#electrician hawthorn
seselectrical · 9 months
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reader x xander Hawthorne please 🥺
xander hawthorne x fem!reader
hcs about meeting & dating xander hawthorne
a/n: HI IM BACK! & tysm for the request!! xander is so underrated 👎 thats my bae fr🫶 currently working on other stuff but wanted to do this request bc i immediately had ideas for this!! i still don't completely get how school worked in the books, so if there's any wrong info please bare w me. if this wasn't what you had in mind feel free to send a specific request! again, this is kinda fic like but still calling it hcs.
word count: 7.3k
warnings: long backstory again, mentions of death, sexual themes. (pls lmk if you see anything else that should be labeled as a warning)
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you’ve always lived on the middle side class of things. you were, thankfully, never poor, but also never rich enough where you could afford the more luxurious things in life.
your mother owned a small bakery 3 blocks away from your home, while your father worked for an electrician company. both jobs were stable enough to provide for necessities and both your parents enjoyed their occupations.
your parents always told you to never worry about money, but it still made you reluctant to ask them for things you wanted in fear they couldn't afford it. which is why you always tried to fix your problems yourself.
if you ever needed money, you would work for your mother at her bakery in exchange. while it was still your mom giving you the money, it made you feel better that you earned the cash. 
you later found yourself working at the bakery even without needing money. you liked working with your mom, and it was fun to learn how to make different types of sweets. 
at school, you were always a studious person. you worked hard to get a's and never anything below. you wanted to make your parents proud and feel as if their hard work toward the family wasn't for nothing. 
you knew it would be practically impossible for your family to afford your college career without going into debt. so you always looked at scholarships and what they looked for in students, so you tried to make yourself appear well-rounded. 
you joined student council, mathletes (although math wasn't your forte),library club, chess club,art club, film club, yearbook, culinary club, asl club, and a few others over the years. to say your schedule after school was always booked was a major understatement.
although your favorite was always the art club. you never even knew you had an artistic side until you joined. you explored it more with your membership and soon became quite good. 
during your freshman year you took your first art class. you were excited to learn under a professional for the first time. 
after a few lessons, your first major assignment was realism project; draw somebody in your everyday life. 
you were both excited and a bit nervous. you had drawn people before, but never someone you knew, and you wanted to make a great first impression on your teacher. 
you ended up choosing your mother as your muse; your father could never stay still enough to be drawn. it took a lot of long nights when your mother wasn't working to finish your drawing. you could've just taken a photo of her and drawn that, but you pushed for the extra mile of drawing her from real life.
you were satisfied when you finished, and your parents were in awe by your work - telling you over and over how talented you were and your teacher would surely be impressed. still, you were anxious about turning it in the next day in class. 
your assignment was a big hit with your teacher, you got a perfect A+. she commented on your beautiful handiwork, noting that your drew from real life. she also advised how you should consider switching to an advanced class since it was obvious you were already beyond a beginner course. 
you wanted to decline at first, being intimidated by the thought of being in a class with others who were just as good or better than you - but your gut instinct told you it was the right choice to make. 
it proved to be right because by the spring you were already one of the best in your art class. you expanded into all types of art: abstract, realism, expressionism, digital, etc. your favorite and most notable works tended to be the realistic ones of people, place, and objects. art had become a part of your life in the best way. 
you entered a numerous amount of competitions and always come back on top; it got to the paint your shelfs had all been filled to the brim. you parents of course were elated with your success and were never prouder. 
you soon were able to make some money with your art skills as well. you got commissioned for mainly portraits of family and friends, mostly to give as gifts or to have in their household. it made you feel proud someone out there had a piece of your art and that people loved your work enough to want you to paint their family. 
the biggest commission you've ever taken was a 40x30 portrait of an older man. the request was anonymous, so you weren't sure who the man was or if the request was for himself or another person. 
the project took a few weeks due to your work load and having to paint such fine details on a huge canvas. you were happy with the outcome and were astonished to find out the anonymous buyer had given you 10k for your work. it was way over your normal pay grade.
your success didn't end there. in the summer before your sophomore year, you received a fancy envelope in the mail. it was addressed to you and sent from heights country day school. 
at first, you were confused as to why they would send you anything. everyone in texas knew of heights country day, it was one of the best private schools in the state. almost all parents want their kids to be a student there, but the tuition was awfully expensive, so if you weren't rich you were most likely not getting in. 
you didn't wait to tell your parents before your ripped open the envelop in anticipation. you unfolded the letter inside and skimmed over the introductions.
you were shocked to find out you were being awarded a full paid scholarship to attend heights country day school for the rest of highschool. 
your first thought was to assume it was a prank, or a scammer trying to get your info. but you examined the letter further; the seal of the school and the dean signature did look quite authentic. then you noticed the number listed on the bottom of the page. 
you figured you should just call and check for confirmation. you told yourself the worst case scenario would be they laugh at your face and tell you the letter isn't real. 
you definitely did not want to inform your parents until you made the call, that way if it wasn't real, their hopes wouldn't be crushed and they would never even know about it. 
it took an hour of pacing in your room to finally work up the courage to make the call. you kept tour expectations low to avoid disappointment. 
the secretary of the school was quick to pick up after two rings, and you briefly explained the letter you received. you held your breath for a second until she told you to "please hold for a moment." 
when she returned she informed you you were being transferred to the dean's phone. your nerves were through the roof at this point. you wanted to believe it was a good sign the dean wanted to talk to you, but maybe he wanted to tell you himself the letter was unfortunately a phony and they do not give scholarships to art students.
the dean finally picked up the call and you both exchanged greetings. from there he explained how the letter was, in fact, very real.
the school had seen a work of yours and dug deeper into your portfolio and academic career. they were very impressed with your achievement, especially given your age. the board was all unanimous in agreeing to offer you the scholarship because of your artistic talents and would love for you to become a part of their school. 
the rest of the call was a blur to you. when the call ended you stood stunned in your room for a minute. you had to pinch yourself to remind yourself this was real and happening. 
once you snapped out of it, you were jumping up and down in joy. you truly were elated to possibly be a student at one of the top private schools in texas or even the country. 
you wasted no more time informing your parents when they arrived home. they also thought you were just pulling their leg, but after you told them you had confirmation - you swear their jaws hit the floor. 
your parents were just as excited for you. your mother took the liberty of baking all your favorites in celebration, even lemon scones, which were your favorite.
before you knew it, summer was over, and it was time to get back into school. you spent the rest of your break prepping to attend heights - gathering books, supplies, and a uniform (which was mostly paid by the school). 
this was your first time wearing a uniform, and you were a bit delighted to wear it. it was a burgundy blazer with a navy crest embossed, with the school motto in latin, a white dress shirt, and a pleated plaid skirt. 
it screamed, "i go to a really expensive private school."
it was nerve-wracking that you were now going to school with some of the richest and elite children in america. you'd hope it wouldn't be obvious where your social class stood, or if it was, they wouldn't think of you any less for it.
you did your best to stray from stereotypical assumptions, but then again you've never interacted with people of a such higher social class - you really had no idea what to expect. 
nonetheless, you wanted to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, so you held your head up high when the first day came around. 
the school in no way looked like a regular public school, it shared way more similar qualities with college campuses. it was beautifully constructed, and you had a feeling the inside was even more stunning.
your parents dropped you off in front of the twin archways of the school, wishing you a good first day, and they were only a call away if you needed anything. you responded with your goodbyes and now stood on the pavement of heights day.
a part of you was glad your parents left so soon; you loved them to death, but their older modeled car stood out amongst the other deluxe cars parked and driving into school grounds. the last thing you wanted on your first day was to stick out like a sore thumb.
you took a deep breath before you took your strides through the front door.
you were happy to see no one gave you obvious looks and stares when you walked through, like those of a movie. everyone seemed preoccupied with their own things. you were silently thankful for that.
you made your way to the office on your own; luckily it was very near the front entrance with a big sign that said 'office of registrar'. making it very easy for you to find it without having to awkwardly ask another peer.
you walked to a desk of who you assumed was a secretary and gave her your name and stated your business. she instantly recognized your name and made a swift move to hand you your schedule.
the secretary informed you about the school's modular scheduling, which means they operate on a six-day cycle, and classes meet anywhere from three to five times a cycle. you were free to fit in lunch where you saw fit. you honestly didn't quite grasp it, but you figured you'd just learn along the way.
she also let you know another student had been assigned to show you around school. that's how you ended up meeting rebecca laughlin.
rebecca was a shy and a bit nervous girl, but seemed sweet nonetheless. you briefly got to know her as she showed you the different rooms; the archive room, the reflector (basically the cafeteria you realized), gym, the art center etc.
she was in the same grade as you, and had a twin sister named emily also in the school. from the small mention of her sister you sensed it was likely a sore subject. you took over from there talking a bit about yourself and your interests.
rebecca mentioned she was also new this year, having moved to texas just recently with her family but frequently visiting before that. she was able to go on a private tour with her sister over the summer, which is why she knew the place quite well already.
you two chatted a bit more until the tour ended. the last stop was the art center, and you were more than thrilled to go inside and check it out. rebecca was about to enter along with you before she saw her twin sister and people who you assume were her friends , a boy and a girl.
you turned around to glance at them and saw they were waving her over. you could tell rebecca was hesitant to just leave you for them, but you reassured her she provided an excellent tour. she reluctantly went off toward her friends, not before giving you her number and letting you know if you had any questions you could reach her.
you took a peak back at where rebecca and her friends were walking away. they all look straight out of a teen vogue catalog. emily was identical to rebecca, same red hair, eyes, and face. you could tell emily was more confident than rebecca however. there was another girl, dark eyes and even darker brown wavy hair - she was so beautiful it felt unreal. and lastly with them was a boy, he was quite tall, dark-skinned with light honey brown eyes, and a head full of curly hair. he was handsome and easily fit in with the rest of the model-looking girls.
you must've looked a second too long because he turned his head in your direction and you both made eye contact.
you quickly snapped your head away,not waiting for his reaction, and made your way to the arts center. you cursed yourself for being caught looking a bit, and now you were slightly embarrassed.
when you reached the arts center, you were amazed. it was a big building with different rooms, it was decorated as if was a museum, marble floors and pillars, archways, etc. and everything about it was engaging.
you took the time to explore the whole place; you found several different art rooms you assumed were open to students, different supply closest, classrooms for teaching, and even a few soundproof rooms. at some point you ran into a few teachers and got to know them and what they taught. you had a few of them in your schedule, so it was great to know where their classes were.
before you knew it, it was time for your first class and then eventually to your last of the day. for lunch you had opted to eat what you brought from home in the archive because you didn't feel like going through the anxiety of finding somewhere alone to sit in the refectory.
it ended up being ironic because you made a friend in there who was also eating lunch. you were sitting alone at small table when a blonde haired girl with her lunch approached you.
her name was mia, and you both instantly clicked. mia had noticed you eating at the table alone and thought she'd introduce herself since she hadn't since you on campus before. she was also a sophomore, seventeen, and she was part of height country day dance team.
she has almost always eaten in the archive since her freshman year; she enjoyed the quiet and privacy since few students ever ate or hung out there too long - you both had that in common.
after that great first meeting, the two of you became best friends. you would occasionally have a class or two with her depending on the schedule, but you both always made time to see each other throughout the day and eat lunch in the archive room.
she later on introduced you to a few of her other friends, that were now your friends as well. they were all pretty wealthy, but it didn't change the fact they were all genuine and friendly people. the fear of making friends at your new school was gone by the end of your first week.
that's set up the rest of your fantastic first year at heights country day school.
you fit in immediately with the art center and other art peers. you all carried the same passions, and it was very fun to learn from others. of course, you all intimidated to be around people so advanced and mostly rich, but it only pushed you to work even harder.
your teachers were all so great. they were also tough critiques, being professionals and all, but you took any critique you got with stride- making you a better artist.
your non-art-related classes were more difficult and work-loaded than you were use to, but you were quick to catch up with the rest of the class.
a few kids at school were stuck up and pretentious, but mostly the students weren't too far off from normal teenagers. and like high school there were cliques and popular people. you never bothered yourself with any of that, yet you always heard three reoccurring last names - hawthorne, laughlin, and calligaris.
you knew laughlin meant rebecca and emily, and it didn't take you long to figure out the other last names must belong to the other two people she was with during your first day. it made sense to you they were well-known, just their looks alone made you feel like they're superior to you.
you could've asked mia or literally paid attention to gossip around you if you wanted to know the first names of the boy & girl with the laughlins, but it honestly slipped your mind. frankly, you were too occupied with navigating your new school life to really care too much about it.
the most shocking event to happen that year was the dead of emily laughlin.
you weren't close friends with rebecca - you two did have a few chats and texts here and there; she once or twice joined mia and you in the archive. but you still felt horrible her sister died and felt the need to reach out.
you gave her your condolences when you saw her back at school, and let her know you were there for anything. she thanked you, but you could tell she needed space to grieve.
you still felt the need to do something, so you came up with the idea to make her a portrait and gifted it to her wrapped. you didn't see her reaction to it (she opened it when she got home), but she let you know she deeply appreciated it.
after that the rest of your year was quick to come and go. and before you knew it, it was summer again.
your summer stayed uneventful, but fun. you worked almost full-time with your mom in her bakery and spent time with your friends.
one afternoon, you were working the counter and you saw a familiar face walk in - a certain handsome, honey-eyed, curly-haired guy.
you greeted him as you normally did customers and asked for his order. he replied, asking for blueberry scones.
you nodded and went to get the scones from your display. that's when he spoke up again, commenting on how he'd seen you from school.
you were taken aback he’d remembered you but you nodded agreeing and replied you were new sophomore year.
"what happens to be your name, baker girl?"
"y/n. and what happens to be yours, new customer?"
he gave a dramatic offended look, hand over his heart - "you mean your telling me you don't know the name of the most dashing man at heights country day school?"
you shrugged, "i suppose not."
"when then i ought to fix that, the name is xander, milady," bowing down to give a kiss on the dorsal side of your hand.
oh he was charming alright. 
to hide your blushing face you busied yourself with packing his scones into a paper bag and rang him up to the register. 
"very serious question...how do you feel about blueberry scones?"
"they're good, but i think the lemon ones are better." 
you've never seen someone look so taken aback as xander did in that moment. he looked as if he'd just got the news his favorite boy band broke up. 
"are you alright-"
"what do you mean you prefer the lemon ones!"
xander then went into a tagent on blueberry scones stomp the lemon ones any day, and only psychos favored the lemons. you countered his claims, defending your favorite treat. you both were going back and forth until a bell rang throughout the bakery, signaling a customer has entered. 
"i suppose that's my sign to take my leave, but trust this debate is not over."
you rolled your eyes playfully, but you fought back a smile at the implication you two would speak again. 
he handed his black card to pay, and you tried not to look astonished at his casual display of the card. as you were swiping his card, he pulled a scone out of his brown bag and laid it on the counter in front of you. 
"here, it's my treat. this is the start of my fool-proof plan to convince you blueberry scones are far more superior." 
you tried to decline or offer him a refund for that scone, but ever the gentleman, he wouldn't allow it. he was out the door before you could protest anymore. leaving with a, "until we meet again," and a wink. 
you hated yourself for liking his annoying handsome beautiful smirk. 
as he requested, you did eat the scone. you admit blueberry is delicious, but nothing compared to the citrus of your lemon ones. plus, you found a new motivation to keep favoring them. 
that was the first of xander's many visits to the bakery that summer. always the same order, and always leaving one for you to eat. he really was on a mission to change your mind. 
sometimes out of spite you'd slip in a lemon scone into his bag to rile him up when he opened it. it always resulted in xander coming back the next day throwing a dramatic hissy fit. you kinda found it cute. 
you two continued your light banter about scones, but ventured into different topics such as school, hobbies, and exploding robots (his favorite topic). even as you worked behind the counter aiding customers, he was there talking your ear off. not that you minded at all, it was nice to have someone other than your mom to talk to. 
you found out xander was very smart; he builds replicas of star wars droids and was a three-time world champion at building machines. you'd never known someone with such intellect. whenever you brought it up, however, he'd brush it off saying it's a family thing and his brothers are much wiser. 
you briefly got a synopsis of his family, and it was quite intriguing. he had four half-brother; nash, grayson, and jameson - all sharing the same mother, but none of the boys' fathers seemed to be in the picture. all of them were basically raised by their grandfather, tobias hawthorne, who was obsessed with riddles and games. he sounded like an interesting man to say the least. 
you opened up to him a bit about your family and getting a scholarship into the school. which now looked not as impressive talking to a genius yet, xander was amazed at this, asking to see some of your work. 
you were suddenly self-conscious about your art. you thought a rich guy like himself probably had seen hundreds of artworks better than yours and done by people younger than your age. 
so, you lied and said you didn't have any pictures, and that you'll show him another time. you're gonna stall that as much as possible.
you guys later exchanged numbers, now being able to communicate outside your bakery hours during the week.
xander favorite thing was to spam you with pictures of himself eating blueberry scones, and you swore you were gonna block him everytime.
summer went by in a flash, and the school went back into session; you were entering your junior year. 
xander and you continued to hang out all the time, even more than you did with your own friends. he was always the one to find you around school, no matter the schedule you had that day.
he loved to sneak up on you and jump scare you, making your heart leap out your chest everytime. you would hit his arm in retaliation everytime and swore you were gonna unfriend him if he didn’t stop. you never actually did though.
xander made sure to pull you out your comfort zone. he sometimes dragged you (sometimes physically) to the refectory to go and eat with him. occasionally, his friends would join as well. rebecca was easy to talk to since you already knew her, and thea was…. complicated, but she had her good parts once she warmed up to you. 
you then demanded xander eat lunch with you and mia to compensate for eating at the refectory every now and then.
he obliged, but you told him it was better if he didn’t after he got kicked out the archive for talking loudly. he swore the archive keeper had it out for him.
he continued the ritual of giving you a blueberry muffin made by the chefs of his home. sometimes you'd bring your own lemon scone and give it to him, negotiating that you'll eat your scone if he eats his.
he'd always agree, but eat it begrudgingly. you swore he was warming up to the scone.
you two took your hangouts to after school. if you worked, it'd be at the bakery and if not, you'd go to the park and just walk.
you invited him over to your house one day after school, xander excitedly accepted. you were a bit nervous he'd think poorly of your home since you were sure he lived in a glorious mansion.
you introduced him to both of your parents, and they greeted him kindly, but your mom embarrassingly asked if he was your boyfriend.
you were quick to make a joke to cover your pink cheeks, "mom, we'd never work out we have complete different tastes in scones."
xander cut in, "well, you know what they say, opposites do attract."
was he flirting with you, or were you reading into it? and why did you like it.
xander ended up really enjoying your house; he even once said he found it more peaceful than his own. so, you guys now frequently hung out at your house after school to talk, banter, study, and or even help each other with projects.
even though you tried to avoid it, xander ending up seeing your art.
it was unintentional; you were seated at a table in an art space working on a sketch, of whatever came to mind, with your earphones in. you didn't hear xander walk in and call your name.
you noticed his presence when he swiped your drawing book. you quickly took out your earphones and tried to reach for it back, but he'd already seen your drawing. and to make matters worse it was a sketch of him.
you were mortified, but he just looked at it in admiration.
he asked if you made it, and you shyly said you had.
"can't believe you were trying to hide your talent from me. now, as an apology ur going to let me keep this."
you immediately said no, and went to take it out of his hand. but xander was quicker and took the page from the journal and held it above his head, out of reach.
after a lot of jumping to reach it, which was required because he's very tall, you gave up and let him have it. xander was pleased with that, and has carried it everywhere in his wallet since then.
he now always pestered you about your art, wanting to see it or wanting you to make a piece for him. you had to admit, you found it flattering.
to make it fair, you wanted to see him in action working on something. he was delighted to show you his robots, and some of his process making them.
you were amazed at his talent, but he could be careless at times.
for instance, you two were in the lab room and you were watching him working on a new formula to fuel his robots. he turned on bunsen burner and before you knew it, it exploded.
he ended up with a missing eyebrow, and you were laughing hysterically. you still have pictures of him without it much to xander's dismay.
you knew you'd grown a crush on the charismatic guy, but you were too scared to admit it.
you weren't sure if he felt the same way, and a part of you felt silly for even thinking he would.
you confided in mia about it, and she was convinced xander was head over heels for you. but you still weren't quite sure, and you didn't want to damage a really good friendship.
in middle of october, xander's grandfather, tobias hawthorne passed away.
he wasn't at school that day, but you assumed he was out sick or doing something important. it wasn't until you heard the news from peers talking about it did you put it together.
you immediately sent him a text sending your condolences and asked if he needed anything.
you didn't hear from him for the rest of the week, which worried you - but you knew, like rebecca, people tend to want their space when loved ones pass.
it was a friday night, you were studying for an upcoming test in your world history class on monday, when you hear a sound from your window.
you ignored it at first thinking it was a wondering animal or just trees against each other. but then you heard it repeatedly, and you realized it was sounding more like a tap against the glass.
you carefully slid your curtains from the window and took a peak outside. you then came face to face with the boy you hadn't seen all week.
it took you a moment to register it was him, you yelped at the first sight of someone outside. but then he started motioning for you to open the window and then you noticed it was xander hawthorne.
you unlatched the lock on your window and slide it open enough he could fit through. but it didn't stop him from tripping on your window still and falling onto the ground with a 'thud'.
"shh! my parents might've heard that!"
"wow, instead of helping a poor fallen man up, you scold him. what ever happened to warm hospitality?"
you ignored him and held your hand out to help him up. once he was stood up, you waited for him to explain why he was here.
he went on to say he didn't have a specific reason, he just needed to get out of his mansion home. "the first place i thought of to go was here, with you."
you swore your heart leaped when he said that. you were praying to whoever was listening that your face wasn't a tomato. how do you even respond to such a heartfelt statement?
luckily, you didn't need to respond to that because he was quick to follow up his words.
"actually, you seem to be the first person i think about every day. no matter what i'm doing, I'll start to think of what'd you be saying if you were there. anytime i see the sunset, my thought shifts to what it look like if you painted it. hell, i've even found myself eating, yes eating, lemons scones because they bring me reminiscence of you."
xander crept closer as his words flowed out. and you were frozen to your spot. heart pounding louder as he took another step closer to you - leaving less than a foot of space between the two of you.
unsure of how to react you said the first thing that came to mind.
"well, uh, maybe you should think about inflation that usually keeps my mind busy." idiot. why do you open your big mouth.
xander gives you a grin, obviously amused at your nervous rambling like the little jerk he is. he was so close to you, you were embarrassed at the possibility he could he your heart pounding.
he moves his right hand to the side of your face, brushing his thumb over your cheek - eyes never leaving yours. you didn't have the strength to look away or even move, as if he was a vampire who compelled you to stay still.
"i've never known someone to get red so easily as you."
you then realized how much of your face was burning, and then after that statement it heated up even further. stupid nervous system.
"i didn't think your face could get a deeper scarlet than it was a moment ago," he laughs, "it's quite adorable honestly."
oh, god. this guy had your heart fluttering at after calling you adorable.
"i wonder how red you'll get when i kiss you."
you did not have a moment to process what xander utter because at the next second his collided his lips upon yours.
nothing prepared you for how exhilarating kissing him felt. your knees gave out a little, and xander was quick to keep you steady. you weren't even ashamed, stuck in a trance by the kiss. it was as if a scene from a jane austen novel had come to life.
boy, was he a good kisser. it was unfair really, how perfect he could he at anything he wants.
when the two of you pulled away, he was the first to speak up.
"you're about as red as crayon right now."
that was enough to bring you back to reality and shove him.
immediately after that night, the two of you began dating.
at first you thought it was unsaid that the both of you were now dating, but you should've known better than to believe xander hawthorne would take the subtle way.
the following monday you were in the refectory waiting on xander, who'd ask you to meet him there. however, you hadn't seen him yet, so you just sat down at an open table.
suddenly, you hear some sort of a mechanical noises coming from behind you. you turned you heard toward it and nothing could have prepared you to see a life sized R2-D2 robot gliding straight towards you - holding flowers in its utility arm.
what the hell was in your breakfast that morning?
when it made it way in front of you, you were completely stunned. you could feel the gazes of people in the room also witnessing this. the robot look scarily realistic to the ones in the star wars movies, xander really was a genius.
the robot extended another arm to reveal a small envelope. you took it in your own hand, along with the flowers.
a. yes
b. a
c. kiss me
you rolled your eyes at his antics, maybe genius was an overstatement. then you noticed some scribble at the bottom.
at first sight of the words - you thought you were having a stroke, but then you figured out you had to unscrambled it to reveal the words 'TURN AROUND'.
of course, xander was always one for puzzles.
you follow the directions of the note and saw the man himself standing before you with a basket full of both lemon and blueberry scones.
"a tough choice, i know. personally, option c is the most appealing."
you wanted to smack the smugness of out him, but instead you opted to answer with letter c.
dating xander was chaotic to say the least, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
you two were never allowed to go on ordinary dates, xander always made sure they were memorable.
for your first date he took you to an escape room, but reserved the whole thing just for the two of you. xander was obviously a pro at the game, but you were quick to figure things out as well. the two of you got the quickest escape time.
at the end of it, he gifted you gold chained necklace with an 'x' and a golden key. you wore it all the time after.
another time you were taken to a amusement park, also reserved for the two of you. you clung on to xander on the scariest rides, much to his enjoyment. it wasn't until the end you saw how there had been pictures taken of you both while on the rides - your expression being fear on almost all of them while your arm was tight grabbing xander's. of course his face was just his charming giant grin of excitement.
he made sure to keep them all and put it as had lock screen despite how much you told him not to.
xander was now way more lenient about the lemon scone thing, and you can proudly say he even enjoys them now. nonetheless, the tradition at lunch is still on-going.
the most nerve wracking part of your relationship was meeting his family.
you learned just how rich xander and his family are. you knew he came from a lot of money, but you were never informed he was related to a billionaire. you couldn't comprehend how having that much money was possible, but xander, of course, acted nonchalant about the whole thing. rich people.
his brothers were all pleasant to meet. nash was the nicest, similar to his brother, he was a charmer with a country accent. grayson was more closed off, and didn't say a lot, but greeted you nicely. jameson, was a wild card, he was a bit drunk, but everyone collectively chose to remain obvious to it. he was also very flirty with you, but you knew it was mainly to annoy xander.
apparently it worked because the following day jameson was found with green hair.
you were introduced to his aunt and mother. his aunt was also pleasant, keeping greeting formal. his mother was.... interesting... the interaction was small, but based on some remarks and backhanded compliments; she looked down on your lower status. xander was quick to defend you and apologize after.
you later were asked to open the front door with a jumble of keys that all looked the same. you assumed this was suppose to be a test of some sort, but you weren't a mastermind at puzzles games like the other hawthornes.
instead, you found a big rock near the front entrance and smashed it against the door locks until they broke.
the brothers looked all bewildered at your action. xander was the first to burst out laughing, come around you to wrap and arm on your shoulder and kiss your forehead.
"that's my girl. who needs logic when you have big rocks."
xander was your biggest supporter in everything. he loved every piece of art you made, and never let you scrap or throw any of it anyway. anything you ever drew or painted him, he would keep it framed and hung in a section of his room dedicated to your work.
he shows up to every art show you have, bragging to people around how his amazing girlfriend painted the work. you always blush in embarrassment, but it never failed to make you happy.
you showed the same support for his activities as well. you cheered him on at my robotic competitions and you were his assistant in helping with small tasks during his building and experiments.
xander made robots were mainly made for doing simple things in overly complicated ways. he also occasionally gifted you robots for small annoying tasks you would offhandedly mention to him.
for instance, xander was walking you to your next class, carrying your backpack as he always insisted it was his job to do. you joked about how you wished he was always around to carry your stuff so your arms wouldn't be so tired.
a few weeks later he gave you a small robot designed to carrying items such as a backup and books. he even gave it wheels so it could follow you around the school like a puppy.
with xanders extroverted personality, it shouldn't surprised you he is not opposed to any PDA. which thea always gags to in the background if she's there to witness it.
he always has his arm around you, preferably your waist, or interlocks your hands together. he loves to gives you random kisses on the forehead or cheek. xander's favorite thing is to surprise you with a kiss on the lips in public, just so he can see you blush.
your first time with xander was very romantic and he made sure it would be. there were candles all over his bedroom and rose petals scattered on the ground. 
although xander was known for being a bit cocky, he was just as nervous as you that night, wanting to make everything special just for you. 
once he made sure you were comfortable - it was like a switch flipped - his cocky persona was back ten fold. 
let’s just say the next day you couldn’t feel your legs, nor could you hide the multiple purple marks left on you. 
of course, ever the gentlemen he was - he made you breakfast in bed the next morning. 
you were even more shocked to find out that was his first time. why is he miraculously good at everything?  
you hung out a lot more at the hawthorne mansion, xander showed you different passages around it. the house was so huge it felt like you've only ever seen 50% of it.
you grew closer to the other hawthorne brothers, taking part in family game night. you after a game of their version of chutes and ladders, you were quick to turn down some offers to play a game.
you also became good friends with avery grambs, you had first met her at the will reading, xander inviting you for moral support. you related to how out of place her and her sister felt around highly rich people.
the events of the will were shocking, but you were happy to find out she'd be sticking around. her moving into the mansion made it easier to hang out with her. you helped her adjust to heights country day and became close.
you and xander both helped avery with what you could in solving the clues his grandather left behind for avery and the hawthornes. although, you kept quiet about the fact xander knew a lot more than he was telling.
however, xander was reluctant to let you join them on anymore research after almost getting shot at when you went along with avery and jameson.
you’d never seen him so mad at his brother, cursing him up and down for putting you in that situation.
xander was insistent for you to stay behind from then on, but you relented and kept tagging along with the others on their little scavenger hunts. xander realized he couldn’t stop you, so he forbid you from going on any clue hunts without him by your side.
it was cute how protective he was, but a little annoying too.
one day you were walking around the mansion with xander looking for jameson, who had wondered off to who knew where. you came across an unfamiliar office. you had asked xander who it belonged to and he informed you it was his grandfathers, now technically avery's.
the two of you entered the office space, you figured xander was curious if anything had changed since his grandfather's passing or if he had maybe left another clue behind.
you were looking around until you eyes came across something behind his desk - a large portrait of who you assumed was tobias hawthorne. upon further inspection, you came to realize another thing.
you painted this portrait.
"holy shit."
even beyond the grave tobias hawthorne keeps on spurring surprises.
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nncelectrical · 1 month
Trusted Residential Electricians in Kippa Ring, Ascot, Albion, and Hawthorne, QLD
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Ensuring the safety and efficiency of your home's electrical systems is paramount, and finding a top-notch electrician is key to achieving this. In the suburbs of Kippa Ring, Ascot, Albion, and Hawthorne, QLD, residents have access to a range of skilled professionals who can handle all their electrical needs. Whether you’re looking for the best electrician in Kippa Ring qld, a reliable electrician in Ascot residential, or the best electrician in Hawthorne, this guide will help you navigate your options.
For those residing in Kippa Ring, finding the best electrician in Kippa Ring, QLD can make a significant difference in the quality of service you receive. Kippa Ring, with its variety of residential properties, requires an electrician who is well-versed in both modern and older electrical systems. The best electricians in this area are known for their expertise in handling everything from routine maintenance and repairs to more complex installations, such as upgrading electrical panels or installing energy-efficient systems. Choosing a top-rated electrician ensures that your home’s electrical needs are addressed with precision and professionalism.
In Ascot, a suburb known for its charming residential homes and historical architecture, finding a skilled electrician Ascot residential is essential for maintaining the integrity and safety of your electrical systems. Residential electricians in Ascot specialize in addressing the unique challenges posed by older homes and can offer expert solutions for issues such as outdated wiring or installation of new electrical features. Their familiarity with the local housing styles means they can provide tailored services that meet your specific needs while ensuring compliance with all relevant safety standards.
Albion, with its blend of traditional and contemporary homes, requires a residential electrician in Albion who can navigate the diverse electrical needs of its residents. Whether you’re dealing with a minor electrical issue or planning a significant home renovation, a local expert in Albion will bring a deep understanding of the area’s electrical requirements. Their expertise includes handling electrical repairs, installations, and upgrades with a focus on maintaining safety and enhancing the functionality of your home’s electrical system.
Hawthorne is another suburb where finding the best electrician in Hawthorne can greatly benefit homeowners. Known for its attractive residential properties, Hawthorne requires electricians who are not only skilled but also highly reliable. The best electricians in Hawthorne offer comprehensive services, including electrical inspections, repairs, and installations, ensuring that every aspect of your home’s electrical system is managed with care. Their commitment to high-quality service and customer satisfaction makes them a top choice for residents seeking dependable electrical solutions.
best electrician in Hawthorne
Selecting the right electrician involves more than just finding someone who is available. It’s important to consider their qualifications, experience, and customer reviews. The best electricians in these suburbs are those who have a proven track record of excellent service and customer satisfaction. They are known for their ability to handle a wide range of electrical issues, provide clear communication, and deliver results that meet or exceed expectations.
In summary, whether you’re in Kippa Ring, Ascot, Albion, or Hawthorne, QLD, choosing the right residential electrician is crucial for maintaining the safety and efficiency of your home’s electrical systems. By opting for top-rated professionals who are familiar with the specific needs of each area, you ensure that your electrical needs are handled with expertise and care. From routine maintenance to complex installations, the right electrician can make a significant difference in the comfort and safety of your home.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Emma Woodhouse is a congenial young lady who delights in meddling in other people’s affairs. She is perpetually trying to unite men and women who are utterly wrong for each other. Despite her interest in romance, Emma is clueless about her own feelings, and her relationship with gentle Mr. Knightly. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Emma Woodhouse: Gwyneth Paltrow Harriet Smith: Toni Collette Mr. Elton: Alan Cumming Frank Churchill: Ewan McGregor Mr. Knightley: Jeremy Northam Mrs. Weston: Greta Scacchi Mrs. Elton: Juliet Stevenson Jane Fairfax: Polly Walker Miss Bates: Sophie Thompson Mr. Woodhouse: Denys Hawthorne Mr. Weston: James Cosmo Mrs. Bates: Phyllida Law Mrs. Goddard: Kathleen Byron Robert Martin: Edward Woodall John Knightley: Brian Capron Isabella: Karen Westwood Miss Martin: Rebecca Craig Mrs. Cole: Angela Down Mr. Cole: John Franklyn-Robbins Bates’ Maid: Ruth Jones Dancer (uncredited): Lee Boardman Film Crew: Set Decoration: Totty Whately Producer: Patrick Cassavetti Production Design: Michael Howells Director of Photography: Ian Wilson Casting: Mary Selway Novel: Jane Austen Screenplay: Douglas McGrath Casting: Sarah Trevis Art Direction: Joshua Meath-Baker Costume Design: Ruth Myers Editor: Lesley Walker Executive Producer: Bob Weinstein Executive Producer: Harvey Weinstein Producer: Steven Haft Executive Producer: Donna Gigliotti Art Direction: Sam Riley Thanks: Giorgio Armani Script Supervisor: Jean Bourne Makeup Department Head: Tina Earnshaw Assistant Costume Designer: Morgan Elliott Original Music Composer: Rachel Portman Hair Department Head: Simon Thompson Makeup Department Head: Susie Adams Property Master: Danny Euston Unit Publicist: Sara Keene Associate Producer: Donna Grey Sound Mixer: Chris Munro Still Photographer: David Appleby Production Coordinator: Fran Triefus Assistant Costume Designer: Sharon Long Dialogue Editor: Derek Holding Gaffer: Norman Smith Supervising Sound Editor: Colin Miller Location Manager: Bill Darby Assistant Editor: Jeremy Hume Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Paul Carr Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Robert Farr Choreographer: Sue Lefton Grip: Richard Broome Assistant Hairstylist: Kay Georgiou Assistant Makeup Artist: Sian Grigg Second Assistant Director: Alison Begg Third Assistant Director: Russell Channon Third Assistant Director: Caleb Menges First Assistant Director: Davina Nicholson Construction Manager: Andrew Golding Scenic Artist: Jason Line Scenic Artist: Stephen Scott Assistant Sound Editor: Geoff R. Brown Foley Artist: Lionel Selwyn Foley Artist: Jason Swanscott Clapper Loader: James Bloom Electrician: David Bruce Electrician: Mark ‘Rocky’ Evans Electrician: Wayne Leach Focus Puller: Roz Naylor Electrician: Ricky Pattenden Wardrobe Supervisor: Michael O’Connor Negative Cutter: Sylvia Wheeler Production Accountant: Kevin Trehy Movie Reviews: Peter McGinn: This is a fine production of the Jane Austen novel, though it is not among my top two favorite adaptations. Not for any serious problems, but rather due to minor decisions that were made in the script. I expected to see more of Emma’s visit to Miss Bates, for example, after she is shamed into repenting her treatment of the silly woman. Other than that I enjoyed the movie well enough. The acting and the script were consistently good except for those moments I mentioned, and I would probably be willing to watch it again someday. Filipe Manuel Neto: **A futile and silly Emma to be taken seriously, but entertaining and has some good moments.** Jane Austen is one of the great writers in the English language and her work has been fertile ground for adaptations and reinterpretations in theatre, television and cinema. From trash to luxury, there’s no shortage of options, and each one stands out for one reason or another. This film was inspired by one of the author’s novels about a charismatic and dreamy young woman who takes pleasure in gathering acquaintances and friends, and playing matchmaker. The problem is that, deep down, she herself feels lonely and doesn’t really see a man capable of making h...
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legxllyblxndc · 2 months
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salem 2.0 || character headcanon
hugo edward dunne - 20 years old | electrician | human
blake hudson diaz - 20 years old | musician | human | son of louis and alexis diaz
amelia sienna burke - 19 years old | nurse | human
sabrina hawthorne hale - 19 years old | librarian | worker in the hawthorne 'natural healing' store | witch/werewolf hybrid | daughter of enzo hale and daphne hawthorne
cassandra 'cassie' alice hamilton - 18 years old | unemployed | human
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f5svcs · 2 years
Electricians and Electrical Company Companies
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commercial electrical contractor
An domestic electrician is a person unique in the electrical wirings of buildings, electrical power machines and other machines. We can call a particular electrician as an electric engineer who has an individual developing person utilised in a suitable up involving new application aspects or else the maintenance or repairing with the current electric powered gadgets. Electricity is an ideal aspect in found life; respected potential customers put it to use through the period of time they awaken till they go to bed furniture. The value of an electric engineer can simply can be bought if you could have electric concerns.
commercial electrical contractor
Electricians how about at your service absolutely help fix the power generated issues. It's advised that meant for becoming an domestic electrical engineer you should go through the apprenticeship program which means one could know about the position inside a proficient cost-effective manner. One of the significant usefulness in being an electrician could be the pay scale, there are lots of electrician who are designed to work overtime all day, if will be performing on a huge position designed to assist them to better their takings. Electricians in good electro-mechanical contracting companies usually are very well proficient particular person in the middle of many instructing and useful knowledge behind them.
There are many modern day commercial electrical company companies that regularly shows quality quality in the personal together with professional marketplaces. These kind of firms have rather experienced staff which places the exhibitions and provides the knowledge, encounter, and skills so that you can lead their group of professional electricians and supervisors. These lenders are licensed, bonded, and insured within United States.
Moreover, these lenders have assisted a lot of small companies and additionally electrical contractors like Holiday Retirement, Hawthorn Retirement, Sunshine Retirement life, Sears, K-Mart, Fine quality Collision Centers, Redbox, Cadent Technologies, in addition to Cardenas Markets to call a few. They also helps out the personal group delivering specific services to be able to various contractors doing work in the customized real estate market. These firms need unique strategy for considering, generation, and operations assists as the back-bone for finishing responsibilities from end-to-end.
An important aim of such businesses is to make sure every different project is accomplished with accuracy, regularity in connection with a high-level of quality design. Their construction organization process reduces down-time and increases selling trust and integrity. To be available any time their clients need to have them. From habit maintenance to vital repairs, good utility contractor companies will handle a variety of circumstances with troubleshooting practical experience to get the problem predetermined getting their people back-up, running, along with operational quickly.
We currently provide multiple trade commercial services for some of the largest companies in Pittsburgh. F5 Facility Services is your one call does it all contractors, literally. We offer all trades within one company. We have licensed electricians, plumbers, HVAC techs, carpenters, painters, concrete crews, and masons. We also have a commercial cleaning division, we offer snow removal, and have a bucket truck for exterior lighting and sign service as well. We have licensed electricians, plumbers, HVAC techs, carpenters, painters, concrete crews, and masons. We also have a commercial cleaning division, we offer snow removal, and have a bucket truck for exterior lighting and sign service as well.
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teslaelectricalinc · 2 years
Top Places to Visit in Lake county:
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Mundelein, Illinois is a cool town. Maybe you are planning a trip to Lake County soon and wondering what to do when you arrive in Mundelein? Well check out this quick blog post for the top places to visit in Mundelein. We think that most people will actually be surprised by how much there is to see and do here. Hope to see you soon!
Linnea's Bakery
Linnea's Bakery is a restaurant in Lake County that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. The atmosphere is casual and relaxed, with a focus on comfort food at reasonable prices. The menu features sandwiches, salads and other entrees like chicken pot pie and meatloaf. Linnea's is located on the west side of Lake County, between Midlothian and Lansing.
Saturn Café
Saturn Café offers a variety of foods and drinks to satisfy any appetite. The restaurant is located in the heart of downtown Lake Geneva, near many other restaurants, shops and attractions.
Lake County Fair
Lake County Fair is one of the top places to visit in Lake County. The fair is a week-long event held in September and October each year. The event showcases all that Lake County has to offer, including agriculture, art and crafts as well as music and entertainment. The fair is hosted by the Lake County Fair Association, which was founded in 1857.
Mundelein Farmer's Market
Mundelein Farmer's Market is one of the best places to visit in Lake County, Illinois. It is a very unique place and it has been around since 1986. The market offers not only fresh fruits and vegetables, but also fresh baked goods, jams and jellies, flowers and plants. You can also find local artisans who sell their crafts at this market. Many people come here on weekends because it is easy to find parking spots there. The best part about this market is that everything sold there is fresh and locally produced, so you can get the real taste of Lake County.
Carnival Amusement Park
Carnival Amusement Park is a family-friendly amusement park located in Gurnee, Illinois. It has a variety of rides and attractions that are suitable for both children and adults. The park also has water rides, arcades, and restaurants that serve food during the day. The park's main attraction is its Ferris wheel which can be seen from miles away due to its height of 250 feet (76 m).
Hawthorn mall
Hawthorn mall is the biggest mall in Lake County, Illinois. It is located at Route 83 in Vernon Hills, Illinois. It has over 150 stores and restaurants. Hawthorn Mall is a two-story shopping center in Vernon Hills, Illinois, United States. The mall has 145 stores and five anchor stores: Macy's (formerly Carson Pirie Scott), Sears, JCPenney, Dick's Sporting Goods and Bed Bath & Beyond.
Mundelein, Illinois is a magical place filled with glowing lanterns and intriguing characters. Although it has remained relatively quiet around the area there are many hidden treasures within this quaint town that is dear to my heart. I have sung over every corner of Mundelein singing songs of its local landmarks and highlighting why they are worthy of a visit or a memory.
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Looking for a reliable electrician in Mundelein? At Tesla Electrical Services, Inc, we believe in delivering the best possible service to our customers, so that they can confidently turn to us for their electrical needs. Our services include electrical repairs, service and maintenance. We will handle it all from troubleshooting, electrical repairs, code violations, circuit breaker replacements. We offer you personal attention and our rates are reasonable!
Contact Us:
Tesla Electrical Services, Inc
Mundelein, IL 60060, United States
Find Us on Google Maps:
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livejournalblogs · 2 years
Doing your own electrical work has several advantages. You’ll save money, have more freedom than if you had to wait for an electrician, and you get to make all the decisions. Despite this, even the most skilled do-it-yourself homeowners may feel the need to bring in an electrician Hawthorn at some point.
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newswheel1 · 2 years
Even though the task appears minor, residential electricity is a significant concern. A competent electrician in Hawthorn should be consulted for any electrical wiring issues, no matter how simple they may seem to the average person. This is where things start to get complicated. How exactly does one go about finding a qualified electrician? In a nutshell, our recommendation is to avoid calling the first person who appears in an online search.
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blogtinger · 2 years
The work of an electrician Hawthorn East is often specialized. It’s not uncommon for electricians to specialize in either new construction, commercial, or service work like replacing light switches and sockets. Remodelling professionals are skilled at methods for wiring existing homes and additions, including snaking wires through finished walls, determining the capacity of existing circuits, etc.
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problogss · 2 years
A professional Hawthorn electrician can provide a range of services, including problem diagnosis, initial design and installation, and upkeep of electrical systems. Repairs are something that you can certainly do on your own, and there are plenty of websites and tutorials that can assist you through the process.
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wikisjournal · 2 years
Sometimes an electrician Hawthorn East can have a hard time, as we have explained below. It’s not uncommon for some folks to have outdated beliefs about the sector that were formed decades ago when it was less controlled. These are some of the most widespread misconceptions that people have about electricians, many of which are likely still held by you even if they are false.
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nncelectrical · 2 months
Finding the Best Residential Electricians in Albion and Hawthorne
When it comes to ensuring the safety and efficiency of your home’s electrical systems, hiring a skilled electrician is essential. Whether you’re in Albion or Hawthorne, finding a top-notch residential electrician can make all the difference. Here’s how to find the best electricians in these areas and why their services are crucial.
Residential Electrician in Albion
Albion, with its mix of modern and older homes, requires electricians who are adept at handling a variety of electrical issues. A residential electrician in Albion offers comprehensive services including electrical inspections, repairs, wiring upgrades, and new installations. These professionals ensure your home's electrical system is up to code, safe, and functioning efficiently.
The best residential electricians in Albion are known for their reliability, expertise, and commitment to customer satisfaction. They can tackle everything from minor repairs to major electrical projects, ensuring that your home’s electrical systems are well-maintained and secure.
Best Electrician in Hawthorne
Hawthorne’s vibrant community and beautiful homes demand top-quality electrical services. Finding the best electrician in Hawthorne means looking for a professional who is licensed, insured, and highly experienced. The best electricians provide a range of services, from basic electrical repairs to complex installations, all performed to the highest standards.
In Hawthorne, the best electricians are recognized for their prompt service, meticulous workmanship, and excellent customer relations. They stay updated with the latest industry standards and technologies, ensuring that your electrical needs are met efficiently and safely.
Residential Electrician in Hawthorne
For residents of Hawthorne, having a reliable residential electrician is crucial. These electricians offer essential services such as electrical safety inspections, home rewiring, lighting installations, and emergency repairs. Their goal is to ensure that your home’s electrical system is both safe and efficient, reducing the risk of electrical hazards.
Residential electricians in Hawthorne are known for their expertise in dealing with the unique electrical needs of homes in the area. They provide personalized service, addressing specific concerns and offering solutions that enhance the safety and functionality of your home’s electrical system.
Switchboard Upgrade Hawthorne QLD
An outdated switchboard can pose significant safety risks, including electrical fires and system failures. Upgrading your switchboard is an essential step in ensuring the safety and reliability of your home’s electrical system. In Hawthorne, QLD, professional electricians offer switchboard upgrade services to bring your electrical system up to current standards.
Switchboard upgrades involve replacing old circuit breakers with modern safety switches, ensuring better protection against electrical faults. This service is particularly important for older homes that may still have outdated electrical systems. Professional electricians in Hawthorne will assess your current switchboard, recommend necessary upgrades, and perform the installation to ensure optimal safety and functionality.
Ensuring your home’s electrical systems are safe and efficient is paramount. Whether you need a residential electrician in Albion or the best electrician in Hawthorne, choosing a skilled and experienced professional is crucial. From routine maintenance to major upgrades like switchboard replacements, top electricians in these areas provide the expertise and reliability needed to keep your home’s electrical systems in top condition. Investing in quality electrical services not only protects your home but also provides peace of mind knowing that your electrical systems are safe and reliable.
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ridleymartin · 3 years
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Controlling the complicated huge electricity circuits and handling the power failures, you need to hire professional hands and minds for the job. R.A. Pearson Electrical is a famous firm having a team of trained emergency electrician services for you. For more info and 24-hour services, contact us.
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Electricians Do
Either house remodeling or a newly constructed home, there are things that people have to hire as their knight in shining armor with hand tools and hand gloves. They are the ones who can perform the delicate work for the power supply of the entire house. Electricity nowadays is highly necessary for the productive days of work and living. Most of the things that people use in their everyday tasks are all electricity dependent. There are ranges from the electrical services and of course they vary on the electrician's work. An electrician not only brings electrical power to everybody's home or commercial building but also handle any electric repairs or other installation work. A good electrician has a lot of tasks and responsibilities. And of course, people want to hire an electrician that is licensed and insured, typically a state requirement for the field of work and profession. As electricians Hawthorne got into the profession, they had been in extensive training and examinations just to get the license they are wishing and dreaming of.
Once that there is a newly constructed house or just renovation, there is one person that people or the homeowner can depend on by the electrical supply of the entire house. Of course they the electricians. They can work with the newly constructed house and at the same time, they can manage to work for the home renovation and changes of some electrical wirings inside the house. It is not so easy to do the remodeling of the house especially the blueprint of the house will be changed rather than following the blueprint of the newly constructed home. In the remodeling, start from planning. People have to deal with the guidance of the electricians to be able to do the wiring or power supplies in every room, the lighting system, and also some maintenance and repair as some part of the renovated of the house can be damaged. Of course, upon planning with the electricians, they can also give the owner an estimation of the cost value of the expenses to be made. The meters per area of the electric wire, the equipment to be used, and more belong to the estimated quotations of expenses. People cannot do it alone for they are not experts with the idea of making and lining the wiring inside and outside the house. Of course, licensed electricians know best for their client's houses and protection. They also ensure that all electrical parts and features of the entire house are all functioning t their best in a very favorable condition each.
Electrician not only performs the wiring and installation of the power supply to every room and appliance. There is also something that people have to ask for the help of their things. Anything that continuously working on a day of the week needs maintenance. The repair work of the electricians does not go along in a single problem. There are lots of reason why an appliance get worn out, this could be a result either some incident like the misuse of the things or due to the years of its service. It is important for every household to use the electrical appliances and check the wirings of every power supply lines in and outside of the house. It is not only the electrician that has to perform the inspection or the simple looking around. Of course, it is the owner who can notice it at first so that they could ask help from the licensed electrician. A house must be a comfort of the family and all of the occupying and reside either man or animal. The protection it can give is nothing to compare with any other places in the world, as there is no home like what you have got but the home you have today and will be in the future.
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scotianostra · 3 years
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On October 28/29th 1939 39 miners lost their lives at  Valleyfield Colliery in Fife.
You would think that something as recent as this I would be able to give a definitive date, some say the 29th others the 28th of October, I think the reason for this is the tragedy occurred on a nightshift, as it didn’t flag up yesterday today it is.
The blast that rocked the mine was likened to an earthquake in newspaper reports. The disaster happened at 04:00 when gas caught light and set fire to coal dust. Most of the men who died came from the villages of Low and High Valleyfield.
News of the disaster spread quickly in the vicinity, and by the time that dawn was breaking an anxious crowd at first mainly composed of relations of the men working in the pit were gathered at the scene. It was soon known who the victims were, but the crowd only grew in size as the day advanced. The weary vigil was interrupted soon after ten o'clock by the sight of three RAF ‘planes passing overhead. Soon afterwards gunfire was heard. Police blew their whistles, and the crowds were advised to take cover. Many of them, including most of the women and children went to the nearest shelter or returned home, and did not come back.
There were many family connections between the men who lost their lives. Thomas Kerr, of Abbey Crescent, High Valleyfield, was working in the Culross section, and his 27-year-old son, Thomas, was at the coal face where the explosion occurred. The younger man must have been killed instantly, and this news accelerated the death of his father in hospital. “There was no doubt that the shock had this effect,” said a local doctor who arranged for Kerr senior to be sent to hospital. 'His injuries were only slight, and not sufficient to cause death. He was quite cheerful and smoking his pipe when we took him to hospital. But the news that his son was dead brought about his own death.“
The following are the names of those who lost their lives in the disaster:- Archibald Anderson (46), brusher, 4 Abbey Crescent. High Valleyfield. David Baillie (35), brusher, The Ness Torryburn. Alexander Banks (46), transport, East Avenue, Blairhall (died in hospital) John Brown (23), brusher, 8 Bowmont Street. Low Valleyfield. David Cairns (35), brusher, 39 Preston Street, High Valleyfield. Thomas Campbell (56), brusher, Main Street, Newmills. Alexander Christie (61), supervisor, St Mungo, Culross. Thomas Clark (47), brusher, 34 Abbey Crescent. High Valleyfield. William Devlin (37), machineman, 12 Woodhead Street, High Valleyfield. Arthur Doohan (39), brusher, Burn Street, High Valleyfield. Duncan Ewing (27), brusher, 22 Dundonald Terrace, Low Valleyfield. Aubrey Gauld (34), brusher, Mid Row, Hill of Beith [sic]. Peter Gilliard (23), brusher, 39 Abbey Crescent, High Valleyfield. Edward Glass (27), transport, 14 Dundonald Terrace, Low Valleyfield. David Hogg (49), packer, Hawthorn Cottage, Carnock. James Irvine (37), packer, West End, Low Valleyfield. Bert Keegan (52), brusher, 61 Woodside Street, High Valleyfield. Thomas Kerr (58), 36 Abbey Crescent, High Valleyfield (died in hospital.) Thomas Kerr, jun. (27), fireman, 36 Abbey Crescent, High Valleyfield. Robert Lang (23), engineer, 6 Preston Crescent, High Valleyfield. Alexander Lawrie (31), brusher, 147 Baldridge Burn, Dunfermline. Edmund Link (24), transport, Braeside Cottage. Low Valleyfield. James M'Fadzean (28), transport, 33 Preston Crescent, High Valleyfield. Robert M'Farlane (41), repairer, Main Street, Newmills. John M'Intyre (32), electrician, 21 Preston Crescent, High Valleyfield Peter Martin (42), brusher, 5 Abbey Crescent, High Valleyfield. Colin Morrison (51), fireman, 18 Woodhead Street. High Valleyfield. Michael Murray (33), brusher, Burn Street, High Valleyfield. Robert Nicholson (32), brusher, North Road, Saline. Alexander Paterson (32), brusher, 19 Abbey Crescent, High Valleyfield. William Ramage (52), brusher, Blairwood Terrace, Oakley James Spowart, jun. (29), machineman Tinian Crescent. Newmills. Michael Tinney (35), transport. 3 Woodhead Street. High Valleyfield. Henry Tole (29), machineman, 26 Preston Crescent, High Valleyfield Robert Wright (48), brusher. 1 Dunmarle Street, High Valleyfield.
An inquiry lasting three months found that there were serious breaches of regulations, the owners and management being charged with neglect.
More about the colliery and the tragedy here http://www.healeyhero.co.uk/rescue/Scotland/Memorials-Scotland-48.html#High-Valley
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