icare4noone · 5 years
UWMA (drama universe)
Pairing: Win X Team, Team’s POV
Length: Oneshot
Team lets his body fell heavily onto Hia’s soft bed. He almost feels boneless as the fatigue of the sleepless night catching up to him.
“Um,” Team mutters softly as Hia Win gently pushes his body more or less to one side, so that there will be space for the older man to get on.
He closes his heavy eyelids, and makes a weak and feeble attempt to gather the blanket around him. The bed gently dips. The warmth of the blanket comes thankfully next to envelope him, and as well as the arm of the warmed body next to him.
Team sighs softly. His sleepy mind starts drifting off. The sleep he has been chasing for 3 hours is finally coming, but he has mild regret. He doesn’t have enough wakeful consciousness to make his body lean over, so he can savour the warmth his tired and cold skin also desires.
The warmed arm lying across his body tightens as Hia Win pulls him even closer. Team feels warm breath gently touches his face as their foreheads touch. He smiles as his head feels light, and his warm body falls into a satisfied deep sleep.
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icare4noone · 5 years
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“you’re not going to move, are you?”
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icare4noone · 5 years
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icare4noone · 5 years
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the duality of pharm
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icare4noone · 5 years
UWMA(Hemp Rope) - Fancy
UWMA (Hemp Rope) universe, up to Chapter 8(excluding extra)
Pairing: Win X Team, Team’s POV
Length: Oneshot
Team feels more often than not that hia Win practices the Carrot and Stick technique on him. His club senior likes to tease Win until he got angry, or bosses Win around to do chores for the clubs, or keeps a tight eye unfairly on how much Team practices, much more than other newcomers. Hia alternates being bossy and nagging senior to paying for food, and even paying for snacks Team likes to eat. He drives Team up the wall, and then makes Team happy by promising and feeding him with food.
Lately though, Win can’t help but notices that he receives much more treat from the dyed golden hair senior, even when there’s no cause for hia to do so. He gets feed way more often now that he needs hia Win to tutor him English. Damn it, hia Win even carries Team’s food basket when they are in convenient store.
“I’m hungry,” Team is aware that he’s whining, but his brain can’t absorb anymore English sentences. He puts down his pen, makes a defeating noise from mouth, and scrunches up his face.
At the noise from Team, Hia Win puts down the English book he’s reading. He gets up from where he’s sitting nearby and moves closer to the table Win is seating at. The tall man puts down the book, and as normal as can be leans his head down closer and presses a soft kiss on Team’s forehead.
Team’s heart skips a beat as always, even though it’s not the first time Win has taken his reward for each tutoring section. When he moves away, there’s a sly smile that stays on his senior’s face. It doesn’t make his face any less handsome. Damn him. “Okay, we’ll take a break.” He agrees easily, and steps away to get the food containers on the counter, which they both chose and the older one paid for again of course.
“…I’m hungry,” Team mutters weakly as response, and then catches himself staring after hia Win. Shit. He looks down, and makes a show of gathering papers, and closing his book. He needs to keep his hands busy to calm down his fastened heartbeat, and the flush he can feel on his body.
“Cause you are special.” A couple of weeks later, Hia Win’s reason for the kiss as a tutoring fee still confuses him, more than given him any sort of explanation. He gulps as his face turns up and his eyes move to watch hia Win’s face instantly. Team doesn’t dare to believe the older man’s casual remark. It’s not good for Win to set himself up for disappointment. There’s no way he’s special to hia Win, who even has a reputation of being kind to everyone.        
Still… His heart skips again on its own accord when their eyes meet each other.  
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icare4noone · 5 years
I looked through all my unfinished fics, and there is only one NEO fic that I desire to continue writing.
Good thing since I don't have time and the right mindset to churn out 3-4 chapters per month like in the past.
I'll write it so I can finished it to appease my habit of not liking leaving things unfinished. The people who read that story probably don't even read Vixx fic anymore.
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icare4noone · 5 years
ways to title your fic
think of a word that crops up in your fic. translate to latin. boom. 
song lyrics !
poetry is your friend poetry blogs are your FRIEND
title by date
title by what happens, but slightly abstracted. 
in which _ and _ and _, but _
5 + 1, but swap out the numbers for whatever fits
paste in the title of the word document because there are no laws guiding this shit
one word title
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icare4noone · 5 years
It's very hard for me to write oneshot, because my brain always map out an entire story even if the story is based on a 1 word prompt.
I had written three 10k+ word for 3 different chapters before. I dozed off multiple time just editting each chapter.
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By adhddd.com
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icare4noone · 5 years
Rereading Hemprope chapter 6. I forgot how flirty Win is.
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icare4noone · 5 years
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“it’s blinding, your reflection on the window. it’s sweet, your breath around my mouth.” - focus on me_jus2.
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icare4noone · 5 years
UWMA - Inclination
UWMA (Hemp Rope) universe - up to Chapter 3
Pairing: Win X Team, Win’s POV
Length: Oneshot
It’s hard to not repeat words for words since this oneshot is following closely to the timeline. So I’m omitting much of the dialogues from this oneshot. I set out to write from Team’s point of view but I ended up with Win’s pov.
English is my second language, and I haven’t written anything in more than 2 years.
“I know Dean, I know what I’m doing.”
Win still remembers his word to Dean back at their club the other day, and he really did mean every word of that sentence, in that moment. Team is a very promising junior of their club. He’s still a first year, just a fresher. Seniors should naturally take care of their juniors, and not…. Take care…
Team puts a hand to his forehead, and rubs his palm slowly back and forth against his skin to wave away the sudden intruded heated image. He did take care of Team alright. He volunteered himself to take care of Win’s need that night, and then he proceeded to take care of the boy’s body all night long. He could hear again now Team’s breathy moan…Win shakes his head a few times to bring himself back to the present.
Speaking of the hurricane, Team, the junior himself enters Win’s line of sight in the convenient store. It must not be what, 7 A.M. yet? Win walks closer to Team, and his hand instinctively reaches out to take the bag of chip away from Team. Ehhh more sodium. His eyes quickly glance down to check his junior’s shopping cart, and just as he predicted, more snack.
The younger man curses at Team’s sudden appearance next to him. His mouth seems energetic as usual.
Win starts chastising Team for eating junk food so early in the morning. How many times does he need to tell Team not to eat so much sodium. It’s not healthy for our bodies. As he reprimands Team, his hands grab rice, chicken and milk to put into the other person’s basket. How is he supposed to not think about Team, when the younger man can’t seem to take care of himself properly huh?
The junior who’s been on Win’s mind so much lately retorts back in his usual gruffness. He can’t look straight at Win’s eyes today though. His eyes alternate between looking briefly at Win’s face, looking down at his food basket, and at the snack he can’t get anymore more in Win’s presence.
Win turns fully to study the younger man before him, as his entire focus is now set on studying Team’s face. He had told Team before that he was good at studying. It’s not an exaggeration. It’s less about him bragging, and more of a desire that he wants the younger man to know more about who he is. A desire he’s not in a hurry to examine deeply into it. He has a keen observation, and a good memorization when it comes to matter he’s interested in.
Win’s lips close to form a smile as he looks over at Team’s usual black hair parted in the middle, still soft dark brown eyes even if Team, for some unfathomable reason at the moment, can’t look straight at him.
Ah, dark circle under his eyes. Was he not sleeping enough? Win’s mind wonders. He should be rightfully annoyed at the younger man. Competition is coming soon, and everyone needs to be as healthy as possible. See? How can he leave Team alone?
Win’s lips should form a scowl at this new thought, but his smile stays fixed as his eyes travel down Team’s baby face. For a guy who’s almost as tall as Win, Team has such a grumpy baby face. He’s going to be a handsome guy though in another year, not cute at all.
Win’s smile is fighting to become a full grin as his eyes settle on Win’s full lips parted lightly at the silence between them. The other boy blinks, almost as if he’s waiting for Win’s next step so he can react. Team may have a lot of blunt fighting words, but at the core he’s respectful and listens well to his seniors, well most of the time anyway.  
A different desire comes and Win feeds it without a second thought. He reaches out to touch below Team’s eyes. Really, Team is not cute at all, the little mouse.    
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icare4noone · 5 years
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“tutoring fee. is it expensive?”
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icare4noone · 5 years
It’s been more than 2 years since I want to write anything. Now the urge has come back. I want to post a rabble to my old blog but I can’t log in anymore. I have tried all the emails I can think of. I wonder if it got deleted or I deleted it and I forgot about it.
Well all the low quality bad gifs that I have made are now gone too. At least my asianfanfic account is still intact. Not that my fics are great but I had spend countless hours on them, and had cried many tears while writing certain chapters.
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