) like he straight up handed you car keys once and went ‘eid mubarak ___, i know you’ve been waiting for your eidi’ and then he just smirks while you think what did you do to deserve so much. he enjoys eid festivities with you and eid ul fitr is his favourite eid.
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dotster001 · 7 months
Summary: Dia Akedia x gn!reader Unfortunately for your sleepy self, your boyfriend's love language is biting.
A/N: inspired by my cat, and Dia's lack of embarrassment. Very short, but hopefully still enjoyable.
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You would like to think that, after so long in Saligia, you'd have adapted to the sleep schedule. But, sometimes, your body relapsed. It would remember how “morning time” used to be when you would wake up, and “night time” was when you slept.
Day's like today, you would just sleep through your first class. Not that your paramour cared. He intended to skip class. What he didn't like was that you weren't paying attention to him.
“Y/N,” he whispered, as he snuggled even closer to you. You were only vaguely aware of him, opting to grumble and turn your back to him.
“Y/N,” he whined, pressing his lips to your neck, planting sloppy wet kisses along it.
You grumbled some more, swatting vaguely around you.
He huffed. He leaned back into your neck again, and bit down.
“Dia, no,” you whined, pulling your blanket over your head. “Let me sleeeeeep.”
You heard an unexcited “hmph”, and for a moment, you thought he would just lay back down and go to sleep. Maybe cuddle with you a little.
Then you felt a puff of warm air on a part of your hip that was not completely covered by the blanket, and before you could react, he'd bit again.
You made yourself even smaller under the blanket, tucking it in around yourself so there were no gaps for him to get under. This time, you heard a “grr”. 
“Diaaaaaaaa, I need sleep!”
Now you heard a grumbling of words in, what sounded like, latin, as he began searching for the edge of the blanket so that he could drag it off you.
“I. Want. You. To. Love. Me.” He punctuated each word with a yank at the blanket. 
“I do love you. I just love you more when you let me sleep,” you whined, fighting just as hard to keep the blanket on on your still sleepy body. A particularly hard yank sent Dia tumbling off the bed, but it also meant you were now completely defenseless. He quickly got up, and leapt on top of you, laying his entire weight on you, as he leaned in and nibbled your cheek, quickly moving to nibble the tip of your nose.  You grabbed your pillow from under your head, and hit him on the head with it.
He froze, glaring at you.
“I want to sleep,” you said, firmly.
“Fine,” he said cooly, standing up and leaving the room, but not before kicking the blanket slightly out of reach.
You stood up to grab the blanket, laid yourself back down and snuggled up in the most comfortable way ever. Then you closed your eyes.
And it was then that you realized you had lost all your sleep fighting him off.
You reopened your eyes and growled in frustration. You stood up, got dressed, then made the trek to your, soon to be smug ass, boyfriend’s room.
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ithseem · 7 months
Drawing Henna Tattoos On the Consorts' Hands (S-Ranks edition)
"Why are you writing this?" Because no one else will. And because it's fucking fun
Saligia is full of wack flora and fauna, and since you've finally found something resembling a henna plant that can actually leave a stain and doesn't make you hallucinate or some other odd shit, you decided to crush some of the leaves up and make a batch. There was an upcoming festival, so this is a good opportunity to put those skills to use
Oh boy...The amount of puppy-eyeing you need to do 💀
He does eventually cave though, only because it's you. His own curiosity definitely has no part in this, what are you talking about?
He's going into this knowing that henna stains may take a few hours to set properly before he could wipe the dried paste off.
Because of that, he'd get all his stuff done before sitting down with you. You'd better do the same too.
He'd moisturize his hands and forearms as per your advice and hold still long enough to see you work your artistic skills, and he's quite impressed (He may or may not voice this).
He can see that working with henna can be fiddly, seeing how focused you are.
The small smile on his face after you finished means your mission was successful.
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You want to draw a tattoo with henna on his hand? Alright. It looks like it'd take a while to draw so he'd try and stay still if he'd fall asleep.
"Would you moisturize my hands for me? 🥺" is is excuse to feel your hands before you start your work.
He does fall asleep about half an hour in. He saw how focused you were, and the design already looked pretty good, so he trusts that he's in good hands (not that he has a reason to distrust you).
You did tell him ahead of time that the henna would take a few hours to properly set, so he'd try not to move his hand too much
Lynt's pretty sensitive, so once the henna feels properly dry, he'd wipe off the paste.
He seemed so pleased with the design that it seems a shame to use that hand too much. He'll ask Tino to do a bit more work until the stain wears off (Not that Tino minds)
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When you told Roy about drawing tattoos with crushed leaves, he knew he'd want to try it. Especially on festival days.
Though he is a busy man, he'd make some time for you to do his henna and wait for a few hours to let the stain set. Probably on a day off or something.
He can't help but watch you while you put your artistic prowess to work.
And the design? It is absolutely gorgeous.
"That look of intense focus is quite captivating, you know? And the design looks gorgeous" - Roy Invidia
Fast forward several hours and he's wiped off the dried henna.
He wears the stain like a medal of honour.
Soon enough, all the girls found out about it and drew some designs on their own to wear on special occasions
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He can't say he isn't curious about this custom, so he'll indulge you. And he wants to spend more time with you and watch your artistic skills in action.
Before his day off he made sure everything is done without any mistakes (he does that anyway, but he does this more meticulously than usual)
He washed and moisturized his hands before you got to work.
Drawing with a tube of paste can be fiddly, so he held still as possible (he was going to anyway, he just really doesn't want to break your concentration)
He has to admit, the design looks exquisite. You really put a lot of care and thought into it
The next day, you see him teaching his classes with the henna stained hand in plain sight.
He let his class in on this once his lecture finished.
Needless to say nigh everyone had a henna tattoo on ball days after that.
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You want to draw a tattoo on him? Using crushed leaves? He would love that!
He doesn't mind sitting still for an hour to see you work on something so beautiful.
Hands and forearms? Clean. Skin? Hydrated and moisturized by you (he likes feeling your hands). Hotel? Trivago.
The design you're working on is beautiful yes, but it pales compared to you. Especially right this moment since you look so focused.
The urge to try and fluster you is too strong, so he does when you lift the tube for a few moments.
The stain set a few hours later, and my goodness was the final product gorgeous.
And let me tell you: nigh everyone drew a tattoo with henna. Especially before ball nights
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Rio would be more than happy to let you draw a design with henna on his hand, but he is a bit concerned about how he's going to eat his food. That henna(?) stuff doesn't seem too appetizing and he doesn't want to ruin your work. (Thoma volunteered to take over for his work for tending to the vegetable patch)
You opted for a simpler design on his forearm or on the back of his hand so it doesn't get too in the way of his food or work. Rio doesn't mind though. He knows what you'll create will be beautiful regardless
His hands and forearms are clean and moisturized and he's rarin to go (not without a few snacks to share with you, of course)
He can't say he's too well-versed in this art form, but you look like you know what your doing, and he likes the design.
The wait was definitely worth it, and he wears that stain like a badge of honour.
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skywardabound · 10 months
Rereading Voltage Inc. games as an adult hits you different.
MC: "Leon... Don't go."
Leon: "...That is one wish I cannot grant."
Me: *screaming, crying, throwing up*
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juneberrie · 1 year
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stop she loves u
ur probably best friends w clawdeen & cleo
frankie will always always sit and watch you sketch out designs, if you like designing things. she finds the repetitive sound of the pencil against paper really soothing
can & will listen to you ramble on about new trends or a cute skirt you bought or literally whatever. she loves hearing u talk
please. pick out her outfits.
she loves sitting on her bed and watching you run in and out of her closet holding up different pieces of clothing to her, either nodding or shaking ur head before rushing back to the closet
always texts u pics of her outfits before school
"does this look good?"
kinda dislikes shopping but she likes going with you <3 she'll let you drag her around the mall for hours on end
this is so short im so sorry :(
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sasukeuchiha-24 · 4 months
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Clã uchiha
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sasuke-naruto · 5 months
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Sasuke e Naruto ❤️
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narutouzumaki-25 · 4 months
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Naruto Shippuden ✨️🍃
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Join Her Emo Band… Or Else
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Based on this post and poll result.
Thier pokemikuween headcanon.
Enjoy! 💜 👻
A chill ran down your spine as you stepped foot inside the eerie haunted house.
Despite your fear, you were an adrenaline junkie who often sought anxiety sensations.
With every step you took forward, your ears were filled with the sound of creaks coming from the broken and unfinished floorboards, along with the rapid pounding of your heart.
You suddenly froze.
You felt a ghostly presence behind you, but when you turned around, you saw nothing.
As you continued forward, you experienced a sudden tap on your shoulder and turned around again.
The upper half of your face turned blue at the sight.
The ghostly presence in front of you was a Haunter.
You took a step back.
The Haunter, seeing this as a perfect opportunity to scare you, decided to make a terrifyingly silly face, its eyes bulging out of its head as it stuck its tongue out at you.
"BLEAUGH!" It cried out.
This caused you to let out a horrified scream as you turned and swiftly ran up the staircase, hearing the Haunter cackle as you did so.
When you reached the top floor, you opened the door nearest to you and entered the room before quickly shutting it.
Inside, you breathed rapdily, your body shaking in fear before you heaved out an easy sigh as the shaking slowly ceased.
Being away from that Haunter brought you a sense of relief as you examined the room you were currently in.
The bedroom was furnished in black, deep purples, and blues, and included ghostly furniture and eerie decor that evoked Halloween spirit.
You take note of the crashed computer sitting on the desk as it begins to glitch and switch on, prompting you to approach it slowly with great caution.
You begin to gaze at the blue screen of the computer as you blink, and before you know it, a ghostly girl with glitched pigtails and a blank expression appears, along with her Mismagius by her side.
The female phantom, staring at you, begins to slowly reach behind her back for something as a mischievous smile spreads on the lips of her Mismagius as it looks at you.
You gulped, sweating up a storm as you trembled.
That was the final straw for you - without wasting a single second, you ran out of the room in panic, down the stairs, and out of the door of the haunted house.
You won't ever step foot in there again.
Meanwhile, Ghost Miku, still in her PC, sat sadly on the ground, holding a microphone in her hand, the item she had pulled out from behind her back, as Mismagius tried to comfort her the best it could.
The only thing she wanted was for you to join her emo band.
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marutsuia · 9 months
Prologue || Court of Darkness (pt.1)
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Summary: Justice for the Court of Darkness MC! A rewrite of the prologue.
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: Thanks to @scrumptiousfirepanda for requesting! I got 2 requests for Court of Darkness, and I will do them both, but starting with the request for the prologue so that you have context! I not only wanted to make the MC stand up for herself, but I wanted her to not be magically useless, so I came up with some changes that I hope make sense. Enjoy!
"Voila! Today's offerings are served," You announced as you finished putting plates down on the table in front of the framed photos of your parents.
"Parentals... Today's feast consists of fried rice from the fridge, standard wilted greens, and delicious pork." You clarify to the altar, taking a breath as you bowed your head, in a silent prayer.
Your wide eyed, adorable black cat, stood next to you, "Mew." He said and you chuckled, "Saying your own prayers, Salem? What a good boy," You pet him, feeling his head nuzzle into your hand and his body move to match the shape of your palm.
"Are you hungry?" You asked him, opening a can of wet food. He meowed relentlessly, excited at the prospect of dinner. You chuckled and turned around, ready to put his bowl down, but instead of seeing him there, he was at the window, staring outside.
That was odd. Normally, he would be all over it. Nothing had ever managed to take his attention enough away from his precious wet food. Something immediately felt wrong to you, a pit forming in your stomach.
"Salem?" You called cautiously as you approached, warily opening the window to get a look. The moon was blood red, and you felt a chill. Something was definitely off. That's not normal.
When you felt the moon sucking you in, you instantly shut the window, "What is going on?" You asked as you felt a bout of dizziness overtake you. You stepped back, tripping over something as you began to faint, but you didn't hit the ground.
It felt as though a rift opened up, and you fell. Down, down, down. Deep into a pit of darkness. It wasn't like the kind of fall that you felt when you were about to fall asleep, no... This was much more real. The wind was whipping through your hair, and you could see your apartment getting smaller and smaller, and you could see Salem, standing at the edge, looking at you, alarmed.
Screams came through your throat, and you watched as Salem jumped down with you, the hole closing up behind him. "What the hell is going on?!" You screamed, continuing to fall at breakneck speed.
All of a sudden, yours and Salem's fall slowed, your hair no longer whipping in the rough winds, and you felt your body tilt backwards, almost as though it was being laid down by some sort of force, and your eyes felt heavy. No matter how much you tried to fight it, they closed, and you fell unconscious, feeling something tickle your skin.
The darkness faded away, and you were left laying on the ground, in a bed of flowers.
"Hello? You okay?" A distant voice called and your eyelids twitched, opening with a flutter. Your surroundings were different. In fact, they were like nothing you'd ever seen before.
"Ah, there you are. Time to get up I think." A young man with purpleish white hair tied into a braid, and an extravagant purple coat and purple eyes said with a handsome smile.
You sucked in a breath, sitting up on your elbows and moving back a bit, "Who the hell are you?" You spat. Before he answered, he saw as you looked around, panicked. An imposing building stood before you, in the lavish garden.
You gasped, standing up and rubbing your jeans down from the flower petals. "What the fuck kinda dream is this?" You mumbled under your breath.
"If only this was a dream. Then, there would be no rules and you and I could do whatever we liked. You have such lovely dark eyes, treasure. Care to take a turn with me?" You didn't miss the seductive, flirtatious tone coming from the man.
You took a step back from him, "Stay away from me!" You warned, scurrying back, but tripping over something, causing the man to reach out and grab you.
"Gods!" The second he grabbed you to steady you, his whole body was engulfed in a violet flame reminiscent of twilight.
You looked at it with wide eyes. Magic?!
"This should not be possible. I'm carrying a stone that prevents this," He said to himself, in shock.
"How can this be?" Another voice called, belonging to a princely figure with pink-blond hair, and that was when you realized you were basically being watched by a group of men.
"Fenn's radiating power," A sleepy looking blond man with green eyes said, surprised.
"So the light just now was your doing, was it? Explain yourself." A pale man with blue hair, blue eyes and clothes asked.
That was when you quickly gathered your wits and shoved the guy called Fenn off you.
"Making eyes at women again, are we?" An intimidating looking guy with dark hair and red eyes approached.
"Hm? Who and what are you?" He got closer to you and scowled, glaring.
He leaned down, meeting your eyes, "Get away from me!" You shouted and pulled away. "Your eyes are as black as jet... It cannot be." He continued to glare.
"Would I be correct in saying this girl has enhanced Fenn's powers?" The blue-haired man asked.
You don't say anything as you slowly start to back away while they're talking.
"Calm down, Guy. You, too, Toa." The guy in green urged. "You're frightening her." He said and moved to stand beside you.
"Are you alright?" He asked, putting a hand on your shoulder, and as soon as he did, his body was enveloped in a green fire. "Well, now," The guy in green said.
"My word!" Toa and Guy called at the same time.
"Such radiance... I daresay this is a magical flame." The princelike man exclaimed.
At this display, you shoved his hand off of you, taking more steps back. "It leaves you at a loss for words, doesn't it?" Fenn said, still glowing.
"She's something else, isn't she?" The man dressed in green replied.
"Guy, do you think she could be--" The prince asked.
"Yes. There is no doubt." Guy replied.
"You there." He called and approached you, causing you to try to back away faster. His gaze raked over your body, and unbeknownst to you, he liked what he saw. "Your name."
You refused to answer, glaring at him. You felt the corners of your mind begin to clench, as an uninvited force tried to enter.
No. Go away!
You gritted your teeth, clenching your jaw as you tried to stop it from entering, but Guy noticed and tilted his head to the side, driving his powers further. "I will ask you one more time. Tell. Me. Your. Name."
This time, you couldn't resist, "Y/n Y/l/n." You replied.
"Now then. Where do you come from?" He asked.
You fight your lips, pressing them into a line, but after a moment, you can't hold it back, telling him your entire address.
"What kind of a place is that? I've never heard of it." Guy scowled, angrily.
"Hard as it may be to believe, I suggest she may be a trespasser upon our world." Toa said.
"Meow!" Salem jumped out of a bush, causing the men to look surprised. You took this as your opportunity, scooping him up and making a run for it.
"No, wait! Please!" The princelike one shouted after you but you ignored him.
"Salem, where the hell are we?!" You shouted, as you made it to a colossal gate.
"Halt." You heard a voice call and looked up to see the men floating. "Where do you suppose you're going? Try not to make trouble, will you?" Guy glared and you glared back at him, your face and voice turning into one of anger.
"Go to hell!" You shouted, pushing the heavy gate open and continuing to run.
They continued to pursue you while having a chat as though they weren't chasing someone. "Guy, you mustn't glare at people. How many times must I remind you to be a gentleman?" Fenn asked, disappointedly.
"And you seem to have gotten to big for your britches since you got that magical boost. Does he look even more unhinged than usual or am I imagining things?" Toa replied.
"I am rather giddy; I feel as though I could do anything right now. And that was but a touch of her, imagine what a kiss could do."
"I'd rather die!" You screamed over your ragged breaths.
"Hey. Hands to yourself." Guy said, ignoring you.
"Don't scowl so... It isn't very becoming." Fenn smirked.
The princelike man suddenly descended in front of you, blocking your path, "Y/n, was it?" He asked and you stared at him. "I'm Roy. You needn't be so frightened of us, you know. We intend you no harm." He gave you a charming smile.
"I find that very hard to believe." You said, panting.
"We aren't the scary sort. You can trust us." The man in green also descends in front of you, and it gives you pause. These two seem to be the least problematic.
"It's not you I'm worried about." You clarified.
The other men descend too, "Let us test this theory." Toa called and you turned. Before your eyes even managed to focus on what you were looking at, Toa, grabbed your face, his cool hand chilling your warm cheeks, and his body was engulfed in blue flame.
You wrenched your face out of his grip, "Will you stop touching me?!" You shouted at all of them.
"Wait your turn. The first taste is mine." Guy ordered and you groaned, your heart hammering against your chest as you felt a burst of rage.
"Don't you dare!" You shouted, backing away as he advanced on you, and you bumped into the two men.
"Hold on, Guy--" The man in green tried to say, but Guy grabbed you by your waist. "A simple touch can accomplish all of this?" Guy asked, shocked, as fire exuded from his body, and you tried to wrench out of his grip.
"How dare you! I should go first." Toa retorted.
"Do. Not. Move." Guy ordered, ignoring Toa's protests as that force tried to weasel its way into your mind again. At first it took hold, and you stood still as a statue, as well as all the other men.
"I'm frozen!" The man in green said.
"All four of us at the same time? How is that possible?" Fenn asked.
"Her touch has amplified Guy's powers." Roy said.
"Your lips are mine and mine alone." Guy promised, leaning in closer. You felt more rage burst through your form, and as soon as he got close enough, with you trying to move and will your mind to escape this power, you felt the chain on your brain snap.
As soon as you realized you were able, you slapped him across the face. Everyone, who had been frozen before, were no longer under the spell due to your breaking it. But they still stood still as statues, jaws dropped as you moved out of Guy's grip and took off running once more, Salem still in your arms.
"That is quite enough." A man in an extravagant white cloak blocked your path, his hood covering his head and face.
"Headmaster," Toa called, still in the nonmagical trance you put on him by breaking out of a powerful spell and slapping Guy.
"Get away from her at once. That means every single one of you." The headmaster said an you took in a breath, trying to put some distance between yourself and this man encased in white.
"What do you want? Here to try to force me into submission, too? I promise you it will not work!" You growled, your tired voice brimming with fire.
"Poor dear. You need not look so petrified, you know." The headmaster said and you glared at him.
"Petrified?! No, sir, I am furious," You seethed, putting your cat down on the ground for a moment, "You're a headmaster, yes? These men are students?" You started and everyone watched with bated breath, "What kind of bullshit institution are you running, that your own students resort to acting like disgusting swine the moment they get the inclination of power?"
The headmaster stayed silent, listening to you, "Hey, woman--" Toa looked ready to stop you but the headmaster put up a hand to calm him, allowing you to continue.
"I am not an object. I will not be used as such. Not by any man. Magical or otherwise. Get your pigs under control." You spat and picked up your cat, ready to walk again, but the headmaster stopped you.
"Let me go." You warned, but he wordlessly raised his hand in command, and you felt something wrap around your neck. You touched it, feeling a chocker with a pendant hanging off it.
"That little bauble will be your salvation." He offered and you looked at him in confusion.
"No doubt, you are overwhelmed, having found yourself here of all places." You looked at him, a glare still present in your curious eyes, "This world is entirely unlike the place from whence you came. It is the magical realm." He explained.
"I beg your pardon?" You shot, your voice incredulous.
"The human world in which you live is divergent from our own."
You swallowed hard. "This is too much. I am in a phantasmagoric nightmare." You put your palm against your face, your voice sounding exasperated. "This is no nightmare." He said.
"Your very existence here will shake this world to its foundations. You, not only have the ability to give others power, but your own powers in themselves are stronger than anything this realm has seen." He clarified, raising his hand to perform some kind of spell.
You felt your eyelids grow heavy, but you tried to fight it. This was no time to fall asleep. "Don't fight it, child. That strength of yours will be put to good use, if nurtured." He said and you continued to fight it, standing up on your own two feet.
Everyone watched you with bated breath, as your forehead began to collect with sweat. Your body was warming up from fighting against the magic, and having already fought and broken Guy's powerful spell, you were worn out.
Your vision began to tilt and you fell onto the ground, whole body slick with sweat, but your eyes were still open. "Very impressive, Ms. Y/n. But I must urge you to rest." The headmaster said and you shook your head. "No... No..." You could feel your consciousness slipping, and you desperately tried to get a grip on it, but it just became harder and harder, until you couldn't fight it anymore.
"You are a rare and wonderful creature. But until you learn to hone that incredible power you hold within you, you represent nothing but an evil omen to the magical realm." The way he said it made it sound like you had the ability to be the strongest villain their world had ever seen. As though if you weren't trained and given the right direction, you could reduce their world to nothingness, with your own two hands.
And everyone should be frightened.
You felt something wet touching your hand and your eyelids twitched a few times, slowly opening. "Salem..." You mumbled, opening your eyes.
"Good morning, milady." You heard a smooth, elegant voice call and you looked over, seeing Salem with wings and his mouth opening and closing.
You screamed, jumping and accidentally falling off the bed. "What the hell?!"
"Are you alright?" He asked, and you stared at him dumfounded. "You can talk!" You pointed out, shocked.
"I understand your surprise, having never been to the magical realm before, I'm as thrilled as you are!" Salem exclaimed. His voice kind of suited his pitch black appearance. It was a little bit deeper than you would have thought, but still fitting. He had a posh accent, too, and you were dumfounded.
"All will be well, milady. You have nothing to fear as long as I am with you." He nodded, assuredly puffing out his chest and naming himself your protector.
"Lord have mercy..." You huffed, desperately, wondering what would become of you, now that you realized this was no dream.
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