mercurialmagpie · 8 months
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my first non-dnd oc in years, wowwww
aiming for 1800s gothic mexico vibes for her town. ekaitza is the daughter of a local priest and she’s cursed to be able to manipulate flesh (wooo body horror!!!) I’ve decided that in her town the women like to paint suns on their cheeks as blush. the cat eyes are just an art style thing but I’m debating making it a permanent part of her character, like a sign of her curse. she thinks a little too much about peeling off peoples skin to see what’s underneath.
when she’s not busy being a girlfailure she helps out at the local hospital treating people with really gnarly injuries (because she can just kinda, yknow, will the flesh to stitch itself together again). she has a crush on the young doctor there because he has very pretty teeth and she wants to put them in a jar and stare at them (and also he’s hot)
anyways she’s weird but she’s mostly harmless and I love her
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fandomdancie · 9 months
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Ah, Shadowheart, if only you knew that I never initiated the breakup conversation with Gale and am now dating him, you, and Halsin simultaneously
(Image ID: Shadowheart with the dialogue caption, “Was there anything else, besides your increasingly complex love life?”)
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jaybeehix · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Baldur's Gate (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tav & Wyll (Baldur's Gate), Wyll (Baldur's Gate) & Original Female Character(s) Characters: Tav (Baldur's Gate), Wyll (Baldur's Gate) Additional Tags: Hair Braiding, Getting to know you through better haircare, Black Character(s), Named Tav (Baldur's Gate) Summary:
On the second night of camp, Wyll gets some long-overdue haircare. ~1,500 words of intimacy building through braiding.
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perish-song · 1 year
alrighty! What is a character your excited to rp as? It can be one already shown or a future one on the blog! What makes you like or excited to rp as said character?
Well obviously Summer Kanna, is my top choice but the next one I'm excited for is the future interactions involving Sol, Amala, and Ekaitza because they have a side story I want to touch on. It's nothing super important but it's a side of Sol not many know about because she's more than just a flirty hot bird lady uvu
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pablokdc · 2 years
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“Ez dira betiko garai onenak
azken finean gizaki hutsak gara
Barearen ostean dator ekaitza
Udaberri berririk ez guretzat
Denborak aurrera etengabian
ta orain ezin eutsi izan giñana
Rutinaren morroiak bihurtu gara
laztana lehen baino
lehen aska gaitzetan” Aitormena - Hertzainak Mora el peluche ♥️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CjgB51UMW1m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ekaitza: I can excuse mass murder, but I draw the line at animal cruelty.
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juankarh · 2 years
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#udaberria #negua #spring #winter #itsasoa #sea #denboralea #storm #ekaitza #olatuak #waves #indarra #strength #FototekaBizileku: Leku sakratua - Sacred Place https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb0BqC6N3Ve/?utm_medium=tumblr
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eiaporelmundo · 3 years
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No todos los días en la ruta son soleados aun así toca seguir sumando kilómetros para llegar a destino, muchas fotos siempre suelen ser con paisajes despejados pero este lado más opaco también es parte del paisaje en un viajero o viajera... la vida es apreciar todo... el equilibrio para existir necesita ambos contrastes... lo importante es estar vivo viva para aprovechar cada uno de ellos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #tormenta #fotoépica #cyclinglife #cicloviajeros #cicloturismo #foton #arena #imponente #storm #tempête #طوفان #sturm #عاصفة_الحزم #tempesta #风暴 #burka #бурятия #шторм #olujacobs #ekaitza #κατασκευες #ש #סערה #ribut #chubut #patagonia #nomadas #lealessiempretraidoresnunca #pdvsa #naturaleza (en En Medio De La Tormenta.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbK3xZnO4Pw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ionmarkelargazkiak · 14 years
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salhada · 6 years
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mercurialmagpie · 8 months
might fuck around and make my two newest ocs’ romance doomed to crash and burn from the start (yes ive been listening to mitski)
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fandomdancie · 7 months
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oh hey I did one of these things for my tav
maybe I'll write more fic for her, too!
(thx to _mythir on the bird app for the sheet)
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jansola · 6 years
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ezusteko gutxi ekarriko digu honek... #zumaia|n #ekaitza botako du ba. #eguraldia (en Zumaia, Pais Vasco, Spain)
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dummy-kanji · 2 years
Storm above Okayama Castle (Okayama, Japan) por Shanti Por Flickr: Okayama-jo, the "Crow Castle" one minute before the storm. ____ Okayamako gaztelua, ekaitza baino minutu bat lehenago. ____ El Castillo de Okayama un minuto antes de la tormenta. ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... Maybe is better on black (press "L" in your keyboard)
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paulasevadefiezta · 5 years
Bazen behin garai ilun bat, non beldur sakonenak egi bilakatu zirenak, non agurrak tendentzian jarri zirenak eta non bihotza kizkurtzen hasi zena. Aldaketak etorri ziren eta ez bereziki positiboak.
Garaia aurrera zihoan bitartean, arremanak atzean geratzen hasi ziren eta bihotza geroz eta gehiago kizkurtzen zen. Horrek ekaitza ekarri zuen eta bakardadea.
Mina, haserrea, amorrua, pentsamendu gogorrak... agertzen hasi ziren eta bakardadearen sentimendua handitu egin zen.
Bat-batean, buruak klik bat egin zuen eta tristura eta ezinegon horiek burutik joan ziren eta eguzkia bazegoela ikusi zuen. Korapiloak askatu, arnasa sakon hartu eta abestiak abestuz aurrera egin zuen.
Denbora pasa ahala, garai hori errepikatzeko aukera bazegoelaren susmoa usaintzen zen, baina tresna eta baliabide gehiago zeuden airean, ondorioz, atearekin eman zion.
Garai hori pasa omen da beste buruetara. Laguntza eskatzen dute isiltasunean, nire buruak eskatzen zuen bezala, baina laguntzarik ez zen heltzen. Besteei bai... Prest nago laguntzeko, baina mina ez da joango.
Garai hori ez dadin errepikatu, eskua emango dut eta iragana iragan bezala jarraitzea egingo dut. Eta iasta. Egora txarrenetan daudenekin geratu, eta ez besteekin.
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juankarh · 3 years
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#itsasoa #sea #ekaitza #denboralea #storm #indarra #strength #olatuak #waves #Zurriola #Donostia #EuskalHerria #FototekaBizileku https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ_zG-zN9L7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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