#elenor byers
Stranger Things Spiderman AU
There's pictures at the end
I got some ideas from the byler-centric one, but I kinda went hyperfocus mode on El and didn't sleep, so here it is.
I've decided that the kids are 16 when the story takes place, more or less arbitrarily.
Brenner was doing spider-related experiments. As I built out the story more, he's kind of in the place of Norman Osborne I think. Tbh I wasn't too worried about him being in character. He's at this point gotten several human subjects- the lab kids.
Brenner kind of raised El to think she was dangerous to the other kids for (insert whatever the fuck the canon reasoning was which is still beyond me) this is where she starts playing drums (bc I made her as Ghost Spider and Gen Stacey plays drums) Brenner days is so that she can "release all her psychic energy so she doesn't blow the building up" but really there's guards trained to check in if they hear the noise stop in case she escapes.
When Will and MJ/Mike are on a field trip, they find El and help her escape disguised as a student, while another spider lands on Will's jacket unbeknownst to them.
El and the other lab kids always wore plain black and white suits and sweaters, but after El sees Will painting, she gets inspired to customize hers with blue and red or pink (I haven't decided) webs.
El immediately stays with the Byers bc they're isn't the whole yk Will missing thing. I have a convo halfway planned where they decide her cover name is Elenor. Fight me.
El's telekinesis allows her to remain unseen when she starts out so she gets called "The Ghost Hero" until her spider emblem gets spotted, earning the name "The Ghost Spider"
Mikhail is Harry Osborne. Fight me.
Since Mikhail is here, I thought I'd include Enzo and somehow relate him to Oscorp. Most of them are scientists, but then I remembered a Spiderman villain called Rhino who isn't one and who could tie into the whole Spider-Super Soldiers plot.
Will and Mike childhood best friends -> dating, obviously.
I looked up Gwen Stacey (Spider Gwen/ Ghost Spider)'s band name- it's the Mary Janes. I decided to change it to the Mary Sues as a joke bc yk El has powers. Max is obv in the band as well but I haven't decided her instrument yet. I remember the MJs having just girls in the band, so maybe I can incorporate the Goth Girlfriend from Lenora High... or the Art Gfs tbh. I don't know yet whether Max should know about El's powers or anything or whether there's elmax, but I'm not really writing this writing this, so I can pick and choose what's canon by the day. Probably not since she's fresh out of the lab...
Click bc tumblr crops images.
So here's the story: Brenner has the kids in the lab, probably as part of some scheme to have spider super soldiers or something. They all wear plain white suits and plain black and white sweaters. They aren't very warm and don't have even pockets or drawstrings, they really just serve as identification. They also have on marks that are meant to protect them, but they're also intentionally impersonal and not very emotive to keep the kids from socializing. The original design is on the left, and next to it is two of my ideas for color schemes once El customizes it with the spider webs on the sweater sleeves and boots. Cyan with pink-y bright red webs or dark blue with baby pink webs. I also chose to add a heart to the face to make it more "her" and cute bc canon El has homemade hearts in her room, but I'm not sure about the placement. The back of the sweater also has a spider emblem.
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Fun fact between all the designs and thumbnails and my app crashing I drew 36 webs :) I'm still not good at them :) I have SO much respect for comic artists that regularly draw Spiderman's web design in action shots repeatedly by hand how tf are some of y'all still alive?
Color scheme thumbnails+progress shoot from when I was going to have cyan highlights on the dark blue boots
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I also gave El a secret identity and some civilian clothes! I have a halfway planned conversation of how her identity gets established that I might post later if anyone (read: me) cares enough. I tried to keep some aspects of El's own canon fashion but a little different from Will and Jonathan. I kept her layers and patterns (El's style had my heart) and a stylized version of the sports jersey inspired shirt that she wears at the end of S4. I think adding bracelets and wearing embroidered clothes is something she would do just because it's *more*. Putting more of herself out in stark contrast to her bland uniform. The capri jeans have a heart patch, a flower patch, and a star patch on the keg we can see and decorative top-stitching on the hems. The high top converse have a smiley patch on one and a heart patch on the other and her shirt is embroidered with scattered daisies. Her long striped undershirt (totally stolen from Max) is slightly inspired by Gwen's fingerless gloves looking design in next year's Spiderverse movie. "Long range spider sense" is listed in her powers and just means the weird telepathy grey area that canon El has as opposed to Will's Peter Parker-esque Spider Sense. I also gave her super strength because I wanted to.
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On second thought she probably wears running shoes but oh well.
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europa-the-moon · 5 years
Okay, so I just finished watching Strangers Things SE3. And there's one little innocent question, that keeps popping up in my head:
I mean, I got it. Alexwhatever needs to die. I kinda liked him, but I can deal with it.
The Billy dies, BECAUSE WHY NOT, RIGHT? HE JUST GOT BETTER, SO KILL HIM. I cried, but I can deal with that, to.
Then the Byers are moving house, and they're TAKING ELEVEN WITH THEM. Cluldn't she stay with Max?? Or idk???
And El's powers? What happened?? I need her to get better like....... NOW.
Idk if I love the writers for creating this miracle, or wanna slaughter them all, because of Hopper, and Billy (and maybe that Alexwhatever), and everything bad that happened.
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kaypeace21 · 2 years
I know I've mentioned it before and it's a total crack theory (don’t take this too seriously). But the possible hints that lonnie may be El's bio dad are kind of crazy.
ps: last point explains why I don’t believe Andrew is El’s dad. Long story short- i read all the novels and comics (they contradict the canon show in various plot-significant ways and are probably not canon). And if they wanted to surprise people- Andrew would certainly be a good misdirect. Let’s begin...
background: in s1 We see Hopper with his daughter (who is holding a tiger plushie). And in s3 we see Hopper attack a soviet in a carnival ride which has tiger decor. The ride warns the soviet of a tiger. Then the tiger growls as Hopper yells(aka Hopper is symbolically the ‘tiger’). So like tigers connect to him and his daughter. we even see Hopper’s hairband in the shot (another connection of father and child).
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Ok... so what’s my point?
1.well lonnie has many name meanings.one is "lion". We see in s1 el and Will have lion plushies (similar to Sara's tiger plushie). Hopper sees Will's lion plushie and has a flashback of his daughter with her tiger. So... like... cat plushies maybe hint at paternity??!!!
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Also Lonnie is lowkey the embodiment of lion-fathers lol...
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2. A witness sees el, hopper asks "could it be lonnie's kid?". Witness: "it could have been . yeah that’s (pauses). I mean, yeah could’ve been". Suspish. But maybe nothing...  I know the literal reason for this scene is for Hopper to think El is Will. But it’s still weird verbiage...and also makes you wonder WHY they look so alike.
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3. Jane is the feminine form of the name jonathan. But also... Lonnie and Elenor ( they called El this in  s1) have the same name meaning . Coincidence...maybe???
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4. Lonnie is known for being a hunter. Teresa/terry (El’s mom) also means “huntress”. El is compared to princess Dianna (wonder woman): Diana is the roman goddess of hunting. Lonnie is also dating cynthia ( Cynthia means “the hunt”and  cynthia is another name for DIANA). So maybe he has a type (woman who have names associated with hunting)- and he had a kid associated with “hunting” too-via the Dianna parallel. I joke.But it’s another weird name parallel. 
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5. El's storyline is heavily based on star wars and she's directly paralleled to Luke. Again luke has an estranged opposite-s*x sibling. The duffers are twins - so they prob loved that star wars plot twist that luke and Leia were separated siblings all along. Also them being related could explain their resemblance (and past parallels) . Thor ragnarock was also on the s4 inspo list- thor realizes he had a secret 1/2 sister.
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6. Why is Lonnie always associated with yellow flowers?? talked about all the examples here, and the possible symbolism. But... bro in s1 even has a sunflower blanket (Which is also linked to Terry and her daughter El in s2). Also why was a car that looked like the Byers car in the Terry flashback... I want answers XD
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7.Lonnie started flirting with joyce despite having a live-in gf (in her 20s) , that was half his age. Would I be surprised if , when younger,  he had an affa*r with a college student while married. Not really. He's at the very least... a d0uche.
8. Lonnie made jonathan hunt a rabbit. Jane/el is associated with rabbits. In s1 when she first escapes Benny's: the song "white rabbit " plays as she runs from her papa. And her room at Terry's is covered in the white rabbit decor (from the alice in Wonderland story).could just be a parallel of lonnie/Brenner being horrible dads. I mean both Brenner and Lonnie tried to make their kids k*ll animals. 
9. Also no I don't think Andrew from the prequel novel is her dad. I read all the novels and comics fyi. The novels and comics constantly contradict the cannon show. Max novel says she met billy a year before s2 and that's when they became stepsiblings : s3 shows they met as little little kids (when billy is like ... 12 at most). And not saying how, but i saw the S4 opening clip- it proves in very plot-significant ways that " 6 & into the fire" st comics are 100% NOT canon. So why do people blindly believe Andrew is her dad, cause the novel? Literally Andrew would be a perfect idea to get people to stop wondering about El's bio dad. 
And if there's foreshadowing for later seasons in the comics/books- it's probably little eastereggs they were told to incorporate . But , regardless, how convenient a random-normal, de*d guy, with no plot relevance (who is never mentioned in the show) is supposed to be her bio dad. And make everyone stop wondering about El's dad. It certainly stopped people from asking questions about el's paternity- i'll give them that. I wouldn't even be surprised if adding Andrew was an intentional misdirect. EVEN I DON’T 100% BELIEVE IN THIS THEORY, but please stop using the st novel as proof against it cause ... like I said it’s the books/ comics don’t really seem canon at all. XD
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nicememerino · 4 years
Read Chapter 4 of not an experiment on AO3 or under the cut! thanks for reading.
Steve went and knocked on the Byers’ door and waited maybe 30 seconds before an excited El swung it open and threw her arms around Steve, engulfing him in a hug.
“Hey, El. Where’s Joyce?” He asked as he stepped into the house. El shut the door behind him and pointed down the hall. 
When the Byers moved they decided it was probably best to stay close to Hawkins, they had gotten a pretty good-sized house right outside of town with the hush money the government provided. The house was close enough that Will was able to stay at school with his friends and Joyce could keep her job.
“Mrs. Byers! I’m here!” He called out towards her room. She quickly came out of her bedroom as she finished buttoning up her Melvalds vest. 
“Thank you so much for staying with her Steve. I should be home around 5, are you still picking the boys up from school?” She asked as she ran around the living room collecting her things and kissing El on the forehead as a goodbye. 
“Yep! I’ll get Will back here in one piece. Be safe Mrs. Byers!” He called out after her as she ran out the door. As the door closed, he turned and glanced over the room. 
This house was bigger than the old one but it was still homey and comfortable. On the walls there were pictures of Jonathan and Will as kids, some of El scattered throughout but in reality, they hadn’t been able to document her existence until recently when the government finally gave them the okay. Since then, Jonathan had decided to take plenty of pictures of her, making sure she knew that she was a part of the family just as much as he and Will were. 
Everyone in the house had their own room, the kitchen was large, there was a separate dining room, and Steve bet that they could probably fit at least three couches in the living room. Joyce had argued that they only needed two.
 Steve turned his attention towards El and shrugged. He had always been close with the kids but he and El never really had a chance to get to know each other until she moved into the Byers house and started homeschool. He knew more about where she came from than he did about her but he still tried, it was just hard with both of them not knowing how to act around each other. It wasn’t until he started babysitting for Joyce that he had learned anything personal about her, it started with El showing Steve all her scrunchies, her favorite one that Max had given her, the first one she ever bought, the one that Mike gave her for her birthday.
El’s birthday was celebrated intensely, Steve came to find out. All the kids always went way out and tried to make the craziest parties for her. She had only had two birthdays since she had escaped the lab, but everyone always tried to make them special for her. Since the only people who knew her real birthday was the government and maybe Brenner, the kids decided they would celebrate it on the day she had shown up. 
Steve learned everything he could ever want to know about El after all the time he spent babysitting her. Of course, she had school work to do but after the first few weeks, they established a routine. Steve would get there, say bye to Mrs. Byers, listen to El talk about whatever she wanted for about 30 minutes, then she would hop into her school work for the day. Once El ran out of things to talk about and didn’t have anything particularly interesting to share, she started talking to Steve while she did her work. It turns out she’s a better multitasker than most of the kids.
When Joyce wasn’t there with her somebody else typically was just to make sure she was doing her work. The plan had been for her to catch up as quickly as she could then for Hopper to enroll her into Hawkins High when the time came, but now Hop was gone and El wasn’t exactly ready to be a freshman. 
“So are you still working on 7th-grade math or have you moved up since I last saw you?” Steve asked as he pulled out a chair from the kitchen table. It had only been a week since he had last babysat but El was surprisingly good with math and moved quickly. She was maybe even better than the other Gremlins.
 “I’m almost done with 7th grade. Joyce said I might be able to go to school with Will next year!” El explained as she grabbed her most recent worksheets from the desk in the corner. She spread them out on the table and took the seat next to Steve.
“That’s great kiddo! Do you need help with any of it?” Steve asked. Most of the time if she got stuck she’d come to him on her own, but there had been few occasions where Steve had found her with tears of frustration coming out of her eyes because there were some problems she just couldn’t quite grasp. 
El shook her head and looked up at Steve, “Do you?” She asked him. El had also started asking Steve questions about his personal life, which he didn’t mind, but most stuff that goes on in his life wasn’t exactly exciting.
“Do I what?” Steve questioned back. Of course, he didn’t need help with 7th-grade math, he was the one teaching her, not the other way around.
“Need help. You’re confused” She said matter-of-factly. Steve groaned and shook his head since they had gotten closer El had lost all ideas of boundaries when it came to looking into Steve’s head or asking questions about anything going on. It wasn’t fun when she had come out of Jonathan’s room one day with a dirty magazine and asked Steve why some of the girls weren’t wearing shirts.
“What is with you kids and being in my head. No El, I don’t think you can help me with what I’ve got going on.” Steve answered as calmly as he could. Between wanting to see Billy, Dustin basically coming out to him, Robin telling him he needs more friends, and him being the resident babysitter, Steve had his hands full.
“I can try,” El stated. She sat her pencil down and focused completely on Steve. He rolled his eyes and nudged her.
“You’re just trying to get out of having to do your work. But I’ll humor you.” Steve said as he leaned back as far as he could in the wooden dining chair, he saw El’s face light up out of the corner of his eye.
“Robin thinks I need more friends, and I want to be friends with this one guy, but I don’t think he likes me very much,” Steve explained. He wasn’t about to spill everything to a 14-year-old, he tried to be as vague as he possibly could considering the circumstances.
“Billy?” She asked. Steve blinked at her, once, twice, three times, before he spoke.
“You in my head again kid?” He asked jokingly. El shook her head and rolled her eyes, a habit she had learned from Mike.
“You like him,” She stated once again with her matter-of-fact tone. Steve groaned for what felt like the millionth time that day. 
“Yeah, I guess. He’s better now. He isn’t trying to beat me up constantly, which is nice. He comes in to rent movies sometimes and he’s smiling” Steve explained. Of course, he liked Billy, he thought he was super cool, he had since he had first shown up in Hawkins.
“You want him to be your boyfriend,” El said. She then picked up her pencil and looked back at her paper as if she hadn’t said anything strange at all. 
“What? El no. I don't want Billy to be my boyfriend. That’s crazy. Insane. I mean he tried to beat me up! You weren’t here for that but he could have killed me!” Steve said, trying to convince himself more than El. She shrugged and started working on her paper.
“Jonathan said it’s okay,” El informed Steve. Of course, he knew what she was talking about but he really didn’t want to have this conversation with another 14 years old. He should at least talk to Robin about it first before he involved all of the Gremlins. Steve sighed and rubbed a hand over his face wishing his life was easier.
“I know it’s okay El, but lots of people think it’s really not okay. Billy is probably one of those people” 
 El looked up from her paper at her babysitter, “Max said he is better. He isn’t mean to her anymore. He talks to her.” El said looking into Steve’s eyes. “Maybe he won’t be mean to you” She suggested. It was probably the best words any of the Gremlins had ever said to him but he didn’t want to inflate El’s ego so he changed the subject to breakfast which quickly got her mind off of Steve’s boy problems.
 When it came time to go get Will and Dustin, Steve asked El if she wanted to ride with him. As far as people in Hawkin’s knew, El was Will and Jonathan’s cousin Elenor whose mom had recently passed. That was the story they had stuck to ever since El had been able to go out and people had started asking questions, but Joyce had still tried to keep her away from people that might go poking where their noses didn’t belong. El still left the house at any chance she got, today being no exception.
 The two pulled up in the high school parking lot and sat for a few minutes before the final bell rang and students started pouring out into the parking lot. Before they saw any of the Gremlins, El spotted the exact person Steve was hoping to avoid, El hit Steve’s arm and pointed to the blonde. Steve quickly pushed her hand down and reminded her it was rude to point.
“Go talk,” She told Steve. Before he could protest, he looked up and made eye contact with the younger boy. 
Billy was wearing a tight pair of jeans, his regular black boots, and the tightest black shirt he had ever seen on a boy. It held onto his biceps like the shirt was clinging for dear life, Steve didn’t even want to think about how good Billy would look if somebody dumped water on him right now. 
The brunet was quickly pulled out of his fantasy when El pinched his arm.
“You’re gonna pay for this when we get home,” Steve told her as he watched Billy walk towards the car.
“Hey pretty boy, didn’t expect to see you here,” He said casually as Steve stepped out of the car.
“Yeah yeah don’t cream your pants” Steve replied as he tried to hide his smile. From inside the car, he heard a quiet hum of confusion. Billy had heard it too because before Steve could say anything the blonde looked into his rolled down window and came face to face with El.
“Oh shit,” Billy said as he jumped back. He hadn’t expected another person to be in the car with Steve.
“Billy, this is-” Steve started before he was rudely interrupted.
“El!” Max yelled as she ran up to the car. She quickly pushed Steve out of the way and hopped in the car to talk to her best friend. Billy laughed as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket. How they hadn’t become crushed against his pecs, Steve would never know.
“You let all the shitheads push you around like that?” Billy asked as he lit the item in his hand. Steve chuckled and glanced into the car to check on El.
“Nah, but they don’t get to see her a lot so it’s understandable,” Steve explained. Billy nodded and offered Steve a drag of his cigarette.
“I’ve met her before. Just so you know,” Billy said as Steve plucked the cig out of his hand.
Steve raised an eyebrow before taking a drag. “Really?” Steve asked. As far as he knew, El’s contact with the outside world was super limited, there was no reason for her to have ever met Billy.
“Well, more than once. But only once as me.” Billy said. Steve didn’t have to ask what he meant by that. 
 After Starcourt happened and everyone had started to heal Steve had finally gotten the courage to ask what happened to Billy and the munchkins had explained the whole flayer incident in detail, including the sauna story. Steve still didn’t like to bring it up but Billy mentioned it as if it was as normal as asking about the weather. Steve was gonna ask where he and El had met but before he had a chance the rest of the kids had come running to the car.
“Steve!” Lucas had shouted. He ran up to give him a high five but he spotted Billy, he decided against getting too close and just gave Steve a quick nod before going around to the other side of the car where El had her window rolled down. Steve heard Billy audibly sigh from beside him and suddenly Steve wondered if he had ever apologized for what had happened that night. 
“We should get pizza and go back to Will’s to start the campaign!” Dustin yelled. All of the kids shouted in agreeance as they started to pile into Steve’s car. He and Billy were standing next to the driver's side door. Will had looked over at the two and gave them a weird look before sliding into the backseat.
“Looks like I have to get them all pizza and watch them play the game for the rest of the night. You want to come hang out and make my life a bit more bearable?” Steve asked before he could even process what he was offering. 
Billy gave him a smirk and stole the cigarette back from him, “I’ll meet you there?” He asked as he licked his lips before he took a long drag off the stick. Steve was mesmerized but was quickly shaken out of his trance by El tugging on his shirt sleeve.
“Yeah, you know where Will lives?” Steve asked as he watched Billy get into his newly fixed Camaro. Steve hadn’t even noticed it parked a few cars down. Max quickly took the hint and got out of Steve’s car and headed to get into Billy's.
“We’ll find out won’t we princess?” Billy said as he pulled off leaving Steve slightly mesmerized.
 On the way home everyone kept asking Steve about Billy and what was going on between the two boys.
“I saw you guys sharing a cigarette. I might be 14 but I know that’s not something normal people do” Lucas said as they pulled out of the pizza hut drive-thru. Steve rolled his eyes and continued to ignore their questions until Mike said something that pissed him off.
“My mom said that you’ll get aids if two guys share saliva” Mike, of course, meant nothing by it, he knew what aids were and what his mom really meant. He wasn’t even trying to be an asshole, it was just one of those comments you let slip and then realize what it means the second it comes out of your mouth.
Steve huffed and replied with, “Yeah well your mom was trying to fuck Billy last summer so I’m not sure what she considers worse, being gay or a predator” 
All the kids had gotten quiet when they heard that, mostly because nobody knew about it except a select few people, and Steve wasn’t supposed to be one of them. He honestly didn’t know how true it was, Heather had come into Scoops that summer and he had overheard her telling the story to her friends and in all honesty, Mrs. Wheeler was kind of a creep, so he wouldn’t put it past her.
The kids all made a noise that Steve could only describe as disgusted as he continued towards the house. Steve regretted saying anything about the incident but he wasn’t gonna let the kids think he tolerated people saying stuff like that. He almost made Dustin walk to school that morning because of a slur, there was no way he was gonna let the kids think he condoned Mike’s mom’s behavior just because she was an adult.
“Mike, your mom is a cougar,” Dustin had said quietly before the car erupted with laughter and moans of protest from Mike.
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bthefirst · 5 years
Unconfirmed Sexualities I beleive in
Elenor Shellstrop: the good place - bisexual
Will Byers: Stranger Things - Asexual
Alanna of trebond and Olua- gender fluid
Agatha: the school for good and evil - bisexual
Claire Densmore: Miss peregrine’s home for peculiar children. (Books) - Lesbain
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katherinethorn · 6 years
i was tagged by @sammysstevens thank you!!
rules: name your top 10 favorite female characters from different fandoms, then tag 10 people.
shuri (marvel)
dana scully ( the x files)
emily prentiss (criminal minds)
elenor shellstrop (the good place)
leslie knope (parks and rec)
phoebe buffay (friends)
jessica day (new girl)
joyce byers (stranger things)
clara oswald (doctor who)
luna lovegood (harry potter)
i tag @cswizzlehood @ghostbustermike @calumtyne @amazinqspiderman @bigbadvalkyrie @edsinstyle @tstarksrogers @whitewolfwintersoldier @always-evergreen @curlsincriminology
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han-har · 7 years
Name. Mileven Drabble
“No.” She stated simply.
El, Mike, Will, Hopper, and Joyce all sat at the Byers’ kitchen table. It had been a full other year & El would be joining the boys and Max to school for 7th grade.
“I’m not Jane. That’s not my name.”
“Like Eleven is any better?” Hopper scoffed.
“El is. El is fine.” Mike entered.
“What about something else like El? Starts with El?” Will asked.
“We can’t use Elenor. We did that two years ago.” Mike said.
“I think I have an idea.” Joyce said with a small smile.
3 days later the party was standing outside the middle school. Some more eager than others to start a new school year. As they entered and took there seats in the back of their new history class that they all had together the attendance was called.
“Elouise Hopper?” Called thé teacher.
“Here.” Said El as she raised her hand.
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El's Ghost Spider sweater from the back in its original color scheme and custom one
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Logo by @kidovna
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send me questions to answer in- character as El in my ST Spiderman AU bc I Can't Think in my askbox. <2
You can ask her either as The Ghost Spider or as El.
The Ghost Spider is this kinda mysterious up-and-coming hero who ppl aren't really sure about- they also don't know that she's trying to thwart an evil plot!
El is this kinda weird girl and noone in school knows where she's from but she hangs out with Max alot and she plays drumset and has kinda odd fashion. She's Will's sister or relative or something as far as the students know.
You don't have to ask but I just wanted to have a way to get to know her bc Brain Empty only VIBES yk how it is. <2
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El by herself for some attention <2
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This is from my take on the Stranger Things Spiderman AU. It's modern and in NY btw. She's a version of Gwen Stacey which is why she's a drummer in her band plus it's bitchin' so. El with embroidered jeans my beloved <2
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Thinking about it, it feels so significant that Will has never shared a scene with his own dad. Not even in flash back. We get multiple scenes talking ABOUT Lonnie and his relationship with Will, but we never actually see them interact. Not a thing. I wonder if there's going to be something obviously off when we finally see them interact, like the vibe Brenner has with El.
Oh, 100% . I agree! Not showing Will & Lonnie interact until s4- the possible season that may allude to Will's powers & past tra*ma (with his dad) being the cause of certain supernatural creatures and human characters being brought into existence ... would make sense.
The demogorgan /Brenner/Lonnie all being in s1-and all returning in s4 is (most likely) intentional. Especially with all the parallels they shared in s1. Brenner=papa. And in s1, as the demogorgan (called 'deep father") chased Will, El was chased by 'papa', and Lonnie came back into the picture. And in s1- the demogorgan attacks a deer (Jonathan mentions his dad forcing him to kill a rabbit/being sad cause he liked the deer-film bambi. The demogorgon also attacks Jonathan while holding a bat & when Will was holding Lonnie's gun. Both things : hunting/baseball were taught by Lonnie. Lonnie can even mean "lion" & "oak tree". Nancy says the demogorgan is "like a lion...eating the deer". She saw the demogorgan eating the deer-via a portal in a tree.
Possessed creel is eyeless , and like the 'eyeless-demonic-demogorgan-father'. The rumors in the s4 paper say either Victor or a 'demon' did it. Even if Creel is innocent and it was the demogorgon or because Creel was possessed... the parallel  between Victor Creel and the demogorgon (deep father) is still apparent.Lonnie - Will's dad- will probably return in s4 .(Will in s3 was even called 'devil's baby' cause Lonnie is similarly a symbolical 'demonic father'' (Like Creel/demorgorgon). Creel's son is an artist like Will. And creel's daughter, Alice (like jonathan) sees a dead rabbit. El's room at Terry's house has the white rabbit from 'Alice in wonderland'- and in s1 the song 'white rabbit' (referencing the novel) plays as Brenner & El see eachother. Max also has a rabbit figurine in her room / Billy's surname "hargrove" means "groove filled with rabbits" And Billy is a nickname for Will-iam.El's mom and aunt's name mean 'huntress' and 'snare'(hunting trap)-and Lonnie is a hunter. Jane -is a feminine form of jonathan, the caananite god El/demogogan both mean 'father', Lonnie /Elenor's names having the same meaning, in s2 the lyric "my name is Willie mccoy' plays as it pans to El. The rainbow & sunflowers- are even connected to the byers, It’s possible Brenner is also working at the pethurst where Creel is now presently, in s4. I could literally go on and on. Like even Hopper has dead deer in his s2-3 cabin, and a deer painting in his trailer in s1.And be made a rabbit pun in s3. And was paralleled to the other dads (via the sinister door symbolism).Plus ...all the sinister flower symbolism of Brenner/ Lonnie/ Neil / Creel (and the demogorgan's face being a flower shape)? Like ... I could list like 30 other parallels-but lol just ... I've said it a 100 times XD .
Honestly... s4 will probably have Lonnie, Creel, Brenner (papa), demogorgan (deep father)... and i'm also worried about if Neil (who has been paralleled to Lonnie via baseball) is still around... and how he is towards Max...
I also discussed how very OFF Lonnie is with jonathan in my " Jonathan & Lonnie analysis ". (There was a lot to un-pack there... Poor jonathan). Ugh I'm just expecting something awful when Lonnie comes back... a lot of drama I'm sure.
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
So the Byers  (according to alleged bts pics) are in a fictional place called ‘lenora hills’
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My best guess for why they chose the name? Both lenora and Elenor have the same meaning -“sun ray”. so ...maybe El goes by El-enor now (like El did at the school in s1)? Maybe now pretending to be Will’s cousin instead of Mike’s?
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Idk -maybe it’s an obscure movie ref  or coincidence...if not . But  personally, I feel like it’s some type of easteregg about El’s new alias.XD
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