#either way I kept myself intertained
local-transguy · 2 years
So I actually think that in follies at the coven day parade Raine is actually under the mind control/wipe spell
I know that we see Raine use their whistle but what if they didn’t use it to change all of it and just the flavour or something, I know it’s unlikely but keep an open mind please because I do have some points that help my case (my strong points are near the end).
For one how would they know that the potion is meant to give them headaches, like I can’t imagine that the plant Terra uses are well know. Maybe they are and it’s common but I just don’t see that plant being widely know or Terra making it widely know, she’s just seems the type to keep that to herself and also she uses the plant in front of Raine (someone who she know used to hang out with wild witchs and a potions student too) and she’s confident that Raine doesn’t know what it is.
I don’t think Raine got that good at acting, I mean they could of but that’s a hella of a improvement from the last time they acted and when we see them in later episode acting it’s not a lot just mostly smiling and acting like they have a headache but everything that happen with eda is a lot of skills I don’t think they have.
I also think that the tear they wipe away is actually one of sadness from seeing someone they loved after years (to them at that point if they really are mind controlled/wipe) and the sadness of having to fight them.
We also see that in different points in the fight with Eda, Raine is physical struggling and in pain while fighting Eda I just don’t think that’s something someone would do if they already know what’s going on, what’s the point because what would they be struggling with at that point if it wasn’t the drink and headaches. They wouldn’t do it to try hint at something because they don’t want Eda to know anything at all.
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And in the back ground near the end of the episode you can see them in the background looking down at their drink, why would they show raine doing this, if not to show that they are question if there something wrong with it now after what happen with Eda.
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I know this is kinda of stretch but I think this could be what happen or maybe I just like the idea that Eda got raine to rebel twice but i think this might have merit. Either way it’s something interesting to think about
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