cousinkooksbackup · 1 year
Exchanged Love. || a bellyjere au fic
chapter thirteen
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bellys pov
The pulsating rhythm of music reverberated from somewhere down the street, creating a contagious buzz of anticipation in the air. As I gazed at the constant stream of people flowing in and out, red solo cups in hand, I couldn't help but wonder two things: how did they escape the fear of getting caught, and was this really my life now?
We were back in Boston, Conrad at Brown, and after the moment Jeremiah and I shared in the pool, we hadn't broached the subject again. Even the next morning, when I couldn't help but let my eyes linger on him a second longer than I should have, he didn't return the glance. At that moment, I concluded that perhaps the universe had done me a favor by intervening, saving me from a potential disaster.
Conrad had left for Brown straight from Cousins, leaving Susannah and me to pile into Jeremiah's jeep. Thankfully, Susannah suffered from motion sickness and claimed the passenger seat, granting me the solitude of the back row. It was a relief, sparing me from reliving the night in the Sonic car park and worrying about her catching me staring at him.
The following days were a whirlwind of preparation for the new school year. Despite having packed enough clothes, Susannah insisted on taking me shopping, Jeremiah dove into football practices, and life became a blur of busyness. But it was good; Jeremiah and I eventually found our rhythm over those last few days. I envisioned our school year to be like this, sharing breakfasts in the morning, attending classes separately, and reuniting at the dinner table to recount our days—a friendship that merely grazed the surface, and that was fine with me. This way, my heart remained safely guarded.
Then, suddenly, it was Thursday night, and we were all gathered on the sofa, devouring Chinese takeout. Just three days separated me from my first day at a Boston high school. Jeremiah subtly suggested attending the back-to-school party thrown by his football buddy, EJ. Susannah didn't object, but there was one condition—I had to accompany him.
And that's how I found myself outside a seemingly enormous house, presumably EJ's. I had never been to a real party before. Sure, I'd seen them in movies, and I'd been to birthday parties, but this was different. It was a bit scary, meeting my new peers outside the school hallways, where they could pass judgment that might stick with me for the whole year. I was nervous.
"It'll be fine, Bells. Come on," Jeremiah encouraged me as my feet slowed to a halt on the pavement a few houses down.
He stepped in front of me, blocking my view of the lively scene ahead. Now, I was staring into those mesmerizing ocean eyes, the world fading away despite my silent pleas.
"Are you okay?" he asked in a soft, quiet voice. I knew he wanted to go, but I also knew that if I wanted to leave, we'd turn around and head back home. Not just because that's what Susannah wanted, but because that's who Jeremiah was as a person.
So I nodded, mustering up the brightest smile I could manage before placing both hands on his solid stomach, gently urging him toward the party.
"Come on, it's now or never, Fisher," I sighed. It was more for me than him, but he didn't need to know that.
"Fisher, my boy!" a booming voice echoed from the front porch of the house, followed by an even larger figure charging toward us. Jeremiah was on the ground in an instant, barely avoiding a collision with the running man by an inch. I stood in the wet grass, watching as a group of other guys joined in the fun. The football team, I presumed.
"Guys, you saw me like five hours ago at practice," Jeremiah laughed, fending them off with that smile I couldn't tear my eyes away from.
I felt a bit foolish just standing there, like an intruder on this moment. A mere chaperone to the festivities or a wallflower nobody noticed. I couldn't blame them; no one expected me, and for all they knew, I was just some girl walking down the sidewalk.
"Oh, shit, you're Belly!" one of the guys exclaimed. Dark-haired, perfectly styled, hazel eyes—captivating, although not quite like Jeremiah's.
The six boys, who had been a heap on the floor a moment ago, now turned their heads, and twelve eyes focused on me. My cheeks burned brighter than ever. All I could manage was a shy smile, resisting the urge to fiddle with the frayed edges of my denim shorts.
"Dude, she's hot, you're so right," one of them whispered not so quietly. The rest of them swarmed around me, all talking at once, a flurry of names thrown my way—EJ, Ricky, Wade, Brad, or maybe Chad? Perhaps Milo? It was overwhelming.
"Guys, back the hell up. Give her some space. You'll have plenty of time to get to know her." Jeremiah stepped in front of me, pushing two guys back slightly, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Some grumbled under their breath, but they all retreated, sneaking glances at me before heading into the house.
"Sorry about them; they're all a little excited," he laughed, brushing off his pants. "Come on, let me introduce you to everyone properly."
He slung an arm around my shoulder, leading the way into the grand house. I felt eyes on us, perhaps because I was new, or perhaps it was because I was with Jeremiah.
Soon enough, I realized it was the latter. Everyone seemed to know him. Girls waved, boys greeted him with handshakes, and people in the hallway greeted him with smiles. I shouldn't have been surprised; his personality was infectious, impossible not to like.
"Oh, Lacie is going to hate this," the guy I believed was EJ mused, handing us two solo cups. His gaze shifted to me and Jeremiah, their proximity not going unnoticed.
Who was Lacie, and why would she hate this? Jeremiah's arms released me to take the cups, one for me and the other for him. I could smell the pink liquid from here, reeking of alcohol. I wanted to tell Jeremiah I'd never had a drink before, but now didn't seem like the time. So instead, I kept the cup in my hand, far from my lips.
"Well, she's not here right now, and it doesn't matter because Lacie and I are done, have been for a while," Jeremiah stated firmly, speaking as if it were an undeniable truth. The guys all laughed. I hoped he hadn't had a girlfriend all this time; that would have been messed up.
"Who's Lacie?" I asked, and a dozen eyes darted back to me. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut.
One guy appeared from around the corner of the kitchen island, casually draping his arm around me, just like Jeremiah had. This was Wade, I think.
"Lacie is Jeremiah's—what's the opposite of a pain in the neck?" he turned to ask his friends, eliciting a chorus of laughter. "Actually, Jeremiah is Lacie's pain in the neck. She leads this guy around like a dog, and they break up every other month."
"Shut the hell up, Wade, and get off her," Jeremiah snapped, rolling his eyes as he downed the contents of his cup. Wade raised his hands in surrender, winking at me before retreating to the other side of the counter.
So Jeremiah was involved with someone, which was just great—really, it didn't bother me at all. Maybe she'd become a built-in girlfriend for me, making it easier to let go of whatever was happening between Jeremiah and me. Or maybe I'd just be jealous.
"Well, I can't wait to meet her," I smiled softly, pushing my full cup toward Jeremiah, who looked like he could use another drink right about now.
"Oh, I think you'll regret saying that," another guy chimed in—maybe Ricky?
"Yeah, if I were you, I'd keep a one-mile distance between you and Lacie," another guy added, perhaps that was Ricky. Whoever he was, he laughed and leaned against the counter across from me.
"I don't know who we're talking about, but if the answer is to avoid Lacie, I always vote yes," a voice sounded from behind me.
A short girl strolled over, hopping onto the countertop beside me before pressing her lips to EJ's in front of us all—a very public display, to say the least.
"Oh my god, you're Belly! Babe, why didn't you tell me she was here? I'm being, like, so rude right now," she whined, her eyes landing on me. She was incredibly pretty, with blondish wavy hair and an athletic frame on her petite body. She hopped off the counter in seconds, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug, displaying remarkable strength for someone so small.
"I'm Taylor Jewel, your new neighbor and best friend," she declared with unshakable confidence. It seemed like she could walk into any room and make people fall in love with her. I couldn't help but laugh.
"I could definitely use a friend this year, I think, or a couple," I replied, glancing around at the boys who watched us with eager smiles. My mind was finally starting to ease.
"Back off, TayTay. Bells is my best friend. You can be second best," Jeremiah declared, slinging his arm around me once more, pulling my back flush against his chest. EJ protested in the background, claiming that he was Jeremiah's best friend. All I could do was laugh; maybe this school year would be even better than I anticipated.
"Jerebear!" a shrill voice called out above the booming music surrounding us. Everyone groaned, and Wade mouthed the word "run" to me, but it was already too late.
At first, I don't think she could see me. To be fair, I was still pressed up against Jeremiah, and he towered over me, obscuring my presence. Her voice cut short as she came around from behind us, her eyes finally landing on me.
This was precisely the girl I had expected Jeremiah to be with—tall, blonde, legs like a supermodel. She had pretty pink lips and eyes that were almost golden. Those eyes narrowed as they scanned me, taking in the proximity between me and Jeremiah.
"Who's this?" she asked, her lips forming a tight smile, her voice oozing with sickening sweetness. She waited expectantly for Jeremiah to say something—anything—but it was as if he had suddenly lost his ability to speak.
"Oh—uh, Belly! The Fisher's exchange student this year," I filled the awkward silence, pulling away from Jeremiah's grip and extending a hand toward her. She never took it, instead flashing me a condescending smile—one that made me feel small, a feeling I vowed not to let define me this year.
"I'm Lacie," she said tightly, her eyes shifting back up to Jeremiah. "His girlfriend," she clarified. If this had happened before I heard Jeremiah's confident denial, I might have believed her. If she had shaken my hand, I might have been more forgiving. But instead, I offered her my best smile.
"Oh, that's so funny, Jere never mentioned you this summer. Nice to meet you, though."
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thunderkittydg · 2 years
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En 2020 participé en un Give Away creando la historia de Background de uno de los antepasados. Hoy por fin tengo una ilustración de Fleur Bloodhound, muchas gracias a El13 por su trabajo, es impresionante ❣️
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vitrinanorte · 8 months
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El Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio, a través de la Secretaría Ejecutiva de Economía Creativa, acaba de abrir la convocatoria MICSUR 2024.📣
Esta convocatoria tiene por objetivo convocar y seleccionar a agentes de las industrias creativas del país que participarán en el encuentro internacional MICSUR 2024 (Mercado de las Industrias Culturales del Sur), el cual se realizará entre el 17 y 20 de abril de 2024, en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes y el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de la Región Metropolitana. Asimismo, tiene por objeto convocar y seleccionar propuestas artísticas para presentarse en los espacios de showcases y/o presentaciones artísticas de acuerdo a los cupos disponibles.
El objetivo de MICSUR es articular la circulación artística y cultural entre países de la región; potenciar mercados estratégicos desde la política pública para la región; generar redes y asociatividades entre agentes culturales de la región e instalar una agenda colaborativa para el desarrollo de los ecosistemas creativos en la región Latinoamericana desde una perspectiva local e identitaria.
En dicho contexto, MICSUR contempla acciones relacionadas con:
-Conexiones y vinculaciones: Reuniones, speed meetings o rondas de reuniones, encuentros, mesas creativas, y similares.
-Muestras Artísticas: Showcases, presentaciones artísticas, exposiciones, muestras creativas, tendencias, y similares.
-Eventos Teóricos: Conversatorios, foros-paneles, talleres, charlas, laboratorios, y similares.
📍El plazo de postulación de esta convocatoria es del 16 de enero hasta el13 de febrero de 2024, a las 17:00 horas
🔗Más información:
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punalippulaiva · 10 months
NSB El13.2153 (train 1452) by Lolke Bijlsma Via Flickr: In the summer a special bicycle train was running from Ål to Voss. Here we see the return trip arriving in Finse. In 1993 it was run by old BM67/68 cars pulled by an El13. Finse, 1993-07-19 Slide: D01131
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masticore · 6 years
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Ya han pasado 10 años de este tremendo recuerdo junto a @soledadonetto en @canal13cl 😍 . . . . #luchozzy #canal13 #el13 #10años #recuerdo #1decada #soledadonetto #soleonetto #policomp #ti #soporte #soporteti #teletrece #teletarde #television #channel #estudio #prensa (en Canal 13)
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cadenaspacefm · 4 years
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Esto se va a descontrolar Pero antes seguinos en @cadenaspacefm . . . . . #esi #ile #tn #todonegativo #el13 #abortolegalseguroygratuito #abortolegal #clarinete https://www.instagram.com/p/CHgaTg-HTJI/?igshid=pi606yub4vc2
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jac-tv-blog · 5 years
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Ver El 13 en vivo gratis Online en JAC TV. Pide link en nuestro grupo de wp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DLBV99DgSDHGVUK3qupUXo #eltrece #el13 #canal13 #envivo #online (en Buenos Aires Province) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9htTuunVSq/?igshid=2uxn6p51vfp7
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saetoru · 2 years
Wait this is so nostalgic 🥺 I played mystic messenger back when I was 18 (?),I was o b s e s s e d with it and made all my friends play it as well
Just don't be a stupid cow like me : DON'T play as a guest, I fell into depression when I woke up that one morning and my whole damn game play was gone 💀
Oh and google the times of the chats and the answers for the party guests (!!) And also what order to play the characters
I actually think you'd like Zen ☺️
i sTILL HAVENT PLAYED GENSHIN SOBSOB i was rly busy today so once i give genshin a go depending on if i like it or not i might try mm !!
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saintobio · 3 years
I have high hopes that y/n didn’t do that. Personally, I don’t think she would spite him even after all he’s put her through, unless it concerns her health. Even then I still have doubts, she’s very selfless. Then there’s the dialogue between his two best friends. I do recall you saying that they’re soulmates but everything’s is wrong timing for them a while back, so I’m kinda glad she asked for a divorce. In my opinion their relationship was toxic even after the whole Sera ordeal was over, it just seemed like the only thing that could “patch them up” so to say, for y/n and gojo was that baby. And moving her into the mansion he was planning on moving in with sera? My guy…he clearly needs more time to change.
Anonymous said
I can't see y/n giving up that child. She'd risk the labor at the cost of her life. She loves the baby, and no matter how much Gojo hurt her, she'd reason that the child is innocent.
Shoko's behavior... her dad's... I think she's going to have the kid still, but she's too scared to let Gojo be a part of it because she can't trust him with her and the child (just like she said.) I think the "abortion" might have been a ploy to get him to agree to a divorce and/or keep him in the dark about the child. WHICH, I read it closely but I'm hella dyslexic so I think I saw that he never agreed to one or signed any papers right? They're still married? And he hasn't been going out so there's no way he got "served"?
Anonymous said
okay what was shoko tryna say tho?? “it’s not what it seems”????🤨 I’m kinda doubtful reader actually had the abortion.. my heart hurts so much for satoru even though he’s a dick. mans really bought us the mansion he imagined living in with sera… ughhhh tojixreader arc when
Anonymous said
Honestly I think y/n kept the baby. She probably lied to get Gojo to leave her alone, she’s leaving so she can continue the rest of her pregnancy term in peace so she can give birth safely. I just can’t see y/n killing her baby bc of its father’s mistake, u all saw how she cherishes the baby. I feel so bad for gojo tho, he has lost his second family, his reputation is ruined and he believes his baby is dead. U really ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it huh?😭 crying, throwing up, sliding down my the wall dramatically, banging my head on the wall, ripping my hair out, screaming, punching air, and coughing. If u hate us just say that🧍‍♀️
@el13 said
YOU SAID WE COULD HANDLE IT, I COULD NOT HANDLE IT omfg I didn't see that coming. Whether she decided to stay with him or not, I really didn't think she would have an abortion (unless🤔). But holy shit, I feel so much pain for him. I guess sometimes the timing and circumstances just aren't right. Anyways I'm gonna cry myself to sleep now- 😭✌️
Anonymous said
why do i feel like she's keeping the baby but she just doesnt wanna tell mr gojo the dumbass bitch? 😈😈 i think this chapter hurts a whole of a lot but having to be here since wastelands made me numb as fuck, other than that, another amazing chapter saint 💗 ily, *kiss kiss*
Anonymous said
This chapter hurt a LOT but I think they divorcing is for the best like when you think about it their marriage was so stained with Gojos mistakes and there was no way y/n would ever trust him completely.I know many people think Gojo deserves all this pain and he does but I also think he deserves to get somehow a “happy” ending , I hope he gets therapist and learns to love himself and not to be so codependent of others. He has a lot of work to do and for y/n ( I have the theory she didn’t get an abortion pretty sure she’s moving and raising the child by herself and if she did get one good for her too bc she should always prioritize herself) I hope she finds someone who loves her unconditionally and gives her what she deserves ( if that man is toji or not it really doesn’t matter to me) and I also hope she heals from all the pain Gojo put her thru , she deserves nothing but happiness . And just a final note! The way you write angst is AMAZING!!!
Anonymous said
I wonder if mc rlly went thru with the abortion? if that makes sense, I just feel like it’s very out of character for them. I’m excited to see ch20 !! I love ur writing style it’s so heartbreaking yet beautiful
Anonymous said
Saint… wtf was this? This was so sad omg😢, Satoru’s really going through the shit, but so is Y/N. Ahhh and the little munchkin too🥺?? This was a ton to take in at one time omg. I’m holding out a small amount of hope that the baby isn’t really gone and they are just keeping them away from Gojo, but ik it’s a long shot. I really hope both him and Y/N get a chance to heal from all this, but once again, Gojo really did this to himself (and Y/N) he didn’t have to marry her and treat her like that, but he did and I don’t think he’ll be able to move on with his life and start his healing process until he acknowledges it and stops trying to find an excuse for it. As for Sera… well, I don’t think anybody just deserves to be treated as badly as that, she better understand that’s what she gets for messing around with a married man. She should’ve known better and then treating Y/N like shit… when she was nothing but kind and understanding… yeah I don’t wanna she deserves all of what’s going on considering her situation, but at the same time it’s a lesson learned (Especially with the whole Naoya thing, cause 😬 that was just embarrassing). Anyway, I hope Y/N has a chance to heal and recover from both her angina and her mess of a marriage. Question: did Y/N get the surgery to get rid of her angina? Or is she still waiting? Where is Y/N gonna travel to? And how did Toji react to everything that’s going on? But all in all, this was an amazing chapter Saint, and I really appreciate you doing this on your time when you feel like it. It makes it even more special that you share your talents with us ❤️. Get plenty of rest and drink water ❤️❤️❤️
@minaces said
Pls why do I have a feeling this miraculous fanfiction baby of 5 months somehow lived ??? (Idk how incubation works !!!!!!!!) but like she's leaving the country ,,,, and shoko's little "trust me" just leaves me thinking . . .
I'm like gaslighting myself into thinking that the baby somehow lived idk why I got so attached to this fanfiction fetus
Anonymous said
i will believe there was no abortion, that’s why y/n is going away, and they just wanted to make satoru suffer. yes.
i felt it all the way to the core. you get to understand gojo’s pain. but i still believe y/n decision were wise and we do not have the reasoning behind them since we just got gojo’s pov.
if he actually proceeded with his actions it would all be in vain, for he would just be escaping the consequences of his actions
AGGGHH im such a sucker for you and your writing
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these are all rly good theories you guys !! they’re very interesting to read but i can’t confirm anything rn </3 i’m glad to know that the angst delivered tho 🥺 tysm
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c2ley · 3 years
If white people borrow from other race's cultures then it's cultural appropriation. If white people don't diversify their own culture and traditions then it's racist.
Kal-El13 2021
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blogtodays357 · 3 years
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tatele · 4 years
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Keyless Systems - MIL ON, DTC B2190 Set
February 15, 2013
All Nissan equipped with a Key-Slot for an Intelligent Key
DTC B2190 (NATS ANTENNA AMP) can be stored for the following reasons:
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2. An Intelligent Key issue.
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4. A Key-Slot issue.
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