#kissed by the baddest bidder headcanons
otastoothbrush · 1 year
The bidders at my cookie shop
(i work at a cookie shop soooo😋)
he normally wouldn’t stand in line at a little cookie shop in the mall for a sub pare chocolate chip cookie but the cashier caught his eye (mc obv)
he is one of the only customers who doesn’t complain about the high prices bc he big balling
he first just wanted a chocolate chip cookie maybe a coffee too
but mc persuaded him to do the daily deal of buy 6 get one free
(an obv scam but she can bat her eyes at anyone and make them spend every penny there)
and Eisuke wasn’t any different, he actually bought one of everything
which had mc’s mouth on the floor
(she was honestly pissy bc there was a line forming behind him)
he would overly compliment mc which would have her rolling her eyes
she would try to walk to the back when she saw him coming but he would wait for her to come back up for his order to be taken
after times and times of trying to give her his number she finally takes it
eisuke’s fave cookies: koko creme + the chocolate chip
and ofc he loves mc’s coffee, literally creams for it
he would be a usual there
he also works in the mall
he works in the little magick shop all the way on the other side of the mall
but the walk is worth it to see the cute cookie shop cashier
(and he doesn’t mind walking, he got those long legs for a reason)
he knows mc by name and ALWAYS asks how mc is before ordering his cookies
he is very charming and subtly flirts to make sure she isn’t uncomfortable
he would always get a red velvet and a cheesecake brownie
(mc literally knows his order by heart he gets the same thing every time, bless his soul)
he usually asks when her break is and if she wants to head down to the food court during it
(she always says yes)
he always tries to pay for mc’s food (and he usually does if mc isn’t looking)
if mc is closing he walks the long way out the mall so he can say goodnight to her
man isn’t a cookie person but inui dragged him here
he isn’t even a mall person but once again inui heard about the puppies in the mall and had to go, little did they know a quaint little cookie shop was by it
ofc they stopped when inui saw the spiderman cookie, which he had to get
Soryu ended up getting something like a double fudge brownie or a smores bar
he hits it off well with mc surprisingly, since he wasn’t much into small talk she did to mind taking his order
(other than his deathly stare that sorta scared her)
he really enjoyed the brownies and actually came back without inui
which had mc on edge since soryu didn’t have his little puppy dog beside him
he actually came later in the day so mc gave him some free chocolate chip which weirdly had him blushing
he devoured them, when inui tried to touch them he whipped out his gun
every time he goes back there he gets softer and softer for her
and develops an addiction to the double fudge brownies
he has a little art kiosk in the mall, he usually sells his art and sometimes draws people he see’s
his little kiosk was right by the cookie shop so he would stare all day at the cookie shop worker
he would watch her hair start to get messy and her take a breather after the long line of customers
he would draw her the most, her puppy dog eyes reminded him of his little dog koro
he would go up there everyday grabbing a yellow mellow and a large decorated cookie
he would usually pick the quirkiest one like the pumpkin with sunglasses
(even though its the middle of august)
and then two m&m cookies bc the splash of color reminds him of his water paintings
he would joke around with mc a lot
even across the mall from his kiosk
if mc had a loud customer he would look over at her with a concerned face
(he actually came up and put a guy in his place for yelling at her)
(he’s weirdly intimidating)
he put some drawings up of mc in his shop but she low-key never noticed
until he brought her one of his drawings of her
(she literally gave him like free cookies for a week bc of it)
he isn’t a mall man it’s too much of a pain for him
but one day at the office some one brought in cookies and he was hooked ever since
he would go straight to the mall for the cookies every single day after work
he would usually get the monthly cookie, especially in august its his fave
the blueberry crumble✨
other than that he would get the peanut butter swirl or the sprinkles
he would die for the buttercream
he was usually grumpy so mc would draw little doodles on his coffee cup
(when she stopped he actually said something about it)
he would always try to request the ones straight out the oven, which mc caved multiple times and gave him piping hot ones
(which he burned himself on but played it off)
(now mc is super careful while handing him his cookies and even tosses a joke here and there about it)
he actually is the one that tips mc the best, like he always tips her every single time
(he tried to ask if they sold edibles before, mc was thinking about sneaking something special in her new batch)
he knows mc already and goes there everyday to make her life hell
(he obviously wants to eat her out)
he takes forever to order things even though mc always knows what he wants
but he continues to give her a hard time EVERYTIME
his order is always a watermelon cookie pizza and a peanut butter blossom with a dr pepper
but he likes the extra time he takes to talk to mc
he orders cookie cakes often and puts them under dumbass names like “ben dover” or “Anita dic”
mc once persuaded him to get the raspberry cream cookie and he was not in love with it
it was too “tart” for him
(which mc knew but wanted him to waste 5 dollars)
hikaru is one of those customers to bring up the price of the cookies everytime
“why is this shit 2.36 is there dope in it?”
“what dope are you smoking that is 2.36”
“not good shit”
in the end he is low-key obsessed w the cookies and HIGH-KEY obsessed with mc
after the plant shop he would always stop at the cookie place
usually as shu tho never shuichi
when she does see shuichi she thinks its so funny he has the same order as shu since there so different
chocolate chip pecan, a german chocolate brownie and a black coffee
shu always jokes with mc and usually flirts it up with her
(she really enjoys seeing shu he’s actually lowkey her favorite customer)
unlike shuichi which is her least fave, since how brass he is
he never acknowledges her as a person as shuichi but shu greets her very kindly everytime
every visit he takes, shu and shuichi slowly mold together
one day shuichi brings her a little succulent and thats when she puts two and two together
she gets really embarrassed and has a breakdown in the back
(but now she thinks he’s bipolar or has multiple personalities) (which is totally fine on a real note)
very sweet boy and very soft spoken
mc can barely hear him over all the mall noise
his face is always red when he orders he can barely look at mc
but when he does look at mc, he stares
he works in the costume shop and sometimes wears masks to scare her if she doesnt see him coming
(she lowkey thinks he’s weird asf but he’s very kind and cute so she’s fine with him)
his order is a carrot cake cookie and a snicker doodle, he always gets stuff for his coworkers too bc he’s a sweetheart
he tries to give mc free costumes, really wanted her to be Alice for his mad hatter for the last three years in a row
she finally said yes
some days when he would come up to her in his mad hatter get up he would have more courage to talk to her
but she made sure he knew that he could talk to her either way and she would enjoy him
he would get the gluten free sprinkles
since this man on a PILL DIET LIKE BFFR
but eisuke brought him here and made him get a cookie and not only a coffee
so he went for the overly priced gluten free cookies
and stared at mc’s chest the whole time
he says its not creepy and he’s just admiring her bone structure
(which she still finds very creepy)
luke started to come on his own bc his new pill started being the gluten free sprinkle cookies
he would ask mc to be his model to study her bone structure (ngl she had her boss come out and serve him a couple of times bc she was a little uncomfy)
but one day he was actually the exact opposite, almost came in like he was lifeless which freaked her out a bit
(mf was malnourished asf)
mc literally hand fed him the cookies to make sure he ate
(mf was literally just buying cookies to let them stack up at his house)
girl tries her best to love her job
her favorite thing to do is ice the cookies while she hates to restock
she is a closer who workers many hours and usually spends the whole day at the shop
she literally runs the place lets be for real
her favorite would be the underrated koko swirl and oatmeal rasin
she would take long breaks with baba in the food court bc she deserved it after working opening to closing
she lowkey hates when baba pays for her so everytime she goes to the magick shop she tips extra so it feels like she’s paying him back
she always doodles a cat on her cup when she gets a drink, its her little thing so everyone knows the cup is hers
she gets along the best with her coworkers and honestly gets the best tips
she does have like 9 men fiening over her
which i mean she never really minds bc it helps with the tips
ota and rhion always try to give her cookie designs, which she usually listens too bc their gods with their hands
one time she took mamo in the back of her shop and smoked weed with him
she pretends to hate eisuke but she legit thinks he’s the biggest man candy in the world
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jessyurahara · 2 months
KBTBB- Public Affection
Ota Kisaki
Ota, wasn’t embarrassed by these things, you were, embracing you when he wants was kind of his thing, a sly mutter and a smirk going along with his movements, normally people would be watching you from the sidelines. 
He loved the way in which you would squirm and react to him, it made him smile even further, if you listened carefully you’d even catch him laughing, it made him feel like a child, playing around with you at all times, smiling along with each movement. Ota is playful, and a jerk, it’s that simple, but also you’re his world and that was also a simple fact. 
He wasn’t not going to touch you at every open opportunity. 
Eisuke Ichinomiya
Eisuke had never been a particularly affectionate person, possessive in a way yes, but affection was a different matter of facts. Even when you started your overly complex relationship, he was always giving you push and pull. 
He knew if you hugged him, or held his hand, or kissed him it meant you were trying to be close to him, you were creating perfect memories with him. Eisuke wasn’t one to deny you of your deepest desires even if it was something as simple as holding his hand, in fact he was the one who was more likely to try and push you further, a kiss here and there, especially in front of the bidders, or when someone would make him feel jealous, despite the fact you knew you would never leave him, sometimes it was like he questioned that fact himself, and in those moments he would become the most possessive and affectionate man alive. 
Eisuke doesn’t share. 
Mitsunari Baba
In a relationship with Mistunari, the only shame towards public affection was felt by you, he was very open about his feelings towards you, no matter who was around, or what circumstances. There was no end to his affection towards you. 
He’s a passionate man, watching you under the moonlight on a roof, brushing your hair away from your face, he was so unapologetically himself. 
Mitsunari would often find himself walking around with you, his hand resting comfortably on the small of your back, sleeping at night he’d find himself tracing patterns on your skin, he saw you as perfect, he adored every hair on your head, every blemish on your body, every part of you was his. 
He wanted nothing more than to keep you, to claim you as his and his alone, and leave his marks all over your skin, whether that’s to be seen publicly or privately. 
Soryu Oh
It wasn’t that Soryu wasn’t affectionate towards you, when you were in private, he was one of the sweetest men you’d ever met. However, being so attentive in private meant in public you often fell to the wayside, after all, he had an image to uphold. He worried about the people around him, whether or not they would view him at the Mob Boss he is if he started being overly affectionate.
If he would succumb to the desire to be affectionate towards you, but in those moments his almost embarrassment and the way in which the bidders would tease would make the both of you uncomfortable. So affection during working hours became a strict but unspoken rule.
Despite all this, there were certain moments in which he would swallow all those feelings and simply enjoy being with you, holding you close. Tightly clinging to you, or an arm wrapped around your hips, just keeping your warmth close to him, he knew when he would have to restrain himself. 
Mamoru Kishi
Mamoru wasn’t an overly affectionate person, maybe it was his job, maybe it was trauma, but either way if you were looking for someone to cling to you at all moments and be hanging on your every movement, it was his duty to be your partner and stand by your side, but he wasn’t going to run around like a child. 
You had ultimately accepted that you needed to expect this treatment from Mamoru, he was never going to be the man who was going to be outwardly affectionate to you 24 hours a day, and if you were going to be honest then tell there were days in which you found yourself feeling a little thrown to the side, and during those moments you would find yourself reaching out a hand towards him, and grabbing onto him instead. 
Mamoru would allow you all the contact you felt you needed, and sometimes that stopped at a simple hand hold, other times you felt the need to grab him and hold him, and he would hold you back, mumbling something about you being a kid, because despite him not needing the physical contact in the same way, he was going to give you what you need. 
Ryunosuke Inui
Ryunosuke, a strange case, the man would run around calling you a Princess, and yet it was like he was embarrassed to kiss you in public. That’s not to say he wouldn’t in fact, despite how exited he could come across, he knew where to draw his professionalism lines, and in front of Soryu despite the comments of Princess he wouldn’t touch you. 
It was more than a little bit cute, the way in which he would turn red when you’d reach up and kiss him. He wishes he was able to be close to you at all times, apparently to protect you from the hordes of men that would surely chase after you if he wasn’t there. It was just an excuse to be able to be as close to you as possible and as affectionate with you as he wanted to be. 
Ryunsoke would never be embarrassed by his love for you though, if anything he enjoyed being able to show off that he was the one who won in the race to your heart. 
Koji Ayase
Koji was somewhat clueless when it comes to matters of the heart, he knows that he adores you, and he knows you adore him too, he doesn’t seem to always know how to properly react to you showing him how much you love him, it’s like he’s a wreck, turning bright red, mumbling quietly, sometimes freezing under your touch. 
It often meant that any public displays of affection needed to be initiated by you. It wasn’t something he didn’t think about, of course he’d think about touching you, kissing you, holding you closer than he ever thought possible, but he was embarrassed by your actions, and the red that was almost a permanent feature across his cheeks reflected that perfectly. 
He didn’t think you would appreciate it if he acted on his thoughts, and the best he would manage was to reach out and grab your hand, shyly holding it in his and refusing to look you in the eye, that same red covering his face. 
Back to KBTBB Headcannons
Headcannons/ Love Letters/ Stories/ Drabbles
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rhionhattersgf · 2 years
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder Meme Templates Pt.4!
Woah so I was gone for a long time and I apologize about that. Let me try and be consistent and not vanish off the face off the earth this time :').
Anyway~! The meme templates! These are just for fun as usual!
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Have a insightful day!
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booklin · 2 years
KBTBB High School Headcanons!
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Eisuke - I’d say Eisuke probably had straight A’s without trying. He was every girl's crush at school. All of the teachers loved him, giving their best reviews on report cards. Though, didn't have many friends, despite talking to a school day’s worth of people. The people he did call friends were just those he believed would benefit him in the future. You know the anime, “Haven’t you heard? I’m Sakamoto” basically, he’s a kid who’s perfect. Always ten steps ahead, girls love him, guys respect him, teachers admire his grades, that type of thing. That’s Eisuke. He avoids conflict and is always a step ahead. Pop quiz? He knew about it a week before.
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Soryu - When you first see him you think he’s a bully, which is attractive in a way. Turns out he’s just a quiet kid, though there’s definitely an abnormal strength about him. The person everyone fights to get on their team during gym class. Decent grades, probably would get a B in math if it weren’t for the teacher being scared of him. I can imagine him holding a lot of pain in, especially with his home life. Unapproachable, to say the least. Only has one or two friends at most but keeps everyone at arm's length. He’s, surprisingly, not the fighting type however I can see him getting into one fight if he saw a girl being bullied.
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Shuichi - Him and Eisuke are constantly battling for top marks. Everytime one gets an A- the other mocks them for the entire week. Unlike Eisuke, Shuichi actually studies. Some could argue he doesn’t need too, but still does. His desk is always clean, and his notes are perfect. The teachers always entrust responsibilities to him. They even joke about having him as the principal when he’s older. Probably the type of kid that puts a lot of pressure on himself. That, and he just grew up having high expectations set on him. Doesn’t date. At all. He denies every girl that tries. Has been labeled as an “impossible catch”. Believes studies comes first and would break his concentration.
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Ota - Ota is the popular kid. Everyone’s friends with him. He’s always hanging out with someone. One day it’s the drama club, the next it’s the art club. Did I mention the art teacher loves him? He doesn’t do the best academically, but his art teacher is so impressed, she offers to write a college recommendation letter. Again, everyone loves him. He’s the type of person a fight would break out over in the cafeteria, because everyone wants him at their table. Between him and Eisuke, the girls can’t decide who they want to date first.
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Baba - Baba is the playboy all the girls warn each other about. At last, between his dashing smile and adoring personality, almost every girl has fallen for him once. People probably think he rides a motorcycle. He doesn’t, still, he gives off friends to lovers vibes. Despite his efforts, he always gets dumped due to his flirtatious nature. If anyone were to get pregnant during high school, the chances of him being the dad are 9/10. Quite responsible though. Takes accountability and helps his girlfriend through it. Supports her decision and promises to marry her, if that’s what she wants.
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Mamoru - Mamoru is the kid who barely anyone knows. He sits next to you yet, if someone asked, you’d deny that he was in your class. He’s either not in class or sleeping/barely paying attention. They call him “Big Bromoru” because he acts like everyone’s big brother. “Shouldn’t you be doin your homework instead of talkin in the halls, eh?” Literally to random people in the hallway. Though, for some reason, it makes him admirable. No one dares say anything rude back, knowing they’d have the whole school as a target. He’s respected by all the kids there, even if he isn’t very noticeable.
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eisukevint · 2 years
Hello, not to bother you or anything, but can you do a post about how the audition managers would react to MC being annoyed and irritated because they have to wake up? No pressure!
hi!! dw youre not bothering at all <3 also i havent written smth in a long time so pls bear with me i was on like a hiatus. as @cupidocherie says and i quote "eisukevint comeback 2023 ???" anyways i hope you enjoy this headcanon!
Prompt: Tres Spades’ hosting an important event which requires you to put in extra hours, more so than other employees. The fatigue from the overtime and your disrupted sleep schedule has caused you to be grumpy and your boyfriend is not helping.
↬ Eisuke Ichinomiya
You've been working overtime for an entire week now and your body is exhausted. Not to mention Eisuke's libido is unparalleled so you're having a rather rough time to catch up with him. One night, Eisuke comes home to find you already asleep. He doesn’t mind though because he knows how how you’ve been working hard. What he didn’t expect was the morning after. There you are, still asleep even though there’s only ten minutes left until your shift starts. Not to mention, he can’t function properly without his beloved’s coffee so he goes to wake you up. He’ll call your name lightly at first but that doesn’t work because you’re a heavy sleeper so he’ll try shaking you a bit causing you to huff and puff and turn away from him in annoyance. He’s mildly surprised but also finds it amusing because you almost never forget to make him his coffee. “Hey, (Y/N), wake up. It’s almost 9:00.” At that you’ll whine causing Eisuke to chuckle. “What about my coffee though?” You glare at him slightly and tell him to drink room service coffee for just one morning. He’s fully aware that you’ve been labouring arduously for his sake so just for you, he’ll suck it up and survive through the day without his precious coffee. You just looked so adorable pouting at him like that because you didn’t want to get up, he couldn’t help but give in. He’ll let you sleep throughout the day and call Kenzaki to tell him that you’ll be taking a few days - no scratch that, a full week off so your fatigue can wear off. He’ll order room service for you and write a note, telling you to eat once you wake up. Let's be honest, this man loves cuddles so he’ll cuddle you to your heart’s content.
↬ Soryu Oh
This man would be flabbergasted. He wakes you up so you won’t be late to work but almost staggers when you glare at him exasperatedly. He’ll be worried at first because where is his sweet and beautiful (Y/N) who always wakes him up with the most charming smile on her face? He’ll ask you what’s wrong because he for sure thought it’s that time of the month and you might be in pain so he’s kind of relieved when you tell him that the event being hosted at the hotel caused her overtime and she’s super tired. “Oh, i’m glad it’s not something serious.” Pats your head and tells you that he’ll make breakfast for you and there’s no need for you to get up. It’s a little too late when you realise what Soryu had said. Hurriedly getting out of bed, you dash to the kitchen and bang your head against the wall when you see what went down.There you see Soryu in front of the cooktop, a mess from head to toe and God knows how many cracked eggs in the dust bin. He smiles sheepishly because he’s very well aware that he just increased you work load. No worries though, he’ll still help you clean up and tuck you into bed after it’s all done. He’ll call Samejima and tell him that he’ll come to the ice dragon’s headquarter later in the day so he can make up with you with cuddles. He’ll eventually get in with you and give you little pats on the back so you can sleep peacefully. might call eisuke to lesser your work
↬ Mitsunari Baba
Baba’s back from one of his missions. You’re still in bed though and it’s rather unusual because by this time you’re getting ready for work. Ponders over the reasons that are keeping you from waking up. In the end he decides to prepare breakfast for you. Egg and toasts, sunny side up. He brings the breakfast to you like the magical, fictional boyfriend he is and wakes you up. Your mind swirls and you can’t think straight since your peaceful sleep’s been disrupted. You raise a hand to swat him away and tell him to buzz off. He’s all pouty because you pushed him away but nevertheless, he tells you to have breakfast. Helps you sit up and offers to feed you to which you happily oblige. He adores you so much. Your grumpy face is his new favourite thing. He texts Eisuke to let him know that you’ll be taking the day off. Snuggles you and peppers your face with kisses until you fall back asleep.
↬ Mamoru Kishi
One of the world’s greatest mysteries, how did Mamoru Kishi manage to wake up earlier than you? He checks your temperature, it’s normal. Then why are you still sleeping? He checks the clock and it’s time for your shift. “Get up, it’s nine. Don’t you have to go to work?” This little shit has woken you up from your peaceful slumber and you’re absolutely livid. “Shut up Mamo, I can’t. One more day and you’ll have to arrest me for murder.” He doesn’t show it but he’s actually worried about you. Probably guessed that you’re just tired from work. He’s like, “Aight, i’ll call Eisuke then.” Gets into bed with you and spend the entire day sleeping. Later when you wake up, you’re full on panicking and chanting ‘he’s gonna fire me’ so Mamoru saves you the trouble of apologising to devil boss ichinomiya. When you’re fresh and done with dinner, you tell him all that has happened and why you were so worn out. Hugs you and tells you it's alright. You both end up going back to sleep. couple goals fr
↬ Ota Kisaki
A fucking tease. He saw the opportunity and took it. There you were, sleeping in all your ethereal glory, with drool trickling down the corner of your mouth. Ota simply couldn’t resist. Phone out, camera on, he took pictures from every angle possible. He would’ve been the biggest idiot if he hadn’t captured this moment. And when he’s satisfied, he wakes you up. Oh no he didn’t. If he called you his cute Koro before, you were surely no less than a dinosaur right now. Hair flying in all directions, eyebags darker than Soryu’s soul and drool marks on your mouth. “OOOO SOMEONE’S CRANKY.” There’s no break with this guy and he’s certainly not helping right now. First of all, you know you have to go to work so your mood deteriorates progressively and then this guy makes matters worse by showing you those horrendous pictures.You chase him around the penthouse to strangle him once and for all and he’s laughing like a maniac. Eventually you get tired so you give up. All the fun aside, he worries about you so he covers you in his fluffiest furry blankets and kisses you on the forehead. Cuddles you so you sleep warm and tight.
aight, i hope you like this! eisuke one is so self indulgent lmao.
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kbtbb-fanfics · 1 year
A Flaming Hot Christmas (SPOILERS)
i know people hate the idea that mc cheats and blah blah blah.... but its just TOO DAMN SPICY!!! shes always waiting hand and foot for the bidder that she chooses, lets not forget eisuke also literally cheated on her when they first started dating! im honestly shocked no one brings this up more (if im recalling the story correctly)
but either way to me its not about the cheating, its about how unexpected the people she cheats on him with are!!! like for example... eisuke got cheated on with hikaru?! name an odder pair...
also the way it truely shows how messed up the bidders can be....
she wanted to seem more ''mature'' so by that she wanted to make cocktails, who makes cocktails? baba. whos she close to? baba. its a perfect situation! if you chose the route where you stay loyal to ota, then you later realise that otas fully aware of babas intentions to get you drunk.
if you go the cheating route... baba does exactly that.
anyways im aware none of my rambling makes sense lolol
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luvvampz · 2 months
rules !
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here are my rules for this blog (hopefully the format is good lmaooo)
When requesting be polite! I'm a human behind the screen just like you
2. Don't be rushing me to do your request. Im a full time student with mental health issues that tend to drain my motivation.
3. If your requesting for a fic, headcanons, drabble, one shot, SMAU, etc. Don't ask for a heavily detailed y/n who is 3'2, 4 pounds, a blonde messy bun. Unless it's important to the plot example, (y/n who has an ed and gets help because character saw their low weight)
4. I'll take emoji anons you just have to ask !
𝙏𝙤𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙨 𝙄 𝙬𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 !
-Smut (I'll do suggestive stuff but not full blown fucking)
-incest (ew.)
-yandere (just not my cup of tea)
-non-con (if you like this get tf off my page)
-cheating (js feels icky for me)
𝙏𝙤𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙨 𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 !
-Angst with comfort
-Y/n who does sh or has an ed (it must end with comfort/fluffy ending.)
-Disabled y/n
-Neurodivergent y/n
𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙤𝙢𝙨 𝙄'𝙡𝙡 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 !
-Sally face
-Dc (batfam and villains)
-My hero academia
-Call of duty
-Jujutsu Kaisen
-Obey me!
-Card Captor Sakura
-Harry potter
-Avatar the last Airbender
-Kissed by the baddest bidder
-Masquerade kiss
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truelovevoltage · 4 years
Car Accident - Eisuke Ichinomiya
“bat-yo-us said: If you're up for it how about a scenario where eisuke is at work and having a conversation with mc via phone but something terrible happens when suddenly mc was involved in a car accident. The line didn't cut off and eisuke demand desperately that mc to stay conscious until he gets there. Can you make this really really angsty and ends it with a fluff pretty please. I really love a desperate eisuke”
Today was a very rare day that Eisuke asked Y/N to cook his favourite meal. Usually, Eisuke didn’t mind having chefs cook for him or going out to eat because he had the money for it but, he wanted her cooking. He doesn’t know why but the way she cooks his favourite meal, is tastier than the restaurants. There was a time where Y/N cooked his favourite meal for his birthday and when they celebrated out and ordered his food, he questioned the waiter if the chef changed the recipe. He’s been going to that restaurant for a long time but his favourite food disappointed him that day. Since then, he never asked anyone but Y/N to cook his favourite meal. Maybe he was just being biased but it’s the truth.
Upon hearing Eisuke’s request, Y/N happily accepted it. After her work, she went to the grocery store to buy ingredients. Y/N already checked the fridge this morning and there was a lot that she needed to buy. It wasn’t that hard for her to memorize what she needed to buy because as she thought about cooking for Eisuke she had lots of different ways of cooking his favourite meal.
On her way back Eisuke called her. “Hey, where are you right now?” He asked. “I just finished shopping! I’m on my way back.”
“I can’t wait tonight Y/N. I’ll just be finishing a couple of more paperwork then I’ll be done for the night.”
“Sounds like a plan. Don’t overwork yourself Eisuke.”
The two of them stayed on the phone. As Y/N was waiting for the light to change, people started to shove each other and it caused her to lose her balance. She was pushed towards the intersection when a car came speeding by. The car honked at Y/N but she couldn’t balance herself on time to avoid the car.
“Y/N?!?!? WHAT HAPPENED? HELLO?” Eisuke yelled. He started to panic, he had a bad feeling about this.
He kept screaming for her name but there was no answer. He could only listen to the commotion that just happened, he even heard them say to call the ambulance. One lady mentioned how heartbreaking it is to see a young woman covered in blood.
Eisuke couldn’t handle listening to those comments anymore and rushed to the scene. He dropped everything, he knew that he needed to be there for Y/N. He didn’t know where to start looking but he’ll find another way. But before he could even think where to start there was a phone call coming from Y/N. He picked up right away hoping that she was okay, but to his dismay, she was not.
Eisuke was able to find out which hospital she was in. He tried to calm himself down and hope that this is just a nightmare. The receptionist told Eisuke where to go and he just waited outside the emergency room.
It took hours until the Doctor came out from the emergency room. Eisuke walked up to the Doctor. “How is she?”
“Miss Y/N is stable for now, however, she suffered a few broken bones such as a few broken ribs, fractured elbow and head trauma. We need to do surgery as soon as possible. We’re not sure when she’ll wake up, but-”
A nurse ran out of the emergency room. “DOCTOR WE NEED YOU BACK IN THE ROOM.” Eisuke couldn’t help himself but run towards the room. Y/N was in danger and he knew that. “What’s going on here? Y/N don’t leave me, please! Promise me you’ll fight!” He yelled as the Nurses and Doctors tried to save Y/N. “I’m sorry Sir but you need to leave the room. We need to do our job.” Stated one of the Doctors. “You better do your job right then and save her!”
Eisuke could stay still, not knowing how Y/N was doing in there. He couldn’t help but cry, he prayed for Y/N’s safety cause he didn’t know what to do without her. She was the light and happiness in his dark and lonely life.
Nurses came in and out of the emergency room where Y/N was confined. As much as Eisuke wanted to ask what was going on he didn’t want to interrupt anything. The doctor did mention that she needed surgery and lost a lot of blood during the accident. He connected the dots with a matter of time, it wasn’t that hard but it’s hard for him to think straight when Y/N is involved.
After another three hours of waiting the Doctor once again approached Eisuke. “I apologize for the wait, Sir. We did everything and -”
“No...” He whispered. “This isn’t happening.” More tears rolled down his face. His worst nightmare is about to come true. Eisuke grabbed the Doctors collar, “I thought you were going to save her!”
“Sir if you’d let me finish my sentence before you assume anything that would be great.” Eisuke released the Doctor. “As I was saying, We did everything and the surgery is a success. The patient just needs to get enough rest for a faster recovery and you’ll need to be there for her when she wakes up.”
Eisuke planned on doing that in the first place but right now he wanted to see her as soon as possible. He couldn’t believe that the Doctor had the audacity to give him a scare like that. He really thought he was going to lose Y/N.
Days have passed and Y/N was still lying on the bed, Eisuke couldn’t wait until she opens her eyes. He would bring his work to the hospital and would ask Soryu every now and then if he could look after her for a while.
Eisuke rushed to the hospital and cancelled all his meetings when he got a call from Soryu saying that Y/N is finally awake. Upon his arrival, he tried not to hug her because he knows that she had a few broken bones. It was hard for him to restrain himself but he had to do what he needed to do during that time to help her recover. “You don’t know how happy I am to see you Y/N. I was worried sick after the accident.” He caressed her hair. “Sorry Eisuke, I wasn’t able to cook your favourite meal and I was being clumsy as usual on the way back. I didn’t mean to have you waste your time taking care of me in the hospital.” She smiled weakly at him. “Let’s not worry about that right now. Focus on your fast recovery and then once you’re better we can cook together. How does that sound?”
“That sounds perfect.”
Eisuke took care of Y/N until she was discharged from the hospital and he kept his promise of cooking together once she was better. Ever since the accident, he would ask her to wait for him so that the two of them can go grocery shopping together. He didn’t want Y/N to end up in the hospital again and at least then, he gets to spend time with her. 
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otastoothbrush · 1 year
drop that kbtbb lore yall rn.
OML HEY GUYS IM BACK!!!! well hopefully, school is starting again but i feel the need to start this back uppp. idk fall is such a kbtbb season for me i mean they’re def an every season thing😋. ever since i got a new job I STILL HAVEN’T BOUGHT ANY NEW ROUTES??? i actually have like 600 coins saved uppp so i could buy one if i wanted but i’m way too indecisive to just buy ONE. i had kbtbb when it was just an app itself and again like i said all my bought shit was wiped from the webs bc i didn’t keep the code, so im back at the start. with my writing since i sadly don’t know all the deep in depth lore sometimes it might seem a bit off but i really just make up my own stuff about them or how i think they would act from what i know. so yall PLEASE DROP THAT KBTBB LORE, make it juicy so my mouth waters,,, or drop the blandest shit like the color mamos underwear (black right?) either way SAY SUM!!!
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jessyurahara · 2 months
Never Quite Right- Ryosuke Inui-
And to conclude my first upload spree- my baby- Ryosuke Inui
Boy and girl broke up, and it’s two a penny, everyone breaks up, but nothing that Ryosuke thought would happen, happened. 
Ryosuke thought that breaking up with your boyfriend meant you’d be running to him, not being obsessed with someone who is happy to leave you fighting for second place, and yet, watching you, again, letting another man treat you like shit, he found himself feeling petty, you’ve been together before, you’d slept together, and then he found himself seeing someone pretty, and you found yourself hating him for that. 
How could you resent him for seeing someone pretty? Because every time you would break up, you’d find yourself still just as obsessed with him. 
You were bad for each other, and yet you always held hope that it would end up working for the both of you, and yet each time, it somehow got worse, maybe it’s because the both of you swore you were trying. 
Trying to be friends.
You’re not friends though. 
Neither of you could change at all, both just a little bit too in love with the other to swallow your pride and drop the facade of not being in love. 
You should always be the one that he’s dancing with, spinning around rooms, lighting up those rooms together, and it’s not like you were going to sit yourself down and cry about the fact that you weren’t friends, but you were somewhere just in-between with him, but it was almost like he didn’t want you, maybe he didn’t want you, maybe he wasn’t the one, or it’s right person, wrong time. 
Sometime’s the girl doesn’t get the guy, sometime’s the guy doesn’t get the girl, and the whole thing is just reminiscent of heartbreak music playing all the time, and perhaps it’s time Ryosuke and you come to accept that you’re not that role for each other, instead you’re just that right person, wrong time, cursed to not even be able to be friends, because you couldn’t even figure out if you wanted him, obsessed, not friends. 
Strange when you take into consideration both of you felt the same way about each other, but it just wasn’t time for you both to end up in love with each other, maybe one day you’d be able to come back together, and continue to fall in love, but for now, it’s time to move away from one and another, Ryosuke and yourself breaking each others hearts with each step taken away from one and another, but it was time for it to happen, over the hill that you had to remain together. 
You could regale stories of that. Love you held for the almost perfect man, but that the time was never quite right for you and Ryosuke Inui to end up together. 
Back to KBTBB Drabbles/ Ryosuke Inui Drabbles
Headcannons/ Love Letters/ Stories/ Drabbles
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
Eisuke Ichinomiya- Anger Looks SO Good on you.
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6- Do you have to be so annoying all the time?
13- I dare you to finish that sentence...
44- Maybe if you beg, I might...
105- You need to learn respect, bend over.
Also we’re actually gonna give MC a backbone here, mkay? I don’t feel like writing a shy and vulnerable reader today because we gotta give it up for our independent MCs CAN I GET AN AMEN and I need more abrasive outspoken MCs in otome games anyways.
Alright, LEGGO!
Well this was a compromising position. What were you thinking!? How could you lose your composure like that? You sunked down in the chair, beating yourself up for getting so upset. You were definitely going to get fired.
... (Flashback!)
You wordlessly cleaned the kitchen counters, not bothering to look up at the five bidders gathered around the couch. You stared down at the marble countertop, seemingly almost seeing you reflection on the beautiful surface. One more thing then you could be outta here!
This wasn’t even your job. It wasn’t your job to clean up after these assholes. They were rich so they thought they could just dangle a dollar over your head like a treat for a fucking dog and you’d come running.
“Oh maiiidd!!″ You heard Baba sing, making you looked up. “Come here a minute won’t you?” You threw the rag down and walked around the counter to walk over to where Baba was sitting. Your back was turned to the rest of the bunch, not that you couldn’t see those stupid looks on their faces anyways. You heard a wolf-whistle from behind you. Fucking Ota....
“Yes, sir?” you hissed. “Can I do something for you?”
“You sure can, clean that stain up for me.” he pointed to a minor spill, no bigger than the size of a grain of rice on the table.
“Y-you’re kidding right?” you asked flatly. “That is what you wanted me to...you wanted me to clean that?” you raised an eyebrow.
“You know how I am about messes.” he shrugged.
Did they HAVE to be so annoying for no reason all the time?
“With pleasure, sir.” you rolled your eyes, picking up the drop with your sleeve. “Better?”
“Hm, good. You know how to be obedient.” Eisuke walked in the room, fixing his tie with a smirk on his face. “Maybe I’ll promote you so you only work for us from now on.”
“Hm, maybe get her a new uniform first. She can’t walk around like that.” Mamoru chuckled, taking another huff of his cigarette. He knew how much you hated when he smoked inside so to watch him put out the cigarette butt on the pretty glass table infuriated you.
“Why would that be?” you asked in the nicest way you could.
“Because maids need proper training...and if you’re gonna work for us, you might as well give us something to look at while you work.”
Then one thing led to another, then someone decided to insult not only you but your work ethic...and then....this happened
“AND YOU KNOW WHAT?!” you rip off that stupid apron you were forced to wear. “Maybe if you all had some sort of respect for women you all wouldn’t be miserable and single!” you threw it down on the floor. “Fuck this job, Fuck this place.” you ripped off your nametag and shoved it into your pocket, “AND MOST OF ALL, FUCK YOU”
You pushed past Baba and Ota on your way towards the door.
“HEY! You walk out the door and you face the consequences.” You heard Mr. Ichinomiya call after you. “You’re job at risk and other things as well L/N.”
“Oh...is that so?” you asked softly, turning towards the men, who all had shit-eating grins on there face. “Well in that case.” you shrugged, beginning to walk back. You grabbed the glass that had been on the table and turned towards Eisuke. You grabbed the liquor bottle and filled it up to the brim.
“That’s better, maid.” Eisuke smirked.
“Oh trust me...it truly is. How’s this for a consequence.” you threw the contents of the glass in his face before dropping it on the floor, stepping on it with your foot and smashing it to peices.. “Seeya!” You stormed out, making sure to shut the door behind you.
...(End of flashback)
Now you were in his office, waiting for him to tell you that you were fired. this was an absolute nightmare. You were shaking. You didn’t want to be fired!
Mr.Inchinomiya walked in with a glare on his face. “I shouldn’t even be giving you a chance to explain yourself, but you’re lucky I like to entertain your behavior L/N.”
“Sir, I am so so sorry i have no idea what came over me. my behavior was uncalled for and I don’t kno why I did that or why I reacted the way I did. I am so so sorry.”
“I need this job. This is the only job I have and the only one that allows me to work freely, please PLEASE don’t fire me. I’m begging you!”
“i don’t like excuses Y/N....wait...did you just say you were begging me.”
“Yes, please please don’t fire me.” you almost felt like you ere gonna cry.
“Maybe if you beg me more...I might consider not firing you.” he smirked. “On your knees, L/N.”
Oh great, he was gonna play this game?
Defeated, you dropped to your knees. “...P-please...d-don’t fire me. You have no idea how much I need this job. I’ll do anything.” you forced yourself to say, even though you were getting more and more disgusted with each word that left your mouth. Not with yourself, but with whatever sick game he was about to play.
“Hm...anything.” he sighed. “Hm, I should throw you out of my hotel right now but I think I’m feeling generous today.” Eisuke make you look up. “Wouldn’t you say so?”
“Um...Yeah sure.” you raised an eyebrow. “Am I fired ooorrrr-”
“No...in fact, you’ve been promoted.”
“Promot- what?” you found your self standing to your feet. “Promoted? I literally dumped whiskey on your head.” you were confused.
“Hm, yes...that is true. But as I said I’m feeling generous...and I don’t recall giving you permisson to stand up, pet.”
“Sorry what?” you raised an eyebrow. “I’m confused.”
“Hm, since this is your first day of promotion, I’ll allow it...have a seat Y/N.”
Listening, went to sit down.
“In my chair.” he pointed to the big boss chair behind his desk. He looked dead serious so you didn’t pry or question. You just listened.
“From now on, you are to call me by my name in front of everyone. You will no longer refer to me as Mr. Inchinomiya. Master Eisuke, Sir Eisuke also work as well...When we’re alone, you may refer to me as just Eisuke.”
“...When you say promotion...what do you-”
“I will no longer refer to you as Maid, or by your last name.’ he cut you off. “Instead you will be Pet, Y/N, or Pretty Thing if you behave.”
Oh....he meant that type of promotion. You felt your face heat up violently.
“Y-yes sir.” you found yourself saying.
“Sir what.” he growled, slamming his hand on the table. “Finish your sentence, Pretty Thing.”
That nickname alone was enough to make your heart race.
“But first...you need to learn some respect...bend over.” he smirked. “Won’t you take your punishment like a good little maid??”
(Fun fact, My favorite bidders in order are Ota, Soryu, Mamoru, Baba, Eisuke...Eisuke stays getting on my nerves lol but I still love him. Giirrrl I love me some Ota haaaaayy
Also I was wondering if you guys wanted some recs for some visual novels/ otomes. I have a lot of favorites)
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tomhollandhasnolips · 6 years
soryu: the memories we made are the actual treasure
mamoru: u literally almost killed me by accident
soryu: that wasn't an accident
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kbtbb-fanfics · 1 year
- I only write for a female mc!
- I take and encourage requests!!!
- I can write for all characters but the following characters I may not portray accurately:
Shuichi Hishikura, Hikaru aihara, and Luke foster
(You can still request them!)
-this is not an official page or anything of the sort
- NOT a spoiler free page
- things can get pretty angsty and somewhat gross here
Thank you ~
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rhionhattersgf · 3 years
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: Meme template edits
So the other day, I made these Kissed by the Baddest Bidder meme template things! I'm sure not all of them are as accurate it could be, but hey! I'm just doing it for fun!
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Have a enjoyable day!
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rhionsalice · 3 years
I love Rhion sm! He deserves more added into his story, he didn't deserve for his story to be rushed, they really did Rhion dirty 🥺😭
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em-neko · 3 years
a little nsfw, but mostly fluff
holds u close as he sleeps cuz he’s afraid you’ll disappear 🥺🥺
either wraps his arms around your waists and sleeps on your stomach/chest
or wraps his arms around you from behind and presses your back against his chest
s q u e e z e
might whisper sum inappropriate in your ear just to get a reaction out of u
or wake you up in the middle of the night with kisses down your neck
if he has a dirty dream about you, he will wake you up to tell it to you in explicit detail
so get ready to.. well not sleeping much at all
likes to spoon you and wrap his arm around your waist
nuzzles his face in ur neck or rests his chin on your head
sometimes he’ll fall asleep on your titties if you let him
cuz he’s a possessive perv even in his sleep
really light sleeper
so d o n t move
or he will wake up in a panic thinking something’s going on
fav sleeping position is hugging, facing each other with your legs intertwined
he loves gazing at you in the morning, since he always wakes up before you
sometimes you’ll spoon too
actually really enjoys being the little spoon
but you can’t tell anyone that
might wake you up to ask some random philosophical question
“psst, princess?”
“why do humans wear clothes, but no other species do?”
“i don’t know, baba, why do you still wear that stupid fedora? now go back to sleep.”
you’ll probably fall asleep alone because of his weird work hours
but don’t worry, i promise he’ll join you once he’s done :)
if he’s really tired, he’ll sleep on his stomach and not touch you at all
but if not, he’ll fall asleep on top of you and wraps his arms behind your back
and bury his face in them titties lmao
won’t hesitate to shove you off the bed if you flail around too much
sometimes you’ll just spoon
other times you’ll hug facing each other
and if you’re sleeping on a couch or a small bed, you’ll fall asleep on top of him
holds your boobs/ass while you sleep cuz he likes to
snores lol
so good luck
loves to h*ld h*nds at night 🥺🥺
most nights you’ll sleep on this chest, with your hand on his shoulder and his over it
other nights he’ll spoon you and you’ll hold hands while you spoon
he’s creepily still when he sleeps
so sometimes you wonder if he died 😀
“.. shuichi?”
“oh good, you’re not dead.”
insists he doesn’t like to cuddle
but if you don’t
prepare for an earful the next morning
“wHy dOn’t yOu giVe mE anY aFfeCtiOn aT niGhT?”
enjoys having you sleep on his chest because he usually sleeps in the starfish position
loves being little spoon but will never admit it
moves around a lot in his sleep???
kicks off the sheets at night
hogs the sheets
takes up 99.9% of the bed space
he’s the worst
but u still love him <3
sleeps like a goddamn log
doesn’t move a muscle
kind of looks like a corpse if he’s sleeping on his back
doesn’t sleep with any pillows or blankets
it kinda of weirds you out at first
but you soon get used to it
kinda nice because he never tries to hog the covers
preferred sleeping position is you on his chest/shoulder
or hugging
since his body temperature is on the lower side, he’s really nice to hug during the summer
super cuddly
he’ll sleep in any position as long as he gets to hold you
usually you’ll hug or you’ll sleep on his shoulder
if you try to let go during the night, he’ll whine and pull you back
might squeeze you a little too tight by accident so make sure you let him know if ur uncomfy!
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