#voltage fan fics
chirp-a-chirp · 6 months
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Devour and Delight: Roy’s Wedding and Wedding Night
Fandom: Court of Darkness (Roy X MC, MC named Carla)
Rating: First third PG/Sugary sweet; last 2/3 R/Sweetly Spicy (Minors/folks under 18 do not interact please!). The spicier section is in dialogue format.
Description: Roy and MC get hitched—and clearly enjoy their first honeymoon night. Part One to this story here: LINK HERE
Word Count: ~2700
Tags: Wedding; wedding night; fluff; sweet and spicy; soft smut
A private ceremony takes place in a garden near the Invidian royal chapel. A little girl clutching a basket marches down the aisle, the frills of her dress bouncing energetically. Roy smiles indulgently as the girl curtsies to him at the altar.
“You performed admirably, Nica.” He adds. “Your excitement mirrors mine.”
“Yay!” Nica runs to her older brother, Rio, who serves as Roy’s best man. She had practiced her flower girl routine diligently for a week. No one had the heart to tell Nica that, in her excitement, she forgot to drop any of the petals.
“Sorry about that mate,” Rio says quietly to Roy after ushering Nica to her seat.
“There is nothing to apologize for, my friend.” Roy eyes Nica’s overflowing flower basket, grinning. “I have a better use for the petals this evening.”
“What use could that be—“ Rio stops himself. Roy’s gaze is transfixed upon seeing Carla.
King Klaus walks Carla down the aisle. “I thought I’d only get this honor with Sherry,” Klaus murmurs, his voice choking. Carla can’t help but be moved that the King is reacting like a proud parent this day, his emotions clearly etched on his face.
The audience witnessing this wedding is small—some palace staff, Rio, Lynt and their immediate families, Sherry, Grayson, and Roy’s parents. The Invidian people and other foreign princes will be present for the public ceremony—and all the royal trappings along with it—in a week’s time. But this day is for Roy and Carla.
Carla can hardly contain her emotions as she grasps Roy’s hand.
“No escaping now,” Carla whispers jokingly, her eyes drinking the sight of him in his suit.
“Escape was never an option for us, Heartspell.”
King Klaus makes a gracious escape and sits next to his wife and daughter Sherry. He’s all but sure from Roy’s lovestruck stare that his son did not remotely register his presence.
“Roy’s brimming with passion. It just took the right woman to unlock it.” Roy’s mother notes fondly to King Klaus.
“If he can keep it unlocked until the ceremony ends!” Sherry giggles.
The officiant intones some very poignant and meaningful words—of which Roy would confess later to not recalling much of at all. He does recall every word of his and Carla’s personal wedding vows. When that time arrives, Carla turns and places a gold ring with an etched rose motif on his finger.
“The world is comprised of darkness and light. For years, I struggled in the dark, seeking a life worth living. But then, you arrived. Thank you for being my light—my source of inspiration and joy. I vow to spend every day giving you the same love and happiness you’ve gifted me. To ease the burdens you carry. To lift your spirits in times of sorrow and doubt.”
A beautiful smile forms on Roy’s face from Carla’s words. He places a diamond ring on her finger before clasping her hands.
“The world may be comprised of light and dark, but you brought color into my life. I love you with all that I am. My soul has transformed from knowing you—your goodness, your kindness, your perseverance. I vow to cherish you for eternity, to be the one you can turn to when you require. To comfort, soothe, and protect in times of need.”
The officiant asks if there are any objections. Carla withholds a giggle when Roy scans the crowd and briefly narrows his eyes as if anyone would object. Her thumb caresses his wrist to soothe his nerves.
The officiant pronounces them man and wife. Carla represses the urge to leap in Roy’s arms due to the audience. Roy senses her hesitation and pulls Carla to him in a tender embrace. As their lips touch, Carla whispers on his lips.
“I love you…husband.”
Time stops briefly. Affections overflow as they gaze into each other’s eyes.
“And I love you...wife.”
There’s a joyous celebration at the Castle. The festivities blur in a series of dances, feasting, and good natured ribbing of Roy and Carla being unable to keep their eyes off each other. The moment King Klaus and Queen Charlotte leave, Roy makes his excuses, picks Carla up in his arms, and dashes away.
Carla: Roy! So impatient! Her voice echoes the hallway. What will people say?
Roy: Patience would be rather unusual at present. It is not as if tonight’s plans are a secret. Roy smirks while carrying Carla towards their chambers. Upon feeling her cheeks blaze, his voice lowers. I have the most beautiful wife in my arms. All I desire is to spend time with her.
Carla: Define spend time. Carla nuzzles her nose against his neck as Roy opens their chamber door. I have some ideas…
Roy: Roy chuckles at her coyness. His eyes close briefly at feeling of Carla’s breath against his neck. He steps inside their chambers and locks the door.
Well then, please enlighten me.
Roy puts Carla on the ground. His thumb traces her jawline before lifting her chin towards his gaze. His eyes reflect adoration, love, and rising heat. Carla’s thoughts scatter at his look.
Carla: Roy…She is overwhelmed. A part of her wonders if she closes her eyes if she’ll find this day, nay their entire relationship, nothing more than a dream. She grasps Roy’s free hand. It’s real, solid, radiating warmth. His fingers curl against hers on instinct.
Allow me to burn this beautiful image of you in my mind. Please.
Roy: His eyes widen with surprise—he has been called fair of face by many, but none have mattered before meeting Carla. His expression softens.
Take your time. The corner of his mouth quirks. Please inform me if I pass your inspection.
Carla: She walks a full circle around Roy, eyes roaming up and down from the tips of his shoes to the top of his head. Roy breathes heavier at her examination.
It’s not everyday a girl marries the most handsome prince in Saligia—inside and out. Her voice trails as her arms wrap around Roy’s back.
Roy: He embraces Carla softly, resting his head on top of hers. You understand you've completely melted me, yes?
Carla: You’re standing upright, so not ALL of you has melted. She kicks off her heels and nuzzles against his chest.
Roy: He is determined to make this a night she’ll never forget. One of joy, of gallantry—
Carla: How about we unwrap our…wedding presents? Her fingers untuck shirttails from Roy’s pants so she can caress his sides.
Roy: …gallantry be damned.
Carla: Her hands wander to Roy’s shoulders as she removes his jacket. Carla hums in approval as Roy’s hands travel up her back and slowly undo her dress.
I REALLY despise buttons. Her hands shake as the top three buttons of Roy’s shirt are undone. There is an innate satisfaction in unveiling one another’s skin with their own hands versus using magic—even if their wedding attire consists of the tiniest most cumbersome buttons in existence. Her lips lap Roy’s chest as more skin is exposed. Carla’s wedding dress falls to the ground in a pool of fabric.
Roy: You are exquisite. Beyond exquisite. Heartspell. I love you.
There are more eloquent ways to express these overflowing emotions. But, those are the words that matter.
Carla: Though they’ve come together many times before, this feels different. Her skin is covered in goosebumps as Roy’s fingers trace her curves. His touch is revenant yet burning. When Carla finally gets Roy’s shirt off, she gasps as she’s lifted in his arms. Her legs wrap around his waist, their kisses quickly becoming ravenous. Roy walks to the bed and lowers Carla down, his lips never leaving hers.
Carla’s hands drift to Roy’s waist to take off what remains of his attire. Despite their passionate sounds, Carla can’t help laughing as Roy kicks his shoes off with serious impatience.
And YOU may hate shoes as much as I hate buttons! Even as she laughs, her lips seek Roy’s body vigorously.
Roy: He half laughs, half growls in impatience. His hands finally remove the few articles of clothing clinging to their bodies.
Believe me, you’re well worth the effort of unraveling, dear wife. Roy groans as their lips devour each other, caressing said and unsaid desires.
Carla: Her fingers dig into his rose gold locks. Oh God Roy…
Roy: He moans at her touch, her body, her heart—it is pure heaven. His hands travel up her thighs, tracing every inch, seeking her heat.
Carla: This…this is a problem. She murmurs softly against his lips and neck. I want this moment to continue, but your fingers…oh, just like THAT.
Carla’s fingers dig into his shoulders as Roy’s fingers concentrate on her most sensitive spot, lightly at first and then encircling intently.
Roy: He laughs softly as she murmurs against him. Roy’s touches become all-consuming, her reactions driving him wild.
Just like this…yes? Roy feigns his questioning tone. He knows Carla loves it.
Carla: Her legs quiver from the sensations of Roy’s fingers in her. Carla feels rather than sees Roy smirk as his head is buried against her neck.
Roy, I…her eyes close as she becomes undone by his touch.
Roy: You already need me this much? He grins at her body’s quivering, the lurid wet sound of his fingers loving her. While he wants to savor his Carla, the wanton desire on her lips fuels a need to make her delirious with pleasure. Roy continues to twirl and pump his fingers the way she enjoys it until he brings Carla to her peak.
Carla: Her body convulses against Roy, her mind going blank. Carla clinches his shoulders and cries his name, lips pressed against the top of his head. Her body sinks in the bedsheets in the aftermath.
Roy…though her limbs still shake, Carla pulls Roy closer to her. She should not be the only one delighted this night. Plus, Carla wants to replace the slightly smug look on Roy’s face with another expression. She whispers in his ear.
Your turn. Her hands slide towards Roy’s waist, tracing light circles on his hips and upper thighs.
Roy: He groans softly in anticipation, his mind clouding as Carla pulls him closer. Roy’s breath is shallow and short, Carla’s fingers sending his body into overdrive.
Carla: I’m not the only one in need it seems. Carla purrs against his skin. One arm encircles Roy’s waist while the other tantalizes his length. Her lips press a wet trail across his upper chest and neck.
Just like this…yes? Carla mimics Roy’s previous teasing tone. Her face is flushed, but seeing Roy slowly come apart is an absolute treat. Her tongue swirls on his chest as her hand moves faster on him.
Roy: He groans as Carla’s tongue and fingers perform wonders. Carla’s name falls from his lips, as if it’s the only thing he can utter. Roy is certain his heart will explode from Carla’s ministrations. His hands clinch the bedsheets, his vocalizations intensifying.
Carla: And now to test how soundproof our chambers are.
She nips his neck, stroking him faster still until he comes undone. Carla takes her other hand and glides her fingertips across his whitening knuckles until they relax into her touch. Light kisses now cover bite marks in soothing pecks as Roy recovers.
Roy: Her actions send him to a point where he doesn’t care if the whole Castle hears him. His voice cries out and his body shakes and slumps. A towel is magically summoned to their bed.
It appears we both need this, Heartspell. Roy chuckles ruefully, wiping their bodies as he catches his breath. Carla rests her head on his chest. A smile spreads across her face when Roy drops a kiss on her forehead.
Carla: It appears so.
Carla breathes in a mingled scent of sweat and roses—Roy always smells sweet Carla thinks. She drapes an arm across his torso and lets a comfortable silence remain between them before speaking.
I said you were handsome in your suit Roy. But I prefer what you wear now. Carla can’t see Roy’s face from her position, but she can easily imagine his cheeks turning pink.
Roy: Is that so? Even when I am all...sweaty like this?
Carla: Yes. It’s you in your most natural state—no political trappings, no formal words, no masks. Just you and your heart exposed. Her speech is a bit sentimental so she tacks on an addendum. And no one else gets to see your pretty body and reactions but me. I rather like that.
Roy: He responds back in a teasing tone. You just had the best view then, did you not?
Carla: Carla buries her head against Roy’s chest and laughs heartily. Cheeky man.
Roy: I can never resist teasing my gorgeous wife.
Carla: You couldn’t resist teasing when I was your consort or fiancé, you know.
Roy: Well, you make it so easy. How am I supposed to ignore teasing someone as beautiful as you?
Carla: Carla sits up, looking down at Roy in mock indignation. Oh, so it’s MY fault?
Roy: Of course it is. Who else's could it be?
Carla: Perhaps, JUST PERHAPS, the rascal prince I’ve married!
She throws a pillow in Roy’s direction, but then notices rose petals on it. She scans her surroundings and sees the bed and most of the carpet sprinkled with rose petals, the room cast in a golden light from numerous candles.
Roy… Carla gestures to candles and roses. You sweet man…. Her cheeks turn pink.
Roy: His eyes catch Carla’s glances at the room. It’s a cute reaction he’s compelled to play with. Roy sits up, grabs another pillow, and tosses it towards Carla. Oh, did you just notice the candles and flowers?
Carla: YES! She deflects the pillow.
Roy: You can thank Nica for supplying the petals. A much better use of them I dare say. Roy smirks and tucks a strand of hair behind Carla’s ear. Too bad you didn’t see them until now. Were you distracted?
Carla: I was as distracted as YOU were! Or were our moans not indicative of this?
Roy: You do inspire quite the response from me. His fingers caress the back of Carla’s neck. And here I thought I was a good, quiet boy.
Carla: HA! She launches herself so Roy’s on his back and she’s lying on top of him. You’re good in another context though…
Roy: And what context is that?
Carla: The “your wife wants to pounce you” context. Carla straddles Roy’s hips enticingly and presses her lips to his.
Roy: Her playful desire envelopes Roy. Their kisses grow intense, thorough, and ravenous. They crave without hesitation or restraint. Roy twines his fingers in Carla’s hair and uses momentum to flip their positions. His hips move against hers, entering her in one smooth powerful stroke. They gasp at the instant fireworks unleashed.
Carla: She is mesmerized—his lips, his touch, the way he yearns for more intimacy, the blaze of Roy’s golden eyes as they give into the moment of being husband and wife in every sense of the word.
Roy…Carla hopes he can feel the passion she has for him. More.
Roy: Roy calls out to her, eyes aflame, skin on fire. He presses further into her, their rhythm increasing rapidly.
Feel me. With all that I am.
Lips devour, seeking her everything—her cries, her sighs, the words she tries to express. Roy tries slowing their pace to prolong the moment, but it’s no use. Carla matches his pace, digging her fingers against his back as the pounding pressure crescendos. Roy encircles one arm under Carla’s waist and tips her slightly upwards, pressing further until they hurdle over the edge together, their voices crying out.
Carla: She feels Roy collapse on her shoulder. They roll onto their sides, clinging to one another. Carla maneuvers her position slightly. She closes her eyes and slowly massages Roy’s scalp, his head resting between her breasts.
Ahhh, so this is what happens when we pounce each other.
Roy: Yes, and your claws are truly sharp.
Carla: What would people say if they knew WHY their prince was so tired now? Her words are soft.
Roy: He murmurs. They would understand it was due to our constant pouncing. Very constant.
Carla: Carla yawns, her fingers slowing to a stop.
Roy: Roy moves back upwards, gathering Carla in his arms. Rest up Heartspell. There’s still the rest of the honeymoon to enjoy. He runs his fingers through her hair, savoring her presence, until they both succumb to slumber.
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dollwrites · 1 year
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 — 𝐫𝐮𝐢 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), this is a darker fic, dub con for a bit, drug use ( LSD ), voyeurism and exhibitionism, Tsukasa involvement, suggested Kaito x reader too, very small amount of RuiKasa, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ i haven’t written in a while so i may be kind of rusty. do not repost or translate. please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading <3
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“Rui, something’s wrong —“
why was everything so loud? even the way he pants, his swollen lips parted and hovering inches from your face, the moans that slip free as hot air fans the apples of your cheeks in furious, little puffs— that shouldn’t have been audible over the blaring carnival music that washes around you, but you could hear every break in his breath. you could pick apart his vulgar whimpering, and you thought you might even be able to trace each note that lives within it with the tip of your finger, if only your wrists were not bound with what felt like silk ribboning, you would. due to his candy obsession, his warm breath usually tasted of sweets, but this time was different. the scent of sugar clinging to his tastebuds was so intense that you could taste it on your own.
“Nothing’s wrong, darling,” Rui assures with the shape of his mouth brushing over your countenance. he leaves a wildfire of sensation in the wake of his soft tiers, allowing them to dance over the tip of your nose and tease your mouth, that chased them. “Everything’s perfect.” your head had been swiveling, trying to look past the blinding, rainbow lights to try and decipher where you were. it didn’t look like Rui’s room anymore. in the center of the room, you were suspended in the air ( you only recently realized this when you dropped your head back and found yourself dangling helplessly, jostled in tandem with Rui’s fervent pounding into your guts ), but if you try to follow the slithering silks that coil around your arms and legs, you find they disappear into an abyss— there was no ceiling.
what were those silks connected to?
how were you being supported, exactly?
“Oh, you feel good…” he purrs, biting down on his lower lip hard, passing a sultry whine through his teeth as he savors how your body feels from the inside. “Yes, yes, yes…” he always got lost in you, reveling in how tight you clamped around him, and the way your recoiled in response to his pounding.
then, as your hazy eyeline scanned every inch of the environment, you spotted an audience. once again, however, beyond the chairs and silhouettes of their heads, you could see not a single detail. you knew they were there, because you could hear them. gasping, laughing, cheering.
this wasn’t happening.
you were going crazy.
“I think you gave me too much…” you mewl, curling your toes, but it did little to relieve the pressure Rui was forcing into your body. your head rolls, heavy on your shoulders, and you look back up at him. maybe if you focus on him, you thought, you could get control of yourself. but Rui didn’t even look like Rui. had he changed clothes? you’d most certainly have remembered if he’d met you at the door in a three piece suit and a black top hat balancing precariously askew on his head. it was as if he was part of this world you saw swirling around you, this wicked circus.
“F—fuck, Rui I’m seri— serious—“ you were groaning, though, panting with vulgar delight because it feels so good. Rui had always been a phenomenal lay, but it was always miles better when the two of you were tripping; it was like his fingertips were made of electricity, sending an unbelievable voltage of pure pleasure everywhere they touched.
and usually, Rui was good about measuring out each hit to make sure you could control your trip, but this time was different. at first, you’d looked at your dose and thought it wouldn’t be so bad. but everything got weird when his friend, Tsukasa pulled out his phone. “T—turn the lights on,” you beg, closing your eyes tight. “I—I need to come down.”
“Shh, shh, shh…” Rui croons, both, gloved fists wrapped around the ribbons that bind you. he used that leverage to pull you into his thrusts so he slammed home harder, smacking his hips into yours when he bottoms out, and you cry out loud, clenching your fists. “You’re missing all the lovely sounds,” he mewls, a cherry tint on his cheeks. his golden gaze had been blown out by pitch black pupils, so when you squint and try to meet his eyes, you’re sucked into the depth of his desire for you. you open your mouth to speak, to reiterate your point: you wanted this trip to be over, but his warm fingers clamp over your mouth, muffing your plea, and your eyes widen, “I want the others to hear how wet your sweet, little pussy is, too.”
the others?
for a moment, you’re perplexed. you could only remember that Tsukasa fellow. your eyes dart behind his left shoulder, and catch the two figures. Tsukasa and… someone else. a taller man, perhaps a year or two older than Rui. he has his hands clasped together in front of him, and his head cocked to one side. his features are surprisingly soft, as if the sound of your body squelching and your muffled whimpering is a beautiful symphony and he was listening intently.
you didn’t recognize him.
when had he shown up?
Tsukasa, on the other hand, was staring with big eyes and crimson cheeks, his eyeline jolting back and forth to the rhythm of Rui’s rocking hips, and you realize he must be watching his friend slide in and out with every thrust. he looks hungry.
“Rui, didn’t you promise Tsukasa something?” the other one asks, knowingly glancing to Rui, who doesn’t deny it. “So long as he brought your guest here?”
Rui snickers, glancing over his shoulder, and you do the same, staring at a very flustered Tsukasa. “Well, you certainly won’t be able to touch her from all the way over there.” you blink, bemused, and grip the silk restraints, arching your back— you want to bring Rui’s attention back to you so you can shake your head, give him a signal to let him know that this was not something you were agreeing to, but when he looks back to you, sees you shaking your head, he coos, “Ah, don’t worry! I’ll teach him how to play with you the way you like.”
everything happened way too fast.
from Tsukasa stumbling over, staring at your body with blown out pupils, grasping one finger of his glove in his teeth to pull it off as his other hand reaches for your breast. the black silk is warm when he gropes a handful of you, hard and needy.
“She’s soft, right?” Tsukasa is already nodding, agreeing with him before the question fully leaves his lips. Rui giggles, grasping his friend’s bare wrist once the glove is discarded and guiding his hand between your legs. “Wait until you feel her cunt. Her plushy, little clit is just like a moan button.”
in this moment, you hated that Rui knew exactly how to find it, because he pushed Tsukasa’s thumb against it, swiping skillfully to guide his clearly less experienced friend into the rhythm he knew would drive you crazy, resting his chin on Tsukasa’s shoulder to stare at you from behind his golden tendrils. Tsukasa’s eyes widened in awe as you whimpered into Rui’s glove, your eyelids slitting. the pad of Tsukasa’s thumb was rougher than Rui’s, and it scraped in just the right way to have you reeling.
“Woah…” Tsukasa stared, rubbing harder. Rui can’t help but let out a strangled moan, because you were clamping down on him, throbbing.
“Keep doing it just like that,” he breathes heavily in Tsukasa’s ear, encouraging his friend, “She’s clenching like crazy… She likes it.”
you couldn’t even pretend he was wrong, either. your thighs were trembling in their binds, your eyelids fluttering, your head falling back. Rui allows it to, releasing your mouth and you expel a loud, flustered yowl, “F—ff—uck!” you no longer cared about coming down, or even minded that they hadn’t cared whether or not you consented to Tsukasa’s involvement, wanted him to touch you.
now, you didn’t want him to stop.
“M—more,” you whisper, back arching as you squirm, “more, more. C—close…”
Rui’s hand seeks out your throat instead, gripping it to hold you in place so he can plant his feet and drive himself into you in erratic, happy thrusts. he squeezes, crooning as his eyes threaten to close, too, but they remain, heavily lidded and hazy, on you. “Ah… Tsukasa, you’re going to make her cum!” Rui exclaims through heavy panting, “Don’t stop yet, she feels so tight!”
Tsukasa didn’t seem like he had even considered stopping. gritting his teeth, furrowing his brow, he leans over you more, desperate to watch your face contort in pleasure, while his fingers work furiously at the same, rapid-fire pace against your twitching clit. had you been sober, you might’ve even moaned and asked if he played the piano, what with how precise his fingering was, but you weren’t. not even close.
you gurgled and wheezed out pathetically adorable moans as Rui choked you harder, teasing your windpipe to experiment with how much pressure it took to make you sputter, as he fucked every, single lingering thought out of your head.
“Cum for me,” Tsukasa whimpered, needy, as he buried his face in your breasts to suck on them. he didn’t mind that he and his friend were in a game of Twister, entangling with one another in order to both touch you, but Rui didn’t either. he’d allowed Tsukasa to worm in between his body and yours, so long as he didn’t break the join at your sex, and Rui’s chin digs into Tsukasa’s shoulder. you can even see, blurry when you lift your head, his teeth sinking into Tsukasa’s neck every so often, as he allows a moan to vibrate against his flesh. they were both so close to you, both tethered to you. “Please cum hard for me!”
it made you dizzy.
“Cumming…” you croak, and Rui tightens his grip. he must be, too, spurred by how your walls milk him.
“Say my name,” Tsukasa begs, his strumming never once wading up, “say— say that it’s for me…”
“I— I’m cumming for you, Tsukasa!”
that was all that you could muster before you completely unravel into nonsensical babbling and yipping, and writhing. it feels good, so good you’re overloading, and your nails claw at the silks coiled around your wrists.
Rui follows right along behind you, releasing your throat to grasp himself and pull free from your depths so he can slot your folds around his girth as he cums, rubbing his cock between them, his release leaving your sex stickier, and smelling of him.
Tsukasa heard your soft, nearly coherent plea for him to ease up on your hyper sensitive nub, and he obeys, allowing his fingers to dip downwards and gather Rui’s release from between your nerherlips on the tips of his digits. he slides his first, two fingers inside of you, biting down on his lip to muffle a sordid moan when your walls spasm around the new intruders.
“Do you still want to come down?” Rui teases. he’s come around to squat down so he’s face to face with you, petting your hair back before peppering your temple with sugary kisses. you shake your head, weakly.
this world, whether it was a figment of your trip, conjured by too many drugs working overtime in your system, or it really did exist inside of Tsukasa’s cellphone like he claimed, had taken its toll on you, but you no longer cared.
you’d given into the euphoria, and you were enjoying it now.
Rui giggles, his mouth traveling south to kiss your cheek, and then the corner of your mouth, before you finally turn to catch his lips in a passionate lock. you can only hold it for a second before you need to catch your breath, and Rui’s tongue glides along your parted lips. “You want to ride it out? Be a tough, little cookie?”
you nod, smiling, cumdrunk and filled with too much pleasure to turn it down.
“She agreed, just like you said she would.” the mysterious man who’d been watching had moved closer, running svelte, gloved digits over your trembling ankle in butterfly caresses, and hummed, pensively.
Rui beams, nodding as he kisses your mouth, “Mm, I know my girl fairly well. Isn’t that right, darling?”
“More, please…” you whispered, softly, “I want to cum again…”
Rui chortles, and looks up at Tsukasa, still smitten with your sex, and, voice like a bell, croons, “Don’t worry, my little marionette. Tsukasa is going to have you now. And then, Kaito here, will do the same. You’ll be so fucked out by the time you come down, you’ll be a trembling, drooling mess.” Rui swoons at the thought, his smile wide and mischievous, but you mirror it with an entranced, lazy simper, nodding happily to each word. “And I promise, you’ll never want to leave from right here once you’ve taken all three of us.”
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watcheraurora · 5 months
Hi!!! I keep re reading your pics of the superhero au and I wanted to know more stuff if your okay with it. Could we get more about Joel's powers? It seems he was pretty strong back in his hay day, but what was he capable of that made them force him into retirement so early?
Of course I'm okay with it! I'm happy to talk more about it! :-D
For anyone who sees this and is unfamiliar, V's referencing my "Even Ice Walls Fall Down" fic! (And subsequent one-shots filling out the universe a little)
So, Joel/Lore!
He is one of the strongest superpowered people to have ever popped up in the city. Tango/Deepfrost is, like, literally an extremely close second (if not tied, but since their powers are so different, the ranking is subjective).
Joel has three powers, which is part of what makes him so powerful. 1) He can fly (Superman style) 2) He can shoot lightning from his hands 3) He's invulnerable to, like, almost everything
Joel's invulnerability comes with the side effects of insanely high stamina and strength, considering he can't injure himself by overdoing it
He manifested when he was 19 and as of the time of the main AU, he's 31, so he's had his powers for... 12 years (did I math that right? i think so. it's late) and in that time, the only time he feels pain is when Jimmy's super strength overpowers his invulnerability's limit. It does have a limit. All of their powers have limits (except maybe Grian's... but Grian is a god pretending to be a mortal, not an actual superpowered human so he doesn't count). Because, yeah, Jimmy really is that strong
Now, because Joel manifested his powers at 19, he couldn't get hurt while he was a reckless 20-something. So he was extra reckless, especially when it came to being Lore. The division as we know it in the AU was nowhere near as structured as it is by the time Jimmy gets there, and no one was really regulating the superheroes. There weren't many of them, and they had no handler or supervisor or person trying to make sure they all behave
And Joel's invulnerability made him... destructive. Not always through his own actions
Because, see, when Joel was first starting out, Doc was still in the city. He had not yet left and taken over a country and established a Perimeter around it. And Doc had a lot of beef with Joel. Partially because Joel was an arrogant early-20's idiot (affectionate) and Doc wanted to knock him down a couple pegs (and Joel definitely egged him on and mocked with little singsong "You can't get me!" type childish taunts)
Doc also really wanted to see what the limit of Joel's invulnerability was, and so he kept making bigger and stronger inventions to try and even just barely break Joel's skin. And those bigger, stronger inventions were starting to do a lot of structural damage to the city. Because Doc was throwing absolutely massive weapons at Joel and Joel's lightning isn't exactly safe for normal people to be around either. He can control the voltage of his bolts and the more frustrated he gets, the stronger his lightning becomes as a defense mechanism. Which was very dangerous.
And let me be clear on something: Joel did not want to retire from being a superhero active in the field. He loved it. He loved the praise and the fans and the validation and the pride of a job well done
But Lizzie was going to run for mayor and they were married at that point and the constant destruction of Lore and Doc's fights were going to be hard on her campaign (because who wants a mayor whose husband keeps damaging her city? etc.)
For clarification here: people knew Lore and Lizzie were married or at least romantically involved in some way (because there were many pictures snapped of Joel dipping Lizzie for a kiss after particularly brutal fights), but didn't know at that time that Lore's real name was Joel.
So anyway, since Lizzie wanted to run for mayor and Joel's superheroing was going to jeopardize her campaign, he hung up his cape (figuratively? IDK. Maybe his super suit had a cape. Haven't thought about it). Because he loves his wife more than he loves being Lore.
I wouldn't necessarily say he was "forced" into retirement. He didn't want to retire, but he also knew it was the best course of action for the city's safety. To trust the city and its citizens to the other heroes who didn't destroy as much
And Joel is, at the moment, the only hero in the division with a public civilian identity. I think when Lizzie was campaigning for mayor and he retired from hero life, that was when he revealed to the city that his name is Joel.
After Lizzie won the mayor election, Joel settled into his position at the head of the superhero division and shaped it into how we see it today in the main timeline of the AU. He became the heroes' handler/supervisor, he trains new heroes when their powers are similar enough (he did not train Deepfrost, though. He was 20 when Tango manifested and they didn't get along terribly well. Their personalities were both strong and clashed). He handles logistics and dispatch. He's got other people helping him, but he's at the top. He wasn't the only one who made the decision to have heroes register their secret identities with the division, but he and Lizzie were the ones to approve it
Joel was 24 and barely into his role as the head of the superhero division (he was not in the field for very long) when Tango left/was kicked out of the division - and the two had a rather violent final encounter at the division building. The reason Tango even held his own as long as he did against Joel's invulnerability during their altercation is the fact that Tango is a genius, a gifted strategist, really nimble, fast, very tricky, very slippery (as Jimmy/Sheriff would attest in a heartbeat), and quick on the draw with his powers. Tango's darkness actually trumps the light given off by Joel's lightning (meaning even if Joel shot a bolt of lightning through Tango's cloud of darkness, he wouldn't be able to see anything), and that definitely saved him from getting fried hard to shoot what you can't see and Tango can control how the darkness moves
So yeah! TL;DR, Joel's powers and his mutual hatred with Doc probably could have destroyed the whole city and he decided it was best for him to stay out of the field after Lizzie wanted to run for mayor
Somewhere between when Tango left the division and the beginning of "Even Ice Walls Fall Down," Joel mellowed out somewhat - and matured a lot. That said, if Deepfrost ever went back to the division, Joel and him would still probably throw hands on sight
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popcornforone · 1 year
A Post Outbreak Joel Miller Fan Fic
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This might turn into a series by the way with all the different Pedro characters haven’t decided yet… update it has click here
This was not even an idea 1 day ago & then I was just sitting here looking at something & I thought, I wonder what different Pedro characters would do on autumnal nights. I already have something for Dieter in a few weeks time but Joel was the first person I could place in a situation & now here I am. Posting this for you. So you might get even more soon.
Synopsis:- You are on the run with Joel, & you’ve been staying in random barns, but a 2 day rest at a much grander house, brings about some changes to your dynamic .
Word Count:1800
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! mainly fluff. Mentions of sex & pulling out, friends to lovers but established sexual relationships, mentions of sex happening & how you please each other but nothing too much. Swearing, caring, mentions of being sick & past trauma. This is post out break Joel so he is a broken guilty man.
As always thanks for the read peoples. All feedback is always appreciated. I hope you enjoy.
Joel is concerned, you’re both in the run, you aren’t staying in one place for to long at the moment. Neither of you want to be caught by the beasts that are chasing after you. They almost did 4 days ago but Joel working out how to get voltage back into an electric fence 8 miles away slowed them down.
You’re so tired. You knew this would be the case when he knocked that guy out. You didn’t even have the time to explain Tommy. Joel literally grabbed both your emergency bags & you took off. & you’ve been travelling for the last month. Avoiding all the infected, not seeing another soul. Breaking into barns & old houses. Sharing the same bed for safety, the occasional session of passion which you both said would keep you warm as the evenings got darker as autumn set in. The way he broke down after the first time, made you realise he still carried demons from outbreak day & what he lost. Neither of you ever talk about that day, it’s still painful all these years later. Your sex since turned into at least an every other day thing, no longer for warmth or protection but because you both crave each other touch & as it’s likely you will both be the only people the other sees & it had always been unspoken between you, it was always going to end up with this. The only thing neither of you really enjoy is the fact that he pulls out. Impregnating you would not help either of you.
3 days ago you both reached what in a pre outbreak world, would have been a mayoral house. Gated, large drive, hidden but still had luxuries in it & running water. If someone else was using this grand house, they weren’t around. You both,armed with your guns, cleared each room. No person or infected in sight.
“2 night” Joel said as he headed for the shower on the first day. Stubborn & to the point. But it had to be. You knew you had to keep moving for at least another 2 weeks to be completely off the grid & away from the menaces who were after you.
You offered to sleep in a different bed to Joel on the first night, but he then lingered at your door frame for a kiss good night. The kiss good night, then turned into clean cuddles, before he hoovered above you as your body’s moulded together as one. He smelt as fresh as he could, clean & refreshed, in fresh sheets. It would be a waste to pass up on this. The way he took it slowly & how his plump lips cradled yours. It was the first time in 13 years you had forgotten you were living in the apocalypse as he whispered sweet nothing into your ear as you moaned his name. Joel made the end of humanity bearable. He clearly felt something similar, he didn’t leave your side at all yesterday. It was like you were two feral teenagers again, except he was nearly 50 & you were in your mid 30s. The way his hands slipped inside your jeans to tease you, before he made love to you on a dresser in the hall way. The way you made out with him, as you trimmed his hair in the bathroom before he squirted you with water so he could take your top off to suck on your nipples. This was like a honeymoon, being unable to keep your hands off each other.
But it’s now today. You’ve woken up with a migraine. No sex. No light. No big movements. Joel could tell you weren’t well when you stumbled down into the kitchen. Whiter than a ghost. Bags under your eyes, squinting, struggling to focus, or walk in a straight line.
“I’m fine” you protest “we said only 2 nights rest” you rummage through your bag that you always have with you, for your medication. Then you started to feel dizzy. You don’t remember much but Joel does.
“Fuck, are you….” he says as he sees you go off balance & he grabs you before you completely pass out & hit your head on anything in the kitchen. “I got you, I’m here” he carried you to the sofa & laid you down. He takes his coat he was about to put on, under your head & he tries to pull the curtains in the lounge, some won’t budge at all. He rummages through the cupboards in the room, no blankets or anything. So he goes into his bag pulling out the clean flannel that you washed yesterday. He drapes it over you. & then he stands there. He could leave. They are after him after all, not you. He could easily leave you alone, keep moving by himself. But could he live with the guilt if he left you here, what would happen to you. You could handle yourself, but would you just be another death on his conscious. He should leave right now he keeps telling himself as he paces around, as you recover.
You eventually wake up. The coat you’ve been hugging, you instantly recognise the smell of Joel on it. The flannel is even more comfort as you stretch. A fire roars in-front of you keeping you even warmer. You wobble a little bit as you sit up & suddenly large firm hands hold your shoulders.
“Slowly baby” Joel says calmly.
“Who else?”
“I thought you’d be gone, every man for themselves, right?”
“Yes but I couldn’t just leave you here”he says as his head rests in the back of the sofa, looking at you with those big eyes, & his fluffy hair, which you reach to ruffle. He smiles each time you do that. A small little affectionate moment, which you even had before you became lovers. “I’d never forgive myself” you fully face him as you sit on your knees on the sofa. His lips are soft as you kiss them. This isn’t a hungry kiss. It’s a kiss that says so much more than that.
“Thank you Joel. If I’m going to be hunted & caught, I want my last few moments to be holding your hand smiling knowing that for a month my life was not so horrible.”
“Same beautiful, same” the next kiss is much deeper. A wave of emotions pour over you both.”together?” He asks.
“Together” you then pause the kissing for a second. “Is that smell what I think it is?”
“Yes, it’s a bit stale but would you like some?” He raises an eye, he can see you nap has helped you out a little. You cheeks show more life in them. Your souls is coming to life.
“I would say is the pope a catholic, but there is no pope anymore” you giggle.
10 mins later Joel brings down a duvet from upstairs for you to both sit under. You’ve now put his flannel on. It’s green & black & you’re watching the fire wisps crack as they head up the chimney. Joel then proudly brings in 2 mugs of coffee, which you’ve not drunk any of it about 2 years as it’s hard to come by, & he’s also got some of the bread you still had & poured baked beans on on top of it. You smile as he hands you your food. Your heads rest against each other on the side as you eat & you both watch the fire burn & the autumn leaves fall down outside from the curtains that wouldn’t shut. The old oak tree outside lasting longer than humanity did. The leaves all crisp as they fall, oranges, browns, yellows & reds, which will all be crisp to walk on.
“Is this okay?” Joel asks.
“More than okay Joel” you say as you try to slowly eat the beans. But to have the luxury of eating something in doors & having time to do it & neither of you care anymore, & you also being starving, makes it difficult, so you sip the coffee. The rush of the caffeine hits your system & a smile at an old but familiar taste fills your mouth. “Well it’s not quite an almond Latte but oooh that’s proper coffee that”
“Can you believe that 13 years ago all we cared about was getting coffee & wondering what to waste our time on?” You both have a little laugh at that as his hand finds yours to stroke your knuckles.
“For all of 3mins I forgot the world was ending Joel” you say & both your faces drop for a few seconds. “This used to be peoples dreams, to stay in a house like this & do nothing. Watch the fire burn. Love the simple life for a few days before heading back to their corporate lives. & yet we somehow 13 years later have stumbled upon the exact same moment everyone wanted”
“Well that shows that you came from a different world from me, this was never what I wanted” he says.
“No I know Joel” you sip more coffee. “You still want a ranch don’t you?”
“Well there is enough land here, why do we need to keep moving, why can’t we just stay here. No one knows we’re here?”Joel thinks for a second he’s tempted & you see the idea entertain his mind before he shakes his head.
“Sorry baby, we’re still too close for someone to work out where we are, but we can stay tonight & tomorrow but then we have to move, if your up to it”
“& if I’m not” you raise an eyebrow & he smirks back. He knows the game your playing.
“Oh you will be” he smiles as his large hand cups your face. The way his thumb always feels against your skins makes you shiver. “So if this was 2004 & we had escaped here for a break what would we do in a house like this on a fine fall night?” He asks. You just smile & snuggle into him.
“This Joel.” You both sigh & sip your coffee.
“Yea this is nice actually” he says as he watches you watch the fire & his hand strokes through your hair. “I can see why you’d want to do this.” Your head lifts & you hold his chin.
“I’m glad I get to do it with you” you kiss him firmly & the heat from your bodies rise as your passion grows. A small delay to your eventual plans, won’t effect you both to much. sometimes it’s just nice to stop & take note of the beauty of life & the life you have been given, even if it is just trying to survive the end of the world.
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Voltage Fandom Content Creation Challenge
Welcome to the very first Voltage Fandom Content Creation Challenge!
The purpose of this challenge is to help bring the active fans together, while helping bring back some activity to the Voltage fandoms. ANY creation/content will be welcomed! Fanfics, fanarts, edits, merch shrines, fanmade creations, moodboards, gifs, character cakes, and anything else you can think of will be accepted! 
The rules for this challenge are very simple as there aren’t many guidelines or specific prompts to follow other than please tag nsfw/dark content accordingly, and please have everything you would like included in this challenge posted by March 4th. I’ll post a Masterlist on March 5th that includes everyone’s submissions. 
@neerons has graciously agreed to help facilitate this event as well! Be sure to consider joining our discord server, where you can meet other fans that are active in the fandoms HERE. Also, please feel free to like the fandom posts on this blog that say please like/comment on this post so others can find your blog! This will help others find your blog, and we plan on making a directory at the end to help promote everyone!
Below the cut are some prompts that are there for suggestions in case you need some inspiration, but please feel free to showcase and use your own prompts, ideas, and thoughts in your creations! Be sure to tag @voltagefandomproject so we can reblog everything that all you talented people want to share! If your work has been reblogged, then we’ve seen it and it will be included in the Masterlist! 
Please don’t hesitate to reach out should you have any questions! Happy creating! 💞
Fluff & Angst Prompts
-First impressions upon seeing the other for the first time
-First date
-First kiss
-First dance
-Comforting the other when sick
-Surprising them by preparing a homemade dinner
-Playing with their hair
-Going grocery shopping together
-Adopting a new pet
-Getting caught in the rain without an umbrella
-Playing hide-and-seek
-Refusing to go do to bed without a goodnight kiss
-Having a thumb war to settle a disagreement
-Holding hands “just because”
-Forcing the other to help with spring cleaning
-Playing hooky from work to spend the day together
-Asking them to officially move in
-Proposing marriage
-Thoughts on seeing them standing on the other side of the aisle before their wedding
-Building a blanket fort
-Sharing a kiss “Lady and the Tramp” style
-Watching a scary movie together
-Playfully arguing over a name of their unborn child
-Making a pinky promise
-First fight
-Breaking up
-Catching them in the act of cheating 
-Breaking a promise
-Losing their beloved for good
-Begging for forgiveness
-Choosing a job/responsibility over their partner 
-Seeing them going on a date with someone else
-Playing an intense game of Mario Kart
-Throwing them a surprise birthday party
-Stealing food from your partner, only for them to kiss and steal it back
-Surprising them in the middle of the day by bringing a lunch to their work
-Discovering them secretly playing a gacha/otome game behind your back
-Switching bodies 
Otome Specific Suggestions
-First character you ever read
-First title you ever read
-Crossover between titles
-AU between eras (characters from KBTBB in PIL for example)
-NPC content
-PoV from the pet’s perspective (Sydney, Little Yamada, ect)
-Throwback title (write something from one of the older titles)
-Holiday fics (Valentine’s Day, White Day, ect)
-AU on what would have happened had the MC NOT met the LI
-Completing the ending of the title 
Smut Prompts (18+)
Seeing them naked for the first time
Their first time together
Making them orgasm in public
Having a threesome with another character
Getting them off only using their mouth
Foreplay with toys
Shower sex
Sex with only the heels on
Impact play
Role play
Getting off by smelling their clothing
Phone sex
Masturbating in front of each other
Temperature play
Skinny dipping
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diareads · 6 months
Hey Court fans! Happy to announce I dropped 4 chapters of my Sherry fic Strawberry Lemonade today. Get your tea and scones 👀🍵
Also, Happy April Fools! (I did better than you Voltage 🫵)
Starting off April with a bang. I hope you enjoy <3
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amazingmsme · 1 year
One Thing After Another
AN: What??? Two fics two days in a row??? Shocking, I know, but I had to write this for my final assignment in my superheroes class and I can’t just let it sit around. This is a Big Hero 6 fic based later in the second season of the show. You don’t have to have seen it if you wanna read it, but there’s two minor characters from the show in this fic and mentions of some of their villains if you really care about spoilers. And since this was a school assignment, it’s not my particular, ahem, brand of fics. Kinda went back to my roots for this one, all aboard the angst train! Hiro can’t catch a break, I really said fuck them kids bro (fr tho this show is awesome, you should really check it out!)
Hiro was tired. Scratch that, he was exhausted. They had to split up the team last night because Globby decided to try and pull of a jewelry heist while High Voltage robbed a bank, and Hiro ended up getting slammed against the giant metal vault. The resulting crack and shooting pain in his ribs wasn't a good sign, but he tried his best to hide the injury from Wasabi. The last thing he wanted was for him to freak out and go into mother hen mode. Keeping Baymax quiet about it was a task in and of itself, but he managed to get him far enough away from his friend to ease his concerns.
"I promise I'll ice it when we get home," he assured before shifting back to the task at hand.
High Voltage got away with a few bags stuffed to the brim with cash, leaving both Hiro and Wasabi twitching on the floor, hair fried and frizzed. They left feeling defeated, and Hiro was not in a good mood on the way back.
He was able to sneak into his room with relative ease, but not without a quick trip to the kitchen. He opened the freezer ever so slowly, grabbing the ice tray. Then, just as slowly, he closed the freezer door, easing the seal on the fridge shut. He grabbed a plastic bag from a drawer and headed up the stairs. It was the most tense few seconds he'd had that night, which was saying something.
Once in his room, he cracked the ice tray and dropped the remaining cubes in the bag. He took his time laying down on his bed, but he couldn't get comfortable.
He was facing the wall when he heard a beep, followed by an inflating fan. Out of the corner of his eye he watched Baymax shuffle to his bathroom and fumble around before returning to his bedside.
"Here, take this. It is an anti-inflammatory pain reliever. Pain management is important when healing rib fractures."
"Yeah yeah, take ibuprofen when it hurts too much. Thanks Baymax," he said, accepting the pill and glass of water. He grimaced as he sat up to take a drink.
Baymax returned from Tadashi's side of the room carrying extra pillows. He began meticulously placing them around Hiro.
"Uhh, what're you doing?"
"It is advised that you sleep upright. I will try to make you as comfortable as possible." Baymax took his time fluffing and arranging the pillows, patting his head before heading to the corner where Mochi was sleeping.
Hiro couldn't get comfortable to save his life. He always despised sleeping propped up, even when sick with a stuffy nose that left you gasping and flopping around in bed like a fish out of water. But now he couldn't fidget or toss and turn to get comfortable because even the slightest movement sent shockwaves of pain throughout his body. He just laid there, staring up at the ceiling as he let his thoughts spiral.
It didn't help that the pillows still smelled like Tadashi. He wasn't aware that his brother had a distinct scent until this moment, and he was struck with a sudden wave of grief.
Oh yeah, he wasn't going to get any sleep that night.
When his alarm went off, he was deliriously tired and aching from head to toe. It took him a while to pull himself out of bed, the melted ice pack flopping onto the floor as he stood. There was no way in hell he was bending over to pick it up, so he just kicked it under his bed. A problem for future Hiro.
He made it to the bathroom, glancing in the mirror before brushing his teeth. He jumped back when he saw his reflection, letting out a startled yelp. His eyes were bloodshot, skin pale with a thin sheen of sweat, and his hair was standing on end as if he were the Bride of Frankenstein. He swore he could see a quick spark of static electricity among the loose tangled.
He washed his face, enjoying the cool rag in his heated skin. He ran it under the faucet and squeezed out the water, resting it on the back of his neck.
Getting downstairs was a struggle, but luckily Baymax was at his side to help him ease down the steps.
Aunt Cass immediately knew something wasn't right.
"Oh my God what's wrong?" she exclaimed, rushing to the foot of the stairs and taking him from Baymax.
"Nothing's wrong, I just had a bad night's sleep is all," he tried to play it off.
"That's bologna and you know it!" she scolded, pointing a finger at him. He sighed, but even that hurt. She noticed the flinch and small grimace that came with the action.
"Hiro, what on earth did you do to yourself? I swear if this is because you snuck out to go bot fighting-"
"I didn't, I swear!" he cut her off. "I-I got jumped. On my way home from school yesterday. Some guys on the tram wanted to steal my backpack and I wouldn't let them, so they beat me up. I just- I didn't want you know because you already worry about me so much."
Her expression softened, though there was true concern in her eyes. "Oh Hiro, I'm always going to worry about you. But hiding something that serious from me is exactly why I worry so much! I mean, do you even hear yourself? You were attacked on your way home! I knew the crime rate is on the rise, but this is ridiculous! What did they do to you? Did they steal anything important?" she asked, hovering over him, and touching his face and hair. He slipped away, holding her hand to keep her at bay.
"I'm fine, really. They just... punched me around until they got my bag and when they saw it was full of homework, they tossed it back and left. That's it," he said, hoping she would buy into his lie. She practically deflated, flinging herself at her nephew and grabbing him in a crushing hug. He hissed in pain and shoved her away before he could think better of it.
"Sorry, sorry! Does it really hurt that bad?" she asked hesitantly.
"Just really sore, I-I'll be fine. Gotta get to school, don't wanna be late," he said, inching towards the door. Aunt Cass grabbed a few extra pastries and stuffed them in his lunch sack.
"Don't forget your lunch! I threw in a little something extra."
"Thanks Aunt Cass."
When she didn't answer, he turned around to face her. "What?"
"Maybe have Wasabi walk you home."
"I'll be fine-"
"Well you weren't yesterday!" Cass exclaimed before calming herself with a deep breath. "San Fransokyo isn't the city it used to be. Every day there's something else. It's not safe out there Hiro. At least, not like it used to be."
Hiro stepped closer, reaching out to touch her arm. "I-I know. But Big Hero 6 is taking care of it! They're making sure the city's safe. For everyone."
She sighed, a soft smile finding its way onto her face. "I have to admit, it has brought me some peace of mind. But they're not invincible either. So be careful out there, okay? You see any trouble, you come straight home."
"Yeah okay. I really gotta go now, okay bye!" With one more quick hug, he rushed out the door, Baymax in tow.
He was relieved when he made it to school, and even more relieved that he had open lab first thing. It was a much needed buffer period to wake himself up and attempt to act normal. When he walked in, Honey Lemon tried to mask her grimace with a smile.
"Hirooo! You look..." she trailed off, unable to find a nice way to voice her thoughts. Go-Go took one look at him and decided to answer on her behalf.
"You look like hot garbage. What's up?"
"Nothing! I just couldn't sleep last night, y'know?"
Honey Lemon sat down next to him. "Anything in particular bothering you?"
Yes, everything, he wanted to say.
"Nah, Wasabi and I just finished up late and I wasn't able to get comfortable. And uh... I was thinking about Tadashi," he admitted.
"He would be so proud of you," she said, taking his hand and holding it in both of hers. "But I know he'd also be worried. You need to make sure to take care of yourself, and that includes getting enough rest."
He rolled his eyes, yanking his arm back. "Now you're just sounding like Baymax," he teased. The robot looked their way when he heard his name and shuffled over.
"She is right. Rest is important for someone in your condition."
Honey Lemon whipped around to look at Hiro. "What's he talking about?" Before he could answer, Baymax began to explain.
"Hiro has broken-"
"A broken heart!" he rapidly cut him off.  Honey Lemon blinked in surprise and even Go-Go peaked out of her work cubicle, blowing a bubble with her gum to show she was listening in as well.
"Yeeeaaah, I just- can't get over Trina! Yeah, she was the first girl I liked since, um, everything, and her being a robot came as a shock, and I just, I can't get her out of my head," he rambled, silently praying they'd believe him.
"Oh Hiro, that's okay. There's plenty of cute girls your age! You just have to put yourself out there, you'll find someone," she comforted.
Okay, maybe the broken heart route wasn't the way to go, but he panicked.
Go-Go narrowed her eyes, looking him up and down from across the lab.
"I don't know what you're hiding, but you better hope I don't find out," she threatened before going back to her work.
"He's not hiding anything! He's just a little embarrassed about this sort of thing, right Hiro?"
"R-right. I'm nervous because I don't really have anyone to go to about this sort of thing," he bluffed, though there was a fair amount of truth to his words. It just wasn't the problem currently at hand.
"You know you can always come to us about this sort of thing."
Go-Go grunted and went back to her own work.
"Well, you can come to me." She stood up, giving him a kiss on the head before heading to her own station. He wiped off the lipgloss from his forehead, scowling at the sticky glittery smudge on the back of his hand. He wiped it off on his jeans, going back to his notes. And just like that, he was out like a light.
He woke up when his head slipped out of his hand that kept him propped up, face slamming on the desk. He jolted up too fast and hissed in pain, instantly reaching to hold his side, but even his own touch sent a sharp pain through his nerves. He checked to make sure nobody noticed.
Luckily, everyone seemed to be wrapped up in their own projects. He noticed Fred and Wasabi had arrived since he'd fallen asleep. He checked his phone and was shocked to see there was only 15 minutes left in the lab. Fred was talking to Honey Lemon about something and perked up when he noticed Hiro was awake.
She turned around and saw him sitting up at his desk and she turned back to Fred, speaking softly, "Oh Fred, not right now."
He was practically vibrating with excitement, and he was never one to listen. "He just needs a little something to brighten his day," he said with an evil chuckle. He soared across the lab on a rolling chair, skidding to a stop next to Hiro.
"There's a new chapter of-"
"Nope." Hiro cut him off, pushing away from the desk and walking towards the door. Fred easily kept up in his wheelie chair and began reading the new chapter aloud.
"We last left our heroes in the abandoned five star restaurant, trapped in the deep freezer by Momakase," Fred narrated with a dramatic voice. Hiro groaned as he reached up to plug his ears. Fred raised his voice.
""What're we gonna do?" Tall Girl cried as-"
"I'm really not that tall," Honey Lemon interjected. Fred gave her a pointed look, making a show of clearing his throat before continuing.
""What're we gonna do?" Tall Girl cried as she failed to melt the hinges off the door. "Stand back, I got this!" Captain Cutie said, his deep voice demanding attention."
Hiro groaned and leaned against the wall, smacking his head repeatedly. "Why do you enjoy torturing me?" he asked weakly.
"Come on, where's that deep, commanding voice of yours?" Fred teased, rolling out of the way when Hiro swatted at him.
"It's not like I could use my normal voice! She would've recognized me for sure!" he felt the need to defend himself.
"No offense, but your voice isn't what she cares about," Go-Go interjected. When everyone stared at her, she shrugged. "What? You made all our suits tight and I've caught her staring," she deadpanned, but a teasing smirk was tugging at her lips.
"Aah-Didn't ask!" he cried, hands flying up to cover his ears. Fred managed to snatch his wrist and pried his hand away from his ear and continued reading.
"Captain Cutie pointed at the giant metal door, looking to Red Panda with a nod. Red Panda shot his rocket fist and blasted the door clean off! It fell to the floor with a heavy clang, a blast of cold air rushing out of the freezer and into the vacant industrial kitchen. As the team escaped their frigid prison, Karmi hesitated."
Fred let out a small gasp before continuing, "Captain Cutie paused in the doorway, looking over his shoulder at his girlfriend. "Aren't you coming?" he asked, voice laced with concern. Karmi looked away, biting her lip. "I'm scared." She felt a gentle hand cup her chin, tilting her head up to meet his gaze. "You have nothing to be afraid of. I'm right here, and I won't let anything happen to you.""
Hiro literally gagged when he heard those words, checking his watch before packing up his things. Despite his clear disinterest, Fred continued reading.
"Karmi's heart skipped a beat, her cheeks flushing slightly. "I know, but Momakase-" Captain Cutie put a finger to her lips, cutting her off. "Shhh. I know what you're going to say. It's not your fault Karmi." She took his hand, lacing their fingers together. The simple touch was comforting for them both. Karmi sighed, "But if she hadn't kidnapped me, we'd all be safe." Her voice was dejected and her shoulders sagged downward. Captain Cutie placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Look at me. It is not your fault, okay? We're gonna get through this. Together." She nodded hesitantly, offering a timid smile. Suddenly, the sound of Chop Chop's voice echoed down the hall calling for them. Karmi took a step towards the open doorway, only for Captain Cutie to grab ahold of her wrist. She looked over her shoulder to see her boyfriend raise the face shield of his helmet. "Wha-" but before she could speak, he pulled her close, their bodies flush against each other. He leaned in, slowly closing the distance before their lips me-"
Thank God the bell cut him off before he could finish that sentence. Hiro grabbed his bag and bolted out the door as fast as his fractured ribs would allow him to move.
As soon as he was out of view from his friends, he dropped the normal facade and a pained expression settled on his face. He walked to an empty table in the hall and dug around his backpack until he found the bottle of ibuprofen he'd packed that morning. He chugged down a few gulps from his water bottle, leaning against Baymax's squishy body for support and comfort.
The distinct sound of clacking heels on linoleum approached from behind and passed him in the hall. The footsteps came to a halt before turning around and approaching Hiro.
"Mr. Hamada?"
Hiro jumped to attention with a yelp of surprise and pain as his eyes flew open. Professor Granville was staring at him with confused concern, looking him up and down.
"Professor Granville! I-I was just on my way to class!"
"Mhm, so I see. I was hoping to run into you."
Hiro's stomach sank like a rock. "Y-you did? If this is about the expo, I already have a solid idea for my project."
She gave a tight lipped smile. "I'm glad to hear that, though that's not what I wished to discuss." She took a seat on the table next to Hiro's bag. "I saw the bank robbery on the news this morning. That was quite a hit you took on the vault door, and I just wanted to see if you're alright."
Her genuine concern both touched and shocked him. "Oh, uh, thanks but I'm okay." When she arched a skeptical brow, he sighed in defeat. "Baymax says I have fractures on two ribs on the left side. But I've been taking pain meds every few hours and I'll ice it when I get home. Thanks for looking out for me," he said, voice small.
Granville's expression softened. "I'm... sorry to hear that Hiro. When I was about your age, my father fell off the roof when cleaning out the gutters. He broke a rib when he hit a branch on the way down, and it was really hard on him. It's okay to take breaks when you need them Hiro."
He was quiet for a few moments. "I know, but I can't really afford that right now. Aunt Cass would want an explanation, and everyone would worry even more than they already do and- People need me to be there." His voice was on the verge of desperation.
Professor Granville's eyes widened as he spoke. "You mean you haven't told them?"
"Well Aunt Cass kinda knows? She could tell I was hurt so I lied and told her some guy tried to steal my backpack. But I didn't really tell her."
"But wasn't Wasabi with you when it happened?"
"Yeah, but you know how he is. He'd freak out, maybe faint, he'd make a huge deal over it," he explained. Granville frowned.
"Take it from me, broken ribs are nothing to scoff at. They require time and rest to heal properly. And to attempt to hide such a thing..." she trailed off and shook her head. She stood, brushing off her skirt. "I'm disappointed Mr Hamada." She took a few steps, stopping in front of Baymax.
"Take care of him."
Baymax blinked. "Hiro is my primary patient. His health is my top priority." She smiled sadly, patting his puffy arm as she passed. Hiro watched her walk down the hall, groaning as he laid down on the table.
Thankfully class went by rather quickly, but the day was already wearintg down on him. Needless to say, he was ready for lunch. He met Wasabi on his way out of the classroom, his mind distant as Wasabi talked about his upcoming thesis. He tried to remain engaged, but Wasabi could tell he wasn't fully listening.
"Somethin' on your mind little man? You know you can talk to me." His tone was light and casual, offering him a friendly smile. Hiro automatically returned it with a smile of his own, though his was considerably less genuine.
"Yeah, everything's just been a lot. And I slept like crap last night."
"Everything alright?"
"I guess. I just couldn't get my brain to shut up, and I kept thinking about Tadashi. Just... one of those nights, y'know?"
Wasabi frowned as he spoke, and he wrapped an arm around Hiro's shoulders.
"Sadly I do. Grief is hard, and it's not something that just goes away. It can help to talk about it, even if it's pretty much the last thing you wanna do."
"Thanks Wasabi, but I don't think I'm really ready to talk..."
"Hey, that's okay! Forget I said anything. But just know the offer's open anytime." He gave his shoulder a friendly pat before heading down the stairs. Hiro watched the way he gripped the handrail for dear life, taking them one step at a time. He could hear him mumbling under his breath, "Stupid stairs, so steep it feels like I'm climbing down a mountain."
Hiro huffed out a quick chuckle before following him to the cafeteria. Professor Granville's words echoed in his mind, a pang of guilt coursing through him as he stared at the back of Wasabi's head.
The day was really starting to take its toll on him, and it showed in his quiet, slightly exhausted demeanor. He picked at his lunch, only feeling up to eating half of it, opting to idly poke at the rest. He tuned in and out of the conversation at random. Luckily no one seemed to notice his disassociated state, or if they did, they decided not to pry.
Karmi was walking through the cafeteria when she spotted their table, a mischievous smirk tugging at her lips. Creeping up behind Hiro, she held a finger to her lips to signal the rest of the group to keep quiet.
"BOO!" she screamed as she lunged forward, grabbing him on either side. Karmi had expected hun to jump, maybe shriek like a scared little girl. But the scream that ripped from Hiro's throat was one of genuine pain. Karmi immediately jumped back, holding her hands in the air. He was doubled over clutching his lower ribs, a low groan escaping his lips.
Everyone froze in shock, mouths agape.as they stared at them. "Um, what was that?" Go-Go asked, shooting daggers at Karmi, then Hiro.
"I barely touched him, I swear!" she insisted, guilt written all over her face.
"It's fine," he grunted out.
"I'm sorry Karmi, could you excuse us for a second?" Honey Lemon asked in her usual bubbly voice.
"Uh, yeah sure. You sure you're okay Hiro?" she asked, reaching out with a gentle hand. He flinched away from the touch.
"Yes, okay?" he snapped in irritation. He took a deep breath and sighed in defeat. "I'm sorry, but I kinda need to talk about something, so could you give us a little privacy?"
"Oh! Um, yeah, of course." She walked away, shooting a worried glance over her shoulder. Go-Go and Wasabi spoke at the same time.
"Wanna tell us what all that was about?"
"I thought you said you were okay!"
"Hold up, what is going on?" Fred asked, looking around the table cluelessly.
"I asked you! I asked if you were okay and you lied to my face!" Wasabi exclaimed.
"B-But I didn't-"
Wasabi cut him off, which was never a good sign. "I'm talking about last night," he said sternly, arms crossed over his chest. Oh he was pissed.
"I didn't want you to worry?" he said, voice small and timid as he sank further in his seat.
"Well now we're all worried. So spill."
Hiro didn't speak for a while, but he finally decided it was time to come clean. "Last night when I was thrown into the bank vault, I apparently fractured a few ribs." He barreled on when he saw Wasabi open his mouth to retort. "But this is exactly why I didn't wanna say anything! I knew you'd freak out, and you wouldn't let me patrol with you guys."
"But didn't you make a remote controlled suit? You can still patrol and get the rest you need," Honey Lemon said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off.
"Yeah, but it's not the same. It makes it feel so... distant. But I guess I don't really have a choice, do I?" he snarked, sinking even lower in the chair. He was definitely pouting, but he'd never admit it.
"Just until you're healed, okay Hiro?" Honey Lemon said in a chipper tone to try to lift his spirits. It didn't seem to work.
"Yeah okay, sure. Whatever."
A buzz in his pocket grabbed his attention. He pulled out his phone, checking his texts. It was from Krei. Greeeaaat.
Hey kiddo!
"Ugh," Hiro scoffed and rolled his eyes, continuing to read.
Don't bother stopping by for the internship today, I'm giving you the day off! See, I can be a nice boss! I have to get ready for a date and I don't really like the idea of you having free reign in my lab.
Hiro had barely begun to type a response when another text came through.
Don't be mad, but I'm taking Cass out to dinner. I stopped by the café on my lunch break and apologized for last time and she said she'd give me a second chance! :D Mochi seemed to think it was a good idea HAHA! Fr though, hope you're not mad at me.
Hiro was more than mad: he was seething.
He threw his phone down on the table and snapped the plastic fork he'd been clutching in half. "Can this day get any worse!"
Fred leaned in, reading the texts over his shoulder. "Look on the bright side, you don't have to go to work! Buuut Krei is still trying to make a move on your aunt so I see your dilemma," he pondered aloud, stroking his chin in thought.
"Ew. I thought she was done with him after that whole imposter incident," Go-Go said through a mouthful of sushi.
"You know how she is, she's way too nice to turn someone down, especially now that I work for the  guy. And it doesn't help that she still thinks he's," he paused as a shiver ran down his spine. "Handsome." A chorus of ew's and gross rang out across the table.
"Hey, it's alright bud. She'll come to her senses and realize he's just another corporate sleaze like everyone says he is," Wasabi consoled him.
"But that's just it! He's not that empty shell of a Ken doll we're used to, and that's what I hate! I mean, yeah he's pretty much the most annoying adult I've ever met, but he's honestly halfway decent. He can be nice if he wants to be, and he's actually funny. Cass loves men who can make her laugh! What am I gonna do?" he cried out miserably, flopping against Wasabi's shoulder.
"It'll be okay Hiro. Even if this date goes well, he's bound to fumble the ball at some point. Then, she'll see what a turd burglar he really is and drop him like a hot potato," Fred said with such confidence, Hiro actually believed him.
"Thanks guys, really. It means a lot.
"Any time."
"Today's been... a lot. I think I'm gonna head up to the lab and work on some stuff."
"Want any company?"
"Thanks for the offer but I'll pass. Think I just need some time to myself, maybe take a nap. We'll see," he shrugged, turning around to head towards his lab. Tadashi's lab. Yeah, he needed to be alone.
He was working on a prototype for a more efficient saltwater purification system when he heard the door open. He responded without looking up, deep in his work despite his hunched posture wrecking havoc on his battered ribcage.
"Look, I appreciate you guys checking up on me, but I just want to be alone right no-" he froze as he sat up to face the intruder, expecting Fred or maybe Honey Lemon, but instead Karmi was standing in the doorway.
"Relax nerd, it's just me. I uh, brought a peace offering." Hiro furrowed his brows in confusion before noticing the ice pack in her hand.
"Y-you really didn't have to do that," he insisted, but she cut him off.
"I didn't know you were hurt, I was just trying to scare you. Professor Granville told me you broke a few ribs. I'm really sorry."
"It's fine, you didn't know."
Karmi took a seat next to him. He gave her a side eye and scooted away.
"From the sound of it, your friends didn't know either." When Hiro didn't answer, she continued. "Why didn't you tell them?"
"They already worry about me, I didn't want to give them an actual reason to. They were all Tadashi's friends first, and he's the one who introduced me. I just feel like... now that he's gone, they think they have to watch out for me on his behalf or something. I don't know, it just makes me feel like some kind of burden. Like, I can look out for myself!" Karmi blinked in shock, not expecting him to open up like that.
"I'm sorry for dumping all this on you."
"Don't be. I'm... I'm glad you told me. Sometimes, I think the regular college students forget what it was like to be a teen. Surprising seeing as it was just a few years ago for them," she chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. He offered a short lived smile, which was good enough for her.
"Heh, guess you're right."
"Aren't I always?"
"Ha, you wish."
They fell into an awkward silence, both of them adverting their gaze.
"Well, I guess I should go, you seemed pretty busy when I walked in."
Hiro pressed the ice pack against his arching ribs and visibly relaxed under the cold pressure. "You don't have to go, since you're already in here." She silently accepted the offer with a smug grin as sat back down.
"Well if you insist. Oh! I just posted a new chapter of my fic, want me to read it while you work?"
Although he wasn't able to hide the full body cringe that overtook him, he merely nodded, accepting his fate. She'd read it regardless, might as well give her permission.
Hiro's life was overwhelming to say the least. The loss of his brother, becoming a superhero, unmasking a villain, it was a lot to deal with. But sometimes, there were days that just threw everything at him. Broken ribs, a self insert written by his worst frenemy (where they're daring no less), his friends finding out about said injury, and his boss is trying to date his aunt was a lot to deal with individually, so having all of that happen within 24 hours was extremely overwhelming. But he wasn't alone. He had people who cared about him. He would just have to take it as it comes and deal with it one day at a time.
One thing after another.
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the-crow-caws-witch · 3 months
Kiss From A Fleur: A Piers x Plumeria Fic
Hey there crackshippers, it's me, ya boi (girl). Here's a songfic, inspired by Wake Me's cover of Kiss From A Rose (originally by Seal, and yeah, both versions slap. I'm old). Some words were changed, all rights reserved to Seal though. And I don't own Pokemon, just some OCs.
Summary: Plumeria attends her first concert in Spikemuth, watching her boyfriend Piers perform for the first time. And of course, he's got some new material to make it special.
Rated Teen for swearing because I can't help it.
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Plumeria looked around the arena, her nerves only heightening as more and more people flooded the small space of what was the Spikemuth gym.  Marnie had mentioned the show to her earlier this week, telling the foreigner that she wouldn’t want to miss it.  Piers had told her earlier too that she can stay backstage if she preferred, but Plumeria shot that idea down immediately. “How the hell do you expect me to get the full experience from behind the curtain?”  Now, she was wishing that maybe she did stay backstage, if  for no other reason than to be able to breathe.  Surely the stadium couldn’t get more packed..
She was proven wrong within minutes.  By the time the show started she had been pushed and maneuvered by the grunts and inhabitants of the small city to the damn near complete back of the venue.  The plus side?  She was no longer overcrowded and was able to relax herself a little bit.  The downside? She was afraid she wouldn’t be able to see her boyfriend perform over the sea of fans.  Luckily she still had a clear view, smiling at his energy as he appeared on stage with the rest of the band.  “GOOD EVENIN’ SPIKEMUTH!!” he welcomed, and the crowd went wild. “ARE YA READY TO ROCK?!”  Once again, cheers and whoops filled the area.  He scanned the crowd, finally finding her in the way back, and winked at her, causing her to blush.  He laughed into the microphone.  “Alright, alright ya lot, let’s GO!”
The show started with a bang, drums hitting hard and loud, guitars and bass being strummed with such power and precision, and Piers’ voice ringing out with beautiful, intense vibrato.  Plumeria was fascinated, hooked by the first song.  He had mentioned during his stay in Alola that he was a musician back home, but he never really delved into it, other than playing some softer, acoustic songs for her.  She was always entranced by his voice then, but this; this was completely different.  She was more than just entranced, she was completely enthralled.  Between the high voltage energy on the stage and in the crowd, the physical feeling of sound and harmony represented by each individual instrument, and Piers just being Piers, it was easy for Plumeria to be just as lost inside the show.  
Throughout the entire show Piers kept making eye contact with the Alolan, checking in every so often to see how she responded to the music, his heart bursting every time he saw a smile on her face, or her eyes glazed over with fascination.  It provided him with a type of ego boost, giving him the extra adrenaline needed to go above and beyond with his performance.  Before they knew it, it was time for the final song of the night.  His stomach felt full of butterfrees, both from nerves and excitement.  He looked over to Audrey and Vincent, both giving him a thumbs up, and a nod came from Jack with a wide smile.  Once again he scanned his eyes to find his girlfriend in the audience, beaming at her own goofy grin.  He cleared his throat, leaning into the mic.  “Alright everybody, this is the las’ song of the night.”  His declaration was met with sad cries of disappointment, not because of the quality of the show, Piers knew better, but because it always seemed to end so soon.  He chuckled.  “Yeah yeah, bugger off about it,” he joked, then continued, “This las’ song’s a bit different from our usual.  A bit slower, an’ it’s for a special girl.”  His gaze settled directly on Plumeria, who blushed a deep shade of pink in response.  Piers smirked.  The crowd, on the other hand, talked in quiet whispers and hushes, looking around.  The song started with a beautiful, almost romantic opening cord, and everyone looked on at the stage in wonder.  Suddenly the rest of the band joined in, adding flare to the ballad sung. 
“There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea/ You became a light on the dark side of me/ Love remains a drug that’s the high not the pill/ But did you know that when it snows/ My eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen..”
Plumeria gasped, as did many others watching.  Mournful Piers singing a ballad?  This was crazy!  But he sang with such conviction that the audience couldn’t second guess it, and as the chorus hit so did the powerchords, and the crowd went wild once again.
“Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a fleur on the grey/ The more I get of you the stranger it feels, yeah/ And now that your aura’s in bloom/ A light hits the gloom on the grey..”  If he was still nervous he didn’t show it, belting out the lyrics like he’d written them years ago, rather than just a month or so back when he had started dating again.  Truth be told, there were many song he had written, and yeah, most of them were love songs, and it was against his very image, but at this moment he didn’t care.  What mattered now was showing the world, his world, that he was happy for the first time in a very long time. 
He continued on with the song, tears brimming Pluemria’s eyes.  She still couldn’t believe it.  This man was extremely talented, loving, and more than she could ever wish to have in a partner.  A hand squeezed hers, tearing her out of her thoughts as she looked to its source.  Marnie was next to her, grinning wickedly.  “Told ya so.” was all the young girl said, then started cheering her brother on with the rest.  Plumeria shook her head with a laugh.
“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever.”  She tried to play it off, but Marnie saw right through it.  The song was nearing its end now, Piers’ eyes still glued onto Plumeria’s who also couldn’t bear to look away.  Marnie kept a small hold onto her hand, keeping the woman grounded. 
“Welcome to the family.”  The younger sibling started out of nowhere.  Plumeria beamed.  On stage, Piers couldn’t stop smiling.  Finally the song faded out.  There was a raucous of cheers and applause, and naturally his fans began begging for an encore, fully knowing it wouldn’t be received. Marnie excused herself to the merch booth, helping out however she could, while Plumeria met him backstage, still blushing, and still energized from the show.  He embraced her first, hugging her tight while she laughed. “Thank ya fer comin’.” He whispered, voice hoarse from the show.  
Plumeria kissed him on the cheek.  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world babe.  You’re so amazing and talented!” she complimented, giggling at his blush.
“Yeah well, I’ve had some help lately in the writin’ department.  Got myself a helluva muse.”  He winked at her, and she looked down, flustered.  He laughed, draping his arm around her shoulder.  “Let’s say we find Marnie, and get us some grub?”
Plumeria nodded, her stomach growling as if on cue.  “I vote pizza.”  Her boyfriend nodded in agreement, and then they were off, saying their goodbyes to the others, before rescuing Marnie from the merch stand and heading home for the night.
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cinnbar-bun · 7 months
I saw you did that one Sanji fic a long time ago based on Cupid Parasite (another fan yaaaay 🥹) do you play other otomes too??? What’s your favorite?
OH BOY YOU ASKED THE RIGHT PERSON I LOVE OTOMES I EAT THAT SHIT UP!!! I have a whole bunch of them and tbh they take up a majority of my physical and digital Switch library! I really loved otomes as a young girl (thanks Voltage and NTT Solmare!) and continued them as I grew up (especially since Cybird released a lot of mobile ones but as I got older I moved away from them to console otomes).
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Here’s my physical copies! In order from left to right, top to bottom:
Collar x Malice
Olympia Soiree
Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal Grand Edition (YES THAT VERY. VERY LOVELY DIABOLIK LOVERS.)
Piofiore: Fated Memories
Taisho x Alice: All in One
Virche Evermore
Jack Jeanne
Amnesia Later x Crowd (I had the original on Steam and didn’t feel like paying 50 bucks to play it again…)
Norn 9: Vars Commin
Charade Maniacs
Dairoku: Agents of Sakuratani
Variable Barricade
My digital one is no better it’s WHEW-
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As for favorites:
I have a reaaaallly big soft spot for Voltage games- YES they’re like the fast food of Otomes but man. I loved them. My Forged Wedding and Our Two Bedroom Story persevere as some of my faves. I had meltdowns over Samurai Love Ballad Party it was unreal how in love I was.
Cupid Parasite, Olympia Soiree, and Even if TEMPEST are some of faves released for consoles. Jack Jeanne was also pretty nice.
(After checking my Steam account) I really loved The Psychedelica series, too. I even made sure to do the dumb ass shooting minigames over and over to get 100% achievements for Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly.
I haven’t played all of these though so who knows they might change but for now this is my thoughts.
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caffeinated-fan · 6 months
Caffe's scream chamber
Howdy! I'm Caffeinated-Fan or Caffe. I'm an artist and occasionally a writer. I focus mostly on Band of Brothers, Generation Kill, the Pacific, Masters of the Air, and other military media. And whatever else catches my fancy.
This is an 18+ page, so I will say some out of pocket shit and reblog out of pocket shit. I can't exactly stop minors from following, but don't talk to me about sexual topics if you're under 18.
««Master list»»
Everett Blakley sketch MOTA
John Brady MOTA
Harry Crosby MOTA
Chuck Grant sketch Band of Brothers
Wayne 'Skinny' Sisk Band of Brothers
Gabe Garza Generation Kill
Gabe Garza Generation Kill
Hatsune Miku Project Voltage Poison
Hatsune Miku Project Voltage Ghost
Hatsune Miku Project Voltage Fire
Juri Street Fighter
Writing on AO3 and Tumblr
Ao3 links ----
Mercy Shifty Powers Band of Brothers
Desktop>Logs>Iceman Top Gun
The boys who died in the hills The Pacific
Tumblr links ----
Desktop>logs>Iceman Top Gun
Transcript one; Sgt. Brad “Iceman” Colbert and Cpl. Josh Ray Person
Transcript two: Sgt. Antonio “Poke” Espera and Cpl. Jason Lilley and Cpl. Hector Leon.
Transcript three: Lance Cpl. Harold “James” Trombley and Cpl. Gabriel Garza
Transcript four: Sgt. Larry Shawn “Pappy” Patrick and Sgt. Rudy “Fruity Rudy” Reyes.
Transcript five: Cpl. Evan “Q-Tip” Stafford and Cpl. Anthony “Manimal” Jacks.
Old writing that haunts me :,) -1 damage -1 damage -1 damage
Nate dad fic I hate this uuuuuughghhghg
Garza x reader fic ouch oof
unfinished Genkill oc fic
Get around tags; to make it easier for you to find something before it gets added to the Master List.
#caffe draws <- if there is new art, it'll be tagged here first
#caffe writes <- if there is new writing on Ao3, it'll be tagged here first
#caffe spouts shit <- daily life is kept under this tag
#caffe answers <- answered asks go here
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sophiie2000 · 1 year
A Past Long Forgotten?
Chapter 2.
Words ~ 3454
Disclaimer ~ Characters belong to Voltage Inc
Link to Chapter 1 below ⬇️
Sharp aqua blue eyes scanned the room. They noted all the various security cameras, security personal, and locations of all of the exits. She internally mapped out the entirety of the hotel in her mind. A blue print forming in her head. 
The hotel was lavish. Expensive décor. Crystal chandeliers. Rich guests, dolled up for a night in the casino or bar, or any of the other facilities the Tres Spades boasted. Whispering to Hugo, MC noted,
“Clearly has a thing for opulence, doesn’t he?” 
“I wonder if we will meet him tonight?” Hugo squealed, blushing. All MC could do was chuckle, knowing full well Hugo had gone into full blown fan girl, crush mode. 
“I have no intention of making any move to connect with him. He is not my target. And frankly nothing good would come from meeting him here tonight. It just happens that my target uses his hotel… unfortunately.” 
Hugo was obviously aware of her past experiences with Eisuke. When was it she had confided her past in him? When he had been the one to discover Eisuke was searching for her?
“Spoilsport.” Hugo grunted, although the soft, understanding smile on his face belied his moaning.
“Hugo, lets head to the casino. Play a few games, giving me the chance to look around inside, then we can leave”. 
Nodding to her once, Hugo escorted MC into the casino. Acting the perfect combination between gentleman and protector. 
As they made their way through the doors, MC could feel as all eyes fell on her. She felt blanketed by the stares. Nonetheless, she kept her head high, face forward. Not once glancing at those staring her way. 
Stares of others was something she had become well accustomed to over the years.
“Babe, everyone is looking at you!” Hugo squeaked. His eyes widening with excitement. Smiling at him, MC shook her head. Simply shrugging. 
“Nothing new, not with your talents of making me look a million dollars” Her comment made Hugo blush, turning as red as a strawberry. 
As they continued walking, MC detected a different sort of stare. Not hostile, for the hairs on the back of her neck did not stand on edge in the way hostile stares made them. 
Although, they certainly were not admiring stares either. 
They felt inquisitive, as though questioning who she was.
Careful, as to only move her eyes, she found the source of these gazes. Her eyes briefly finding a group sat in the middle, playing poker.
Five men gazing her way. Each gaze slightly different. 
The man she recognised as Mitsunari Baba gazed adoringly her way. The desire and lust of this ladies’ man evident in those brown eyes. The artist, Ota Kisaki, too held similar affection in his look. Although, his was accompanied by a sort of innocence. Cute.
The lazy detective, Mamoru Kishi, briefly glanced at MC before looking away, back down at his cards and raising the bets. To an untrained eye, you would think he was uninterested by MC’s presence. However, she noticed the subtle glances he sent her way. The questions forming in his head. 
Soryu Oh, now his gaze bored into her. He was clearly questioning who she must be. Was she friend or foe? It was almost entertaining to watch his attempts to determine this flit across his face. 
But it was the cold glare of Eisuke Ichinomiya, looking her way. It could be seen as anything. Anything from intrigue or malice, or lust. His eyes followed her every move. Seeing him staring at her prompted a waver in MC’s heart, of feelings from the past, a past which should be forgotten. 
A past that IS forgotten. 
MC forced a lid over those feelings. Her mask firmly in place.
It was not her intention to make any sort of contact with any of these men. Frankly, she would have preferred them to not have noticed her. So, she took her eyes off the group. Proceeding towards the roulette wheel. 
Maybe she’ll stay longer tonight, so she can observe them too? Risky, she thought. But at least she wouldn’t be bored.
Leaning in close to Hugo, MC whispered into his ear,
“We’ve sparked their interest. Ensure you don’t look around too much while we are here. Move only your eyes. We don’t need them getting too close. We’ll play the roulette for a few spins and then move onto a different poker table”.
“Got it” Hugo nodded. They began placing their bets. All the while, MC could sense the gazes of the group on her back. A burning, as though they really could burn holes in the back of her head with their looks. 
They played a few games. So far, MC had correctly chosen the number and colour on the roulette wheel each time. 
“Black, 15” She said. But she had not been alone in voicing it. Moving only her eyes, she noticed Eisuke had joined the roulette table and was standing beside her. Eyeing her, as he placed his bets. 
Shit, she thought she would manage to avoid him a bit longer. How long had passed since their voices had overlapped? Although her face and demeanour would not show it, inside she was busily calculating the success of any of her attempts to move away.
“Ma’am will you be placing a bet also?” The employee spinning the wheel asked her. The sound of their voice bringing MC out of her head. 
Still refusing to look at Eisuke, MC quietly shook her head, moving away from the table. Her long curls swaying, offering her face and features some protection from Eisuke’s knowing stare. 
Dipping her head in a polite, graceful bow in thank to the employee, MC placed her hand into the crook of Hugo’s arm. The pair elegantly walking in search of another table. 
The gesture seemed to frustrate Eisuke, as his eyes followed MC as she moved towards the poker table. His glare boring into her, did not go unnoticed by the agent.
“Did you guys see that? She just completely ignored Boss!” Baba exclaimed in shock. 
“Ahahahaha that won’t please Eisuke!” Ota laughed heartily. MC could feel Soryu’s glare harshen at her brazen attitude towards Eisuke as she passed them to the other poker table. 
Despite his glare, as sharp as daggers, MC still was undeterred. A fact which surprised the bidders.
“Kid’s got guts” Mamoru said, while exhaling the smoke from his cigarette. Clearly, he was now displaying a more open interest in her than to the casino.
“I think I may have caught their attention” MC smiled, Hugo, slightly nervously coughed. 
Looking to the side, she noticed a few other seats at the table had been taken. Fuck. Opposite her now, sat Eisuke. Still, he had not taken his eyes away from her. The other seats, now occupied his friends. 
“Brillante, esto debe ser bueno. Por qué no me dejarían en paz esta noche? (brilliant, this should be good. Why could they not just leave me alone tonight?)” MC muttered under her breath to herself, making Hugo laugh, and earning a harsher glare from the man sitting opposite her. 
“What did she say?” Ota asked the others, all of them looking around at each other. Yet Eisuke kept his gaze firmly on her. 
“It was Spanish. Although, I am not sure what she said exactly” He stated.
At this, MC for the first time tonight, finally looked at him. And smiled. The minute she looked directly at them, they all gasped. 
A slight uncertainty filled Eisuke’s eyes, as he stared directly into hers. She held his gaze. Never looking away. Shit… had he recognised her?
“Woah! No one has ever held Eisuke’s gaze before!” Ota exclaimed. 
Now it was Soryu who was looking at her. He, too, reacted in the same way when he came face to face, finally looking into her eyes. 
“Only one other person could ever hold Eisuke’s gaze. But… we haven’t seen her around in years.” Soryu stated, trying to get a better read of MC. 
MC made sure she kept her features schooled. Despite her inside turmoil, wondering if she had been found out, she remained outwardly undeterred. 
“Oh yeah, what was her name again?” Baba asked. 
“MC…” Eisuke breathed her name out. While it was in reply to Baba’s question, his eyes continued looking directly into MC’s. Almost as if he was speaking her name directly to her. Beckoning her. 
Her heart stopped. Stomach dropping. To anyone around her, she appeared calm. No different. But inside was a blizzard of emotions. Emotions that she had locked away. 
A past, long forgotten. Like a mantra, she kept reminding herself. It was long ago. She had forgotten it all. ALL. OF. IT. No memory could remain.
Slowly placing her cards down, she turned to Hugo, who was already eyeing her cautiously. 
“Go get the car. Be ready for me around the corner. Text me when you are down there and I will leave” She whispered in his ear. 
Giving her a quick nod, Hugo hurried from the casino and downstairs. 
“Entonces, estás listo para jugar? (So, are you ready to play?)” MC smiled. At this, Eisuke smirked. 
“Let’s play”. 
As we were dealt some more cards, Eisuke and MC never once took their eyes from each other.
Baba folded. Then Ota. Soon followed by Soryu and Mamoru. 
It was just Eisuke and MC left. In her hand, she held a royal flush. She couldn’t lose. Eisuke pushed all his chips forwards. 
“All in” He said, smirking. 
Gods, she remembered playing poker with him when they were teenagers. That same trademark smirk when he thought he had won, riled her up then, and was still bugging her now.
All eyes focused on her. Smiling, she too, pushed all her chips into the middle. 
“Todo en (all in)” Onlookers had begun murmuring around them. Suddenly, MC felt her phone buzz. Hugo was ready for her.
“Show your cards!” The dealer declared. Eisuke showing his, he had a straight. Everyone looked at him as though he had won. Then the dealer pointed to MC.
“Well played, Sir.” She said, standing from her seat, dropping the Spanish language with them for the first time that evening, but maintaining the fake accent hoping they wouldn’t know it was her. She tossed her cards forward, as though she had lost. 
Baba grabbed them turning them over. 
“ROYAL FLUSH!? She won!” He exclaimed.
But when they all turned to where she had been seated only moments earlier, all they could see was her weaving her way through the crowded casino, towards the exit. 
“WAIT!” Eisuke’s shout trailed behind her, still MC did not turn around. 
She needed to get out of there. Fast. It was a good thing she had compiled a blue print of the building in her mind earlier that evening allowing her to identify the quickest route out.
“Soryu, catch up with her, I want to speak to her!” Eisuke barked his order.
Oh, hell no, MC thought. A quick glance behind her showed Soryu come running her way. Welp, good thing she knew how to run in heels!
As she made her way through the door, she turned back once more noticing Soryu was still following her. Great… she couldn’t lead them towards Hugo and the waiting car like this.
Continuing to make a run for it, she navigated her way through the back alleys to give her a chance to break out onto a different busy street and hopefully gain some distance between her and her pursuers. 
Phoning Hugo, she quickly informed him of her dilemma and instructed him to get home as it was far too risky to wait for her. Promising him she would inform him when she was home, she ended the call and continued running through the dark, thin alley.
After running further into the alley, she found the perfect spot before the end of the busy street to hide. And just in time too, for Soryu rounded the corner shortly after she had hidden herself away. 
The sound of his feel splashing through the puddles littering the pavement. The sound of him kissing his teeth before starting to phone someone, echoed through the empty alleyway. Snippets of their conversation filled MC’s ears.
“Eisuke, I lost her. She must have blended in with the crowd after I followed her through the alleyways.” … “I’m sorry Eisuke.” … “Yes, she looked just like her, but it has been so long and we haven’t ever found any evidence she’s living around here, I couldn’t say for certain.” … “No I know her eyes were the same, but without speaking to her we can’t be certain.” … “Don’t forget, MC didn’t speak Spanish?” … “Look, I’m on my way back, we can try see if we can turn up any new information on MC again, but I doubt we will find anything.”
With that, she heard Soryu vacate the alley. Once she was certain he was gone, she stepped out from her hiding spot and headed out onto the busy streets. 
Looked alike… MC… they really were looking for her. This was the last thing she needed while her mission was taking place inside his bloody hotel!
When she finally made it back to her apartment, she updated the Boss. 
He had been impressed she had taken the initiative to scope the place out, and had obtained a ticket to the IVC, and also identified verifiable information regarding the black-market auctions. 
However, he also stated it was now too risky for her to engage in the game, particularly since she had a history with Eisuke, under the circumstances where he was aware of her true identity. As such, she was instructed to not investigate until the next IVC, as a way to prevent potentially blowing her cover. 
She would be free for two days. Therefore, she opted to roam through the streets of Japan, a place she hadn’t spent much time in recently due to missions keeping her away. 
Pulling her long locks back and up into a messy bun, and applying some lighter, natural makeup, MC slipped into a cream knitted jumper, and some black high waisted skinny jeans, and some white daps. Putting her air pods in, she started playing a random playlist and headed out. 
After walking the streets window shopping for a couple of hours, she decided to head into a café with a cute interior. It had a cute, cosy vibe and was quiet, despite it being the middle of the day. The wooden tables and benches, and the shrubs gave the place a rustic vibe. 
Ordering herself a spiced latte and a slice of cake, she made her way over to a table at the back, in the corner, furthest from the door. She may not be working, but she still wished to remain inconspicuous. 
Soon the waiter brought over her order, thanking him politely, MC turned to look out the window absentmindedly. 
All of a sudden, there was a commotion by the café door. Looking up, MC saw none other than Eisuke and Soryu, walking in. Well that was her break in the café over. 
Slowly, so as not to create any suspicion or draw any notice, she left some money on the table and made her way towards the exit with her head down. 
They both seemed distracted by the crowd of women surrounding them, creating the perfect commotion for MC to leave undetected. 
As she was scurrying away, she overheard Soryu speaking to Eisuke.
“She’s gone” A quick glance at the pair showed her their eyes were directed to the seat where she had been only moments earlier. Surely, they had not come in just to see her…
“Ugh, keep looking for her. I need to speak with her.” Eisuke grunted a reply. 
As he turned his eyes suddenly met with MC’s, as though her gaze had lingered too long and drawn his to her. But as quickly as they had met, MC turned, disappearing into the bustling streets. 
“Soryu, there!” Eisuke’s shout followed her. Great. They couldn’t have just left her in peace. 
Luckily wearing daps meant she could run even faster than when she was wearing heels yesterday, making today’s daring escape 100 times easier. 
She ran. And ran. Making her way across town, with only one destination in mind. 
Shige’s workshop.
If she got to his workshop, she could hide. If they followed her, they would be none the wiser that it wasn’t your typical workshop. 
She could sense she was being followed. They were keeping a polite distance. One where they wouldn’t lose her, nor would they spook her into running quicker. 
Glancing behind her, she could see it was as expected, Eisuke and Soryu following her. Turning around, she started to speed up. Almost there. As she stepped into the alley, she began to run.
“Wait!” Their voices called from behind her, as two sets of footsteps, too, picked up pace. Quickly, looking behind her, she noticed they were no longer in sight, so she slipped into Shige’s store.
“MC?” Shige looked at her concerned. Her breathing told him everything he needed to know, yet she still explained. Even if it was in rushed words, and heavy breaths.
“Let me hide, I’m being followed. I’ll explain after.” Nodding once, Shige opened the hidden door below his counter. MC crawled in, closing the door behind her. As soon as the door shut, she heard the chime of the bell on the front door and two sets of footsteps, announcing her pursuers had arrived. 
“Can I help you gentlemen?” Shige asked the people who had just entered. 
“Where is the girl who just came in here?” Eisuke demanded.
“You’re my first customers this afternoon, I’m afraid” 
“Do. Not. Lie. To. Me.” Eisuke responded clearly angry with Shige’s response, “We saw her come in here”
“Wasn’t here I’m afraid” This time it was Soryu’s turn to ask questions.
“Look we’re looking for someone who was a friend once. We haven’t seen her in years and we thought we’d seen her again last night, and then again in a café just now. We just want to see if it is her.”
“I wish I could help, but as I already said she didn’t come here” 
“You’re lying!” Eisuke yelled. “Come on Soryu” With that she heard them both leave, the bell chiming to show they had walked through the door. MC heard Shige walk over and lock the door and closing the blinds before letting her out the secret room.
“Isn’t he someone you knew before you joined the EAC?” Shige asked, concerned. 
“Yes… apparently they are still searching for me… They know my first name at least and associate it with my looks. But they haven’t seen or heard from me since I left my old life behind. I don’t understand why they are still searching for me when I disappeared years ago! And now my bloody target is staying in his stupid hotel!” MC spluttered. The frustration of the chase was evidence of the influence they had had on her emotions. 
“That’s going to make your mission tougher then” Shige said with concern. 
“You’re telling me… at least I like a challenge” MC smiled half-heartedly, letting a sigh escape her lips.
When she left the workshop, MC found herself walking back along the main road. Figuring she should purchase some food from the store, she headed into the closest convenience store. 
Upon entering, she clocked the cashier. Shit. Baba sat behind the counter reading the latest horoscope readings. Best make this quick, and avoid eye contact. Picking up some Lady Borden and some other necessities, she headed towards the counter. 
Hi there, pretty lady, is this everything?” Without looking up, MC smiled and nodded. “Have we met before? You seem familiar?” Baba asked. Simply shaking her head, keeping her eyes down, MC responded.
“No, I don’t come around here too often” And she wouldn’t be again, she thought. Finishing up, and paying for her items, MC started to leave. 
“Aqua blue eyes are a rarity pretty lady. Not many people have them. Particularly in Japan.” His comment made her finally look up. Not disclosing her nerves, she offered him a friendly smile. 
“So I have heard, but rare as they are, I am not the only person with eyes this shade. Maybe you have just been lucky enough to meet a few of us.” Baba didn’t seem convinced, he nonetheless, let her leave without asking any other questions. 
MC made a mental note to herself… start wearing sunglasses or contacts to hide her eyes from people. 
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shinonometrash · 2 years
Tfw when Guy Avari becomes...an angel of God???
Tumblr media
"Be not afraid." fnfndbf cmon guys pls help me I can't with this 💀💀💀 voltage I'm begging u stop this
"An angel came to me in my dreams last night. He said his name was...Guy Avari. What could this mean?"
^there we go now we have a plot for a crack CoD x Bible fan fic 💀
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y’all remember when voltage made a tumblr and the whole fandom was exposing hole over it? like thank you voltage senpai, we would never sell our artwork of your characters, we just want to suck you off and use our art and fan fics to get your attention and also write all your upcoming arcs for you for free! this is why i don’t have soryu or ivan fan merch and i’m still mad about it. they’re my meow meows and i need it
have we as a fandom evolved to a place of “silence, brand” or are we still corpo simps?
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sortofanobsession · 1 year
Prompter for Jaime and Phoebe here, and I never seen that prompt for Buck, Eddie, and Chris before in my life but if you plan on electrocuting our beloved Tartt, please do so with full sadistic pleasure because I am sure just like Buck, no amount of voltage is going to stop Jaime from protecting Phoebe. Would still love for Jaime to try and hide that it happened and everyone going nuts when they find out. Plenty of guilty Roy potential if he'd recently been treating Jaime harshly for some reason. Combine it all and make magic like you always do awesomeness!
I wouldn't mind if you had seen it. But my 911 fans see Buck and Eddie the way TL fans see Jamie and Roy. They have very similar dynamics wise honestly. But Jamie and Roy's relationship seems more realistically canon.
Like the train wreck fic for RJ was sooo much like my 911 airplane crash fic Jet Lag and Second Chances.
And I love writing for both.
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zonerobotnik · 2 years
I think that the main difference between Varian and the Semes in manhwa not the size. He could still be tall as a tree and strong like a bull. The main difference are two things: 1. He doesn't enjoy hurting people for the fun of it. He takes no pleasure in the pain of others. 2. He is not obsessed with antiquated gender roles. He can wear his mother's clothes or be a bottom and he doesn't feel effeminated by it. And should Varian meet one of those rapist, I hope he has sulphuric accid.
Exactly, I actually have him plotting to attack Zeus Himself with Moon Powers for being an absolute CREEP in an RP I've been in for a little while now, he would not actually do any of that kind of stuff himself. And yet, WAY too many Tall Varian fics out there have him being just like those creeps, completely disregarding his actual personality for the sake for torture porn. Varian would never make anything that intentionally electrocutes people, even in his darkest moments, but people have him electrocuting Rapunzel for the horny?
Okay, granted, he DID brush off Rapunzel being briefly electrocuted for the science, but that's different from raising the voltage high enough to hurt someone and getting off on their screams of pain. He's a scientist, not a sadist. Did people forget he canonly hates the idea of hurting people? Even in his darkest moments, he never did anything that couldn't be stopped at some point before they were seriously hurt. Arianna and Cassandra were up and walking around right after he squeezed them and he had intended for Rapunzel to save her mother after she saved his father. And he ALWAYS looked reluctant and had to FORCE himself to continue.
Anyways, too many fics out there make him act just like those predatory boyfriends, homosexual or heterosexual, and while he is canonly Eugene's stalker, he would never actually act like that without a LOT of tweaks. I would never say that "Your Biggest Fan" is canon, I deliberately made him a yandere, and he's STILL not spiteful enough to actually let the competition get hurt or hurt her himself like those predators would. One of those guys wouldn't have saved her at the Sunspot, they would have said "she deserves it" or "she brought it on herself", and that's not Varian.
Which is why I speak so STRONGLY against the fics that DO make him that kind of guy. And yet, when I do, people tell me to just get over it, that it's a great fic, that it's hot and I'm being rude and don't know what I'm talking about. He's a Big, Tall Man and he TAKES what he WANTS. Gross.
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truelovevoltage · 5 years
Pregnancy - Yukihisa Maki
It started off as a harmless meeting every Friday night. At first, it was all fun and games no feelings attached, that’s all there is to it until that one night. Y/N wasn’t quite sure what really happened, she knew that she was having one of the best nights with Yukihisa. The further they kept going the deeper her feelings fell into the well. 
She thought to herself that even if she did fall in love with him, she will not tell him. She will do everything in her power to keep that feeling to herself. She’s going to keep the promise that she will not say the “L” word. She’s not going to tell him how she really felt about the Doctor who has a weird way of showing his affections to others. 
When her monthly was late, it didn’t really bother her because she would have irregular visits from time to time. However, a few weeks have passed and she started to worry. She tried to remember that night and how amazing it was, it must’ve happened that night, where the protection broke but neither of them realized it. 
Once that was done she went and bought a pregnancy kit to test out her theory. She was nervous, she knew her status between Yukihisa and she didn’t want to ruin his life but how is she going to deal with the pregnancy by herself? What is she going to do if she is indeed carrying his child at this very moment? Her hands shook as she waited for the test to deny or confirm her theory. 
After a few minutes, she was scared to look at the results but she needed to see it herself, there’s no going back. She held the edge of the sink for extra support, she was going to be a mother soon. A lot of things ran through her head and it was too much during that time. One thing’s for sure she was going to keep the child and raised them on her own, all she has to do now is leave her dream job. It’s a huge sacrifice, but it’s a sacrifice she’s willing to make. 
The following day Y/N walked towards Shunichiro Tachibana’s office and gave him her resignation letter. “Mr. Tachibana after this project I will be resigning from the company.” Y/N stated. Shunichiro was confused, there was no problem with the production or the project itself, why is she suddenly leaving the company? “Hmm... May I ask why? This is your dream isn’t it?” He clasped his hands together and rested his chin on top. “It is my dream job that is correct but I feel like I’ve lost myself. I am resigning because I want to find myself and be happy.”
“Is this because of Yuki? Are you two not in good terms? Are you just going to run away like that?” 
Hearing his name made it hard for her to breathe but she needed to keep her composure. “No Sir, this is not because of Dr. Maki. I’ve been meaning to visit my parents as well and I’m hoping that they can somehow help me with this slump. This is my own decision and I just need a change of pace, change of scenery even and I know what you’re going to say... Why can’t I just take time off and bounce back after I’ve gotten out of my slump but I believe that this is something that’ll take time. As much as it pains me to say goodbye to my dream job, I have to do this. I apologize for the inconvenience.” 
Shunichiro knew that there was some truth behind what Y/N has just declared to him but he wasn’t quite convinced. He knew that she was hiding something but he wasn’t going to pry. “It’s really sad to see someone young and talented like you go just like that, but I’m not a demon and will decline your resignation letter. I don’t know what you’re going through right now but I hope you overcome it.” 
That same night, Y/N invited Yukihisa out. She knew that it’s not their usual Friday rendezvous but she needed to do this now. He happily agreed to meet with her that night at a bar where they could talk. “Someone couldn’t wait to see me until Friday huh?” He smirked. 
Y/N tried her best to act normal around him so that he doesn’t get suspicious. But knowing his friendship with her boss, he must’ve said something about her resignation letter to Yukihisa. “What are you going to drink this time? I suggest the -” 
“Yukihisa I’m in love with you.” Y/N looked at him to show that she was serious. 
Y/N’s sudden declaration of love took Yukihisa by surprise. He held his hand out and she knew what he wanted. “You knew from the very start that this is going to end the moment you fell for me.” He gave her an icy stare. Y/N already knew that this was going to happen, it was easier this way because then she can leave without raising his radar. “I know and I’m sorry but I can’t help it but fall for you. I love you, very much. I know what this means it’s the end but at least I was able to tell you how I feel right? And don’t worry, I’ll be back to my normal self in no time.” She smiled at him. 
This is the very first time the Yukihisa couldn’t anticipate what was running through her head right now. “I’m sorry but I need to go, I still have a project to finish.” She excused herself and left Yukihisa at the bar. 
It was her last week in the company and just like she said, she was back to normal and ready to bounce back. It was still a mystery to Shunichiro how cheerful Y/N is right now considering that she was going to be gone from the company in a couple of days. Once the project is released, she’ll be gone from the company forever. Shunichiro wanted to talk to her and persuade her to stay but that is something she can’t do. There was no one who could change her mind. 
The two tried to avoid each other in the company but Shunichiro would find ways for them to cross paths. This irritated Y/N but she needed to calm herself. She didn’t want Yukihisa to detect any change in her behaviour due to her pregnancy. It seems like Shunichiro didn’t bother telling Yukihisa about Y/N’s resignation, he didn’t feel like he needed to know what was going on with her life since they already ended things with each other. 
The advertisement was a huge success. Everyone loved it and gave a positive vibe to those who saw it, even the actors really got moved. But since it’s the day of the release, it also meant that it’s Y/N last day. Only a few coworkers know that she was leaving but no one really knew the reason why. Natsume wasn’t buying her reason but he knew there must be something else. 
Y/N knew that she needed to at least attend the party tonight. Since she’s pregnant she needed to stay away from liquor or anything that’ll harm her child. Yukihisa watched her from a distance, he wanted to make sure that she was okay. He knew that she pushed herself to make this production a success and it paid off. He also noticed how one of her coworkers was very close to her the entire night, he didn’t like the feeling of jealousy but he knew he had no right to be feeling this way. He was the one who didn’t want any relationship blooming from his little game and he basically turned her confession down.  
Natsume didn’t leave Y/N side the entire night, he didn’t know why Y/N was acting strange and why she needed to quit the job at Addison & Rhodes. “I don’t know what the hell is going on Y/N but please tell me why you’re leaving.” 
“Natsume please not now. Let’s just enjoy the part and I swear I’ll tell you in a bit on the way home okay?” 
Natsume didn’t like the suspense he all he had to do was to be patient. He just wanted to be by her side at this time he was afraid that she might do something stupid. After making their rounds and greeting everyone, Y/N suddenly felt fatigued. Natsume noticed right away and held her by the waist to keep her balance. The two excused themselves from everyone and decided to go home, Yukihisa’s eyes, on the other hand, followed as the two of them exited the party. 
Natsume waited for Y/N to explain what was going on, Y/N said it was a long story and asked him if he wanted to stay at her place for a bit and then she can tell him the story. She hoped that her childhood friend wouldn’t judge her for what has happened during the past weeks. She knew that he’ll probably lecture her about everything that has happened and she was prepared for that. Y/N started her story from day one and Natsume was listening, but as he was listening his hands formed into a fist. “Natsume... I’m pregnant and he’s the father. I’m not going to tell him, because this is not what he needs in his life right now.” 
“Are you insane?!?! How are you going to take care of the child by yourself?!? Aren’t you being unfair to Dr. Maki and your child? He’s not going to know that he has a kid and your child won’t know who his father is.” 
Y/N knew the consequences, she knew what she was going to say to her kid if they look for their Father. She was going to tell them that their father is no longer with them and it was just the two of them. “You know how stupid and crazy that sounds Y/N? I wish you could’ve told me about it earlier.” 
It was suddenly quiet but Natsume’s words shocked Y/N. There’s no way she’ll let him do that even if he volunteered. She just couldn’t, this isn’t what she wanted for her childhood friend. People would be suspicious and she didn’t want to ruin his life just how she didn’t want to ruin Yukihisa’s life. “I’ll be the father of the child.” 
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