#eleonora x edoardo fic
possiamo-andare · 2 years
hiii everyone! today is my 20th birthday and i have some free time before i go out with my friends so i thought i'd do some requests! send me in any requests your heart desires for rafe, jj, pope, kiara, steve harrington, eddie munson, even incantava (something i haven't done in awhile lol)! love you guys and thanks for making the happiest gal ever! this year was one of my bests and i can't wait to see what opportunities my 20th year has for me!
tagging some friends: @teamnick @bittersweetglories @gillybear17 @fangirling-allday @outerbankswriting @sortagaysortahigh @lurkymurker @totallynotkaibiased @itsalexwin @fangirlfree @varshhyy @scenesofobx
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hellishchrissy · 5 years
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tell me something that I'll forget and you might have to tell me again                                   it's crazy what you'd do for a friend
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sttrawberries · 4 years
the way I'm trying to find and read again all of the incantava fanfics that i read last year and my mind keeps coming up with new prompts that i would love to read
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beeexx · 4 years
Me going down the hole that is Incantava fics because I LOVE THEM too much
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livsoulsecrets · 5 years
Incantava AU - Chapter 14: It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves
Previous Chapter
Summary: Eleonora is in London for some days for her brother’s photograph exposition. In her last night in the city, she is convinced by her friends to go out by herself and have some fun. Unexpectedly, she meets other Italian there, a charming boy named Edoardo. Not knowing much else about him, she takes her friends’ advice and has a one night stand with him, not expecting to see the boy after that. Little did she know they were bound to meet each other again.
September 13th
Ele hurries to the library as soon as her class is over, hoping she will have some time to gather herself before facing Edoardo. She puts some books down and arranges the table to make sure Edo sits in front of her, as far as he could be.
 It was safer this way.
 He shows up shortly after her and sits down quietly, taking some notes and a notebook out of his bag. Ele is surprised by how serious he sounds when he speaks:
— So, what topic should we pick? The teacher said we should analyze an italian law of our choice according to the principles of justice, validity and effectiveness. I was thinking of picking up something that is recent, so it can be more relevant. 
 Ele waits for him to break this facade, flirt with her or simply smile, but he doesn’t. Guess Edoardo Incanti is capable of taking things serious every once in a while, she concludes.
— Well, I think you’re right. Surprisingly. — Edo bites his lip at that, but says no more. — Since you mentioned we should chose something recent, I think Women’s rights could be the perfect topic. We have a Law of April of 2009 that included stalking as a crime against women, this could be our point of analysis. — Ele suggests, to which Edo nods.
— It sounds great. We can work on that. 
— Perfect. — Ele smiles, happy they found some common ground. She continues: — So, you can research a bit of the context while I go through the specifics of the Law. Then, we pick up on the theory together. 
— Alright, will do. — Edo opens his notebooks and starts to do his part.
 They fall into a somewhat comfortable silence, only breaking it to let each other know of something interesting they found, working in sintony already.
— Shit, it is past five and a half. — Edo says when he looks at his cellphone, realizing they had been there for more than two hours. 
— Ow, I barely noticed time passing by.
— Same. — Edo rests against his chair and looks at Eleonora. — We do make quite a team, you know? Look what we got done in a day.
— You might be just right. — Ele answers, her head resting in her hand while she looks at him. 
— Good to learn you can admit I’m right sometimes.
— I can be fair, okay? — Ele argues, like she always does with him.
— Okay.  — He agrees, his hands up as if he’s surrending. 
Then, he says: 
— So I told Fede I would be home by six to help him cleaning. — He explains, putting his things back into his bag. 
— Oh… Fede like that friend you went to the party with?
— Yeah, I moved in with him when I came back home. — Edo explains. — Surprised you remembered it. — He tilted his head, fighting a smile.
— I have a good memory. Anyway, go. We can finish this some other day.
— What about next Tuesday? My place will be free after class. — Edo suggests, his bag laying in his shoulder, appearing to be a bit anxious about her answer while he waits.
Ele bits her cheek, not believing what she is about to say:
— Fine. — Edo bounces back a bit, astonished.
— Fine. — He answers, smiling a little. — I’ll text you the address. Bye, Eleonora.
— Bye, Edoardo. — She watches him leaving, a lot lighter than she was before.
📲 Edo’s Tweet
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📲 Ele’s Tweet
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📲 Edo
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📲 Ele
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Next Chapter
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air-bison-yip-yip · 5 years
Incantava prompt - summer vacation (Turkey, Spain and Paris trip)
thanks for the prompt, anon! This is for @nnegan13, the most precious cinnamon roll in all the lands.
also on ao3
“You hate the Eiffel Tower!?”
“I don’t hate it,” Ele disagrees, emphatically. “It’s just...all big.” Edoardo’s eyebrows rise in disbelief.
“Yeah, that’s the whole thing. It’s a feat of amazing ingenuity and engineering.”
“I’m not disputing that,” Ele tells him as she walks down the streets of Paris with Edoardo. She grabs onto his hand tightly as they maneuver around the crowds of people.
“But you still hate it.”
“No. I don’t. I just think it’s big and phallus shaped, and we could be eating bread and going to all the gardens not just, ya know, paying a ridiculous amount to stand in line and then go up high.”
“I can’t believe this,” Edoardo says, shaking his head in exasperation. “You’re the only girl on the planet where her boyfriend takes her to Paris--to the Eiffel Tower, and you’re underwhelmed.”
“I mean, I’m probably not the only girl.”
“I think it’s incredibly romantic that my boyfriend is such a cliche cheeseball! Honestly, this entire trip has been perfect. I’m just saying it’s ending on a down note. We should’ve saved the gardens at Versailles for today,” Ele explains. Her body is close to Edoardo’s as they head toward the center of Paris.
“So you don’t want to go?” Edo asks, looking down at her as they continue walking.
“I never said that.”
“Explicitly, but you don’t need too many brain cells to read between the lines here, Ele.”
“We can totally go. You spent hours yesterday letting me talk and gush about plants. I would be happy to stand in line and hear you talk about the Eiffel Tower and it’s ingenuity, honest.” Ele tugs at Edoardo’s arm taking him to a little bench off the main path and pulling him to sit next to her.
“I don’t want to go knowing you don’t like it. I’ve been before.” Edoardo says. Eleonora doesn’t think he’s mad, but he’s definitely bordering between amusement and incredulity.
“Is there, like, another phallus building you want to see? We can go there?” Edo coughs out a laugh at that.
“What?” Ele asks a small smile forming on her lips in response to his own.
“You’re the most stubborn, beautiful, ridiculous person I have ever met and I love you so so much,” Edoardo says, his eyes light and joyous. It’s infectious, this love and playfulness.
“See, that was so much more romantic here on a bench in Paris than on the Eiffel Tower where every other person is having a romantic moment,” Ele tells him, her cheeks blushing at the compliments. It’s been a learning curve to accept his words of praise as sincere.
“Well, I saw a dumpster back there, did you want to put a padlock on it with our names instead of the bridge? That would be peak romance.” Edoardo teases, a magnificent smile on his face. “Or, I’m pretty sure we could find a lamppost to take pictures in front of to show all our friends and family the amazing views we encountered.”
“You’re the worst,” Ele says through her laughter as Edoardo continues to name ridiculous scenarios.
“Forget the gourmet chocolate we were going to give to Filo, let’s go find some gum under a table. That’s a much more unique gift.”
“Or, I think, if we wanted to get a bit sexy, we could probably find a filthy American themed restaurant to fool around in. Forget a nice hotel in Paris with a view, let’s get a disease.”
“Oh my god,” Ele exclaims.
“We could get so much wine and chug it all--box wine from the store--and then throw it all up, so we never want it again. That memory will last us forever. We could never have French wine ever again. The romance.”
“Edo! Stop!”
Edoardo ignores Ele’s protests, far too pleased with himself. “I know what we should do--
“Oh god,” she mutters.
“We should forget the opera tickets tonight. Let’s trash them. Instead, we could put on our pajamas and ask people in the hotel rooms next to us to sing a bit. The stranger the better. It’ll be like a fun reverse caroling.”
“No, I got it. The perfect romantic day in Paris--”
Ele quickly captures his lips for a bruising kiss. It’s awkward at first, both of their smiles preventing them from kissing in earnest, but some of the laughter wanes and want surfaces allowing Ele to deepen the kiss. She pulls his bottom lip between her teeth and pulls slightly eliciting a groan for Edoardo as he moves his hand around her waist, their bodies as close as possible without Ele actually being in Edo’s lap.
Ele puts everything she has into these kisses. Her tongue slides against his, and she feels her body warming at the softness of his lips, the wicked moves of his tongue. Damn, he can kiss. Ele matches him though, she tries to put every ounce of her love for him into the kiss, because even though she’s joking with him, this has been the best three months of her life. Spain was full of laughter and dancing, and late-night walks along the shores. Turkey was spent weaving throughout the mazes of markets, trying new foods, and buying small trinkets. Or listening to Edoardo recount aspects of history at specific buildings. Her stupidly hot popular boyfriend was the biggest nerd, but she loved his recounting of the stories from the past. He’s a natural storyteller. Paris had been spent eating and wandering and visiting anything green that they could find.
Honestly, Ele doesn’t think she’s ever felt so comfortable and at home than when she travels with Edoardo. They would split up at times, to do their own thing, or have their own time, but she never got sick of him. They were a great team, and this trip had proved to her over and over again that she was so thankful she has him. That she fought for him. That he waited and fought for her. This wonderful man with his shitty hair was hers. Her love.
She put all of those feelings into the kiss before pulling away and resting her forehead against his. Their breaths heavy and mingling. Ele closes her eyes and relishes this feeling. The bustle of Paris sounds behind her, she can smell fresh bread baking, but mostly she focuses on Edoardo. The hands tangled in her hair, around her waist. The taste of him still on her lips. The softness in which he cradles her--always.
He was joking, but the truth is she would do any of those ridiculous things as long as she was with him.
“You’re an idiot,” she says, a small grin forming on her face, their foreheads still joined.
“I’m your idiot,” he replies petulantly, making Ele release a puff of air as she chuckles.
“I don’t care what we do,” she tells him. “In fact, I’m about to give you a run for your cheeseball money.”
Edoardo pulls away slightly to see Ele’s face. Her smile teases, but her eyes shine with fondness and intimacy.
“Try me.”
“I could not care less about what we do, Edoardo. I would go to every penis-shaped landmark with you--” she starts and Edoardo groans, “as long as you’re next to me.”
Eleonora takes a deep breath and places a small chaste kiss to his forehead, to his cheeks, to his lips.
“I’ll go with you anywhere,” she whispers. Suddenly the bustling city sounds fade away, and it’s just them, Eleonora and Edoardo, together. Her favorite place to be.
Turkey, Spain, Paris… they are nothing compared to Edoardo Incanti.
Edoardo’s smile is breathtaking, easily her favorite view of the entire trip. It’s slow and full, and his entire face lights up.
“You’re right. That was totally cheeseball.” He smiles before capturing her lips in a passionate but soft kiss. He pulls away and gives her a smaller smile, his Ele smile.
“Why don’t we go to the sewers and you can tell me how much you love me there. That’ll be way more romantic than at the Arc de Triomphe,” he whispers back and dodges the light smack Ele aims at him, laughing as he does.
“I take it all back,” Ele says, but both Edoardo and her know she’s full of shit.
She meant every word.
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all-things-skam · 5 years
Incantava prompt ? Edo talking seriously about eleonora to the guys for the first time ?
edo talking to his friends about ele!
i really want to see ele and federico as friends
Title: Greece intruder
Ship: Skam Italia | Eleonora Sava and Edoardo Incanti (Incantava)
The initial plan for the Greece trip was Edoardo and the Villa boys. No girls allowed. But, it all changed when Edo got back with Eleonora and got accepted in an Ivy League school in America; there was no way he’d spend summer without her by his side. Especially if she wasn’t coming with him to America.
Needless to say, when Edoardo announced them the new addition to their trip, the boys didn’t take it well - for the most part.
“I thought this was a boys trip…” Nathan reminded Edo. It was going to be their last trip before they all separates and go to college, it was only fair to follow the tradition one last time.
“Yeah, we said no girls allowed, Edo. She can’t come,” Martucci added, making a point.
“I booked the trip, I make the rules. And, she’s not a random girl; she’s my girlfriend.”
“Yeah, we know that,” Chicco teased, making allusion to the dramatic reunion they had two weeks ago.
Edoardo rolled his eyes, annoyed that they had witnessed everything that afternoon and won’t stop teasing him about it. Fede was even worse with the teasing. He knew more than the rest of the boys, having been Edoardo’s shoulder to cry on when he and Eleonora were broken up, and didn’t fail to pester his best friend.
“That’s unfair! I would’ve asked Eva to come if I had known girlfriends were allowed,” Fede complained, reminding the boys that Edo wasn’t the only one with a girlfriend now, having made things official with Eva fairly recently. He was very proud about that one.
“You’re gonna see her after summer, I won’t.”
According to the boys, the flight to Greece was a nightmare. It was all Natan’s fault for not fighting harder for his seat when Edoardo made a change behind his back and switch his seat so Eleonora could sit with him. The two were kissing and whispering and giggling during the whole flight, it was disgusting.
Arriving at the luxury villa, they were no better.
''You're done stealing Edo from us?'' Fede said as a joke, finding Eleonora sitting outside, alone, reading a book.
''He's sleeping. And, Edoardo's not a property,'' she pointed out.
Fede chuckled, stepping on the poolside, hissing when the sun hit his lobster-like red shoulders. It was a look. ''I know. Try telling the boys that, though.''
The brunette put her book aside, glancing at Fede with pulled eyebrows. ''What do you mean?''
Federico took a seat on the chair across hers. ''You and Edo are always together since we got here and the boys are getting annoyed. Well, mostly Natan and Martucci. You see...the Greece trip was a boys trip and we had planned things for this trip, but Edo always ditches us for you.''
Even though Edoardo was old enough to decide how to share his time between his friends and girlfriend, Eleonora felt bad for the boys. For them too it was their last months with Edoardo before his big leave to America, they were going to miss him too. And, it was initially their trip; she was...an intruder.
''Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. Edo said you wouldn't mind-''
''I don't mind,'' Fede corrected, shaking his head. ''To be honest, I prefer him ditching us for you than watch him mope and whine about how much he misses you and how he fucked up. What a misery.''
Eleonora quietly laughed. ''Then, I guess I have to apologize for all the suffering I put you through these past weeks. The breakup was my fault...kind of.''
''No. Edo was being an asshole. It told him a thousand to go and talk to you. Me and Eva agreed that-''
Her ears perked up at the mention of her best friend. ''You and Eva talked being our backs?! Oh my god, you're no better than my brother...''
Fede smiled sheepishly. 
''There you are,'' came Edoardo's voice as he stepped out of the villa through the sliding doors. ''I was looking for you.''
Ele whipped her head around, smiling when seeing her boyfriend who was missing a shirt, curly hair a mess from sleeping. ''I was being nice and letting you sleep in,'' she replied. 
Edoardo sat behind her on the long chair, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her face. ''Missed you,'' he said against her skin.
Fede rolled his eyes at their antics. ''It's 10am, it's too early for this...''
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dylanobrienisbatman · 5 years
2019 Fic Masterlist Part 2: Skam Italia
Slightly inspired by @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold​ (and by that i mean, i saw her making a fic masterlist and was like ‘oh i should do something like that’), i’ve decided to share a masterlist of all the fics i wrote in 2019. i branched into writing for a couple new fandom’s this year, which i’m quite proud of, because prior to this year i’ve only shared fics written for The 100, and i branched into some new ships this year as well, after becoming rather disenchanted with a previous OTP. Read if you want, share if you want, hope you enjoy!
Of Coffee. Of Leather. Of Kisses. [G] (Incantava)
First ever incantava fic, which i really enjoyed dipping a toe into. This fic is sort of my ‘post sleepover clip’ headcanon, about what happened after Ele woke up at Edo’s house and what her day was like after. Super dreamy and soft, basically just me imagining Ele wistfully dreaming of Edoardo. 
Dreams of Gardenias and White Dresses [G] (Incantava) 
Yet another headcanon of the post sleepover aftermath, this time from Edoardo’s perspective. We all already knew he was a lovestruck fool before the sleepover, and basically he just pines hard in this fic. He also dreams of her, which... duh. He’s a devoted husband, and a rich king. 
And now I’m covered in the colours pull apart at the seams [G] (Incantava)
A post rain kiss headcanon, where Edo has walked Ele home, and then, after she’s been home a minute, he knocks on her door because he just wanted to see her again. They basically just make out a while, and have some sweet little fluffy moments, plus Ele apologising for the things she said before the kiss. 
You’re dripping like a saturated sunrise [G] (Incantava)
Yes, okay, I love a good Halsey lyric for Incantava fic titles. Post big fight, when Ele isn’t talking to Edo, but then she sees him across the courtyard at school, and they meet in the stairwell to talk. Ele apologises, Edoardo actually talks about why it hurt him and they communicate, Ele actually talks about why she lashes out and why she gets so upset and scared, which... what is fanfic for if not to make the characters actually talk to each other. 
So if you wanna dance, let’s start the show [G] (Incantava) 
Also couldn’t in good conscience not use a lyric from Be Mine for one of my incantava fics... because that scene is so iconic. Post series, a while into the future, Edo and Ele lives together, and Edo wakes up to find Ele is already awake, and he watches her from their bedroom door frame as she waters the flowers, makes coffee, reads her book, etc. Very fluffy and soft. 
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nnegan13 · 5 years
lads have some fluff/roasting each other incantava bc I'm proud of all of us making it through the first week without them 
A hand shoves at his shoulder and the blanket twists out of his grasp. “You’re hogging all the—” a grunt as he fists at the duvet again, “—fucking blankets, Edo.”
“‘m cold,” he whines, and curls the blanket over his shoulder.
“So am I.”
Tired, he’s so tired, and his head is pounding. His mouth works faster than his mind does, and he says, “Then, fucking, come here.”
Ele must be just as tired as he is, because she doesn’t even protest, doesn’t even question what he says, just scoots toward him and burrows into his side, letting him pull the blanket up over her body—and his—and pillows her head on his bare shoulder.
“Better?” His brain still isn’t working correctly.
She nods, but says, “Shut up,” and he does.
part of the college!au bc it’s my nice little getaway from stress lmao. hope you all enjoy! <3 
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incatnava · 5 years
Imagine an Incantava au where they get in a car accident or something which causes Eleonora to lose her memory from the past few months. So she still thinks Edo is an asshole and then he has to make her fall in love with him all over again
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nooraiskind · 5 years
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I made a thing
Thank you so much to all the fic writers 🙏🏼 You guys are the best
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
Evergreen: Incantava
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Eleonora x Edoardo
word count: 3.8k
summary: Edoardo and Eleonora bond after Chicco breaks one of Eleornora’s potted plants.
a/n: idk how i feel about this since I’m not 100% comfortable writing about incantava. I’m still trying to figure out how to write the dynamics of their relationship. Hopefully I was somewhat close. enjoy!
Eleonora Sava came to the realisation that parties were not something she liked. Of course, if it was a celebration that consisted of just her close friends, some nice penne pasta, and music then she would have enjoyed it. But the party that was being hosted in her home right now wasn't that kind of party. Fede had told her that it would be a small gathering, not more than fifteen people. The truth was just the reverse. The truth was that he had welcomed everybody he met, about two hundred people, along with some of the most irritating music she'd ever heard. It wasn't the hardest part of it. Sadly, an invitation had been extended to Edo Incanti. Somehow, the boy who everyone knew she despised was invited to her party. She didn't know who allowed it but by looking at Gio’s mischievous grin, she knew he was the culprit. Gio had thought they would be amazing together and made sure Ele heard him. Edo pinned after her like a lost puppy dog after she had told him off at the yard just weeks before. Though Gio mocked her (which she protested against) about their compatibility, she was still indifferente to this curly guy. If Ele was anything, it was stubborn.
“El -” Eva hiccuped in Ele’s ear, hanging onto her as if the floor underneath the intoxicated girl was trembling. “Ele.”
“Hm?” Ele hummed, too distracted to give her friend a long winded answer. She searched for Edo through the crowd. Although she would never admit she was, she couldn’t help herself. It was as if her eyes were drawn to him.
“I need to go to the bathroom.” Eva slurred her words together, almost unintelligible.
Fortunately for Ele, she was fluent in drunken Eva's language and instinctively understood what her friend wanted from her. With a deep sigh and the beginning of a headache, she guided Eva to her washroom where she prayed that Eva would not ask for any more help. Thankfully, Ele did not have to push through the crowd, most people moving out of the way when they saw a drunk girl and her sober friend dashing towards the bathroom.
“I’m gonna wait here.” Ele stated, finally letting go of her drunk friend and pushing her through the threshold of the door.
Eva says nothing, only giggling as she slowly closes the door behind her. Only when Ele hears the familiar sound of a lock clicking, does she finally relax. Tonight has not been the best. She’s been so worried about everyone else, she had not any time to herself to actually party. This was one of the reasons she didn’t like huge parties; she was always the one running around looking after everyone.
She kept her head high, however. She wasn't going to let some bad music and a greedy asshole ruin, a happy night with her friends. Granted, Eva was drunk beyond belief and Silvia had disappeared half way through the night but Ele was determined to let nothing ruin her mood. Because of this determination, she decided it is best to avoid Edo all night to keep her joy intact. She told herself it was because he had a talent of upsetting her in ways no one else could. It was definitely not because he looked too handsome for his own good, or because his curly hair fell around his face in a way that made her stomach drop. It was purely because she hated him. And she always would.
This was proven to be nearly impossible because Edo and his friends loved to cause mayhem and Ele seemed to be constantly looking over her shoulder to see if they were behaving themselves. Even now, as she waited outside the door of the washroom for her friend, she couldn't help but scan the room for the curly haired boy and his rambunctious friends. Unfortunately, it was too late. The second her eyes landed on the group of boys, was also the second Chicco opened the sliding glass door that led to her balcony. Ele's balcony housed tons of different types of potted plants, all very delicate. Only a person that understood botany and the intricacy of flora could enter. Chicco did not fit this criteria. Ele knew what was going to happen before it even did. And when she heard the familiar sound of a pot crashing (having dropped many pots before), she only rolled her eyes. Of course Chicco would be the one to break one of her potted plants.
“Hey!” Ele watches as Edo raises his hands in exasperation, not stepping over the threshold of her balcony. He was almost like a vampire; he couldn’t enter the balcony without the owner allowing him to. It was that, or he understood Ele’s boundaries and the first option seemed more viable. “Dio mio Chicco!”
Ele rushes over to her balcony, leaving Eva in the bathroom. Although she wants to see Edo tell Chicco off for being so clumsy, she rather handle him herself. She didn;t need another reason to thank Edo. She had already said thanks to him way too many times. She approaches Edo at the door of her balcony quietly, as to not draw too much attention to the fact they were talking. Edo is too busy scolding Chicco to see her first and she has to speak up before he even looks to his right.
“What’s happened?” Ele asks, her arms already crossed and her brows pushed together.
These are the walls she puts up whenever she’s around Edo because she’s too scared to show him what her eyes might actually show him. So, she forces herself to look annoyed all the time. Truth is, she could care less if the pot was broken. There was a market ten minutes from her home and the pot cost so little but since Edo was behind the culprit who broke it, she knew she’d have to give him a hard time. God forbid she was easy on Edo. She didn’t want him walking around thinking she had a soft spot for him.
“Ele,” Edo sighs, running his hands through his curly (but shitty) hair. Ele watches from behind him as Chicco is carried out from her balcony and placed on her couch by some of Edo’s friends. Chicco is still smiling and acting as if nothing is the matter. “I’m so sorry. I’ll buy you a new one.”
Ele finally crans her head and looks through the open door of her balcony, finding the mess Chicco left. It’s not as bad as she thought but she can’t let Edo know that. One of her smaller flowers, an evergreen plant her brother bought her last week, has been knocked over. The pot it’s in is cracked and most of the soil is on the floor. Although she’s made a worse mess, she knows Edo feels just terrible. She indulges in the idea that he feels this way for his friend’s accident, considering all the turmoil he’s put her through the last year. Not to mention, the date he made her go on with him. Of course, he technically never forced her and she could’ve just come clean to Silvia and she did actually have a pretty good time, but that's besides the point.
Ele looks back at Edo who, to Ele’s glee, looks terrified and frowns deeper. “That was my favourite plant!” It was, infact, not but she wanted to screw with Edo and by the look on his face, it was working.
Edo rubs his temples, a horrible feeling churning in his stomach. “I’m so sorry, Ele.”
Ele rolls her eyes, suppressing a smile. “Nothing you can do now. I’m just gonna get another pot tomorrow.” She’s just about to turn around when, to her surprise, Edo places a gentle touch to her elbow. She stops before she can turn and feels her heartbeat pick up speed from just that simple touch.
“Let me help. It’s the least I could do.” Edo watches as Ele’s eyes stare at where his fingers caress her elbow and he realizes he has just touched her. It was an accident and he had forgotten, for a moment, how much she hated him.
Ele shakes her head, watching as Edo quickly takes his hand off her elbow. “Eduardo -”
“Edoardo.” He corrects, a small smirk on his face. She’s back to being her snarky self.
“ - I don’t need your help.” She ignores his correction, like all the times she has before.
Edo shrugs. “It’s the least I can do.” He really wants to help. Not to mention, he hopes this good deed will get on Ele’s good side considering he’s been on her bad side for way too long.
Ele shakes her head, indignant. “No, the least you could’ve done was never come to this party.” With that, she turns on her heels and walks away from Edo. She hopes he gets the hint and tries not to follow her but she hears him behind her, only a few steps away.
She decides to get away from this party and see if the market is open. The night has not gone the way she hoped and, in some ways, Chicco helped her out by breaking that pot. Now she can escape the crowd by busying herself with her plants. Although she knows it’s rude to leave her guests, she decides to forget about manners. At least for tonight.
“It was an open invitation.” Edo quips, biting his lip and stifling a laugh, She looks so stiff as she walks, she wonders how she’s able to keep such a straight posture. “Besides, if you didn’t want me to come -”
Ele grabs her coat from the closet and finally turns around to face Edo. She has no good argument so she stays quiet as she adjusts the sleeves on her coat. Although she is facing Edo, she makes no effort to look him in the eyes as he continues to blabber on about Lord knows what.
“Edo! Sta 'zitto!” She just wants him to be quiet for a moment so she can collect her thoughts. Her mind is so scrambled by the loud music and cheering, she slips up and accidentally calls Edo by the nickname so many people call him.
Edo smiles. “Edo? Well, Eleonora Sava, I never thought we were that close.”
Ele rolls her eyes, her cheeks burning from embarrassment. “We’re not.”
Edo leans forward and reaches over her head to grab his coat from the closet. She wishes he wasn’t so close but at the same time, he smells so damn good. Ele’s mind is going so crazy that, for a moment, she goes dizzy. He quickly gets his coat and puts in on himself before Ele even has a chance to ask him what he is doing. For a moment, she thinks he may be going home but she knows better than to think Edo would actually listen to her.
“Well, we went on a date so I’d say we’re pretty close.” He still wears that handsome smirk on his lips and Ele wishes he would stop looking so good just for a second so she could be actually upset with him.
Ele rolls her eyes, ignoring his last comment. She’s more concerned with why he has his coat on. “Why do you have your coat on?”
Edo adjusts his collar, glancing at the mirror to his right before looking back at Ele. “First, you’re basically telling me to leave and now you want to know where I’m going. You’re one confusing woman, Eleonora Sava.”
Ele can’t help but cross her arms over her chest. “You’re going home?” She already knows the answer but asks anyway.
Edo shakes his head. “Of course not. I’m gonna accompany you to get another pot.”
Ele narrows her eyes, stepping closer towards her front door. “How did you know -”
Ele’s cut off by Edo’s laugh and she feels her heart flutter. She quickly swallows and tries to suppress the feeling in her chest as she listens to Edo laugh. “C’mon, Ele, you were looking for an excuse to leave this party. I was watching you. You look like a fish out of water.”
Ele tries to ignore the part where Edo was watching her all night and instead focuses on his teasing of how much she feels uncomfortable in crowds. “Well, not everyone can be Eduardo Incanti, the king of partying and getting shit faced drunk.”
Edo shrugs, a sly smirk always present on his face. “What can I say; I’m the life of the party.”
Ele rolls her eyes yet again. She knows that there has to be some kind of record she has broken because she is constantly rolling her eyes around Edo. “You’re not coming.”
Edo fishes in his coat pocket for a moment before pulling a wad of cash clipped together. He comically waves it in front of Ele’s face for a moment and she can’t help but smile at how stupid he is acting. She wonders if any other girl has seen this side of Edo and although she wants to say yes, she knows the truth. Edo proceeds to take three 20€ from the clip before putting the rest back in his pocket.
“You can keep the change.” He grabs Ele’s hand before she can pull away and hands her the cash. She ignores the way Edo’s fingers feel against her wrist and instead focuses on how that much money feels in her hands.
“Are you trying to bribe me?” Ele asks, her other hand moving to the doorknob. She twists it and opens before Edo has time to reply.
“Maybe. Is it working?”
Ele had been in Edo’s car on one occasion and she had been beyond uncomfortable. He had come to pick her up for their date and although she was furious, she was more uncomfortable. She had not been on a date for years and she hated the feeling of putting on her best face to impress someone you liked. What was even worse was that she didn’t even like Edo so she was getting ready for someone she didn’t even like.
His car was nothing special. Yes, it was expensive but it was Edoardo Incanti and she suspected he would have a luxurious car. Something that threw her off about his car was that it wasn’t flashy. It was a black, small Benz and although luxurious, it was not in the least flashy. The engine was even quiet, which was something she definitely thought he would have upgraded for something louder. This car did not seem like something someone as pompous as Edo would drive.
As she got in his car for the second time, the same thoughts crossed her mind. He had opened the door for her this time, unlike last where he never got out, and she tried to chalk it up to him being his usually egotistical self. The truth was, everything she had originally thought of Edo was proven not to be true. His car was not flashy and neither were his clothes. Yes, his personality showed her an egotistical player but everything else about him was muted. She wondered how wrong she truly was about him.
“Are you there, amore?” Edo’s voice snapped her from her thoughts. She could hear the amusement in his voice as he questioned whether or not she was listening to him.
Ele looked at him, clearly annoyed as he drove down the street. “Do not call me that.”
Edo nodded, pressing his lips together as to laugh at her bewilderment. SHe looked like a deer in headlights when she heard him call her by that pet name. “Sorry.”
Ele rolled her eyes, watching as he pulled into the market’s driveway. “No, you’re not.” Once his car had fully come to a stop, she opened the door herself and closed it with a loud slam. If it was anyone else, she would have been polite but all of her manners are thrown out the window when it comes to Edo.
Edo walks around the front of his car and approaches Ele, loving his car with a button. “You’re right. I’m not.”
Ele pushes past the shitty haired boy and makes her way towards the white tarp where she knows the pots and plants are located. By this time, the market is closed but it is family owned and run so the owners leave the tarp open for passersby to stop and buy a plant. Ele doesn’t bother to look back at Edo and enters the white tarp and starts looking for the right size pot.
As Ele browses through the aisles, looking for the brown pots she has bought on more than one occasion, Edo scrolls through his phone at the entrance of the tarp. When Ele turns around to walk into the next aisle, she sees Edo at the entrance and scoffs. Of course he would be on his phone. She stops looking for a moment and walks back to Edo at the entrance of the tarp.
“If you don’t wanna be here -” Ele starts but never gets a chance to finish her sentence before Edo starts speaking over her.
“It says here that during the winter, Evergreens can enhance comfort and cut heating expenses by protecting homes from brisk winds. Their thick foliage reduces cooling costs when it shields buildings from bright summer sunlight. They also block and absorb traffic noise throughout the year.” Edo smiles as he continues to read interesting facts on his phone about this interesting plant.
Ele nods. “Yes. I did know that.” She always had praised herself for knowing so much about the plants she cares for.
Edo looks up from his phone and at Ele, a smirk playing on his lips. He closes his phone and Ele watches as the only source of light vanishes from his face. She can still see his face from the light shining from the lamppost nearby but the night turns to light blue. “I guess people are kinda like Evergreens.”
Ele raises her brows, not understanding what Edo has just said in the least. “What?”
Edo shrugs, clearly embarrassed by voicing such an out of pocket comment and not explaining. “I don’t know, like, when you’re around good people, they can make you feel comfortable and warm. They can block out all the noise and make it feel as if it’s only the two of you. You know?”
Ele is taken aback by the insight Edo has just shared with her. Before, she thought it nearly impossible for him to ever say something of substance but he has proved her wrong. For the first time since their date, they’re having a sincere conversation. “I know what you mean.”
Edo finally steps inside the tarp and closer to Ele. She’s beyond scared of what is happening between them but she forces herself to stay in one place. As Edo walks closer to her, he reaches up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Ele lets him do this, wanting it more than she wants to admit it. Without realizing it, her hand reaches up to touch Edo’s and she lets his hand rest against her cheek. They’re standing so close to each other, Ele is sure he is going to try to kiss her. The most surprising part is she wants him to. She’s been wondering for way too long how his lips would feel against hers.
Surprisingly, Edo does the exact opposite. After moments of just standing there, he removes his hand from Ele’s face and takes a step back from her. Although she is beyond surprised, she says nothing and instead turns back around, resuming her search for the pots. She rounds another corner and walks into the last aisle to see the pots, stacked on the floor. She picks up the one she thinks is the right size before turning to the entrance to see if Edo is still standing there. She smiles at him for what seems like the first time and then walks to him, a pot in her arms. When she finally approaches him again, his signature smirk is back on his lips.
“Found one.” Ele extends her arms forwards, signalling to Edo that she wants him to take it. Understanding right away, Edo takes the pot from her arms to allow Ele to leave some money behind for the pot.
As he watches her dig through her pocket for the money he had given her, Edo wanders to his relationship with Ele. He knows it’s rocky. That would be an understatement. One minute, she’s pretending to be upset with him to make him feel bad and the next second, she’s allowing him to touch her hair. He knew the second she saw the plant that she was faking but he refused to say anything. He knows Ele doesn’t completely understand how well he can read her. He’s been watching her for over a year now, pining and following after a girl who, until a few weeks ago, he was sure didn’t want anything to do with him. Now, everything has changed.
“That should be enough.” Ele says, looking back to Edo. She left one of the 20€ inside the jar of tips the owners had, hoping they would understand that someone came during the night to buy a pot. When Ele finally makes eye contact with Edo again, she can see his mind is elsewhere as he watches her. “You alright?” She knows this is a dumb question considering what had just happened between them but she can not help herself.
Edo nods, clearing his throat before speaking. “I want us to be friends Ele.”
Ele tries to build a wall between him, knowing where this conversation is going. “That’s not what it’s felt like.”
Edo shrugs, smiling at the scared girl. He figured that’s all Ele was underneath; a girl scared of falling in love. “We should at least try.”
Ele thinks for a moment. She wants this but at the same time, she doesn’t want to give Edo the satisfaction of letting them become friends. She knows the more time she spends with him, the more she will inevitably feel something for him. As much as she knows that can’t happen, she also wants to be happy. “I guess.”
Edo sets down the pot for a moment and extends his hand to Ele to shake. Surprised, Ele wearily extends her hand and allows for Edo to shake it. As their hands touch, they both feel a current being exchanged between the both of them. Ele and Edo feel the electricity flow from their fingertips all the way to their chest and explode. They both know what it means and although they rather not say it aloud, they both know they can never truly be friends.
As they both enter Edo’s car, there is only silence between them. And although they are not saying anything, they are thinking the same thing. When they were touching each other, they felt comfortable and warm. They felt at peace. They felt like Evergreens.
tagging my friend @teamnick​ who loves incantava as much as I do <3
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saltforthesea · 5 years
I don’t like you
Summary: Eleonora and Edoardo share their first kiss in the rain and Eleonora has to decide what happens next. And most of all: she has to admit that she does like him. More than she ever thought she would. 
Pairing: Eleonora Sava x Edoardo Incanti
Word Count: 1,7k
A/N: I haven’t written anything in nearly three years but after this cinematic masterpiece of a kiss I desperately wanted to write again. So this happened! English is not my first language tho so please bear with me <3
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The rain was still pouring down on them when they finally separated. Edoardo was still holding Eleonoras face in his hands, cupping her cheeks carefully between his warm fingers as if he was holding some ancient dear to his heart statue that could break the second he let go of it. His thumbs were lazily caressing over her skin, running up and down her jawbone and then stopping right at her lips. Almost without realizing it, Eleonora planted a soft kiss against Edoardos fingers which made the latter let out a quiet chuckle. 
“You don’t like me, huh?” he asked her and closed the gap between them again. His nose brushed against hers, his hands moving from her face to her neck so he was able to tilt her head a little bit and give himself better access to her lips before their mouths finally reconnected again. Kissing Edoardo Incanti felt like watching a storm from the warm and safe comfort of your house. It was like watching the raindrops drumming against your window, demanding to be let in. It was wild and dangerous and untameable and at the same time, it felt safe and secure. It felt like coming home. It felt like being able to smile again after holding it back for an eternity.
“Not even a little bit”, Eleonora repeated her words from earlier and smiled broadly at him. It had only been a few minutes since she had told him these exact words. And they had hurt him. She had been able to tell by the way he looked at her. By the way, the almost too silent “Okay” had left his lips. But at this point, she had already said it. It had been to late to take it back.
She hadn’t meant to hurt him. Eleonora never wanted to hurt anyone. She had said those words because that had been the easiest things to say. It had been the easiest way to protect herself. Herself and her heart. The heart that had started to belong to a boy she had tried to hate so much but failed in the end. So of course, she hadn’t meant it. None of it. Of course, she liked him, but she had been denying it for so long now that it was hard to admit that she did care about him. It was hard to admit that she cared about Edoardo Incanti who did not only broke Silvia's heart but also played with so many hearts of other girls. Someone who had viewed girls as his personal trophies or at least pretended that he thought about them to be just that. It was hard to admit that Edoardo Incanti was nothing like the boy she thought he’d be. He was so much kinder than he tried to look like. He was soft and he cared. He loved deeply. He felt with his entire heart and he protected his friends. Edoardo Incanti was so much more than the cliché he tried to be. And she could see it now. She had been able to see it for a while now.
“Are you sure about that?” Edoardo asked her again and started planting kisses on her chin and down her neck. Ele could feel his grin against her skin as his lips brushed past the part of her neck where he could feel her pulse, giving away how fast her heart was beating in her chest. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump thump thump. Faster and faster the more he kissed her and the more the rain was pouring down on them. Faster and faster the more he made her feel like she was doing the right thing. That this was where she belonged. In his arms under the stars and in the rain. Safe. Secure. Home.
“Very sure”, she exhaled deeply and intertwined her fingers with his gorgeous hair. She had said so many times that she would hate his hair and now it was the only thing that kept her shaky knees from giving up on her. She was gripping on to the back of his head like he was her lifeline. Like he could save her from drowning.
They kissed for a few more minutes when Edoardo noticed that Ele was shaking. With the rain relentlessly pouring down on them it had gotten colder and colder with every passing minute. He started rubbing her back and pulled her even closer to him but that didn’t stop her from shaking. It was like her body had run out of adrenaline and had finally realized the noticeable temperature drop.
“Do you want me to walk you home?” Edo asked her and Eleonora could see in the way he looked at her that he didn’t want to let go of her yet. That he didn’t want to end the evening and whatever had just happened between them. He didn’t want to let them become strangers again who insult each other and eat cookies together whenever they weren’t fighting. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye. To let go. For now.
But still, here he was, asking her if he could walk her home. Just that. No intentions were behind it other than making sure she got home safe.
“I can’t let Filo see me like this. My brother. He already knows that we have been out before and when he sees me with you he –“
“Wait”, he stopped her, the grin from earlier back on his gorgeous looking face.
“So it totally counted as a date?”
“You know exactly what I am talking about Eleonora Francesca Sava. It counted as a date. I was right.”
“Maybe”, was the only thing she replied and while she tried to stay serious, really tried to keep him believing she hated meeting up with him at this beautiful spot, sharing cookies with him and insulting him. She had tried to make herself believe that. But she had realized it was a lie long ago. Just like she had realized that it was impossible for her to hate him.
“We could go back to my place too? You could sleep in my bed again,” he suddenly suggested and reached for Eleonora's hand, weaving their fingers into another. He looked way more serious now than only a few seconds ago.
“Absolutely not”, she replied even though she really wanted to say yes. She couldn’t walk home like this, totally soaked from head to toes without having to answer to one thousand and two questions from Filippo. And she also couldn’t go back to the charity party. She had stayed at Edoardos place before. It wasn’t that bad.
“Ele”, he started but before he could continue with whatever he had wanted to tell her, she kissed him again. It was the easiest way to make him shut up and for her to express that she changed her mind. That she never wanted to say no in the first place. And it was also way too tempting to kiss him again. Over and over and over again.
“We’ll just redo the pillow barrier. I think we’ll be fine.”
“Do you really think you can stay on your side of the bed this time?” Edoardo teased her and raised one of his eyebrows as to demonstrate that he didn’t believe Ele had enough will power to keep her hands from him now. That boy really was thinking too highly of himself. She was a strong and independent woman. Of course, she was able to keep her hands from Edoardo Incanti.
“Do you want to make a bet out of this then?”
“Okay.” He wiggled his eyebrows which made Eleonora laugh. He was such a dork with such a big heart and she couldn’t believe she had agreed to go to his place with him. Or to suggest they’ll make a bet out of their shared bed situation.
“If I win, which means you won’t be able to stay on your side of the bed, I get to make you breakfast. You took that from me the last time and I -”
“Deal.” This time it was Ele who cut him off which made him laugh. It was an adorable sound.
“Hold on, I wasn’t finished yet”, Edoardo held up his hands, demonstrating that he indeed had not finished formulating his part of the bet. They were already walking down the streets of Rome now and luckily Edoardo didn’t live too far away from the place where they held the Charity Event in.
“I already accepted the Deal. You are too late Edoardo Incanti”, Ele stuck out her tongue at him and started walking faster so she could turn around and look at him. His place was only a few more blocks from here and the rain had finally stopped.
Her hair was stuck to her face and she was still cold, but she had to take these brief seconds to herself to just look at Edoardo. The boy she had kissed tonight. She was losing the bet. She already knew it. Of course, she wouldn’t stay on her side of the bed. She was convinced all of this must have been a strange dream. Something she could never keep up. It was only a matter of time she had to break up things with Edoardo again. No matter how hard it would be and no matter how much it could hurt both of them. But at the end of the day, she had to protect her friends. She had to think about Silvia even though it was almost too late by now. 
She wanted this one more sleep over at Edoardos place. Needed it even. More than anything. She wanted to be held in his arms and to have him kiss her good night. And because she knew that he was very aware of it too, she decided to just go for it. At least for this one time. This one night.
“I want croissants and cappuccino tomorrow.”
And seeing that broad, boyish smile on his face again made it totally worth losing her first bet against Edoardo Incanti. Her first and probably also the last.
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yep00 · 5 years
Soulmate AU where are you? I MISS YOU
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beeexx · 4 years
Stumbled upon the soultmate Incantava fic and now my life is ruined, it is too good and I just want more haha
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livsoulsecrets · 5 years
Incantava AU - Chapter 11: The general joy of the whole table
Previous Chapter
Summary: Eleonora is in London for some days for her brother’s photograph exposition. In her last night in the city, she is convinced by her friends to go out by herself and have some fun. Unexpectedly, she meets other Italian there, a charming boy named Edoardo. Not knowing much else about him, she takes her friends’ advice and has a one night stand with him, not expecting to see the boy after that. Little did she know they were bound to meet each other again.
September 4th
Ele felt the strong smell of alcohol invading her nose as soon as she stepped into the club. Eleonora was sure she would regret coming to this party, but did not expect it to happen so soon.
It took less than five minutes in that place for at least three different people bump into her.
Once they sat down at the table Gio got from them, Silvia told Ele to relax while Sana just laughed at her annoyed face. Eva couldn’t care less about Ele’s discomfort because she had been attached to Gio ever since they got there. Elia was in deep conversation with Luchino about how many shots he could take in a minute and Fede seemed excited to see how that would go awfully wrong.
Nico and Marti were on their own little world, talking in whispers while ignoring everything around them. For some reason, every time Ele saw them like this, a bit of peace installed inside her despite how she was feeling before. The two of them together just felt right, it could make anyone smile.
— I will go to the bathroom, see you soon. — Ele said to her friends, walking away quickly.
Once she was alone, she could breathe without shocking on smoke, which felt like a giant upgrade. She washed her face and took a deep breath, already thinking of which excuse she would use to leave as soon as possible as soon as she went out of the bathroom.
When she got closer to her friends, she realized two other guys she couldn’t recognize had joined their table.
— It has been such a long time! — Elia said, his laugh being joined by the men.
One of them had dark curls falling on his face and a side smile on his lips. One of them had a laugh Ele was sure she would always remember. One of them was Edo.
— Ele, don’t you remember Fede? — Gio spoke, attracting everyone’s attention to the girl.
Edoardo choke on his soda immediately when his eyes caught sight of Ele and Fede did a terrible job by trying to hide his shock when he recognized her from Edo’s insta post.
— Ah… Not really, sorry. — She answered, trying to remember if she ever met the boy that sat by Edo’s side.
— We met like some months ago, when he helped us kicking that homophobes out in the Lux nightclub. — Marti explained, an arm thrown around Nico.
— It was such a crazy night, I barely remember anything. But it was really nice what you did. — Ele says, her eyes never leaving Edo. Fede thanks her, but most of his attention is drawn to his friend, that starts talking looking at Ele.
— Don’t think we have met properly... Are you Eliza, Elena... Something like that? — Edoardo has a smudge smile on his face, clearly enjoying himself away too much at the expense of Eleonora’s request for them to pretend they didn’t know each other.
— Eleonora. And you are...
— Edoardo.
— Eduardo. Nice name. — Ele answers, sitting down by Eva’s side.
— It’s Edoardo, actually.
— Oh, so sorry! This place is just so noisy. — The irony drips from Eleonora, but her friends are either too drunk or too distracted to notice it.
— Didn’t know you two already met. — Luca says, confused like he always is.
— We’re on the same class. — Edo answers, making Eva turn her head to Ele, silently questioning her friend if the boy is who she thinks he is. Ele nods and Eva has to stop herself from laughing at Ele’s bad luck.
— Oh, cool! — Federica says, taking a sip from her drink.
— Anyway, can we go dancing now? — Silvia says, having negative answers from everyone but Eva.
Ele rests against the chair and sighs: this is going to be a long night.
📲 Edo’s Instagram Story
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📲 Ele’s Tweet
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📲 Ele
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