#electric eel cookie x reader
Could you write some headcanons of Abyss Monarch Cookie x Fem!Reader x Electric Eel Cookie? I have such a soft spot for those two 👉👈
I feel like they would be fine with dating/marrying the reader together 💖
Snail, reading about them made ME soft for them. I'm giving you a platonic smooch. You have such a big brain. Have some marriage headcanons hehe.
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It was a mutual decision between the two that, yes, they wanted to marry you.
It was actually Abyss Monarch Cookie who brought it up! They were walking with Electric Eel Cookie before they brought it up. They struggled to find the words until finally revealing they did want to marry you, and Electric Eel Cookie couldn't be happier to agree.
They both had been dating you for quite some time at this point, and while of course there had been bumps in the road, they were more than willing to work them out with you.
The proposal went off without a hitch, with you accepting. Your ring was a beautiful gold with and emerald as its centerpiece.
Both Cookies were heavily involved in wedding planning. Abyss Monarch Cookie struggled a bit with understanding some costumes, but you and Electric Eel Cookie were there to help them.
When the day finally comes and you walk down the aisle, in a beautiful purple and blue dress, Electric Eel Cookie is tearing up with a smile on his face because holy Earthbread, he's actually marrying you.
Abyss Monarch Cookie is in the same boat, though they're hiding their smile by turning their head a bit. But you know them like the back of your hand and the way their eyes shine with happy tears makes you tear up a bit.
It's almost surreal to you that you've managed to marry the Cookies you loved the most. But as you snuggle up against Abyss Monarch Cookie and happily talk with Cookies alongside Electric Eel Cookie, you know that you've made the right choice.
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vxlentinescookies · 4 months
can I request some nsfw headcanons of abyss monarch cookie x fem!reader x electric eel cookie?
they're both married to reader and I would like to see just how the two of them would share her 👉👈
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→ ❛Love in the Dark❜
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→ Pairing ; Electric eel Cookie x Reader x Abyss Monarch Cookie → Quote ; N/A → Genre ; Headcanons , NSFW → A/N ; Here you go! It was interesting figuring out layout hehe, sorry for the delay! I hope you like it!!
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These two are two extremes of a same road, one end being more broody and calm than the other, a spark in the dark that never seems to extinguish itself. And so, this shows in bed, where they both come and share you, with different energies to compare.
Starting with Electric eel, he’s the most playful of the two, albeit he’s also just as careful as Abyss Monarch is, after all, he dosent want to electrocute you too much!
He’ll start slow with foreplay, but as the night advances he will become a force of nature, too rapid and energetic to hold the pace.
When it comes to Abyss Monarch, however, you’ll find two things: Carefulness, and hints of slight sadism.
While Abyss Monarch is not sadistic like other cookies (cofcoflongancofcof), they are indeed rather… particular in the way they enjoy pleasure.
The dance in bed would be a beautiful concoction of pleasure and pain, both in the hands of your lovers as they’d fill you up to the brim and beyond, perhaps even electrify you slightly, just enough for it to be pleasurable, but between turns, you will end becoming a putty in their hands.
Electric Eel Cookie is more keen on dirty talking to you, perhaps not with the expertise Abyss Monarch has, but with enough to make you melt if you’re into that.
Abyss Monarch Cookie, however, will also lean more towards praise, feeding into your insecurities to transform them into beloved parts of yourself
Both are not beyond sharing you at the same time, so if you’re into that, do let them know!
But in the end, they both will take great care for you in the aftercare, keeping you warm and snuggly in their arms.
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relationship hcs ; electric eel cookie
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requested by ; silly anon (07/08/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; electric eel cookie
outline ; “ucs request!! electric eel cookie dating hcs? ^_^
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
electric eel cookie’s primary love language is physical touch, and he makes this very apparent by taking just about every opportunity available to him to smother you in affection: tackle-hugs, cuddling, kissing, tickling, rubbing his cheek against yours, having an arm wrapped around your middle, resting his head atop yours, etc.
(he also shows his love by very gently biting you — it’s playful and it doesn’t really hurt but every time he does it he gets this mischievous smile and will laugh if you bite him back)
related to the first point, but he is in no way opposed to pda and would probably be the one to initiate it most of the time — so if you want him to carry you around, cuddle you, kiss you, or so on in front of others then he’ll be more than happy to accommodate that (and if you do the same to him then he’ll get the biggest grin on his face)
he tends to call you by your name more often than not, but if he’s in the mood to use a pet name then he leans towards the sort that are short and sweet (‘babe’, ‘hun’, ‘sweets’, etc.)
he’s incredibly protective over you, as he is any other denizen of wandercrab, but with you that protectiveness extends to any illness or injury you procure — and whenever you’re even remotely unwell he tends to fret over you and hurry you off to the nearest medic ‘just in case’ (it would be adorable if he didn’t react the same for a snapped femur as he does a common cold)
since he’s so dedicated to his role as wandercrab’s protector the time you have together in private is incredibly rare and usually limited to the small amount of time before you fall asleep at night and after you wake up in the morning — but you two manage to make it work by arranging dates around this role, exploring wandercrab and it’s outskirts together and having fun together whilst he does his job
it’s a bit chaotic and strange and messy, but it’s no less loving — and neither of you complain after he’s helped you climb up onto a rooftop so that you can see the whole city, your head on his shoulder and his arm around your waist as you take in the stunningly bright view
he’s a very deep and affectionate sleeper and he prefers to either be the big spoon with you curled up against his chest or to collapse on top of you with his arms wrapped around you and his head resting on your chest — either way, though, you’re not going to be getting out of bed until he wakes up
your laugh is his favourite sound in the world and he does everything he can to hear it as often as possible — tickling you, kissing you until you’re giggling, telling every joke that comes to mind, and picking you up and throwing you in the air to get you to yell-laugh
wouldn’t even hesitate to hand over his jacket to you if you mentioned being cold, tossing it onto your head and snorting at the look you give him when you manage to actually put it on correctly
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thedarkcircuswritings · 3 months
Electric Eel Cookie's anniversary coming up on June 27th... Maybe an Electric Eel cookie x reader where they're just overlooking Wandercrab?
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"C'mon, c'mon! It's right up here!" Electric Eel was excited to show you this. He bounced up ahead, zipping left and right slightly as he went higher and higher up the lighthouse, and you had to be quick enough to catch up. They grinned so much, that you thought their face dough would break, but they were clearly quite giddy about something. He wouldn't tell you what though, so it was a complete mystery why he was bringing you so high. Whatever it was, it was hard to keep up with them! Once he made it up, he helped you up before sitting down, letting you lean against him before he motioned outward. The whole of Wandercrab was glimmering with beautiful yellow and blue lights. It was like an underwater light show, all easy for the two of you to witness. Just the two of you, holding hands, appreciating it in all it's beauty. Wandercrab was a great place, wasn't it?
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thedarkcircuswritings · 5 months
Can you do a Electric Eel Cookie x Reader where he takes the reader on a little date?
He hardly gets any content it's sad 😭
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Electric Eel has a whole day planned between you and him in Wandercrab. After all, there are so many things to do, and so little time to do it! There's no need to worry about being late to something on one of these dates since he'll just pick you up in a bridal carry and start to zip around as quick as lightning, bouncing from walls to pipes and against the ground to make sure you two make it in time! That also means you don't have to worry about taking the bus home at all. They also take you out to the juice bar they often hang around quite a bit, mostly for the more chill dates. Laughing, listening to music, dancing with you... and at the end of the night, they'd take you to the best spot in Wandercrab so you can look over Wandercrab with them. To their credit, it's a breathtaking view, and you two can just sit in silence as they hold your hand.
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sleepingdeath-light · 9 months
Abyss Monarch Cookie x Reader: Fish Out of Water
Wandercrab always had their annual Christmas celebration in the city. It was a time for happiness and cheer all around. Everyone was happy..
Except for the deep sea monarch.
Abyss Monarch Cookie never really cared for big holidays, like Christmas, Halloween, and the like. It's not the holidays themselves, but the crowd of people it attracts to Wandercrab.
However, from that crowd of people came (Y/N) Cookie. A cookie that interested the deep sea monarch, an emotion they probably have never felt in their entire life. Within due time, the two cookies fell in love, much to the huge surprise of many of Wandercrab citizens.
"Yo yo yo, Abyss Monarch Cookie!" yelled a familiar voice, Electric Eel Cookie.
"I see you brought (Y/N) Cookie! You didn't tell me you enjoyed parties!"
"I simply came for (Y/N) Cookie's sake."
"Ah come on! You know you're always welcome here! You always help me with the lights in the city?"
Abyss Monarch gave no reply.
"Ah I'm just messing with ya. Enjoy the party, and oh! Later we're going to open gifts, and do our city tree lighting ceremony!"
"I'm not taking part in that."
"You already have!"
Abyss Monarch Cookie was confused as the electric eel bolted off to other cookies, but didn't. Now that they were alone, they began to wonder where (Y/N) Cookie was.
"(Y/N) Cookie.." they whispered to themselves, "Where are you?"
"Abyss Monarch Cookie," said the voice they come to know and love at this point: their beloved, "I got us some food, I didn't know what you wanted so I got you a little bit of everything!"
A little while later, presented by Electric Eel Cookie and Abyss Monarch Cookie, they lighted the tree in the center of Wandercrab, as it turned out that the light bulbs Abyss Monarch helped make we're included in the tree. Now it was time to open gifts. A crowd of Cookies gathered around the tree.
One by one, cookie by cookie, they opened gifts until there was one left.
"This last gift is for... Abyss Monarch Cookie!" yelled Electric Eel.
The crowd made a few comments, not before Abyss Monarch walked up and took the gift. It was a small box, a box big enough to fit a pair of headphones. It was from (Y/N) Cookie. They opened the box carefully, and the first thing they saw was a note.
Dear Abyss Monarch Cookie,
I was on land one day and I saw a stand that was selling some cute and adorable items. One of those items was this reversible octopus plush. It was black and green, honestly it reminded me of you. It also glows in the dark. I'm sorry if you don't like it, I was just hoping to make your life a little bit brighter.
Sincerely, (Y/N) Cookie
Silence filled the room full of cookies, but the Monarch had a genuine smile on their face. A smile deep-rooted from appreciation from the one they love. During their time as regent, they don't ever recall receiving gifts from the denizens and if that's the case, it was very little.
Perhaps this party wasn't a total waste.
Electric Eel would joke about the tiny plush octopus but the Cookie did not care, their beloved gave them a thoughtful gift, and that alone made their Christmas a bit brighter. Even if they were confused about the gift itself, they know that it was rooted from thought, kindness, and most importantly, love.
- Reaction anon
What a lovely callback to that octopus discussion from a few days ago! Very sweet, thank you for sending it over reaction anon ^^
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