autoacafiles · 1 year
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pathfinderunlocked · 11 months
Electro-Vitreous - CR6 Aberration
A stronger, electrified mini-vitreous, which works as a minion of a King Vitreous or as a standalone creature.
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Artwork by Numfon on Kindpng and Ninoska Velasquez on Pngitem.
Vitreous is a giant eyeball boss surrounded by a cloud of smaller eyeballs from Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. I previously published a stat block for it, and also for the creature it uses as a minion, Mini-Vitreous. Those stat blocks are CR 10 and CR 2, respectively. If you want a version one or two levels higher or lower, it's easy to apply the advanced, giant, degenerate, or young creature templates to the Vitreous and Mini-Vitreous. But if you want a version four or five levels higher, that doesn't work so well, and this bigger and more dangerous version will work better.
This creature is one of the spawn of a King Vitreous, the largest and most dangerous of these creatures. In the same way that a Vitreous surrounds itself with Mini-Vitreous minions, a King Vitreous surrounds itself with Electro-Vitreous minions. This monster also works by itself though, especially as a monster inhabiting the lair of either a King Vitreous or a normal Vitreous.
Electro-Vitreous - CR 6
This oversized eyeball is as tall as a grown human, and drips with slime. With each bounce as it moves, visible crackles of electricity spread across the ground from where its body touches.
XP 2,400 N Medium aberration (aquatic) Init +6 Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +22
AC 21, touch 21, flat-footed 17; (+4 Dex, +7 insight) hp 59 (7d8+28) Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +7 Immune electricity Weaknesses large weak point, vulnerability to slashing and piercing
Speed 35 ft., swim 45 ft. Melee slam +9 (1d6+4 plus 1d6 acid plus 1d6 electricity plus mini-vitreous slime) or electroblast +8 touch (2d8 electricity) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with electroblast) Special Attacks attach to king vitreous
Str 16, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 1, Wis 15, Cha 6 Base Atk +5; CMB +8; CMD 29 (can’t be tripped) Feats Ability Focus (electro-vitreous slime), Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (slam) Skills Acrobatics +8, Perception +22, Swim +15; Racial Bonus +12 Perception SQ foresight of vitreous
Attach to King Vitreous (Ex) An electro-vitreous can attach itself to an adjacent king vitreous, or detach itself, as a free action. While attached, it moves automatically with the king vitreous and provides bonuses to the king vitreous (see the king vitreous’s statistics). An attached electro-vitreous can be forcibly knocked loose by a combat maneuver or other effect as easily as a creature climbing on a wall can be knocked off the wall.
An electro-vitreous that is attached to a king vitreous moves rapidly around its body to different positions. Single-target attacks against an electro-vitreous while it is attached to a king vitreous work normally, but area attacks treat 50% of the attached electro-vitreous minions as having full cover, with the king vitreous’s body blocking line of sight and line of effect from the area attack’s point of origin to those creatures. As such, only half of the attached electro-vitreous minions are affected by most area attacks (including burst, line and cone attacks, although area effects such as a cloud that do not rely on line of effect work normally).
If a king vitreous is killed, any surviving attached electro-vitreous minions immediately detach.
Electroblast (Ex) As a standard action, an electro-vitreous can make a melee touch attack against a target within 10 ft. (treat this as a reach weapon, increasing the electro-vitreous's natural reach by 5 ft.). If this attack hits, the target takes 2d8 electricity damage.
An electro-vitreous does not threaten this extra distance, and cannot use an electroblast as an attack of opportunity. This is not an attack action, and cannot be combined with Spring Attack.
Foresight of Vitreous (Ex) An electro-vitreous gains an insight bonus equal to its Wisdom bonus (typically +2, minimum 0) to its initiative, and can never be surprised or caught flat-footed. This is already included in its statistics above.
Insight of Vitreous (Ex) An electro-vitreous gains a +7 insight bonus to AC and CMD. This is already included in its statistics above.
Large Weak Point (Ex) Any attack against an electro-vitreous has its critical threat range doubled. This effect doesn’t stack with any other effect that expands the threat range of an attack.
Electro-Vitreous Slime (Ex) A creature hit by 3 slam attacks from any mini-vitreous creatures in the span of 24 hours must succeed on a DC 17 Fortitude save or take 1 point of Con damage and be staggered for 1 round. After making this saving throw, the counter resets, and the target must be hit by 3 more slams before it must save again. A creature reduced to 0 Con by this effect is dissolved into slime, and thus cannot be resurrected except by true resurrection or a similar ability, since its body is destroyed. The save DC is Constitution-based.
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yisanged · 1 year
i went to a friend's house today and played super smash bros for the first time. funsies. i like pit he served me well even though i have no idea what he's from. i don't like his emo version dark pit or whatever as much i couldn't win anything with him i thought him yelling out electroblast every 5 seconds was funny though
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the-last-airblender · 4 years
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Chapter 3: No Way Out
'We just want to keep you from… interfering.'
Masterlist with the previous chapters
Word count: 0,7k
Notes: a short chapter this time!
Warnings: (spoiler) mentions of abuse
A warm breeze blows through the open windows and billows the thin curtains. Din is in no mood to enjoy the nice weather. His eyes glide across the room, looking for a way out, a solution, anything. However, the door through which they just entered appears to be the only exit and it is closely guarded by two guards with large blasters. The two standing next to him also have weapons and he is willing to bet that at least one of them has an electroshock weapon. His muscles are still aching from the shock earlier. He has to admit that they certainly surprised him: the electroblasters look exactly like normal blasters, so he only realized that not all shots were meant to kill when he heard you fall to the ground and he did as well a second later. Beskar may be able to withstand just about anything that would otherwise pierce him, but it doesn't protect against electric shots -something he learned the hard way during his confrontation with the Jawas. These weapons are even stronger than those the Jawas had used at the time and he is in no hurry to get shocked again. The fact that these guards carry weapons that bypass the Beskar was probably the reason they only took his weapons and weaponized armor when he was paralyzed. The weapons they could find in the hassle, anyway.
They hadn't discovered the vibroblade in his boot.
Din’s gaze returns to the center of the large and richly furnished living room, where you’re sitting on a chair, motionless, your wrists cuffed to the armrests and two guards behind you as well. You stare blankly into space. Sunlight falls on the dust in your hair from when you fell on the ground and a red-purplish bruise has formed on your jaw where he hit you during the fight. Now, all willingness to fight seems to have been shocked out of you. 
Again, Din carefully tries to wriggle his way out of the handcuffs on his wrists, but again they keep his hands firmly together in front of him. His forearms feel bare without the weight of his gauntlets. He must be patient and wait for the right moment. However, the electroblasters are a problem for which he has no solution yet. He also isn't sure where they took the kid and if they've even opened the pod yet. Hopefully, if the kid stays quiet, they won't discover him and even if they did, they probably wouldn't realise exactly what they discovered. Din isn't entirely sure himself. Still, everything in him screams to go and look for the kid, make sure he's safe. But he can't. Yet. 
The door swings open and Signas enters the room. He looks nothing like the nervous man Din had met at the inn. This Signas has everything under control.
‘Sorry for the inconvenience, guys’, he says, although his face proves otherwise. He turns to Din with an unconvincing gesture of apology. ‘You should know, Mando, I have no personal problem with you. Once everything is resolved here, you are free to go. We just want to keep you from… interfering. For the time being.’
Din doesn’t respond.
Signas turns to you and it takes everything not to shrink in your chair. You keep your eyes on the wall, even when he slowly walks towards you with his hands behind his back.
‘Daughter dear, look what you have caused’, he sighs, shaking his head. ‘Three guards killed, another wounded just now... Was it really necessary to string that Mandalorian along in your wild plans?’
You don’t respond either. However, once again, the slight trembling of your hands doesn’t escape Din’s attention.
Signas bends over to bring his face right in front of yours and you can't help but flinch. He snorts disdainfully.
‘Don’t worry, I'm not going to beat you’, he says softly. ‘Not this time.’
Din goes rigid.
‘I can't hand you to Chavez all black and blue now, can I?’ He laughs briefly at the shock on your face and straightens up again. ‘Yes, you're in luck! Chavez has decided to forgive you your little body count.’
The Mandalorian feels a sense of dread creeping up on him and deep down, he knows what Signas will say next.
‘So you better go and get changed, sweet daughter of mine’, the mayor declares triumphantly. ‘You're getting married this afternoon!’
Tag list: @buckysalefty
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heroesevolvedmobile · 2 years
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Servers will be down for 2 hours of maintenance beginning at 3:00 PM (UTC +8) on May 11th. The maintenance schedule is subject to change. You won't be able to login once the server is down and any matches in progress will be halted. Please do not start any matches right before the maintenance. HOT EVENTS Hero & Skin Show (May 11 to 24, 2022) Pay Tokens to open treasure chests for a chance to win permanent heroes like Celestius, Li Bai, and Xiahou Dun, as well as permanent skins like Sailor Savvy for Nezha, Vowed Revenger for Gideon, Demonic Summoner for Zed, and Deepsea Angler for Grom. Opening the chests will also bring you Luck points. When your Luck reaches certain values, open the chests to win extra rewards like super 1-draw tickets, Carnival Chests, and Rare Skin Chests. Abundant rewards await you now! Super Book (From May 11, 2022) Good news for skin collectors! The Super Book offers massive rewards, such as Token coupons, in-game decorations, and Lucky Wheel Token Vouchers to players for collecting skins of specific series. Dawn Light Series Is Back (May 11 to 24, 2022) Skins of the Dawn Light series are back for sale for 14 days only! Don’t miss this great opportunity to buy Wisdom for Li Bai, Divine Dawn for Raker, Light Bringer for Mulan, Starr Dawn for Damacus, and Flaming Dawn for Solus. By collecting any three of the Dawn-Light-themed skins, you can claim a Dawn Light avatar frame from the Dawn Light Book. Total Recharge (May 11 to 17, 2022) Wonderful rewards will be ready for total recharge after this update! Rack up your recharge amount to a certain tier to win Epic Skin Pickers, Points, draw vouchers for new items, Lucky Wheel Token Vouchers, and many more! Magic Clover (May 11 to 31, 2022) With a certain number of Magic Clovers collected from daily quests, you can use them to light the puzzle parts, getting 1 Clover Chest per part lighted. Open the chest to receive wonderful items. Lighting the whole picture brings you a permanent hero -Tiamat,. Magic Clovers can also be used to play lucky draw for amazing skins like Electroblast for Rockman, Phantom Blades for Hattori, and Flower Power for Flavia. Each draw consumes 3 Magic Clovers. BUG FIXES https://www.instagram.com/p/CdaWJX_D4AL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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grimdarkandhandsome · 7 years
In the future, an investigative blogger asks me:
   'Hey, excuse me. I just wanted to ask, what is Sunlight and how did you get started on this project?'
Oh, sure, i can give a quick answer to that. Sunlight is a scifi about school, space battleships, and imperfect communication between friends. The major character is Hannah, a young woman who signed up for the Navy despite the pressure to get a normal, healthy job. Most people in this setting think of the military as frivolous and obsolete, and it's actually not an exaggeration to say that Hannah has a nostalgic, adventure-seeking streak. Hannah, a recent graduate of Pilar Academy, is the leader of a Close Quarters Combat squad specializing in ship-to-ship boarding actions. She fights with a quad-hammer, strength harness, and magneto glove. 
There are really a lot of characters and details in this universe. I used to maintain a wiki on Obsidian Portal about it.
The gist is that it's a set of stories about attending a slightly drowsy military academy, groups of friends unsure exactly what they want or where they are going, and finding love in a world of pointless and harmless violence. 
I discovered Sunlight late one night on Tumblr. I was up at 0200 when their server went down, and when it came back up they were accidentally showing me tag feeds from a parallel universe. I stayed up and checked it out; this other universe has some cool differences from ours. They never got Minecraft, for example, but over there Starcraft Ghost is very successful series. 
One of them is this series of action & strategy games called Sunlight. They're kindof like slightly less professional versions of Overwatch, as far as i can tell. Anyway it's really big and the series has been around since their 2008. There was even a movie that was somewhat well-received ... according to Tumblr anyway. The only site i’ve been able to access from that universe is Tumblr, so it’s not like i can check their version of Rotten Tomatoes.
The first game in the series, Sunlight, was the debut game of VileMilan Studios (never founded in our universe). It was a FPS with a focus on equipment customization and team play. The art design budget was limited and there were really only three or so allied NPC models. After Sunlight's wild success, Sunlight 2 started referring to these NPCs as Bravo Squad, and the junior writing staff whipped up some bios (and retcons) for them. These ended up on the promotional website in the section designed to show off how narratively rich and cinematic Sunlight 2 was. One of Bravo Squad, Lysa, even became a supporting character in a tie-in novel later on. 
My imagination was captured by these minor characters. After following the tag for a while, i found myself spinning stories of their time in training, growing up together. I've actually started to write some fanfiction about the series. Some of the details, admittedly, are my own invention, since the games don't really focus on these parts of the world. I mean i haven't played any of the games but i feel like i have a pretty good handle on the story from all the gifsets. And the planets they visit are definitely canon.
Some Bravo Squad characters i like to write about:
Hannah, called Hammerhand in the marketing. A Medium. Likes warrior-poets.
Perihelion Yamaguchi, called Peri, a Medium sniper. Quiet, contemplative. After graduation she reconnects with her religious family in a big way and becomes the Young Queen Rhiannon.
Lysandra, called Lysa. She knew she wanted to join the navy ever since she read her first Horatio Hornblower book in primary school. Big ego, big ambitions, was the top-graded in her class back on her home planet.  Uses a teleport harness, field laptop, and electro drones. A Light.
Shawn. She keeps to herself, but she's part of the group and is good with an assault rifle. Knows the best ramen places. A Medium.
Bu, who fights with two axes and plenty of strength biomods. A low-armor Heavy.
Fiona, with repulsor wings and a heat-seeking spear. A Light. 
Some sub-settings:
The early cadetship on the mighty flagship HMS Titan (back before they even had any weapon certificates!)
Pilar Academy, and the windy grasslands used for ground war classes. 
Mars, work placement missions against the robot warlords.
The winter internship in the echoing tunnels of the mysterious alien moon Extremis A.
The interplanetary expeditions of the graduates' warband: Dragon Team.
The Bevelled Plains, greatest land theater in the whole sector, created by an eccentric necrotechnomancer as his last gift to the tradition of warfare. 
Basic backstory:
It's the future, & all problems have been solved. 
Poverty, agriculture, space colonization, gender, artificial intelligence, economics, death, violence, politics... Whatever it is, someone has already gotten there first. 
This is a little disconcerting for a young person who dreams big. All the demons that still exist were created for mere entertainment in safe, isolated environments. Ambition is redirected into games and amusement parks. 
War is obsolete. Militaries linger on at a fraction of their old budgets, funded mostly by donors and hobbyists. 
All intercultural conflicts have so many outlets and safeguards set up that the possibility of violence is astronomically low. 
Conflicts are settled by diplomacy or fair arbitration under pre-agreed rules. 
And the end of scarcity means that people don't really get serious about fighting anymore. 
Furthermore, brain backups, body manufacturing, brain emulation, and artificial bodies are all so developed that lethal injuries are no longer a realistic threat. 
If you die, you'll just wake up in a newly-grown body the next day.
But the literary and narrative traditions about warriors survive.
And it is this poison that has gotten into the veins of our protagonists. 
War is like sports.
It is hosted by special venues - theaters - such as colosseums and state parks. 
Violence outside of predeclared areas is ridiculed.
Armies (a fraction of their historical size) are funded by advertising, merchandise, and tips.
Marketing the combatants is an important part of the military business model. 
The actual main character of the Sunlight video games is Agent Golem, champion of the combat tournaments that war has devolved into.
Her life is legitimately dramatic and involves power struggles between sponsors, the pressure of being the best in the world, etc. However, the life of the average war enthusiast is much more mundane.
Military technology is marketed to retrofuturist hobbyists, and features a kitschy exuberance in its design and branding (Electroblasters, Meltaswords, etc.).
There also exist backwater moons that artists have seeded with self-constructing species of robots (Pandoricans), just as something to fight. These are not very dangerous given that death is a totally curable condition.
These moons are somewhere between theme parks, open-air zoos, and live-action video games
Also, gender roles have changed. Most parents and organizations obsess over children's genomes before conception, and the current fashion in this sector is bright, athletic daughters who strive for uniqueness. (Unfortunately, there is only a finite supply of uniqueness available.) Male births are down in the low single digit percentages, and most parents seem reluctant to bother with the gender.
Other influences i draw on in these fics:
The Magicians
Ender's Game
My memories of playing Mass Effect with Michelle in high school
Also, i like to be conscientious and attach a disclaimer on my fanfiction:
Sunlight and related characters are registered trademarks of VileMilan Studios, Inc., but as it is obvious to us storytellers that characters, narratives, and mythology belong to the people, such trademarks are culturally void. Claims of corporate ownership over thought and folklore, however well-intentioned, can have no artistic legitimacy among fans. Proprietary fiction is a legal fiction. The explorations, variations, and transformations of Sunlight in these fic(s) belong to no one but exist as simple dreams set loose upon the net, flitting from the mind of one fan to another.
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