#eldritch naofumi
shieldherostuffs · 1 year
Something Naofumi
I just think it would be fun if Naofumi randomly shared these weird and sometimes horrific facts about his life before being summoned, and at some point everyone is trying to piece together his life from off-hand comments and things he mentioned once and never again.
Things they've all gathered:
Naofumi had three husbands and two wives before he was summoned (They have yet to figure out his real age)
All three husbands died under mysterious circumstances (everyone is assuming Naofumi murdered them, but aren't sure of the reason (they're thinking either for inheritance or because the husbands were dicks))
He had platonic relationships with both wives, and got married both times to help his friends
He had two pet snakes and a lazy black cat with orange eyes
He was a florist, tattoo artist, painter, photographer, biologist, pediatrician, teacher, and a chef.
Furthermore, he had a girlfriend who disappeared under mysterious circumstances, but Naofumi made it sound like he knew where she went
He has too much specific knowledge about this one very specific period of ancient history
He has lived in two different cottages in the wood; once high up on a mountain in a pine forest, and once by the shore of a lake in an oak forest
He always has this one locket on his person, with a picture/painting inside, but no one has seen it, and he will never let anyone near it
Somehow inspired by this: "If the men find out that we can shapeshift, they're going to tell the church"
Which, Naofumi probably does this while getting ready for a ball/party/feast with the girls and the ladies, and they're all both confused and confusedly agreeing.
Basically eldritch/horror/witch/widow/immortal/shape-shift (idk which one) Naofumi who's out to confused and annoy everyone, but he doesn't even realize it.
Hell, he could just be normal Naofumi, but intentionally out to confuse everyone (If so, he has a whole notebook to keep track of everything).
Extras by the Discord Server:
Ren probably has a pin-up board with notes of all of Naofumi's comments pinned with string attached to them like some kind of conspiracy theorist.
One of the husbands asked Naofumi to fake his death because he found out a family secret or something big
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moonlightkitsune · 4 years
Naofumi was actually an Eldritch Horror/Outer God with only a human glamor...how much did Melromarc knows that they screwed up?
Not enough.
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dokkaebiking · 4 years
Pass the happy! When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the most recent people in your notifications!
Considering how 2020 has gone, this shouldn’t be a hard list to make as there’s not a lot that’s made me happy this year. I mean, this has been sitting in my inbox for far too long, simply because The Depresso™ has robbed me of the energy to do much of anything these days. However, Biden won the election, and although that cursed cheese ball shit bag currently in the White House is trying to undermine democracy, at the same time I know he ain’t gonna get away with it, so I feel lighter than I have in months, and I’m finally getting to things I’ve held off for too long. Not gonna tag anyone, but if you want to be tagged then I’m attacking you with psychic powers right now and tagging you spiritually >:D
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1. Trash of the Count’s Family! I cannot overstate how much joy this Korean webnovel has brought me this year. I read the manhwa first, by chance, when I was cruising the “Isekai” tag, and after reading so many where a woman got sent into another world/was reborn in another world/took over the body of a side character in their favorite game or book or whatever/or otherwise transmigrated into a place that’s Not Here (and lucky them, amirite)...I was happy to see it happen to a guy. Not only that, but like the first chapter, aside from the prologue, was filled with so much fanservice of just this one guy that I was pleasantly surprised at the tables being turned. Especially since Isekai is very well known for it’s trashy female fanservice and gross harems that make no sense. CUE CALE HENITUSE COMING TO SAVE THE ISEKAI GENRE! 
He not only has no romantic interest whatsoever in the story, which is fantastic (doesn’t stop us fans from shipping left and right, but I love it when this type of protag just does not do romance at all), but he builds a harem that’s purely platonic and god damn it I’ve never seen Found Family done so well I wanna cry just thinking about it. Plus, Cale’s whole philosophy of “gotta create world peace so I can live as a slacker” is hilarious, considering how he just keeps being a Hero™ and hating it, but his dumb ass can’t stop. Also, there’s a baby dragon that he saves, sets free from a terrible torture chamber it began its life in, and rather than running off it decides to follow Cale around and basically Cale becomes a father of three kids, one being the dragon, and the other two being two precious (and very dangerous) cat kids. This story refuses to let the good guys die, which after GoT is refreshing as hell, but isn’t afraid to take bloody revenge on the bad guys, which is also hella refreshing. I’ll go on forever if I don’t stop here, but just look it up if you get the chance and any of this appeals to you—you won’t regret it.
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2. KakaIru, easily, has been the stable foundation for me this year. The friends I met through the fandom before this year have only become closer, and more dear to me, and the new friends are just as lovely; these people are the only things keeping me sane, let me tell you. The @kakairuzine “Intertwined” was a big project that I was delighted to help mod for, and participate in as a merch artist, and I’m so thrilled that we reached all of our stretch goals, and then some! The @the-umino-hours server has brought me much joy during the year, as well as the forum @kakairu-rocks, participating in the @kakairu-mini-bang was a blast (and I’m working on the second part to that fic right now tbh), now I’m a mod (and participant) for the @kakairu-big-bang and am so excited for it. KakaIru has been with me since I was a kid, and it’s just so lovely that it’s still a fairly active part of the fandom, and still makes me as happy as it did when I was 14  (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
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3. Spooky boys, like cryptids and folklore and eldritch horrors, are always a delight, but in a year that’s more horrifying than any of them could ever dream to be, it’s oddly cathartic to indulge in the monsters we imagine while surrounded by real monsters of our own making. Also, ever since I wrote my KakaIru fic Want Me Down to the Marrow I’ve had such a soft spot for the Gashadokuro, and still laugh at “Bone Daddy”. You’ll have to pry that title from my cold, dead hands.
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4. “My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!” It was honestly this otome anime that led me down the path that eventually brought me to “Trash of the Count’s Family”. So I owe a lot to this series, and really the series in and of itself is such a delight. I bought the light novels on Bookwalker because I loved it so much~♥ Katarina (aka Bakarina), thank you for your service. Because of you I looked up other series of a similar strain as your story, and found the manhwa “Beware the Villainess!”, which is a fucking delight, and thus kept looking into that genre and eventually found my way to Cale Henituse’s whacky adventures.
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5. “The Rising of the Shield Hero” has made me happy from the first time I watched it, but I rewatched it this year, and the announcement for the second season’s release came just like...last month I believe, so that spike of serotonin was highly appreciated. I have the light novels for this series up to volume 17, and let me tell you, the story just gets better and better and I cannot wait for it to be animated. Naofumi, I love you you cinical little shit~♥
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shieldherostuffs · 1 year
Eldritch Being Naofumi
Naofumi is an Eldritch Being who was pushed into the body of Iwatani Naofumi, and forced to merge with him.
The reason for this is that because Iwatani Naofumi didn't die to get summoned, the summoning ritual killed him.
So, to keep delivering a Shield Hero, The Shield made it so that The Being was pushed into Iwatani Naofumi’s body and forced to merge with him and his soul.
Now, The Being and Iwatani Naofumi are one and the same, one soul and being, but, no one else knows this.
All people see is that there's something inherently wrong with the Shield Hero.
His eyes are too sharp, his pupils too black, like bottomless pits. The green in his eyes seem to glow whenever he steps into the shadows or the sun goes down, leaving only two small rings of green in the dark of the night.
His limbs seem just a little too long and his moves are awkward, like he's in his body but is somehow just getting used to moving it around.
His hair will sometimes move even when there's no wind or breeze, like a dark smoke or fog moving on its own.
Sometimes when eating, his mouth will open unnaturally wide, and it almost looks like there's a second, or even third row of incredibly sharp teeth if one looks closely.
No one had yet to see him actually sleep or rest, as he has no need for it, nor does he become affected without it.
His words sometimes become warped and unintelligible, causing headaches and hurting ears, and his manner of speech seems normal, but there's just something off about his tone and word choice.
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shieldherostuffs · 1 year
Naofumi being a witch before he was sommoned
YES, finally an excuse to share my Horror-ish Witch Naofumi AU (+ TheRuFumi) that's been hiding away on my discord!
Naofumi is a With without a cove, living on his own in a haunted and cursed forest where most others would quickly be driven mad or die, unless they take drastic measures.
Naofumi did so. He's too curious and hungry for knowledge for his and everyone else's good, that he was cast out for how little care of the consequences of practicing the cursed and forbidden crafts.
So, he went to the only place that could only assist and further his research on the forbidden crafts. If he learned more, maybe people would properly know why they were forbidden crafts, and maybe he could prevent many of the accidents that could happen when doing the crafts without the full knowledge.
Good thing he's not usually afraid of committing various horrors for his experiments and research.
Hell, two of the experiments that probably should've killed him ended with something vastly different.
He now has a demonic girlfriend living in his shadow, and an eldritch horror boyfriend living inside his body, whose real form is that of a cloud of pure smokey fog of darkness dripping with blood, and countless crimson red eyes.
Some of the other experiments didn't have the same positive results, though.
The skin of his hands are now stained a permanent inky black for trying to deal with Fae and Octafolk blood at the same time for a potion. His eyes will forever cry tears of pure ink, already having left prominent black marks on his face from the first time when his eyes stung like a thousand fires, for trying to mix merfolk's pearl tears with the scales of an undead dragon. His whole left leg, and left arm up to the elbow is pure wood and plants, though they function like normal human limbs, for trying to enchant the remains of a dryad with the use of the fur of a celestial fox's tail and a zombie's flesh. The plant parts withers and becomes black at his wrist. And, he has little nubs of premature horns on the sides of his head, hidden by his hair, for trying to perform magic on the horns of a haunted and cursed ram. His skin is littered with shatter-like lines shifting between dark gray and silver, from when he summoned L'Arc and Therese.
However, his dear L'Arc and Therese always try to assist and provide what they can for his experiments, and take away any residual darkness from the experiments, strengthening them, and in exchange lengthen and share their life force with Naofumi, letting him live much longer than the average human.
Being summoned to another world was not what Naofumi expected to happen when he'd gone on one of his rare outings outside the forest. He'd been wanting new books to fill how new shelves for a while, and had gone to a faraway bookstore to look.
He's picked up a book with a peculiar sense of magic around it, and had a few moments appeared in a different place, books completely gone from his grasp, standing inside a magic circle with three other people, surrounded by mages in identical robes.
And, there was a Shield stuck to his arm.
Before Therese and L'Arc could come out, Naofumi rubbed his knuckled across the knobs of his lower spine, through his clothes, a signal to both of them to stay hidden, and that he's alright.
As he followed the other three who'd been summoned alongside him, all wearing different and strange clothing, and the head mage, he tried to examine the Shield on his arm. Focusing on it, he could feel immense, different powers coming from it. Interesting.
As they arrived in the throne room, Naofumi noticed the scornful, distasteful, and trustless snarls and glares sent only his way. He was now glad he'd chosen to wear his veiled hat and gloves. If they already disliked him just from being there, he wasn't about to give the more reasons to hate him.
Instead of outright planning with L'Arc and Therese, Naofumi met with them in his dreams, where Therese showed that she'd managed to keep the book that summoned Naofumi, for him to read through and study.
Later, Naofumi would discover that while his affinity for magic is about the same as before, his skills and affinity for potions and enchantments have become drastically higher, and he's ready to take full advantage.
After the whole thing at the castle, and turning down any party members, Naofumi wanders into the forest, and the first thing he does is start finding and comparing the herbs and plants in the book he bought with the ones he finds in the forest, and keeping as many as he can. He gets even more excited when he learns of the Plant Shield Series, which lets him grow and level up the plants with magic.
So excited, that he doesn't notice the balloon monster clinging to him until L'Arc's distorted voice whispers it inside his ear.
Inconspicuously, he feeds them to his shadow, and discovers that L'Arc and Therese are both defaulted to his party members, letting him gain the EXP they do as well. Seems like he doesn't even need to hire party members anyway.
The next morning, he's dragged to the castle and his hood ripped off, leaving him for everyone to see. They stare is shock and horror at his face and hands, the only parts revealed.
He's called a monster, thrown around, and accused of things he did not commit.
He may delve in the dark and forbidden, the dead and haunted, but he does have morals, alright? Even he wouldn't take anyone against their will, plus, L'Arc and Therese can satisfy his needs in ways no human or demi-human ever could.
He ignores the stares and glares as he walks the streets, face hidden by his veiled hat once again.
In the evening, Naofumi goes walking through the dark streets, having changed into a sleeve-less cloak with a large hood and a high collar to conceal his face.
He follows the feeling of darkness and despair, and ends up in a slave tent filled with people with various degrees of different animal features, some more human- or beast-looking.
In the end, he leaves the tent with directions and advice for the best dark magic and curse masters and sellers, and a sick slave in tow.
With a few simple potions, of which Naofumi knows the recipes back to front now, Raphtalia is fully healed. The first few days, they don't converse much, other than Naofumi getting gear, clothes, and food for Raphtalia, and holding her when her night terrors appear. A simple spell to ward off nightmares seem to help a bit.
Then, Naofumi tells her he would like for her to help him as the Shield Hero. If she doesn't want to, she doesn't have to, and he will set her free. But, if she wishes to, he will teach and protect her from whatever may wish to harm them. But, she must become prepared for many horrors ahead.
In the end, she accepts, and that evening by the fire is spent teaching Raphtalia to read and recognize a few regular plants.
As they progress, Naofumi teaches her more and more, and she tries to soak the knowledge like a sponge, though sometimes she doesn't understand.
After the fight with the dog monster in the mines, where Naofumi let Therese take down the monster with one swipe of her jewelled hand, Naofumi decides to introduce Raphtalia to his two otherworldly lovers.
Therese easily slithers out of his shadow, merging from the darkness into her beautiful and horrifying form of flesh and jewels mixed together into her being, strong and indestructible, and yet beautiful and lovely.
Naofumi turns his back to Raphtalia as L'Arc's form crawls its way up his body and through his throat, out his mouth, accompanied by black goo (Naofumi has yet to identify it as anything by to help L'Arc leave his body) as a few ink tears escape his eyes, drawing the lines on his face darker again. Once he's finally out, L'Arc dons his human forms, and Therese as well. Though, there's simply still something distinctly non-human about them.
Raphtalia is terrified at first, hiding beneath his cloak, before he explain them to her, that they're there bonded to him, to keep him and those under him safe at all costs. Slowly, she warms up to them, but she'll never get used to how L'Arc leaves and enters Naofumi's body through his mouth.
She isn't allowed to see their real forms, as it would simply be too much for any mortal not bonded to them to comprehend. She would go mad if she saw them.
Later, when they get Filo (before the first wave, Naofumi always wanted a familiar), she is much less scared, and keep talking about how they have some 'Funny Energy' around them, that she thinks tickles when she gets close.
As they fight the first Wave, Naofumi lets L'Arc and Therese pose as his party members to help fight. They all gain many levels then.
At some point, Naofuim also curses Myne and the King with some minor inconvenience curses, that to nobility and royalty have been known to absolutely humiliate them.
When meeting and fighting Glass, she's wary of the Shield Hero calling himself a Witch. In her world, witches are known to make any demi-human they deem useful their slave.
But, Naofumi shuts that down, telling her that he doesn't commit any kind of bonding or binding without the other party's consent.
With their powers and warped morals, the two some to respect each other, even when fighting to kill.
When Naofumi finally gets his revenge, the trial again Myne and the King, when they're forced to kneel before him in front of countless people, Bitch is forced to do so by her slave crest. But, Trash refuses to kneel before someone who won't even show his face. He will not kneel unless he's sure that he's kneeling for the actual Shield Hero and not some imposter.
Before the Queen can shout again, Naofumi rips off his veiled hat, leaving his face bare for everyone to see the black tear lines running down his cheeks, and the gray and silver crack crawling up from his neck.
"How do you know that I'm the Shield Hero, even after seeing my face? The only people I've shown my real face to before today, is my party." Naofumi says
He was getting tired of wearing that hat everywhere he went with a risk of seeing people.
He does not mind if these people fear him now. If they didn't already, they really should've.
When fighting against Kyo, Naofumi becomes interested in the book his holding, and silently asks Therese to see if she get can it. No one notices when a part of Naofumi's shadow slithers away along the edges of the room to merge with Kyo's.
Moments later, Therese comes up behind Kyo, holding him stuck as she tries getting the book, but it appears to be stuck to him.
After some fighting, Kyo manages to escape, and Naofumi and his party manages to hurry and follow after him and Glass.
Though somehow, whatever Kyo does, it makes Naofumi forcefully get separated from L'Arc and Therese, who both end up with Glass, while Naofumi finds Kizuna.
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shieldherostuffs · 1 year
Demon Shield - Prompt
Demon Naofumi being summoned as the Shield Hero, and around Cal Mira Arc Time, Angel L'Arc and Angel Therese come down to catch him for punishment because no beings from either Heaven or Hell are allowed to interfere as obviously and greatly with the human realm with no explicit permission, and even then there are many restrictions.
Naofumi is very petty and annoyed because he did not decide to get summoned, it was against his will! While he's trying to get away from and rid f L'Arc and Therese, the other Heroes see him.
Motoyasu, Itsuki, Ren, upon seeing Naofumi being chased by two angels in human-ish form: SO HE IS USING CHEATS AND MET GOD!
(He has never met God. Naofumi was very content in Hell as a mid-level punishment demon.)
Naofumi somehow persuades L'Arc and Therese to instead stay for a while to watch over him to check if he's even using his demonic powers to interfere with the world. The most he's done with those powers, though, is annoying those who unfairly went again him with small mishaps, and being unaffected by the Cursed Shield Series.
(L'Arc and Therese both have biblical accurate angel forms, while Naofumi's demon form is more of some sorta eldritch horror thing. None of them have any problems seeing each other's true forms.)
(Also, Naofumi is confused by human genders.)
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shieldherostuffs · 2 years
I think Naofumi deserves to be an eldeitch horror, like, without the Shield. Just and eldritch horror summoned as the Shield Hero. Good luck to Melromarc.
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shieldherostuffs · 2 years
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By the process of "Most of these people don't even know what Ikea IS" and "The Royals have never touched a tool in their entire lives", we're down to the summoned Heroes as a 'Who in your FOUND FAMILY can do this?'.
And by process of "I'm Biased" and seeing how much, and how good he is at using his hands in canon, Naofumi does if perfectly well, and only requires help if it's to lift something or hold it or hand him something.
Motoyasu can assemble things but they will collapse after either three hours or three business weeks, after which he will call for help only to realize he didn't tighten anything properly. (He does know how to very efficiently change lightbulbs tho)
Ren and Itsuki can assemble pretty much anything if they work together but will need help if it's something standing, like a closet, because they either can't reach or can't carry it.
Kizuna can't assemble any Ikea. She creates eldritch Pinocchio horrors.
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moonlightkitsune · 4 years
For Eldritch Outer God!Naofumi AU: When Naofumi reveals his true form (One Winged Angel) against either Waves or a large monster (in the perspective of humans)....which ones would most likely either go insane, be in awe, or knows on how screwed up they are when making Naofumi their enemy?
Team Shield: Awe
Three Idiots: Insane
Bitch, Trash King + Three Heroes Church: Screwed up
Bonus: L'Arc: In love.
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