#elenwe's babbling
duchesspeggy · 2 years
Somehow, amidst all the horrors, Seward taking the time to mention that while Jonathan's face was white with fury, his hands in Mina's hair were tender and gentle, feels very sweet to me.
It reads like:
Jonathan and Mina: in love
Jack, and every one of us: in love with their love
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malkuvoitenoldoran · 11 months
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Turgon watched as Elenwe danced, the Lords gladly taking turns keeping their Queen safely on her feet as she laughed moving to the music. He smiled warmly seeing her joy and that she was truly recovering from the crossing. It had been hard and too close when she and Idril fell through the ice yet seeing the two of them dancing and laughing warmed him more than even miruvor could.
Soft movement from his arms drew his attention back to the child he held, his son. He leaned down a bit and rubbed their noses against each other to hear him giggle then shifted him so he could look around too. Seeing Elenwe he gave an excited shriek and held out a hand for her.
"Do you want amme, Linte?" Turgon asked playfully, already moving towards Elenwe.
Linte giggled, the sound bringing smiles to everyone's faces, and when Elenwe was within range he gave another shriek reaching for her again. Turgon handed their son to his wife and slipped an arm around her waist, leaning down to kiss her cheek.
"Awake again? Well darling you shall have to dance with me and your atya." Elenwe spoke to Linte and Turgon laughed hearing her statement.
"Dance with the two of you, hmm? All right then." He easily swept her into a twirl, keeping it slow enough Linte didn't get sick. She laughed again, the sound somehow brighter as she tucked herself closer to him. Lintestel babbled happily while waving his arms. Around them the Lords and others grinned and resumed dancing as well while above them the stars started appearing amid the twilight sky.
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duchesspeggy · 2 years
Fun fact, my dad is a sollicitor whose hair turned prematurely white (not, as far as I'm aware, for vampire-related reasons) and from his experience, I can say: congratulations Jonathan, your job is about to get a lot easier!
People don't want their sollicitor to look young and innocent. They want an old man, who has seen and heard everything and won't bat an eye upon being presented with the most unhinged requests.
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duchesspeggy · 2 years
When I first started reading Dracula, having no prior knowledge of the novel, I could never have guessed the team going after him would be composed of:
an old Dutch professor with too many doctorates to be sane
his former n°1 student, with a gigantic lunatic asylum all under his care at only 29, fancy that!
a cowboy
their good friend Art (an English lord)
a sollicitor
his nerdy former-teacher wife
I am so pleased
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duchesspeggy · 29 days
I finally saw The Boys in the Boat, I now have a new obsession.
(Fun fact: my only knowledge on this movie before watching it was that it was about a rowing team and that Callum Turner was in it. I didn't realise he was the main, lol)
If I'm being honest, I'm mostly frustrated. There was just too much to cover in too little time and it made me want more. It should have been divided in 2 movies (I know it wasn't possible, because of the way the industry is. I'm just saying, that's wht I think would have been the ideal format).
The first movie would be about the team bonding and learning to row in sync, so the audience could learn with them and also get to know each member of the crew (instead of 3). The conclusion ("we were one") would have been more impactful if we had a whole movie to see them get there. It would end at the Poughkeepsie race and the qualification for the Olympics.
The second movie would cover the preparation for the Olympics, the desperate race for money and the Olympics themselves. Maybe this movie would have been less centered on Joe (whose character arc is pretty much completed after Poughkeepsie) and more on Bobby, who from what I read, learned about his Jewish heritage just before going to Germany. It would give even more weight to the race and their victory. (Also, more development around Hume's illness, please, I love this boy). I read that the boys fought for him to be in the race and also got into a fight with the German team? I would have loves to see that!
Btw, I haven't read the book, but I'm adding it to my list, I want to know more about these boys.
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duchesspeggy · 2 months
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duchesspeggy · 4 months
Happy Golden Sun comes to Switch day to all who celebrate!
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Look at my little baby. So young, so innocent, so about to get his childhood ✨ crushed ✨
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duchesspeggy · 6 months
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and it wasn't just a random contest
it was to win a copy of a book with illustrations from my favourite illustrator of all times
i do not say this lightly. it is not an exaggeration. i loved him since i'm EIGHT
many books i read, just because he illustrated them. some are in my top 5 favourites books of all time.
my dad has 2 books of illustrations by him (he made hundreds and hundreds throughouth his life) and we were only allowed to consult them with utmost care. we were forbidden from taking them to another room, because they were precious to him (he is an illustrator from my grandfather and my father's childhood).
my sisters and i went through a whole competition when we were teens, during which we had to correctly label hundreds of his works. we researched his entire lifework for a year.
and now
i won
an unique edition of a book
that contains
I am over the moon. This is everything I ever wanted. I can't believe I won. I'm going to scream about it for days
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duchesspeggy · 1 year
I love Chateau-Renaud. His only role in the story is to introduce Morrel, which could have easily been done by anyone else. He serves no major plot point, he has no relations to any of the main characters. But he's in every scene, just busy looking good and aristocratic, making snarky comments and judging every one.
The only chill character in this insane book. I love him.
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duchesspeggy · 1 year
In retrospect, this part (from October 3rd) is so funny
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The manga also made it very intense and menacing (I only have the French edition, sorry)
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Dracula made this great speech, about how much of a danger he really is and how he'll use Mina to get them all etc. and then...
he just goes back to his dirt box and does nothing. They killed him just like that.
Why is this guy so popular? He's the biggest loser in the entire book
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duchesspeggy · 10 months
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IT'S DONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT !!!!
the whole process was completely improvised, i found a picture i liked and try to recreate it. it's far from perfect, but i'm still so happy with the result.
i might add some details later, but for now i need to let it rest and focus on something else.
(tumblr image system is weird and won't let me correct the pictures, please bear with it for the moment. i'll post better ones later on)
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duchesspeggy · 1 month
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duchesspeggy · 5 months
I started re-reading the Fellowship of the ring and every time I read the words “Michel Delving”, I get the same feeling I had when I first read about Howl's 80s Welsh sportteam outfit
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duchesspeggy · 8 months
tired of all the newly released fantasy books being about war, and dark romance, and women being oppressed, and class conflict, etc.
where is the magic? the beautiful setting? the great landscapes? the heroism? the wonders? the escapism? the fantasy ???
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duchesspeggy · 5 months
Me: I'm tired of Timothée Chamalet, why is he everywhere? we don't need a Willy Wonka prequel, this movie doesn't seem good or inspired, stop showing me this guy's face everywhere
Timothée Chamalet: *openly supports my hometown's football/soccer team*
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duchesspeggy · 1 year
Fun fact: Napoleon is responsible for the law in France that forbids one from disinheriting a child. One also cannot give more to one child than another (which causes difficulties for families with estates. They must either divide it between the children or one must buy the parts of the others) (my father was a notary; he ranted many times about that).
Which is why Noirtier's will is invalid. Since he is a widower and has only one son, Villefort must inherit, by law, of at least half of his fortune. Noirtier is only free to dispose of and give to whoever he wishes the other half.
(I'm not sure how making Valentine his sole heir, like seemed to be his initial intention, would work. As long as Villefort is alive, the law would still apply.)
An heir can, however, refuse their inheritance, which I assume is what Villefort would do to respect his father's will and give it all away.
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