#electric car charging point installation
mantapower · 5 months
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belectrix · 3 months
Drive Forward with Confidence: Belectrix EV Charging Package Delivers Safe and Seamless Charging Solutions
As the demand for electric vehicles (EVs) surges and the need for reliable charging solutions grows, Belectrix stands at the forefront, ready to meet the challenge. Our firm takes pleasure in providing detailed EV Charging Point Installation St Albans services that are suited to the demands of modern drivers
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adeptelectrical · 3 months
Necessary Steps Experts Complete To Install Electric Car Charger
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Installing an electric car charger at home is a great way to charge your electric vehicle (EV) conveniently. Installing an Electric Car Charger is very technical, but you can undertake it. Naturally, hiring the best technicians becomes a clear choice. They have in-depth knowledge of completing all the steps involved in the process of installing an Electric car Charger for your car.
Here are the typical steps needed to install an electric car charger:
Choose and Pick Up the Best Charger:
Select a charging station that is compatible with your EV and meets your charging needs. Consider factors like charging speed, connector type, and intelligent features. A large number of such charging stations are available at the moment. The task can be time-consuming, and you must complete it with patience and perfection.
Select a Location:
Choose an easily accessible location for the charger. Make sure the right station allows safe and convenient charging. The charger should be near your parking space and your electrical panel. Getting advice from the leading electricians and technicians can further ease your task.
Assess Electrical Capacity:
Every electrical charger has different technical specifications that specialists must know and fix. At the same time, you must determine if your home's electrical system can support the charger. You may need to upgrade your electrical panel or install a dedicated circuit for the charger. Finding the right product becomes a choice for you.
Install the Charger:
Hire an approved electrician to complete the installation of the charger. The electrician will connect the charger to the electrical panel. At the same time, they need to install a separate electrical circuit if necessary.
Obtain Permits:
Depending on your local regulations, you may need permits before installing the charger. Your electrician can help you with this process. The electricians can help you get the permits from recommended professionals in every possible manner.
Test the Charger:
Once the charger is installed, the experts examine it to ensure it works correctly. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for testing and use. They complete all the necessary formalities and examinations before you declare it perfect and safe.
Set Up Payment System:
If your charger allows payment, set up a payment system for charging sessions. This can be done through a mobile app or a charging network. You must complete all the technicalities to set up the payment system. It can help you in a number of ways.
The Bottom Line:
By following these everyday steps, you can install an electric car charger at home and enjoy the convenience of charging your EV whenever needed. You should be very cautious about hiring the best service provider to install an electric car charger. You must collaborate with top service providers only.
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zapvehiclecharging · 4 months
As the world shifts towards sustainable transportation, the demand for efficient and innovative vehicle charging solutions has never been greater. Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained significant traction in recent years, prompting the development of advanced charging technologies aimed at enhancing convenience, speed, and accessibility. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the next generation of vehicle charging solutions, powered by Zap Charging, and how they are shaping the future of mobility.
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Experience seamless charging with Adept Electrical Solutions, your trusted choice for the installation of electric chargers. Our expert team ensures efficient and safe setups, empowering your journey into the electric future. More at https://bit.ly/3Oto79B
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two3dist · 1 year
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getzeroemissions · 1 year
All about electric vehicles and their charging points
Electric vehicles are not just seen as Just another invention in the automobile industry as an electrical vehicle is not just another vehicle on the road and it is more of a hope for a beautiful future for this planet as these are not running on fossil fuels like other vehicles on the road.
Electric vehicles are one of the least polluting vehicles and if you are someone who is very concerned about the conservation of your planet which you should be then you should also switch to the electric vehicles. There are many surveys and studies which have been undertaken by environmentalists and other experts and they have claimed that we can bring down global warming by a great extent if we increase the use of electric vehicles and they, slowly and steadily, replace the vehicles which are running on diesel and petrol. You would be surprised to know that the governments of some of the countries are actively encouraging their citizens to switch to electric vehicles and are also providing certain subsidies for the same so that more and more people opt for electric vehicles in the coming years.
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Electric vehicles come with many benefits and the fact that they are released polluting vehicles is definitely the most appealing aspect of these vehicles but it cannot be denied the fact that these vehicles come with their own set of limitations and one of the biggest challenges which people face with electric cars is that charging them can be a very time consuming and an expensive affair as it is not easy to find charging stations everywhere and if you also have been struggling with the same then you should continue reading the article as the article talks in detail about how you can access charging points for your electric vehicle more easily.
If you are someone who has been charging your vehicle at the public charging stations then you would know how difficult it is to get your vehicle charged and this is the reason that a lot of people are shifting to private charging points for their electric vehicles as this option A certainly more expensive but can save you from a lot of unnecessary hassle and hardships and will also help you in saving a lot of your pressure time which you would otherwise waste at a public charging point. You can easily explore the options if you wish to go for the installation of electric vehicle charging points Leigh and electric car charging points Altrincham. Installing a charging point for your electric vehicle might sound like a costly affair in the beginning but this would be the best investment that you can make with respect to your vehicle and you will definitely look back and thank yourself as the public charging points are only going to get more congested in the coming years.
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ivys-garden · 1 month
The thing that continues to shock me about the modern world is the multitude of ways we let cars ruin are lives.
Private cars continue to be a Blight, an obsession and focus on speed and size in car culture leads to accidents becoming more and more deadly.
Counties like China used to be completely dominated by bikes, now Beijing has some of the worse air quality in the world. Globally respiratory conditions in adults and children continue to rise. And co2 drives us ever closer to climate collapse
Switching to electric and hydrogen doesn't fix this either, parts still need to be mined, rubber still needs to be produced, as does plastic and old cars and bygone petrol stations need to be scrapped as many cannot be converted
Streets and cities used to be a place of community, but now they are dominated by cars. Want to go to the park? Sorry, it was torn up for a parking garage. Want to cross the road? Yeah, just wait ten minutes for all the cars to pass and get over in 10 seconds before someone decides that getting to mcdonalds is more important than traffic laws. Oh, and I hope you've not got a motor disability or are in a wheel chair or your royaly fucked.
Pedestrians used to have the right of way always, never cars. You never had to teach children to look both ways because cars were expected to stop. Of corse motor companies started paying schools to teach traffic safety and over the decades streets became devoid of people to the point where some see hanging around on a conner or playing curby as a crime.
Cars themselves cut of connections, drivers get ever more angry at simply mistakes and spend acumelate years of there life in traffic Jams. And don't think Lane expansions help, that just means the jam expands to meet the new capacity
The private car in the modern day is pointless and dangerous, cars do have a place, like for businesses or the police or I'd your disabled and public transport in nonaplicable, but other than that the car is of a bygone era
There's a reason that more young people don't buy cars and not just because there expensive and bad for the planet - though that is a factor - cars are simply to dangerous and difficult to use.
Edinburgh has experimented with banning cars from several Streets, reinstating conections and allowing kids to play. They up parking charges to dissuade people from using there car and clogging up the narrow streets, they instal low emissions zones to stop the most polluting cars entering.
And it works.
More and more people in Scotland are using public transport, the tram lines have been expanded, as have the train and bus routes. Travel becomes cheaper and these measure have begun to spread.
It's not just Scotland either, Ireland and prodigal have done similar. Brazil has expanded bike lanes to make cycling safer and introduced a bike share system.
Spain went even further and made train travel free and German citizens even tried to get Berlin to completely ban cars
The era of the car is ending, and the sooner people accept that public transport is safer, more affordable and better for the environment, the sooner and smoother the change will occur.
One day, when I'm and old lady sitting on by garden chair, I will look out and smile because coming down the street will not be and endless cavalcade of cars, it will be the odd company van, the single decker bus carrying passengers and merry children running down the streets.
Or you know we could keep using the car and literally destroy the world via climate change whatever you want really.
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How do you think the Lost Boys would handle technology if they reach 2000s? Like cameras -- would they get caught sooner because of it? Or cellphones -- would they even have one? Would they even be able to use it/charge it if they did?
(Assuming that vampires in this universe specifically don't appear in mirrors or film because of silver being used in the production of both...)
I think, once the digital age is alive and well and suddenly they can appear on camera, it's going to be a love-hate relationship.
On one hand, Santa Carla has one hell of a security camera sabotage scheme going on. Every time a new camera is installed, its cord is either sliced clean through or the lens is spray-painted black, and no one is ever seen doing it! Eventually, the shopkeepers learn that outside cameras are just not viable in this town, so they leave the damaged ones up as deterrents for the tourists and only keep functioning ones pointed directly at their cashiers.
Cellphones, at least at first, are a novelty. The boys have telepathy, who needs a phone? But occasionally Paul and Marko get ahold of two phones and play around, calling each other back and forth, telling stupid jokes, or pretending to be important businessmen until the batteries run out and they toss them like trash.
When GPS gets introduced to cellphones, Max gets a little nervous about them. (He has always got the latest model, but only keeps it with him between work and home.) He worries that tracking the phones will make it easier for police to find bodies or evidence. So now the Boys are told, "No mucking around with cellphones, especially the ones you pick up off victims. In fact, destroy them immediately and toss them in the sea."
Now, I have no doubt that these rascals have Max-flavored Demand Avoidance, and suddenly cellphones are a forbidden fruit. David may insist on tossing victims' phones, but now Paul, Marko, and even Dwayne are lifting phones off people on the boardwalk.
The first time they realize they can order pizza delivery to just about anywhere is a revelation. They get a blood bag delivered, the pizza they ordered for free, any other pizza that may be in his car, and all the cash that he's received that night. Max loses his mind when he finds out.
But THEN, camera phones become widespread, and suddenly they can take photos and record videos of each other. Even David can't resist this. So there are photos of Paul jumping off cliffs, and Marko records the pigeons cooing and strutting and David is checking his hair, and there are photos of Dwayne modeling his new jacket...but they still don't have electricity, so eventually the phones die, but these they keep. Like an old archive, there's a cellphone graveyard in the cave that they can't really use, but can't bring themselves to get rid of. Maybe on occasion, they pull one or two out and find a public outlet in a diner or something to charge them. The service has long been canceled, so they can't call or text, but the photos are still there.
I remember back when I had an old Nokia phone, I had a bejeweled trial on it, but my parents didn't even pay for texts, much less games. So I just played that bejeweled trial over and over, anytime I got bored. I can see Dwayne or David fucking around on the games, even the trials when they're standing by their bikes, having a smoke, waiting for the other two to return.
The availability of porn steeply increases the local cellphone theft rates.
When MP3 players become widespread that's an entirely new revelation. Suddenly they don't need all these tapes and CDs, or this bulky CD player. It's just this neat little device that fits into their pockets. Suddenly the need to keep a device charged is stronger than their short attention spans. Sure they keep the boombox around for the cave, but the personal players are so useful. Now when David's in a mood and they can't use the stereo, they can go to their little corners and still jam. When someone is feeling broody, they can take their player and go for a walk (or a flight). This may prompt them to work out a generator setup with outlets in the cave. Or maybe they just include a stop by some public outlets in their nightly activities.
I don't think computers or laptops will really hold their interest too much. They may enjoy grabbing one at the library every now and then to look something up or add music to their players, but otherwise, that just seems like a waste of time. I think portability is the name of the game for their technology usage.
Kindles and eReaders though, I think that's going to be a hit with David and/or Dwayne. They keep books in the cave, they may even prefer to read physical books, but there's probably some difficulty keeping them from molding in the wet sea air and getting damaged from repeat readings. Plus the eReaders can fit just so many books into such a tiny space. (The image of David reading on a tablet in his wheelchair is just so vivid for me, rn.)
But also consider: some types of touch screens having difficulty picking up on their touch, lmao
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coochiequeens · 3 months
A TIM took advantage of a woman's kindness and then terrorized her.
By Natasha Biase March 14, 2024
A trans-identified male in Newcastle, England, has been charged after waging a campaign of harassment and abuse against his female neighbor. Andrew Fleming, who goes by the name Susan Hope, was referred to with “she/her” pronouns by the Newcastle Crown Court.
According to ChronicleLive, the harassment first began after his female neighbor, who has lived in the building with her husband for over 30 years, allowed Fleming to charge his phone when his electricity was out after he moved in last February.
Despite the woman’s efforts to be a good neighbor to the new tenant, Prosecutor Rachel Glover told the court that Fleming began tormenting her regularly, demanding more and more from her by way of favors.
“The defendant began knocking on their door at all hours, asking for her phone to be charged and for phone calls to be made on her behalf. (The woman) said she tried to be a good neighbour, but it got too much, and she began to say no and asked her to stop knocking on her door.”
In response, Glover explained that Fleming, who has autism and bipolar disorder, became combative and threatened her, saying: “I will remember this.”
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Although 51-year-old Fleming was away from his home from February until June of 2023, he reportedly began harassing his neighbor shortly after his return. From June until August, Fleming tormented his neighbors, sometimes yelling through their door for hours. In multiple instances, after claiming to be locked out of his place, he violently banged on their door, demanding their assistance.
On June 29, after enjoying a meal out, the woman was horrified to learn that Fleming had been stalking her and was “standing across the road, staring at her,” which Glover informed the court she found extremely intimidating to the point where “she was terrified and returned home shaking.”
Several days later, after being berated for hours in the morning, the woman went to her car to leave, where Fleming continued to shout threats at her, including that he wanted to kill her and “punch her face in.”
“She could see the defendant standing at her front window with the window open, shouting at her. (The victim) was frightened, crying and shaking, and her husband called the police,” explained the prosecution.
“She is absolutely terrified of the defendant. It’s causing her distress all the time. She’s terrified of what they are capable of doing,” explained Glover, using gender neutral pronouns for Fleming. “It frightens her. She’s lived there more than 30 years with no issues but no longer feels safe and doesn’t want to live there anymore.”
Referring to the victim’s husband, Glover added: “It has made him feel anxious in his own home. He’s worried for his wife because of the threats made towards her. He has taken time off work. His wife doesn’t like to be in the address on her own, and he is constantly worried about what will happen.”
Fleming was arrested and taken to the police station where, despite assaulting a police officer, he was released on bail “with conditions not to contact the victims.”
Fleming, violating his bail conditions, continued to harass his neighbors, relentlessly knocking on their door and shouting verbal threats to the point where the victims had to install a ring doorbell. In an effort to calm her down, the woman’s husband would also drive her around town until she felt comfortable enough to return home.
Fleming’s lawyer, Shada Mellor, told the court that he had been previously detained under the Mental Health Act, which covers the assessment, treatment, and rights of people with a mental health disorder, and has served a 14-month pre-trial detention.
Although Fleming missed his sentencing hearing, he was sentenced to just over nine months in prison and was “given a restraining order not to contact the victims” after pleading guilty to harassment and assaulting a police officer.
Despite the courts referring to Fleming as a woman throughout the proceedings, as of February last year, the United Kingdom introduced new measures prohibiting transgender offenders who have male genitalia from serving their sentence in a women’s prison.
“Safety has to come first in our prisons and this new policy sets out a clear, common-sense approach to the housing of transgender prisoners,” explained Dominic Raab, the UK’s Deputy Prime Minister. “With these sensible new measures in place, transgender offenders who have committed sexual or violent crimes or retain male genitalia will not serve their sentence in a women’s prison, unless explicitly approved at the highest level.”
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mantapower · 5 months
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hirocimacruiser · 28 days
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This month's car review (from a Navi magazine)
difficult for men
Nissan March Cabriolet (CVT) 1.79 million yen
The ``Cabriolet'' has been added to Nissan's ``cash cow'' March, with approximately 300,000 units sold each year around the world.
This model was originally exhibited as a reference at the 31st Tokyo Motor Show, but it was decided to go on sale this time because ``many customers requested that it be commercially available.'' However, it's already been two years since the last motor show, so I can't help but wonder, ``Why now?''
Regarding this, when the current March was announced in 1992, it was declared that there would be no model changes for 10 years. However, if we think about the next five years, we cannot rest on our laurels, so we announced the Cabriolet as the top grade of the March brand, creating a buzz and drawing attention to the March again. This seems to be a more realistic reason.It is produced by Takada Kogyo, a Nissan affiliate company that also produced the previous March-based Be-1 and Pao.
The exterior of the March Cabriolet is quite cute. In addition to simply removing the roof, a light notch was added to the rear end of the body to tighten the buttocks.
It somehow reminds me of the Peugeot 205 cabriolet.
The interior is basically the same as the March, but the seat fabric is modeled after a Milan city map and is exclusive to the Cabriolet. The chic sand beige hood is electric, so it doesn't take much time or effort to open or close it, and it only needs to be locked in two places at the top of the front window. The lowered top fits almost within the waistline of the body, but in order to secure that space, the interior length is about 10cm shorter than that of a hatchback. As a result, the rear seat has just enough space to accommodate two adults.
Unfortunately, the sky was cloudy that day, but it felt great to drive fully open on the highland roads around Risonare Kobuchizawa, which was the base for the test ride. Generally speaking, a 4-seater that opens up has a wide opening, which means that the wind is forced into the cabin, but in the case of the March, the high A-pillar of the tall boy style remains, so the side windows can be opened. Once you raise it up, the wind doesn't really bother you.
The closed-body March is available with two engines, 1ℓ and 1.3ℓ, but only the 1.3ℓ, which produces 79 ps, is available in the Cabriolet. However, due to the reinforcements added to the open body, the vehicle weighs 110kg more than before, so its power performance is on par with the liter version of a hatchback. When you step on the accelerator, the exhaust pipe emits a brave sound, but the speed does not increase as much as that sound. A roll bar (which guarantees safety in the event of a fall) is installed to ensure rigidity.
Although the roof rails (which Nissan calls them ``roof rails'') are still in place, the floor trembles when you go over a large step. Well, in any case, it's not so much that it's a hindrance to driving normally around town.
According to the person in charge of development, the keyword for the development of the March Cabriolet was ``a usable cabriolet.'' To achieve this, we focused on four points: (1) electric soft top, (2) heated glass rear window, (3) 4-seater seating, and (4) trunk-through mechanism. By the way, the Fiat Punto Cabrio, which is seen as a rival, does not have (2), and the Toyota・The Cynos Convertible does not have ① or ④. The price of the Punto is 2.45 million yen, and the advanced grade Cynos is 2.103 million yen. The March on the other hand costs 1.79 million yen for the NCVT specification, so it can be said that the March has the advantage in terms of equipment and price.
Regarding the March Cabriolet, I thought the styling was good and the construction of each part was okay, but to be honest, I felt like it was a little out of place. So, I thought, ``Why is that?'' But in the end, I thought that the March Cabriolet was too cute, or rather, it gave the impression that it was ``for girls.'' It was said to be strong. At least I can't imagine myself, a 30-year-old man, driving one, or rather, I don't really want to imagine it.
March Cabriolet, difficult for men. (Kawanishi)
The March Cabriolet has a total length x width x width = 3720 x 1585 x 1430mm, and is 25mm longer and 5mm taller than the closed body. The body color is green, red, and silver as shown in the photo. Regardless of the body color, it is combined with a beige hood. Standard equipment includes air conditioning, power steering, front seat double airbags, ABS, and seatbelt pretensioners. The price is 1.79 million yen for the CVT model and 1.69 million yen for the 5MT model.
Photo = Daijiro Gun
Photography cooperation = Quatre Karl 0266-66-2722
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adeptelectrical · 6 months
4 Things You Should Remember When Installing EV Charging Station
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In the era of sustainable transportation, Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations play a pivotal role in fostering eco-friendly practices. Planning for the installation of these stations requires careful consideration to ensure seamless functionality and user satisfaction. When you are sure about hiring the best provider of EV charging station installation, then you must be very sure about paying attention to a few things that can determine the quality parameters. Here, you should talk to the experts, who can bring you complete peace of mind.
When you plan for EV charging station installation in California for the first time, then keeping in mind the following things becomes extremely helpful:
Deciding the Location is the Key:
Selecting the right location is paramount. Assess foot traffic, accessibility, and proximity to main roads to attract EV users. Strategic placement not only enhances convenience for drivers but also promotes a positive environmental impact.
Power Supply and Capacity:
Understanding the power requirements is critical. Assess the local power grid's capacity to accommodate the charging station's demand. Collaborate with utility providers to ensure sufficient power supply, preventing potential issues and optimizing charging efficiency.
Supervisory Agreement:
Stay abreast of local and national regulations governing EV infrastructure. Compliance with safety codes, zoning regulations, and ADA requirements is essential. A thorough understanding of the legal landscape ensures a smooth installation process and avoids potential legal pitfalls.
Scalability and Future-Proofing:
Plan for the future by incorporating scalability into your installation. Choose charging stations that allow for easy upgrades to accommodate evolving EV technologies. Future-proofing your infrastructure not only extends the lifespan of the installation but also positions your business for the ongoing growth of the electric vehicle market.
As the world embraces a greener transportation landscape, investing in EV charging stations is a forward-thinking initiative. The same things can also be taken care of when you plan for electric charger installation. The leading service providers in California are capable of bringing you the best value for money. Make sure you understand these things well before you decide on engaging the right provider of electric charger installation near me in California!
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zapvehiclecharging · 4 months
Zap into the Future: Exploring the Next Generation of Vehicle Charging Solutions
As the world shifts towards sustainable transportation, the demand for efficient and innovative vehicle charging solutions has never been greater. Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained significant traction in recent years, prompting the development of advanced charging technologies aimed at enhancing convenience, speed, and accessibility. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the next generation of vehicle charging solutions, powered by Zap Charging, and how they are shaping the future of mobility.
The Evolution of Vehicle Charging:
Over the past decade, we've witnessed remarkable advancements in vehicle charging technology. From traditional plug-in stations to rapid chargers and wireless systems, the landscape of EV charging has undergone a profound transformation. However, as EV adoption continues to soar, the need for even more efficient and scalable charging solutions has become apparent.
Enter Zap Charging:
Zap Charging stands at the forefront of this evolution, pioneering Next-Generation Charging Solutions designed to meet the demands of modern electric mobility. With a commitment to innovation and sustainability, Zap Charging is driving the transition towards a cleaner and greener transportation ecosystem.
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1. Ultra-Fast Charging:
One of the most significant breakthroughs in vehicle charging technology is the advent of ultra-fast charging stations. These stations utilize advanced power electronics and battery management systems to deliver unprecedented charging speeds, significantly reducing the time required to recharge an EV. Zap Charging's ultra-fast charging network is revolutionizing the EV charging experience, enabling drivers to top up their batteries in a matter of minutes rather than hours.
2. Bidirectional Charging:
Bidirectional charging, also known as vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology, represents another frontier in vehicle charging innovation. With bidirectional charging capabilities, EVs can not only receive power from the grid but also feed electricity back into it. This two-way flow of energy has the potential to transform EVs into mobile energy storage units, providing grid stabilization and emergency backup power during peak demand periods. Zap Charging is leading the charge in implementing bidirectional charging infrastructure, unlocking new possibilities for energy exchange and sustainability.
3. Smart Charging Solutions:
In an era of interconnected devices and smart technologies, it comes as no surprise that EV charging is getting smarter. Zap Charging's smart charging solutions leverage artificial intelligence and IoT connectivity to optimize charging schedules based on factors such as energy demand, grid capacity, and user preferences. By intelligently managing charging sessions, Zap Charging ensures efficient use of resources and minimizes costs for EV owners, paving the way for a more sustainable energy future.
As we zap into the future of vehicle charging, it's clear that the possibilities are limitless. With innovations like ultra-fast charging, bidirectional charging, and smart charging solutions, Zap Charging is reshaping the way we think about electric mobility. By embracing these next-generation technologies, we can accelerate the transition towards a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable transportation ecosystem. The future of mobility is electric, and with Zap Charging leading the way, it's a future worth zapping into.
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Empower your space with Adept Electrical Solutions-your go-to choice to install an EV charging station seamlessly. Drive into the future with ease! More at https://bit.ly/3RD90uJ
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rjzimmerman · 1 month
Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
Last week, Tesla laid off most of its electric car charging team, raising doubts about the feasibility of the Biden administration’s ambitious E.V. expansion plans.
Though Tesla accounts for more than half of the fast E.V. chargers currently installed in the United States, and though it has continued to build them faster and cheaper than anyone else, the E.V. charging market may no longer need Tesla to lead it.
In fact, experts I spoke to believe the E.V. charging industry is set to expand quickly over the next few years. Let me explain why.
At first, Tesla’s move seemed like a blow to a sector that may seem like it’s struggling to grow despite the $7.5 billion investment from the bipartisan infrastructure law passed by President Biden in 2021. The administration’s goal is to build a network of a half million fast and slow chargers in the country by 2030, more than double what the U.S. has today. But roughly two and a half years after the bill’s passage only eight federally funded charging stations have opened in six states, according to government data.
Elon Musk, Tesla’s C.E.O., hasn’t explained why he decided to cut back on charger construction, but some analysts interviewed by my colleagues Jack Ewing and Ivan Penn said he had probably concluded that it would become harder to make money from charging as more companies entered the market.
As Ewing and Penn wrote, last year all major automakers selling cars in North America agreed to use the charging plug developed by Tesla, which has a reputation for being reliable and easy-to-use.
That leaves the question I set out to answer. What’s holding back the expansion of America’s electric charging infrastructure? Spoiler alert: The picture isn’t nearly as grim as it may seem.
“We’re not seeing a lag in process or progress,” Ellen Kennedy, a transportation expert at RMI, a clean energy think tank, told me. “I think that people have been taking a dim view of this without actually considering that what has been happening is amazing.”
You might think Kennedy is being overly optimistic, but she’s not alone in thinking the U.S. is turning the corner on E.V. chargers.
My colleague Ewing, who has been covering automakers for decades, told me he has been hearing much of the same thing from experts. “A lot of people told me that the charger infrastructure has a momentum of its own,” he said. “Things are going up pretty fast.”
Including the federally funded program, the U.S. has added an average of about 2,800 fast and slow charging ports a month over the past year, according to government data. (A charging station can have several ports.) Many companies are excited, Ewing said, about the prospect of building out E.V. stations that can offer entertainment, dining and shopping options for drivers. That’s already happening in Norway.
The point of the federal government’s program isn’t simply to add more chargers to the network, but rather to guarantee there is an equitable distribution across the country, and to match charging infrastructure to demand.
“The charging networks, you know, just aren’t building these charging stations where there’s very little E.V. traffic,” Loren McDonald, the C.E.O. of EVAdoption, an industry data and analysis company, told me. “But it’s a chicken and egg thing, and that’s what this program is trying to solve.”
In a statement, the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation, which is responsible for the federal charger program, said, “We want to get it right to ensure we have a charging network that makes it easier for Americans to find a charge than to fill up on gas.”
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