seyferta · 2 months
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Star Wars: The New Jedi Order favourite characters: Priestess Elan, Vergere, Danni Quee, Jacen Solo, Elegos A'Kla, His Eminence Harrar, Tahiri Veila, Mezhan Kwaad, Wurth Skidder, and Ikrit.
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jerryb2 · 2 years
The Importance of the Lightsaber
What follows is a series of excerpts from the novel I, Jedi by Michael A. Stackpole:
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The lightsaber, while an elegant and deadly weapon, was not that complex. Getting the parts to put one together was not difficult at all. To serve as the hilt, for example, I salvaged the throttle assembly and handlebar tube from a junked speeder bike. 
(...) I got the dimetris circuitry for the activation loop from an old capital-ship-grade ion cannon fire initiation controller (...) The recharger port and wiring came from a comlink. A milled down Tri-fighter laser flashback suppressor became the parabolic, high-energy flux aperture to stabilize the blade and I pulled the dynoric laser feed line from the same broken laser cannon to act as the superconductor for energy transference from the power cell to the blade. 
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Buttons and switches were easy to find, and dear old Admiral Tavira, with her gift of the brandy decanter and snifters, provided me all the jewels I needed to make half a dozen lightsabers.
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(...) Before I could figure out how to put Tavira off for another month, Elegos decoded an annotation to the instructions for constructing lightsabers. It turned out that during the Clone Wars, Jedi Masters developed a way to create a lightsaber in two days. Nejaa included this method, noting it was to be used only in times of pressing need, but not in haste. I read it over and felt a certain peace settle upon me. I knew the words had not been written for me, but they sank deep into my core. Urgency without panic, action without thoughtlessness.
(...) I sat in the middle of the floor, with the parts for the blade laid out in a semicircle around me. I studied each one and used the Force to enfold it and take a sense of it into myself. My hands would fit the pieces together, but I wanted the parts to mesh as if they had been grown together. The lightsaber would be more than just a jumble of hardware, and to make it I had to see the parts as belonging together.
I fitted the activation button into its place on the handlebar shaft and snapped the connectors into the right spots on the dimetris circuit board. 
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I worked that into the shaft itself, then inserted a strip of shielding to protect it from even the slightest leakage from the superconductor. Next I snapped into place the gemstones I was using to focus and define the blade. At the center, to work as my continuous energy lens, I used the Durindfire. That same stone gave my grandfather’s blade its distinctive silver sheen. 
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I used a diamond and an emerald in the other two slots. I wasn’t certain what I would get in the way of color tints from the emerald, and with the diamond I hoped for a coruscation effect.
Onto the end of the hilt where the blade would appear I screwed the high-energy flux aperture. It would carry a negative charge which would stabilize the positively charged blade and provide it a solid base without allowing it to eat its way back through to my hands. 
(...)  I clipped the discharged energy cell in place, then connected the leads to the recharging socket. 
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I screwed the recharging socket into the bottom of the hilt, but didn’t fasten on the handlebar’s original butt cap that would protect it because I needed to charge the power cell for the very first time. 
In what amounts to just a handful of pages in a singular book, Stackpole so vividly describes not only the physical process of constructing a lightsaber, but the spiritual essence of what it means to be a Jedi, in its purest form: 
(...) With my finger poised on the transformer button that would start the energy flowing, I drew in a deep breath and lowered myself into a trance. I knew that manipulating matter sufficiently to meld the part and forge the weapon would have been all but impossible for anyone but a Jedi Master like Yoda, but doing just that as part of the construction of a lightsaber had been studied and ritualized so even a student could manage it. It was very much a lost art, a link to a past that had been all but wiped out, and by performing it I completed my inheritance of my Jedi legacy. 
I hit the button, allowing the slow trickle of energy to fill the battery. I opened myself to the Force and with the hand I had touching the lightsaber’s hilt, I bathed the lightsaber with the Force. As I did so subtle transformations took place in the weapon. Elemental bonds shifted allowing more and more energy to flow into the cell and throughout the weapon. I was not certain how the changes were being made, but I knew that at the same time as they were being made in the lightsaber, they were being made in me as well. 
In becoming a conduit for the Force for this purpose, the final integration of the people I’d been occurred. The fusion became the person I would be forever after. I was still a pilot: a little bit arrogant, with a healthy ego and a willingness to tackle difficult missions. I was still CorSec: an investigator and a buffer between the innocents in the galaxy and the slime that would consume them.
And I was Jedi. I was heir to a tradition that extended back tens of thousands of years. Jedi had been the foundation of stability in the galaxy. They had always opposed those who reveled in evil and sought power for the sake of power. People like Exar Kun and Palpatine, Darth Vader and Thrawn, Isard and Tavira; these were the plagues on society that the Jedi cured. In the absence of Jedi, evil thrived. 
In the presence of just one Jedi, evil evaporated. 
Just as with the lightsaber, the changes being made in me were not without cost. What the Force allowed me to do also conferred upon me great burdens. To act without forethought and due deliberation was no longer possible. I had to be very certain of what I was doing, for a single misstep could be a disaster. While I knew I would make mistakes, I had to do everything I could to minimize their impact. It was not enough to do the greatest good for the greatest number, I had to do the best for everyone. 
There was no walking away from the new responsibility I accepted. Like my grandfather I might well choose when and where to reveal who and what I was, but there was no forgetting, no leaving that responsibility and the office. My commitment to others had to be total and complete. I was an agent of life every day, every hour, every second; for as long as I lived, and then some.
(...) I nodded and brandished the lightsaber. I punched the button under my thumb, giving birth to the silver blade 133 centimeters in length. 
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“A lightsaber and robes. Looks like a little justice has arrived on Courkrus, and it’s about time.”
This is what almost everybody gets wrong about the Jedi - never mind the Prequels, the Sequels, or the vast majority of EU novels - the Jedi are an absolute good. They are life. They bring order to chaos. Every moment of their lives is spent, their spirits grappling against the disorder of a universe torn between Dark and Light.
If you haven’t read I, Jedi, you might consider picking it up.
As I’m sure many of you have already deduced, the accompanying images are of my own personal Corran Horn lightsaber. I’ve just recently finished a complete overhaul and rebuild of it, and I just had to show it off. I’ll be posting more info & pics about it soon, but I want to address one key aspect of saber building here, as it pertains directly to my own personal journey and growth.
This portion of the book holds incredible significance for me; it allows me to imagine, however briefly, that I’m undertaking a similar spiritual ritual, imbuing my own sabers with the same energy that Stackpole so flawlessly describes here. It’s so rare to feel so seen and be so moved by a piece of fiction. For the discerning Sabersmith, it’s very much like Corran says: 
I knew the words had not been written for me, but they sank deep into my core.
Thank you for this book, Michael. 🥂
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jamiesite777 · 1 year
elts all go to the land of the legos
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rockrackal · 4 months
btw i have a cotl rp server! here’s the ad:
Somewhere in your world, somehow... A portal opens up. It calls for you, beckoning for you to enter. It whispers sweet promises of community and happiness, safety in numbers, and most importantly... A leader whose very purpose in this world is to lead you fairly and justly. You may want these things, you may not... Regardless of whatever inhibition you have for the portal, however, its call is tempting... Almost as though it has a powerful grip on your mind, and wants nothing more than for you to cross over, and see the other side.
Upon finding it, you are met with the ghostly figure of a peculiar individual: Grey, undead skin... A red cloak and bell... Sheep-like features... And most intriguingly, a dark crown that bears a striking red eye upon its face. The visage of this lamb is not unkind, however - They seem to simply wish for you to see what they have to offer, to join their ranks, and to befriend their family...
They offer you food, shelter, clothes, and other necessities for living and comfort. They say they have reached out to many individuals, and they wish for at least a few to join their ranks... And it seems that you are one of the many. The offer is optional, you have a choice to walk away... But, it is very tempting, is it not? After all, how much have you gone through, just trying to get to a place where you can thrive...? Well... Only one way to find out the truth of this offer.
What are you waiting for? That ghostly little Lamb is just waiting to see what you will bring to their domain...
(Welcome to COTL: Dimensions Unraveled! This server is a multifandom roleplay server where you can take any character, oc or not, from almost any media, and put a Cult of the Lamb spin on them!)
Link here
Open canons: Aym, Ratoo, Flinky, Shrumy, Klunko & Bop, Amdusias, Valefar, Barbatos, Gusion, Zepar, Elegos, Harborym, Saleos, Baalzebub, Focalor, Vephar, Hauras, Witness Agares, Witness Bathin, Witness Astaroth, Witness Allocer, Haro, Fisherman, Plimbo, Rakshasa, Berith, ???, Lighthouse keeper, Monch, the Fox, Heket
Taken canons: The Lamb, Helob, Forneus, Clauneck, Kudaai, Baal, Narinder, Midas, Sozo, Leshy, Kallamar, Shamura, Ratau, Chemach
(OCs welcome, obviously)
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444names · 4 months
Names generated from Star Wars sentient species and Tolkienesque forenames
Aadaga Ablotheros Abysameh Adini Agallegoe Ahagor Alacaplode Aladocal Alanyao Alarahtan Almandil Aloffin Alpeciriel Ambrag Amingbomir Amlian Amraingil Andaca Andan Andor Andren Antil Aples Araglorlan Aragonbran Arakaraan Arandisirl Arbargan Ardir Argelen Arhorsar Arian Arinlant Arladorpli Arnelmor Arniel Arodbro Aroos Arron Arthian Artius Assandan Assion Atatauran Atlanna Azdampirgi Azmeek Azmeldaras Azumos...
Badûn Balast Baraghulog Barago Baranc Bararti Bardar Bartiën Bassë Bathmoot Batla Battâri Beesh Bered Bergothos Berimbatis Beshnákhos Bestran Bionduil Blundir Boandoe Bolorl Bolthoan Bomaunds Bomed Bomethor Bomizznon Bonamet Borost Bpfak Bpfas Bradaen Brala Brasst Breth Brethran Bronai Brynna Bufolway Bumbarair Bysamlin Bysan Bëoroduib Calbucabor Caploguesi Carangi Carnian Cashog Catatii Celeftar Celemin Celeyma Celfasti Celing Cemengir Cemerum Ceodrasta Ceorodor Chlumen Ciland Cilion Cladur Condi Condrang Conds Conkortzan Crashaldor Cruca Crunglian Curgimando Curingu Cyraphian Círdir Darinct Dealmo Delarwin Delema Delinna Dendiran Derog Diandil Doldabi Dowfan Driantish Dueadûnan Dwyssi Dyploros Déawanurog Déodhel Déodonk Eevegundor Elebu Elego Elemman Ellan Ellous Elsen Embur Encian Endorion Equan Everian Evwicolion Exothich Extianthor Eäredup Eärniand Eärwinahar Fakhôr Farië Faurn Fehtolin Fendil Fiangusian Filka Finikan Finto Fishalfwin Flaraidil Flugla Flukal Fnetakk Folcwalan Fopikanton Frellph Fréagon Garan Gendo Gerilka Germakan Ggiteer Ghaláf Gheldë Gilaby Gilianáin Gillian Glath Glinalick Glinnaph Glotur Glóren Gonian Gothak Grianwë Gungloni Gusiane Hadûn Haggrue Hakrahta Hakul Haldanazan Halfax Haramdír Hathoot Hendek Herroikal Herunínil Hidena Hilwiendas Hithôn Hivoroddil Hosix Hynna Húrian Ildachirin Imair Imakala Imbatan Ineba Ineth Inroovicor Irungue Ivorryon Jassar Jastan Jeonwë Kajiano Kalasfastë Kalassh Kalkan Kandrallid Keredher Keïtok Kholcal Khorlimmor Khorn Khrakil Kiant Kinik Kinyë Koliy Kondir Korol Korthrawin Krian Kílid Labav Lasaróf Lefaurn Leffen Legon Lenniend Lephal Lewenduu Logim Lornhír Lothir Lugar Lukallar Lunda Lusty Mabys Macil Madamdís Maerúmir Maineld Malcwair Maldë Mandill Mands Marattrane Martz Marue Mavain Mavan Mecthate Meekk Meftai Melros Meredan Midorogy Mirin Miryarekk Molwin Moniancana Muquat Naldan Nalori Nariantil Naton Nedhelvam Neevel Nelen Neliy Niethen Nimeld Nobatar Noian Nortin Náman Nínien Ohephas Opikan Oppfalan Orgod Orinyahi Ormtoo Orthathor Overec Oviandin Pakaran Palvanak Passtar Pecil Peilmoo Phandir Pharan Phien Pkothaldë Pkothor Ploduurwer Polem Pourion Prina Priën Prost Purion Qonix Qubspel Ralocastan Rasindil Ravan Reebroian Rettor Riani Saegon Saettârina Saman Sandiankor Santon Sanyah Saran Sarrever Saugorma Saurungorl Seaniena Seess Sendivran Shagon Shelegori Shwizian Sionkoo Skeradilid Skulmë Slebrek Sleebarla Sogimë Squben Squilmo Squing Squolegol Squolë Squor Swamrask Symalup Symant Symauhmo Taranes Tarar Taresty Taulan Tefróg Terucarl Throodoni Thráinropp Théomelien Tophem Tostlin Towali Trang Trezh Trinyar Tundacchid Tuorna Túrionde Ubahtar Ubard Ubarffin Ufienian Ugduil Ughath Ullaiship Ulpto Ulwikasich Undian Ungun Uolagol Uolan Uriolassin Urweth Usian Usillid Usiondian Vakho Valberion Valdt Vamindid Vanety Vanárian Viendandar Viensor Vincir Vjumacin Vlugol Vobar Volpeng Vooinduide Vorek Vrausich Vrazogy Vánan Warron Werimlian Whian Winchian Wodorati Wodrayan Wodurwerag Wornor Xenorth Xylas Yaldwan Yaláf Youseand Ysabys Yávidenian Zilabi Zimulki Zumabbof Éodeyllian Éodherinon Éodoants Éoranhíri Éotragwin Óindullian
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radiofreederry · 1 year
As part of the restructuring of the New Republic's governmental structure initiated by Chief of State Leia Organa Solo, the Cabinet was established as a successor to the Ruling Council, which itself had replaced Alliance High Command in the days of the Rebellion. While nominally a part of the executive branch and serving at the pleasure of the Chief of State, in practice all cabinet members are drawn from the Senate and from the governing coalition. The Cabinet members are as follows:
Prime Minister: Cal Omas (Reform) of New Alderaan. The Prime Minister is responsible for much of the day-to-day governance of the Republic and primarily oversees domestic affairs. Also serves as the President of the Senate and the primary liaison between the Chief of State and that body. The Prime Minister also serves as the head of the Cabinet in the absence of the Chief of State - most Cabinet meetings regarding domestic policy occur without the Chief of State's presence.
Minister of Defense: Hera Syndulla (PPP) of Ryloth. Effectively second-in-command of the military, as the Chief of State is Commander-in-Chief. Coordinates military procurement and logistics, negotiates contracts with arms suppliers, and oversees the conduct of active campaigns in the absence of the Chief of State. Syndulla ascended to the role after Gial Ackbar was demoted to Minister Without Portfolio as part of the fallout of Mon Mothma's ouster.
Minister of Commerce: Drextar Pym (Liberal) of Excarga. Engages with the galactic business community and develops private-public partnerships, negotiating government contracts in various aspects of life while encouraging economic stimulation and growth.
Minister of Justice: Darial Anglethorn (PPP) of Beheboth. The liaison of the executive branch to the judicial branch. Coordinates government's counsel in pursuing legal cases of interest to the state. In extreme cases may argue for the government at the Supreme Court.
Minister of Foreign Relations: Elegos A'Kla (PPP) of Caamas. Coordinates the Republic Diplomatic Corps. Pursues cordial relations with affiliated states and friendly non-affiliate galactic factions, and negotiates treaties and armistices with hostile foreign powers. Also serves as the New Republic's official liaison with the New Jedi Order.
Minister of Security and Intelligence: Kerrithrarr (PPP) of Kashyyyk. Coordinates the New Republic's internal security forces and its intelligence community. Also serves as the chair of the Senate Committee on Intelligence.
Minister of Science and Technology: Rees Vera (Liberal) of Mikkia. Coordinates and engages with the New Republic's R&D apparatus to develop technologies with both military and civilian applications.
Minister of the Interior: Lassten Stonk (Liberal) of Ithor. Oversees state-controlled assets and natural resources as well as the budding Galactic Parks System, of which the Bail Organa Memoiral Garden was the first.
Minister of Labor: Garm Bel Iblis (PUP) of Corellia. The government's liaison with the labor movement and the unions. Oversees the Labor Relations Tribunal.
Minister of Health: Doman Beruss (PPP) of Illodia. Oversees the state-run healthcare being established under the Organa Solo administration, and also coordinates with healthcare companies for government contracts, including supplies of bacta and kolto.
Minister of Exchequer: Ponc Gavrisom (PPP) of Calibop. Oversees the Republic treasury and drafts the Chief of State's official budget proposals.
Minister of Education: Lanever Villecham (Liberal) of Tarsunt. Oversees the state's education system and establishes educational standards and essential curricula.
Minister of Transportation: Kordi Freemaker (PUP) of Nubia. Oversees galactic infrastructure, including hyperlane maintenance, and works to improve the Republic's growing public transportation systems.
Minister of Energy and Fuel: Jar Jar Binks (Liberal) of Naboo. Coordinates procurement of energy and fuel from private entities. Works closely with the Minister of the Interior in developing the Republic's public energy reserves.
Minister of Veterans Affairs: Jan Dodonna (PPP) of Commenor. Oversees pensions and services for veterans of the Galactic Civil War as well as the remaining clones of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Minister of Communications and Culture: Grelka Sorka (PPP) of Askaj. Oversees the infrastructure of the HoloNet, and promotes art and culture, especially such as is reparative to the many years of COMPNOR propaganda foisted upon the galaxy.
Minister of Food and Agriculture: Melana Koba (PUP) of Dowut. Coordinates with farmers, ranchers, and factory operators to regulate and secure the galactic food supply, as well as invest in advancements in agtech.
Minister of Housing and Development: Sala Mogag (PPP) of Duro. Coordinates public housing projects and regulates rents and mortgages across the Republic. Also invests in urban renewal projects on blighted worlds such as Taris.
Minister of Equalities: Boona Kalan (Federalist) of Taris. Oversees equalities and civil rights, as well as undoing the bigoted policies instituted by the Empire.
Minister Without Portfolio: Gial Ackbar (PPP) of Dac. Has no official office or purview since his demotion, but acts as an advisor to the Chief of State, particularly on military matters.
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bornitereads · 7 months
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Dark Tide II: Ruin - Michael A. Stackpole
Star Wars New Jedi Order book 3
Reread: Nov 2023
It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that the titular Dark Tide was the Yuuzhan Vong. Dark because they're the bad guys and tide because their early attacks are unstoppable. Of course the ruin part of the title is about the climax of this book. A sad ending for Ithor and Elegos A'Kla both.
I appreciated the subplot of a Jedi slipping towards the dark side because of their desire to eliminate the Yuuzhan Vong. I also enjoyed the subplot where Senator Elegos A'Kla attempts to come to understanding with the Yuuzhan Vong, despite the sad ending. The main plot centering on Ithor is grand in space opera style. A coming together of optimistic forces who get a very rude slap to the face and a demonstration of how far the enemy will go. It's really a step up in how dangerous this enemy is. The stakes continue to get higher.
Info: Del Rey; 2000
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corelliaxdreaming · 1 year
Aw, they named a Star Destroyer after Elegos. 🥲
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amandah23p2 · 11 months
Blog 2
Yo elego hacer cuatro memes para esta tarea. Desde esta tarea yo aprendí que los memes en español son gracioso. Tambien yo aprendí los memes en español puede ser informativo y cercano. Me gusta la actividad mucho porque fue divertido encontre los memes. Tuve dificultad con traduciendo los memes. Yo usé word reference mucho para esta actividad. Finalmente, yo fue más capaz de traducir.
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Me gusta esta meme porque recuerdo el primer día de clases. El meme esta diciendo que no hacen nada el primer día de clases. Lo que significa que no tiene ir a la escuala el primer día. 
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Me gusta esta meme porque recuerdo el primer día de primer año. Era cuarentena y cuando sali mí casa me sentí muy raro. Mi personalidad se desarrolló en la cuarentena y se volvió parte de mi estilo de vida. El meme habla de rara que era la vida después de la cuarentena. 
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Me gusta esta meme porque lo identifico con mi pereza. El meme mostré la niña en el sofá mirando el espacio porque ella no quiere levantarse y sacar la basura. Me identifico con esta meme porque la mayoríá de las veces tampoco quiero sacar la basura.
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Me gusto esta meme porque los imagenes son graciosos. El meme es gracioso tambien. En el meme los mujeres están señalando el gato porque el gato dije los mujeres una mentira. El gato se dijo que era bueno en la cocina, perso se refería a ser bueno para comer en la cocina, no para cocinar. Los mujeres estan enojados con el gato por decir eso. Me identifico con el gato porque yo tampoco no se cocinar.
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55H+ Harmonie Reparateur Body Lotion 500ml         55H+ Harmonie Reparateur Body Lotion 500mlHarmonie Reparateur 55H+ is a mult-vitamin lotion which is a treat for all skin types. This rich carrot-based formulation(carotene)is an abundant source of vitamins A, E, F and PP. This formula includes the best lightening plant extracts known, but its effectivity and improved by adding 55H+ Serum Efficacite Extreme.It is packed with the best ingredients: Nousishing Elego Phyto Naturel, Vitamins and moisturising agents.Directions: Use daily on your skin previously washed with 55H+ Gommant soap, then apply Harmonie 55H+ carrot lotion.
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comunidadanamcara · 6 years
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samaiabaca · 4 years
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Symbolon. ¿Con qué te estás comprometiendo? (27 abr 20)   Para esta semana el #Symbolon te invita a veas en los diferentes ámbitos de tu vida, ¿con qué o con quién te estás comprometiendo? Ya sea con una pareja, una amistad o un familiar, o bien un proyecto o idea que quieres desarrollar, ¿realmente te estás comprometiendo con ello o no te estás dedicando lo necesario?   "Es tiempo de que trabajes contigo y para ti, porque sólo tú estarás contigo toda tu vida.”   Samaia Baca. Tarotista, Coach, Alma Creativa.   *Website: https://samaiab.wixsite.com/samaiabaca *Email: [email protected] *Facebook: Samaia Baca *Messenger: m.me/samaiabaca *Whatsapp: https://wa.me/5214491038294 *Instagram: samaia.baca *Twitter: Samaia Baca *Tumblr: SamaiaBaca   #symbolon #juegodelrecuerdo #tarot #coach #mundointerior #conocimientointerior #confia #personasinternas #astrologia #lecturadetarot #tarotenlinea #tarotonline #leo #elsol #elrey #elego #libra #venus #lapareja #laboda #compromiso https://www.instagram.com/p/B_fF4FtgvBu/?igshid=kcuwujpeb2pa
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marum7674 · 5 years
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#19elsol #elego #arcanosmayores #tarottips #númeroskarmicos #tipsnumerología #numerologíadel19 #estudiosnumerológicos #numerología #numerología2020 #endevoto #turnosdisponibles #tiradasdecartas #tiradasdetarot #lecturasdecartas #lecturasdetarot #tarotriderwaite #tarotegipcio #tarotdelosgitanos #tarottranspersonal #tarotmarselles #oswaldwirthtarot #everydaywitchtarot #tarotynumerología #tarot #tarotista (en Villa Devoto, Buenos Aires, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8vne4NAiU8/?igshid=1vgbro1ed7emr
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endogenola-blog · 5 years
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Esto se llama: Mano de obra calificada 👐. Sólo manos tan diminutas, logran una producción tan impecable #ElEgo. Dinamarca no solo son buenas galletas, también es el sinónimo de perfección y Lego #DiojBendigaEsajManoj 🙌... Feliz día a los niños, y recuerden, los niños también son endogenificados con nuestros accesorios 😎🤘🏻#amén 🌹👸🏾 . #braceletleather #pulserasvenezuela #pulseracolombia #handmade #ootdmen #ootdwomen #Lego (en Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0MorRZhGkz/?igshid=1ldgu2hx1twi6
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quotesofstarwars · 3 years
Life is not without pain, but life concerns itself with how we handle that pain, or joy, or confusion, or triumph. Life is more than time passing before death; it is the sum and total of all we make of it.
Elegos A’kla, I, Jedi
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duckulamoved · 3 years
Thinkin bout spaceborn again. What could have been.
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