travisjackson · 6 months
closed starter for @elianxbrowne location: outside handyman's helper
After school was done for the day, Travis made his way to the hardware store to pick up a few things he needed to work on the house. He knew that the team that was working with Andrew would have all that stuff, but he wanted his own equipment too. Plus, it just got his mind off everything if he was doing something. It was better than dwelling on things, that was for sure. Once he had what he needed, he walked outside and looked up in time to see Elian walking down the street as well. It'd been a minute since he saw the other, since Travis wasn't exactly attending open mic nights or anything these days, so it was good to see him. "Hey, Eli. How's it going?"
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screenviolense · 9 months
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  ' do you have siblings? ' their first meeting had been so rushed, it felt like they barely had any chance to exchange information before chaos erupted. ' i suppose my cousins are close enough to be like siblings. '
@mercyburned / short starter call.
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beyzaxalpman · 12 hours
closed starter for @elianxbrowne location: downtown
Beyza was walking down the street while running some errands and she was trying to hold her coat closed as she did as the wind was blowing like crazy and it was sending a cold chill throughout her body. It hadn't been that windy earlier, but it definitely had picked up a bit. She stopped to try to adjust her coat to stay closed and ad she did, the scarf she had blew off from around her neck and started going down the sidewalk. "No!" She called out and she started chasing it. Her eyes saw Eli coming up the street from her and she pointed at her scarf. "Eli, grab it!" She yelled as she kept running.
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woodcries · 2 months
@mercyburned sent: "There's a time for daring, and there's a time for caution, and a wise man understands which is called for." / nelaros to elian
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the words brought the slightest of smiles to the rogue's face as she focused on her hands rather than his face. it wasn't that they were particularly funny, but it did remind her of the way her father chastised her and her cousins when they were children. and it was only because he was a cautious man who had married a woman who had a penchant for daring.
' you sound like my father. ' she remarked quietly, pushing her hair back behind her pointed ear. ' it may be hard to believe, but there was a time where i was far wilder than i am now. '
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gazeta24br · 1 year
Campanha Silver Week acontece entre 22 de setembro e 1 de outubro, reunindo diversas promoções e atividades voltadas para o público longevo Pelo segundo ano consecutivo, o Shopping Frei Caneca, administrado pelo Grupo AD adere à campanha Silver Week, promovida pela Associação Brasileira de Shopping Centers (Abrasce), em parceria com o Fórum Longevidade e a Associação Brasileira de Lojistas de Shopping (Alshop). A iniciativa, que visa impulsionar o consumidor sênior na economia brasileira, acontece entre 22 de setembro e 1 de outubro, reunindo diversas atividades e descontos voltados para o público longevo. “Reconhecemos o potencial e a riqueza de experiências que esse grupo traz consigo. Como impulsionadores da economia, acreditamos firmemente que é essencial destacar e valorizar o papel fundamental desse público em nossa sociedade e mercado. Disponibilizaremos, por mais um ano, uma diversidade de ativações oferecidas pelos empreendimentos administrados pelo Grupo AD, como introdução à tecnologia, atividades físicas, ações culturais e reinserção no mercado de trabalho, o que reforça a atuação do segmento dos shoppings center entre a sociedade” aponta Christian Magalhães, head de Marketing Corporativo do Grupo AD. Buscando estimular o calendário do varejo com ações especiais para pessoas com mais de 50 anos, além de promoções e descontos especiais, o Shopping Frei Caneca também promove palestras, serviços e ações voltadas à saúde para esses clientes. A programação no empreendimento iniciou, no começo do mês, com uma palestra da jornalista Silvana Coelho, com o objetivo de preparar os lojistas para a campanha e estimular promoções e ofertas durante todo o período. Em paralelo, o shopping também vai marcar presença em um encontro na Avenida Paulista, no dia 24, em parceria com o Forró dos Amigos, sucesso na região, e da Rádio Metropolitana. O intuito é convidar os alunos e participantes para o grande evento do shopping, destinado ao público 50+, que acontece no dia 30 ainda deste mês. Neste dia, as pessoas podem participar de um ‘intensivão’ de atividades com aulas de pilates, ‘RitBox’, Street Dance, zumba, forró, capoeira e yoga. Além disso, também será possível realizarem teste de glicemia, aferição de pressão e massagem ao final do evento. “Além de proporcionar aos clientes ofertas e descontos especiais, preparamos uma programação exclusiva com atividades e muita música. É uma data que agrega ao nosso calendário anual de vendas então, vamos aproveitar da melhor maneira possível”, detalha Eliane Oliveira, coordenadora de marketing do Shopping Frei Caneca. Serviço: Shopping Frei Caneca – Silver Week Data: 22 de setembro a 1 de outubro de 2023 Horário: de segunda a sábado, das 10h às 22h; domingos e feriados, das 14h às 20h Endereço: R. Frei Caneca, 569 - Consolação, São Paulo - SP, 01307-001
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screenviolense-a · 4 years
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           ‘ are you alright? i thought i heard a crack. ‘ thankfully, while he was getting tossed aside by the ogre that had been giving them trouble, it gave her enough time to sneak up from behind and finish it off. she just wished she would have been faster so she could make sure he didn’t have any major head injuries. for that, it was probably a good thing that morrigan had been left behind so she couldn’t make any distasteful jokes.
            ‘ how many fingers am i holding up? ‘ elian held up three, hoping he wouldn’t end up seeing six instead.
@hcroesjcurney​ / dragon age starter call.
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woolfcried · 5 years
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          ‘i’ve fought more than my fair share of darkspawn. don’t WORRY about me.’ ten years worth of fighting and she still had something going for her, even without mentioning that she was the fabled hero of ferelden somewhere in her INTRODUCTION.
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sxrenscall · 5 years
        Esme liked to think of herself as a genuine good person. She believed in karma and putting good energy out into the world. So, seeing the wallet on the floor near the entrance of the store only prompted her to find whom it belonged to. With a quick glance at the i.d. inside, the brunette made her way out into the parking lot. There weren’t many strapping six foot tall Adonises hanging around, so finding Mr. Resurgam was a rather easy feat. “Hey!” Esme called out, in an attempt to get his attention as she moved towards him. “Hey! You dropped your—,” the words got caught her throat as grabbed the man’s arm to stop him from getting to far. Her knees went weak as the shock of pain and rush of emotions rattled through her for the second time in months.  @wrathbane
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mysteriesdelved · 5 years
‘ color me nauseous . ’ [ morrigan to elian.]
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          ‘i think it’s SWEET.’ the elf remarked, watching as alistair plucked wildflowers by the side of the road, the tiniest bit of an indulged BLUSH crossing her pale cheeks. her voice was still soft as could be so he couldn’t overhear her comment knowing it would only make her more embarrassed if he did. ‘i meant it– i haven’t seen so many different kinds of FLOWERS in the alienage.’
@wcrldcnfire  ( ╰    ♡    *    SENTENCE  STARTERS    ─     HEATHERS    !)
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kendramays · 8 years
Kendra walked through the crowd of people she didn’t know, her arm loosely looped through her boyfriend’s -- or, if the ring in his sock drawer said anything, fiancé’s. She’d seen a couple friends from high school that she’d lost touch with behind the bar and in the wedding party, but it’d been so long that trying to make conversation with them seemed pointless. A different familiar face elicited a different reaction from her, though: curiosity. She excused herself with a kiss to Harry’s cheek and walked over, holding her champagne glass with both hands to keep them occupied. He was distracted by about ten kids in a corner of the dance floor, all tugging on various limbs; she couldn’t help the smile that came to her lips. “Almost didn’t recognize you without your tank top,” she called out, smirk forming on her lips.
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i’m gonna redo my theme but for reference:
v.001 takes place during origins and any direct aftermath
v.002 takes place during inquisition, 10 years after origins and trespasser
v.003 companion verse. after the events of the wedding and the violent aftermath, elian is captured and held in the arl howe’s estate in the dungeons in an attempt to get information that would help his later deal with tevinter slavers in the alienage. she can be freed by the warden and will accompany them should they choose to save the elves including her father. if not, she will storm off after the magisters where her fate is unknown but likely bad.
v.004 takes place during awakening and dragon age ii with her continuing her travels through thedas
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screenviolense · 3 years
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           ‘ i don’t blame you if you want to bury me in your memory. ‘ she should have known there would be some awkwardness once she came to skyhold, but this was far more excruciating than she could ever anticipate. ‘ i wanted to tell you that before we went back to avoiding each other in the halls like children again. ‘
@divinesleft​ /  lyric starter call + goodbye my danish sweetheart / mitski
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blogdorubenssales · 5 years
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A Prefeitura de Parnamirim, através da Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social e Regularização Fundiária (SEMAS) divulgou, ma edição desta terça-feira (10) do Diário Oficial do Município (DOM), o resultado do processo seletivo nº 001/2019 para a contratação de profissionais para atuarem no serviço de acolhimento à crianças e adolescentes. O Diário Oficial traz ainda as datas, local e horário das entrevistas para os candidatos selecionados. Os convocados serão divididos em dois grupos. Os candidatos enumerados do 1 ao 7 da lista divulgada abaixo farão a entrevista no dia 12 de dezembro, no horário das 8h, na Semas. Já os enumerados do 8 ao 14 farão a entrevista no dia 13 de dezembro, no mesmo horário e local.  A Semas fica localizada na Rua Aspirante Santos, nº 396, no bairro de Santos Reis, próximo à Universidade Potiguar (UnP).  Lista de aprovados 01 Adriana Alexandre  02 Ana Beatriz Florêncio dos Santos  03 Antonia Lenusa Maia Paiva  04 Celia Maria Mendonça Dantas   05 Edeilson Messias Pinheiro  06 Edileuza Deodato da Silva Barros  07 Eleide Maria Fernandes  08 Eliane Silva de Lira  09 Leila Januário Estevan  10 Maria de Lourdes de Lima  11 Marisa Maria da Silva  12 Rosangela da Costa Medeiros  13 Sania Monique Gomes  14 Wilma Leoncio Chacon Os candidatos que tiverem açguma dúvida podem ligar para a Semas no telefone (84) 3644-8400/0102. https://www.instagram.com/p/B58Gsllg_C3/?igshid=11n8zyoabuvqp
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woodcries · 7 months
@mercyburned sent: [ zip up ] sender assists receiver with zipping up a piece of clothing / reverse + nelaros and elian, because his one arm doesn't work
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while things had been just as hectic and stressful as usual, it was a small comfort to elian to come to him and find some quiet. her eyes didn't languish on the scars as deft fingers held the fabric of his shirt taut to be buttoned, though the scar on her throat did tighten and constrict. no matter, she only hummed a little rather than talk as she worked.
' there. ' she managed quietly, unable to keep the old rasp out of her voice. ' is it too tight? '
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misslunamiste · 7 years
Two Truths and a Lie
A story for Esen Zephyre, Round 03 of MYRIAD Island.
She awoke all at once, almost blinded by the pure white walls surrounding her.  Her first thought was to say something, try and figure out where she was, but a hand covered her mouth. 
“Please don’t argue with me, we don’t have much time.” The woman, who she barely recognized, told her, starting to remove the numerous IVs and heart monitors attached to her body. 
“How long was I here?” She asked, doing her best to sit up while still cuffed to the bed she lay on. 
“Too long for my liking. I’m sorry, I should have done something sooner.” The woman told her as the last monitor and cuffs were pulled off. “We have to go before-” 
“Before they realize I know what’s going on? Believe me, this isn’t my first time experiencing this.” She sighed, looking back at the machine she had been attached to while she stood up. “Whatever you people are doing…you shouldn’t do it.” 
“I know. I’m not here to make things worse. However, there’s something you should know…" 
“You’ve been in a very good mood lately.” Sek commented to Esen one morning. It was about a week after the aerosol incident, and Esen noticed Sek purposely pulling her aside more and more. 
“Is that a bad thing?” Esen asked, biting her lip. 
“Well, it’s uncharacteristically positive considering we’re trapped on an island with a facility that probably wants us dead.” Sek declared. 
“If they killed people, they would have left bodies.” Esen pointed out. 
“Not necessarily.” Sek responded.  “However, your good mood seems to be directly related to our resident illusionist.” 
Esen sighed. “So what if Damia and I have been getting closer? Going though traumatizing events can bring two people closer together.” 
“It would be fine if it wasn’t her.” Sek rubbed her forehead with her gloved hand. “Of all the people on this island, you decided to go and have a crush on her.” 
“Wait, what? I don’t…” Esen trailed off, frowning. “Okay, maybe a bit.  What’s the big deal?” 
“The big deal is that she’s severely injured and killed people before. She is dangerous Esen.” Sek explained as Elian came up to both of them. 
“We were all different during Project Infinity.  I have to believe that people can, and will change.” Esen bit her lip. “She wouldn’t hurt me, if that’s what you’re worried about.” 
Elian looked at the two of them, a worried expression on his face. “I could always…you know…” 
“You’re not going to probe her memories, if that’s what you’re asking.” Esen frowned. “That’s not fair to Damia.” She stated, walking away. 
“Esen!” Sek yelled, but ultimately did not follow her. 
Esen didn’t know exactly where she was going, but she knew it had to be away from Sek and Elian.  It wasn’t fair how they insisted on treating Damia as a criminal because of her past, considering what everyone had gone through six years before.  She sat down behind the plane, easily hidden but still not too far from camp, to think. 
She ran her hands through her hair, sighing. Of course, /she/ would be the one to fall in..some sort of affection in a completely unacceptable situation. Esen knew she was attracted to danger, especially from Cass, but this stepped it up.  It didn’t help that her friends were insisting that this was a mistake. 
Esen looked up to see Damia standing by the edge of the wing.  “Mind if I join?” She asked, and Esen nodded, moving over.
“You come back from scouting?” Esen asked softly. 
Damia nodded. “Not too much that’s new.  I mean, there’s the ominous building but we’re trying to avoid that.”
“That makes sense.  Any idea what they want from us?
“No idea, but….no matter what happens, I’ll stick by you.  We must be numbers one and two for a reason.” Damia assured Esen. 
Esen was just about to answer when commotion was heard on the other side of the plane.  She stood up, gesturing for Damia to follow to get a better look at the action.
At that moment, Esen didn’t know what to expect, whether it be full out war or people excited about food.  What she didn’t expect was to see Ryker supporting none other than Alyss Okand, who looked fairly exhausted. She was dressed in another one of her all-black outfits, and carrying some sort of bag.
“That was…a new experience. I don’t know if I’d do that again.” Alyss told Ryker, who winced slightly. “It was fast, though.” 
“Alyss!” Esen exclaimed, practically tackling Alyss with a hug after running to her. 
“Esen!” Alyss greeted back, the smile evident in her voice. “I’d normally say I was glad to see you, but….I wouldn’t want anyone in this mess.” 
“Well, I’m glad to see you.” Esen decided, pulling away and looking Alyss up and down. “You know, since you disappeared three months ago.” 
Alyss hesitated. “Three….months?” She asked, groaning. “That’s another problem to deal with.” 
“Just like the wound on your leg?” Esen asked, frowning. 
“Uh, yeah.” Alyss winced. “Bullet grazed me.  I guess I should clean it up?” 
Esen nodded, wondering how she ended up as the parent in this situation. “Yeah, please. You can’t die after I just found that you’re alive.” 
Alyss nodded. “Fine, I’ll clean it, but then I probably need a nap.  It’s been a long three days.”
A few hours later, Esen sat beside Alyss in their airplane camp, Alyss’s leg fully patched up.  The latter had gotten some sleep, but had insisted that an hour was enough.  Alyss had also shifted, hiding her short pink hair and trading it for long, blonde hair.
“This is what you looked like...before?” Esen had asked when she saw.
“Pretty much.” Alyss shrugged. “I didn’t have as many scars back then, but the hair’s the same.”
The two continued their discussion, eventually turning to the topic of how Alyss got to the island.
“So, you were in the MYRIAD building?” Esen asked, frowning. 
Alyss nodded. “Yeah, I was.  The scientest - Artemis - helped me out.” 
“Artemis was there? Verdani?” 
“Yeah, she was.  If it wasn’t for her, I’d still be there, and completely unaware.” Alyss frowned, looking down. 
“So, you were in some sort of coma, then?  That’s why you didn’t know what was going on or that you lost three months?” Esen pressed 
Alyss hesitated, obviously not wanting to continue. “Uh, yeah, let’s go with that.” 
“But you knew you were kidnapped.” Esen stated. 
“I thought I had been killed honestly.” Alyss sighed. “I was heading to visit you, and out of the blue I heard your voice, crying out for help.  I wasn’t going to let you be in danger.  But then…” She trailed off, looking towards the exit, where Damia stood. “You little bitch.” She snarled, her tone changing as she grabbed the nearest object to her, a broken seatbelt buckle, and threw it at Damia’s head. 
“Alyss?” Esen stopped the buckle from hitting Damia. “What are you doing?” 
“What am I doing?” Alyss asked, getting more angry with each word. “I’m paying back the bitch who kidnapped me, probably kidnapped you all too, and gave me this stupid tattoo!” She snapped, revealing a similar number tattoo on her wrist. 
The tattoo? 001. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Damia pleaded, as she backed away from Alyss. 
“I think you do, Miss Jacquin.” Alyss pressed forward, fueled mostly by anger. 
A crowd started to form, watching the two. “After all, your parents are the ones that got us into this mess with their cute little project.  MYRIAD is a project run by Jacquin Industries, and practically masterminded by their daughter, who tricked you all into thinking she was on the same boat.” 
“Damia…this isn’t true, is it?” Esen asked, feeling her heart break a little. 
“She can’t lie to all of us.” Sek yelled from the back of the crowd.  More shouts of similar caliber followed. 
“I was only doing my job.” Damia explained. “Not that any of you would understand.” 
Then, she was slammed against a tree.  It took Esen a moment to process that Ryker had run to her to pin her down before she escaped. 
“How dare you rip us from our lives, destroying them all again?” He snapped, but Damia only smirked. 
“I didn’t destroy them.” She stated, extending her arms slightly as her illusions filled the area and Esen’s vision went black.
“Esen, you listening to me?” 
Esen blinked several times, trying to place where she was.  A small room, with only a small hospital bed in the middle.  Someone to her right was talking to her.  She turned and was surprised at who she saw. 
“Yeah, sorry, I zoned out.” Esen smiled softly at Cass. 
“Anyways, I said that they’re going to try again with the serum.  They think it might work this time.”  Cass explained, and Esen frowned. 
“Are you sure it’s safe?” Esen asked, concerned. 
“You worry too much, I’ll be fine.” Cass assured Esen, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. “After this, there will be nothing stopping us from giving them the slip and going on more adventures together.” 
“I’d like nothing more than that.” Esen grinned, giving Cass a hug. “Good luck, babe.” 
In a weird time skip, Esen found the hours waiting for Cass skip by in mere seconds.  She was sitting on the bed when the door opened and Cass walked back in. 
Only it wasn’t really Cass. 
“Cass!” Esen exclaimed, happy to see her. “How did it go?” 
Cass didn’t respond, only looked at Esen in confusion. 
“Cass?” Esen asked again, getting off the bed and walking towards her girlfriend. 
That’s when it all went wrong.  Cass lunged at Esen, trying to grab her throat.  Esen did her best with her now powers to prevent Cass from grabbing her, but that didn’t help the situation. 
“Cass, please!” Esen cried out. “Don’t hurt me!” She hadn’t been more scared in her life, more unfamiliar with what was happening.  People started to enter the room, but Esen was more focused on the Cass in front of her. 
Then a loud bang resounded.  A shot had been fired. 
Cass stopped moving and collapsed, a pool of blood appearing on the floor. 
Esen, now splattered with blood, screamed, and the illusion broke as her control on her powers slipped.   
In real life she screamed as wind pushed out from around her, pushing Damia away from her as well as the trees around her.  Esen collapsed, almost certain that a crater had been formed, centered on where she stood. 
Then, it hit her - she wasn’t at the camp.  Damia must have taken her to the forest.  Scanning the forest now, Esen didn’t see the other girl, hoping she left for her own good. 
There was nothing left for Esen to do but walk back to camp, where the other survivors looked a bit shaken up.  No words where exchanged with Alyss when she gave her another hug, except one quiet declaration. 
“We need to get off this island."
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screenviolense-a · 4 years
@firstknight​ sent: [ cover ] / for elian !
[ cover ] - for your muse to cover mine with a blanket or a jacket
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         the cloak immediately dwarfed her as soon as it was set on her shoulders, but she couldn’t find it in her to mind, especially when it was such a cold night. her hand curled around the edge, pulling it a little closer to her neck. her nose and the tips of her ears still glowed a faint pink, but the sooner they got to camp and could start a fire, it would all go away. as good as dalish armor was, it left a bit to be desired in terms of covering her midriff all the way.
          ‘ you aren’t cold, are you? ‘ she glanced up at him, wrinkling her nose from the wind blowing by.
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