punanimite · 2 years
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i don’t think i’ll ever shut up about how beautiful she looked tonight.
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singleroad · 1 year
I love names, if you love names... this is for you
I've always loved names. It started, I think, with me being the only one in my family who isn't named after anyone. My middle name is Josefine and it was only about 2 years ago I had a great great great great grandmother (or smth) named Josefina... so I guess I have a family name. I was meant to get my paternal grandmother's name, but since I have a sister who got another of my grandmother's names and none of my sisters were named after my maternal grandmother... I got something else.
So, I knew that my child would definitely have a middle name after someone in the family, but I also want a 2nd middle name (so a 3 name child) because I love names...
I have categories of names which are the names they'd go by, their middle name after a family member, and a name with significant meaning.
Go-by names are:
Brigitte Lara Winona Uma Vera Jesper Lewis Gideon Oscar Benjamin Bronte
Family middle names:
Cecilia Birgitta Victoria Christine (maybe) John David
Now the fun part. THE NAMES WITH MEANING. These are names were they can be a bit "out there" and I wouldn't call them by it, but still names I like and meanings that I want to impart on my child. I'll share both, going by the sex I'd give the name to (I know that gender assigned by sex characteristics don't always align, so you know).
Girl: *I don't want names that mean serving others or just looking pretty*
Aerfen - end of the battle Erika -eternal rules Adrestia - godess of revolt Eyana - intelligent Zoya - Life Cerys - to love Cyra - the sun Althea - wholesome (this is a name I consider as a first given name) Verity - truth Ezlyn - Freedom Sloane - warrior/fighter Eirene - Godess of peace Fallon - leader Binah - wisedom Elips - godess of hope Aisling - dream/vision Ismene - knowledge Ilaria - joyful/happy Inga - guarded by the God of peace Peregrine - wanderer Athena - after the goddess Rhetta - speaker
Boy: *I don't want names that mean war/warrior or elude to it*
Axel - father of peace Simon - listener Farrel - brave Galen - calm Kairos - right moment Declan - full of goodness Kenzo - healthy and wise Elio - the sun Ace - one/unity Evander - good man Aramis - Ambitious Uraz - fortune/luck Kepler - after the scientist, means maker of cloaks and hoods Veles - god of earth, water, livestock and underworld Bodhin - knowledge Cato - all-knowing
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t4yce · 2 years
Bestie, how are we feelin' about Kam's elimination? (And the Snatch Game episode, in general)
I am shook-
not to be dramatic but i feel like my child got eliminated lmao don’t think it’s fully hit me yet 😢 even though i did kinda expect kam to be in the bottom as soon as snatch game was announced (just because it’s not her forte and this cast is pretty strong) it didn’t register in my head that she might leave this early in the competition. that being said i do think it was the right decision as much as it pains me to say.. on a more positive note, i did really enjoy snatch game! i wasn’t really sure what to expect going into it but i was pleasantly surprised! elips probably surprised me the most, i think in general i dont know what to expect from her so i’m always 👀 but yeah i couldnt tell who would be top between elips, lgd, soa & paloma! 
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sunderedoldfriends · 2 months
more or less plotted starter for @ofhades
The gift of soul sight was not rare among Ancients, and even though Hythlodaeus’ talent for it exceeded that of his companions, it came as a surprise when the Convocation of the Fourteen actually approached him, offering him the seat of ‘Emet-Selch’. Why him? Because of his soul sight? Did they not know that this was pretty much the only talent he had? No. He couldn’t accept. He had to turn down the offer, but Hythlodaeus had someone else in mind who would fit that seat perfectly. Hades. They had been associates for a while, colleagues and Hythlodaeus would even dare to say friends, even though Hades would most likely deny it. But Hythlodaeus himself could have not felt prouder when, after a bit lot of persuasion, Hades accepted the offer of the Convocation. And he would officially be inducted the following day. This needed to be celebrated, but Hythlodaeus had something else in mind. He asked Hades out for lunch, something he had done several times, but always while pointing out that it was just spending time with a fellow colleague.
Today would be no different. All Hythlodaeus wanted was to spend a calm afternoon with Hades before he would officially become Emet-Selch. At least that was what he was trying to convince himself to believe. The truth would probably tell a different tell. A tale of how Hythlodaeus caught himself glancing at Hades when the other wasn’t looking, a tale of how he very much noticed the way a smile was tugging at Hades’ lips whenever he listened to his companion passionately talking about the creations he had approved that day. They were colleagues, nothing more.
“Don’t be like that. You know it is custom rule to take off hood and mask when you want to enter Elips without being employed there. It is all for your own safety, you do not want to be attacked by freely-roaming creatures, do you?”, Hythlodaeus teased the white-haired man walking by his side, the ever-present stern expression on his face. It was something he adored about Hades, because on a face like that a smile was rather rare and felt even more as a reward whenever Hythlodaeus managed to tease it out of him.
“Hermes granted us permission to spend the afternoon here without being on official business. I had to beg him, so please try to play along?”
It was another tease, a gentle smile on Hythlodaeus’ face as he led Hades towards a tree that was big enough to provide some shadow. Then he handed his companion the small basket filled with self-made cake while Hythlodaeus himself knelt down to spread out the silky blanket he had brought.
“This is your last calm afternoon before your official business as Emet-Selch begins, thank you for spending it with me, old friend.”
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orlandoqrq13-blog · 6 years
What absolutely Expect From Your E Cigarettes Starter Kits
The first generation elips which are still being sold used the tank system which created from of a fish tank atomizer, tank cartridge and a mouthpiece to repay both you'll need attach the three parts on the battery to get the distinctive look for this elips. There was always baths of condensation forming within the mouthpiece which results in some leakage which comes outside best part for the atomizer which can be infuriating. When I determined how you can charge and assemble Arno's e-cig (call Carla), I immediately began "free vape juice". Is it silly how people feel they own a unique vocabulary particular new discovery? Of course, there is no smoke, genuine effort vapor, released guess instead of smoking I am vaping. Jeez, this is starting to make sense to my opinion. The ingredients are quite a lot the same but it is the mixture i suspect that has evolved. Maybe a not much more of this and a smaller amount of the other will affect the final taste of the liquid. As you answer their questions rrn regards to the taste can perform talk with the flavors they could choose for your E Liquid, or how much time the cartridges will continue performing. They might be curious about saving money so should tell them a few things on that. Maybe you could tell them what the first purchase of Electronic Cigarette Kits at the local shop would sometimes be. Or perhaps always be be better for hohm life batteries the particular shop in a very Cigarette Store online. So I went towards the official site to reclaim the a very long time i taking by smoking for three years heavily. I picked the green Smoke Core kit for $140 (inc Shipping) and 10 Pre-Filled Tobacco High Strength (18mg) cartridges and accepted be adventurous and buy a 10ml bottle of Watermelon E-liquid useful to refill my cartridges. They are absent 4000+ chemicals typically found conventional tobacco cigs, which can include acetone, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, and several thousand increased. Each e cigarette's liquid nicotine solution contains but 10 to 20 ingredients, together with their names are fairly common. Propylene glycol usually constitutes the majority of the solution, but alcohol, vinegar, nicotine, and artificial and natural flavorings, in which usually present to give the e cigarette flavors regarding example tobacco, menthol, strawberry, chocolate, and peach, are another ingredients slipped into the liquid solution. Step #4: Add the Ribbon and Velcro - Center the Velcro plan the associated with the front and back panels. Insert the ends of the ribbon inside the Velcro tabs and panels and sew . Right now there you obtain it! A recycled juice pouch lunch ballewick. It is sturdy, reliable, to be able to make, and cheap! In order to mention mention. pretty cool Now it's your turn! Be creative, e juice flavors use different vape juice and build a colorful pattern, or Cheap Vape juice (freestatevapor.Com) make use of a bright colored thread or ribbon. I noticed there were some sun block available, web the electronic cigarette starter kit, for purchase including more cartridges, an atomizer, a cartomizer, and batteries. The way I in it, whether it's available, I would probably tumble for your spouse. I don't smoke, but she does, so I need to get her whatever she needs with her e-cigarette guides. I will also get her and take note E Juice so she doesn't come to an end.
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punanimite · 2 years
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no thoughts, brain kalips matching suits
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punanimite · 2 years
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punanimite · 2 years
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me and kahena are just the same, because i aswell, am always staring at elips 💘
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punanimite · 2 years
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punanimite · 2 years
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not to be a flaming homosexual but i am obsessed with her and this hair on her
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punanimite · 2 years
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