phoenix--flying · 9 months
May Castellan, - daughter of Apollo and legacy of the muse Melpomene.
Elenos Domitius Torrington, - son of Chloris and the legacy of Fortuna.
Nakamura Takashi, - son of Poseidon and the legacy of Justitia.
Maria Alejandra Rodriguez, - Persephone's daughter and legacy of Thanatos.
may being the daughter of apollo i am :((((( AND LEGACY OF MELPOMENE??? YES PLEASE
al's dad being the legacy of fortuna is??? hello??? yes pls?? especially because al is fucking LACKING in the luck department how ironic. AND CHLORIS. nymph of the islands of the blessed. a place the boy™ will NEVER see
takashi being a legacy of justitia  🤌 i love that for him what an icon tbh
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devilscreekballad · 1 year
I may come off as blunt but isnt your game too "woke"? Having a genderfluid character in a game set in the 1800s makes no sense.
Well, you are one of the lucky 10000 today, because trans folks and everyone under the umbrella term ('Transgender' as term was first used in 1974) did very well exist in times before 1974.
Here's two video essay's by Kaz Rowe on the topic of queer folks in the Wild West:
Now, of course, there is the possibility that some cis women did pretend to be men for their own safety (To reiterate, the ratio men : women was about 50:1, and some people are assholes in all times throughout history and cultures), but to conclude that that means there had been no trans etc folks (by our western definition of the terms, because other cultures have other views to begin with) back whence would be faulty.
Here's another potential case:
Other cases to look at would be Dr James Barry, or Joe Monahan.
Or even earlier we have eleno/a de Céspedes
Fanny and Stella are another example:
Now, we don't always have the luxury of knowing for certain if someone was what we'd nowadays would call trans (like in the case of Dr Barry) because there was no term for it yet. But who assumes something they see every day doesn't exist until they learn its name?
Another thing to look into are cases of 'Cousins of gender A' starting to live with a family after their child of gender B moved to another country for some reason, or even 'tragically died on a holiday'.
Trans people, queer people as a whole have always existed within the human race, just like autistic folks, we just didn't had terms for things. And even the terms we have nowadays are not finite but ever evolving.
To conclude: It's historically quite accurate to have queer folks (in all regards) in the game, what would be historically in-accurate would only be having them use the modern terms.
In short:
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Enjoy the game and the new knowledge :)
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lexa-el-amin · 1 year
queer history is just... so cool! a Mexican trans man who threatened to shoot everyone who misgendered him in the 19th century? an arab poet in the 7th century writing about his male lovers? an intersex spanish surgeon in 1580 confusing the whole Inquisition with their genitalia? a french opera singer in the 17th century burning down a convent after her female lover was sent there? gorgeous!
Amelio Robles Ávila, Abu Nuwas, Eleno/ Elena de Céspedes and Julie d'Aubigny are just a few of many badass ancient queer people.
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earhartsease · 1 year
til about Eleno de Céspedes, a Spanish surgeon from the 16th century, who had a rich life story destined to confuse scholars for centuries - nobody can agree (since there's no direct evidence) as to whether he was intersex, trans, nonbinary or what, but he called himself a man and was very open about the changes in his genitalia over the years, had married a man back when he thought himself a woman, had a penis appear during childbirth, then married a woman, and - well read it, it's fascinating (and also typically horrific on the officialdom front)
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pretensesoup · 1 year
Queer books, day 21/30
Okay, let's take a detour from romance novels to the world of weird fuckin' poetry.
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I stumbled on this book by accident, because the press that published it (Milkweed Editions) also published a book by my sister-in-law, and when I was ordering it I asked her if there was anything else I should get off the website. You know, for free shipping.
Although I am a poet, I am only tangentially attached to the world of poetry, so I can't say this with any surety, but it does seem to me that transness is something that poetry rarely touches upon. Homosexuality in general, yes--poetry has for sure been super gay since like Gilgamesh (see also Shakespeare, Sappho, Whitman, Wilde, Housman, Auden, I cannot list them all in one parenthetical note). And most poetry is not like Charles's poetry anyway, which uses a Middle English-esque dialect that is Charles's own invention. The play of words and puns she is able to create would certainly make James Joyce ecstatic, but the use of Middle English is an interesting choice that might bear some examination.
Off the top of my head, Middle English started to be a thing at the time of Chaucer--by which I mean that our boy Geoffrey was the first one to write down language the way people were speaking, not that he invented the language or something. So writing in this new/old mode evokes a particular type of creation--not of something de novo necessarily (although the language in feeld is of course new), but of potentially bringing to light themes and ideas that a lot of trans people struggle with, as well as a moment in history when the world is shifting, and being out as a trans person is suddenly a thing people do in a way it wasn't when I was younger.
(To be clear, there have always been trans people. We talk about this in the podcast all the time--see for example this episode's discussion of Brother Marinos and a lot of this episode which talks about Eleno/Elena de Cespedes and the Blind Prophet Tiresias who switched genders and, like, a lot of other episodes. However, trans people didn't organize/discuss their experiences so publicly/as a political class until fairly recently. So the parallel of "everyone was speaking this language but no one wrote it down until now" feels apt.)
Another way this language feels appropriate to this book is the way that it forces an interpretation by the reader--when Charles writes, "i ware / & inn a hiv / u r born", does "hiv" mean "hive"? "HIV"? Can we trust that it will have the same meaning the next time it appears (e.g., "befor the wharing / the hiv")? In a way, this recreates the interpretive act trans people constantly experience when they meet cis people--another thing chronicled by Charles when she writes, "how many/ holes would blede/ befor/ u believ/ imma grl." But here, because the language is Charles's, she always has the reader at an advantage.
Here's a poem that struck me:
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Anyway. Poetry! Who knew. You can definitely buy this one from Milkweed Editions, which is a small press and so always in need of/deserving of love. 10/10, go read it.
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mochikkkk · 6 months
eleno musqui pfv nao me bana do twitter 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏
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bolandoando · 1 year
fascinated by the story of Eleno de Céspedes, a mixed race self taught surgeon intersex bigamist interrogated by the spanish inquisition in the 1500s
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444names · 2 years
greek forenames (from wikibooks)
Acacovos Acana Achari Achios Achisos Adokos Adone Adoulos Afros Agasyvios Agati Agiola Agios Aiothara Alalcyoni Aldon Aldos Aledraxi Alefthil Aleia Aleksia Alekta Alena Alenia Alenis Aleorges Aletra Aletros Alewthone Alexana Alexia Altoclea Altonia Altos Ambos Ambros Anassila Anatis Andis Andos Andra Andrasios Andrattis Andre Andreopa Andris Androkos Androstia Angeleton Angeli Angelis Angeloe Angessuli Anikis Annate Annia Anniadne Annira Annobia Anthenos Anthis Antinesa Antinia Apomes Argelino Arghe Argios Ariantios Arias Arina Arines Arios Arippe Arsene Athaed Athane Athanos Athari Athea Athilos Athios Athone Athoni Baralis Barios Bikiades Bikilippe Borallis Borgia Boysa Callefthi Careana Careis Chaia Chaios Chana Chlos Chria Chriana Chrianas Chriandra Chrides Chridros Chrion Chrios Chris Chros Chryios Chrys Chrysa Clexis Clisos Conis Cosia Cosos Damarkos Deles Demano Demetaki Demethane Demetzia Demiana Demis Demoteas Dentinios Dessia Dianiky Didantea Didorgios Digos Dimitos Dimitrist Dimos Dimotha Dinayon Diotia Dmitras Domos Doretra Dorgen Drysonia Effroder Effros Efpria Efsta Efstidros Eftha Efthedra Ekaris Eleasia Eleia Eleine Elekta Elene Elenos Elergora Elewtes Elexi Emmanos Emmatola Eretos Eudon Eudoxina Eugara Evandia Evdostas Evios Evros Eyagda Eyagdasia Eyaggelos Eyagos Fannagia Fotha Fotios Fotira Gaedainos Galiannis Geodos Geofie Geopidos Geora Georeia Gerina Gioterios Gonstine Grina Halatelia Haliki Halinios Halios Harala Heria Herianas Heris Hippos Hrigos Iacia Ianas Iania Ianicovos Ignagos Ignailis Ignayon Ilisos Ioana Ioandra Ioantes Ioanthios Iondros Iphra Ireina Irikasyvi Irinos Isandros Junios Junos Kalana Kalatonos Kalexia Kalexxana Kalis Kalos Kalympos Katios Khane Khlos Khlosta Klenia Koine Konia Korenia Kores Krinos Kymaros Kymos Kyntas Kyria Kyrinagos Kyrokis Lamana Lamas Lambosta Lamis Lampomna Laula Laura Lazanos Lazaris Leanas Leode Leopi Leora Lidampos Lileta Lilvas Loula Loulanios Loulaos Louncedon Lugus Maiadne Marene Mariadne Marinonis Maris Maros Matana Matas Mathedes Matos Maxios Melikla Metanni Metavria Metra Metras Mickoloe Miclew Micos Mikassia Milina Mirida Morenis Morgeleda Myrios Myris Nafstos Naggeli Nanoula Natios Nekleki Neklis Neris Nermetra Nessia Nicacia Nickos Niclektro Niclenis Nicles Niclios Nicolia Nicolis Nicovos Nikyro Nitia Olyma Olyvos Ophridon Orenes Pamate Panayione Pania Panistas Parattis Parios Paros Partino Paura Paurenias Paures Pavanni Peria Peris Petolis Petra Phantip Pharilia Pheon Philia Philios Philis Phimos Phimosos Phinos Phios Phytos Prianas Prios Prolassa Renis Rhilis Rhios Romna Salia Savlo Savris Savros Savroula Sianos Simitolos Skyrokis Smara Smarouka Smatra Soclene Soclios Soforenis Sophiges Sotelos Sotera Soterista Sotidos Sotinis Sotinoni Soulla Spidostos Spios Spirissa Spyri Stamarbas Stametra Stanassia Stano Stanos Stario Steas Steleina Stericos Strassa Stris Stylis Takola Tasios Tassa Tassios Tasti Taston Tasyntios Tekassa Tekia Tekleolos Thaios Thanton Thara Thektas Thena Thene Thenica Thenna Theon Theonemon Theophara Theria Tiani Timia Tinos Titra Titria Titrios Tzarinoul Vaggelos Valafsia Vanna Vannagdas Vasia Vasos Vassaura Vassios Vassiu Vasyvos Xangena Xania Xanna Xanni Xannios Xannosil Xanos Xenaelia Xenis Xenostine Xylikas Yandres Yanie Yantheris Yantis Yantola Zaciadne Zenia Zenicos Zenidesa Zenista Zeusta
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pipaton-blog1 · 1 month
Elenos y Comuneros: de coacción y paz

Cristina de la Torre, 13 de agosto de 2024 El mismo día, 3 de agosto, se enfrentaron en la que hubiera sido guerrilla unitaria hechos antagónicos que tocan el porvenir de la paz. Mientras la dirección del ELN perpetuaba con exigencias al Gobierno su proverbial uso del diálogo para ganar trincheras, la disidencia Comuneros del Sur inauguraba, con las instituciones del Estado y con la comunidad,…
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gamboagarcia · 4 months
Gracias de antemano por sus comentarios Construirán Pasos Peatonales Sobre Vías del Ferrocarril El Director de Desarrollo Urbano, José Eleno Villalba Salas, dio a conocer el inicio de la construcción de tres puentes peatonales sobre las vías del ferrocarril que cruzan la ciudad. En un término no mayor de tres semanas se licitarán las obras de dos de los tres puentes peatonales: el que se ubicará en la intersección de Avenida 16 de ... Sigue leyendo: https://www.adiario.mx/estado/juarez/construiran-pasos-peatonales-sobre-vias-del-ferrocarril/?feed_id=157150&_unique_id=6651096e1ee74
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citiesandstories · 5 months
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Molyneux Yard is nestled in the heart of Dublin, in the Liberties. Its equestrian history dates back to the 1800s, and today its stables are important to many, including carriage drivers, bringing tourism and attention to this area. A horse community has been passed down generationally and built up over the years.
In recent times, the Council put out plans for a hotel, which would destroy not only the stables, but the playground and walkways in the area, and the historical cobblestone alleyway. The community, including Norwigi, a Scandinavian travelling musician, protested and rallied against the building of this hotel. The plans of the hotel were delayed and then called off for the near future.
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This detective board was created as a homage to these protesters, showing that community action matters and creates change. I created fake newspapers to tell the real story of what happened, collected and took photographs, reached out for accounts, gathered these and displayed. Resulting in a detective board around the corner to Molyneux Lane.
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A grey horse with a beautiful mane and tail, clopping through the streets led by a tracksuited youth; that is the nature of the Dublin horse culture. I spread these illustrated stickers through the streets, hoping to reach an audience that relates to this character, and for others to appreciate the candid freedom expressed through urban horseback riding.
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Eleno Leouchev; insta/youtube - @ leouchev
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fakultetazadizajn · 6 months
Erasmus delavnica izdelave korzeta
V času od 11. do 15. marca 2024, smo na Fakulteti za dizajn na smeri Moda in tekstilije, v sklopu Erasmus gostovanja gostili dr. Eleno Marti Ciriquián iz španske fakultete EASDA iz Alicante (www.easda.es). Profesorica dr. Elena Marti Ciriquián je najprej predstavila svojo fakulteto EASDA ter nadaljevala z zgodovino in razvojem korzeta. Sledila je več dnevna delavnica izdelave korzeta “Corset…
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 6 months
Sto ritto sul marciapiede e contemplo a lungo la tua bellezza spezzataripenso triste alle tue grida e ai detriti sulla spiaggia delle tue angoscealla riva dove bevevamo al battello nella laguna alle gru portuali nel sole bassoripenso a te smarrita sul cemento degli scogli artificiali a forma di stellac’era il mare grigio una cappa d’antracite il faro dipinto di giallo e noi in silenzioil rumore dell’erba nei pratoni vicini si confondeva con lo sciabordio delle ondee non ci baciammo nemmeno per sogno perché bisognava ascoltare Ora ti ammiro in tutta la tua forza e sei vestita di scarlatto dalla testa ai piediil sangue ti rivola sulla faccia emaciata ed è il dipinto d’un campo di tulipanic’è qualcosa di straordinario nei tuoi grandi occhi vinti che gelano il cieloorizzonti venati di lampi dentro cui finalmente ridi nella tua sconfittae le tue braccia nude e tumefatte e piene di ferite non sono ali ma carne spoglia Dai seni spuntano due capezzoli di fango e dal cuore palpita ancora una frasel’ultimo getto bagna la mia gola e risento il tuo sapore amaro ma amabile il tuo triste ombelico è la culla dove voglio farmi piccolo e dormire un’ultima voltala tua pancia colma di tormenti e di luce è il guanciale della mia tempia stancae i tuoi capelli neri sono la fiamma che adesso soffoca nella polvere della strada Sei salita sul davanzale della tua finestra Maluane e con le scapole apertesei caduta in volo e mentre cadevi la tua bocca ha succhiato e sviscerato lo spaziole tue mani hanno accartocciato il tempo e l’hanno teneramente buttato via Foto di Mario Eleno per Cinque Colonne Magazine Read the full article
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ocombatenterondonia · 9 months
Pai de Pedro Henrique, desabafa em velório e fala de laudo: ‘Não existe causa da morte’
Seu Eleno, pai do cantor gospel Pedro Henrique, que tinha 30 anos e morreu durante a apresentação de um show em Feira de Santana, na Bahia, na noite de quarta-feira (13), fez um desabafo emocionante durante o velório do filho no último fim de semana em Porto Seguro, também na Bahia. Ele disse que, conforme os exames feitos para descobir o que tirou a vida do filho, não existe causa da morte. No…
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444names · 1 year
spanish surnames BUT excluding "a"
Becino Belis Belles Bequendego Berentetto Berguedo Beriero Bermerodes Beroez Berogro Beros Berostres Berrech Berron Beyri Bibiegotez Blescortes Bojos Bonimilles Bonsueno Borros Brecin Briguer Brimino Brino Briolino Buero Buerrez Buierro Bungozono Burermuroz Burquedo Burrechido Bustrez Ceboss Cegue Ceity Celes Cellez Cenez Cenitente Cepin Cerces Ceros Cescos Chedo Chero Cheros Chigui Chiquin Choyo Chuerondo Ciedon Cingodo Ciodros Cires Colmez Colvos Comez Comon Conez Conredo Consolino Conte Contez Cordo Coredo Cores Corpite Corro Corte Cortore Covorte Crinez Crujo Crusque Cuero Cueroy Cuerrice Cuezo Curcovijos Curisteliu Dejos Deles Dellejo Delles Dello Derdillo Derio Derrequi Desillos Dionqui Dolino Dompos Dosquis Doycordo Duedo Eclez Edondo Eguez Eleno Ellen Endino Endrigue Equelez Ereres Espes Espiego Espuste Esquelecto Esqui Estenues Estiloy Estojilles Estom Eyeste Felos Ferez Feribejo Fermez Ferol Fillez Findillon Fines Finez Fiont Flortero Florth Folquerido Freco Frendinto Fuero Futines Geros Geroso Gimiero Gompo Gorno Gorte Gresqui Guelinez Guietez Guijo Guinez Guinoyco Guite Gulugudio Gungo Helez Herdo Heros Hesco Hiderres Himez Hipro Hiren Huelo Huencon Huesos Huitos Huizo Icereno Illontiro Iquez Irinez Isnes Izurs Jillo Jorth Julomon Jundo Lemuriz Lences Lencuelles Lesco Letts Limedilez Lindo Llerris Llerro Llicio Lobozo Lomerencho Lomin Loncos Lonto Losegon Losos Lucedo Ludes Luencos Luner Medecio Medez Medront Medrostojon Meleyeron Mencon Mendo Menel Menerisbo Menguedech Menosturuz Menoz Menozo Menro Menzu Meristez Meros Meroz Mertren Mestun Miero Millorgo Millos Miquez Miquihuenzo Mirel Mireson Mireyros Mirio Mirizo Mocero Molos Monderro Mondo Mones Monez Monich Monio Monson Montel Morced Mordendo Mordo Morequi Mores Morespino Morestru Morez Morio Morpis Morquil Morrenzo Morres Mortinconse Morto Mosid Mosil Mosso Mucol Mugiros Mures Murio Muste Nibel Nintez Niquierrez Nueig Nuendielo Nuerres Oconguez Ocordorevel Odonteles Ogores Ojillo Olinto Olley Olveros Orego Orengirio Oreno Orero Orreguillor Orrio Orrontortes Osillopio Ostos Otoso Pedez Pente Percinepo Perermez Perez Perneodildo Peroboro Perodo Perros Piceuez Piegeros Pineo Pinges Pinte Podrez Polents Polino Pomijo Ponez Poreno Porzon Prerrono Prios Pumbre Pumeno Pureque Purivello Pusor Pérem Quedo Quedon Quenco Quiez Quijoroz Quilles Quirrillos Recedielo Recedo Remedo Rentu Requi Ridemuz Rieguez Rillersue Rinego Riquer Riteno Roces Rodills Rojoses Rolis Romones Roncio Rontro Rubioli Rubiso Ruinemes Rujites Rujos Rumbez Secho Selloso Semigorro Sench Sentescon Serre Seves Sevregui Siezguez Siferdo Sifon Sigosegos Sillorez Sispicuez Sobedo Solostel Solques Sonzu Sorgo Soromire Sotejo Soyturrio Spedosotor Spiso Suendoy Sueno Sulino Sumen Sustrisno Tegros Tiero Tierrez Tilles Tillo Tindo Tiviegui Tordo Tordurigue Torez Tortunivez Tosobrio Toyoquez Trubio Tucio Turiz Tustes Umerlo Urdierrio Urembleono Urieblez Urino Uroqui Urtemes Urubin Urueter Usolicto Vedez Vediel Vellegue Vello Vellos Venolo Verdes Veres Verte Veruloro Vices Viellupez Viero Viete Vigui Vilerdez Viles Villedo Villeo Villes Villestigos Villez Villis Villiz Villo Villosp Vines Viredo Viristegue Virrez Vitoreliz Xienos Xiquenreno Xiquero Ycorte Ygomin Ygues Ynozo Yordo Ypiencios Ysolos Ysquermon Ysquez Ysqui Yturituste Yuevelles Zericor Zeros Zuedo
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elenoenergy · 10 months
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