#elections aare na
mayakimayahai · 5 months
Jo bache khud jate hain, unhe toh obviously pahle bhejna chaheye tha😭??? Yeh kya logic hua
But hume kya hum toh lunch karte hue discuss kar rahe the ki how BJP planed this whole thing so that they can handle the situation and be the good guys in the end
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warsofasoiaf · 4 years
The Celtic Tiger - A Kaiserreich Ireland AAR Worldbuilding Appendix: Erin go Bragh!
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Ireland, the great survivor of the Second Weltkrieg, confounded the world when they survived both the Black Monday crisis and an invasion by a coalition of Great Powers. Military and economic analysts across the world study the successes of Ireland in an attempt to replicate them in their own countries. The spirit of Ireland is found nowhere else, and the different techniques they have attempted in order to solve the problems that plagued them create a unique political climate, cultural climate, and military.
Ireland is a federal multi-party parliamentary democratic republic with a bicameral legislative branch named the Oireachtas. The lower house is called the Dail, and holds most of the political power, while the upper house is named the Seanad. Ireland offers universal suffrage to all citizens of adult age, who are permitted to participate in elections at both the federal and provincial levels. The Irish head of state is the President and carries significant executive power. A Prime Minister, called the Taoiseach, is nominated by the President and submitted for approval by the Dail. Since Michael Collins left office, his final act as President was to issue an executive decree that states that the President and Taoiseach must be separate people, to split the power between them and prevent one man from enacting sole executive power as he had during the early years of Irish independence. The President is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and has traditionally been held by a former member of the military, but as Collins held the position for so long and the political elite of Ireland were veterans of the IRA and the Irish Independence War, this is not an established rule or social construct but rather a de facto state of affairs. 
Ireland has four regional parliaments in the four historical provinces of Ireland, Connacht, Leinster, Munster, and Ulster. These regional parliaments possess significant powers on intra-provincial affairs, including police powers, while the Federal parliament carries out powers on inter-provincial affairs such as commerce along with national matters of concern such as foreign policy, treaty ratification, and declarations of war. The regional parliaments hold elections in offset years, and send members to the upper house of Seanad, which acts as an advisory body to the Oireachtas and has little political power on its own.
Ireland has many political parties, but elections typically revolve around five political groups. The largest party is Fine Gael, holding itself as the “Party of Collins,” a party that favors high defense spending, a neutral foreign policy, and high levels of public-private partnership. The National Center Party, led by Frank McDermott, is a frequent ally of Fine Gael on defense spending but advocates a pro-Entente foreign policy and is more conservative on social issues. Seán Lemass is the leader of the Cumann Poblachta na hÉireann, which frequently allies with Fine Gael on economic issues but advocates for stronger democratic principles and reduced size of government. The chief point of contention between Fine Gael and Cumann Poblachta na hÉireann is in regards to Mitteleuropan membership, the former supports the Mitteleuropan reform and the strengthening of the Dublin SEZ, the latter wishes Ireland to leave Mitteleuropa and enact strong bilateral trade agreements with the Imperial Economic Development Council of the Entente and the Co-Prosperity Sphere. Fianna Fáil is the largest and most significant of the opposition parties, led by Eamon de Valera. Fianna Fáil champions itself as the loyal opposition and is a haven for politicians dissatisfied with Fine Gael. Fianna Fáil champions a center-left position on social issues and advocates a pro-German and pro-Reichspakt foreign policy and more economic protectionism. The outlawed Irish Labour Party joined Sinn Féin, a social democrat party. Officially led by Cathal Brugha, Sinn Féin largely looks to its younger members for leadership and Brugha is largely a ceremonial head of the party to provide political clout and legitimacy; an arrangement that Brugha is not fond of. This two-headedness has often been blamed for Sinn Féin’s poor showing at the polls, though other political observers find that lingering anti-syndicalist sympathies have been a larger stimulus for partisan antipathy toward Sinn Féin.
Foreign Policy
Ireland is known as the “Great Neutral” and is not aligned with the three Great Power blocs of the Co-Prosperity Sphere, Entente, and Reichspakt. Ireland maintains healthy trade relationships and embassies with all three alliances, and has established diplomatic and trade relationships with the Somalia-led ALDI, the African League for Democratic Independence. High-level diplomatic summits are frequently conducted in Dublin with Ireland as a mediator, owing to Michael Collins’s conduct during the Halifax Conference. This foreign policy idea is meant to avoid Irish involvement in trade wars or border disputes, as the Irish economy benefits significantly from open trading with the various Great Power blocs. 
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Of all countries, Ireland’s closest ally is the United States, and the American-Irish Special Relationship means that the two countries frequently cooperate in areas of mutual defense, intelligence sharing, and favorable trade treaties. This relationship is young but has proven to be exceptionally strong, borne out of Irish support for the United States in the Second American Civil War and the Dídean refugee initiative. Travel between the two countries is strong which leads to a thriving tourism sector, and America fulfills a significant amount of Irish demand for steel, tungsten, and aluminum. 
Ireland is one of the six nuclear powers, along with the Kaiserreich, France, Great Britain, Japan, and the United States. While the Irish nuclear program is not as large as the German or British program, the Irish do maintain a nuclear deterrent. The Irish nuclear policy, dubbed “The Atomic Lance,” calls for bombing of large cities and military bases with strategic bombers in an overwhelming first strike. This policy was considered to create the highest likelihood of deterrent value as well as being the most cost-efficient method of defense. Ireland maintains that its nuclear weapons are only used for defensive purposes but refuses to sign any accord swearing that they will only be used if nuclear weapons were used by another party. Ireland maintains a nuclear facility in a classified facility in Leinster, enriching uranium for its small nuclear weapons program as well as providing nuclear engineering capability for nuclear power generation. 
The Federal Republic of Ireland is a highly-developed knowledge economy. In the wake of the Black Monday stock market collapse, Ireland embarked on a series of reforms that have transformed it into a highly effective and efficient economy. It is considered an attractive place to do business, with high levels of access both in the Mitteleuropan economic bloc and without. Foreign investment is common, and countries see Ireland as a gateway between Europe and North America. While Ireland is not formally a member of the Imperial Economic Development Council, the Ulster Parliament typically sends a representative to occupy an observer seat with the IEDC to conduct trade and development deals with the Entente. This action has caused significant stress in Germany and the Mitteleuropan Economic Council, but the French Republic has endorsed the action and Germany is unwilling to fight an economic war with France and Ireland.
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The Atlantic Trade Commission, an independent body of Irish and American economists and trade experts, had been established in the wake of the Lend-Lease Program. After the conclusion of the war, the body took on a renewed strength coordinating trade between the two nations. This bilateral economic relationship is one of Ireland’s strongest ties with the United States, and serves as a model for other bilateral trade agreements made following the end of the Second Weltkrieg.
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Dublin occupies a unique position in the economic world due to the development of the Dublin Special Economic Zone. The Open For Business Initiative took advantage of ambiguously-worded clauses within Mitteleuropa regarding domestic subsidiary partnerships. This provision, which Germany had used for its benefit in German monopolies in the capitals of southern and eastern Europe to generate lucrative profits while exempting itself from taxes, had been exploited by Ireland to open similar business constructs in 1937. Following this, Deutsche Bank, Barclay’s, JP Morgan, and the Yokohama Specie Bank invested heavily in Irish industry, hoping to reap the reward of Ireland’s position caused by the collapse of the United Kingdom. As a result, Ireland is considered one of the financial capitals of the world despite having a smaller GDP than the great powers, and its neutral status makes it a valuable intermediary, allowing Ireland a healthy profit as a middleman.
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Ireland boasts a modern railway network with both overland and subterranean railway routes. The TransÉireann Transit Network is considered by engineers to be an effective mass transit system. Primarily used in freight shipping, the TTN allows for the rapid transit of goods across the country. Irish businesses have developed the Díreach model of inventory management, known as just-in-time inventory in the United States. This process involves running light inventory stockpiling and using goods as they come in, increasing efficiency and reducing warehousing costs. This process does require accurate demand forecasting, but also reliability in transit and delivery, and the TTN is able to service those requirements to the benefit of Irish operations managers. 
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The agricultural sector of Ireland has undergone a series of modernization reforms. Cattle and related industries such as beef and dairy form a cornerstone of primary sector economic activity in the western and center sections of the country with abundant land devoted to pasturage. Ireland is also a significant exporter of salmon, trout, and saltwater cod. Farms primarily grow root vegetables and grains, including barley, potatoes, turnips, and wheat, and measures by Seán Lemass have resulted in a small but thriving sugar beet industry. The agricultural sector have undergone significant mechanization efforts since the IEAA efforts led by Patrick Hogan, and farming output has increased massively as a result. Under the slogan “Never Another Hunger,” the Ministry of Agriculture has looked to ensure Irish food security and labors extensively on research and equipment acquisition to achieve that end.
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Assisting in the development of the rural sector, Ireland founded the Rural Renovations and Maintenance Board to better organize the mechanization rollout and to provide training on servicing the new farm equipment. After the beginning of the Union campaign of strategic and terror bombing, the RRMB had been expanded to the construction sector to coordinate improvements to damaged buildings and infrastructure, as the RRMB’s recordkeeping systems were already equipped to catalogue damage and required repairs, dispatching workcrews to trouble spots, and ensuring proper transport of requisite materials. The RRMB regularly inspects and surveys regions and administers an independent examination board, which in practice also acts as an effective secondary auditing arm to prevent contract fraud for work on government roadways.
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The scars of the Union’s terror bombing campaigns have been seared into the minds of the Irish population. Construction crews have implemented new guidelines for buildings deemed to be critical infrastructure, including all military factories. These new techniques call for reinforced roofing and buildings to be built partially underground so as to protect them from bombardment from the sky. Borrowing insights from Japanese architects used in earthquake protection, Ireland now employs a variety of construction techniques to make their buildings more robust. All buildings are built with air raid shelters, and with the advent of nuclear weapons, these shelters are being retrofitted to act as fallout shelters to protect Irish civilians in the new Atomic Age.
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Ireland has a small mining and quarrying sector, producing lead and limestone. The notable exception is zinc mining, where Ireland has an abundance of mines located throughout the island. The zinc deposits contribute significantly to Ireland’s development of its electronics industry and the development of Irish radar stations. The zinc needed to manufacture aerial detection systems has been credited as one of the factors that led to the successful defense of Ireland in 1939, as Ireland was able to manufacture radar stations without the need to import raw materials across the Atlantic during the Union of Britain’s naval blockade.
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Ireland’s industrial sector has blossomed under steady growth and successful trade. Belfast’s steel mills are highly efficient, allowing low-cost steel to prop up expansion of both civilian and military construction. Dublin boasts a small aluminum manufacturing center, allowing for the creation of aircraft to light-weight metal frames. Owing to the lack of natural rubber, Irish and American chemists developed a process to develop synthetic monomers that could be successfully polymerized into a rubber that could service as truck tires. In Connacht, Irish engineers developed a plant that combined coal with hydrogen gas to develop synthetic fuel, solving the resource crisis that plagued Ireland during 1938 far more efficiently than the coal liquefaction process that had been championed in the Kaiserreich.
The most productive and lucrative sector in Ireland has been electronics and computing. The first digital computing machine was created in Ireland in 1938 under top secret conditions. It was a terrifying monolith, built using thousands of vacuum tubes. This model would later be used to design improved digital computing machines and cryptanalytic code-breakers under the direction of Richard James Hayes of the G-2 military intelligence service. Hayes designed the Fionn, named after the giant from Irish mythology, to assist in the breaking of the Union cyphers. The insights gleaned from the construction of this computer greatly assisted Irish electronic development, and Ireland currently leads the world in the design of electronic systems like guidance systems and automated temperature regulators for hazardous material containment.
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Ireland avoids investing in highly specialized production lines, owing to a lack of geographical space. Irish engineering prides flexibility and refit capability as key components of industrial doctrine, allowing for quick restructuring of industrial layouts and rapid installation of mechanical components to change factory lines to new materials quickly. This has allowed Ireland to respond quickly to changing markets and new inventions, allowing for Irish companies to remain agile on the world market and adapt new techniques into their manufacturing process quickly and effectively.
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This flexible process also has enhanced worker safety throughout the Federal Republic of Ireland. The Ministry of Labour regularly conducts surprise inspections, and occupational health and safety rating is among the highest in Mitteleuropa. Ministry inspectors have a reputation for scrupulous ethics and meticulous attention to detail, and legislation mandating anonymizing workplace safety concerns and outlawing reprisal acts is universal across all sectors of employment. These acts were borne out of political compromise with the Belfast Shipwright and Marine Workers Association following the labor disputes in Ulster, and have given Irish workplaces a sterling reputation.
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Ireland, as an island nation, has a robust naval engineering sector, and the largest company within Ireland is the venerable Harland and Wolff. While infamous for building the Titanic, the shipyards in Belfast have built everything from civilian fishing ships, massive freighters, and warships for the an tSeirbhís Chabhlaigh. The company boasts a massive naval facility, revitalized early in 1936 as an early attempt to shake off the failure of Black Monday. Harland and Wolff engineers have been hired as consultants from London to Vladivostok, and ships bearing the Harland and Wolff logo have sailed every sea and waterway on the planet.
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Belfast also boasts a specialized shipyard for large vessel construction. Smaller facilities dot the island, but Belfast’s shipyards are considered to be one of the most highly-advanced facilities for vessels of significant tonnage.
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The Irish aviation sector is led by the Short Brothers PLC, the oldest private aviation manufacturer in the world. Fleeing the collapse of the United Kingdom in 1925, the company received substantial investment from the Michael Collins government and headquartered itself in Belfast. The Short Training Area, located outside of Derry, saw some of the first test flights of jet and rocket engines in the world, continuing the Short tradition of aviation pioneering.
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The need for Ireland to rapidly modernize its technology had led to the formation of the Éireann Scientific Innovation Council, a body predominantly made up of Irish scientists with consulting chairs with scientists from friendly foreign nations. Well-funded by the Irish government as well as Irish businessmen and private investors, ESIC has become a highly respected academic foundation. ESIC researchers regularly speak at academic conferences, and ESIC has sponsored academic coordination with the Reichspakt’s Kaiser Wilhelm Society and the Entente’s Imperial Scientific Advisory Council, particularly in the fields of medicine and mathematics.
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The Special Relationship with the United States is present within ESIC. Many of the largest donors for ESIC’s projects are wealthy Irish-Americans, both those who remained within the United States with the outbreak of the Second American Civil War and those that left to seek refuge in Ireland under the Dídean refugee program. Irish-American owned businesses are among the most frequent partners and sponsors of research initiatives within Ireland. The impact on Irish academia and research has been noticeable, with one of the most significant areas of Irish-American partnership being in the areas of nuclear and particle physics. 
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Ireland has an efficient tax structure that strives to eliminate waste and corruption. The tax rate in Ireland is slightly lower than in other developed countries, but there are fewer exemptions. Ireland’s low poverty rate contributes to a larger tax base overall, which has kept Ireland in the black and avoided the devaluation of currency that had plagued countries suffering from the effects of Black Monday.
Starting in 1937, Ireland has relatively relaxed immigration policies in an attempt to shore up their manpower shortage in its industrial sector. Most migrants settle in Dublin or Belfast, and small neighborhood enclaves have sprouted within Dublin that provide emigrants and foreign laborers with a sense of community, including restaurants and shops that import goods that remind migrants of their home countries. Ireland is not as popular a destination as the United States or Argentina due to space, but migration continues even as world tension reduces following the successful conclusion of the Second Weltkrieg.
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Ireland has three national languages: English, Gaelic, and Scots-Irish. The Irish government promotes the use of Gaeilge through primary schooling and low-to-no cost adult education programs, and bilinguality is the norm rather than the exception. The use of Gaeilge has caused a second Celtic revival movement, with traditional Irish sports, artwork, and literature being immensely popular. Modern interpretations of Insular Irish fashion and designs, including adaptations of the four great cycles of Irish mythology. The most popular of these include the Hollywood epics Brian Boru, King of Ireland with Clark Gable and the tragedy Frenzy of Suibhne starring Gary Cooper. Scots-Irish, raised to the status of officially-recognized dialect as a means to solve the Ulster crisis, is primarily only spoken in the Ulster province, on official government business, or by Ulster heritage groups in the other three provinces. English is common, and is often used as the lingua franca for international affairs such as business or diplomacy. 
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Roughly two-thirds of Irish people are Roman Catholic, but the Federal Republic of Ireland is officially a secular state, not establishing a state religion and guaranteeing freedom of religion in the Irish Constitution. Notable other religions include the Anglican Church and Presbyterianism, both of which have a strong presence in Ulster Province, and Neo-Druidism, a modern revival movement of the ancient Celtic religion which enjoys a small presence in Ireland and Scotland, and is attempting to formally be recognized in the French Republic within Brittany as a fully-licensed religion permitted to operate its own labor union.
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Women’s rights have been enshrined in the Irish Constitution thanks to the efforts of the Cumann na mBan in the Irish War of Independence. Ireland had largely been a socially conservative nation, but the Collins government had enacted several significant reforms out of genuine support for the liberation movement and practical considerations in the Internationale War. By encouraging women to join the workforce, Ireland was able to maintain industrial production and avoid a labor shortfall during the era of mass conscription for the Armed Forces. The Irish Republican Army had frequently worked with the Cumann na mBan, and that relationship translated into the establishment of the Women’s Auxillary divisions, opening the military up to women for support and administrative roles. The one exception to the general prohibition on women in combat is found in the An tAerchór, where women are permitted to serve in piloting roles throughout the IRAF. 
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Ireland also employs an extensive youth scouting program which teaches a variety of skills relating to outdoorsmanship and even support roles as paramilitaries. Both boys and girls scouting programs teach team-building, leadership, and the basics of military service, which has strengthened the cultural cohesion of Irish society and acts as a junior ROTC and military outreach program. 
The an tArm was the first modern professional army to fully mechanize. The idea to fully commit to a mobile force had been the brainchild of the veterans of the Irish War of Independence to merge the tactical speed of the War of Independence with the professional equipment and discipline of a modern army. Irish military doctrine stressed rapid response and deployment, following the model of the Irish flying columns, using specially designed combat vehicles instead of improvised fighting platforms. Rory O’Connor developed an integrated signal corps to coordinate between units at the divisional level, and supported the rollout of field engineering corps for every division to improve their ability to take fortified structures. 
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Irish infantry doctrine is characterized by the use of the IV-series of half-tracked infantry fighting vehicles. Frequently nicknamed the “Ivy” due to its initials and green coloration, the IV is a true infantry fighting platform. The IV is typically equipped with a 12.7mm heavy machine gun, but can be equipped with a 37mm autocannon if greater firepower is needed. The IV can act both as infantry fighting vehicle or as an armored personnel carrier, and serves to provide Irish ground forces with exceptional speed, used to exploit breakthroughs and wreak havoc in the enemy’s operational depth. The Cór Meicnithe, or Mechanized Corps, provides heavy firepower in the use of the IV-FA, nicknamed the “iffa,” the Feithicil Airtléire is a half-tracked variant that carries a 105mm howitzer capable of providing significant fire support to the infantry in the field. Scout companies utilize the six-wheeled Taiscéalaíochta vehicle, an armored car with a 2cm light cannon capable of firing both high-explosive and armor-piercing composite rigid rounds to give scout companies the capability to defend themselves against infantry, light tanks, and other armored cars. 
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The Cór Armúrtha, or Armored Corps, form the primary armor divisions of the an tArm. In the Second Weltkrieg, Ireland almost exclusively used the Collins medium tank, though the Cór Armúrtha retains some small scout tanks as a reconnaissance vehicle. A tenacious tank prized for its reliability, the Collins carried a 76mm main gun meant to emphasize its capability as a multi-role combat platform, that could fire an anti-tank or high-explosive shell as necessary. The Collins was first introduced in 1939 during the invasion of Ireland as an upgrade to the earlier Skoda tanks produced on lease from the Danubian Federation, and achieved marked success against the Internationale forces landing on Irish shores. Following Irish flexible industrial doctrine, the Collins tank chassis was modified to support a variety of different armaments. Early variants of the Collins equipped the same 105mm howitzer cannon to function as self-propelled guns, named the Saint Barbara. With a few modifications to the chassis and some slight reduction in armor functions, the Saint Barbara was able to keep pace with the Collins tank, firing and moving to prevent counter-battery fire. Facing stiff resistance from heavy Union and Communard tanks when the Second Weltkrieg began to push into syndicalist home territories, the Collins chassis was equipped with a German 88mm anti-tank gun. Further modifications created the Marú tank destroyer variant. Marú crews often called themselves Maiges, after the mythological Irish battle of Maige Tuired, where a sling stone killed the giant Balor of the Evil Eye, and gained a reputation for fearlessness. The Maiges fear their time is ending, as Irish developments in recoilless rifles and other man-portable anti-tank weaponry along with improving bombing and missile technology has made a dedicated platform for fighting armored units less necessary.
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When the Irish needed to invade Cornwall, Michael Collins authorized the creation of the Muirsaighdiúirí, a special operations force that would act as a marine corps for amphibious landings. This unit has been built as a fully mechanized amphibious invasion force, using amphibious tracked vehicles to provide protection for the soldiers inside until they can reach land firm enough to disembark and fight. The Muirsaighdiúirí have created a variant of the Collins tank, officially named the Collins ALSV but unofficially named the “Puddler.” The Puddler is a Collins tank reinforced with a synthetic rubberized canvas and modified to include propellers linked to the engine to provide forward motion in water, meant to provide armored support for hostile beach landings. 
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The Irish Armed Forces also employs the Army Ranger Wing, named the Sciathán Fiannóglaigh an Airm, as a special operations paratrooper division. The Rangers are among the most elite of the Irish Armed Forces, hand-selected from across the services and trained in commando tactics, sabotage operations, and irregular warfare. The Sciathán Fiannóglaigh an Airm claims that they more than any other division maintains the traditions and conduct of the Irish War of Independence, and have proven their aptitude against overwhelming odds. While the Rangers are not a separate branch of the army, they report directly to the Chief of Staff and exist outside the traditional command structure of the An tArm.
The an tSeirbhís Chabhlaigh maintains a green-water naval mission primarily dedicated to the defense of Irish territorial waters, maintaining both an armed naval force and a merchant marine. The Irish navy maintains that spotting and speed can facilitate a strike at the opportune time to maximize damage, and so invests heavily in surface and undersea detection systems and eschewing slow battleships for faster cruisers.
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Ireland has one aircraft carrier which is considered the flagship of the an tSeirbhís Chabhlaigh and the pride of the fleet. The LÉ Delbáeth is a high-capacity aircraft carrier with a full complement of fighters and bombers to support naval missions. The vessel boasts the latest in compound armor designs and torpedo detection capabilities to act as a floating fortress, anchoring the naval battle line. The Delbáeth saw limited action in the Second Weltkrieg, as the European battleground was capable of being supported by land-based aircraft flying out of Dublin and Derry, and naval coverage in Siberia was provided by the Transamurian and Japanese carriers operating out of Golden Horn Bay. The Delbáeth’s gunnery loadout is modest, relying instead on its aircraft as the primary attack arm and its escort vessels for defense and ship-to-ship combat.
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The Manannán-class heavy cruiser is considered the primary heavy naval gunnery craft of the an tSeirbhís Chabhlaigh. A modern, sleek design, the Manannán is equipped with heavy 20 cm deck guns, smaller 138mm secondary guns, and 40mm anti-aircraft guns meant primarily to engage carrier-based aircraft. Equipped with an improved floatplane catapult and a powerful engine, the Manannán is one of the fastest capital ships in the world, specializing in attacking and overwhelming a naval battle group while out of position as opposed to the naval linear tactics of earlier eras. Work is underway to refit the Manannán with guided missiles, which exceed naval gunnery ranges, as the primary ship-to-ship platform for the an tSeirbhís Chabhlaigh going into the post-war era.
The Sinann-class light cruiser is an escort vessel and primarily equipped to provide a wall of anti-aircraft fire in support of naval groups to prevent the establishment of naval air supremacy. Smaller but faster than the heavier Manannán, the Sinann exists as a heavy screen ship and possesses light surface armament, relying instead on numbers and heavier attack vessels to provide ship-to-ship firepower. The armor on the Sinann is much lighter than the armor on the Manannán, and the Sinann is not considered a capital ship for the purposes of naval arms limitation treaties.
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The Boann is a destroyer and the smallest armed surface ship in the an tSeirbhís Chabhlaigh. The Boann acts as a screen ship for the larger cruisers and the Delbáeth, but it is also a specialized sub hunter. The Boann is equipped with highly sensitive sonar and 360 degrees of depth charge mortar coverage, permitting it to detect and destroy enemy submarines at a great distance and eliminate their threat before closing to torpedo range. Some Boann-class destroyers are equipped with advanced minesweeping gear. Boann-class destroyers were the primary path-clearing vessels that cleared the landing paths for the Union of Britain in 1941, and the “Boann Boomers” were among the most celebrated sailors, personally commended by Michael Collins for their daring in mine-clearing operations both during and after the Second Weltkrieg.
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The Selkie-class submarine is a stealthy ambush submarine that was considered the main attack vessel against the Union of Britain during the Internationale War. Originally designed by Gio Ansaldo Irish Sea Shipwright, the Selkie is the latest iteration in Irish undersea warfare. Heavily-equipped with advanced torpedoes, the Selkie was designed for exceptional endurance missions under the waves, in order to allow ships too heavily-defended to pass by unnoticed before surfacing and striking. During the Second Weltkrieg, the Selkie primarily looked to sink Union trade convoys to starve the Internationale’s war machine of Chilean imports. Early in the Second Weltkrieg, the Selkie also carried out mine-laying operations in the North Sea, and the potential remains for Selkies to be quickly refitted with minelaying rails in the event that another waterway needs to be denied to the enemy. Theoretical designs for a variant ballistic missile carried on a Selkie have been theorized and discussed by Irish naval engineers, with the intent of creating a second-strike capability for nuclear missiles to improve deterrence and solve the first strike security crisis currently plaguing foreign policy debates.
The An tAerchór is responsible for the air defense of Ireland and to provide air support to the An tArm. The An tAerchór during the Second Weltkrieg flew small-frame aircraft, specializing in fighters for air support, close attack support aircraft to attack ground targets, and naval bombers to attack fleets at sea or in port, in an attempt to weaken the Union of Britain’s naval supremacy. The shortcomings of this pursuit were identified by Dan McKenna during the Siberian campaign against the Russian State when covering large stretches of territory. The An tAerchór’s solution was to start investing in jet engines, creating an entire line of high-speed fighters and bombers. These new aircraft were designed too late to see use during the Second Weltkrieg, but Ireland is increasingly moving toward an air force fully powered by the jet engine.
Image List:
Irish-American Trade
Atlantic Trade Commission
Dublin Reborn as the SEZ
TransÉireann Transit Network
Mechanized Farming Reforms
Rural Renovations and Maintenance Board
Industrial Defense Plan
Irish Zinc Mining
Irish Medium Industry
Industrial Flexibility
Safety Reforms
Harland and Wolff
Belfast Capital Shipyard
Short Brothers Aerospace PLC
Irish-American Research
Moderate Taxation
Gaeilge, the National Language
Secular State
Women in Industry
Youth Scouting Program
Mechanized Infantry Template
Armored Division Template
Marine Template
Ranger Paratrooper Template
Aircraft Carrier Design
Heavy Cruiser Design
Destroyer Design
Submarine Design
Alright folks, the Celtic Tiger writing project is over. Sad to see it end, but that’s the way of things. The alternative is a project which never ends and runs out of things to write about. Let me know what you think, of the worldbuilding appendix and of the project in general. Did you like the idea of a worldbuilding appendix for AAR’s, or was it too distracting? What projects would you like to see next? Character analysis? Worldbuilding essay? Video Game Reviews? Let me know
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