#eli pepperjack x reader
ettellessa · 2 years
I decided somebody had to fix Rise of the Titans so I did it myself.
I cut out all the bad things: no pregnant Steve, no bad ending.
Feel free to watch, save, reupload and share. Enjoy, huzzah.
Fixed It (G-drive)
Fixed it (mega)
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(gender neutral please?) polymorph reader that's insecure about what their true form is (since they can take the form of any human, they probably have some doubts about what form is their form y'know what I mean?) being comforted by ether the Janus order (Stricklander, Nomura, Otto, etc) or the wizards, or the creepslayerz. cuz I feel like there's already a lot of them that have the trollhunter squad be the ones comforting.
Going with Creepslayerz cause we need more content alxnslxmslxklszllsllslssldlddl
Learning you were a Creep was kind of life changing to be honest. Both of them weren't sure what to do at first. Eli and Steve felt a little betrayed but the thing is there are good and bad creeps and if you've been helping them for so long and using your powers for good than you must be a good creep and as a good creep It's there job to protect you. Plus your powers are awesome! You can change to look like anyone??? Even them!!!
After that you all become a lot closer as there's no secrets to hide any more. Eli asks a lot of questions about being a changeling and your abilities while Steve makes random observations that lead to giggling fits. Creep or not your a CreepSlayer and your stuck with them.
The CreepSlayerz are so so so so supportive of you. You decide to change the color of your hair or you shorten/ grow it out? Awesome. You have a bigger body shape one day and a thinner one the next so the outfit you like in your closet fits correctly or you want to look a bit thinner/fuller? Cool. You change your eye color? Your nose shape? Your mouth? They don't care and 1000% support you in what makes you comfortable. As long as your doing it for you and not others they love to see how you'll shift next.
Eli and Steve have quit the body dysmorphia problems as well and will do their best to help you work through any insecurities you have. They know being a polymorphus changeling must have been hard since their far and few inbetween and you used to be ordered to change into others all the time. The Order was a bad place with bad creeps who used you to do bad things. They think your so strong and brave and they'll make sure no one missuses your powers ever again.
Eli is a scrawny kid with glasses who's been teased all his life for his looks. He's never been asked out by anyone and is more of a loner at school but not by choice. If you ever need to talk about anything he's more than willing too. He gets it more than you know and will always be there for you.
Steve may be strong and handsome in the conventional way but he still feels he should look better and be more. He's compared to models on magazines and has had girls dump him for not looking a certain way. Everyone around him is constantly pushing him to be faster, bigger, better, stronger. It's a lot of pressure and sometimes being an athlete is really hard. He's not the best at expresing his emotions but if he finds out someone's been making you uncomfortable he'll make sure they leave you alone.
The boys love having fashion shows with you. Anything to hype you up and make you feel comfortable in your own skin. Sometimes it can be stressful being able to change at any time so to have people who love you in any form is very reassuring.
Watch Steve beatbox to hype you up while Eli tries to rap something nice about you. It's stupid and silly but it always makes you laugh and that's their goal. As your friend they want to make sure you only see what they see and they see an awesome person who's amazing inside and outside. Anyone who says any different is a buttsnack.
Eli has a ton of selfies of you doing Creepslayer stuff with him and Steve. During your bad days he'll show you his favorite pictures. There's an unconventional type of beauty in all of them no matter what form you take all three of you smiling and laughing is what makes Eli think the picture is beautiful and he'll remind you that your looks don't define you, your actions do.
It can be hard and some days are worse than others but they always have your back. After all Creepz for life!
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Eli: Do any sounds annoy you?
Steve: Real sounds or imaginary sounds?
Eli: Uh- imaginary.
Y/n: Spider wearing flip flops.
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candiesstories · 4 years
Rules and Character List
S/O(significant other)
X Readers
Canon X Canon(depends on the ship)
Head cannons
Parent&Child scenarios
To heavy of Angst
Minor x Adult
(Don’t even bother asking those last two because the answer will always be no)
NSFW (maybe in the future this will change, but as of now, nah)
Angor Rot
Blinky Galadrigal
Claire Nuñez
Darci Scott
Dictatious Galadrigal
Eli Pepperjack
Jim Lake Jr
Mary Wang
Otto Scaarbach
Queen Usurna
Seamus Johnson
Shannon Longhannon
Steve Palchuk
Walter Strickler
Toby Domzalski
•~3 BELOW~•
Aja Tarron
Colonel Kubritz
King Fialkov
Krel Tarron
Loth Saborian
Queen Coranda
Tronos Madu
Val Morando
Varvatos Vex
Zeron Alpha
Zeron Beta
Zeron Omega
King Arthur/The Green Knight
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Hello! I would like to ask for a request please! (Is this how it happens?) but I would like to request the creep slayers helping out Werewolf!reader with their shift on the full moon? Like reader is worried that they’ll accidentally hurt them but instead they end up being a big sweat heart who just loves to chase rabbits and get good scratches behind the ears? You can make it as fluffy as you want or not at all! I do wish for it to be platonic but you can make it romantic if you wish I don’t mind! I hope you have an awesome day! 🤗💖😊 (also feel free to ignore/delete this one if your at all overwhelmed or it breaks the rules or you just don’t feel like it!)
~ You'd gotten into a scuffle with a weird looking dog creature a couple nights ago. It was during one of your patrols and the stupid thing bit you before running off. At the time it only stung a bit, there was some blood but no need for stitches as the bite wasn't deep enough. It shredderd your clothes but thankfully your arm was more or less okay.
~ You'd bandaged it and called it a day thinking nothing of it. But for some reason it'd been itching really bad all day and even stung a bit, you didn't know why. Going to Eli worried it might be infected he seem concerned. After school he took you home and did a couple tests in his room. As he continued looking under his microscope and writing things down, he swallowed nervously once he had his results.
~ Stealing his paper it was all science jargon. You couldn't really understand the prognosis. Eli doesn't want to say anything but after pressuring him because it's your body and he should tell you and after annoying him by asking what certain words meant the nerd gives in. Apprentally that dog that bit you while you were fighting? Not a dog.
~ You call Steve to have a meeting to discuss what you should do. The bite was burning because it was a full moon and in a couple hours you'd transform for the first time. You don't say what's happening over the phone incase Steve panics but it sounds important so he hops on his vespa and skips practice. Apprentally you made it sound wicked scary and he was super concerned about your health. When he gets there and he's handed the paper Eli had made he's confused too. Once Eli and you explain the situation he nods.
"Wait so (Y/N)'s gonna turn into a big slobbery dog?" He asks looking confused.
"A werewolf Steve. I'm gonna transform into a werewolf." You correct and Steve just hums and nods.
"Badass." He states still nodding.
"STEVE!" You and Eli scold and he hums.
~ Steve keeps you calm about the whole situation while Eli begins looking up when there's nights with a full moon. He starts making alarms on your phone for when the full moon will be every month so you can prepare.
~ Steve is pretty excited! His best buds gonna turn into a beast AWESOME! Eli's more on the worried side like you. He's worried you'll get hurt or you'll hurt yourself or you'll hurt someone else? And what happens if you bite someone and this spreads? That could be dangerous but they couldn't just kill you? Your not like other freaks your their friend!!!
~ You decide to have a sleepover that night. You'll watch stupid movies and eat food in the basement and they'll watch you transform and make sure you don't bite anyone before locking you up for the night. It's kinda scary to think about but it's for everyones good.
~ They watch you transform and it's painful. Bones crack, furr sprouts, and sounds a human shouldn't make are made as you growl and whine. Eventually it's done. Steve and Eli run upstairs before locking the door and your left with a raw steak.
~ You begin scratching at the door after awhile. You let out whines like any dog would and howl a bit. After some silence they hear a thud and suddenly it's quiet. Eli suggests they check it out and Steve nods. Neither of them open the door.
~ Finally Steve gives in at Eli's pestering and running into the basment bat out and ready to use your gone. Eli begins panicking as Steve freaks out. Both of them trying to figure out how you got out until they see the basements tiny but now open window.
~ Steve puts Eli on his vespa and they're off searching for you. Eli suggests getting backup but Steve wants to find you. If him and Eli did this they can fix it. Plus he doesn't want to ask Jim for help. They could handle it. After all it's just you. Werewolf or not this is their friend.
~ Armed with squeak toys, raw steak, and silver the boys go searching for you. Eli blows a dog whistle hoping to summon you and Steve squeaks a toy as he holds a bat looking around. Suddenly there's a growl. Turning there you are. Eli panics and throws a ball at your face before hiding behind Steve. Steve holds out his bat concerned.
~ You bark before you roll the ball towards Steves feet. Steve pauses staring at you before slowly placing his bat down. You yip bending down and wiggle your tail as you stare at the ball then him. You nudge it towards him again tail wagging.
~ Steve reaches out and you make pleased sounds as he gives you scratches. Kicking your foot and wagging your tail you pant happy. Your not being threatening and you don't seem like a danger. You basically a big puppy dog.
~ You paw at Steves clothes and suddenly the blonde teen is pinned. You chuff in his face before getting off of him and leaning down. You bounce back and forth and Steve laughs playing with you.
~ Eli makes observations as you and Steve wrestle together. You bark and roll ontop of him pinning the jock as he laughs and struggles underneath you. You get off and bat at him playfully as you two continue to goof off. Surprisingly your very careful and don't try to bite either one of them.
~ You follow them home getting bits of steak as you do. As Eli falls onto his bed next to Steve you lay on top of them and whine before yawning and settling down. Steve pets you to keep you calm and eventually all of you are cuddled together sleeping.
~ When you wake up you have a very intense headache. Your dehydrated and you feel like you ate something awful but otherwise you feel okay. You get breakfast and make some for the boys. When you wake up you make the CreepSlayer sign to show your fine and you all eat as they tell you about last night.
~ It becomes a CreepSlayerz tradition to have a sleepover every full moon and the boys wach over you. Eventually they go on patrols with you in your werewolf form and the creeps get the message not to mess with the CreepSlayerz.
(Might make a part two this was cute)
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Could I please request an Eli x reader, I feel like he doesn’t get enough attention. He’s just such a lil bean! The reader is Steve’s sister and it takes place when Aja comes back to earth with an older Eli and they revel to Steve that they had been dating and he freaks out. If you answer this thank you :)
This is for the Underappreciated character asks. Asks are open but only for characters that don't get enough love in the fandom/aren't popular :)
I only do a gender neutral reader but yeah. Steve's sibling 👍
"ELI!" In your excitement you forgot about the secret relationship you two were supposed to be hiding. All you felt was that familiar feeling where your chest starts to flutter when you see him.
Running forwards noticing he looked different but not caring since he was still your Eli, you wrap your arms around him in a hug before kissing him. He's a bit surprised stumbling back as you throw yourself at him but catching you and holding you close he returns the kiss and gentle embrace. One arm wraps around your back as his hand settles on your waist keeping you supported. His other hand gently moves to caress your cheek. He pulls away for a second pushing your hair out of your face as he kisses back.
Long distance had been hard on you both but thanks to Krel staying on Earth to learn more about it and Arkriddion technology you'd been able to stay in touch. You'd missed him so much.
"Woah Pepperjack! What are you doing snogging my sibling???" Steve demands snapping you out of it. Pulling back away from Eli you blink before blushing at your brashness. Hiding your face in his chest embarassed Eli smiles softly and pats the back of your head.
"sorry." You whisper and he just hums leaning down to nuzzle you.
"PEPPER JACK!" Your brother yells at the obvious display of affection making your boyfriend chuckle nervously.
"Haha surprise?" He questions to the group who all stare wide eyed and indeed in surprise.
"Woah congrats Eli! No one told me you could get some!" Toby teases as the group begins asking questions. Hiding in his shirt Eli chuckles as he does his best to satisfy the groups growing curiosity about your relationship.
"I missed you..." You mumble softly and Eli nods running his fingers through your hair.
He had too.
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3below Boys Dating Aesthetics 👽
Eli: The smell of handsanitizer, computer keys being typed, conspiracy theories, sci-fi movie marathons, anime, long hugs, V.R games, old comic books, ninja stars, lab tests, beakers, late night forum searching, pillow forts, spy gear, cuddling while watching YouTube videos, computer coding, research dates, getting homework help, sending cryptic memes, energy drinks.
Steve: Smells like Axe body spray, letting you borrow his leatherman jacket, secret softy, life of the party, beer pong, adrenaline junky, sharing your drinks and food, the roaring of a cheering crowd, home made signs for his games, #1 Palchuk fan, action movies, good luck kiss before every game, the swish of a bat, getting burgers and shakes after a winning game, long rides on his vespa, sneaking out, bandaging each other up.
Seamus: Ocean breeze or fresh linen smell, library dates, chalk against a board, cheering at games, long study sessions, calculator messages, long intellectual conversations, kisses on the hand, drama movies, cupping your cheek, light teasing, old fashioned nicknames, house party dates, diner dates, chocolate and flowers, formal events, opening the door for you, a real gentleman.
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