#elisabeth von bernburg
marlaard · 1 year
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Illustration to Chapter 11 🔥
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martinandlewisfanatic · 2 months
Intro post
Hiii, im not going to disclose my name here purely because I can’t think of a pseudonym yet…😭
I’m autistic and pronouns are he/him
My special interest is holiday park mascots and paw patrol, but this account is for my hyperfix on old movies/tv shows!!!
My fav actors r Romy Schneider and Sharon Tate.
I also absolutely adore Martin and Lewis and Patty Duke.
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damagnificentcookie · 2 years
Love Beyond The Art
Fraeulein Elisabeth von Bernburg X Fem! Reader
Summary: An art teacher got hired, she became everyone’s favorite. She even got the liking of the Headmistress. All this new sudden popularity got someone jealous. Elisabeth loathes Y/n for no particular reason, she finds she isn’t talented enough to teach art. So one day she goes to Y/n’s room during the night and asked her to draw her…
Warning: Slight swearing, slight intimacy(?), probably slow burn but I doubt I would have enough motivation to write one
A/n: This story may be a chaotic mess, sorry. I don’t know what I am doing. Enjoy!
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“Welcome Ms. Fawn, we have heard a lot of great things about your teachings and talent!” Ms. Racket said as she grasped your hand and shook it.
“Of course we heard good things about her, after all the queen suggested her too us personally! And Fraulein let go of the poor girls hand your scaring her.” The headmistress said as she motioned you to sit down.
“Thank you for welcoming me and accepting me to work here, but I do have a few questions regarding about where I will be staying, my classroom, students, and how I would get supplies for all the students.” You said as you set your case onto the floor and un-done your hat.
“You will be staying in a room at the school, Ms. Bernburg will show you where you will be staying and where you will be teaching. As for students and supplies, you will be teaching all the students and the supplies will be taken care off. We hope to see your talent and I do hope it won’t be a mistake that I hired you.” The headmistress said as she shook your hand from across the table with a smile.
“Elisabeth will you please show Ms. Fawn to her room and give her a quick tour?” Ms. Bernburg nodded and started heading towards the door with you following closely behind.
“Ms. Fawn, what a pleasure to finally meet you. As you can’t tell already we have heard lots of good things about you.” Elisabeth turned around abruptly making you bump into her.
“Oh dear are you alright Ms. Fawn, you look quite pinkish?” You looked up as Elisabeth is holding onto your waist careful to not have you fall. She quickly let go and you took a step backwards.
“I am so sorry for tripping, you were just moving a little too fast and I couldn’t quite keep up, and thank you for the welcoming Ms. Bernburg, you can also call me Y/n.” You sputtered as you straightened yourself up and took your bag and hat that has fallen onto the floor.
“It’s quite alright dear, and you can call me Elisabeth” She said as she smiled and started walking up the stairs.
Elisabeth glanced next to her as she noticed you were walking next to her a little bit out of breathe. Her face flushed a bit before she realized what she was doing. She walked faster and decided to get this tour over faster so she can leave.
Oh what were you doing to her.
Elisabeth was not happy at all. Everywhere she turned all she hears is “Ms. Fawn this or Ms. Fawn that”, not once does she not see nor hear you. You were getting onto her nerves, she couldn’t get you out of her mind. 
For god’s sake she has to share a classroom with you and every time she is grading work, she looks up and on the other side of the room you were quietly checking and hanging the students work.
She would stare at you till someone calls her name or there’s a sound that snaps her out of it. You were so elegant and careful with everything you do, so beautiful and glowing under the sun. But you were bothering her without even knowing.
Unbeknownst to her occasionally you would catch her staring, your cheeks would turn a tad redder and you would make a mistake and let out a string of profanities where she would let out a little laugh which makes you grow redder and smile sheepishly.
This went on for a while until she finally had enough.
She was starting to put away her papers and glasses and turn in for the night when she over heard some students say how talented and patient you were. Some even said you were a better teacher than her, but of course some of the girls disagreed and said no one can be as great as Ms. Bernburg.
She opened the door causing the girls to stop talking and run to their room where she ignores and walks upstairs straight to your door.
She knocked on the door waiting for you to open it. She hears a creaking of footstep before the door is opened and standing infornt of her was you sleepily standing there holding a candle.
“How may I help you Elisabeth?” You asked groggily as you rubbed your eyes.
“Paint me.” You looked at Elisabeth in confusion.
“Elisabeth its half past 12, I can draw you tomorrow during lunch time if you don’t mind?” Elisabeth looked inside your room and saw your easel was next to your bed with paint buckets all around the floor.
“You have everything out already, paint me, I want to see your talent personally.” You looked at her before moving to the side and motioned for her to come in.
You gently closed the door and went to get a chair for her to sit on.
Elisabeth looked around your room and saw paintings hanging everywhere. Though she saw a book opened and walked towards it.
She picked it up and noticed the page was filled with drawings of her grading work, she flipped through the pages and noticed a few of them were from where she was reading a book at lunch or where she was sitting by the lake fishing. She blushed heavily before she heard you place a chair down. She quickly put the back where she found it and walked over to the chair.
Thankfully you were too focused on getting your painting supplies ready and preparing a canvas to notice Elisabeth looked through your book. You looked up from your canvas and noticed she has sat down on the chair before your canvas but was a tad redder then before but you decided not to mention it. 
“Can you bring the chair closer please, I can’t really see you too well?” You asked as you got more comfortable on your bed and started to sketch Elisabeth.
She brought the chair closer too you and that was where she stayed for the next 2 hours. During that time her face got profusely redder by how you would look at her, how your hair started to dangle infront of you face, the paint splotches on your face, oh how gorgeous you looked.
“Done!” You said as you put down your brush. You climbed onto your bed to get a better look at it and smiled.
"I would say it looks beautiful, but I assure you I did not do you enough justice." You said as you looked over at Elisabeth.
Elisabeth got up from her chair behind the canvas and went over to your bed to take a look. You patted a spot on your bed for her to sit on as you moved over a little.
The painting, it was beautiful. It looked so alive and well, now she can't deny you are quite talented at the arts. She smiled at it and resisted the urge to touch it since it needed time to dry.
"It's beautiful, you really are as talented as they say. I don't know why I doubted your ability's" Elisabeth laughed and turned to face you but froze when she realized how close your face was to hers.
You smiled and looked at her before also freezing.
Looking deep into each other's eyes in such a peaceful silence. You looked down at Elisabeth's lips before looking back up at her as if asking if you could kiss her. Elisabeth slightly nodded, which was all the confirmation you needed before you gently cupped her face and kissed her.
Elisabeth was shocked but soon kissed you back. She hadn't thought this visit would have ended with her not leaving your room till early next morning.
Elisabeth loves you, more than she loved the painting. You were her art, but you were priceless and she will treasure you forever.
A/n: Sorry i didn't finish it, something happened and i didn't want to finish it. enjoy
Edit: Yeah so that bad thing that happened just got even worse but hey I finished this story so yall won't be left on a cliffhanger, so excuse me while I continue to go cry now.
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dorothea-wieck · 1 year
Mädchen in Uniform (1931): an incredible fact
In absence of new DW photos, here's a semi-accidental discovery. (How to: the poster of this wanted to find (again) the actress (a pupil) from MiU who lived until at least 1992. As it turned out, she lived longer, but her acting career had lasted until 1992.)
So, it's known for some fans that Ellen Schwanneke who played Ilse von Westhagen was older than Ilse's dormitory's teacher, Elisabeth von Bernburg who was played by Dorothea Wieck. Ellen: 11 of August, 1906, DW: 3rd of January, 1908. (At least one post here = i.e. a separate post, plus maaaybe comments to one or more posts; therefore more than one.)
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24 or 25 (!) years old played 14-years-old. And believable, too, in terms of age.
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23 year old DW the teacher looking definitely like a teacher.
By the way, Erika Mann (Thomas Mann's daughter & Heinrich Mann's niece) was 25, turned 26 in late 1931 (9 November 1905), and it was hard to believe (i.e. older, but lesbians and other women and girls who are into women like this fact.) She played Fräulen von Attems, drama teacher or somebody like this (she was the one responsible for the school play.)
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But this is NOT ALL. The actress in question is *drum roll* Doris Thalmer, the one who played a pupil, Marie von Ecke (mostly called Mariechen by other pupils.)
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"Doris Thalmer (20 July 1907 – 9 October 1998) was a German actress. She appeared in more than 75 films and television shows between 1931 and 1992." (c) Wikipedia
She played in few the same films at least one TV Series where DW played too (but different episodes, as far is understandable after first reading without checking.)
So, Doris was 23 or 24; thus, older than "Elisabeth von Bernburg" the teacher (more than 5 months in-between), AND she lived up to the time when some of the current fans of the film (who discovered it in 21st century) were in early childhood (the poster of this turned 6, and Doris was still here :) )
"Mariechen" lived for 91(!) years and the oldest actress of pupils of all whose date of birth is known.
BONUS (the brain of the poster's has remembered this): another Doris is Doris Hermanns, an incredible researcher who (among other results) wrote two books about Christa Winsloe—the person we all need to thank for the existence of Mädchen in Uniform universe.
N O T E: to know or see more (including a post with the gif), click at any tag related to any of the actresses as the blog has various posts about each of them. 
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chicago-geniza · 1 year
Ok so I was reading Plato on the train--as one does--and I realized the toast Manuela von Meinhardis gives to Fraulein von Bernburg in Mädchen in Uniform is a direct allusion to the speech Alcibiades gives about Socrates in the Symposium, right, which makes the nested identifications--me with Manuela and Alciabiades, Manuela with Alciabiades, EvB with Socrates and Eros, Agnes with Socrates, my obsession with Agnes--like 20x funnier. Socrates IS a girl's name, and it's Elisabeth von Bernburg, holy of holies, long may she reign!!! Also fantastic for the Caritas theology Christa Winsloe is drawing on at the same time, though the speech is constructed, rhetorically, like an ancient Greek eulogy/encomium. Interwar literati love to signify homoeroticism with Abrahamic/Hellenistic syncretism
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Forgot how many times I have already seen Mädchen in Uniform (1958) and every time I do so, I am awed by Romy Schneider's performance, especially in this scene. Lilli Palmer's Elisabeth von Bernburg should not be overlooked. Her body language tells it all. The nuances are there. Restored edition, please? 🥺 #MädcheninUniform '58: #RomySchneider (Manuela von Meinhardis) x #LilliPalmer (Elisabeth von Bernburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmv-FdwvUCF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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christas-museum · 3 months
AU. Fräulein von Bernburg (A) and Fräulein von Kesten (B) left the Seminary because of each woman's dear pupil who had finished the school (A's Manuela and B's Marga). At a meeting before new school year, the two former colleagues met again.
"What are you doing here?" They asked almost at the same time.
"I guess, my reason is the same like yours," Armgard "Bunny" von Kesten replied.
Elisabeth pondered a little. "Marga?!" She was shocked but kept her voice low.
"Yes, she's the one. You have you darling as well," Armgard smiled.
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Seeing such a smile, Elisabeth understood Marga very well, but for her, Manuela was the one, and nobody could change it ever.
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inapat16 · 1 year
Similar stories of girls in uniform: 1. Mädchen in uniform
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Portraying two women loving each other on screen has not always been an easy thing, and we can even say that, unfortunately, it is still occasional today. But there is a recurrent narrative form that allowed some movies to depict lesbians in cinema, more or less clearly. It came from the literary genre of the “boarding school story” that became popular in the late XIXth century and at the beginning of the XXth. In this genre, there are in particular similar stories written by women about their teenage years in all-girl boarding school and their awakening to love in this feminine context. Because these books were well-liked, some directors decided to adapt them on screen.
One of the first to be adapted for the cinema was the German play Gestern und Heute (“Yesterday and today”), written by Christa Winsloe in 1930. It depicts the awakening to love of Manuela, a teenage girl in a Prussian boarding school, towards one of her teachers, Elisabeth von Bernburg.
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It was first brilliantly adapted by Leontine Sagan in 1931 under the title Mädchen in uniform (“Girls in uniform”) which was a huge commercial success at the time and was really appreciated across Europe. Its popularity is in particular due to the fact that it is a talking picture. It was released at the beginning of the sound era, but if some of these films had really theatrical stagings, this one is played more authentically, almost in the same way than what we can see in contemporary cinema, so it aged well. This movie is also singular with its all female cast! It treats its female characters with great respect, which can be a bit surprising for the time considering the subject, but it is most likely because Christa Winsloe, the writer of the play which was inspired by her life, and Leontine Sagan, the director of the movie, were both lesbians.
This movie may seem modern for its time (especially the scene where the teacher comes to say goodnight to the heroine by kissing her) but the context of Germany after World War 1 helped to produce such a film: it was the Roaring Twenties.
If today we can be shocked to see an adult seducing young girls, and also sense the imbalance in this type of relationship, it was absolutely not something that was discussed at the time the movie came out. The critics of the time did not mention that aspect of the movie at all. If the movie was later put under censorship, it is not for its luxurious aspect but because it also condemns fascism. When the German Reich appeared in 1933, they even tried to burn all of the existing prints of the movie but, fortunately, we are still able to see it today.
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Maybe that was what the director had in mind in the 1958 remake, Mädchen in uniform, directed by Géza von Radványi. This version, in colour, is really softer on all its political aspects. The choice of the young actress Romy Schneider, who had just finished portraying the Empress Elizabeth of Austria in Sissi, also shows that this film was thought for all kinds of audience. The condemnation of Prussian fascism is softened, and the lesbian aspect of the movie is less visible: the teacher Elisabeth Von Bernburg can be seen as, instead of a lover, a motherly figure.
Nevertheless, this version is still beautiful and allowed another generation to discover this story, which helped the first movie to gain a cult status.
These two examples of boarding school movies are not the only ones to depict women loving each other, and I will continue with another similar story adapted from another book next time!
Zoé Richard
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bapplenana · 2 years
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oh to get forehead kisses from Elisabeth Von Bernburg
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fabulouskind · 3 years
Gays, hear me out!
Manuela and Elisabeth should have been allowed to say “FUCK YOU, STUPID FUCKING CUNT!” to the Headmistress. Because power to the gays!
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marlaard · 7 months
Illustration to Chapter 12 🌹
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martinandlewisfanatic · 2 months
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Elisabeth Von Bernburg v Señora Fourneau
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damagnificentcookie · 5 months
Helena Bonham Carter's Characters
[Nothing here yet]
Eva Green's Characters
[Nothing here yet]
Gwendoline Christie's Characters
[Nothing here yet]
Kathryn Hahn's Characters
[Nothing here yet]
Elisabeth Von Bernburg
-Love Beyond the Art
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everyonewantstobeus · 3 years
if ever i attend an all-girls boarding school, i'd like to be kissed on the forehead every night by the teacher i have a crush on. please and thank you
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dorothea-wieck · 2 years
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Dorothea Wieck: hungry "Elisabeth von Bernburg" ate a hamburger.
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thislotuseater · 3 years
yes I'm in love with elisabeth von bernburg keep scrolling
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