#elian doesn't count
meo-eiru · 1 month
Elias Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Elias with a darling who doesn't find him attractive
Elias is boring
What is Elias' favorite style
Elias with a reader who prefers personality over looks
If you tried doing activities with Elias
If you tried making Elias do an activity by encouraging him
Would fashion count as Elias' interest
How do you hold a conversation with Elias if he's boring
What is Elias' original name
If you guilt trip Elias into getting a hobby
How does Elias make a living
Would Elias get serious with modeling
Would Elias actually kill himself
Can Elias do housework and what does he think about kids
Elias is pretty in the bedroom as well
Goodnight Elias art
Elias is like a pretty doll who is empty inside
Is Elias a pillow princess
You know other men?
If you use your hobby to express your love for him
I love when he
Elias with a fashion designer reader
How Elias is when he wakes up
Is Elias' manager manipulating him
First ever Elias sketch
If you like cats more than you like Elias
Is Elias petty
Elias threatening you with cutting his hair
Elias with short hair
Who is cuter Lavi or Elias?
The Elian saga
Elias with different types of darlings (obsessed, sadist etc)
Elian is anti Elias
The lore thickens
Elias voice claim
What if darling drew weird ass drawings of the boys
Elias with an equally obsessed photographer darling
Is he down for sleeping naked
The boys with a reader who owns a pet
The boys hanging out
Ranking the boys from sub to dom
Elias' jealousy
Freaklias finds out you’re cheating on him with Freakbob
Elias' life before meeting you
How askers treat Elias vs Silas
How askers treat Elias vs Silas pt 2
Collection of hilarious asks
Love languages of the boys
Two types of Elias fans
Elias reaching old age with darling
The german anon ask (and it's translation)
Elias crashed his car once
Did reader see him crashing his car
Stalking Elias must be boring as hell
What Elias does all day
Micah vs Elias on being scary
Darling gushing over Elias' childhood pics
Is Elias good at sex
Elias vs Lavi in a fistfight
How are the boys with aftercare?
Scrapped Elias goodnight drawing
What do the boys wear to sleep?
Who's the best hairstylist
How to distinguish Micah and Elias
The lengths he would go for you attention
What if you like his old looks better
Darling going to Elias' photoshoots with him
Elias hearing you shit talking about someone who has the same name as him
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aphroditelovesu · 10 months
can I request Yandere platonic sisters Nesta Feyre and Elian from ACOTAR x gender, neutral headcons. Can I also request that later read it becomes High fae like his/her sisters, I don’t know how your decision by the cauldron, or you could write that Feyre and reader had to do the trials and died, and the high Lords resurrected reader from the dead. I feel like that would be interesting or another thing that could be interesting is what is reader was thrown in the cauldron and got a super power like rewriting reality like chaos magic like Wanda Nesta with her death magic and reader with his/her chaos magic.❤️❤️❤️❤️ good luck with you exams 😊🫂
❝ 🔥 — lady l: I kind of ended up not doing the powers part otherwise it would have been too long, at least in that part. But if you want to ask for a second part, feel free to ask! Hope you like it, anon! ❤️🥰
❝🌹tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, unhealthy platonic relationships, jealousy, forced transformation.
❝ ⭐pairing: yandere platonic!archeron's sister's x gn!reader, yandere!nesta archeron x gn!reader, yandere!elain archeron x gn!reader and yandere!feyre archeron x gn!reader.
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From the beginning it was always you and them. Your family was close to the Archeron's when they were still rich, your parents had common interests and you grew up together with Nesta, Elain and Feyre. Always close and always attached, even after the death of the matriarch and the loss of the family's money and status.
Your parents distanced themselves, as did most of those people who called themselves friends, from the Archeron's after the loss of their fortune, but not you. You always stuck with them and even after several warnings from your family, you never abandoned them. Not even when your family kicked you out of the house, tired of your deplorable attitude by their standards.
That's how you ended up living with the Archeron's in the small cottage, that was the trigger for the beginning of their obsession.
Nesta was the closest sister to you while you were growing up, you were similar in age so you were always close. She adored you, even if she didn't always show it, but you knew she liked you. Her insults were never directed at you and she always protected you if someone said something about you.
She is very protective of you, bordering on possessive. Nesta only wants the best for you, she can't fail you, she needs it. She need's you. You are the only person she truly allows herself to be vulnerable to and the only person who truly understands her, who doesn't see her as a monster. Nesta knows she cannot lose you, not like she lost her fortune and her mother.
Elain had always been so sweet and graceful, her smiles could charm anyone and she knew how to charm you. Fragile and sometimes naive, Elain counts on you for everything. To be protected and loved. She has developed a strong emotional dependence on you and can no longer be without you.
She knows how to manipulate you in a subtle way, with a sweet smile, a soft look and full of tears. Elain always gets your attention. She wants to be the most loved by you, your favorite and she doesn't like sharing your attention. You were hers, her friend, someone she held dear, and she couldn't lose you. You wouldn't leave her, Elain would make sure of that.
Feyre became very attached to you and dependent, almost seeing you as a father/mother figure, due to the way you took care of her and her family. You and her were always together, you helped her hunt when you could to keep you and them fed, but you also helped with whatever you could. Feyre was very grateful for that.
She grew up being dependent on you, sharing a close bond with you, and always needing your affirmation. Feyre values ​​your acceptance, your love and your compliments, secretly bragging about them. She is quite possessive of your attention and would often take you with her just so you can be with her.
They were always fighting with each other for your affection and approval and you often had to break up the fight before it got worse. This continued for a long time, until the day Feyre killed the wolf in the forest and all of your lives changed. Feyre was taken by a fae to Prythian and you were left helpless, unable to help her. Feyre's heart hurt so much when she was forced to leave you, that she cried in your arms. Nesta and Elain watched everything with skepticism and concern.
The next time you met Feyre was after she was sent back to her family by Tamlin. Your condition had improved and your status had returned thanks to the High Lord, but you missed her. You and Nesta tried to cross the Wall to look for her but were unsuccessful.
As soon as Feyre returned home, you held each other for what seemed like hours. She looked healthier and more alive, just like all of you. Elain hadn't realized that Feyre had been taken to Prythian, bewitched, but you and Nesta had. You noticed and for the time you were together, it was just like old times.
Until Feyre decided to return to Prythian, in love with the High Lord and she tried to convince you to go with her. Nesta protested vehemently, accusing her sister of wanting to put you in danger. Elain didn't understand everything, but she didn't want you to go and although you didn't want to leave Feyre helpless, you were convinced to stay on Nesta and Elain's account. Feyre was hurt but understood and decided to venture out for herself. She swore she'd come back for you, though.
You, Nesta, and Elain stayed together for the next few months, just the three of you and although there were still occasional fights between the two, everything was fine. You lived well and comfortably, with plenty of food and you didn't need to freeze from the cold. You hadn't heard from Feyre until the day she came back, completely different.
She was no longer human, but a High Fae, and you were shocked when you heard her story. Your heart sank when you found out what had happened to her, for everything she had been through and you blamed yourself for not having been there to help her. Feyre hugged you and told you it wasn't your fault.
She needed help and you met the Illyrians, not being as afraid as Nesta and Elain, but you protected them anyway. Nesta didn't want them near you and Elain, while Elain was scared and clung to you as if you could protect her if they wanted to attack her. Fortunately, you reached an agreement and everything was resolved.
Until the day Hybern broke into your house and took you all there. Elain was crying and Nesta was grunting with hate and you were so scared. Feyre's heart stopped when she saw the three of you trapped, so human and so defenseless against Hybern's soldiers, and even more so when you were thrown into the Cauldron.
You and Nesta screamed in hatred as Elain was thrown in and came out as one High Fae, Nesta the next and you cried as you saw your sisters so helpless. You were next and you tried to fight, but it was in vain and all you remembered was the cold, black water of the Cauldron stealing your humanity.
When Feyre and Nesta saw you coming out of the Cauldron, now a High Fae and broken, they knew they were going to destroy the whole place. Elain clung to you, crying in your arms and you held her, your heart aching and your mind numb. Nesta and Feyre were furious.
They wouldn't let you get hurt again. Feyre swore, Nesta made a death promise, and even sweet Elain would kill the King of Hybern for it. For ruining your lives, for hurting you. No one hurt you and got away with it, not even him.
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void-botanist · 1 year
15 questions: Leon & Edith
AOM 15 questions continues with the first double interview (Horatio & Celia's adoptive parents). Tag: #aom 15 questions
1 - Are you named after anyone? Leon: No, not that I'm aware of. Edith: I am! I'm named after my great-aunt, who died before I was born.
2 - When was the last time you cried? [They look at each other like they're hoping the other will remember.] Leon: Midsummer? Edith: That was what I cried at, not when. But that was last week? Leon: I don't know when I last cried. Edith: You were crying at seal videos yesterday. Leon: That doesn't count. Edith: Doesn't it? Leon: [pauses like he's trying to think of a way out of this] Okay, fine. I last cried yesterday.
3 - Do you have kids? Both: We do! Edith: We have a son and a daughter, both adopted, because [she gestures between her and Leon, who is obviously not bovan] and our son is human and our daughter is ferasca.
4 - Do you use sarcasm? Leon: [sarcastic] No, never. Edith: [also sarcastic] Surely not.
5 - What’s the first thing you notice about people? Leon: Faces. I never forget a face. Edith: I'm always checking out their horns, except for everyone who doesn't have horns. Then I guess just their hair.
6 - What’s your eye color? Leon: Brown. Edith: They're brown, but they look black.
7 - Scary stories or happy endings? Edith: It's better if it's scary on the way there but still a happy ending. Leon: I don't really read for spooky stuff or happy endings per se. So, maybe both, maybe neither.
8 - Any special talents? Leon: Well, I'm a dupe witch—face specialty, if you didn't already guess. Edith: And I can tie cherry stems into knots in my mouth. [Leon looks at her straight face and laughs.] Leon: She's forgetting the part where she's not afraid of anything. I have personally seen her wrangle a venomous snake. Edith: Mmhmm, and the reason you saw it is you were gonna save me if I got bit. Leon: [shrugs] To be honest, in her place, I would have just got bit and perished about it.
9 - Where were you born? Edith: Elians, just over the mountain from Tobarsha. Leon: Myosh system.
10 - What are your hobbies? Edith: Reading, going to concerts, playing games—like, board games, but also video games, even though I'm not that good. Going for long walks around the neighborhood and bothering Leon at work. Leon: Eating celery as loudly as possible when she brings me lunch. Edith: Yeah. Leon: For me, also reading, going to the theatre, telling people the sword [he gestures to the mantelpiece] isn't for fighting, playing card games and such. Edith: Losing at poker. Leon: Shh.
11 - Do you have any pets? Leon: We used to, years ago. [He glances at Edith.] We haven't really talked about getting more. Edith: We already have one pet though. Leon: What pet? You don't mean B— Edith: Bös! It's our pet rock. [She brings back a rock from the living room windowsill.] Our son has one, and I thought it was a cute idea.
12 - What sports do you play/have played? [They give each other a look that was apparently a shared joke.] Leon: I haven't played a sport stronger than a brisk walk in years. No, wait, that's a lie. It hasn't been that long since I could be arsed to play beach volleyball for ten minutes. Edith: I used to play every kind of contact sport I could get away with. Some things are just too dangerous with the horns, though. But anything that involved running around outside and climbing trees was my favorite.
13 - How tall are you? Edith: 5' 5". Leon: 5' 7". We've reached our shrinking era.
14 - Favorite subject in school? Edith: Mm…whatever they called the ecosystems class, because they'd always take us on field trips up the mountain, or to the middle of the woods. Leon: Would you believe I hated literature class in school? I liked history, at least as long as we were talking about the launch era. Believe it or not, I was not alive for that.
15 - Dream job? Edith: My dream dream job is something cool, like a sail racer or a park ranger. But I did really enjoy being a teacher before I retired. Leon: I think the job I have now has sort of turned into my dream job, because I just love talking about poetry. But I don't know. If I could be like my son and have a poetry shop somehow, that might be it.
*Bös means rock in the local language.
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