#eldarya companions
norellenilia · 1 year
Bonjour quelqu’un a des infos sur le familier du nouveau lieu débloqué à l’épisode 18 ? L’espère de mouton mignon là ? Je l’ai croisé mais j’ai pas eu de bandeau en haut de la page (ou je l’ai pas vu) disant “Tu as débloqué des informations sur le familier X”, je trouve des infos nulle part sur lui et du coup j’ai raté la capture parce que j’avais pas le bon appât ;_;
EDIT : Son appât est donc “roches aériennes” ! Merci !
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tosshiu · 1 year
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Does anyone know where to find this bait? I can’t see it anywhere on maps. It’s called “aerial rocks” or something like that.
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Eldarya Summer 2024 Exploration & Boutique Guide
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heyseihai · 4 months
A tribute to the main character whose journey I followed for two seasons... I present to you, Erika lmao
She's a chicken little replica for now, but when she evolves, she'll become that ruthless daemon version, like my ANE Erika did :D
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Tbt, it's hard to be taken seriously when you're a chicken, and to make things worse, your bonus luck is only 3 points above the minimum luck. Oh well, from what we know about Erika the character and how she attracts problems like a magnet, seems accurate :D
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arcanadreams · 1 year
what the hell kind of horny easter is the eldarya office having over at beemoov
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decadentenemyturtle · 2 years
I’ve been playing a game called Eldarya for some years now, and my God I just found this lil fellow today. <3 He reminds me of those high ranking owls from a movie called Legends of the Guradians. I even wanted to name this guy after the owls, but went instead for Astra, based on how his eyes look like.
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Why are they so smol?🥲 Now I get how big they are in Genkaku and how small they actually are. But they're so adorable🥹🥹🥹🥹
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currypulver · 1 year
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They changed the stats... and ruined him. ;__; the first screenshot is from september 15, 2022 the other from april 24, 2023. the funny thing is, i hatched the companion last year... Sally is an adult and has a luck score of 223. According to the updated data, that's below the minimum luck score. x'D
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oldeldaryastuff · 2 years
You finally found it. You can’t believe what is in front of you. Everyone thought it was just a legend. But there it is: the infinite mountain of food! A pile that creates your favorite food and never runs out. The dream of every companion. And there you are, in front of it, trying to decide if this a dream or not.
After a while, seeing that it hasn’t disappeared, you decide that it’s real. You run up and jump towards the pile. You are about to land in the pile when a light shines on your eyes. You blink and yawn. Looking around you can’t find the pile. It has disappeared! You stand up and realize all was just a dream. The sun has just risen and it’s shinning through the window. It’s really early, but you should really start exploring for items if you want to find something good.
If you decide to out exploring, go to page 3
If you decide to stay in bed, go to page 2
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nessyyg · 2 years
Nessy´s first companion was actually Eliamna´s companion. It was a Molecat and he was veeeerrryyyy old. He was never officialy her´s but she cared for him and learned a lot about other companions while he was next to her. His name was Honey, because when Eliamna first met him, he got stuck in a honey pot. He sadly died almost a month later
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Nessy´s own companion is a Gladanel. No one knows where he came or why he was in the village, because he is a companion from the cold places of Eldarya, but somehow he was under Nessy´s bed where she found him. They were both scared at the beginning (she thought he was a dragon but other people explained later that he wasn´t) and didn´t know what to do expect to look at eachother. After a while he got closer and startet to sniff her, she didn´t dare to move. He got very comfortable and jumped on her bed to be on her level (she was sitting on the ground). All day he followed her, never left her side and so he became her companion.
His name is Tanwen (means white fire)
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They sleep, eat, read, and do everything else together. Tanwen knows every single secret abou Nessy because sometimes she needs to get some things of her chest... He never judges her.
Hope you like him ❤️
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verystrxxwberry · 2 months
We already have "Nevra as your boyfriend", so could you do Valkyon, Ezarel and Leiftan? Love your writing!! 💖
ELDARYA; Valkyon and Ezarel as your boyfriends
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Individual headcanons, fluff, sfw. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: We also have Leiftan’s hcs here, so I will simply do Valkyon and Ez in this post :). Thank you! It is a great compliment for me that you enjoy it. I hope you find this hcs to your liking! 
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
At first he was very closed off to the idea of getting into a relationship, yet he found you interesting. Whenever you two talked about whatever came through your mind was enough to start a surprisingly absorbing topic to talk about. You found yourself enjoying his company after each long day, a company that with no doubt left you as relaxed as you haven’t felt in so long.
The same was for him. He found himself thinking about you quite a lot after each conversation. He had a smile on his face the next morning, remembering that little moment he had with you last night- He’d be zoning out as he thinks about it, ignoring completely his colleagues.
Valkyon is natural about physical language though the first days in the relationship he looked at your reactions to see if you were fine with him holding your hand, or touching the small of your back or whatever. He will always respect your boundaries, no matter the context.
He is way clingier in private than you would expect. He is a passionate lover, but will respect your personal space whenever he sees you are getting overwhelmed. Expect him to casually kiss the side of your neck, because your neck and shoulders are his favorite spots to kiss you. You’d get used to feeling his hand casually resting over your hip or shoulder constantly.
Don’t let him take his time to kiss you or you will end up making out for good long minutes.
The most patient man ever. He is so sweet to be real (bc he isn’t…). If you need comfort you are never going to lack it, if you need support you are always going to be cheered up to keep going unless it’s a bad decision. Valkyon knows you well enough to know that certain decisions will be the best for your well-being than others. 
If you are the type of person who truly does rant about your interests, he is the perfect partner for you. If he finds about any of your deep interests, he is gonna bring you stuff to stimulate the excitement they give to you (allow my adhd hyperfixation be mentioned here because valkyon should be my husband but he decided to die)
He may be protective, sometimes a little too much, but he isn’t the jealous type. He will advise you to get away from someone the moment he sees a toxic patron and how it affects you. Valkyon wants the best for those who he cares about. He won’t tolerate anyone disrespecting you.
No matter how tall you are, he is always going to be gentle with you even if his hands are all calloused from the amount of force he constantly uses for work. He is strong af yet he would never use that strength towards you, unless you want him to carry you around (which he will do by himself anyway)
He allows you to freely interact with Floppy, which adores you! You and the small companion are the two beings for which Valkyon would fight for until the end. He has a big need to protect you both from evil.
Long walks in the forest with him and sometimes Floppy as your tiny kid.
When it’s bedtime, expect him to be twice as clingy (even though it is quite overwhelming during summer because bro’s skin is FIRE :c). He interlocks his legs with you and wraps his arms around your body to make sure you can be warm.
He gives the best hair caresses and scalp massages ever!
Can’t sleep because of a nightmare? Hot chocolate time and cuddles!
He loves looking at you, no matter if you realize it or not. He admires your acts, your expressions, everything. God, your face, it is something he needs to check every second to make sure his mind remembers it perfectly. He adores you.
If you dislike something from what you are eating he is going to finish it for you (you can have his meal if you wish). He shares stuff with you without thinking twice, and even more when he knows that you will like it.
Valkyon opens up quite a lot with you and can get to be talkative with you as well, and that also includes the hidden humor Nevra and Ezarel mentioned several times to you. He has spontaneous comments that can make you laugh your ass off. But you didn’t expect that the jokes he had in mind were the typical dad jokes. You sometimes want to facepalm after hearing them, but seeing him laugh so much from it is contagious.
He has shelves with the gifts you give to him and other special memories about you which he looks to with so much love. 
His closet is completely open for you to pick anything you want!
Has a big blind trust towards you.
I recommend dating Valkyon, I rate it as 9/10. Would be a 10 if he didn’t die but anyway… he would spoil you with all his soul through the time you are with him.
He isn’t a really romantic person or someone who specifically searches for a serious relationship. At least that’s what he thought. It takes a long time for him to realize what he was actually feeling for you. And every time he thought about the term ‘love’ he shivered and tried to distract himself from his thoughts. But what the hell you were EVERYWHERE (that's why he teased you by telling you that you followed him everywhere -but it didn’t actually bother him-). He got his stomach checked by Ewelein and thought that you actually carried a virus with you, but then Ewelein told him “you simply like them, idiot.”
He almost made a whole drama from it, and even more when he couldn’t remove that feeling from his body. It took a looong time for him to get the courage to speak out loud his feelings to you. Until he did, all flustered and being a victim of your teasing, since you had never seen the elf blush like that until that moment.
The beginning of the relationship was quite… awkward. He doesn’t like physical contact, that’s a fact… but he wanted to have it with you, but he never had it with you before and he didn’t know how to start it. Ezarel stares deeply at you as he argues in his head whether to go and hold your hand or ask you first or simply leave.
The moment you asked he simply decided to hold your hand and look away, very nervous himself.
With time he gets used to starting physical contact, sometimes being so sudden that you would be the one getting flustered. And when you do start it… he melts but will never confess it. Though you can feel how he takes a deep breath and does his best to hide how his lips raised a little in a timid smile. 
You will learn about alchemy and some scientific facts which he will rant about, because in this relationship he will be the main talker and you’d be the listener. And no matter if he is always playing around, when it comes to your feelings, he won’t play a single bit with them. If you need to vent, he will be there. It is sometimes worrying how quiet he gets when you vent, as you are used to him actively participating in the conversation, but now he is genuinely listening to you with all his attention. He is known to be a good advisor even if he doesn’t know how to apply those pieces of advice to himself. Still he will be helpful.
Despite that, at first he used to be pretty blunt with his words. Ezarel is someone who never keeps silent with his opinion and he believes that everyone must be heard. If he didn’t like a meal you did, a handcraft you did, he’d say it simply, without considering how it would affect you.
Ezarel may be way too honest, but he has a heart and it almost broke when he saw that he was the reason why you got sad or insecure over something. He’d talk to you the moment he reads the environment. He doesn’t want to bring you sadness, he supports you in your hobbies no matter if you are new to them or more experienced. There is time to improve in any field and he doesn’t mean to be rude if he ever tells you that you should improve something.
He isn’t good at communicating with words, but he shows it with actions and sometimes even physical contact. As a way to show his support, his affection or something positive, he likes to kiss the bridge of your nose and sometimes the crown of your head.
He is smart, handsome, and he knows it yet when you compliment him, you boost his confidence in a way that he becomes the most arrogant creature in the world. (Nevra whines to you about it- “gods, your boyfriend is incredibly tiring, stop lying to him!”)
Your boyfriend is great and you know it. Ezarel is the peak of dark humor, and even if you stand dark humor, you would like to slap him more than once at the bad timings he sometimes has to spit some comments. Nevertheless you will be laughing so hard at 2 AM that Miiko will scold you both the next morning.
Bake something sweet for him and he will be on his knees for you. “Oh, my highness… give me that thing again…”- You baked him a simple chocolate cupcake.
Sleepy Ezarel is like a baby, and he is going to sleep on top of you, forcing you to caress his hair as he is almost asleep. Whenever you stop, he looks up at you with a little frown and says “never told you to stop…”
Sounds weird but he absolutely loves to sniff your scent and comment about how good you smell.
Ezarel is a big tease, and he flirts with you playfully just to see your reactions and tease you about them. He knows the effect his voice may have when he is basically purring for you -not like a cat, but he purposefully whispers to you with a husky tone just to make your heart skip a beat-.
Let’s say that when he found the news of you coming back from the crystal he decided to send you an anonymous letter that told you to meet someone at night. You were scared, but the surprise of being the owner of the letter made you fall more in love with him. Oh, he is taking you on his trip far from the city. 
If you want this angst, then let’s keep that you never knew anything from him once you came out from the crystal 🤫
Long story short, Ezarel started being a clumsy and awkward boyfriend but achieved to be one guy who made you feel a lot of emotions constantly. And luckily they were positive!
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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figurativelyaperson · 1 month
Eldarya 2024 exploration help
(won't call it a guide as I'm not very knowledgeable here I've come back to eldarya fairly recently)
First Tumblr post ever so excuse me not knowing what I'm doing
Didn't see much help on exploring the Eldarya Summer event 2024 so I'm gonna put what I found and where
Edit: there is a much more thorough guide here:
It belongs to @eldarya-guides-and-clothes
I update this post every time I find something new in exploration
(it didn't occur to me to write down where I found my things earlier so some of them I'm guessing)
(also I took this picture from somewhere random on the internet cuz I saw it numbered and this way I don't have to do it myself I think it's from Summer 2022 or 2023 event page on the Eldarya fandom wiki)
I've started coloring new updates with blue so if youre wondering what i added the current day thats what it is
The items I know 100% where I found
Fancy Mermaid skin 9
Fancy Mermaid fin 10
Shoes swimming in gold 10
Orchid dancer pants 4
Orchid dancer skirt 4
Pisinoe 6 (well 6 is between 5 and 7 so I was close)
Summer faery shoulder pad thing 12
Salty surfer surfboard 11
Fearless captain boots 5
Orchid dancer sleeves 5
Swimming in gold dress 3
Orchid dancer sandals 2
Orchid dancer belt 12
Fearless Captain belt 1
Eistir 1
Swimming in gold bracelet 6
Salty surfer sand 6
Fearless Captain pants 8
Fearless Captain locket 2
Fearless Captain hat 7
Fearless captain coat 2
Items I'm guessing where I found
Butterflies summer faery 11 or 4
Flower summer faery 11
Pisinoe 5 or 7 more probably 7
Elizabeth 5 or 7 more probably 5
Glasses swimming in gold 11
Items I found and completely forgot where but will try to find again and update here where I found them
Fearless Captain hat
Fearless Captain belt
Fearless Captain pants
Fearless Captain locket
Fearless captain shirt
Orchid dancer pants
Fancy mermaid trident
Ice cream stick
baits and food and other stuff i found
prickly star bait 8
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Exotic breeze food 6
Perlifynn companion 5
I will update it when I find some more or when I see where I found the ones I'm not sure of
If you you know where to find something please share and if I made a mistake in what I've written here I'm really sorry
I'm exploring on my account from the polish server and some of the items have translated polish names there so I'm translating as I don't feel like checking their names on the English server tho I really don't think there will be much differences
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dating-sim-imagines · 2 months
[🜲] Ezarel with kids
"Why do I have to take care of IT?!" Ezarel whispered to me angrily because I asked him to watch Eliott, a baby kappa that came to visit. "Because you owe me! You literally BROKE INTO MY ROOM TO LOOK FOR HONEY CAKES" I whispered just as angrily as the small child was playing with Taenmil, a couple weeks ago I noticed my honey cakes have been mysteriously disappearing, so I hid them in my room and went out to find Ezarel rummaging through my things in searching for those damn honey cakes. "If you don't do this simple fucking favor for me I will tell Miiko what you did 3 weeks ago." The elf gasped, "Don't you fucking dare."
"What does fucking mean?" The child asked. The room stayed silent and I left looking back at Ezarel with a grin, he got PISSED that I HAD to leave him with the child expecting an answer. "It's a bad word. You say it, you die."
"EZAREL" I yelled from the outside of the room they were in, the elf sighed as he looked at the scared toddler. "I lied, you won't die but just don't say it, only adults can."
Eliott: Am I not grown enough?
Ezarel: No
Eliott: Why can only adults say it?
Ezarel: Because it's a bad word.
Eliott: Why is it a bad word?
Ezarel: ....
Ezarel was dying inside, he couldn't say he hated kids but he does say he hates the stupid ones, which a lot of people scold him for constantly. He was internally suffering seeing his attempts to 'shut the kid up' were failing, he tried food, half-assed games, letting Eliott play with some companions but the innocent child kept driving him crazy with questions.
Eliott: Hey, Cereal?
Ezarel: My name is Ezarel.
Eliott: Where do babies come from?
Ezarel: Hell
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Eldarya Easter Event 2024 Exploration & Boutique Guide
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killeray · 10 months
Has anyone made art or headcanons about what MCL boys would be like in Eldarya? Like what their races would be, what weapons they'd use, their companions, which guard they'd be in...
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arcanadreams · 2 years
finishing my last assignment of the semester tonight! it’s a big research paper ugh. but the eldarya christmas event was a welcome surprise today!! wasn’t expecting it at all! when i’m done with my paper i think i’m gonna nab the christmas witch outfit from the store because it’s my favorite of the event; it’s super cute!!
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