#electrical hazard
blusprinks · 1 year
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not me getting the yearly itch to play sunshine again
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futurefantastical · 2 months
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[Autompne] Bio [Inhalant] Hazard
Radioactive Hz.
Laser Hz.
Chemical Weapons/Chemical Hz.
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• Optical Hz.
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• [LaPest] Toxic [Winturn] Sumor(?) Hz. ; the Plague-Witch
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• Environmental “Eco” Hz.
• Healthy Hz.
• Electrical “E” Hz.
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• Corrosive Hz.
• Mechanical Hz. ; Cyber-Steam
Not pictured: Possible Congito, Possible Info, Fire, THC “Kana” Hz.
Coupla “elite” scientists and doctors in a band, doing unethical things here and there, the Hazards. Indeed their titles are not Dr. But Hz. Or Hd.
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totalpowerenergy3 · 10 months
The Shocking Reality of Electrical Hazards at Work
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Discover the startling truths about electrical hazards in "How To Prevent Electrical Hazards In The Workplace." With over a thousand fatalities in a decade, this article is a vital read for anyone concerned about workplace safety. Learn essential prevention strategies, from risk identification to implementing emergency procedures. Prioritize safety and gain comprehensive insights at Read More- https://totalpower.energy/prevent-electrical-hazards-in-the-workplace/
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tiniest-synesthete · 1 year
You call it nearly starting an electrical fire, I call it practically experimenting on the resistivity of a lightning lead!
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cleolinda · 2 months
As mentioned (I think?), new spinal/pain care doctor is switching me from a steroid to not a steroid so I can have a big steroid in two weeks for a pain block. This is my first day making the switch and I am dizzy and loopy and not allowed to post on the internet until I’m more lucid. (Oops.) My queue is a mess, don’t know what’s on it. Might wake up and reblog a ton, might sleep all day, nobody knows.
Remember that wreck my mom was in two months ago, because another driver was rubbernecking a DIFFERENT wreck? For a minute she was afraid her arm had a hairline fracture as pain emerged over time, but x-rays have said she’s good. That said, yesterday the repair shop has finally pronounced her car totaled, insurance is about to stop covering a rental, and so she’s got to run out today and use what insurance is giving her for the old car to finance a “new” (used) car and my point is, I’m just sacked out with my dog hoping that I’m not having a reaction to this Very Different Non-Steroidal Medication. idk, telling people “I’m concerned about this” tends to cosmically inoculate me against it happening. Here we are.
Side note: Hello, new followers! It’s just chaos like this all the time honestly! In 2022, a shit ton of workers descended upon my street one day and dug up all our yards and broke the street’s water main and cut down somebody’s tree without even asking (they brought a crane) and flooded my basement with sewage and we had to gut all of it. Turns out it was a rogue internet provider that was cramming their fiber optic lines into the public easement part of everyone’s yards. Our city works rep told them “uh no you’re paying for the damage,” so within about a year, we were through repairs okay (Internet Provider fucked up the sewage pipes so bad that we had to get an entire new driveway by the time the plumbers were done digging under it). That is kind of the pattern: we get through crises okay, but it sure is a roller coaster to get there!!!, she said with wild-eyed laughter.
But then. Yesterday, my mom came home to discover our front yard marked up with spray paint and tiny flags. They had the logo of a rival provider. It Is Happening Again. So I’m just like. Please do not let me have a reaction to meloxicam while I’m home alone. I don’t need this right now. I don’t need this ever, I didn’t need a second herniated disc at all, but I don’t need this right now.
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dailypikminrenders · 11 months
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pikmin 3 yellow pikmin render, 2013
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larix-laricina · 1 month
Have a low effort doodle of Hazard.
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Dammit I really need to learn how to render-
(tap it for better quality cuz Tumblr eats it for some reason)
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2hoothoots · 23 days
I've always found it quite funny that Milla's level in PN1 tutorialises hazards like spikes and electricity, and then you proceed to encounter zero spikes or electricity the entire rest of the game
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dailybehbeh · 8 months
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
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apparently it's way easier to plan scenes and plotpoints for a fanfic if i draw them first, so here we are <3 featuring me rambling abt this scene under the cut!!
i was specifically thinking about Haym and Rikki's entire relationship?
especially very early on, right when Rikki is properly assigned as Neon J's apprentice and whatnot. this was meant to be the moment Rikki realizes they're not coping very well with leaving Ban behind in Beachside Archipelago, and how they're actually gravitating towards Haym because of how similar he feels to Ban - yknow. being the same model and all
cause Rikki has some serious issues with needing absolute control over every aspect of their life. and right now, they're stuck with a job they don't exactly care for, trying desperately to suck up to Neon J so he'll actually promote Rikki to a DECENT job designing security bots for Vinyl City, not BABYSITTING 1010
(which isn't even babysitting, moreso than being monitored 24/7 in a localized space where they can't be shady since Neon J doesnt. trust them. at all. for various valid reasons)
so witnessing Haym pull some stupid but well-meaning stunt to force Rikki show off how good they are at fixing and repairing shit makes Rikki go????
but they only realize this when their body shuts down and cannot act the way they would've wanted, seeing Haym entirely fucking wrecked being very similar to how they found Ban when they first met makes them spiral a little
Haym doesn't even KNOW he's not the original Yellow model, he has his suspicions but is overall kept in the dark. befriending Rikki is something he does entirely out of genuine curiosity, motherfucker has no clue he's in the middle of a 4 year long unresolved break-up between two losers who are constantly pining after each other both romantically and platonically
im thinkingggg Haym might be seeking out Rikki's presence mostly because he's noticed that they treat him slightly different than the others. not necessarily better, just different enough to get him curious. so the need to build an identity away from 1010 as a group/unit and his inherent curiosity just gets him into this mess
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tanalogyosc · 2 months
"Beware of high voltage! ...oops, and static electricity too,"
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Name: Ellen S. Hazard Object: Electrical Hazard Sign Age: 22 Gender: Female
A safety inspector with a tendency for a shock, Hazard Sign often finds herself circulating too much static electricity in her body thus requiring her to wear special bracelets meant to disperse these voltages easily.
As the daughter of a power plant owner, Electrical Hazard knows the intricacies and nature of electricity like the back of her hand. After a peculiar incident on a stormy night, EHS was struck by lightning when she investigated the power plant's lights out and was severely inducted with electricity afterward.
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csolarstorm · 1 month
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This is BB and Casper. They're our boys. Like brothers they roughhouse and bicker and ultimately love each other. They are also very lucky to be safe and sound!
Last Friday, the shed right next to their enclosure caught fire. We were all inside at the time. A neighbor we didn't know helped contain the fire early by calling 911 and bringing over her hose when ours melted.
Then the fire department came and rushed us off the property. We only had time to secure the cats already in the house. When they finally let us back in, we found BB and Casper hiding in the enclosure behind an old mattress - scared, but safe.
We should have had cat carriers ready to evacuate all of them, but this was all totally new to us. So my first PSA is to make sure you have carriers or leashes for all of your pets. Here's a useful link to read about pet disaster preparedness.
Here's the second PSA. Despite the heat of summer, do not use an extension cord to hook up an air conditioner.
That's how our shed caught on fire. My cousin did the same thing and melted his extension cord. If you do try this, do your research first, and at least make sure the amperage of the cord matches with the amperage of the air conditioner.
Here's a link for that research. And here's a news segment that talks about how common it is for this mistake to lead to fires (and a few ways to prevent it).
We owe so much to our neighbor, the fire department, and really the whole street that came out to watch and support us while we waited for the fire department to do their thing. I cannot express how eternally grateful I am that the fire only burned a small area, and everyone, including BB and Casper, is safe and happy.
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I got a heated blanket for Christmas and this thing is DANGEROUSLY COZY
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mephiles-the-jester · 4 months
replaying pokemon scarlet but as metal sonic,and i cant stop imagining an au or smth where eggman discovers the pokemon universe and sends metal sonic and sage there to explore it for information,,,and suddenly metal sonic has to experience the horrors of creating a friend group,,also shes a girl
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haunted-rum · 5 months
Okay so maybe a bookshelf wasn’t the best place to put my altar… 😅
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got-eggs · 6 months
2 of the 3 junk xboxs arrived...
whoever opened the good looking one previously is gonna get a middle finger up the ass istg
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