#either that or just a dream by nelly lmao
blackstarising · 21 days
listen listen listen first they turn the satellites on then they get the internet back and bing bang boom we cut to dichen lachman walking in on mae lying face down and listening to rewrite the stars on a 10 hour loop- [gets booed and hit with paper balls and cans] AND ANOTHER THING-
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rapunzelforlorn · 6 months
I made my friend watch heartstopper and here are his reactions
Part 2!
(Season 2)
They're too cutsie...understandable
Secret rendezvous
Do they ever not lock lips lmao
A proper couple mates when they aren't smooching
Tao's really warming up to Nick
Tao & Elle being cute
Imogen is good friend
And her dog 😍😍
GSCE like SAT?
Why yell quiet when it was already quiet???
Ben trying to talk to Nick, be buddy buddy ick 🤢
Rugby is BACK
Aye, rugby lad warming up to Charlie?
Flirt with Tao!!
Two month anniversary
Why do only high schoolers celebrate monthly anniversaries?
Kissing in the locker room...boy things
Paris trip mentioned
I wish Tori would hang- Mysterious but supportive
Elle flirting making Tao nervous is everything
Issac single and in his lane as always
Imogen the ✨️Ally✨️
Tao the model
Nick genuinely trying to connect with Tao over a hard situation and him getting overly sensitive
I feel like Tao picked the movie for the night
I'm bisexual actually
These heartstopper moments got me feeling a type of way
Isaac never leaves that book, is it the same book?
And actually he's bisexual
Why does Tori use a straw at all times?
Charlie wanting to be protective is great 💜
Charlie's grades slipping?
Tao also struggling?
Fuck Ben!
The ban seems...unfair
Nick has a brother??
Charlie's room is rather dark
Makes me wonder why I didn't do school work, it actually wasn't that difficult
Poor Imogen 😭
Who's this new girl??
Elle&Tao's "relationship" becoming p a i n f u l
What happened to 🤢 Ben's other "girlfriend"?
"I hate you cause you literally assaulted him"
What's Nick's deal with his brother? And vice versa
Do we like David?
Just do your coursework Charlie!
Why is sharing clothes a form of romance that isn't romanticized enough?
Charlie offering study advice & help to Nick when he's ALSO struggling
Elle's fits on point as always
The representation in this show is unmatched
Tao might be getting jealous
Is Tao a single parent household?
Imogen 🥺
Nick having ✨️anxiety✨️
Charlie gonna get in trouble 👀
Elle & Tao 🥺🥺🥺
Nick made him watch a marvel movie!!! Tao was right about him 🤣
I'll have a cup of tea, so briiish of him
David...oh Nellie doesn't like David either all I need to know
Fuck David
I'm bi actually!!
David is such a dick!!
Charlie's in trouble now 😬😬
Mom's stern but she's just concerned
Nick's abs 👀👀
Nick being brave and reassuring Charlie
Oh Tao's little heart
Just apple?
Tao does only have his mom 🥺
Fight for love Tao💪💜
Issac's dream date is amazing 👏
Tao over thinking the date plan
Rugby lads 🥺
"Good Mates"
Smooching in school again
At least the coach seems reasonable
Go coach!!!
Google's "how to ask out friend?"
Charlie you are a liar!
Issac is so cute
Come on Charlie get it done!!
The teacher kicking out the students 😂
Tara & Darcy don't say I love you??
Isaac 👀👀
Feels like Nick is rushing himself to come out
Oh darn boys & girls can't share rooms
Tao 💀💀💀 over the top
They're so awkward
Tori's at the party 🥳
This is such a big unsupervised party, with alcohol and a bonfire, something bad is gonna happen
That's so much popcorn for the two of them
They're being so awkward 😅
Tao you dork
Darcy is really weirded out about the "L" word
Tao's gonna muck this up
This turned into a fucking rager
Nick is visibly uncomfy with Harry
Tori came to the party to sit by herself...in the dark...I'm sure she's only there for Charlie but still
Nick is having a BAD time
Charlie to the rescue!
Nick's mom is so sweet
Charlie is so good at comforting Nick on his journey to come out
Interesting is only Elle who's been talked about going to any sort of schooling after high school
Wanting to tell the world about your partner is such a relatable feeling, I feel for you Charlie
Paris trip already?
Charlie doesn't seem sure about being sure
Aren't they sharing rooms??
Why is Faruk always yelling?
Isaac not as worldly as I thought
Nick & Tao bonding again?
Nick's dad's French??
I like these bonding moments
Darcy has a point, if we're REALLY underwater why can't we see the fish?? Real questions
Feels like a short drive
Darcy playing dumb about the "L" word incident
Ben is such a fucking jealous creep!! 😫
Isaac never leaves his book
Tao & Isaac splitting the beds feels very dickish but unintentionally
Mr. Faruk & Mr. Ajayi 👀
These are very very small rooms
Love a good breakfast bar
Tao is such a dork
"I wanted to share a bed with you" -C
"I'm sure we'll get to do it someday" -N
Nick you beautiful dummy 🥰
They're gonna miss breakfast
I couldn't imagine a trip like this as a high schoolers
Ben is SUCH A DICK!!
Let Imogen be happy and do couple shit
Darcy calling Tara the mischief maker 😂
My dad's French sounds like such a secret
Charlie being jealous of Tara & Darcy is understandable
And then the reverse Tara being jealous
Darcy...how do you go from mint chocolate chip to strawberry of all flavors, that's not a jump I can accept
Charli not eating??
Oh baby is depressed
Museum dates are also underrated, go enjoy some art with someone you like
I don't think your supposed to photograph the artwork Tao
They make such a better couple "being friends"
Tao knows French?
They both admire each other so much
Poor Imogen stuck with that pos Ben, I can already see it running her trip
Yes! Hang with the gang Imogen
Elle asking good questions lol
Imogen is so smart, so smart
Tao is best when goofy
This poor restaurant dealing with this whole school of kids
Ben next to Charlie 😖😖
Tao would order snails
Awkward dinner seating
Got AWFUL quite all the sudden 😳😳
Go Imogen!!
Woooooah, Harry being a voice of reason?!?
I think that's Harry?
Imogen is the coolest
Again Tao & Nick bonding is my absolute favorite thing
Isaac is not getting that bed back lol
That challenge lasted...maybe a day
Oh there's gonna be hickies 😅
I was right 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nick's dad kind of a no show
"Did I do that?" No Nick what do you think 🤣
Why's Tao shirtless??
Issac just cruising through these books
Charlie really isn't eating anything
Is Issac not out?
These pairings for the tower are uncomfy
Annoyed we only saw three pairings
Issac giving Harry the business lmao
Darcy has some real commitment issues or maybe just issues expressing her feelings
Ben is such scum
The eiffel tower song is a vibe ✨️🎵
Nick & Charlie lead the way up that tower lol
Bit of bants between Nick & the rugby lads turned out alright 😏
Harry growing up?
They had the same reaction to Harry 😂
Papa 😅
Tao opening up is so sad
Baby Charlie & Tao 🥺
Charlie & Tao are such good friends
Mona Lisa, rubbish, confirmed
You don't need to understand something to enjoy it, Elle is so wise
Charlie looks like he's gonna be sick
Darcy isn't out to her parents???
Oh he is having a BAD time
Tao & Elle admiring each other 🥰
They smooching!!!!
Mr. Ajayi forcing Mr. Faruk to have fun
Nick addressing Charlie's lack of eating
Charlie is depressed and relatable with the lack of eating
This little shit ignores the bread Mr Faruk gets him and goes straight for the croissant Charlie had in his bag since this morning 😂
Why is being French such a secret??
"You're so cringe!" 😂😂
"Let's promise to tell each other when we have stuff going on?" Yes Charlie let's fucking do that!!!
Couple of runaways
Eps 6-8 coming soon!!
Hes got the right idea
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leeshuh · 3 years
I was tagged by @ghost-maya! 
1. name/nickname: Leesh
2. gender: she/her
3. star sign: Sagittarius sun Libra moon ; )
4. height: 5′8-5′9
5. time: Currently 4:18PM
6. birthday: Nov 29
7. favorite bands/groups: my chemical romance! But I also love will wood and the tapeworms, ABBA, Queen, etc
8. favorite solo artist: stromae, lady gaga, AURORA, and plenty more that I can’t remember atm
9. song stuck in my head: maneater by nelly furtado thanks tiktok
10. last movie: disney’s sleeping beauty. it’s such vibe, the animation is so pretty 
11. last show: binged all of sk8 the infinity and i’m caught up!! reki possibly my new comfort character idk
12. when did i create this blog: late 2018-early 2019 i think? i deleted my old account around that time and took a break lol
13. what do i post: memes, art, and anything fandom-related im into
14. last thing googled: american antiquity citation guide :))))))) writing a paper can u tell
15. other blogs: none at the moment! 
16. do i get asks: basically never, no 
17. why did i choose this url: lots of people mispronounce my real name (alicia) so my url is how u pronounce it if you took away the first ‘a’ lmao
18. following: 44 people
19. followers: 114
20. average hours of sleep: like 8-10 thanks covid
21. lucky number: don’t have one
22. instruments: piano
23. what am i wearing: zip up hoodie and mom jeans
24. dream job: either a theatre actor or a famous author or some cool historian that gets to travel the world and do cool research
25. dream trip: nothing in mind but i’d like to go to england, greece and italy
26. favorite food: i swear i have favorites but my mind is currently drawing a blank :(((
27. nationality: canadian
28. favorite song: famous last words, bohemian rhapsody, renegade (styx), northern downpour...those are just the first ones that come to mind but i have hundreds of faves! its too hard to pick only one
29. last book read: I become a delight to my enemies by Sara Peters- wonderful experimental novel, very dark/horror kind of vibe. I read it for my English class and I might write an essay on it because it’s really cool
30. three fictional universes you’d like to live in: oh god. 1. Avatar the last airbender 2. Fullmetal alchemist (minus the militarism- i just want to learn alchemy) 3. Harry Potter for the childhood :((( (insert obligitory grrrr jkr bad here)
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
5k Survey LXIX
3501. Is 'no glove, no love' your STRICT policy? >> I don’t have policies for activities I don’t participate in in the first place.
3502. What is the best Epic movie (examples of epics: ben-her, gone with the wind, last temptation of christ)? >> I don’t know what else falls into the category of “epic movie”, so... can’t really answer. 3503. Finish the sentance. Hey, Hey we're the: Monkees People say we:  But we're too busy:  The time to hesitate is: now You're too: physical It's a nice day to: start again 3504. Have you ever had 'missing time'? >> Only in the context of being intoxicated (and that one botched suicide attempt). 3505. Have you ever sent an electronic greeting? >> Maybe a long time ago.
3506. If you could send anonymous tips to people you knew who would never ever find out who sent them who would you send the following tips to? doesn't know when to leave: poor crotch hygenie: talks to much: band/art/dream is going nowehere: most likely to get arrestted: needs to get their life together: bad taste in clothes: bad taste in music: needs a hobby: 3507. Are you more likely to download porn or disney movies? >> I don’t download much of anything, really. Streaming has become my default mode of consumption. 3508. What is it with people? >> ??? 3509. Do you eat too much sugar? >> I can assure you that I do not. 3510 Imagine you have aband. Let's name your band. Adjective: Animal(plural): Your band name is (adjective) (animals) Under Glass! Could be better? Let's try again. Adjective: Noun (plural): Your band is (adjective) (nouns) With Puppets 3511. Are you desperate but not serious? >> I have no idea what this means. 3512. Was there a time when you were younger and it took less to get you excited? What did it take then? What does it take now? >> Honestly, I have no recollection of excitement experiences as a child. I do know that excitement is difficult for me nowadays because 1) I’m still pretty emotionally blunted, particularly for positive emotions and 2) I automatically attribute all physical feelings that could suggest excitement to anxiety instead (because I’m still learning the difference). 3513. Remember learning to write in elementary school? We spend 2 years learning to print..then they throw that out the window and teach kids cursive. Why? If cursive is so important and easy to read then why aren't books printed in cursive? Why aren't cursive computer fonts more popular? Why do buisness forms always say 'please print'? Schools are so preoccupied with teaching kids the complicated but traditional skill of cursive writing that more emphasis is put on that than on teaching kids how to clearly express their ideas through writing. I move that cursive writing become a jr. high school elective instead of a grammer school priority. Who's with me? >> This seems like a personal rant based on your own experiences and I have no dog in this fight, dude. I think of penmanship like art -- script writing is an art form and being adept at it can lead to some pretty results. Just don’t use it if you don’t care for it. Also, I’m pretty sure very few (public) schools care about cursive writing in this era, lmao, so this is also an outdated rant. 3514. Can you think of anything else (besides cursive writing) that is unhelpful, or unuseful, yet traditional and unquestioned? What? >> Whatever. 3515. Name one female celebrity who you would guess wears size ___ clothing: 0? 5? 12? 16? 20? 3516. Have you ever been to a place where the restrooms were named in a clever way rather than just saying men's and woman's? I've seen Hens and Roosters, Bart and Lisa, Dudes and Babes...what have you seen? >> Yeah, I saw “Pirates” and “Wenches” once. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen others but I can’t remember what they were now. 3517. What is the 'message' or 'point behind': Fight Club? Donnie Darko? AI? Minority Report? Solaris? A Walk to Remember? You've Got Mail? 3518. have you seen, and what are your thoughts about these movies: Drumline? >> Now this is a question block I can actually answer. I did see Drumline, but I was 13 at the time so I have no real recollection of my feelings about it. The Hot Chick? >> Nope. Maid in Manhattan? >> Nope. Star Trek: Nemesis? >> Nope. About Schmidt? >> Nope. Okay, maybe I can’t answer this question block after all. What are most of these movies...? Evelyn? >> --- The Guys? >> --- Intacto? >> --- The Jimmy Show? >> ---
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers? >> I did see this, but I don’t remember much of it either because it was at least half a decade ago. I do assume I enjoyed it. Gangs of New York? >> --- Two Weeks Notice? >> --- The Wild Thornberrys Movie? >> --- Smokers Only? >> --- Treasure Planet? >> --- The Santa Clause 2? >> --- 3519. START this sentance: ....and I think to myself, what a wonderful world." >> ---
3520. What is: insanity? normal? farenheit? 3521. Tell us about yourself in the third person for a bit: >> I’d really rather not attempt that. 3522. If someone breaks a law, should they be punished if they did not know it was a law? >> Oh, I don’t know. This is a concept that can get real thorny real fast. 3523. If it's so much easier to learn languages when we are very young (and it is, something to do with the developing brain) why do they wait until jr high and high school to teach them? >> I don’t know anything about the justifications behind public-school curricula, dude. 3524. Name a band you sort of like: Dream Theater. You are wearing that band's t-shirt in a store. SUDDENLY some guy you don't know comes up to you and goes, "Hey! You like (insert name of the band here)??!!" This is obviously a really stupid question because if you didn't like them you wouldn't be wearing the t-shirt. Your witty reply is: >> It’s not a really stupid question, first of all, because it’s a conversation starter as opposed to a straightforward inquiry. I’d assume he’s excited that someone else seems to be a fan of a band he likes, and is opening the floor to talking about it. Which is great! Let’s talk about prog metal! Now, on the other hand, if the tone of “hey, you like Dream Theater?” is skeptical, like he’s assuming I’m just blithely wearing the shirt without actually liking the band or whatever, then I’d probably just give him a simple “yep” and see what happened after that. I’m not going to immediately be sarcastic or “witty” until I am positive about what kind of interaction is happening. 3525. If you were organizing cd's in a music store what section would you put each of the following in (don't forget the 'bargain bin' section!): Blink182 Depech Mode Weezer Led Zeppelin The Doors Avril Lavigne Nelly Manfred Mann Iggy Pop Pink Floyd Guns N Roses Shakira Britny Spears Tool Ozzy Osbourne Madonna The Rolling Stones The Beatles Motley Crue Bon Jovi 3526. Does coffee stimulate your mind or body more? >> It stimulates my anxiety drive, is what it does. 3527. Can you do 'six degrees of seperation' to anyone famous? >> I assume not. 3528. What's the oddest thing in your home? >> Me. 3529. Do you find it odd when people who are not handicapped use the handicapped stall: in the bathroom? >> No, I’ve used it because the close quarters of the other stalls wig me out sometimes. Or I’ve used it because the other ones were disaster zones. Or I’ve used it because I was also getting changed in the stall, or something, and needed the room. in the parking lot? >> You need a whole placard (or handicapped license plate) for those, so there are obvious rules. 3530. Do you sometimes find yourself talking to yourself? Do you answer yourself back? >> No, I talk to the Inworlders, not “myself”. 3531. In your head do you call yourself 'I' or 'you' or both? >> Er... “I”? 3532. What is the best excuse for why you haven't done your homework? >> --- 3533. Someone tells you 'well there are black people, and then there are n*ggers'. What do you think? >> I think that person’s an out-and-out bona-fide bigot, obviously? What the fuck else am I going to think (besides “I have to leave immediately”)??? 3534. Does culture shape behavior or does behavior shape culture? >> Yes. 3535. What determines whether a person will be: intelligent? pretty? happy? sucessful? 3536. What is social loafing? What is groupthink? >> ??? 3537. I have an idea. let's change the english language by making the words fewer, shorter and more concise. What do ya think? >> No. 3538. What are the physical symptoms of: joy? fear? shame? 3539. Here's the scenerio...your little eight year old brother is hangin out in the house when you come in..and catch him watching the playboy channel! What do you do/say? He says, "Why can't I watch this?" What is your response? Why do you respond that way? >> I don’t have an eight-year-old brother and I don’t know anything about how I would respond in a sibling-dynamic situation because I’ve never been in one. 3540. Who REALLY has a higher sex drive, girls or guys? How can you tell? >> --- 3541. are you usually carefree? >> No. 3542. Do you generally prefer reading to meeting people? >> This is an odd comparison to make. 3543. Do you often long for excitement? >> No. 3544. Are you mostly quiet when you are with others? >> It depends on what kind of situation I’m in and what kind of day I’m having. And who the others are. And where we are. Context, people. Details. Please. 3545. Do you often do things spur of the moment? >> No. 3546. Are you slow an unhurried in the way you move? >> Sometimes. If I’m doing something I hate or that triggers me, then I tend to be a lot more hurried. 3547. Would you do almost anything for a dare? >> I wouldn’t do anything on a dare. 3548. Do you hate being in a crowd who plays jokes on one another? >> Er... 3549. Do you enjoy wild parties? >> No. 3550. Have you ever paid for something priced more than $5.00 in only change? >> No, but I was with someone that did. We had to scrounge for change in her car so we could buy enough gas to get us the rest of the way home, lol.
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dawningofdrag · 4 years
im late but tag game!
i was tagged by the wonderful @a-tresia and @artificialperidot! so here, have me ramble for 20 minutes as i overshare dhskajda
Name: dont wanna do this part, sorry!
Nickname: Ella! I got it from my actual name but like, not the part of my real name that i use ashdasjda
Zodiac sign: Taurus sun, Aries Moon, Sag Rising! I also have four gemini placements, so isn’t that fun  🙃
Nationality: Filipino
Languages spoken: English, Tagalog, a tiny (and by tiny i mean one year of duolingo tiny) bit of french, and simple Waray (a native language here) because of my boyfriend lmao.
What time is it: 3:27pm!
Celebrity crush: funny enough i’ve never been the kind of person to have genuine celebrity crushes. except like 8 years ago as a baby gay i used to be obsessed with this woman named Nellie Veitenheimer on the Glee Project. I was i wasnt aware but i think i was in love with her ngl hasdkjahas
Favorite fictional character(s): do fanfic characters count
Favorite musician: i love dodie with all my heart, i grew up with her and i dont think i could hate anything she would put out. I also love ariana grande because im a Basic Bitch (sweetener was her best album fucking fight me), and NIKI from 88rising
Favorite sports team: the only sports i care about are UAAP seasons (it’s like sports season for all the universities in my country) bc my uni is very active, and it’s part of the experience to cry over volleyball and basketball games lmao (viva la liga el tomasino! 🐯) go tigers!
Favorite season: wet season! we dont have the 4 seasons (just dry and wet) and i like the rain :>
Favorite flower: orchids or birds of paradise 
Favorite scent: either fresh laundry or cinnamon sugar
Favorite animal(s): my baby kitty zulio! cuddly chonky boi
Favorite food: sizzling pork sisig with egg and white rice, and a side of toyomansi. also sinigang, or arroz caldo, or anything with shrimp! and cheese!
Dream car: probably a tesla, but i love suv’s. 
Dream trip: two week trip to new york city. (yes, i have thought about this. new york comprises half of my bucket list, i have to go!)
Instruments: ukulele, kalimba, and marimba
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: i rotate between hibiscus tea, white chocolate mocha, and hot chocolate everyday! so thats a hard question dhajskda
Dog or cat person: I love both, but cats are slightly better imo 😌
Following: 485 (i follow both drag race accs and simblrs, lmao)
Followers: 461
Other blogs: none
Blog established: likeee three years ago? i made it so that i could save sims 4 cc because i am obsessed. genuinely wanted to make this a simblr, but drag race pulled me in a year and a half ago so here we are
Do you have a tumblr crush: nope
Do you get asks: a couple a week if i’m lucky! 
What are you wearing right now: a strap top with stripes on it and high waist denim shorts. it’s 40 degrees out.
Drink(s) of choice: diet coke!!!! i can inhale diet coke :>
Number of blankets you sleep with: one! a fuzzy pastel green one!
Average sleep hours: back in my dorm around 4-6 hours. but now back home it’s 7 hours or 13, no in between
Random fact: I’ve played the sims since 3rd grade, and It’s a huge part of my life! I also had a voice coach for four/five years, and was trained in classical, broadway, and a tiny bit of opera.
Tagging: my bb @goodemornting or whoever in jankie candle who hasn’t done this yet!
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twogoliathbeetles · 5 years
TAGGED BY: the amazing @iankabra thanks so much 🧡🧡🧡
RULES: ANSWER 21 QUESTIONS AND TAG 21 PEOPLE (i’m not going to be able to do that but ye)
NICKNAMES: nel is a nickname for eleanor, i have one friend who i’ve known for 11 years who calls me ellie (pls do not i will block you) my family calls me nellie. 
ZODIAC SIGN: pisces sun, i think libra rising but i might be wrong it’s either that or pisces, don’t know moon.
HEIGHT: somewhere between 4′9 and 5′1.
HOGWARTS HOUSE: hufflepuff.
LAST THING I GOOGLED: phil hartman because kiki’s delivery service has an ‘in loving memory’ for him and me and my friend wanted to know who he was.
FAVORITE MUSICIANS: mika, belle and sebastian, george michael/wham, tom rosenthal, gerard way, hozier, the internet.
SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: i’m currently listening to miserere mei, deus by allegri so that i guess
FOLLOWING: cant be bothered to check.
FOLLOWERS: see above also as madie so wonderfully put it ‘who gives a shit’.
DO YOU GET ASKS: whenever i talk to people about my height so i guess that’s discourse now. 
AMOUNT OF SLEEP: on thursday i got 2 hours bc i was watching a film til 4:30 but usually 6+ hours on weekdays and 8-11 hours on weekends.
LUCKY NUMBER: i don’t have one but 13′s my unlucky number bc i’m too superstitious.
WHAT ARE YOU WEARING: my mum’s old dress from monsoon in the 70′s, yellow corduroy jacket, dangly raindrop earrings.
DREAM JOB: if physics didn’t involve maths something in physics, but sadly not. idk i really love history and french so if i can be doing those for a living somehow i’d just love it.
DREAM TRIP: just love going to the seaside i want to go to blackpool someday, but as long as i can get home at the end of the day.
LANGUAGES YOU SPEAK: english, french-ish, want to learn german but idk if i have time, i remember a few russian words so them i guess.
FAVORITE SONG: god idk,,, listening a lot atm to   like dylan in the movies   by belle and sebastian, and also   seeing other people?   of all time probably   no place in heaven   or   oh girl you’re the devil   ?
RANDOM FACT: i want to change my name to something old like maureen (and then be called morrie) or agatha or peggy like margaret because i don’t think eleanor suits me.
CATS OR DOGS: cats but i’m allergic to them and both my family pets have been dogs.
AESTHETIC: idk... i like old clothes and long coats and plaits and dangly earrings? but that’s just like,,, what i wear lmao.
anyway idk who to tag but @little-irish-rabbit and anyone else who wants to basically.
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grannybeards · 6 years
I was tagged by @lady-antacobellum
Rules are to answer all the questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better.
nickname: hoo boy I have a few: most common are El, Nora, Nelly, (Im called Eleanor) and I also get Smudge, Small, and just Mochan (my surname) x
gender: either a gal or a wood fae depending on the day xx
💫 sign: ♊♊♊♊
height: 5'5, so I'm above UK average !! X
time: 22:08
🎂: Thursday, 17th June 1999 (at 08:50 if anyone wanted to ever do an accurate zodiac or whatever xo)
favorite bands: hmm well my loves my favourites this week are: the Byrds, the Hollies, My Chemical Romance, the Starjets, the Mamas and the Papas, the Misfits, Simon and Garfunkel, and the Supremes x
favorite solo artists: Paolo Nutini, Etta James, Elton John, Rodriguez, Bob Dylan, ALLEN GINSBERG, Jeff Buckley, my boi Gerard Way, the list goes on xoxo
Last Movie I 👀: Grizzly Man (2003, Herzog) W A T C H. I T. Xx
last show i 👀: George Clarke's amazing spaces I'm addicted to it x
when did i create my blog: I think it was 2012 ?? I had one in 2012.. this one might be 2014 I'm not sure xx
what do you mostly post: absolute nonsense x
last thing i googled: "green action food co op Leeds" x
do you have any other blogs: I have an aesthetic blog faerieel although I do still end up vaguely going off topic on it but the world loves a rambler, so eh xx I have a hp blog too called minervamcbadass which is actually on topic for once so that's cool x
do you get asks: not really but I'm totally up for talking to you my loves so x
what am i wearing: my dad's old longjons that shrunk in the wash (so now theyre mine) and my grandma's GAA hoodie it's such a powerful look I know (I was about to go to bed but the dog wanted to go out and they were downstairs in the ironing pile x
why did you choose your URL: I'd like to be all mysterious about it but I went on random word generator and this just resonated with my very soul like bitch same so it's who I am now and I'm never changing it x
blogs who follow you: are fit and ily and I'd give you all a big hug if I could (or a hearty smirk and some finger guns if u don't like hugs) xx
favorite colors: green like all greens. Greeen !!! But the best green is a lovely moss green I'd die for moss it's the best plant x
average hours of sleep: like 9 I need 9 of I will die xo
lucky number: 67 !! Xx
dream trip: I really want to road trip Britain like I live here but I've only really done the North West and bits of Yorkshire like I've been down south except for the Holyhead ferry like twice and i need to explore a bit x
instruments: lmao I can get by on guitar (very tenuous) and piano (not too bad if I don't have to read music) x and I played the ocarina in primary school and the penny whistle xx I own a fiddle but can't play it at all yet xxxx
how many blankets do i sleep with: my radiator isnt on and I live on the Moors (aka bloody cold!) So I have a winter weight duvet, a blanket over my duvet, and a spare one at the bottom of my bed x I like the room being cold though so blankets are always welcome with a "the more the merrier" policy xx
favorite food: Tarka Dal or Lentil chili. I just love lentils esp yellow ones x
nationality: I'm British but all my family on all sides and all spouses came over from Ireland illegally during the famine so Im basically a shit Irish person trying to live their life as a fake Lancastrian. I like in the village one over from where I was born and despite my grandparents and my dad owning the village pub in old village for like forever we're still considered outsiders in both villages for moving lmao it's weird x
I never know who to tag so if u follow me this is me tagging u ok have at it love u all xxxxx
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kirbymybeloved · 7 years
Sorry this took a while, I actually have something of a life this week lmao. I got tagged by @10-dutchies-12-bicycles thank you!
Nickname: VedereMann Neighbuur Taté (It’s a long story)
Name: Ray
Gender: fuck
Star sign: Gemini/Leo/Capricorn
Height: 1,65 meters
Time: 23:02 or 11:02 pm Dutch time
Birthday: 7th of June
Favorite bands: Uhhhhh Against the Current is p cool tho I haven’t listened to them in a while… tbh my main music has been eurovision and Einaudi lately so yeah…
Favorite solo artist: Dodie Clark!! I love her stuff!!! Though Vic Fontaine isn’t too bad either hahaha
Song stuck in my head: Mud Blood - Loïc Nottet. I have listened to it non stop the last week lmao
Last movie: back to the future 2, I hadn’t seen it before but I love it a lot! It’s my favorite of the first two!
Last show: star trek voyager, season 7, and I’m dreading to finish it aaaaa thank god discovery is almost coming out or I would die
When did I make this blog: tbh I forgot, but around june two/three years ago probably What do I post: star trek, professor Layton, eurovision, social justice stuff and shitposts and memes
Last thing I googled: “ideal tattoo placement” since I’m probably getting a tattoo when I got enough money and don’t want to die of pain lmao
Do you have other blogs: I’ve got @dutch-polyglot which is my langblr/studyblr/pianoblr blog, and I’ve got a vent/mental health blog as well, and some forgotten blogs/urls I still have
Do you get asks: almost never lol, but I don’t mind
Why did you choose this blog name: because the phrase “It’s written in the stars” was too lame so I made it unintentionally fanfiction-y
Number of blogs you follow: so apparently one cannot check this on mobile so it shall remain a mystery~
Favorite color: purple or mint green
Lucky number: 4 or 7
Instruments: Piano!!! I might be starting lessons again soon and can’t wait to finally get actually good. Kinda wanna play the harp and violin too, but for now there’s no definite plans and I’d be happy to even get a decent piano lol
How many blankets do you sleep with: in the winter I used to have 2, but now it’s 1 and in the summer I just use the sheets and not the actual blankets
Dream job: an actual dream job I can’t get would be an astronomer, but realistically speaking I’d love to become a translator for many many languages
Dream trip: all over the world! But specifically to Indonesia and Suriname, since I’m both Favorite food: I love salmon, but Hagelslag is p darn good too hahaha
Favorite songs: Broken Strings by Nelly Furtado and that other guy is one of my all time favorites. Running on Air (Nathan Trent) is a current favorite of mine together with Hunter Of Stars (Switzerland 2014) though
I’m (gasp) again not tagging people lol (yes I'm lame no need to rub it in)
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flower-guro · 7 years
Get to know me~
I was tagged by @simsparadise3​
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
Last: 1. Drink: Water :/ 2. Phone call: My dad? i think?? 3. Text message: My best friends uwu 4. Song you listened to: Business Man - Mother Mother 5. Time you cried: Its been a while... maybe a couple weeks??
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: I’ve... never dated orz 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Also ... never happened 8. Been cheated on: Pls refer to #6 9. Lost someone special: Yeah, some family members and pets i rlly loved 10. Been depressed: 24/7 my dude 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I’ve never intentionally drank alcohol
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14. Peach, light pink, maroon
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Some really important ones~ 16. Fallen out of love: ....Yes. 17. Laughed until you cried: Yeah i have ;u; 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Not in a bad way 19. Met someone who changed you: Yeah 20. Found out who your friends are: Yes, and i love them 21. Kissed someone on your  Facebook list: Who uses facebook?? (also nvr kissed)
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I only friend ppl on facebook that ive met and know 23. Do you have any pets: You bet! I have my kitten Nelly, an Old (TM) cat named Spike, and a big golden retriever pupper named Odin 24. Do you want to change your name: Hmmm... kinda?? I don’t mind my name but I like Ken better 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Went to a nice restaurant.. i think that’s it?? 26. What time did you wake up: 10:30 ish 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Playing tf2 28. Name something you can’t wait for: The anime convention that’s coming up ohoho 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: *looks to the right* there she is 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Wish I could’ve done better my first year of college 31. Listening right now: The news is on right now? 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I went to high school with a Tom, he was a goof 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: The fact that some ppl dont like Osomatsu-san lmaO 34. Most visited website: Youtube....
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: A b u n ch on my shoulders and neck 36. Mark/s: Stretch marks, scars 37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a marine biologist 38. Hair color: Brown~ 39. Long or short hair: Short! Shorter than chin length 40. Do you have a crush on someone: mmmmm not right now (for once) 41. What do you like about yourself: My personality?  42. Piercings: Just my ears, tho I want a nape piercing... 43. Blood type: B+... *insert depression joke* 44. Nickname: Ken, Nekka, Kenni 45. Relationship status: Single as heck 46. Zodiac: Gemini 47. Pronouns: They/them 48. Favorite TV Show: Does Osomatsu-san count or 49. Tattoos: Nope :/ 50. Right or left hand: Right 51. Surgery: None, somehow 52. Hair dyed in different color: It was orange/ginger but i just dyed it back to its natural color 53. Sport: I used to play softball, even got a scholarship for it hahaha,,,  55. Vacation: Pls kick my ass to Washington or anywhere cooler than this tbh 56. Pair of trainers: Wtf is this foreign lingo (but yes i have some gym shoes)
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: An omelette 58. Drinking: Wish i was drinking coffee.... 59. I’m about to: Go to the river with a friend? 61. Waiting for: The sweet release of death 62. Want: $$ for the convention coming up 63. Get married: I’d like to 64. Career: I’d like to design prosthetics
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs and cuddles pls 66. Lips or eyes: I rlly love eyes 67. Shorter or taller: Each has its charm~ 68. Older or younger: I tend to get along better with people younger than me?? 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: ???? idk my guy, i guess tummies r cute 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive?? 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship def 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: More hesitant i guess??
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: N o pe 75. Drank hard liquor: Nah  76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I dont own either lmao 77. Turned someone down: Y eah,,, 78. Sex on the first date: No thanks  79. Broken someone’s heart: *Soft cough* yeah 80. Had your heart broken: yep yep yep 81. Been arrested: No thank u 82. Cried when someone died: Yeah,,,, 83. Fallen for a friend: Ugh dont remind me
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Usually no 85. Miracles: Mmmm no 86. Love at first sight: Maybe, but not for me 87. Santa Claus: I was one of the last ones to think so in my 5th grade class lmao 88. Kiss on the first date: Sure?? No?? idk my guy
OTHER: 90. Current best friend(s) name: (not in any specific order) Trica, Leah, Maisie, Sire 91. Eye color: Brownnn 92. Favorite movie: Oooo I think its still Colorful (anime movie)
Time to tag some friends~ @hibiyamorelikehebiya @shadylamb @tapiocachica @ghostjab9 @pasteddreams and anyone else who wants to!
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lavenderblossomm · 7 years
> tagged by @legit-min-yoongi-trash-tho {thank youuuu ♥} i know i said i wasn’t going to be on here but i felt so bored
Rules: answer 30 questions then tag 20 people you’d like to know better.
Nicknames: holly, hally, lucy, lucy belle, halo
Gender: female
Star Sign: libra
Height: 5″0
Time: 7:31 p.m
Birthday: september 28 1999
Favorite bands: i enjoy all music genres and im adding groups into this as well~~ bts(ofc), infinite, monsta x, exid, mamamoo, the 1975, backstreet boys, blink -182, little mix, my chemical romance, & pvris 
Favorite solo artists: a$ap rocky, agust d, blackbear, CL, ed sheeran, g-dragon, grace vanderwaal, h.e.r, halsey, j.cole, jay park, kehlani, kid cudi, lana del rey, lay, nelly, claude debussy(hajhdjsh), post malone, russ, thomas rhett, & selena
Song stuck in my head: howl’s castle ost and i dreamed a dream
Last movie watched: ode to billy joel
Last show watched: shark week
When did I create my blog: probably 2014
What do I post: anything really related to kpop groups/artists i enjoy, animals, music, writing, art, etc
Last thing I googled: american eagle website lmao
Do you have other blogs: yes - x
Do you get asks: yeah every now and then on this blog and several a week on my other
Why did you choose your url: well at first it was just random and i was into guys with fringe lmfao 
Following: 50 maybe?
Followers: 40 something
Favorite colour: burgundy !!!! dark purples, reds, greens, greys blue… ah i love
Average hours of sleep: 6/7, sometimes less or more
Lucky number: 99
Instruments: i play some piano and recorder, i did play Orff xylophones for my school when i was young
What am I wearing: oversized rick springfield tour t shirt, levi high waisted shorts, and my jewelry 
How many blankets I sleep with: usually just 2
Dream job: would love to either become an interior designer, shark expert, author, or psychologist .. i need to get my shit together lol
Dream trip: Australia, Japan, South Korea, Salem Mass., Italy 
Favorite food: pasta ! fettuccine alfredo pls 
Nationality: american
@andrealantis @softaetae @dreamingwishes @daegu-taegi @glittery-heart @cherry-glitter @xxsnowchildxx @neoran @lostinezoles @kazzeyy @hoesuccc
@hello-wonwoo @taehyungs-sidehoe @eternalyoongi @everythings-a-cactus
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avada-matata · 7 years
I was tagged by @kikikikimagure so we’ll see how this goes
Rules-answer the questions, tag 20 peeps
Nickname: Nellie, or nell irl just call me that here too w/e
Star sign: aries
Height: 5'6" ish
Time rn: 15:23
Last thing I googled: Yuri on ice (lol it’s for refs)
Fav music artist: prob like fall out boy, Hayley kiyoko, the cast of Hamilton, u no
Song stuck in my head: read u wrote u by ru Paul (yes from ru Paul’s drag race and specifically katyas part lol thx gab)
Last movie I watched: Hurricane Bianca on Netflix, fantastic movie and before that the Bee Movie I shit u not
Last show I watched: either Tokyo ghoul or Yuri on ice I honestly forget which one
What I’m wearing rn: black fuzzy socks, black leggings, gray turtleneck shirt and over that a penn state football crew neck I stole from my dad, 4/6 possible earrings and my hairs up if ur wondering
When I created this blog: probably like mid sophomore year which was like..2013? Maybe? (It was honestly disgusting and superwh*lock like if I saw my blog from back then appear on my dash I would hit block so fast lmao)
The kind of stuff i post: mostly memes and fan stuff of whatever fandom I happen to be in at the time and also art :D
Do you have any other blogs?: ya I got one just for art which is @lanadarthrey and one for a webcomic I’m planning which is @polariswebcomic and another one that I’m not tagging but just lets me keep up with stuff I make/is a URL saver
Do you get asks regularly?: lmaooooooooooo I have one friend who sends me asks when I rb the thingys and she’s amazing and that’s about it lol
Why did I choose my URL: ok it’s like avada kedavra and hakuna matata but like mixed up idk it amused me
Gender: female
Hogwarts house: I think I took the pottermore quiz twice and I got hufflepuff once and then gryffindor but at my hp club at school I got sorted into slytherin?? So I don’t know lmao
Pokémon team: Valor!!!
Fav color: its always been purple as #1 but I also like navy and maroon
Average hours of sleep: lmaoooo over break it was prob like 10-12 cuz I’d stay up till like 4 and sleep hella late but now that classes r gonna start I’m gonna say like..in the 4-7 range lol
Lucky number: 8 (it’s not lucky it’s just my favorite number for years so)
Fav characters: oh god here we go.. Ahsoka Tano, Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker, Darth Revan (not the grease white guy revan, the fem or nb revan), Moana, Mulan, Princess Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Finn (sw) god I love him, Rey (sw), Yuri Katsuki, Touka Kirishima (Tokyo ghoul), Peridot, Amethyst, Yang (rwby) Sombra (even tho I’ve never played overwatch in my life lmao) um that’s all I can think of rn
How many blankets do you sleep with?: currently.., 4
Dream job: astronaut (shut up I love space), if not that then something else in the field of astrophysics, hopefully exoplanets
Following: 4991 lmao Im tryna go through that and narrow it down but it takes fucking forever man
20(ish) ppl: @veryverytired @gabalah @teenagecriminalmastermind @generalherasyndulla @gay-wastelander @snowflakes-and-firebombs @kotor-2 @crownedwlaurels @attonrand @a-not-so-amazing-disaster @nessaawr @zukos-honor-vs-melonlord @ossurita @admiralrevan @buddyfinn
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