#el greco hotel
adventure-alex · 1 year
Venice of Japan! Kurashiki abroad in japan - Better then Kyoto?
🏯 Explore the Enchanting Kurashiki! 🌸 A City Bursting with History and Charm!
📍 Welcome to Kurashiki (倉敷市), a hidden gem located in Okayama Prefecture, Japan. Just a stone's throw away from Okayama City, Kurashiki is a captivating destination that will transport you back in time.
🏯 Step into the Bikan Historical Quarter, a timeless neighborhood adorned with centuries-old buildings and charming shops. Feel the nostalgia as you wander through the streets, taking in the picturesque sights of the past.
🎨 Art lovers, don't miss the Ohara Museum of Art, a treasure trove of European masterpieces featuring works by legendary artists like El Greco and Monet. Prepare to be mesmerized by the sheer beauty of these timeless creations.
🎠 Embark on a whimsical journey through time at the Japan Rural Toy Museum, where toys from as early as the 1600s up to the 1980s await your discovery. Relive the magic of childhood and marvel at the evolution of playthings over the centuries.
⏳ Dive into the region's rich heritage at the Archaeological Museum, where ancient artifacts give insight into the cultures that once thrived in this very land. History buffs will find themselves captivated by the stories of the past.
🚣‍♀️ Glide through the heart of Kurashiki on a delightful boat cruise along the district's narrow central canal. Let the tranquil waters guide you through the enchanting scenery and create memories to last a lifetime.
🌿 Discover the Kurashiki Ivy Square (倉敷アイビースクエア), a captivating complex of brick buildings cloaked in lush ivy. This unique space houses museums, restaurants, and a hotel, all surrounded by the enchanting embrace of nature.
🏭 Uncover the secrets of the first modern cotton mill in Japan, which once stood on this very site in 1889. The echoes of history still resonate through the brick buildings, taking you on a journey through Japan's industrial past.
🏯 Rewind even further back in time to the Edo Period (1603-1867), when this area served as the office of the local magistrate. Marvel at the significance of this historical site, which once held sway over Kurashiki under the watchful eyes of the shogun.
🌸 So, if you're ready to be whisked away on an unforgettable adventure through history and charm, join us as we explore the captivating city of Kurashiki. Subscribe now and hit the bell to never miss a moment of this delightful journey! 🌸
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Tom Petty (thanks @muldoon85)
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Paul Simon (one night stand?)
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Art Garfunkel
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Glyn Johns
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Roy Orbison
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Jeff Lynne
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Mick Jagger
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Hotel Manager Nick from El Greco
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lailaessam2910 · 2 years
The effects of the worldwide pandemic have been devastating for the travel industry and travelers themselves which affected the Egypt travel Packages that give you a chance to discover more about Egypt through its Egypt Luxury trips or if you don't have much money it can be through Egypt Cheap Budget tours. In the coming years, it’s essential that destinations and hotels give visitors a safe and reassuring experience that will relish Egypt's Christmas tours to have a fantastic family vacation which also can be done through Egypt Easter Tours or have a sail through the Nile through Egypt Nile Cruise Tours.
Cairo tour from Alexandria to return to the port said. you can have a camel ride in the oldest wonders of the world built by the great Pharaohs of ancient Egypt during the Giza Pyramids tour with a Camel ride from Alexandria or have a spectacular tour to the Grand Egyptian Museum and Giza Pyramids tour from Alexandria port. Abdeen Palace and Giza Pyramids tour is the perfect way to see two of Egypt's most famous landmarks. If you are Looking for a unique way to see the Great Pyramids of Giza you can try the Hawara, Lahun Pyramid tour from Alexandria Port. one of the best ways to enjoy Cairo attractions is by trying Port said Shore Excursions where you can visit Giza Pyramids, the Egyptian museum, and Khan EL-Khalili bazaar during day tour to Cairo from Port Said and can visit Sakkara to see the step pyramid of king Djoser during Giza Pyramids tour from Port Said or visit the Greco-Roman city of Alexandria during Port Said to Cairo and Alexandria trip. you can also have a fantastic lunch on a Nile cruise through the Pyramids and the Nile Cruise lunch from Port Said or have a camel ride around the panoramic view of the pyramids during a private half-day tour of the Giza Pyramids from Port Said
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journeydb · 28 days
September 19 2023 Toledo
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We traveled by train through Madrid today to Toledo, where we'll be for a few days to celebrate Bruce's birthday. We checked into our suite at the Marriott Eugenia D. Montijo hotel in Toledo and rested a bit before beginning our sight seeing.
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We walked around the beautiful city, with its cobblestoned, streets with shops containing artisanal food, art, clothing, jewelry, and more. We got a sense of the ancient times here and what living here then might have been like.
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We crossed a bridge over the Tagus River that separates both sides of the city. It flows from the mountains northwest to form part of the Spanish-Portuguese border, then into the Atlantic Ocean at Lisbon.
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It was a little unnerving to find Haagen-Das ice cream advertised in this medieval shop, but the nuns were charming.
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Some of the pastries are made by cloistered nuns, so thus the connection with these lovely little dolls.
Bruce is famous for his pastry shop tours and, even though neither of us can usually eat anything they have to offer, Bruce being lactose-intolerant and I'm vegan, we can still look and hope to find something sweet for us.
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Occasionally we're lucky like today when Bruce found some cookies he could eat.
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We visited an old synagogue from the twelfth century. It was gorgeous inside. It was converted into a church in the fifteenth century and was renamed Santa Maria La Blanca. According to Wikipedia:
"Santa Maria la Blanca s a museum and former synagogue in Toledo, Spain. Erected in the late twelfth or early thirteenth century, it is disputably considered the oldest synagogue building in Europe still standing. The building was converted to a Catholic church in the early 15th century.
The synagogue is located in the former Jewish quarter of the city between the Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes and the Synagogue of El Tránsito. It is one of three preserved synagogues constructed by Jews in a Mudéjar or Moorish style under the Christian Kindgdom of Castille."
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The courtyard leading into the church was shady and lovely. I had a feeling of peace as we entered the synagogue and was surprised at how gorgeous it was inside.
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Later in the afternoon, after lunch, we walked around the old city more, saw a few sites, including a modern statue of Christ with what looked like a hula hoop on it, overlooking a stunning view of the valley.
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Later, after walking by the cathedral for the third time, we visited the El Greco museum, which is housed in his former home.
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The entrance to El Greco's house had a lovely courtyard which we walked through to enter the museum.
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According to Wikipedia:
"Doménikos Theotokópoulos, 1 October 1541 – 7 April 1614), most widely known as El Greco ( "The Greek"), was a Greek painter, sculptor and architect of the Spanish Renaissance. El Greco was a nickname, and the artist normally signed his paintings with his full birth name in Greek letters,
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El Greco was born in the Kingdom of Candia (modern Crete), which was at that time part of the Republic of Venice, Italy, and the center of Post-Byzantine art. He trained and became a master within that tradition before traveling at age 26 to Venice, as other Greek artists had done. In 1570, he moved to Rome, where he opened a workshop and executed a series of works. During his stay in Italy, El Greco enriched his style with elements of Mannerism and of the Venetian Renaissance taken from a number of great artists of the time, notably Tintoretto and Titian. In 1577, he moved to Toledo, Spain, where he lived and worked until his death. In Toledo, El Greco received several major commissions and produced his best-known paintings, such as View of Toledo and Opening of the Fifth Seal.
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El Greco's dramatic and expressionistic style was met with puzzlement by his contemporaries but found appreciation by the 20th century. El Greco is regarded as a precursor of both Expressionism and Cubism, while his personality and works were a source of inspiration for poets and writers such as Rainer Maria Rilke and Nikos Kazantzakis. El Greco has been characterized by modern scholars as an artist so individual that he belongs to no conventional school.He is best known for tortuously elongated figures and often fantastic or phantasmagorical pigmentation, marrying Byzantine traditions with those of Western painting."
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There were videos of his paintings that were a bit hard to see because there wasn't enough light and I tried to video them to bring them more to life. See the videos after this post.
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 2 months
El ARCO del cabo SAN LUCAS (Baja California) a donde llegue en coche desde LA PAZ tras para en HOTEL CALIFORNIA de TODOS SANTOS (del que dicen es el de la cancion de LOS EAGLES que es sobre la MUJER Y EL DIABLO) que marca la separacion de la playa de LOS AMANTES y playa del DIVORCIO..
 Iglesia católica y otras confesiones cristianas lo veneran como santo y como patrón de artistas, médicos, solteros, notarios, orfebres, cerveceros, carniceros y otros, siendo su fiesta el 18 de octubre
Iconográficamente, Lucas el Evangelista se simboliza por un toro (buey o becerro) alado.[34]​ Ese símbolo es antiguo y se inspira en el Libro de Ezequiel (Ezequiel 1:10) y en las palabras del Apocalipsis que señalan la presencia de cuatro seres vivientes delante del trono del Cordero (que se suelen interpretar como los cuatro evangelistas, ver Tetramorfos), uno de los cuales tenía forma de toro o becerro (Apocalipsis 4:6-7).[34]​
A menudo se lo representa como un pintor, tal el caso de la obra San Lucas pintando a Cristo en la cruz, de Francisco de Zurbarán, que se conserva en el museo del Prado. También se lo representa retratando a María, madre de Jesús, como en los mosaicos de la Basílica de Santa María la Mayor en Roma, o en el cuadro San Lucas con el retrato de la Virgen, obra de El Greco que se conserva en la catedral de Toledo.
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germtrips · 3 months
Best Hotels in Toledo, Toledo, Castile–La Mancha, Spain
Toledo, a captivating city perched atop a hill in Spain’s Castile-La Mancha region, enchants visitors with its medieval ambience, rich cultural tapestry, and architectural wonders. Explore the iconic Alcázar fortress, delve into the fascinating Museo del Greco (El Greco Museum), or wander through the lively Plaza de Zocodover (Zocodover Square) during the renowned Corpus Christi celebrations.…
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George Ashford
Traveling through Tunisia, I saw the marks of the many cultures that have found a home here throughout history. A Roman coliseum. Amazigh villages carved into the desert. A Sunni mosque made of Roman columns and a Shi'a fortress guarded by Ottoman cannons. The monumental art-deco and brutalist structures of the capital. An ancient synagogue rumored to contain stones from another, even more ancient temple that stood where Abraham obeyed and Isaac was spared. They tell a story that spans thousands of years, a story of colonization, assimilation, war, and the advent of a nation.
One part of the story begins on the island of Djerba. The Ghriba Synagogue, purportedly the oldest Jewish site in Africa, sits near the center. No one knows for certain how old it is, but legend has it that the high priests of the Temple Mount fled to Djerba after Nebuchadnezzar and the Bablylonians sacked Jerusalem, carrying a stone and a door from the First Temple to build anew. As he shows us around a traditional Amazigh house, dug two stories deep into the soft desert dirt, a light-eyed man in a baseball camp explains that his people were once Jewish. That is why they sheltered Jews during the holocaust, he says, pointing to a metal helmet from WWII hung on a stick bannister. With a few exceptions, the Amazigh are not Jewish anymore, as evidenced by the woman in hijab who serves us tea while we watch the sunset wash over the small circle of sky visible from the open pit at the center of the house, but the man is proud to tell us that they once were. He is staking a claim to Tunisia’s story, reminding us that it began before the Arabs arrived, and that his ancestors were here before Islam. Although he does not make it a point to tell us, they were here before Judaism too.
In Kairouan, conquests are layered onto one another in the very foundations of the city. As we look out over the massive cisterns that held the water for the ascendant Umayyad caliphate’s first outpost in the region, we learn that it gets its name from the Arabic word for a military caravan. The outpost was to protect the new settlers from the Amazigh, who staged a series of successful rebellions before being defeated and gradually converting to Islam. We do not have to explore Kairouan for long, however, to see that the The Umayyads were not the first conquerors to make their mark here. The columns of the majestic Great Mosque of Kairouan are carved in the Greco-Roman style, clearly repurposed from older buildings. Some of the stones in the outer wall have latin writing on them. 70 kilometers away, closer to the coast, the towering Roman amphitheater in El-Jem testifies more explicitly to the power of the empire that counted this part of North Africa among its first and hardest won territories.
After El-Jem, we stop in Mahdia. The insurgent Fatimid caliphate, tracing their lineage back to the Prophet’s daughter, founded the city as their first capital a few hundred years after the Umayyads founded Kairouan. They would go on to capture Egypt and the rest of North Africa from the ruling Abbasid dynasty, spelling the end of a united Arab empire in the Mediterranean. We walk along the parapet of a fortress looking out over bright blue ocean on three sides. We imagine seeing
ships coming over the horizon and scrambling to man the defenses, as so many must have over the centuries. Genoese, Norman, Spanish, French, and Ottoman raiders all came by sea to Mahdia, its well-fortified harbor making it a prime toehold for a long line of would-be conquerors.
The latest conqueror in that line is most visible in Tunis, where art-deco facades adorn the most prominent buildings in the city center. It is also audible in the French words and accent woven into Tunisia’s unique dialect of Arabic. Tunis also, however, tells of something new. Hulking government buildings and hotels made from the ubiquitous concrete of the late 20th century overlook Habib Bourguiba Avenue. They proclaim the sovereignty of a people that is not quite of the ancient desert tribes nor any of their conquerors. Our professor points out the site of famous protests where Tunisians proclaimed a more personal form of sovereignty, demanding political freedom and economic opportunity and getting at least the former.
Tunisia is an Arab country. Hearing the language and the call to prayer every day make that clear, and Kairouan tells the story of how it became so. It is not, however, a solely Arab country, just as the story of Kairouan is not Tunisia’s only story. Djerba, El-Jem, Tunis, Mahdia, and the Amazigh villages tell other stories about Tunisia, stories that include elements of the French story, the Jewish story, the Ottoman story, the Roman story, and the story of the Amazigh. With revolution for national, and then for personal independence as the most recent chapters, they weave together into one, rich, cohesive, Tunisian story. It has been a fascinating story to learn these past few months, and I look forward to someday knowing it in more detail.
One of the most common Tunisian expressions is to say صحة when someone is eating, gets out of the shower, or buys new clothes. The response is يا أتك صحة. The expression literally translates just to ‘health,’ and expresses encouragement of healthy activities like eating.
ما يْحِس بِالجمْرة كان الّي يعْفِس عْليها is a less common Tunisian proverb that translates literally to ‘only he who walks on embers can feel it.’ It expresses the idea that one should not judge or criticize the struggles of someone else, since it is impossible to know what they are really going through.
أركان رومانية في جامع قيروان الأكبر
George Ashford
Traveling through Tunisia, I saw the marks of the many cultures that have found a home here throughout history. A Roman coliseum. Amazigh villages carved into the desert. A Sunni mosque made of Roman columns and a Shi'a fortress guarded by Ottoman cannons. The monumental art-deco and brutalist structures of the capital. An ancient synagogue rumored to contain stones from another, even more ancient temple that stood where Abraham obeyed and Isaac was spared. They tell a story that spans thousands of years, a story of colonization, assimilation, war, and the advent of a nation.
One part of the story begins on the island of Djerba. The Ghriba Synagogue, purportedly the oldest Jewish site in Africa, sits near the center. No one knows for certain how old it is, but legend has it that the high priests of the Temple Mount fled to Djerba after Nebuchadnezzar and the Bablylonians sacked Jerusalem, carrying a stone and a door from the First Temple to build anew. As he shows us around a traditional Amazigh house, dug two stories deep into the soft desert dirt, a light-eyed man in a baseball camp explains that his people were once Jewish. That is why they sheltered Jews during the holocaust, he says, pointing to a metal helmet from WWII hung on a stick bannister. With a few exceptions, the Amazigh are not Jewish anymore, as evidenced by the woman in hijab who serves us tea while we watch the sunset wash over the small circle of sky visible from the open pit at the center of the house, but the man is proud to tell us that they once were. He is staking a claim to Tunisia’s story, reminding us that it began before the Arabs arrived, and that his ancestors were here before Islam. Although he does not make it a point to tell us, they were here before Judaism too.
In Kairouan, conquests are layered onto one another in the very foundations of the city. As we look out over the massive cisterns that held the water for the ascendant Umayyad caliphate’s first outpost in the region, we learn that it gets its name from the Arabic word for a military caravan. The outpost was to protect the new settlers from the Amazigh, who staged a series of successful rebellions before being defeated and gradually converting to Islam. We do not have to explore Kairouan for long, however, to see that the The Umayyads were not the first conquerors to make their mark here. The columns of the majestic Great Mosque of Kairouan are carved in the Greco-Roman style, clearly repurposed from older buildings. Some of the stones in the outer wall have latin writing on them. 70 kilometers away, closer to the coast, the towering Roman amphitheater in El-Jem testifies more explicitly to the power of the empire that counted this part of North Africa among its first and hardest won territories.
After El-Jem, we stop in Mahdia. The insurgent Fatimid caliphate, tracing their lineage back to the Prophet’s daughter, founded the city as their first capital a few hundred years after the Umayyads founded Kairouan. They would go on to capture Egypt and the rest of North Africa from the ruling Abbasid dynasty, spelling the end of a united Arab empire in the Mediterranean. We walk along the parapet of a fortress looking out over bright blue ocean on three sides. We imagine seeing
ships coming over the horizon and scrambling to man the defenses, as so many must have over the centuries. Genoese, Norman, Spanish, French, and Ottoman raiders all came by sea to Mahdia, its well-fortified harbor making it a prime toehold for a long line of would-be conquerors.
The latest conqueror in that line is most visible in Tunis, where art-deco facades adorn the most prominent buildings in the city center. It is also audible in the French words and accent woven into Tunisia’s unique dialect of Arabic. Tunis also, however, tells of something new. Hulking government buildings and hotels made from the ubiquitous concrete of the late 20th century overlook Habib Bourguiba Avenue. They proclaim the sovereignty of a people that is not quite of the ancient desert tribes nor any of their conquerors. Our professor points out the site of famous protests where Tunisians proclaimed a more personal form of sovereignty, demanding political freedom and economic opportunity and getting at least the former.
Tunisia is an Arab country. Hearing the language and the call to prayer every day make that clear, and Kairouan tells the story of how it became so. It is not, however, a solely Arab country, just as the story of Kairouan is not Tunisia’s only story. Djerba, El-Jem, Tunis, Mahdia, and the Amazigh villages tell other stories about Tunisia, stories that include elements of the French story, the Jewish story, the Ottoman story, the Roman story, and the story of the Amazigh. With revolution for national, and then for personal independence as the most recent chapters, they weave together into one, rich, cohesive, Tunisian story. It has been a fascinating story to learn these past few months, and I look forward to someday knowing it in more detail.
One of the most common Tunisian expressions is to say صحة when someone is eating, gets out of the shower, or buys new clothes. The response is يا أتك صحة. The expression literally translates just to ‘health,’ and expresses encouragement of healthy activities like eating.
ما يْحِس بِالجمْرة كان الّي يعْفِس عْليها is a less common Tunisian proverb that translates literally to ‘only he who walks on embers can feel it.’ It expresses the idea that one should not judge or criticize the struggles of someone else, since it is impossible to know what they are really going through.
أركان رومانية في جامع قيروان الأكبر
كنيس الغريبة في جربة
كنيس الغريبة في جربة
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Enjoy Egypt and Jordan Tours as a combination trip package, visiting Cairo, Jordan, Luxor, and Aswan by Nile cruise. Learn about the beauties of EGYPT AND JORDAN TOURS & NILE CRUISE with World Tour Advice. And discover Petra's splendour, delight in camel riding, and experience the adventure of safari packages with Bedouins.
Egypt You will go on an incredible tour with Jordan Tours to see the most significant locations in both Egypt and Jordan. Continue your journey to Jordan with Egypt Tours and Jordan Holidays, where you can explore the Dead Sea, the Mountain of Nebo, and the Rose City of Petra. You may also stroll past monuments and touch history in Jordan.
The Great Pyramids of Giza, which are regarded as a defining emblem of Egypt and the final of the Ancient Seven Wonders of the Ancient globe, are the most well-known attraction in the entire globe and where you should begin your excursions. You will have the opportunity to capture breathtaking pictures with the three Cheops, Chephren, and Mykerinus Pyramids while taking in the expansive panorama of the Giza Plateau.
 Enjoy the Sphinx's wonder while touring it, and then continue on to the Valley Temple, which served as the main gateway to the Giza Plateau. In Old Cairo, see the hanging church, Abu Serga Church, and Ben Ezra synagogue.
Relish travelling in style and luxurious accommodation in our jam-packed journey to Egypt and Jordan, Egypt and Jordan travel package offer Old-world splendor and modern charm emerging together in Egypt and Jordan tour packages, Scout the greatest antique wonders of the World in absolute comfort and luxury, journeys are designed specifically to match your interests,Petra, Pyramids, Temples, river Nile and sea, Egypt Jordan Luxury Holidays, Enjoy our dazzling luxury tour package In Egypt & Jordan, Like built heritage and sites, Egypt and Jordan are rich in antiquarian resources not only in quantity but also in its varied diversity both in time and space, comfortable and opulent travel arrangements, privately guided tours of exclusive sites,outstanding tours around the fabulous historical sites you only know about it from books, We will do our best to make sure that your Jordan and Egypt Luxury tour is being carried on the way you desire
Day 1 # Arrival Cairo - Start of Cairo and Luxor Tour Package Relax, our services intended to enhance your journey,You are a discerning traveler for us so Relax, Upon your arrival to Cairo airport, World tour advice representative will meet you in airport to help you to end all arrival procedures, then direct transfer to hotel, be ready for your Egypt and Jordan tours, We will do our best to make sure that your Jordan and Egypt Luxury tour is being carried on the way you desire
Day2 # Cairo city tour and Giza pyramids tour Embark on a fascinating journey through Jordan and Egypt, After enjoying your first breakfast in your hotel in Egypt, be ready to meet your guide and enjoying a dazzling tour around Giza pyramids and the lion-headed ambiguous statue the Sphinx, then a tour to the Egyptian museum in Cairo where there are More than 110 years old, the Egyptian museum in Cairo is the oldest archaeological museum in the Middle East and houses the largest collection of Ancient Egyptian antiquities in the world, The Egyptian museum in Cairo boasts an extensive collection of masterpieces spanning from the predynastic period through to the Greco -Roman era, visiting the old market of Jaharkas Khan El Khalili, return to hotel. Overnight in Cairo
Day 3 Aswan sightseeing tours from Nile cruise Early breakfast, flying to Aswan, Embarkation to Blue Shadow Nile cruise, Relish a luscious Lunch, starting your tours to scout the legendary High Dam, Feast your eyes by gazing at the magnificence of Philae Temple, Sailing on the Nile by Felucca, visit the stunning not complete obelisk in Aswan ancient granite quarries, lately transfer back to your Nile Cruise, Tasteful Lunch meal is waiting for you on board Afternoon tea, Relish Captain's welcome cocktail , Taste the delicious Egyptian Guava juice, Dinner and overnight on board Ms Blue Shadow in Aswan. Overnight in Aswan Lunch- dinner
Day 4 Kom Ombo- Edfu tours from Nile cruise Relish a luscious breakfast on board Blue Shadow Nile cruise, feast your eyes at the time your Cruise Sailing from Aswan to Kom Ombo, scouting the glamour of Kom Ombo Temple, then sail to Edfu, Once you arrive Edfu visit the enchanting Temple of Horus in Edfu followed by sailing to Esna, Lunch included on board, enjoy Egyptian Galabeya Party, Sailing to Luxor, dinner and overnight on board on board Blue Shadow Nile cruise in Luxor. Overnight in Edfu Breakfast-Lunch- dinner
Day 5 Luxor tours from Nile cruise Relish your luscious  breakfast on board, sailing to Luxor, Unleash your inner explorer by the Nile cruise tours between Valley of the Kings (visiting 03 Tombs Only, Tut Ankh Amon with additional ticket), and Queen Hatshepsut temple tour, It is known now with the name of El-Deir El-Bahary, your last visit will be to Colossi of Memnon, Watch the glory of the two huge statues, Then our tour guide will escort you back to Princess Sarah Nile cruise, Lunch included on board, Belly Dance Show, dinner and overnight on board Blue Shadow cruise in Luxor.
Day 6 Disembarkation- Luxor Tours, End of Nile cruise holiday Relish your luscious breakfast on board followed by Disembarkation from Blue Shadow Nile cruise, Now amuse your eyes by a tour to see the legendary Karnak Temples with its enormous Pillars hall, then stir towards Luxor temple to Explore the relation between the 2 temples. Transfer to Luxor airport and flying to Cairo Overnight in Cairo
Day 7  Memphis, Saqqara and Dahshur pyramids tour Tour to explore the Ancient Egyptian pyramids in, Saqqara and Dahshur starting at 8:30 Am from your hotel, then your masterly tour guide expert in Egyptology will inform you about the history of building the pyramids , it was started by the mastaba such as the mastaba of Kagemni that you will see it during the tour to Saqqara complex, where you will see also the step pyramid and the Heb Sed building, Then visit Amenmhat black pyramid, the bent pyramid of Snefru and the dazzling red pyramid which is the first pyramid erected in the world, visit Memphis opened museum, enjoy a lunch meal during the tour, then back to hotel Overnight in hotel in Cairo
Day 8 Cairo Coptic and Islamic Tour Relish a tasteful breakfast  in hotel, follow your tour guide to explore ( Al Qahira ) , The Fatimid Cairo where You will see the dazzling building of Fatimid Cairo, Qalaoon complex and El Hakem mosque, Al Azhar mosque, Proceed to Coptic Cairo to visit the hanging church, the Synagogue, the crypt of the holy Christian family, lunch meal, transfer to airport to fly to Ammanm from Amman airport You will be escorted to your hotel Overnight in Amman
Day 9 : Arrival Amman - Jordan The first day was planned without activities or tours, because it is not determinited your arrival time to Amman.But in case that your arrival time to Amman will be early there are plenty of tours to do in Amman city. Please check Our Egypt excursions & day tours, you will find there also Amman day tours.
Day 10: Amman City Tour - Jerash - Amman  Enjoy your breakfast in hotel in Amman, before starting a city tour in Amman, your tour guide will take you to visit the Citadel hill with the Temple of Hercules and the splendid Archaeological Museum, the Roman Theater in Amman downtown.transfer towards Jerash North of Amman, visit the best preserved Roman provincial city in all Middle East. you will see there the old Colonnaded Street and the famous Temple of Artemis. then transfer back to Amman hotel.  ( B )
Day 11: Petra  Breakfast, then a whole day in an unforgettable walk through the narrow canyon, which forms the dramatic entrance to the city (the siq) until you round the final corner and are greeted by the unforgettable view of the extraordinary Façade of the Treasury building. Our guide will give a brief history of this city that the Nabateans carved from the living rock of the surrounding mountains. The site is large, but you can set your own pace depending on the weather and the interests of the group. We return to our hotel in Petra town,Overnight in Petra. ( B )
Day 12: Petra - Wadi Rum - Amman In the morning we will enjoy a Jeep Tour in the spectacular desert of Wadi Rum, Wadi Rum is a protected area covering 720 square kilometers of dramatic desert wilderness in the south of Jordan. Huge mountains of sandstone and granite. The jeeps bring us to Nabataean inscriptions, sand dunes and canyons, transfer to Amman, Check in Overnight in Amman
Day 13 Final departure Relish a luscious breakfast in hotel, transfer to airport and final departure
- Meet and greet service upon arrival and departure in all airport as in our tour itinerary - All Egypt and Jordan tour package transfers by modern AC vans - All tickets and entrance fees to all the mentioned places - Accommodation 4 nights in Cairo ( B.B), 3 nights in Nile cruise ( F.B), 4 nights in Amman B.Band Petra 1 night B.B - Private tour guide in Cairo and Nile cruise tours - Driver tour guide or Group tour guide in Jordan tours  
- International flights - Entry visa - Beverages and meals not mentioned in our Egypt and Jordan tours - Anything not mentioned in our tour itinerary - Tipping, recommended but not obligatory
 For more info
·         [email protected]
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·         https://www.worldtouradvice.com/
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·         002 01090023837
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Madrid is the capital city of Spain and a popular travel destination. With its stunning architecture, rich history, and vibrant culture, Madrid offers a unique travel experience that is sure to impress. Whether you're interested in exploring the city's historic landmarks, indulging in its culinary delights, or simply soaking up its lively atmosphere, Madrid has something for everyone.
Getting There
If you're traveling to Madrid from abroad, you'll likely arrive at Madrid-Barajas Adolfo Suárez Airport. The airport is located just 12 kilometers from the city center and offers a variety of transportation options to get you to your destination. You can take a taxi, a bus, or the metro to reach the city center. Taxis are a convenient option, but can be expensive. Buses and the metro are cheaper, but may take longer, especially during rush hour.
If you're already in Spain, you can also take a train or bus to Madrid. Renfe, the national railway company, operates high-speed trains between Madrid and major cities like Barcelona, Seville, and Valencia. Buses are also a popular option for budget travelers, with numerous companies offering routes to and from Madrid.
When to Visit
Madrid is a year-round destination, but the best time to visit depends on your preferences. Summers in Madrid can be hot and humid, with temperatures often reaching 35°C or higher. This can make sightseeing uncomfortable, but the city's many parks and outdoor terraces offer respite from the heat.
Spring and fall are the best times to visit if you're looking for pleasant weather and fewer crowds. Temperatures are mild, ranging from 10°C to 25°C, and there are plenty of outdoor events and festivals to enjoy. Winter can be chilly, with temperatures dropping to around 5°C, but it's a great time to experience Madrid's Christmas markets and festivities.
Where to Stay
Madrid offers a wide range of accommodation options to suit all budgets and preferences. If you're looking for luxury, there are many five-star hotels in the city center, including the Ritz Madrid and the Hotel Villa Magna. These hotels offer top-notch amenities, including spas, fitness centers, and gourmet restaurants.
For mid-range options, there are numerous boutique hotels and guesthouses in Madrid's trendy neighborhoods, like Malasaña and Chueca. These neighborhoods are known for their hip bars, restaurants, and art galleries, and offer a lively atmosphere that's perfect for young travelers.
If you're on a budget, Madrid also has plenty of hostels and budget hotels. These offer basic accommodations, but are clean, safe, and centrally located. Some of the most popular budget options include the Mad Hostel and the Cat's Hostel.
What to See and Do
Madrid is home to numerous historic landmarks, museums, and cultural attractions. Here are some of the must-see sights and activities in the city:
The Prado Museum: The Prado Museum is one of the most important art museums in the world and houses an impressive collection of Spanish and European art from the 12th to the 19th centuries. Some of the highlights include works by Goya, Velázquez, and El Greco.
The Royal Palace of Madrid: The Royal Palace of Madrid is the official residence of the Spanish royal family and is one of the city's most iconic landmarks. Visitors can take a guided tour of the palace's opulent rooms and gardens.
Retiro Park: Retiro Park is Madrid's largest park and is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. The park features a boating lake, numerous walking paths, and several outdoor cafes and restaurants.
Plaza Mayor: Plaza Mayor is Madrid's main square and is surrounded by historic buildings and cafes.
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egyptonlinetours1 · 2 years
Alexandria Tour from Cairo by Private Vehicle
Alexandria Tour from Cairo by Private Vehicle
Utilize Alexandria Tours from Cairo to book unforgettable day trips to discover the Roman and Greek monuments in Alexandria while having fun at the city's top tourist destinations. Visit the city's main feature, Qaitbay Citadel, feast your eyes, amuse yourself by touring Kom El Shokafa's magnificently painted tombs, and see the biggest library in ancient times.
Alexandria Tour via Private Vehicle from Cairo, Few towns in the world have as rich a history as Alexandria, which was the capital of Greco-Roman Egypt when it was founded in 331 BC and has seen a great number of historical events and stories. Explore the Roman and Greek sites in the city while taking in the city's alluring nature and stunning scenery on an amazing trip from Cairo with Alexandria Day Tour from Cairo.
Our Alexandria Tour from Cairo will start with pick up service from your hotel in Cairo by your private guide to be transferred to visit Alexandria by air-conditioned vehicle to enjoy your Alexandria Tour visiting the Catacomb of Kom El-Shoqafa, The Roman Theater, El Montazah palace and Alexandria library, have lunch meal during Alexandria tour at local restaurant in Alexandria then free time for shopping and optional tours, at the end of your Alexandria Tour, you will be transferred back to your hotel in Cairo. ( End of Alexandria Tour from cairo )
Alexnadria Tour from Cairo includes : - Pick up and drop off services from your hotel in Cairo - All transfers by air-conditioned vehicles in Cairo and Alexandria Tour - Admision fees to the sightseeing in Alexandria as per Alexandria tour itinerary - Lunch meal at a high quality restaurant in Alexandria during tour Alexandria from Cairo - Egyptologist English speaking tour guide in Alexandria tour from Cairo.
Alexnadria Tour from Cairo excludes : Optional tours and personal expenses during Alexandria Tour from Cairo
For more info
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viviendopraga · 2 years
El monasterio de Břevnov está de celebración de sus 1030 años, ya que la consagración del edificio del monasterio tuvo lugar el 14 de enero de 993. Poco después del regreso del obispo de Praga, desde San Petersburgo, cuando Vojtěch regresó a su tierra natal. Esto convirtió al Monasterio de Břevnov en el monasterio masculino más antiguo de la República Checa. El Monasterio de Břevnov se fundó por el príncipe checo Boleslav II y el obispo Vojtěch de Praga. Desde el principio, ha sido el hogar de la comunidad monástica benedictina. Con motivo del 1000 aniversario de la fundación del monasterio en  1993, el Papa Juan Pablo II  promovió  Abadía de Břevnov a la Archiabadía. El monasterio en su conjunto con la basílica de Santa Markéta y otros edificios en el jardín del monasterio están declarados como monumento cultural nacional. Y para los amantes de la bebida más conocida checa decir que el monasterio está considerado como el lugar documentado más antiguo de elaboración de cerveza. En todo el país, esta tradición continúa con éxito en la Cervecería del Monasterio Břevnov de St. Vojtěch. La fundación del monasterio de Břevnov Según la leyenda, el monasterio se fundó en el nacimiento del arroyo Brusnice, donde supuestamente el obispo Vojtěch se reunió  con el príncipe checo Boleslav II. El obispo Vojtěch de Praga contacto con Benedicto durante su exilio en Italia, cuando, entre otras cosas, se alojó en el monasterio occidental más antiguo de Monte Cassino. El 17 de abril de 990, hizo los votos religiosos en el monasterio benedictino greco-latino de los Santos Alejo y Bonifacio en el Aventino romano. Cuando regresó a su tierra natal, el obispo trajo consigo a doce hermanos de este monasterio, quienes luego formaron la primera comunidad monástica del monasterio recién construido. La consagración del edificio del monasterio tuvo lugar el 14 de enero de 993. Poco después del regreso del obispo a su tierra natal; Papa Juan XV confirmó su creación en mayo de ese año. Historia del monasterio de Břevnov A mediados del siglo XI, el abad Meinhard construyó la basílica románica de los Santos Benedicto y Vojtech. A principios del siglo XIV, el abad Bavor de Nečtin reconstruyó el monasterio y la iglesia, que ha sido dedicada a S. Margarieta y fundó un monasterio en Broumov. En el año 1420, Taboritas destruyeron el monasterio, y los monjes sobrevivientes se marcharon a Broumov. Posteriormente el monasterio se restauró a mediados del siglo XVI, a finales del siglo XVII bajo el abad Tomáš Sartori. Estableciéndose el actual Antiguo Convento. El abad Otmar Zinke inició el edificio actual en 1708 y lo confió a los mejores artistas de su tiempo. La basílica es un gran edificio del alto barroco con un presbiterio largo según los planos de Kryštof Dientzenhofer. La basílica se consagró en el año 1715, toda la construcción duró hasta 1740. El abad de Břevnov, František Štěpán Rautenstrauch, estuvo significativamente involucrado en las reformas de las universidades, la educación legal y sacerdotal. Razón por la cual durante las reformas del emperador José II, el monasterio no fue abolido. En el período siguiente, sin embargo, decayó bastante, hasta que fue reformado en la década de 1930 por monjes de Chevetogne, Bélgica. Anastáz Opasek se convirtió entonces en prior, quien había sido abad desde el año 1947. En 1950 fue arrestado y encarcelado durante mucho tiempo, el monasterio fue disuelto en 1951 y los monjes deportados. Hoy funciona en el monasterio la comunidad benedictina y la parroquia, sirve a la cultura y la educación. Y puedes disfrutar de su hotel, y su restaurante, donde se elabora muy buena cerveza. Si tal ves estás en Praga puedes aprovechar y visitar el monasterio de Břevnov que está de celebración.
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Excursiones Alejandría desde El Cairo
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Excursiones Alejandría desde El Cairo
Disfrutas de Excursiones Alejandría desde El Cairo con World Tour Advice y visitas la ciudad bonita de Alejandría. World Tour Advice te ofrece este maravilloso tour con precio muy barato. Disfrutas de vivir fabulosos momentos en Excursiones en El Cairo con World Tour Advice. También en Excursiones Alejandría desde El Cairo puedes visitar la ciudadela de Qaitbay, las catacumbas de Kom El Shokafa y la biblioteca de Alejandría. 
Y no olvides tomar unas hermosas fotos con tus amigos o tu familia en Excursiones Alejandría desde El Cairo con World Tour Advice. Seguramente vas a disfrutar mucho en Excursiones Alejandría desde El Cairo con World Tour Advice y no vas a olvidar este fabuloso tour nunca en tu vida. No piensas más y reservas ahora Excursiones Alejandría desde El Cairo con World Tour Advice.   
Temprano, después del desayuno salida del hotel de el Cairo, 3 horas de viaje en el desierto occidental que para Alejandría, acompañado por su guía, Visitando en Alexandria la fortaleza de Quibey donde está al antiguo lugar donde se construyó el Faro de Alejandría (Pharos). Sigamos el recorrido para visitar las catacumbas romanas en Kom El-Shokafa con la famosa tumba de Tegran, entonces para visitar el Pilar romano de Bombeo, visitamos la famosísima biblioteca de Alejandría que fue reconstruida como un disco solar desde el exterior como el centro de los científicos & filósofos en la época de los Greco romanos. Almuerzo, se incluirá el recorrido en Alejandría para visitar los Palacios de Montazah los & jardines, tiempo libre en su hermoso jardín botánico, vuelta a el Cairo y noche en su hotel en el Cairo.
Servicios de Recoger y volver del hotel en el Cairo
Todos los traslados en un moderno coche privado con aire acondicionado
Guía Privado Habla Espanol
Entradas a las visitas mencionados
Almuerzo durante el tour
Dos botellas de agua a bordo del vehículo durante el recorrido
Todos los impuestos de excursiones de Costa & cargo por servicio
Cualquier extra no mencionado en el Itinerario
Bebidas no especificados
Para reservar un viaje puedes enviar un correo electrónico a [email protected] o llamarnos a 01090023837
Eman Osama
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maestroegypttours · 2 years
Egypt Tours in Christmas
 Everyone now searching for how to enjoy Tours at Christmas, so if you are eager to experience Egypt Christmas Tours, begin your trip by exploring the mind-blowing sites in Cairo, cruise down the great Nile River on a luxurious Nile Cruise, explore the magnificent monuments of Luxor, go to the glorious temples of Edfu and Kom Ombo, and more. You can also get a feel for Aswan's natural beauty by visiting its main attractions.
1- Egypt Christmas Tour To Cairo and Luxor
2- Egypt Christmas Tours to Cairo and Nile Cruise
3- The Best of Egypt Christmas Packages
4- Xmas Holidays in Cairo and Nile Crusie
You can experience camel or horse riding at the Giza Pyramids after exploring Cheops, Chephren, and Mykerinus at the Giza Pyramids. Your tour guide will then take you to a panoramic view of the pyramids so you can capture memorable images of all three pyramids at once, as well as the enormous Sphinx. Enjoy the eye-pleasing Sound and Light Show at the Pyramids, and then explore the Egyptian Museum, the largest museum in the world, which was founded in 1902 to hold the artifacts of Ancient Egypt. The museum's exhibits cover the time from the start of the Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt (about 2700 BC) to the Greco-Roman era, including over 120,000 objects.
Without visiting the treasures of the contemporary city of Luxor, which was constructed over and around the historic capital Thebes, no trip to Egypt would be complete. Explore the West Bank of Luxor, which is regarded as an archaeological haven due to the abundance of monuments there, while enjoying Egypt Christmas Tours. Enjoy yourself by seeing the picturesque Valley of the Kings tombs, admiring the exquisite Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, and having the opportunity to see the enigmatic Colossi of Memnon sculptures.
The largest temple complex in the world, Karnak Temple, which was built more than 4,000 years ago and is regarded as the primary cult center in the old city, will also be accessible to visitors. You will travel through Luxor Temple, also known as the southern shrine and built-in 1400 BC, towards the conclusion of your Luxor Excursions.
While traveling to the lovely city of Aswan enjoy your fancy Nile Cruise through Egypt Christmas Tours, live an opulent adventure, and amuse yourself. Beginning your excursions in Aswan, stop by the High Dam to learn about the remarkable advancements and accomplishments of contemporary Egypt. This dam was built under the administration of Egyptian President Gamal Abd El Nasser. Learn more about this magnificent temple that was relocated by UNESCO following the construction of the high dam that threatened the site. Philae Temple was constructed during Ptolemy's era and dedicated to the worshipping of the ancient Egyptian god Osiris.
It would be a good idea to spend your Christmas in Egypt with the amazing weather and lovely Christmas Egypt Tours. Maestro Egypt Tours has many Egypt Tours Packages. Egypt is a marvelous destination for Christmas. While all the European countries and the Americas are harshly cold, this is enough reason to book a Christmas tour in Egypt.
Day 1 (19th of Dec)Egypt Tour package, Arrival Cairo
At Cairo International Airport, Maestro Online Travel representative will greet and help you. You will then be transferred to your hotel in a private air-conditioned vehicle.
Day 2 (20th of Dec): Cairo Tour (Pyramids – Memphis - Saqqara)
Today is your first morning in Egypt; when you wake up, get your breakfast at the hotel, and then your Maestro Online travel will escort you to begin an exciting Tours, witness the glory of the Step Pyramid of Zoser (Sakkara Pyramid), scab a mélange of history at Memphis City and the open air Museum, relax and have your lunch at a local restaurant, and then move on to the Pyramids of Giza, which is a must for any true traveler; if you want to see your best travel photos, go to the panorama area to take marvelous photos for the three pyramids, then proceed to the sphinx and the valley temple, finally your guide will escort you back to your hotel,
Day (3): ( 21-of Dec ) Cairo Day Tour (Egyptian Museum- Citadel - Khan El Khalili) 
After breakfast, your Maestro Online Travel will escort you to the Egyptian Museum, where you will see the treasures of Tut Ankh Amun, then your guide will reveal the legends of Salah El-Dein Citadel, where history and culture pave the way to breathtaking, watch the architectural splendor of the Alabaster Mosque, and finally, your last visit will be to Old Cairo, where you will see the hanging church, Abu Serga Church, and Ben Ezra synagogue, Finally, your guide will take you to your Hotel in Cairo, overnight in Cairo, At night optional tour to the sound & Light show in the Pyramids or Dinner cruise with the Belly dancer and tanorra show
Day 4 (22nd of Dec): East bank in Luxor
After breakfast at your hotel in Cairo, a representative from Maestro Online Travel will transport you to the Cairo International Airport so you will fly to Luxor. Your amazing Egypt holiday will continue when you go to Luxor with a guide from Maestro Online Travel. Then begin Christmas Tours in Egypt, visit the East Bank; Karnak temple, and Luxor temple. In Luxor, you will have lunch at a local restaurant. Back to the hotel in Luxor for an overnight stay in Luxor
Day 5 (23th of Dec): Luxor West bank
Breakfast at your Luxor hotel. Then, drive to Luxor West Bank to see the wonders of the Valley of the Kings and Hatshepsut temple while passing the Colossi of Memnon. Meet up with Maestro Online Travel guide to experience Egypt vacation at Christmas. Start your tour of the Luxor attractions on the west bank of the city at the royal tombs of Thebes (Luxor), then descend to the kings' and nobles' tombs. Visit the temple of Hatshepsut, the sole queen to rule Egypt, by taking a drive to El Dier El Bahari. Continue your tour of Luxor's West Bank by stopping at the Colossi of Memnon, which was built for Amenhotep III. Drive to the restaurant in Luxor for lunch. Drive an air-conditioned vehicle to Aswan. When you get to Aswan, be transferred to your accommodation by a representative of Maestro Online Travel, overnight in Aswan.
Day 06 (24th of Dec):  Aswan sightseeing
Breakfast at your Aswan hotel, enjoy your Christmas Egypt tours and meet up with Maestro Online Travel. Explore the High Dam, see the unfinished obelisk, and go to the Philae temple with Maestro Online Travel. Afterward, return to your hotel, get some rest, and take in the Christmas supper. Aswan overnight.
Day 7 (25th of Dec): Egypt Christmas
Breakfast at the hotel. transfer to Aswan Airport, fly back to Cairo, arrive in Cairo, and transfer to your hotel overnight 
Day 8 (26th of Dec): Final Departure
Breakfast at your hotel and transfer to Cairo Airport for Final departure 
For more info. kindly visit www.maestroegypttours.com
or send your request to [email protected]
Tel : +201001422529
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ilovedig · 2 years
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from the lobby of the El Greco Hotel in Nassau. The hotel's owner, Nick, was the personal chef for the Beatles during their stay in Nassau early 1965.
And clearly more than just Geo's personal chef.
Cause...um, they totally fucked.
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mexicoantiguo · 2 years
Vista del Hotel Regis en la Avenida Juárez de la Ciudad de México ca. 1915
Se aprecia el anuncio de dicho Hotel que estaría próximo a Inaugurarse.
La construcción comenzó en 1908 y finalizó en el año de 1910. En un inicio estuvo planeado para albergar las instalaciones del diario El Imparcial. En ese entonces era un edificio de 5 plantas al que llamaron Berry. En 1911, tras el terremoto de México de 1911, el edificio fue afectado. Se remodeló y se convirtió en edificio de departamentos, pero nunca se ocupó hasta transformarse en Hotel Berry, y tuvo que venderse a su antiguo propietario Rafael Reyes Spíndola, después de la Decena Trágica en 1913. Transformado en hotel, se le puso el nombre de Hotel Ritz. Pero solamente mantuvo dicho nombre durante un año; ya que, tras la caída de Victoriano Huerta, tuvo que ser vendido a Rodolfo Montes y cambiar de nombre. Así surgió el Hotel Regis, que se inauguró el 15 de agosto de 1918. El edificio neoclásico albergó en su primera etapa a los más destacados prohombres nacionales. Sinaloenses y sonorenses, lo tenían como centro de actividades y conspiraciones. Desde 1917, se aumentaron pisos y se añadió un reloj en la azotea. En 1919 se amplió el Regis, construyéndose el Teatro "La Bombonera Regis" (años después, "Cine Regis"), el "Restaurante Don Quijote" y el "Bar Regis". En 1946 se construye un edificio aledaño que albergaría varios negocios, la conocida tienda departamental Salinas y Rocha. En 1952, se construye el ala moderna del edificio, un año después el "Centro Nocturno Capri" se trasladaría a los primeros pisos del nuevo edificio. En 1955 el llamativo letrero con la leyenda "Hotel ЯHR Regis" se traslada a la esquina de Avenida Juárez y Balderas, se mantiene ahí hasta el trágico terremoto de México de 1985. Las ansias de Montes por hacer del Regis la mejor hospedería de México, lo llevó a planear la remodelación de la fachada. Empeño que lo colocó al borde de la quiebra, por lo que tuvo que cederle la propiedad a una familia de apellido Hernández, quedando bajo la administración de Mario Castelán Meza, esposo de la hija mayor de la familia Hernández. Debido a múltiples problemas al interior de la familia Hernández, estos decidieron vender el Regis en 1944.
Anacarsis Peralta "Carcho" adquirió el Regis. Cambió la imagen del hotel, haciendo múltiples remodelaciones en mármol y transformando el lobby en uno de gran majestuosidad. Gracias a "Carcho", el Hotel Regis se transformó en un hotel de lujo en la Ciudad de México y uno de los favoritos para hospedarse en la década de los 40's y 50's. Por esta época nació el famoso "Cabaret Capri", igual que el "Restaurante Paolo" y la "Taberna del Greco". Al ampliar la avenida Balderas, se tuvo que demoler una parte del edificio, donde se albergaba la "Farmacia Regis". Al reconstruirse esa sección, parte del Regis aumentó el número de sus habitaciones.
Anacarsis Peralta falleció el 28 de noviembre de 1957 en un accidente aéreo causado por mal tiempo. Diez años después, la familia Peralta llegó a tomar el Regis. La viuda eligió a su hijo, Sergio Peralta Sandoval como administrador, el cual se convirtió en el primer administrador más joven del hotel con 23 años. En 1970 se retira debido a planes personales y le cedió a su hermana, Yolanda Peralta, la administración; ella estuvo a cargo desde 1970 hasta 1985.
A finales de agosto de 1985 la directora general del hotel, Yolanda Peralta, recibe la noticia del ascenso de la cuarta estrella por parte de la Secretaría de Turismo de la Ciudad de México, por lo que decide planear los festejos junto con el segundo evento del "día del huésped", en septiembre.
El 12 de septiembre de 1985 se celebraba en el Hotel Regis el "día del huésped" con una asistencia de alrededor de 150 personas, así como sus empleados. Se ofreció un buffet para celebrar dicho evento.
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tommytranselo · 2 years
marty lives au
because this is stuck in my head now, here’s some thoughts.
it’s not fatal, but he does still get clipped in the hotel, and joe & vito find him bleeding in the parking deck.  vito yells at him for getting out of the car, yells at joe for letting him come along then shouts at him to take him to el greco’s, and jumps in a stolen car to chase down clemente alone.  afterwards he goes back to el greco’s to check on them, but now marty and joe are both pissed at him for losing his temper in the parking lot and vito doesn’t know how to explain that he was freaked out and it came out as anger.  he’s really glad marty’s alive, though.
marty’s never the same after the hotel.  he’s still full of energy once he recovers, but he takes things more seriously and his jokes have an edge to them that they didn’t before.  it breaks joe’s heart to see it, especially given it reminds him a lot of vito.
it reminds vito of himself, too.  he and marty actually grow a lot closer after they’ve sort of cleared the air, and at one point they have kind of a heart-to-hear (maybe after marty impulsively asks why vito dislikes him so much) where vito tries to explain to him that really doesn’t have anything against him as a person and that he sees a lot of his younger self in marty which why he’s been reluctant to have him involved with the business, because he has a lot of regrets himself and doesn’t want to watch marty make the same mistakes.  it’s questionable how much of the warning really gets through, but marty is relieved that it’s not just vito looking down on him as a stupid kid like he had assumed.
joe gets a lot more strict with him, trying his hardest to discourage him from doing shit that’ll get him hurt.  marty is more cautious now too, but now more than ever he resents being treated like a child given he survived getting shot and it felt like a major turning point for him.  joe at least manages to convince him to stay the hell away from steve coyne from now on, since he knows damn well steve won’t give a shit if he gets marty killed.
marty starts hanging around tony balls a lot and kinda becomes the old man’s little sidekick.  he sends marty on errands that’ll keep him out of trouble, teaches him how to shoot better (and more safely), tells him stories and listens patiently when he talks endlessly.  marty loves him because tony actually takes him seriously, and joe’s relieved the kid has somebody else to keep him out of trouble.
eddie, too.  he can’t fucking stand marty at first but he does feel bad for being so dismissive about him almost dying earlier now that he’s actually met the kid.  he occasionally gives him errands like tony does, but usually nothing major.  ironically, marty’s probably a better influence on eddie than vice versa.
vito and henry’s conversation in the car goes a little more like “i heard a buddy of joe’s got popped clipped in the parking lot,” and after henry finally brings up the fake mustaches, there’s an awkward pause before he asks if the kid is alright.  henry wasn’t the biggest fan of him back in ‘45 but it’s good to hear he’s alive.
henry is then horrified when he actually sees marty again and nearly the first thing out of the boy’s mouth is “holy shit, i’m as tall as you now!” to which henry indignantly replies, “hey, not quite!”  he calls henry “mr. tomasino” too, until henry corrects him.  after a while he definitely develops kind of a soft spot for the kid, but at one point marty says something about how he’s cool even if he worked for clemente, and that he heard about him saving joe’s life, and that despite everything he’s still sorry henry was out of work for so long because of them, and henry just...does not know what to do with that.
vito has to tell him what happened to henry, and even worse, to joe.  sorry for that one.
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