#elbow/knee/etc. braces included
ty-bayonet-betteridge · 10 months
his civilian identity is Wyatt Burns!!! he was an accomplished cruiserweight pro boxer with a promising career. after six years of gaining notoriety, he was finally invited to an IBF titlefight, and went out drinking to celebrate - only for an intense brawl to break out between two men playing pool, which quickly spiraled out to include the whole bar. he held his own for a short while but eventually received severe injuries, including several bone fractures.
he was given a two-month recovery time, long enough to lose his shot at the IBF title. worse, even after the bones had healed, the aching, burning, and soreness that had accompanied the fractures did not, and he was diagnosed with chronic pain syndrome with no apparent cause. the physical pain only compounded his worries - the shame of having been so badly overpowered by untrained strangers, the hopelessness following losing his career as a pro boxer, the aimlessness he had felt during those two months of recovery, the financial stress of suddenly becoming physically disabled and no longer having a job or any transferable skills, and the frustration that what had brought him so low was something as simple as pain which he thought he should be able to push past. the desperation brought him deep enough to cause him to trigger.
he is a breaker 4 (brute 3, mover 2, thinker 2.) his breaker state is not directly controlled by him; it begins as soon as he lands a close-quarters hit on someone else, or is hit BY somebody else in close range. it ends as soon as his mind or body no longer consider him to be "in a fight." while in his breaker state, he has enhanced strength, slightly enhanced speed and reflexes, and an innate understanding of the parts of human physiology that are involved in a fight, as well as the forces fundamental to fighting. this understanding allows him to land punches in a way that causes minimal injury to him and maximum injury to his opponent. finally, while in his breaker state, he has no pain response whatsoever (though he can still receive injuries and may change his fighting style to accommodate,) as well as having no emotional reactions. the downside is that when his breaker state ends, he experiences all of the pain and emotion at once, frequently bringing him to scream, fall down, drop to his knee, etc. following a fight.
his powers did not actually solve his problems. the pro boxing leagues refused to take him back as he would pose an unfair advantage. he took on the cape name Olympic and tried to make some headway in the parahuman prizefighting rings, but found them lacking both the reputation and money he was looking for - so he turned to mercenary work instead. he is... still relatively unsuccessful, but he's trying, okay
civilian appearance: mixed mediterranean-american, tan olive skintone, dark brown hair kept short, dark brown eyes. cheerful features. athletic build, fairly well-rounded with slightly above average emphasis put on shoulders, back, arms, and abs. civilian clothes are simple and he does not put much thought into it, though much of his wardrobe shows off his muscles.
costume: crimson exomis, low-cut to reveal much of his musculature. fastened at waist with brown leather zoster studded with bronze medals rather than with cloth belt. boots are a dark reddish-brown cross of the calceus and caligae, closed-toe and leather, fully covering foot like calceus, but with the caligae's hobnailing, and leather bands and laces that go further up the leg, to about a foot below the knee. reddish brown caestus worn on each hand/arm; thickest leather is from wrist to below knuckle, with cloth on inside as padding and bronze studs set into this region to increase damage done with hits. leather braces extend from caestus, criscrossing/wrapping around his arms all the way to the elbow. dark brown leather tainia just above browline keeps his hair in place and helps prevent sweat from obstructing his vision. no mask and does not make secret of his civilian identity.
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faisalchhipa · 2 years
Part B Leads
Durable Medical Equipment
In the era of a hectic modern schedule, people suffer from various health issues that compel them to take Part B insurance. People have many health issues, including body aches, joint pain, etc. Part B Medicare insurance enables them to claim braches and other medical aids to improve their healthcare. Thus, it gave rise to a process which includes contacting the people looking for part-B insurance. The telemarketers contacted the needed, who provided them with the best possible medical insurance per their requirements. So, where do these telemarketers get the data for contacting people looking for Part B insurance?
We are the database providing companies catering to the telemarketer with the fresh and high SNS Pass % ratio to the telemarketer, who convert leads into sales. Thus, we are the ones who made you reach the appropriate people who are either looking for Part-B insurance or DME products. Besides DME data, we deal with many other Medicare industries, including Cardio, Neuro, CGM, Immuno, etc.
With the rising demand for joint pain issues increasing, braces assist service for knee, elbow, back, knee, and shoulder. This rise in the demand for DME made the DME industry bloom in recent times. So, we provide the telemarketer with the new, second-used, high SNS pass % ratio database of PCP info without PCP info. Though, to avail of Durable Medical Equipment from Part- B insurance, there are certain criteria, including the person must be 65+, have some disorder, and more.
What is all covered in DME?
Apart from the braches, the DME holder can claim various medical aids; some of them are explained below. You can get Part B insurance for the following benefits also.
Hospital beds
Onshore BPO Leads has been a leading database-providing firm for the last 10 years for a telemarketer. Since the beginning, we have provided our valued customers with fresh, second-used PCP info, without PCP info, and high SNS pass DME leads and DME data. Our Medicare Part B data inclusive file includes the client's first name, last name, address, phone number, Medicare id, zip code, city, state, Date of Birth, and PCP info. However, the new Medicare id includes a 11-digit alphanumeric unique number, whereas the old Medicare id has only an 10-digit alphanumeric identity number. 
Our leading firm for Durable Medical Equipment accesses you with Back Braces, MVP Benefits, Sleep Apnea, Hearing Aids, Cancer Screenings, and much more. We receive new back braces lead per month, which is clean non-incent traffic. However, we verify these leads and gain additional information such as PPO, Bins, Medicare Part B leads, and more.
In recent times Durable Medical Equipment industry has been booming, so to stone your footprint in this industry, you need to establish contact with potential customers. So, the best way to conquer the industry is by reaching potential customers for high-quality Medicare Part B leads. However, you can generate top-quality leads with our latest integrated Part B leads services.
We provide you with the most efficient, Durable Medical Equipment data for your entire marketing campaigns. Our provided Durable Medical Equipment enable you to contact DME professionals by phone and email. If you are looking for the best-qualified DME leads? Then you are at the right place. Our intensive DME mailing list lets you send quick emails to numerous prospects. Are you looking for instant success in the DME lead generation campaign? If yes, investing in our Durable Medical Equipment database wouldn't make you regret it. Though we deal with almost every medical supply database; some of the email lists are mentioned below.
DME Manufacturers Databases
DME Wholesalers mailing list
Directories of DME Retailers
First-hand & Second-hand DME dealers
Other Durable Medical Equipment Dealers
How does our DME (Durable Medical Equipment) Email database assist you in getting success for your business?
Gain more customers
High responses and conversions
Saves your time and marketing costs
Increase your marketing value
Customer retention
Why Durable Medical Equipment Leads the Best way to Opt?
Durable Medical Equipment is blessed with powerful marketing benefits; when you buy DME from us, you get access to all national group call centres. This will provide you with the ultimate massive data of customers without burning a hole in your pocket. However, our Durable Medical Equipment data wouldn't lead to guessing the traditional data. We insist that our data leads you to inbound calls that ensure you connect to the people most apt to purchase. So, please don't waste your time over unconvertible leads that wouldn't convert because we ensure you with the best DME leads that boost your business profit.
The Ultimate Lead Data Service Value Quality
Several media and lead generation firms assure you of the best quality lead generation but eventually end up with unconvertible leads that waste your time. Although some companies offer real-time Durable Medical Equipment leads, yet not offer qualitative leads. So, we don't just make money by selling you leads but insist that we force sustainable long-time leads, which lead your business to get successful. However, some of our DME lead qualities are below market price, qualitative, convertible and compatibly low. We sell our lead at a low price because we believe in building customers, not money. Adding to this, once you get our DME data, you will surely connect us again to get more new data. So, please don't waste your time thinking twice and connect to us for better quality Medicare Part B leads, Medicare Part B data, DME data, DME leads, and Part B leads.
Starting Availing Right Now
If you are searching for the utmost DME leads, start connecting to us as we have limited stock for DME Data, so don't let your competitor beat you in the Durable Medical Equipment market. If you are interested, then contact us for decent Medicare Part B data leads. Contact us or call us on the number screening on your screen for the best Medicare Part B leads. If you are looking for long-term success, invest your money and time in a qualitative lead generation campaign and get a free quote right now. Besides this, we also offer our clients final expense leads, Medicare advantage leads, 65 leads, and much more. 
DME Campaign is not bounded for back braces, insisted of back braces campaign cover knee, ankle, elbow, neck, shoulder, and amp brace which is required by huge masses thus, DME has vast range business, all you need to have right and convertible leads, which helps you to grow your business. So, DME telemarketer frequently buys potential customer lead who can make their business successful. We firmly provide quality DME leads, and Part B leads and DME data for various Medicare industries.
Onshore BPO Leads enable you to follow the Medicare Part B leads, the only patient who falls under the Part B insurance program or is likely to get enrolled for the program as soon as possible. Though many companies claim to provide you with new data but end up with data or people who are not eligible for DME, which only wastes your time and money, so don't waste your money, time, and energy on such kind of company.
We cater our service per the client's requirement for the DME Medicare process campaign with our client's preferences such as second-used, fresh, state, zip code, age, suppression against the duplicate list filter and many other filters that help you to drive better sell from the Part B Leads. As we know, DME is a successful business which requires effective and responsive DME data. However, we ensure you will order our DME data once you get the Medicare Part B leads from us.
If you are interested in Onshore BPO Leads Medicare Part - B data, contact us for DME lead/data to prominently achieve success in your business. Our firm is already dealing with 1500 telemarketers, which is still growing because of our exceptional service. So, what are you still waiting for? Reach us for the best Part B leads. You can reach us on WhatsApp at +1 (405) 295-4910, +1 (438) 812-8858, or directly send us an email on our mentioned mail. Our team will contact you as soon as possible. However, you can also reach us for a free quote, where we will provide you with the best Medicare Part B leads.
Visit For More Information:- https://onshorebpoleads.com/
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petertingle-yipyip · 3 years
Tumblr media
Series tags: @calums-betch // SM masterlist // Feedback/opinions/etc would be greatly appreciated!! Feeling a little discouraged lately :/
Pairing: Stark!Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 1,884
Summary: With a chip on her shoulder, she proves to the boys that she can keep up.
“Get up.” You said simply, leaning over the back of the couch.
“What?” Barnes asked. “Why?”
“You don’t need to train, Y/N.” Sam tried.
“Yes I do.” You said in a matter of fact tone. “Because if you guys remember, you-“ You pushed your finger against Barnes’ temple. “-didn’t want me to go against Walker on my own, even though I did it anyway. So evidently you need to see first hand that I’m capable.”
“We know you’re capable.” Sam nodded.
“You know.” You corrected. “Evidently he doesn’t.”
“You really think I worry about you?” Barnes offered.
“I uh-“ You began before processing what he said. Your face scrunched in disappointment. “Well not anymore.”
“I didn’t mean it like that and you know it.” He sighed.
“No, it’s fine.” You said with your hands up in defeat. “You don’t worry about me so if I die-“
“Oh my god.” Barnes muttered before pushing himself to his feet. “Fine. Hurry up.”
“Would you look at that?” You teased. “Turns out, the bionic man has a conscious.”
“More like a soft spot.” Sam added.
“What was that?” You feigned ignorance.
“Nothing.” Barnes cut in. “Let’s get it over with.”
“What, no foreplay?” You taunted.
“Shut it, Stark.”
With a satisfied smirk, you swiped your arm to create a gust of wind strong enough to push all the furniture - including Sam on the couch - to the side. You unzipped your jacket and tossed it to the side so it wouldn’t get in your way. Barnes did his signature arm circle and eyed you carefully.
“You don’t have to prove anything to him!” Sam tried, to which you simply waved him off. “He’s probably scared of you.”
“Still time to back out.” Barnes said smugly.
“In your dreams, Old Man.” You smirked. “Just no face shots. Maybe like… light taps.”
You moved first, running towards him. He made a face to show he wasn’t impressed and swung an arm to catch you. You easily slid under and swept your leg to knock Barnes on his back.
“Tsk, Tsk. Very sloppy, Barnes.” You smirked from your position, which was very similar to Nat’s trademark. “You seem a little distracted..”
“I let you do that.” He rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, whatever.” You laughed as you hopped to your feet. “Don’t take it easy on me. I can take it.”
Right as the comment left your mouth, you felt something around your ankle. You looked down to see Barnes had grabbed it and once you made eye contact, he shot you a wink before pulling your foot from under you.
You landed hard on your back and let out a small groan. You hit your fist on the ground in annoyance before getting back up. You focused on your plan, thinking of how you could take him down. You knew you could do it easily with your powers. You could take down almost anyone with your powers. But you wanted to do this with your skill.
It was clear that he was stronger than you, but you were faster so you had to keep moving, keep changing eye line. You had to figure out ways to turn his own strength and momentum against him. You had to outsmart him. You told yourself to stay on your toes, avoid getting flat footed. Brute strength wasn’t going to be enough.
You ran at Barnes again, this time he moved to duck. You rolled over his back and landed beside him. You dropped an elbow between his shoulder blades and brought your knee up into his chest. He swung a fist that you blocked with your forearm.
You pushed him away, which threw you into a spin. You utilized the new momentum to drive an elbow into him that he ducked under. He took another shot at you that took both hands for you to catch.
Using your powers, you gave yourself a boost to flip yourself over his arm and land in a crouch to yank him to his back. You spun on a knee to wrap your legs around his arm. You locked your ankles together and pulled his arm outwards to trap him in an arm bar. You slid your body down to reach your legs across his chest to use your feet to push his other arm down
Barnes pushed himself to his feet, you still locked around his arm. Using his other arm, he separated your ankles and tried to shake you off. You threw your legs around his neck instead and flung your upper body around to flip Barnes to his back. You rolled through your landing to give yourself some room while Barnes got up.
“You’re nimble.” Barnes chuckled. You couldn’t tell if he was impressed or just amused. The whole session was probably entertaining for him, more to humor you than anything.
“Learned from the best.” You smiled, pointing to the sky as if giving credit to Nat. “Nimble, quick, agile, flexible. I’ve heard it all.”
“How about humble?” Sam called out, clearly entertained. You had nearly forgotten he was there.
“Never heard that one, no.” You laughed.
You turned your attention back to Barnes in time for his hand to come to your throat. He backed you against the counter, you bending backwards in an effort to keep distance. You chuckled nervously while your brain processed your situation. His grip wasn’t tight, but it was firm enough that you couldn’t slip out.
An idea came to you quickly. You grabbed his wrist with both hands and leaned fully onto the counter. You tucked your knees to your chest and extended your legs, pushing Barnes away and pushing yourself into a backwards tumble.
You landed with a loud thud and groaned as your back was now throbbing. You rolled to your side slowly, partially regretting that move. In part, you had always wanted a chance to do something like that, but you hadn’t quite figured out a graceful landing.
“Okay.” You said, coming around the counter and rubbing the base of your throat. “I did not expect that.”
“Can’t get distracted.” Barnes reasoned. He sounded like he was using it as a teaching moment, and you felt partially insulted. What made him think you needed to learn anything from him?
“Right.” You nodded, muttering your next sentence to yourself. “Cause a hand around my throat isn’t distracting.”
You and Barnes went at it again. You threw two quick body shots and a mock face shot. Barnes countered with a quick tap to your cheek and a swift kick to your side. You ducked his next kick and offered a front kick of your own, aimed for his chest. He easily caught your foot, which was what you wanted.
Using your caught leg as a pivot point, you threw your other foot for a roundhouse. Staying fair to your earlier rule, you pulled your foot to put enough distance so you didn’t catch his face. Your move twisted your leg out of Barnes grip and momentum let you continue your spin until you faced him.
“That would’ve been so cool!” You groaned at the missed opportunity, hopping frustratedly in your place. “Oh my god!”
“You’re the one who said not the face!” Barnes countered in disbelief.
“I know but my form was perfect!” You complained. “That would’ve put you on your ass for sure!” You sighed. “Nat would’ve been so proud.”
“Okay, I think you proved your point.” Sam offered with a content chuckle. “Looks like a draw to me.”
“I’m not done yet.” You shook your head. “Not till I pin him.”
“That sounds like an excuse to-“ Sam tried to tease.
“Shut up, Sam!” You cut him off quickly.
Barnes looked between you and Sam with furrowed brows. You used his distraction to move in. You closed the distance quickly and dropped to slide between his legs. You came out in a crouch and threw your elbow against the back of his knee.
He buckled slightly before turning to face you. You yelped in surprise when his hand gripped your upper arm and pulled you to your feet. He spun you quickly so your back was against his chest. His arms hooked under yours and his hands clasped behind your head.
“How you gonna get out of this?” He asked. You didn’t have to see him to know there was a smirk on his stupid face.
You met Sam’s eyes, who quirked an accusing eyebrow with an amused smirk. He seemed just as amused as Barnes was. You rolled your eyes and flipped him off before finishing what you started. You laughed to yourself as Sam’s face flashed offense.
“Like this.” You nodded your head to replace a shrug before stomping on his foot with your own.
Once his grip loosened, you pulled your elbows in and jammed them back into him. You ducked under his reaching arm and stuck one leg between his. You hooked your foot around his ankle while you reached an arm across his chest and grabbed his shirt sleeve.
That move quickly backfired when Barnes lifted his foot to snag your hooked ankle. You started tipping forward and he ducked under your flailing arm and out of the way, while you crashed into the floor. He knelt over you and opened his mouth to speak but you quickly cut him off.
You gripped his shirtfront and pulled him in. His eyes went wide while you tightly tucked your knees and snuck your feet against his stomach. You extended with as much force as you could muster - with a little help from your air abilities - and flipped him over you and onto his back.
He quickly got himself to his feet while you did the same. You two exchanged shots for what felt like an eternity. Trading body shots, blocking punches, throwing elbows. You tried a couple well placed kicks that were ducked or pushed away. You finally landed a solid front kick to his chest that sent him taking a few steps back.
You performed a quick handspring and wrapped your legs around his neck. You felt his hands land on your lower back and you didn’t know if it was to brace you or throw you so you moved quickly. With a deep, bracing breath, you threw yourself to the floor behind you. About halfway down, you changed your direction to more of a rotation so you wouldn’t land on your back.
You released your hold from around his neck and tried adjusting your hands to help push yourself up on your landing. You rolled a couple times and slid to your knees.
You quickly tumbled forward and placed a knee on his chest, your other foot on his vibranium wrist. He looked at you with surprised, yet amused eyes. You smiled proudly down at him and crossed your arms over your knee.
“I win.” You said happily, tapping his chest before letting him up. “And I barely used my powers!”
“Yeah, yeah.” He rolled his eyes jokingly. “You happy now?”
“You took it easy on me, didn’t you?” You challenged, eyes squinting in suspicion.
“Wouldn’t want to hurt that pretty face, now would we?” He used his knuckles to gently push your chin with a wink.
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lifeofclonewars · 4 years
Domino Twins Headcanons Part Three
Here's Part One and Two
Jesse, one day, goes "you know, it's kinda funny how Echo apparently copied everything because I heard with nat-borns it's usually the younger sibling that copies everything the older one does" to Fives (where he heard that idk)
Fives is just like "uh, no, I'm the older twin" to which Jesse replies "hmm sounds like something a little brother would say" and Fives just grumbles
The thing is! Jesse is technically right but neither of them know it
Show affection by beating each other up to a degree. Started a bit as cadets but it got rougher once they became ARCs because they knew the other could handle it
This leads to some interesting explanations in the medbay, such as "he tackled me but I saw it coming so I braced myself but in doing so forgot my knee was sore and I think it's sprained now" and "my elbow got stuck between the ARC pauldron and his shoulder and it dislocated when we got it unstuck" and other things that are the reason Kix has so many headaches
Everyone thought Fives started it every time because he also did it to them until Echo tackled an unsuspecting Fives to the ground in the middle of the mess, then got up and got his food like it was no big deal, leaving Fives on the ground
Needless to say, quite a few people had to change their perception of the Legion's ARCs after that
Eavesdropping on them doesn't end in finding out useful information. They jump around so much because they understand each other so well, plus all the inside jokes and shared missions they've had makes it impossible to piece together besides for, like, Rex
Basically, no matter what they're doing, there's a 90% chance a shiny or two are looking on, confused, while the veterans cackle
Kix and the other medics play a game called "where have the twins fallen asleep after ARC missions instead of reporting to the medbay?"
(They've been found almost everywhere on the ship, including a corner of the bridge without anyone noticing)
Sometimes Echo accidentally mimicks Cutup's accent when quoting something he said, which throws off everyone but Fives because they never got to meet him oh no I just made myself sad about Cutup again
Echo doesn't realize he does it
When Torrent has giant cuddle piles, even if they start on opposite sides, they wake up next to each other (a foot in a face, actually side by side, stretched across five people and the other just so happens to be one of them, etc)
Nobody knows how it happens, only that it always happens. Fives and Echo say they're asleep the whole time so they don't know either. Jesse and Hardcase tried to stay awake once to figure it out but both succumbed to the snuggles before they could
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kibybun · 4 years
Yandere Hawks and Little reader
Tw: Yandere, stalking, kidnapping, mind break, abuse, non-con/rape, generally gross themes, necrophilia, pedophilia
🧸You and everyone you were around saw you as very mature, and you didnt see anything wrong with that. It allowed you to keep things organized, get things done, and handle things logically.
🧸Many actually admired you for how mature you were. Even Hawks.
🧸When Hawks first met you, it was so formal. He saw you as the most attractive person he's ever met but the way you walked and talked was annoying. He hated formalities.
🧸After seeing you, he instantly flicks to your side. He throws on a flirty facade and tries to get to know you.
🧸You brush off all his comments and simply brush him off. You were here to do business, not entertain this man child.
🧸He was already upset that you were so formal so you ignoring him only made him more upset.
🧸He follows you untill you make it to his boss. The head of the Hero Commission. He was mortified that you would go and talk to him.
🧸He tries to deter you but stops as he sees you start to get angry. It was hard to see through your normally calm demeanor but the way your eyebrows knitted and how you crossed your arms gave you away.
🧸You disappear into the office and Hawks waits. You were tiresome with your formality but he was determined to get you to play with him.
🧸The door opens and you walk out, not bothering to give the pro hero a second glance.
🧸Just as he was about to chase you, he was called into the office. There it was explained to him that you world with another hero and you were here to form a contract with them.
🧸Hawks asks which hero, surprised to hear it was a low time hero. Nonetheless he agrees. Anything to see you again.
🧸Over the next few days you show up around the office. He chases you like a puppy but you just ignore him.
🧸Not liking being ignored by you, he starts following you outside of the office. Watching you on your days off and through different windows of your home.
🧸He even started leaving gifts.
🧸Little teddy bears and candies to, hopefully, bring out your inner child. Sadly you just throw those away. You had no use for them.
🧸Slowly, his flirting at work has become more aggressive. Instead of sweet compliments you receive harsh slaps on the ass and disturbing comments.
🧸Keeping your formal act, you give him a disappointed look and walk off to later report his actions. Little did you know that this only upset him more. He only did it to get you mad, to show you weren't a robot.
🧸To him you were just a boring adult he adored. He planned on making you more exciting.
🧸Soon, you started seeing Hawks less and less. You simply thought he learned his lesson but you knew that wasnt the case. He was up to something.
🧸It had also become evident that Hawks was skipping work. Many started to panic, trying to cover up his sudden disappearance but after a week or so, he magically appears. Blowing off the whole situation.
🧸You were naturally annoyed but disregarded it. You had other things to do.
🧸Today you were gathering your stuff in preparation to take your winter vacation. You were so excited, you even tickets to fly somewhere to relax. You had even told your boss about the cross country vacation and he understood that you might be a day or two late.
🧸You grab the last of your things and make your way out of the office, only to be stopped by Hawks.
🧸You try to push past but he stands strong. You ask what he wants and he says he wants to take you for a coffee or a snack. You ask why and he says it's his way of apologizing for what he did.
🧸You sigh but accept, you could use a coffee before you pack.
🧸He happily leads you through the town as the the sun sets. You follow with caution due to the streets being near empty.
🧸He takes sharp turns down odd alleys and side streets. Whenever you ask where you are or how far away you are and only says, "We're almost there."
🧸Finally the two of you make it some weird abandoned street filled with empty shops and apartments.
🧸You've had enough of this little spooky game of his. You demand to know where you are and that he takes you back.
🧸He tsks and walks closer to you. Telling you that he likes you better when you aren't so adult-ish. Then, everything went black.
🧸You wake you in a incredibly soft bed with fluffy blankets and many stuffed animals. Everything is colored with soft pastel colors and everything looks so soft. The one thing that stands out most is the fact that the bed has bars around it, much like a crib. It also included a mobile dangling above your head.
🧸You try to sit up but cant due to the fact that your hands and feet were bound together tightly by a ribbon. Your arms were tied behind your back, ribbons starting at your elbows ending tightly at your wrists. There were two sets of ribbons on your legs. One starting at the top of your thighs and ending at your knees. The second ribbon starts at the top of your knees and ends at your ankles
🧸You also notice your clothes had changed. You were now wearing a big oversized and fluffy sweater and thigh high socks that match. You also got a tiny glimpse of the teddy bear patterned underwear that you were put in.
🧸You freeze as you hear footsteps. Looking around you find the door and watch it open, only to be mortified that it was Hawks.
🧸He carefully walks towards you cooing about how precious you look. He even tried to caress your face but you jerk away. He didnt like that.
🧸He turns violent and grabs your face, nails digging into your skin. He begins to tell you that if you keep acting like an adult he'll punish you.
🧸But you didnt know how he wanted you to act.
🧸You start to shake as you try and break free from his grasp. He scowls and throws you out of the make shift crib.
🧸Due to your body being tied you weren't able to brace yourself for the fall. You hear a snap as pain builds from one of your fingers.
🧸You begin to whimper but hold back the tears. Hawks didnt like that. He comes up and crouches in front of you. He says it's good for little girls to cru and that he'll be there for you.
🧸You look at him confused but once he sees that you're not crying he gets closer. He reaches behind you and grabs your hands. He starts to gently squeeze but you refuse to cry. Slowly, the pressure starts to build, causing you to scream but not yet cry. He gets tired of this and suddenly grips your hand with all his strength. You feel your bones grind against the others.
🧸You seem to be at a lose for sound as tears trickled down your face. Hawks let's go and holds you close, whispering sweet nothings into your ear and petting your hair.
🧸You cry so hard you pass out. Not before hearing him say, "Daddy's got you."
🧸From there on the cycle continues. From the beginning it's very obvious he wants you to act like a child. He set you up in a child like room, gave you child like portions of food, spoke to you like a child, and took care of you like a child.
🧸If you didnt act to his liking he'd punish you, sometimes he'd know when you're faking too.
🧸His punishments consisted of insults and degrading you, physically hurting with bruises, cuts, etc., raping you, and locking you up for days in end.
🧸For months this went on, you getting punished and not understanding how to behave like he wanted. Until, one day, something clicked while stuck in isolation.
🧸Everything had a innocent blur to it. You little stuffy had a name and was your cowboy space partner. Suddenly you had a hatred for pants and vegetables. You wanted to scribble on the walls with crayon and wanted pillow forts. Suddenly you were terrified of the dark and miss you daddy.
🧸You cries start soft and grow into wailing as you call out to Hawks, but instead of saying Hawks you said daddy.
🧸His intrest was fully peaked as he ran to you. Once he opened the door you beamed happily and started to crawl to him since you were still tied up.
🧸He untied you and spins you around. He did it. He got your pure childhood innocents to shine.
🧸From then on a new routine started. Hawks became your caregiver, or daddy for you, and happily took care of you. He clothed you, bathed you and bathed with you, fed you, played with you, and slept with you. Both intimately and innocently even though your mind was trapped in the state of a young child.
🧸Hawks loved the life he started with you so dearly but, after years of this, it tends to get redundant.
🧸You only ever want to play the same games, eat the same food, wear the same thing, say the same things, do the same things.
🧸Somehow, your mind has trapped you into this loop. Whenever Keigo broke this loop you had a mental breakdown.
🧸He still loved you with all his heart but he couldn't handle repeating his days over and over and over and over and over again.
🧸While you slept that night, Hawks carried you as he flew. He flew to some secluded area you always talked about. Once he landed, he set you down and watched you for a moment.
🧸You were his precious angel. He made sure you were.
🧸He started to cry as he gently woke you up. You rub your eyes confused and instantly start to comfort your daddy.
🧸He holds you tight and tells you he loves you. You hold him close, still confused, and gasp as something sharp pierced your back.
🧸Hawks starts to sob as he feels your blood drip from his feather that stabbed you and as he feels your arms start to go limp around him.
🧸He pulls away to look at you one last time. That's when he sees the innocents drain from your eyes as betrayal sets in. Your last words where "D-daddy?" as you frantically tried to understand what you did.
🧸But everything turns dark and Hawks leaves that husk of love behind.
🧸Hawks surprisingly moved on fast. After a month or two he had found someone else. They had the same formal attitude to everything and still didnt give him the time of day.
🧸Perhaps he liked that about all of them.
🧸He set it up just like he did before. Flirting, the report, time of silence, the lure of an apology, and the torture.
🧸This time it was easier to break their mind but they weren't the same type of innocent you were. They didnt cling to every word he said like you did. They didnt play space cowboys like you did. They didnt hold onto him as he holds them close and loves them like you did.
🧸You were the best he had ever had and will ever have.
🧸Hawks takes his new play thing to a place they enjoy and ends their life there. He didnt hold them close or cry for them like he did you.
🧸He goes back to where he left you and finds you laying there, all rotting and decaying.
🧸He smiles a bittersweet smile and picks you up, not caring about the smell. He can swear he hears you call out to him as he makes his way back. He only holds you closer and promises that he'll never leave you again.
🧸Once home, he washes you. Getting all the dirt and maggots off but being sure to leave as much skin as possible on your body.
🧸After that he puts on your favorite movie and builds you a pillow fort. He can hear you speaking so he speaks back. It was your usual conversation but it was greatly missed by him.
🧸After he puts on a second movie, Hawks snuggles closer to you. His hand trailing up your partly missing thigh and into your underwear. He can feel your body aching for him so, he takes you.
🧸This time he was extra gentle to be sure your bones dont break but he feels your body calling out for him, wanting something more passionate. So, he delivers.
🧸He thrusts into you harder and faster, feeling you clutch onto him tighter and when he finishes he hears a snap.
🧸It was you leg.
🧸He flops next to you and pulls you close, lightly laughing at the situation. He promises to fix it in the morning.
🧸He kisses you goodnight and holds you close, never letting you leave.
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anderson-residence · 4 years
A post about Christmas at the Andersons! Traditions, what Hank and Santa got Cole and Mayson for Christmas, all that fun stuff!
I planned on doing human kid Connor, Carter, Niles and Ava too but then I didn't. We'll see if I manage to do something before Christmas. But considering I planned to make this post on December 1st and here I am on Christmas Eve…
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Each boy has an advent calendar that they have for the month. This year Mayson got one with rubber ducks and Cole got a dinosaur one.
On Christmas Eve the family goes around driving looking at all the holiday lights.
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Also on Christmas Eve the kids get PJs and something the family can do together. This year the boys got green and white pajamas and the family gift was a few packs of playing cards as all the ones the family had are missing cards. They also got the game of life. A classic board game that they didn't have in their collection.
For wrapping paper for all the gifts, christmas eve and Christmas, Hank likes a mix of all kinds of patterns and colors. His taste in shirts can give you an idea of some of the kinds he buys. But he also buys solid prints too. The gifts from Santa are wrapped in Santa faced papers.
In some houses Santa fills stockings with things like new toothbrushes. But not in the Anderson house. It's all goodies in here. They are wrapped in the same Santa paper as the big gifts under the tree. While the kids do get some candy 'Santa' likes to avoid sugary treats since Cole is diabetic and Mayson is an android.
He tries to keep things even between the kids with slight differences based on their likes. Peeking out of the top of each stocking is a new plush friend.
Mayson's stocking:
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A snack-sized bag of pretzels
Two sets of press-on nails one candy cane colored the other pearly
Nail polish (sparkling purple)
A large slinky
A yoyo (with a unicorn on it)
Silly putty (in a pink container)
A large pack of glow sticks
A squishy ball (dark pink)
Another squishy toy (a pink wormy)
A set of handheld spinning wheels (in blue)
A set of soda flavored lip balms
A plush puppy
A few fun-sized Twix milky way, 3 musketeers, and snickers
A pack of Hershey Kisses 
A plastic candy cane filled with mini Reese's cups.
A Santa lollipop
A Christmas tree lollipop 
A pack of Santa shaped kit kats
A candy cane
A few Thirium candy sticks
Cole's Stocking:
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A pack of earbuds
A charging cable
A multi charging station (mini sized)
A mini speaker
A large slinky
A yoyo (with a dinosaur on it)
Silly putty (in a blue container)
A large pack of glow sticks
A squishy ball (bright blue)
Another squishy toy (a blue wormy)
A set of handheld spinning wheels
A plush blue dragon
A few fun-sized Twix milky way, 3 musketeers, and snickers
A pack of Hershey Kisses 
A plastic candy cane filled with mini Reese's cups.
A Santa lollipop
A Christmas tree lollipop 
A pack of Santa shaped kit kats
A candy cane
Hard candy sticks
Hank likes to keep the numbers even between the boys' gifts. But the types will vary based on their needs, wants, and interests.
He tries not to spoil his kids but likes to buy gifts for people. Kids on Christmas morning really warm his heart. To help him control himself he not only gets what the boys asked for or would like but also an array of things they need and educational items. Things more than just toys. Creative items, things to do together, books, clothes, blankets, etc. But there's still fun to be had!
Mayson's Gifts:
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Includes 'Santa's' gifts and gifts from Hank.
A pink and purple ombre puzzle
A unicorn operation game
A squishmallow unicorn
A new hat and gloves set. Pink unicorn-themed
A book of random facts
A pink canopy for his bed
A glow board
Wireless headphones
A metal spider bot building kit
A new baby doll. One that cries and grows to a 'big girl'
A new mermaid print tutu with a matching bow (he has plenty of tutus but always likes more)
The 'teenage body book' (the android doesn't need it at least not about humans and he got a copy for Cole for Easter but in a twist he didn't see coming was that the kids fought over it. So he got Mayson his own copy. Why are his boys so weird?)
A soft new blanket (pink with unicorns)
A plush purple unicorn
A new outfit(pink unicorn shirt and matching unicorn leggings)
A pair of light-up sneakers with wheels (in pink)
And last but not least the big gift! The thing Mayson asked no begged for. For months!
A mini motorized bike (with safety gear of course. All in pink. Pink is Mayson's favorite color if you haven't noticed)
Cole's Gifts:
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Includes 'Santa's' gifts and gifts from Hank.
A new hat and gloves set
An ombre puzzle in blue hues
A squishmallow blue dragon plush
A telescope
Wireless headphones in white
Sloth push in silver
New outfit a long sleeved red and blue shirt and a pair of jeans
A metal spider bot building kit
A sudoku book
A mystery book
A building set
A plush blanket with stars on it
A new blue kickball
A pair of light up shoes with wheels (black shoes with blue lights)
And last but not least the big gift! The thing Cole asked no begged for. For months!
A new bike! A normal bicycle unlike Maysons which is basically a motorcycle.. His bike is black blue and white. And of course he got a new set of safety gear in blue to go with it. Helmet is the big one but also got elbow, knee and wrist braces. Cole needed a new bike he outgrew his old one.
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padyakerongkaibigan · 4 years
A Mountain Biker’s Glossary Of Terms
If you’re just starting out (or even if you’ve been mountain biking for awhile), the terms and slang thrown around by mountain bikers on and off that trail can be confusing. What the heck does sandbagging mean and why are people saying send it!?
So to help you demystify what your trail buddies are saying, below is a complete glossary for mountain bike terms and slang.
Here are the most popular mountain bike terms and slang used on and off the trail.
Pronounced “one by”, this refers to having only one chain ring at the front of the drivetrain as opposed to two or three. Most new mountain bikes (although not all) will come as a 1X since it makes shifting smoother and easier.
Refers to a bike with 27.5-inch wheels.
Refers to a bike with 29-inch wheels.
1. Protective gear worn by mountain bikers such as neck braces, torso armor, knee and elbow guards, or spine protectors.
2. A section of trail, particularly the banks of washes or areas prone to erosion, that are covered by a layer of rocks. These sections are commonly referred to as ‘armored’.
This refers to the body position of a rider as they are going down a steep or technical trail. Attack position usually involves being up and out of the seat, dropper post all the way down, chest lowered to the handlebars, elbows out wide, and eyes looking ahead.
Round rocks in the middle of a trail that look like, well… the size of baby heads…
When a mountain biker ditches their bike to avoid a more serious crash.
“He bailed when he saw that it was a gap jump and not a drop.”
A banked corner formed out of dirt and/or rocks. Bermed turns can be ridden much faster and smoother than a flat corner because there’s less concern of washing out. Most flow trails are constructed of linked bermed turns.
A boardwalk is a manmade (usually wooden) bridge that spans a depression in the ground or elevates the trail over marshy areas. Boardwalks can be wide or they can be narrow. See also skinny.
To go as fast as you can down a trail.
“You bombed down that! I bet you got a PR.”
To run out of energy on the trail.
“I bonked massively today. I couldn’t even pedal up the last small climb.”
A small little jump either in the middle of the trail or off to the side. Booters tend to form from natural objects that are already on the trail like roots, tree stumps, and rocks. See also kicker.
A style of helmet that has a removable chin guard. They can be used as a typical ‘half lid’ helmet or as a ‘full-face’ DH helmet depending on the terrain. Simply snap on or remove the chin guard based on what you plan to ride. See also lid, half-lid, and full-face.
Also known as ‘hero dirt’, brown pow refers to optimal riding conditions like grippy loam and slightly damp soil. See also hero dirt.
A mountain bike skill that involves first lifting the front wheel off the ground and then the back wheel while the front wheel is still in the air. It’s used to hop over trail features and it definitely makes you look cool.
When a rider doesn’t clear a jump completely and their back tire clips the top of the landing. This can be no-big-deal or it can pitch the rider over the handlebars.
“He just totally cased that jump. Glad he was able to ride it out!”
The noise and feel of the bike chain hitting the chainstay.
When the chain either falls off the big ring into the spokes or falls off the small ring between the frame and crank.
Used to describe rocky, loose trail conditions. Often refers to the sound the bike makes going down rough sections of trail. See also chunder.
“That section of trail was loose and chattery.”
A term used to describe rocky and loose trail conditions, typically at a higher level than chatter. If a trail is chundery, it has a lot of rocks and loose debris.
To ride through a tough section of trail without crashing, stopping, or taking the feet off the pedals.
“She just cleaned the hardest part of this trail!”
When you put a foot down, but don’t actually stop the bike when you’re either riding up or down a technical section. It usually happens when you lose balance, but not so much so that it halts your effort.
Short for downhill. DH trails tend to be highly technical and require advanced skills. This style of riding is the most extreme and high stakes.
Dialed is similar to using the word ‘impressive’ in a mountain bikers vocabulary. A ‘dialed bike’ could have custom components and an awesome paint job. A ‘dialed jump’ could be built so well that it’s easy and effortless. A ‘dialed rider’ could be someone who nails every turn and corner without making one mistake.
Refers to a wide trail that may have once been an old road (or still is). Typically they’re used to connect other mountain bike trails. See also singletrack.
The landing surface of a jump, tabletop, or drop. This is usually slanted downwards to prevent the rider from landing on flat ground (which does not feel good).
A trail feature that has a flat entrance that then drops away abruptly. Drops can be several inches or several feet and they can be manmade (ex wooden ramps) or they can be natural (ex a rock drop). See also feature.
When a mountain biker crashes and goes over the bars. See also OTB.
A style of riding that includes a mix of both cross-country trails and DH (downhill) descents. Enduro racing involves multi-stage - and sometimes multi-day - segments with untimed climbs and timed descents.
A notable obstacle on the trail such as a jump, drop, rock roll, tabletop, rock garden, etc… Features vary widely in technicality from easy rock rollers to steep rock faces.
When a tire loses air due to a puncture.
“I flatted… thankfully I have a spare tube!”
When corners and other downhill features fit together so well that there is little need to pedal or work to keep momentum going. It often feels like both rider and bike are floating down the trail. New-school style of trail are often called flow trails. See also new-school.
A style of mountain bike helmet that has a chin guard for full-face protection. These are typically worn at lift-served bike parks and on rowdy DH trails. See also lid, half-lid, and breakaway
Refers to a full-suspension mountain bike that has both a front fork and a rear shock. See also fully rigid and hardtail.
A fully rigid bike has no suspension at all. Some people think this is fun. See also full-squish and hardtail.
A type of jump that has no central surface. There is a lip to take off from and a downslope to land on, but in the middle there is a gap. As opposed to a tabletop, which has a flat central surface between the take off and landing. See also lip, downslope, and tabletop.
A young mountain biker who is gung-ho about ripping down trails.
A bike helmet that isn’t a full-face. In other words, a ‘typical’ bike helmet. See also lid, full-face, and breakaway
A bike that only has front fork suspension. Hardtails do not have a rear shock, making them harsher, but faster, to ride.
Another term for brown pow. Hero dirt refers to optimal riding conditions where the soil or loam is grippy and fast. Hero dirt often comes a day or two after a rain. See also brown pow.
A form of jump that requires the rider to change direction or orientation of the bike in mid-air.
When a rider propels themselves off a jump or drop. It usually refers to something big and consequential.
“I can’t believe he just hucked himself off of that drop and landed it!”
When the fastest members on a group ride take a break on the trail and then immediately leave when the slowest rider rolls ups.
A small or large jump with a steep take-off. Kickers usually involve hang-time in the air. See also booter.
More widely used in the road bike community, kits are the outfits that bikers wear. Racers usually have custom-made kits that announce their sponsors and last name.
An old and out-dated mountain bike.
Stands for “King of the Mountain”. This is a Strava term for the fastest male rider on a specific Strava segment. See also QOM.
A manmade trail feature like a bridge or boardwalk that gains or loses elevation. See also boardwalk.
“That ladder bridge up onto that rock is so sketchy.”
Slang for a helmet. See also half-lid, full-face, and breakaway.
Trails at a bike park that are accessed via a gondola or chairlift.
The path a rider takes through a technical section of trail. Sometimes lines are obvious and other times there are several different lines through an obstacle. For larger features and obstacles, there’s usually an “A line” that goes through or over the feature and a “B line” that goes around.
The edge of a jump’s takeoff or landing.
A form of grippy dirt that is often found in forested areas like the Pacific Northwest and parts of the UK. Unlike brown pow or hero dirt, which appear after rain, loam is the normal riding condition.
Trails that were built with a machine. These tend to be smooth, flowy, and fast and might include bermed turns, rollers, and small kickers. See also new-school.
A riding skill similar to a wheelie, but instead of pedaling the bike forward, the rider maintains balance on the back wheel while riding downhill. Skilled riders can also manual or over trail features like roots and dirt rollers, which helps maintain speed and also looks super cool.  
A ‘breakdown’ on the trail which usually refers to a flat tire, but could also include a broken chain, twisted bars, or a dropped chain. Usually a mechanical can be fixed trailside.
A bike that runs a 29-inch wheel in the front and a 27.5-inch wheel in the rear.
A style of trail building and riding that usually includes machine-built tracks and bike park-style features like wall rides, dirt jumps, boardwalks and berms.
Refers to the slant of a trail or feature. Many slickrock trails have off-camber sections that drop away to one side.  
A style of trail and riding that encompasses more raw and rough terrain. Features tend to be natural like rock drops and rock rolls. As opposed to new-school riding which tends to include machine-built flow trails and bike park features. See also new-school.
To overshoot a jump so much so that you miss the downslope on the landing
Stands for ‘Over The Bars". When a mountain biker crashes and goes over the handlebars. See also endo.
When a pedal hits the ground or a rock/obstacle while riding. This could be no-big-deal or it could cause you to go flying 10 feet into the bushes.
A flat that occurs when a bike’s tire gets so compressed that the inner tube gets ‘pinched’ between the wheel rim and the tire and the tube is punctured. It’s also sometimes called a snakebite because the puncture is actually two small holes that look like a snakebite. You can’t get a pinch flat with tubeless tires because there are no inner tubes.
Typically refers to a group of riders that are moving at speed along (usually down) a trail and keeping a tight formation.
“We were pinned coming down that! If any one of us had crashed it would have been bad news.”
When a mountain biker illegally rides a trail that is either closed for maintenance or not open to bikers at all (ie a hiking trail). It can also refer to riding a private network without paying the entrance fee.
Short for Personal Record. This is a Strava term for your fastest time on a specific Strava segment.
Stands for “Queen of the Mountain”. This is a Strava term for the fastest female rider on a specific Strava segment. See also KOM.
To ride into a berm with such force and speed that you actually gain speed coming out of it. Almost like the rider is on rails.
A riding skill where you use half-strokes on the pedal to maneuver your way through an obstacle. This is often used when full pedal strokes aren’t possible due to risk of pedal strikes.
A trail feature that includes lots of embedded rocks.
A rock that you can roll on top of and then off of.
To kick up dirt and sand from the back tire after whipping around a loose turn. The term ‘roost’ is derived from rooster tail.
A term to describe rough and technical riding.
“That trail was rowdy! I almost endo-ed on the last rock roll”
The amount of dip a front fork and rear shock depress when a rider is sitting casually on a bike.
1. Saying something is easier than it actually is.
2. Racing in a category below your level so that you have a better chance of winning.
When a rider purposefully stays low over a jump. Typically racers scrub jumps to save time. Scrub can also refer to slowing down before turns to make them smoother and faster.
When a mountain biker aggressively rides a trail feature such as a jump or drop.
“She sent that drop like it was no big deal!”
To stop and work on riding through a section of trail or intimidating feature.
“We got back late because we sessioned a few of the harder features.”
The acceptable term for riding mountain bike singletrack. It usually refers to fast descents.
Trails that can be accessed via vehicle.
“Can we shuttle to the top today? I’m feeling tired.”
A section of trail that is cut into the side of a hill. One side of the trail is typically a steep drop off while the other side typically is a steep mountainside or hillside.
What most mountain bike trails are: narrow and require riders to ride in single file.
A bike that only has one speed. Some people think it’s fun.
A trail feature or section of trail that makes you think twice.
“That line is so sketchy! I don’t know how you managed to ride it without going over the bars.”
A skinny piece of wood or log along the trail that you can ride on.
A style of trail that is found mostly in the western United States like Moab or Sedona. Riding on slickrock basically means riding on large swaths of uninterrupted rock.
When a rider makes a feature look stylish and easy. Steeezy.
A trail feature where a rider jumps down to a lower section of trail from a higher elevation. Kind of like a drop…
A trail feature where a rider jumps up to a higher section of trail from a lower elevation. This could also include jumping up from a dirt jump to a wooden feature, which is common at bike parks.
The feeling you get when bombing down an awesome trail!
A phone app that records ride data such as mileage, GPS, elevation gain/loss, speed compared to other riders, and more.  
Someone who rides with only one thing in mind: getting a Strava PR. This usually involves asshole-type behavior on the trail.
A hairpin turn on a trail that makes climbing and descending more moderate. Switchbacks zig-zag riders up and down steep sections of trail.
A jump with a take-off and a downslope landing with a flat surface in the middle. There’s much less risk on a tabletop than a gap jump because if you land short you’ll still land on solid ground.  See also gap jump.
When the wheel folds in on itself to form a taco shape. This usually happens after casing a jump or hitting an obstacle straight on.
A manmade feature that looks and performs like the teeter-totter’s of your youth. After reaching the apex, the weight of you and your bike will cause the teeter-totter to fall back down to the ground.
A bike skill that involves standing still on your bike without pedaling. It’s a great skill to learn for tackling slow-speed tech.
The amount of change the front fork and rear shock experience after riding a trail or feature. A lot of travel means you used most of the suspension on your shocks while less travel means you didn’t go through much travel. Travel also refers to how much suspension a bike fork or shock has (ex 150mm in the fork and 140mm in the rear).
A tire set-up that doesn’t involve inner tubes. Instead, sealant is injected into the tires. When a tire is punctured, the sealant ‘seals up’ the hole and congeals to form a plug.
A manmade, slanted wooden ramp feature with one side close to or touching the ground and the other side elevated in the air. Wall rides ride like giant berms.
When the bike tires wash out from under you due to wet or slippery conditions. This usually occurs around a corner or when landing a jump.
When a rider picks up his front tire and pedals the bike while balancing on the rear wheel. See also manual.
A mountain bike skill where riders ‘whip’ their back tire to the side when in the air over a jump.
Mountain bike slang for when something doesn’t feel or work right on your bike.
“Something’s wonky with my shifting. I can’t get it to go into the lowest gear.”
Short for cross-country. This style of riding involves a variety of terrain including big climbs and minimally technical descents. It is the least extreme form of mountain biking and also the most popular.
When a rider completely wipes out on the trails and all his or her belongings like water bottles and sunglasses go flying.
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huesofblue · 4 years
An Amateur’s Eye at a Game for the Spry
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[all rights reserved to the original owner of the graphic: ESPN]
     If you’re like me, I would assume that you are also just a casual fan of sports, and though you watch some games or are acquainted with its presence, you aren’t particularly well-versed in the ins and outs, the DOs and DON’Ts, and just the overall way of how the sports should actually be played.
     Well, you’re just in luck because in this blog post, before we review and analyze the Volleyball Opener played by the Philippines’ women team against Vietnam at the 2019 Southeast Asian (SEA) Games, we will be diving into the needed information to be known about the sport volleyball.
     In general, volleyball games tend to stretch between 60-90 minutes, composed of 20-25 minute individual sets (Maddock, 2020). In one game, six players from each team will play, with six extra players waiting by the sidelines to serve as substitutes if and when deemed necessary.
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[all rights reserved to the original owner of the graphic: Sports Feel Good Stories and Strength and Power]
     Moving on to the next needed information: the court dimensions. In the articles written by Bryan Maddock and by Sports Imports, a typical volleyball court will measure 9 meters in width, and 18 meters in length – or in inch measurements, 29.5 inches by 59 inches. Inside the court are multiple zones with varying measurements as well. The entire playing area in general measures 161 m2. The attack line is the line that separates the front players and the back players, and it measures 9 feet and 10 inches, starting at 3 meters away from the net. The back free zone or the clearance from the back measures at 3-6.5 meters, while the side free zone or the clearance from the side measures at 3-5 meters. There is also a minimum measurement of area with clearances which is 360 m2, whereas the large area with clearances measures at 589 m2. Volleyball courts are made with a variety of the materials, but the most common and most used kinds are: wood, synthetic urethane, rubber and vinyl.
     The net measurements shouldn’t also be forgotten. Since there are varying ages and heights coming from players, there are corresponding net measurements to accommodate their build. According to the Sports Imports article, the regulated volleyball net heights are as follows:
Men’s = 7’11.625” measured at the center of the net, 8.375” measured at the antennae;
Women’s = 7’4.125” measured at the center of the net, 7’4.875” measured at the antennae;
Boys’ and Girls’ Juniors = 7’ measured at the center of the net, 7.75’ measured at the antennae;
Boys’ under 10 = 7’ measured at the center of the net, 7.75’ measured at the antennae; and
Girls under 10 = 6’6” measured at the center of the net, 6’6.75” measured at the antennae.
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[all rights reserved to the original owners of the graphic: Park and Sun Sports, and babysealskittles from Polyvore]
     The equipment used in volleyball are actually quite simple. Generally, all you need is the volleyball itself, and the net and its two poles. However, in non-casual games, the players should have their own safety equipment to play as safely and as protected as possible.
     Apparently, the balls in this sport have varying sizes and are made of different materials for different purposes. Nevertheless, as stated in the piece written by Michele Howard (2010) about volleyball equipment, the balls have to be 25-27 inches measuring their circumference, 9-10 oz for their weight, and inflated to 4.26-4.61 psi.
     The shoes designed specifically for volleyball should also have a gum rubber sole because it creates more traction against the material of the court, which in turn, would support the players’ movements.
     The protective gear includes knee and elbow pads (to protect the players’ elbows and knees against floor burns if and when they dive for the balls,) mouthguards (to protect the teeth, lips, cheeks and tongue,) athletic supporters and sports bras, ankle braces (to reduce the risk of the players hurting their ankles,) and gloves (but this one is more utilized by beginners than professionals.)
     And last but not the least, volleyball players should also wear proper jerseys that represent their team as well as proper sports shorts that can give them more room for movement.
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[all rights reserved to the original owner of the graphic: Volleyballmag]
     Next on our list are the technical and tactical skills of volleyball.
     Every volleyball player should learn the basic technical skills of the sport, which include but are not limited to: serving, passing, setting, attacking, blocking and digging (Human Kinetics, 2011). In the volleyball terminologies article by Gold Medal Squared, it was stated there that serving is the skill of the first contact. A serve can either be an open-handed overhead swing or a closed-handed underhand one. The passing or the pass is what comes after a serve, and it is done by hitting the ball with the forearms. The setting or the set is the second contact after a pass. It can either be a usual set which is done with two hands overhead or a bump set which is done with the forearms. The attacking or the attack is typically the third contact and so on; it is usually the way the players pass the ball using techniques that will cause the other team to lose contact of the volleyball. The digging or the dig is basically the defense; it is how the players defend their team by using techniques like diving or sliding to make sure that they can pass the ball without sacrificing a point. The blocking or the block is how the players prevent the ball from coming over to their side after it is passed by their opponents; it is done by extending both arms above the head with open hands and usually executed near or by the net.
     Working hand-in-hand with the technical skills are the tactical skills. Though they are often overlooked when the sport is being taught to beginners, they are still equally important because the tactical skills support the technical skills in a way that ensures utmost quality of play. In the same source as the technical skills, it was stated there that the tactical skills can be approached by the tactical triangle. This approach touches on the three critical aspects of playing volleyball: (1) reading the play or situation, (2) acquiring the knowledge needed to make an appropriate tactical decision, and (3) applying correct decision-making skills to the problems at the correct time.
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[all rights reserved to the original owner of the graphic: Rudy Nugteren, 2017]
     Like any other sport, there are also rules in volleyball that govern the games. For the sake of beginners (including yours truly,) this blog post will only be touching on the basic rules of volleyball.
The following rules were taken from the article by The Art of Coaching Volleyball (2018), so full credit goes to them:
6 players on the floor at any one time - 3 in the front row and 3 in the back row
Maximum of 3 hits per side
Points are made on every serve for winning team of rally (rally-point scoring).
Player may not hit the ball twice in succession. (A block is not considered a hit.)
Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
A ball hitting a boundary line is in.
A ball is out if it hits an antennae, the floor completely outside the court, any of the net or cables outside the antennae, the referee stand or pole, the ceiling above a non-playable area.
It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player’s body.
It is illegal to catch, hold or throw the ball.
A player cannot block or attack a serve from on or inside the 10-foot line.
After the serve, front-line players may switch positions at the net.
Matches are made up of sets; the number depends on level of play. 3-set matches are 2 sets to 25 points and a third set to 15. Each set must be won by two points. The winner is the first team to win 2 sets. 5-set matches are 4 sets to 25 points and fifth set to 15. The team must win by 2 unless tournament rules dictate otherwise. The winner is the first team to win three sets.
     Along with the rules are also the violations that warrant a point in favor of the opponents which can be committed within volleyball games, and here they are as follows:
When serving, the player steps on or across the service line as while making contact with the ball.
Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.
Ball-handling errors. Contacting the ball illegally (double touching, lifting, carrying, throwing, etc.)
Touching the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play.
When blocking a ball coming from the opponent’s court, it’s illegal to contact the ball when reaching over the net if both your opponent has not used 3 contacts AND they have a player there to make a play on the ball.
When attacking a ball coming from the opponent’s court, contacting the ball when reaching over the net is a violation if the ball has not yet broken the vertical plane of the net.
Crossing the court centerline with any part of your body is a violation. Exception: if it is the hand or foot. In this case, the entire hand or entire foot must cross for it to be a violation.
Serving out of rotation/order.
Back-row player blocking (deflecting a ball coming from the opponent) when, at the moment of contact, the back-row player is near the net and has part of his/her body above the top of the net. This is an illegal block.
Back-row player attacking a ball inside the front zone (the area inside the 3M/10-foot line) when, at the moment of contact, the ball is completely above the net. This is an illegal attack.
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[all rights reserved to the original owner of the graphic: VolleyCountry]
     Making sure that the games are properly, fairly and safely managed are entirely up on the officiating officials’ shoulders, but it doesn’t hurt for spectators to know how volleyball games are officiated, not only so they can help spot misses and violations, but it also helps enhance the experience of watching the game because as spectators, they’ll also be able to know why certain calls were made or why this became that and so on. To know this, we have to know who the officiating officials are in a volleyball game.
     April Bamburg and Laura Williams wrote in their articles that there are, at minimum, 6 officials present in a volleyball game: a scorekeeper, an assistant scorekeeper, at least two line judges, and a first and second referee.
     The scorekeeper is responsible for keeping track of the scores all throughout the game and for signaling player substitutions when team coaches deem it necessary. They are also responsible for utilizing the buzzer as a way of notifying the referees for any disparities, irregularities, lapses and calls for time-outs. Next, the assistant scorekeeper is also called the libero tracker because while they assist the main scorekeeper by being in charge of updating the scoreboard, they are also responsible for keeping track of the liberos from each team. After the scorekeepers are the line judges, and these are individuals who are situated at either ends of the court where they are responsible for calling when a ball is in or out, as well as assisting the referees in making judgment calls. At minimum, there should be two line judges, and at maximum, there should only be up to four (at each corner of the court.) With the line judges done, we now have the referees left. Both referees have a general responsibility of calling out violations and overall ensuring a fair and quality play within the game; however, there are differences between the jobs of the first referee and the second referee. The first referee is basically the main referee – they will have the last and final say regarding the game. They control the play, inspect the equipment and the players’ uniforms, and point out scoring issues and violations. On the other hand, the second referee assists the first referee and will serve as the substitute if a situation arises wherein the first referee is unable to make a sound judgment call. Moreover, the second referee is also responsible for all the substitutions and timeouts, and additionally, the actions of the scorers.
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     Now that we’ve hashed through the required background information about volleyball, we shall move on to the main event of this blog post: the review regarding the Philippines’ game at the 2019 SEA Games versus Vietnam in the Volleyball Women’s Opener match.
     For the sake of all the beginner readers, including me, this review will only be making analyses by each set of the whole game – not on each action nor move executed by both teams, but on the sets they play as a whole until the end, and in my words, I will not be able to use much of the technical terms as they are and will merely describe what I am seeing since I am still unfamiliar with the moves associated with those terms. In other words, when the technical terms of the sport show up in sentences but were not used according to its meaning in the sport, then please assume that they were used in their regular and literal meaning.
     For reference, we will be watching this video through this link: https://youtu.be/Gm4kGC_d-i8
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[all rights reserved to the original owner of the graphic: Rappler]
     The first set of the match began with the Philippines serving the first ball, courtesy of Number 19, Rhea Dimaculangan. Right off the bat, defenses were displayed strong and solid by both teams, executing a variety of attacks and defenses that made the game all the more exciting. Not knowing the ins and outs of volleyball, the play they presented would seem ordinary for seasoned players, but for unknowing spectators, the beginning would already be impressive. Where the Philippines would attack head on, Vietnam would defend with their might. But to the Philippines’ delight, PH-Number 6 was able to acquire the first point for both the game and the team, jumping high and striking the ball hard in a way that Vietnam was unable to defend themselves against.
     From then on, the match became even tighter. Defenses built up and hits kept coming, but what definitely caught my attention was the feint technique that the Philippines repeatedly took up. I didn’t expect for them to use a tactic like that - having one player hit the ball up high and another who will pretend to hit it but lo and behold, a player unlike the first two will actually end up spiking the ball into a point - but nonetheless, it definitely caught my attention and benefitted them a few points too.
     The next thing that definitely caught my eye during the first set was the challenge that Vietnam raised regarding the Philippines’ supposedly 6th point at around the 12:24 timestamp. Bearing in mind that I’m quite unaware of the common things that take place in a volleyball match, I didn’t know that challenges towards a point by the opponent could actually be done. Truthfully, it is one feature of the sport that took me by surprise, but it is also one that I could understand fully because it presented justice for the team who raised it if the point was indeed invalid.
     There was, however, one thing that I couldn’t understand. Around the 13:08 timestamp, the Philippines had used up the available 3 contacts on the ball in their attempt to successfully throw back the ball to Vietnam’s side, which they were able to do. However, even when PH-Number 18 didn’t touch the net in her haste to pass the ball to her team-mates for an attack, the point still went to Vietnam. The same thing happened in the 20:47 timestamp, with Vietnam doing almost the exact same thing as the Philippines did, but it wasn’t stopped then. I’ve already asked people I know about what the violation was or what exactly happened for Vietnam to take the point, but unless I’ll be able to contact more experienced players in the sport, I guess I’ll still remain wondering about it.
     What I am proud to have been able to point during my watching, though, was the violation that VIE-Number 11 had made at around the 17:15 timestamp, in which she had passed her two whole hands over the net as she jumped to block the ball that was coming their way even when it hadn’t passed the vertical plane of the net yet.
     Finally, it was a close match near the end of the 1st set, but the Philippines was able to snatch the win for the set at 25-21.
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     Now, on to the 2nd set. After the teams switched sides on the court, Vietnam began its serve with the Philippines on the receiving end of it. And just like the first set, the Philippines also takes the first point for this set.
     The digs, close saves, spikes and other attacks during this set were really a sight to behold. It may not seem special to some, but it is still incredible to watch for others.
     I don’t really have much to say about this set, just that I think the Philippines’ defense during this part of the game wasn’t as successful as they had played hard for it to be which is why they lost the win for this set. Nonetheless, not all hope is lost since there are still more sets for them to take the win for.
     Nearing the end of the second set though, the Philippines really did pick up their game and tried their best to turn the game around with a twist, consistently racking in points to catch up to Vietnam’s 24 points. However, even with their commendable offense that made the set a good, tight one, Vietnam had still snatched the win at the end, finishing the set at 25-23.
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     The 3rd set began with the Philippines’ serve after the teams switched sides, and just like in the past two sets, they were also able to take the first point for this one.
     It was in this set that I realized how good PH-Number 19, Dimaculangan is as a server. She served first for the team in all of the sets, and every time, the Philippines always took at least the first point up to the second or third. I don’t think there is any concrete explanation as to why this is, especially since it wasn’t even her serves that got the point but the attacks that Vietnam weren’t able to defend themselves against, but I do still find it interesting that it happened.
     In this set, like the others, there wasn’t a consistently big gap that remained between the two team’s points. In this case, it shows how solid the offensive approach that each team has because they are able to catch up to their opponents’ scores – it might not be much of a critical analysis on that part, but personally, I used to think that points were hard to catch up to especially in this game. Granted that it is a professional game between professional players, it is still a new thing for me to see how fast they are able to catch up to each other’s points and lessen the gap, making the sets a close and worthy match each time.
     Even with the concrete defenses and the substantial attacks displayed by the Philippine team, Vietnam still took the win for the 3rd set at 25-19, raking the game up to 2-1 sets, in favor of Vietnam.
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     In the 4th set, Vietnam had served first, but the Philippines, again, took the first point. It wasn’t long, however, before Vietnam tied the game at 1-1 early on, not letting the Philippines take the first three points again without Vietnam at least having one point, just like they did in the past sets.
     I’m not sure what it was, but I felt that something was different in the Philippines’ play during this set – maybe a newly fired determination to even out the game? I assume that may be it, but if it wasn’t, then I’ll leave it as it is and continue to fawn over how powerful the Philippine players were especially during this set, quickly building up a gap that got them closer to snatching the win for the 4th set and leaving behind Vietnam to tie out the game.
     As the set progressed nearly halfway, Vietnam was able to catch up to the gap that the Philippines built. However, what they weren’t able to do was take the lead since the Philippines always managed to stay ahead of them point-wise and didn’t let the tied scores remain for too long.
     Unsurprisingly, the Philippines took the win for the 4th set, finishing at 25-20.
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     It is now the 5th and final set. The game has been evened out at 2 sets per team. This set is one that most, if not all, people are looking forward to the most because it will dictate which team, the Philippines or Vietnam, will come out the victor for this entire match.
     The Philippines served first, but Vietnam took the first point for the set this time.
     Since this set required only 15 points for a team to win, it can obviously be seen how powered up the players are to win. Blocks were coming in more frequently, and the two team’s scores never strayed too far away from each other until near the end.
     Halfway through this set, the teams switched sides for the last and final time. It was Vietnam who served first after the switch, but the point from it went to the Philippines as a result of their successful spike.
     Notwithstanding, in the last five minutes, Vietnam was able to build up a significant gap that placed them more likely to win compared to the Philippines. And when the scores were excitingly at 14-8, in favor of Vietnam, and PH-Number 2 made a mistake in her haste to hit the ball back over to Vietnam’s side after it was blocked by the red-uniformed players, the win was secured for Vietnam as the ball ended up being an out.
     Vietnam snatched the win for this set at 15-8 as well as the victory for the whole game at 3-2.
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     Like the countless times it has been mentioned, as a beginner-spectator for volleyball, watching a big game like this really keeps you on the edge of your seat.
     I couldn’t exactly keep track of how many there were, but my amazement always peaked through the roof every time a failed block, dig or spike was done by either of the teams. The reason why is because I just haven’t fathomed completely how fast their reaction times and reflexes are to be able to move as fast as they do to either save the ball from giving their opponents a point or to defend themselves against their counterpart’s attacks. The failed spikes and blocks, especially, were my most favorite parts because it really kept me on my toes by showing how good both teams are at blocking (the literal meaning, not the volleyball terminology) the ball.
     One of the main takeaways that I was able to gather from watching the game is that utilizing the space is EVERYTHING. While it is not possible for all the spaces to be taken up and guarded by the six players, it is still important for them to know when and how to move fast enough to defend the unguarded space.
     Additionally, I can positively say I’ve gained a newfound respect for volleyball players – to the liberos, especially, because seeing them dive and slide across the floors to receive the balls thrown by their opponent – it made me think of the courage it takes to unhesitatingly do so while also reaching to pass the ball to their team-mates in order for them to be able to attack back and gain a point.
     This whole experience definitely left me some lasting knowledge about the sport that I can use in the future once I find myself in a situation where I will be playing volleyball. And while I am still relatively new to this world, it didn’t hurt to analyze and review the gameplay, techniques and skills, and mechanics exhibited by the seasoned players – even if there were times that I found myself a little behind on what they were doing.
     That is all for this review post about the Volleyball Women’s Opener between the Philippines and Vietnam at the 2019 SEA Games. If you’ve reached this far, thank you for reading, and see you in the next post! 😊
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Gold Medal  Squared. (n.d.). Volleyball Terms and Definitions. Retrieved February  9, 2021, from Gold Medal Squared:  https://www.goldmedalsquared.com/coaching-resources/volleyball-terms#:~:text=of%20the%20third.-,Serve,underhand%20with%20one%20closed%20fist.
Howard, M. M.  (2010, June 17). List of Equipment Used to Play Volleyball. Retrieved  February 9, 2021, from SportsRec:  https://www.sportsrec.com/list-equipment-used-play-volleyball-6636370.html
Human Kinetics.  (2011). SMART VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS KNOW BOTH THE TECHNICAL AND TACTICAL SKILLS.  In A. S. Cecile Reynaud, Coaching Volleyball: Technical and Tactical Skills  (p. 256). Retrieved from  https://us.humankinetics.com/blogs/excerpt/smart-volleyball-players-know-both-the-technical-and-tactical-skills
Maddock, B.  (2020, November 29). Volleyball Courts. Retrieved February 8, 2021,  from Dimensions web site: https://www.dimensions.com/element/volleyball-courts
Sports Imports.  (n.d.). Volleyball Court Dimensions. Retrieved February 9, 2021, from  Sports Imports: https://www.sportsimports.com/volleyball-court-dimensions/
The Art of  Coaching Volleyball. (2018, November 23). Basic Volleyball Rules and  Terminology. Retrieved February 9, 2021, from The Art of Coaching  Volleyball web site:  https://www.theartofcoachingvolleyball.com/basic-volleyball-rules-and-terminology/
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seattle-hq · 5 years
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December 1st, 1992 (26) Gender / pronouns: Female & She/Her Hometown: Los Angeles, CA Occupation: Legal secretary Face-claim: Vanessa Hudgens
tw: death, drugs, car accident, amputation
Growing up, people would say Fallon Bates had the perfect life. And until she turned four it was. She couldn’t remember much, but the one event in her life that stuck was September 17th, 1996. She was in her daycare classroom, fidgeting about beside her teacher, waiting for her mom to come and pick her up. She was never late. It wasn’t until her aunt came rushing in, looking equally annoyed and frantic. It was only then that she found out. Her parents had died in a plane crash, leaving her and her older sister orphaned and living with their aunt. Fallon didn’t speak for almost a year, trying to wrap herself around the idea that she no longer had parents. She no longer had a father to throw her up in the air and know she’d be caught when she came down. She no longer had a mother who would spend hours brushing and braiding her hair every night before bed. She was essentially an orphan, living in a big, open house with her brother and no parental supervision.
Fallon was never the best student in school. Instead, she focused on her friends, boys, and cheerleading. Watching her older sister’s promiscuous ways kind of influenced her relationship standards, never keeping one boy around for more than a month, tops. She breezed through school on her good looks and effortless charm, winning over teachers and classmates alike, being voted both homecoming and prom queen in her senior year of school. Despite her less than stellar grades, she was accepted to Wesleyan University in New York City, and three days after her graduation, she packed everything into the trunk of her Acura TL and took off. However, college was more difficult than Letti had expected, and dropped our just six weeks into her first semester. She took a couple different waitressing jobs, barely able to afford the rent on her studio apartment until she was approached by a casting agent who saw modeling potential in the brunette. Before she knew it, her face was plastered on the sides of City buses and subway billboards, advertising perfumes and clothing lines. Fallon loved her life, she was living it up in the city of her dreams, making more money than she knew what to do with, and was finally becoming a well-known name.
And then she met Brody. Brody was a photographer for a high profile photoshoot Fallon and a few other girls were working for, and the young man had taken an interest in the girl from the get-go. The attraction was inevitable, and before the end of the week, the two were in bed beside one another. However, Brody was toxic to Fallon. He introduced her to a life that she knew she shouldn’t get into, but the man had gotten into her head. He told her that all the major models drank and indulged in the occasional pill or powder, that it kept them energized and thin. And soon enough, Fallon was hooked. She found herself spending hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on blow, waking up in run-down apartments in terrible areas of the city, her hair and make-up a mess, powder dusting her nose and cheeks, and a tourniquet still tied around her upper arm, bruising surrounding her inner elbow where a needle had pierced her skin.  Fallon’s life was spiraling out of control. She was broke from the drugs she couldn’t stop buying, and Brody had ditched her once he’d gotten her hooked on a half-dozen drugs and pills. Her life was spiraling out of control.
Everything changed for Fallon the day after her twenty-third birthday. She woke up vomiting, and the young adult didn’t think much of it, chalking it up to a massive hangover of booze and alcohol from her party the night before. It wasn’t until one of her roommates asked if she had a tampon that Fallon even stopped to think about what the date was. The brunette had spent so many nights partying until she couldn’t remember her own name that she didn’t realize her period was two weeks late. Four home tests and a mental breakdown later, Fallon realized she was pregnant. The first person she went to was her sister. She knew that her sister would be mad, but she was all Fallon had, and she needed to confide in somebody. Sure, she was mad, and Fallon wasn’t around as much as wished she was, but Fallon slept better knowing that her older sister knew. She knew who the father was, but refused to bring Brody and his toxic tendencies back into her life. This tiny fetus in her stomach was exactly what Fallon needed to turn her life around, cutting out drugs and alcohol completely.
Birdie Lydia Bates was born on December 11th, 2016, seven weeks early, and spent twenty-three days in the NICU before Fallon could take her home. She took to motherhood almost immediately, her life of partying and getting high all the time out the window. She moved into a small apartment in Seattle, picking up a job at the local bar to offset the price of child care for her child. She lived a seemingly boring daily life - get up, drive to work, drive home, sleep - but she loved it.
Until April 2nd, 2019.
Fallon was driving her and Birdie to daycare one spring morning. Everything seemed relatively normal, until a car came whipping around a corner, blowing through a red light and slamming into the driver’s side of Fallon’s car. Thankfully, Birdie’s injuries were minor, a few cuts and scrapes really, though the same couldn’t be said for Fallon. Since her side of the car took the initial impact, Letti sustained major injuries to her left side, including brain swelling and crushed leg bones, resulting in a below the knee amputation. She spent twelve days in a medically induced coma after the operation to remove her leg to allow her brain and body to heal. It took several weeks of counselling after being woken up to get Fallon to understand that losing one leg was a better alternative than losing her life. It was safe to say that the former model wasn’t happy with being down a limb. She had a complete mental breakdown, resulting in a two-month stint in the psych ward of the hospital. However, during those seven weeks, Fallon was fitted for a prosthetic, and started physical therapy to learn how to walk and pick her life back up.
During her recovery and physical therapy, Fallon had to remain hospitalized. Knowing she couldn’t care for her own child from a hospital bed, she trusted Birdie in her sister’s custody during her recovery, since her she was the only family she had left. However, hearing about her antics, forgetting to take her to or pick her up from daycare, bringing her to bars, etc, caused the younger sibling to lash out at her sister the day she was released. It put a strain on their relationship for a while, but Fallon realized soon after that if it hadn’t been for him, her daughter would have most likely ended up in foster care. They still fight quite frequently about how her sister treats and spoils her daughter, but at the end of the day, Fallon owes everything to her.
Fallon tried to jump right back into her daily life after being released from the hospital, returning to work and parenting her daughter. It felt almost as if the past six months hadn’t happened. And some days, Fallon likes to pretend that it didn’t happen. But then she notices her leg and remembers that she can’t ever forget her past. Her dreams of becoming a model again were dead, and working at a restaurant with a prosthetic leg wasn’t working out as well as she had thought it would. So, the young woman decided that her life needed a change. She registered for schooling, majoring in paralegal studies. Fallon currently interns at A&E Law Firm, hoping to one day work her way up into a career more stable to support both her and her daughter.
+ sensitive, brace, resilient  – hard-headed, short-tempered, closed-off
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rajesh221 · 2 years
Knee Joint Replacement Surgery: Preparing for the Surgery And Associated Complications-Mr Harish Jagtani
When a person’s knee joint gets damaged, diseased or worn out due to reasons such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, doctors first recommend non-invasive or less-invasive treatment options. These include medications, physical therapy, weight loss and assistive devices like a knee brace or a cane. In case these treatment options do not prove to be helpful, doctors evaluate whether the person is a good candidate for knee joint replacement surgery or not. For this, they consider factors like the patient’s age, overall health, the severity of knee joint pain and inflammation, etc. The procedure of knee joint replacement involves replacing the damaged or injured knee with an artificial or prosthetic joint. With the advancement in medical technology and treatment facilities, the procedure now has a very high success rate. However, it can still take a few months for a person to recover and rehabilitate completely after the surgery. Read on to know more about this treatment option. 
Preparing for the knee joint replacement surgery 
Before the surgery, doctors assess the patient’s overall health status, complete medical history, other health conditions that the patient may have, previous surgeries (if any), allergies, medication the patient is taking, anaesthesia risks, etc. In addition to a physical examination, several diagnostic tests are also performed including blood tests, X-rays and other imaging tests. 
Patients are suggested to prepare for the post-surgery rehabilitation period before going for the surgery. This may include arranging a living space on the ground floor to avoid stairs and arranging crutches or a walker since assistance may be required to walk for a few days after surgery. The doctor and the surgical team will guide the patient and inform them what to expect post-surgery as per their condition and health status so that the patient can prepare accordingly. 
What to expect post knee joint replacement surgery? 
Stiffness and pain in the knee are the most common conditions observed post-surgery. The doctor may prescribe painkillers for the pain and physical therapy to relieve the stiffness. Complications like bleeding, infection and blood clot formation can occur after any such medical procedure. Complications associated with knee replacement surgery are nerve damage in the knee, a stroke, a heart attack, breathing problems caused by the anaesthesia, the wearing out of the artificial knee over time, etc. However, the chances of these complications are quite rare as the medical processes and technology have improved a lot over time. Nonetheless, patients are suggested to contact their doctor in case they experience chills, fever, increased pain, swelling, redness, tenderness or soreness in the knee, and/or drainage from the surgical scar. 
The wearing out of the knee joint is a lifestyle and age-related condition, thus, is quite common among elderly people nowadays. A physical injury and other such conditions can also lead to knee problems that may require knee replacement surgery at any age. The surgery is now a quite safe and effective treatment plan to perform. Also, Harsih Jagtani Hospitals is proud to perform live total knee replacement surgery for the first time. So, if you or any of your loved ones have been suggested to go for medical procedures such as knee joint replacement or total elbow replacement, consult the doctors at Harish Jagtani Hospitals for a second opinion and access the best of healthcare facilities with us. Contact us now to schedule your appointment
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faisalchhipa · 2 years
medicare dme leads 
Durable Medical Equipment
In the era of a hectic modern schedule, people suffer from various health issues that compel them to take Part B insurance. People have many health issues, including body aches, joint pain, etc. Part B Medicare insurance enables them to claim braches and other medical aids to improve their healthcare. Thus, it gave rise to a process which includes contacting the people looking for part-B insurance. The telemarketers contacted the needed, who provided them with the best possible medical insurance per their requirements. So, where do these telemarketers get the data for contacting people looking for Part B insurance?
We are the database providing companies catering to the telemarketer with the fresh and high SNS Pass % ratio to the telemarketer, who convert leads into sales. Thus, we are the ones who made you reach the appropriate people who are either looking for Part-B insurance or DME products. Besides DME data, we deal with many other Medicare industries, including Cardio, Neuro, CGM, Immuno, etc.
With the rising demand for joint pain issues increasing, braces assist service for knee, elbow, back, knee, and shoulder. This rise in the demand for DME made the DME industry bloom in recent times. So, we provide the telemarketer with the new, second-used, high SNS pass % ratio database of PCP info without PCP info. Though, to avail of Durable Medical Equipment from Part- B insurance, there are certain criteria, including the person must be 65+, have some disorder, and more.
What is all covered in DME?
Apart from the braches, the DME holder can claim various medical aids; some of them are explained below. You can get Part B insurance for the following benefits also.
Hospital beds
Onshore BPO Leads has been a leading database-providing firm for the last 10 years for a telemarketer. Since the beginning, we have provided our valued customers with fresh, second-used PCP info, without PCP info, and high SNS pass DME leads and DME data. Our Medicare Part B data inclusive file includes the client's first name, last name, address, phone number, Medicare id, zip code, city, state, Date of Birth, and PCP info. However, the new Medicare id includes a 11-digit alphanumeric unique number, whereas the old Medicare id has only an 10-digit alphanumeric identity number. 
Our leading firm for Durable Medical Equipment accesses you with Back Braces, MVP Benefits, Sleep Apnea, Hearing Aids, Cancer Screenings, and much more. We receive new back braces lead per month, which is clean non-incent traffic. However, we verify these leads and gain additional information such as PPO, Bins, Medicare Part B leads, and more.
In recent times Durable Medical Equipment industry has been booming, so to stone your footprint in this industry, you need to establish contact with potential customers. So, the best way to conquer the industry is by reaching potential customers for high-quality Medicare Part B leads. However, you can generate top-quality leads with our latest integrated Part B leads services.
We provide you with the most efficient, Durable Medical Equipment data for your entire marketing campaigns. Our provided Durable Medical Equipment enable you to contact DME professionals by phone and email. If you are looking for the best-qualified DME leads? Then you are at the right place. Our intensive DME mailing list lets you send quick emails to numerous prospects. Are you looking for instant success in the DME lead generation campaign? If yes, investing in our Durable Medical Equipment database wouldn't make you regret it. Though we deal with almost every medical supply database; some of the email lists are mentioned below.
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DME Wholesalers mailing list
Directories of DME Retailers
First-hand & Second-hand DME dealers
Other Durable Medical Equipment Dealers
How does our DME (Durable Medical Equipment) Email database assist you in getting success for your business?
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The Ultimate Lead Data Service Value Quality
Several media and lead generation firms assure you of the best quality lead generation but eventually end up with unconvertible leads that waste your time. Although some companies offer real-time Durable Medical Equipment leads, yet not offer qualitative leads. So, we don't just make money by selling you leads but insist that we force sustainable long-time leads, which lead your business to get successful. However, some of our DME lead qualities are below market price, qualitative, convertible and compatibly low. We sell our lead at a low price because we believe in building customers, not money. Adding to this, once you get our DME data, you will surely connect us again to get more new data. So, please don't waste your time thinking twice and connect to us for better quality Medicare Part B leads, Medicare Part B data, DME data, DME leads, and Part B leads.
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DME Campaign is not bounded for back braces, insisted of back braces campaign cover knee, ankle, elbow, neck, shoulder, and amp brace which is required by huge masses thus, DME has vast range business, all you need to have right and convertible leads, which helps you to grow your business. So, DME telemarketer frequently buys potential customer lead who can make their business successful. We firmly provide quality DME leads, and Part B leads and DME data for various Medicare industries.
Onshore BPO Leads enable you to follow the Medicare Part B leads, the only patient who falls under the Part B insurance program or is likely to get enrolled for the program as soon as possible. Though many companies claim to provide you with new data but end up with data or people who are not eligible for DME, which only wastes your time and money, so don't waste your money, time, and energy on such kind of company.
We cater our service per the client's requirement for the DME Medicare process campaign with our client's preferences such as second-used, fresh, state, zip code, age, suppression against the duplicate list filter and many other filters that help you to drive better sell from the Part B Leads. As we know, DME is a successful business which requires effective and responsive DME data. However, we ensure you will order our DME data once you get the Medicare Part B leads from us.
If you are interested in Onshore BPO Leads Medicare Part - B data, contact us for DME lead/data to prominently achieve success in your business. Our firm is already dealing with 1500 telemarketers, which is still growing because of our exceptional service. So, what are you still waiting for? Reach us for the best Part B leads. You can reach us on WhatsApp at +1 (405) 295-4910, +1 (438) 812-8858, or directly send us an email on our mentioned mail. Our team will contact you as soon as possible. However, you can also reach us for a free quote, where we will provide you with the best Medicare Part B leads.
Visit For More Information:- https://onshorebpoleads.com/
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pratikkadbane · 4 years
Middle East And Africa Orthotic Devices Trends, Share And Growth Analysis By Types (Orthopedic Braces And Support, Orthotic Splints); By Anatomical Area Supported (Spinal, Lower Limb And Upper Limb); By Material Used (Leather, Polypropylene, Others); By Application (Injuries, Pediatrics, Chronic Diseases And Others); By End Users (Sports, Medical Use And Others) - Forecast To 2023
Support, braces or splints which are to prevent, support, align or to correct the functioning of movable parts of the body like knee, shoulder, wrist, neck, etc. are known as orthotic. These devices are used to change the structural features of neuromuscular and skeletal system. These devices help to improve the functioning of injured body parts. The main function of these devices is to support the back, joints, limbs and muscles and help them to regain their functionality again so the one can carry out day to day activities smoothly.
Orthotic devices are mainly use to overcome traumatic injuries and restore the body parts. These devices help to relieve inflammation of joints and speed up healing of damaged body parts. Individuals with muscular dystrophy, spinal bifida and scoliosis and joint injuries need orthotic devices for support and rehabilitation. These devices are sometimes used for implantation in patients requiring amputation of limbs.
The market of orthotic devices in Middle East and Africa is growing steadily because of the rising prevalence of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and obesity, ageing population and other foot injuries. The Middle East and Africa market of orthotic devices is expected to reach US$ 500 million in 2023 from US$ 350 million in 2016 with a CAGR of approximately 7.4%.
Study Objectives of Orthotic Devices Market:
To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast for the next 6 years of the various segments and sub-segments of the Orthotic Devices Market
To provide insights about factors affecting the market growth
To analyze the orthotic devices market based on various factors - price analysis, supply chain analysis, porters five force analysis etc.
To provide historical and forecast revenue of the market segments and sub-segments with respect to Middle East & Africa.
To provide country level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future prospective
To provide country level analysis of the market for segments by type, by end users and its sub-segments
To provide overview of key players and their strategic profiling in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the market
To track and analyze competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, new product developments, and research and developments in the Middle East and Africa Orthotic Devices market.
Middle East and Africa Orthotic Devices Market, by Type, 2016 (%):
According to type, orthotic devices market is segmented as orthopedic braces and support (upper extremity including shoulder, neck, elbow, wrist and spinal and lower extremity including knee, ankle and hip) and orthotic splints (upper extremity splints and lower extremity splints). Key Players for Orthotic Devices Market:
Some of the Key Players in this market are: Alvimedica (Turkey), Saudi Pharmaceutical Industries & Medical Appliances Corporation (Saudi Arabia), Itamar Medical (Israel), Alshifa Medical Syringes Manufacturing Co. (Saudi Arabia) and Jamjoon Hospital Supply (Saudi Arabia).
Middle East and Africa Orthotic Devices market has been segmented on the basis of types comprising of orthopedic braces and support and Orthotic splints; by anatomical area supported, by material used, by application and by end users. In Middle East and Africa, orthotics market is segmented into regions namely Middle East, Africa and rest of Middle East and Africa on the basis of end users which consists of sports, medical use and others.
Regional Analysis of Orthotic Devices Market:
In Middle East, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates are the key regions for orthotic devices market. Saudi Arabia is the largest market for Orthotic devices. The Saudi Arabia market for orthotic devices is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.0% and is expected to reach at US$ 100 million by the end of the forecasted period. This is due to increasing prevalence of diabetic patients, obesity and change in lifestyle. United Arab Emirates is the second-largest market for Orthotic Devices which is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.8%. Africa shows slow growth in this market. The report for Middle East and Africa Orthotic Devices market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different markets segments and regions. Intended Audience
Orthotic devices manufacturers
Orthotic devices Suppliers
Research and Development (R&D) Companies
Academic Medical Institutes and Universities
0 notes
lindafrancois · 4 years
Proper Push-Up Ultimate Guide: How to Do Push Ups with Correct Form
The push-up is one of the best exercises on the planet.
It’s a foundational movement in strength training, and an exercise EVERYBODY should be doing regularly.
However, it’s also an exercise that about 95% of people get wrong and do incorrectly.
Fortunately, after reading today’s ultimate guide, you’ll know exactly how to do a proper push-up with correct form:
How to set up for a proper push-up (initial staging).
How to do a push-up (correct push-up form with video).
How do you train to do push-ups? (Where to start if you can’t do a push-up.)
What are some different types of push-ups? (advanced push-up variations)
How to get better at push-ups.
Before we jump in, if you’re looking for a way to train anywhere (like with push-ups), you may be interested in the new app we built!
Nerd Fitness Journey will guide you through a workout routine that can be done anywhere, all while creating your very own superhero!
You can give it a free test drive right here:
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How to Set up for a Proper Push-up (Staging)
When it comes to push-ups, your form is crucial. Each push-up needs to be done with proper form so that your total reps measured from workout to workout are on equal footing.
If you did 20 push-ups two days ago, and then today you did 25 push-ups by only going down halfway, sticking your ass up in the air, etc., it’s absolutely impossible to tell if you got any stronger.
Here’s how to get into proper push-up position:
1) On the ground, set your hands at a distance that is slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. 
Draw a straight line from your chest/nipple down to the floor – it should be directly over your thumbnail.
Depending on your strength and experience, your hands should be angled in a way that feels comfortable to you. For me, my hands are set up so that my middle finger points straight up and away from me.
2) To alleviate wrist pain (if you have poor wrist flexibility) do your push-ups holding onto push-up handles (so your wrists aren’t as compromised), or a bar:
If you’re hardcore, you can do them on your knuckles (as long as you’re on a semi-soft surface like grass or carpet or broken glass. Wait, scratch that last one).
3) Your feet should be set up in a way that feels right and comfortable and in balance. For some, that might be shoulder-width apart.
For others, it might be with your feet touching. Generally speaking, the wider apart your feet, the more stable you’ll be for your push-ups.
4) Think of your body as one giant straight line – from the top of your head down through your heels. Your butt shouldn’t be sticking way up in the air or sagging. You’re essentially holding a plank throughout the entire movement.
5) If you have a problem getting the proper form with your body, try this: clench your butt, and then tighten your abs as if you’re bracing to get punched.
Your core will be engaged, and your body should be in that straight line. If you’ve been doing push-ups incorrectly, this might be a big change for you.
Record a video of yourself to make sure you’re doing it correctly.
6) Your head should be looking slightly ahead of you, not straight down.
I read somewhere that said “if you’re doing them right, your chin should be the first part of your head to touch the floor, not your nose.”
Looking up helps you keep your body in line, but feel free to look down if that helps you concentrate more.
7) At the top of your push-up, your arms should be straight and supporting your weight. You’re now ready to do a push-up.
8) I want to draw special attention to that first step with hand position: nearly EVERYBODY does push-ups with their arms out far too wide and their shoulders flared. This is bad news bears. 
If I was looking down at you from above, your arms and body should form an ARROW, not a T.
WARNING: If you have been doing push-ups with your arms flared, doing them with proper form will be significantly more difficult!
How to Do a Proper Push-Up (Correct Push-Up Form with Video).
In the 5-minute “Perfect Push-Up” video above, featuring yours truly and two of our coaches, we take you through EACH of the steps of a push-up, including some variations!
Here’s how to complete one perfect repetition of a proper push up:
With your arms straight, butt clenched, and abs braced, steadily lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle or less. Depending on your level of experience, age, and flexibility, 90 degrees might be the lowest you’re able to go. Personally, I like to go down until my chest (not my face), hits the floor. That way, I know I’m going the same distance each and every time.
Try not to let your elbows go flying way out with each repetition. Keep them relatively close to your body, and keep note of when they start to fly out when you get tired.
Once your chest (or nose/chin) touches the floor (or your arms go down to a 90-degree angle), pause slightly and then explode back up until you’re back in the same position.
Do as many as you can until you start to feel your form slip (even slightly); you are done for that set.
Here’s why you should focus on form over quantity:
10 good push-ups and 5 crappy ones are tough to quantify against eleven good push-ups.
If you can only do 10 of something, write down your results and aim for 11 next time.
Perfect form allows you to keep track of your improvements week over week.
Want to know where push-ups should fall into your workout routine? I have three options!
1) Try Nerd Fitness Journey!
Nerd Fitness Journey will guide you through a bodyweight workout routine that can be done anywhere (yep, even there). You can try it for free right here:
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2) Do them as part of our Beginner Bodyweight Workout Routine! This workout has been done by hundreds of thousands of people as their first strength training workout.
Grab Your Beginner Bodyweight Routine Worksheet. No Gym Required!
Complete this workout at home, no equipment required
Avoid the common mistakes everybody makes when doing bodyweight exercises
Learn how to finally get your first pull-up
3) Make your own workout with push-ups by following our “Build Your Own Workout” guide! It’ll walk you through everything you need to build an exercise program for your goals in 10 steps.
How Do You Train to Do Push-Ups? (Where to Start If You Can’t Do a Push-Up.)
Don’t worry if you can’t do a push-up yet. We have a plan that will help you get there.
You need to start with an easier push movement, and work up to progressively more difficult types of moves that will eventually result in you doing true push-ups.
This is a similar type of progression we use for the workouts in Nerd Fitness Journey. 
We’ll progress from Level 1 Push-ups to Level 4 Push-ups:
Wall Push-Ups: Level 1
Elevated Push-Ups: Level 2
Knee Push-ups: Level 3
Regular Push-ups: Level 4
Stand in front of a wall. Clench your butt, brace your abs, and set your hands on the wall at slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
Walk backwards with your feet until your arms are fully extended and supporting your weight (generally one decent sized step back with both feet will suffice). Keeping the rest of your body in a straight line, steadily lower yourself towards the wall until your nose almost touches the wall, and then explode back up to the starting position.
Do 4 sets of wall push-ups with a 2-minute rest between sets, every other day. Keep track of how many repetitions you can do WITH PROPER FORM for each set in a notebook for easy comparison to previous workouts. Once you can do 4 sets of 20 repetitions of wall push-ups, you can progress to knee push-ups.
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As we demonstrate in this video above from Nerd Fitness Prime, elevated push-ups are just what they sound like – your hands are on an elevated surface, whether it’s something as tall as a kitchen table or as low as a few blocks that are inches off the ground. This will depend on your level of strength and experience.
If you’ve just progressed from wall push-ups, pick something that is at a level that’s right for you – I generally find the back of a park bench or the side of a picnic table to be a perfect height for doing incline push-ups. Like so:
Do 4 sets of elevated push-ups with a 2-minute rest between sets, every other day. Again, keep track of all of your stats for how many proper form repetitions you can do in each set. Once you can do 4 sets of 20 repetitions, it’s time to either move to regular push-ups, knee push-ups, or a lower height for your hands to be supported.
Once you can do 4 sets of 20 repetitions, it’s time to either move to regular push-ups, knee push-ups, or a lower height for your hands to be supported.
To work on progression, try to doing your elevated push-ups on the stairs in your house. As you get stronger, you can move your hands to lower and lower steps until your hands are on the ground.
Once you’re comfortable doing wall or elevated push-ups, proceed to knee push-ups. Your shoulder and hand placement will look just like a regular push-up (an “arrow”, not a “T”), but you’ll stabilize yourself on your knees instead of your feet. As demonstrated here:
Once you can do 4 sets of 20 repetitions on your knees, you can start thinking about doing regular push-ups.
To recap, if you can’t do a regular push-up, move from:
Wall Push-Ups: Level 1
Elevated Push-Ups: Level 2
Knee Push-Ups: Level 3
Regular Push-ups: Level 4
How do I know the above progression will work? Well, it’s the exact plan we use with Nerd Fitness Journey!
You can see how we scale our bodyweight workouts right here:
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What Are Other Types of Push-Ups? (Push-Up Variations)
Basic push-ups can get boring…
Fortunately, there are dozens upon dozens of variations to make things more difficult for you.
Once you’re cranking out perfect form push-ups like it’s your job,[1] try some of these advanced variations on for size.
Click on each for a video demonstration (these are some of the push-up variations pulled from NF Prime):
#1) One-legged Push-ups: introducing some variety and balance by removing one of your legs for less stabilization:
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  #2) Side-to-Side Push-Ups – Get into the classic push-up position and move your hands farther apart. Now, lower yourself down towards one arm only – you should feel like you’re supporting a lot of your weight. 
To complete the rep, slide horizontally over to the other arm, and push-up. The farther apart your hands, the higher percentage of your bodyweight will be supported by that side of your chest/shoulder and arm (thus getting harder)!
  #3) Decline Push-Ups – these work your shoulders and triceps more so than normal push-ups.
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  #4) Diamond Push-Ups – keep your arms tight at your side, rotate your hands outward, and keep your elbows tight as you lower your body. Works your triceps like crazy.
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  #5) Dive-Bomber Push-Ups – funky, difficult, but oh so fun. I’d explain it, but just watch the video
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  #6) Plyometric Push-Ups – these are brutal and will wear you out just after a few repetitions. Just don’t hurt yourself and smash your face during a failed attempt (not that I’ve ever done that. Shut up my face always looks like this)!
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  #7) Handstand Push-Ups – This goes without saying, but you should be able to do a proper handstand before attempting these!
Kick up against a wall, and without flailing your elbows way out to the side (which can wreak havoc on your shoulders and elbow joints), slowly lower yourself down until your head touches the ground softly.
Then raise yourself back up.
Rotate some of these advanced push-ups into your workout routine and you’ll be well on your way to a great strength training practice.
If you want more strength building tips, we also have a comprehensive guide, Strength Training 101: Everything You Need to Know, when you sign up for the Rebellion (that’s our community) below:
Download our comprehensive guide STRENGTH TRAINING 101!
Everything you need to know about getting strong.
Workout routines for bodyweight AND weight training.
How to find the right gym and train properly in one.
How to get better at push-ups
So you’ve learned how to do a push-up, you can do a few of them, but you want to get better! 
Here are some tips to help you along the way:
Get healthy! As you lose weight (which is 80% nutrition!), you will have to move less weight around than before, which will make your push-ups easier to manage. Have you had trouble losing weight in the past? Check out our article “Why Can’t I Lose Weight?” to find out why.
Don’t cheat on the last few push-ups – when you’re tired, it’s easy to skip out on good form for your last few reps. As soon as you do one bad form push-up, you’re done. Finish up your four sets, write down your numbers, and try to beat those numbers next time.
When starting out don’t do push-ups two days in a row. You need to give your muscles time to rebuild and recover – take off at least 48 hours in between your push-up adventure. However, when push-ups became a warm-up exercise for you – you can do them every day if you want. If you’re advanced, you can consider a PLP program.
Get enough protein into your system after finishing up your workout – protein helps rebuild the muscles you just broke down doing push-ups, and it helps them rebuild those same muscles stronger than before. You can read our ultimate guide on protein for some tips on how to up your protein intake.
If you can do 4 sets of 20-25 perfect form push-ups no sweat, then it’s time to start looking into push-up variations to keep things interesting.
Build up your core with planks – this will help keep your core strong so that it’s not the weakest link in your proper form push-ups.
These 6 tips will be a great addition to your strength training plan. Keep at it and before you know it you’ll be doing one-arm push-ups like Batman.
What’s that? You don’t have a strength-building plan!!! Well then…
What’s Your Strength Building Plan?
It makes me sad when we get emails from people who struggle and try and work hard to get healthier, and to be better at push-ups, and just can’t seem to make any progress.
If that’s you, you’re not alone!
1) Consider working with an online coach (or in-person trainer).
Helping people learn push-ups and other bodyweight exercises is why we built our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program: We build programs for busy people to cut through the noise and just get results
Have a coach in your pocket. Not literally, of course. That would be weird. Learn how we change lives with our Coaching Program here:
2) Exercising at home and need a plan to follow? Check out Nerd Fitness Journey!
Our fun habit-building app helps you exercise more frequently, eat healthier, and level up your life (literally).
Try your free trial right here:
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3) Join our community! We have hundreds of thousands of people, and I send out two free emails every week to help them level up their lives. Join our free community today, and I’ll send you a dozen free ebooks, including TONS of workout plans you can do anytime, anywhere. 
Join the community by signing up in the box below:
Grab Your Beginner Bodyweight Routine Worksheet. No Gym Required!
Complete this workout at home, no equipment required
Avoid the common mistakes everybody makes when doing bodyweight exercises
Learn how to finally get your first pull-up
YOUR MISSION, SHOULD YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT: go home, set up a camera, and check your form on your push-ups.
I hope you’ll find that your form is as good as you expected, but it’s okay if it’s not, it’ll give you something to work on.
Go do some push-ups, and work on getting better with them every day.
You’ll be moving from Level 1 to Level 4 push-ups and beyond!
PS: Not to brag, but I typed this entire article while doing 1-handed push-ups. 
PPS: Okay no I didn’t. But it would have been cool if I did, right?
PPPS: No? Fine. Sigh.
Photo source:[2]
Footnotes    ( returns to text)
I guess doing push-ups is technically part of MY job, after all.
 Army Push-ups, Jason Ternus: Stormtrooper Pushups
Proper Push-Up Ultimate Guide: How to Do Push Ups with Correct Form published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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akashthings · 4 years
Global OTC Braces & Support Market  -Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2020 - 2025
A new market study, “ Global OTC Braces & Support Market  -Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2020 - 2025 ”has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
OTC Braces & Support market is segmented by Type, and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global OTC Braces & Support market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on production capacity, revenue and forecast by Type and by Application for the period 2015-2026.
 Segment by Type, the OTC Braces & Support market is segmented into
 Segment by Application, the OTC Braces & Support market is segmented into
Ligament Injury
Preventive Care
Post-operative Rehabilitation
Cold Bracing
 Regional and Country-level Analysis
The OTC Braces & Support market is analysed and market size information is provided by regions (countries).
The key regions covered in the OTC Braces & Support market report are North America, Europe, China and Japan. It also covers key regions (countries), viz, the U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, etc.
The report includes country-wise and region-wise market size for the period 2015-2026. It also includes market size and forecast by Type, and by Application segment in terms of production capacity, price and revenue for the period 2015-2026.
Competitive Landscape and OTC Braces & Support Market Share Analysis
Also read : https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/otc-braces-support-market-2020-global-analysis-opportunities-and-forecast-to-2025-2020-08-19?tesla=y
OTC Braces & Support market competitive landscape provides details and data information by manufacturers. The report offers comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics on production capacity, price, revenue of OTC Braces & Support by the player for the period 2015-2020. It also offers detailed analysis supported by reliable statistics on production, revenue (global and regional level) by players for the period 2015-2020. Details included are company description, major business, company total revenue, and the production capacity, price, revenue generated in OTC Braces & Support business, the date to enter into the OTC Braces & Support market, OTC Braces & Support product introduction, recent developments, etc. The major vendors covered: Breg Ossur Bauerfeind Bsn Medical DJO Global 3M OttoBock DeRoyal Medi Thuasne Alcare Zimmer Trulife Remington Products Bird and Cronin
FOR MORE DETAILS https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/5618064-global-otc-braces-support-market-insights-and-forecast-to-2026
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Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe.
 Contact Us:
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faisalchhipa · 2 years
medicare dme leads 
Durable Medical Equipment
In the era of a hectic modern schedule, people suffer from various health issues that compel them to take Part B insurance. People have many health issues, including body aches, joint pain, etc. Part B Medicare insurance enables them to claim braches and other medical aids to improve their healthcare. Thus, it gave rise to a process which includes contacting the people looking for part-B insurance. The telemarketers contacted the needed, who provided them with the best possible medical insurance per their requirements. So, where do these telemarketers get the data for contacting people looking for Part B insurance?
We are the database providing companies catering to the telemarketer with the fresh and high SNS Pass % ratio to the telemarketer, who convert leads into sales. Thus, we are the ones who made you reach the appropriate people who are either looking for Part-B insurance or DME products. Besides DME data, we deal with many other Medicare industries, including Cardio, Neuro, CGM, Immuno, etc.
With the rising demand for joint pain issues increasing, braces assist service for knee, elbow, back, knee, and shoulder. This rise in the demand for DME made the DME industry bloom in recent times. So, we provide the telemarketer with the new, second-used, high SNS pass % ratio database of PCP info without PCP info. Though, to avail of Durable Medical Equipment from Part- B insurance, there are certain criteria, including the person must be 65+, have some disorder, and more.
What is all covered in DME?
Apart from the braches, the DME holder can claim various medical aids; some of them are explained below. You can get Part B insurance for the following benefits also.
Hospital beds
Onshore BPO Leads has been a leading database-providing firm for the last 10 years for a telemarketer. Since the beginning, we have provided our valued customers with fresh, second-used PCP info, without PCP info, and high SNS pass DME leads and DME data. Our Medicare Part B data inclusive file includes the client's first name, last name, address, phone number, Medicare id, zip code, city, state, Date of Birth, and PCP info. However, the new Medicare id includes a 11-digit alphanumeric unique number, whereas the old Medicare id has only an 10-digit alphanumeric identity number. 
Our leading firm for Durable Medical Equipment accesses you with Back Braces, MVP Benefits, Sleep Apnea, Hearing Aids, Cancer Screenings, and much more. We receive new back braces lead per month, which is clean non-incent traffic. However, we verify these leads and gain additional information such as PPO, Bins, Medicare Part B leads, and more.
In recent times Durable Medical Equipment industry has been booming, so to stone your footprint in this industry, you need to establish contact with potential customers. So, the best way to conquer the industry is by reaching potential customers for high-quality Medicare Part B leads. However, you can generate top-quality leads with our latest integrated Part B leads services.
We provide you with the most efficient, Durable Medical Equipment data for your entire marketing campaigns. Our provided Durable Medical Equipment enable you to contact DME professionals by phone and email. If you are looking for the best-qualified DME leads? Then you are at the right place. Our intensive DME mailing list lets you send quick emails to numerous prospects. Are you looking for instant success in the DME lead generation campaign? If yes, investing in our Durable Medical Equipment database wouldn't make you regret it. Though we deal with almost every medical supply database; some of the email lists are mentioned below.
DME Manufacturers Databases
DME Wholesalers mailing list
Directories of DME Retailers
First-hand & Second-hand DME dealers
Other Durable Medical Equipment Dealers
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Durable Medical Equipment is blessed with powerful marketing benefits; when you buy DME from us, you get access to all national group call centres. This will provide you with the ultimate massive data of customers without burning a hole in your pocket. However, our Durable Medical Equipment data wouldn't lead to guessing the traditional data. We insist that our data leads you to inbound calls that ensure you connect to the people most apt to purchase. So, please don't waste your time over unconvertible leads that wouldn't convert because we ensure you with the best DME leads that boost your business profit.
The Ultimate Lead Data Service Value Quality
Several media and lead generation firms assure you of the best quality lead generation but eventually end up with unconvertible leads that waste your time. Although some companies offer real-time Durable Medical Equipment leads, yet not offer qualitative leads. So, we don't just make money by selling you leads but insist that we force sustainable long-time leads, which lead your business to get successful. However, some of our DME lead qualities are below market price, qualitative, convertible and compatibly low. We sell our lead at a low price because we believe in building customers, not money. Adding to this, once you get our DME data, you will surely connect us again to get more new data. So, please don't waste your time thinking twice and connect to us for better quality Medicare Part B leads, Medicare Part B data, DME data, DME leads, and Part B leads.
Starting Availing Right Now
If you are searching for the utmost DME leads, start connecting to us as we have limited stock for DME Data, so don't let your competitor beat you in the Durable Medical Equipment market. If you are interested, then contact us for decent Medicare Part B data leads. Contact us or call us on the number screening on your screen for the best Medicare Part B leads. If you are looking for long-term success, invest your money and time in a qualitative lead generation campaign and get a free quote right now. Besides this, we also offer our clients final expense leads, Medicare advantage leads, 65 leads, and much more. 
DME Campaign is not bounded for back braces, insisted of back braces campaign cover knee, ankle, elbow, neck, shoulder, and amp brace which is required by huge masses thus, DME has vast range business, all you need to have right and convertible leads, which helps you to grow your business. So, DME telemarketer frequently buys potential customer lead who can make their business successful. We firmly provide quality DME leads, and Part B leads and DME data for various Medicare industries.
Onshore BPO Leads enable you to follow the Medicare Part B leads, the only patient who falls under the Part B insurance program or is likely to get enrolled for the program as soon as possible. Though many companies claim to provide you with new data but end up with data or people who are not eligible for DME, which only wastes your time and money, so don't waste your money, time, and energy on such kind of company.
We cater our service per the client's requirement for the DME Medicare process campaign with our client's preferences such as second-used, fresh, state, zip code, age, suppression against the duplicate list filter and many other filters that help you to drive better sell from the Part B Leads. As we know, DME is a successful business which requires effective and responsive DME data. However, we ensure you will order our DME data once you get the Medicare Part B leads from us.
If you are interested in Onshore BPO Leads Medicare Part - B data, contact us for DME lead/data to prominently achieve success in your business. Our firm is already dealing with 1500 telemarketers, which is still growing because of our exceptional service. So, what are you still waiting for? Reach us for the best Part B leads. You can reach us on WhatsApp at +1 (405) 295-4910, +1 (438) 812-8858, or directly send us an email on our mentioned mail. Our team will contact you as soon as possible. However, you can also reach us for a free quote, where we will provide you with the best Medicare Part B leads.
Visit For More Information:- https://onshorebpoleads.com/
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Orthopedic Braces and Rehabilitation Supports for Effective Pain Relief
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Musculoskeletal pain has become so common in the modern world that either you may have it or you know someone suffering from it. Whether it is pain of the neck, shoulder, back, knee, ankle, or any other body part, you should never ignore it. Body ache, muscle tenderness, and joint stiffness mean your body needs additional support.
Now, this support can be in the form of support braces. In the past, physiotherapists had to use rigid braces for injuries and medical conditions. However, modern supports and braces come in many shapes and sizes. In addition to using them for acute injuries, many medical experts now use supports for chronic pain as well. So, whether you have suffered from an occupational or athletic injury or you have a medical condition such as arthritis or fibromyalgia, rehabilitation support braces can help you in alleviating the pain.
Supports and Braces: Placating the Pain Effectively
You can use orthopedic supports and braces for treating multiple ailments including osteoarthritis, muscle sprains, muscle stiffness, muscle spasms, tendonitis, etc. It also helps with reducing numbness in limbs and eases stress and anxiety.
>>Support braces provide warmth and support, thus reducing the inflammation in the affected body part.
>>Warm temperatures allow muscles to relax and alleviate joint stiffness.
>>Orthopedic rehabilitation supports promote blood circulation by dilating the blood vessels and help muscles in getting enough oxygen and thus, promote the reduction of lactic acid build-up.
>>They improve the mobility of the affected body part and prevent further injuries.
>>Your physiotherapist may suggest support braces for better stability and a faster healing process.
>>As modern-day supports are comfortable to wear under clothing, you will be able to go about your normal routine without any trouble.
What are the Different Types of Orthopedic Braces and Supports?
With the advancement in modern technology, you will find a wide range of self-heating supports and braces available on the market. Made with heat-sensitive materials such as tourmaline and ceramic, the braces offer enough heat to the body part to alleviate pain. And, because they are non-electric devices, you can use it anywhere you want.
1. Neck Supports
Often times, you may feel stiffness and pain in the cervical vertebrae. To soothe the muscles of the neck area and help joints with faster recovery, your physiotherapist may suggest you buy neck support. It is ideal for treating cervical pain, bone spurs, and stiffness in the neck.
By opting for self-heating neck braces, you will be able to improve blood circulation and balance the energy flow of the body, thus leading to better well-being and improved health.
2. Shoulder Supports
Ideal for inflammation, pain, and instability of the shoulder, shoulder supports are available in many sizes to cater to a large number of patients. By providing stability to the shoulder joint, the supports help in quick recovery. They also improve posture and thus, help in avoiding future injuries.
3. Elbow Supports
Also called compression elbow sleeves, elbow supports are useful in stabilizing the elbow joint and alleviate pain. Whether you are suffering from tendonitis, tennis elbow, golf elbow, or any other type of elbow pain, elbow supports will relieve pain and allow you to focus on your routine activities easily. In addition to pain relief management, many athletes prefer using elbow supports to improve their range of motion and enhance their performance.
4. Wrist Supports
You may have noticed many badminton players, tennis players, bodybuilders, weightlifters, and other sportsmen use wrist supports and braces. It is because the wrist braces help in stabilizing the wrist and offer maximum support. Wrist supports are also suggested by medical professionals when patients are suffering from acute or chronic wrist pain. You can choose auto-heating wrist braces to compress the wrist and provide the required amount of heat to the affected area. It will expedite the healing process.
Note: Due to the rising cases of carpal tunnel syndrome, specialized carpal tunnel wrap is also available to help patients with the pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm.
5. Back and Lumbar Supports
From sciatica, scoliosis, herniated discs, ligament damage, muscle sprain, nerve injuries to osteoporosis, there are multiple reasons to back pain. By using lumbar and back supports, you will get immediate pain relief. Back supports are ergonomically designed and offer enough stability to help you perform daily movements without any trouble.
6. Knee Braces and Supports
Old age, sports injuries, or accidents: knee braces help the patient walk without excruciating pain. From self-heating knee supports that combine the benefits of piezoelectric and thermoelectric therapy to compression knee sleeves for ligament injuries, muscle strains and sprains, you will find many types of knee supports to address the varying needs of patients.
7. Ankle Supports
Many patients suffer from weakened ankle joints following surgery or injury. Physiotherapists recommend using auto-heating ankle supports for treating their injuries along with other problems such as muscle sprain, muscle strain, Achilles tendon, plantar flexion, etc. The self-heating supports are designed for therapeutic warmth and sufficient compression to alleviate pain and aid in faster recovery.
Seek an Expert for Effective Pain Relief
Orthopedic braces and rehabilitation supports are easily available in department stores, pharmacies, and e-commerce websites. But, instead of making a quick purchase, it is essential to get to the root of the problem. For effective pain relief management, you need to consult an expert physiotherapist. The medical professional will be able to tell you what kind of therapy is required in your situation.
Special care should be taken while wearing orthopedic braces and supports. You cannot wear braces for a longer duration of time. A gradual increase in wear is necessary to avoid red marks and pressure sores on the skin. Ideally, support braces should be worn during waking hours, unless suggested otherwise by your medical expert.
Additionally, ensure thorough cleaning of the braces because you will be wearing them regularly. Sweat, dirt, and dust may accumulate quickly and if you do not clean them, it will lead to skin infections.
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