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jjbizconsult · 1 year
"Former President Trump to Surrender to Authorities in Georgia"
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powerixnews · 1 month
Election Mayhem Ahead:November U.S. Elections Set to be a Total Disaster?
Election Mayhem Ahead:November U.S. Elections Set to be a Total Disaster? Here's What You Need to Know. As November elections approach, predictions suggest significant chaos in the U.S. Potential issues include technical glitches and problems with ballots on election day. Post-election disputes and protests are expected to rise. Additionally, misinformation spread on social media may increase public unrest. These factors could lead to widespread turmoil across the country.  #ElectionChaos, #NovemberDisaster, #USPolitics, #ElectionDayTroubles, #BallotProblems, #PostElectionUnrest, #SocialMediaMisinformation, #ElectionProtests, #PoliticalTurmoil, #élection2024
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rynoondew · 8 years
Be still….
Be still and know…..
Be still and know that I …..
Be still and know that I am God….
For the past few months I have been wanting to sit down and write out these thoughts.. But with all that I have had going on in my life I kept moving past this to do list item. Things have been crazy the past year. I have never seen a more divisive, antagonistic, ridiculous election campaign in my life. Now to be fair I am only 42.. (and I say ONLY because it makes me feel better) and I am sure there have been pretty ridiculous fights for the POTUS but this is the one that reverberates most deeply for me. I will also admit I am not an avid follower of politics. I don’t read all news that pertain to politics and to be honest I usually avoid it because it makes me sick to my stomach. So with all of that being said I would like to say.. (Deep breathe) I am glad it’s over. Even though in my core being I know it’s far from over. I know over the next few weeks, months and maybe years this will be a sore spot for many. The wounds have cut deep for some. There have been so many things said and exaggerated, some true and some not so true.. and to be honest they have all kind of sucked. They have caused hurt and discord in our nation. We have allowed social media to compound the situation by not researching the facts completely on both sides. We have just taken posts, reactions and clips for face value. We have allowed so much hate between us and because of that, the hurts are even greater. No longer do we respond in love or kindness but we lash out and we make grandiose statements to validate our hurts. I have sat and watched people I love and care about argue and fight.. I have seen people cower in fear and it makes my heart hurt….
Fear.. that’s an interesting thought to think about. What is really the cause of all this? In my opinion most of it has to do with fear. We are afraid. What if.. What will.. What can… FEAR.. We have allowed it to permeate and penetrate our existence and sometimes change who we even are, change our character, change our thought processes and even change the way we respond to our friends, family and community. Why? I think the main reason is the spiritual battle we face daily. Fear has been used by our enemy to scatter us.. to create separation… When we should be instead joining hands and fighting the battle together with love, kindness, truth and patience. I was sitting contemplating these very things when a small simple quiet voice simply said.. Be still and know that I am God.. I thought about that for a while. Be still and know.. THAT I.. am God.  I had to chuckle…What does that even mean? How can one who can barely sit still long enough to watch a movie be still? Now what I do know in my brain is that God is in control. He knows from the beginning of time to the end of time the events of our world. Scripture also tells us in Romans 13:1 that God is firmly in control of leadership..that
”The authorities that exist have been established by God.”
This has been a comfort and also a grumbling point for me many times in my life. So when he whispers in my ear “Be still and know that I am God”.. well I have to remember that HE is ultimately in control. I can scream, yell, moan, complain and campaign but ultimately what does this do for me? Yes I have a civic duty and a cultural duty but most importantly I have a duty to love, to share and to be a an example of Christ’s love to our world. THAT is my job. THAT is what I have been tasked to do. And if you are a Christ follower that is yours as well…
We have all been on the losing end of peoples judgements (boy do I have stories), discrimination, hate and propaganda.. Some of us more than others. We have experiences that cause fear. We have altercations with people and arguments that we want to win.. But in reality what are we winning? So while the election is over… we have so much more to finish. I hope and pray that the wounds begin to heal, relationships can be restored, hate and fear do not spread and prosper and unity amongst ourselves can begin to drive back the enemy we fight.
But in the meanwhile.. let’s just remember to “Be still and know.. that HE is God.”  Know it in our hearts and know it in our actions.
Something to think about.
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