#eli tbt
gatekepts-a · 1 year
imsg >> lydia :p
eli: YO. eli: WHY IS EVERYONE FUCKING BUT ME?????? eli: do u have any hot friends lol
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x-elyssa-x · 1 year
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I wanted to draw something like this for a long time. I'm glad I finally did it. So, here you have - Rock Trollex! ❤️🤟
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sunlessea · 4 months
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his stomach's in knots. of course it is — a master of the bazaar would make anyone nervous, but he's ... a special case. he's not afraid of it, quite the opposite. he doesn't want it in his company, though, and he's trying to make that pretty obvious. as soon as it'd slid up next to him, he'd tried to put some distance between them by moving further down the table. and it'd followed, all bared fangs! it's fucking with him, isn't it? it's a miracle he lasts as long as he does before he slams the book he's reading shut to glare at it.
which past life is responsible for him deserving the situation he's ended up in...?
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"pardon me, can i help you today, mr nests? as you can see, i'm busy, and as far as i remember, on account of my rejection of your invitations last we met, we neither have plans together nor am i in any legal trouble, so—"
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@londonfallen / mr nests
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victo1re · 2 months
heart of wolves. sender intimately licks blood from the receiver's body. / from @shryike eli :) bc yea
the wreckage of the grove settles around them. goblins pick through pockets for coin that was never there, the nightwarden anointing her spoils of massacre in the name of victoria's constructed god. it is done; bhaal is pleased. she can feel it in the tide, in the tingling at her neck. there is a kind of quiet that falls in the wake of such holy murder, as if the trees themselves fear repercussion. it is this space in which victoria does her very best work, and so she directs her attention now to elidyr - they prepare a ritual away from the others, in what was once zevlor's sanctum. the hellrider laid out upon his war room's own table, his blood decanted and prayed over ... one finds ways of making do on the road, she thinks.
she coats her fingertips in sacrament, still barely warm, and elidyr partakes as he was taught. as she taught him. " be at peace, my slayer - today, you are divine. "
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enderpyre · 2 years
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POV: You woke him up from a nap
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failmilias · 5 months
Maisie strides into the sitting room, bold as brass, dressed in trousers-- trousers!-- as well as a vest and coat doubtlessly stolen from or donated by her brothers. She grins at @bridgeirton as she flounces onto one of the couches.
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"I am quite sure you've been keeping things interesting since I've been away," she greets him with. "I intend to hear everything, Bridgerton. Hold nothing back, do you understand?" // starter call!
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belliautore · 1 year
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deathmcth-archived · 2 years
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you all are probably sick of hearing about how insaneo ayalon is so here’s a nsfw drop about these four
sophie’s vulgar. crass. they like a woman who they’re able to man-handle in bed. they’re very rough and want women who are into that sort of thing as much as they are 
ezra definitely has a worship kink. he wants someone on their knees kissing his feet and begging for forgiveness. he’s manipulative and controlling and that definitely applies to the bedroom (kill him)
eli’s a sadomasochist. so far he’s only interested in reid, and that takes shape in the form of ‘anything reid does to me i’ll accept it. i dont care if he stabs me. actually, i would love it if he stabbed me.’ 
reid is bad at blowjobs. he forgets he actually has to do stuff instead of just putting it in his mouth and holding it there 
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ccmpletemess · 2 years
closed starter for @artefactvm ( tian & utp )
Tian smiled softly at the other, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. "So, uh, what was it you wanted to meet up and talk about again?"
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rosysins · 9 days
jump, sender jumps onto receiver's back. ( Elyon to Eri, fate verse, get your yearly dose of affection dad, you may pick if she's 12 or older XD)
Prompt: actions speak louder than words.
♡ Eri.
"Jesus-!" Eri will shot out in surprise as he would be quick to dig his heels into the floor and brace for the weight of his 'daughter' on his back. The pink haired man will sigh softly as he would reach a hand back and slowly places the coffee mug in his other hand back to the counter.
"Ely." Eri will say sternly, head trying to turn to look at the young girl on his back. "What have I said about jumping on me when I'm holding my coffee mug?"
Being a parent to a young girl wasn't easy, and many parents who Eri had sought advice from had parroted the same. No amount of advice or pointers could prepare someone for the life of a parent. Not that Eri truly signed up to be a parent either - but when he had discovered the child abandoned, malnourished and orphaned, who was he to turn her away and dump her into an unforgiving foster care system that would probably neglect her the same way? Gently, the man will lower himself down when prying Elyon's hands off of his shoulders so that the girl can get off carefully.
"You're already so big now, Ely. How old are you this year? 13?" Eri will ask with a slight exasperation in his tone. "Do be more mindful of your weight, you're a big girl already."
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gatekepts-a · 1 year
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          ❛  did  you,  uh  —-  were  you  okay  ?  after  everyone  left ?  ❜ @fawncrest
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x-elyssa-x · 1 year
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longlistshort · 1 year
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Above is “A very anxious feeling”, 2007, by assume vivid astro focus, part of Tampa Museum of Art’s 2022/3 exhibition All in Favor: New Works in the Permanent Collection.
From the museum about the artist collective and the work- A very anxious feeling by the collective assume vivid astro focus (avaf) conjures both sense of worry and whimsy. In this vibrant neon artwork each letter is rendered in a different color-ranging from pastel pinks and blues to bright primary colors. The final letter, a yellow capital “G,” appears to fall away from the text.
Eli Sudbrack founded the collective assume vivid astro focus in 2001 and works collaboratively with fellow artist Christophe Hamaide-Pierson. A very anxious feeling represents a prime example of their art, as they are known for their colorful, kaleidoscopic paintings, drawings, sculptures, and light installations. assume astro vivid focus explores notions of free speech, gender identity, and civil rights in their artworks and projects. The collective often partners with other creative types, including musicians, dancers, and designers.
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failmilias · 5 months
@bridgeirton inquires: [ carry ] after receiver falls asleep in an inconvenient place, sender carries them to a bed and tucks them in
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It’s another long night in the study of scratching away at his father’s seemingly endless correspondence, his head leaning further on his hand. The eldest Holmes feels his eyes close more frequently as the minutes while away into hours, finding it harder to pull himself back into awareness and the task at hand. 
The next thing Elijah knows he’s weightless and small. It’s a completely alien sensation but not at all an unwelcome one, especially paired with the melodic sound of footfall against wood, the rain on the windows and roof, and the familiar scent and warmth against his cheek. He smiles— light, easy, and unguarded— and inclines his head, attempting to press closer. 
“Anthony,” he breathes, dreamy and reverent. He thinks he hears a shushing sound, perhaps the rumble of words through his chest, but lets himself be lulled by his heartbeat. 
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It’s only when he feels himself being laid down, the comforting weight and coolness of the sheets and blankets being drawn over him, a lingering kiss pressed against his temple, that his eyes open at half mast, hand reaching out to cup Anthony’s cheek.
“Stay,” he murmurs, sweet and soft. “Until morning. You should rest.” 
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❛  i can't get enough of you and how you make me feel.  ❜ / from archie to eli
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"Good." Eli can't contain the sinful smirk on her crimson-stained lips. Sporting his oversized t-shirt, her Serpents jacket, and a glorious golden crown of bedhead, the female hung halfway through his window, her hip leaning on the frame. "You're lucky I have to go…" A secret evening together, stolen away by her duties. "Because if not, I'd be here all night giving you reasons to constantly remind me of my hex on you." Reaching out, Eli roughly wraps a ring-covered hand around the back of her neck, pulling him into a fiery kiss.
Yanking back, the gang member offers him one of her signature simpers before spilling. "Don't worry Wonder Boy, I can't get enough of how you make me feel either." Her confession subsides as she slips out of the window frame, disappearing into darkness. // @leagueofdccm
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deathmcth-archived · 2 years
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" I'm gonna suck your dick and you're gonna cum everywhere, and it's gonna be soooo embarrassing for you. Loser. "
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