#elizabeth keane would step on my throat and i would let her
vampyour · 7 years
PIRI RAMBLES ABOUT HER OCS BONUS ROUND: metal betty the super friends (see: @pb82 @radvendermenace @supergirlgang) exist as an ongoing comic in matty's universe, he is an avid fan, he has a huge crush on nichelle walton, if he ever went to comic-con he'd probably cosplay as radonna
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
Fresh Start
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Alex Blake x Elizabeth Keane Warnings: language, brief mentions of death, tiny piece of politics.
The moment Elizabeth announced her resignation she felt like the literal weight of the world had been lifted off her shoulders. A feeling that she had been burdened with for far too long, and one that came with far more baggage than she had expected. David’s whining and persistence that she rethink things were met with deaf ears as she happily wrapped up all loose strings and packed up her things. Settled into a nice hotel in the centre of Washington for her first official week no longer as President, she started wondering about where to go from here.
Not career wise, between the ongoing government salary and her savings, she was banking on this technically being retirement, though she’d probably end up picking up the odd job here and there to cure her boredom. No, this was about the world. The entire planet was at her choosing, she had no ties to anything or anyone anymore. The rest of her belongings were neatly packed away in a storage locker in New York, and while she briefly toyed with that, Manhattan seemed too public, especially right now. It was too flashy, being a hot spot for celebrities meant more reporters, more paparazzi, the exact thing she wanted relief from right now.
So she let out a small yet relaxed sigh as she leant back in the lavish hotel bed, the t.v quietly blared on in front of her, a South Park marathon playing. Beside her was a large pizza on one side (though lord did she miss New York pizza, maybe a stop over there was necessary wherever she ended up), her phone on the other, and a glass of nice scotch on the bedside table. She considered buying a map in the morning, tossing a dart to see where it would land, where her next adventure would begin.
As the mindless cartoon took over she laughed softly at it, and began to think if there were any people that she was eager to see, ones she may have neglected a little bit over the last years as politics overtook her life. There were plenty who fell to the side simply because they couldn’t understand just how cutthroat you had to be in today’s political climate, ones who she’d lost in the divorce, and ones she’d simply lost touch with. There were a few who she’d kept contact with during the campaign, and even after the election, but, as everyone is in adult life, they were all just busy, and there definitely weren’t any quick lunches when everyone she met had to be cleared by five steps of security before being allowed in a room with her. She poured a fresh glass of scotch, taking a small sip before reaching for a slice of pizza, distracted by the show once again as she let her worries slip away, she had all the time in the world to figure this out.
A moment later, the universe sent her a sign as her phone buzzed. Her personal phone, and finally, it was once again her only phone. She swiped open the text message,
‘Not sure if this is even your number still, but figured I would try. Not exactly like I can google it anymore.’ A laughing face emoji separated the text, ‘I can’t lie, I’m a little shocked you decided to step down, but I will admit, I understand where you’re coming from.’
‘I see someone’s bored and decided to start profiling my interviews.’ Elizabeth replied with a small smile on her cheeks.
‘More like the news was on in the background while I was grading papers.’
‘You’re not off chasing some serial killer right now I presume?’
Three little bubbles popped up while Alex typed, then they disappeared, only to reappear after a few moments, to disappear again before they finally continued before the message popped up.
‘Funny you should ask. It appears we’ve both made similar career choices recently.’
‘What happened?’ Elizabeth felt her heart slowly climbing into her throat, if Alex was well enough to teach, she was sure she was fine now, but that didn’t mean she had been the entire time. Working with the FBI was a dangerous gig, to be totally truthful, Beth had been worried about her in that career since they’d graduated, but she was just as ambitious, and would never tell someone to not follow their dreams or heart.
‘Case just hit me hard. Watched a teammate take a bullet meant for me. (He survived and is doing great, back at work) but it hit me harder than I thought. Resigned before we’d even landed back home.’
‘I’m sorry.’
‘Me too. But that wasn’t the point. What’re your plans now?’
‘I wish I knew.’ She let out a small chuckle, ‘my hotel here is booked for another week. Aside from that, I guess I have a lot to figure out.’
‘You should come here. Even just for a visit.’
‘First you’d need to tell me where here is, Alex.’ She smirked as she hit send.
‘Boston. Well, Quincy technically. Smaller, a little less people. It’s been a nice change. I think you’d like it.’
Elizabeth hummed for a moment, tapping her phone against her chin while she thought. It really wouldn’t be a bad idea, take only what she needed for now, see how she felt with the vibe, if maybe she’d want to settle down somewhere where she had a friend instead of somewhere where she could start with a blank slate. The more she thought about it, she felt like this was the right move, and figuring since Alex was offering, and had sent the first message, she clearly felt the same, Beth wouldn’t be imposing at all. Alex and Beth had met in college, two decades ago, the last two people studying in the library when they’d both been in search for the same book. Rather than arguing over the last copy, they decided to share it, passing it back and forth across the small table after they’d moved their things together. It was past two in the morning by the time they finally realized they should call it a night, exchanging numbers simply for the ease of continuing to share the book, or at least, that was the excuse.
They’d been wonderful friends, at each other’s sides for nearly everything, no matter what the cause, or how far apart they were geographically. Beth had been in Alex’s bridal party, and Alex had been her maid of honour, they went to the other person first when they got a positive pregnancy test, figuring out how to tell their husbands in a fun, creative way. And Beth was the first to show up when Ethan died, helping her through the entire grieving process, watching the way James started and continued to distance himself from the entire situation, depending more and more on alcohol and alone time. She wasn’t too surprised when she got the call from Alex that their marriage had officially ended less than a year later, and offered up the guest room in her Manhattan townhouse if Alex wanted an escape for a little bit.
In return, Alex was by Beth’s side the moment she heard about Andrew, this time having to dodge through a few more political hoops as Elizabeth was already working as a senator. It was Alex’s first experience seeing Beth in action in the role, and she would always commend her for managing to keep it together as much as she did for the work functions while she was going through literal hell. She was the one calming Beth down when there was fight after fight with her husband, the one Beth turned to and asked just how hard divorce was, and if she thought she’d make it through that or if she’d break completely. Alex was the one to reassure her that as painful as it would be, it would be less painful than continuing to live in the environment she was now, that he would be a constant reminder of Andrew, and the mistakes of the past, that Beth should instead focus on moving forward. Alex had based herself in New York for the next year, still with the FBI, flying in and out for cases, but was there to help Elizabeth transition into a life on her own, one that hopefully wasn’t too lonely.
The two of them knew that no matter what happened, they would always have each other. Even if it had been years since they’d seen each other, or months since they’d spoken to each other. They both had very heavy careers, and understood all the baggage that came with them, and thus, remained impeccably good friends. Honestly, there was no one else in the world Elizabeth would rather be with right now as she tried to figure out the next step, so she picked up her phone once again;
‘You sure I won’t be in the way? What neighbourhood are you so I can look up hotels?’
‘You wont be. And absolutely fucking not. I have a guest room, you’re not staying in some shitty hotel. How else am I supposed to be able to make you your faved sriracha scallops? You know they won’t travel well.’
‘Fine.’ Elizabeth laughed, ‘but I’m making that blueberry stuffed French toast in return.’
‘Oh god! I had nearly forgotten about that! Now you’re making me drool’
‘Good breakfast food has always done that for you.’
‘Oh stop.’ ‘How soon are you free? I’ll be on spring break starting the twelfth.’
‘That works perfectly. Gives me a bit to throw some stuff in storage and downsize a bit before I head your way.’
‘The twelfth it is’ Alex smiled softly, taking a sip of her wine as she turned back to the paper she was reading, waiting for Elizabeth to reply.
‘I won’t lie. I can’t wait to see you. It’s been far too long.’
‘It really has. Now I’m all excited. I’ll send you all the details in the morning? I’ve got a lecture at eight and I’ve really got to finish these papers.’
‘Sounds perfect.’
‘Good.’ ‘And Beth?’
‘You know you’re welcome to stay as long as you want, right?’
‘It’s you Alex, of course I do.’
___________ @screenee @jamiethetrans @natasha-danvers @imlike-so-gaydude @svulife-rl @gay-ass-bitch @oliviaswifey @mysticfalls01 @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @molllss @svushots @nocreditinthestraightworld @imaginaryoperagloves @disn3y7 @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @swimmingstudentchaos891 @annegilletteslostwh0r3 @drduckthief @yesterdaysgone @whimsicallymad @alexusonfire @mmmmokdok @lazarettta @muscatmusic18 @sia2raw @ladysc @1-lindsay83 @ms-calhoun @holycrapraewth @poisonedcrowns @wannabe-fic-reader @when-wolves-howl
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infiniteoddball · 4 years
Washington Whispers Ch. 02
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//Even though this picture has nothing to do with this fic, I really love how her hair looks! She is just amazing....anyways! You can see the dresses that are described in the fic here. I hope you enjoy this chapter! I promise the next chapter will be even better. (winky face!) I appreciate all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading/reblogigng my work!// 
Tags: Language, attempted assault, light fluff. (If you are uncomfortable with reading about any sort of sexual assault in anyway, please do not read this chapter. The next chapter will be much lighter. I promise. This is for plot!) 
Tagged Readers: @storiesofsvu​ 
Word Count: 3622
Ever since that night in the oval office, you couldn’t help but wonder if she was ever going to bring up what had happened between you two. Instead, weeks had passed and nothing had occurred since. The only minimal comfort that you had was the fact that you still had your job. You looked in the mirror, as you slid in a simple pearl stud earring. Not too big, yet not too small. 
Tonight you were hosting the President of Brazil, and while you normally loved state dinners, you despised being around President De Leon. He had predatory eyes that were just for you. Because of this, you refused to ever be alone with him unless there was a secret service agent with you. 
That was one thing you were grateful for, Madam Keane kept you safe. You walked over to the full length mirror, twisting your hips left to right as you examined your dress. You smiled at yourself, pleased with the choice you made for your evening outfit. 
You opted for a dress that was an eyecatcher. The a-line bateau dress hugged your curves perfectly with a gorgeous sheer, lace top that made you feel sexier than you have in a while. You adjusted the overskirt before you grabbed your black satin clutch, making sure you had all of your credentials. 
You checked your teeth one last time, making sure none of your matte burgundy lipstick was on  sticking to your teeth before you walked out your door. 
You made your way around the room, moving from conversation to conversation, as you enjoyed your second flute of champagne. You leaned into Leslie as she whispered, “They are about to announce President De Leon & Madam Keane’s arrival.” 
You nodded, “Thank you Leslie,” excusing yourself from your current conversation before you headed to the door. You poised yourself, as a Marine announced the arrivals. 
The moment Preside De Leon walked through the door a collective quiet fell around the room before thunderous applause sounded, you felt yourself shudder, and not in a pleasant way. You forced a smile as he slid an arm around your waist, pulling you close for a hug. 
“Y/N you look simply ravishing in that dress tonight. May I have a dance later?” He purred into your ear. 
You laugh lightly, pulling away before his hand could slide any lower, “Now, President De Leon, how could I refuse that? I will definitely try to set aside a few minutes for a dance,” Feeling yourself release a breath as he walked away with his wife, they guided towards the table that was in front of the room. 
You turned, feeling your breath hitch as Madam Keane walked in. Your eyes drank in the way the black dress hugged every single curve of her body as she walked. You said a silent prayer, hoping that no one would glance your way. You couldn’t help but notice the single stripe of white that crossed over her shoulder. You wanted to reach out and play with her curled hair. She simply looked breathtaking as she walked in with Ralph Warner. You smiled as she paused, her eyes scaling your body. 
“Y/N,” She nodded, “Your dress is very...alluring.” Elizabeth smiled, saying it only loud enough so you could hear. 
“Thank you,” You smile. Secretly, you had hoped that your dress would catch her eye. 
“Let me know if President Antonio gives you any problems.” Elizabeth said firmly, looking you in the eye. 
“Yes ma’am. You look beautiful by the way,” You smile at her quick smirk before clapping as she made her way to her table, guided by her husband. 
“This is my life,” You sigh under your breath before making your way to your own table, sitting next to Leslie, your assistant, “Leslie, if president De Leon has me longer than ten minutes during a dance, come tell me something urgent has come up and I am needed.” 
“Okay,” She nodded, “He has barely taken his eyes off of you since he has come in.” 
You roll your eyes, “Lovely. Also, make note of this, I want to ask President Keane if we will be moving forward with Israel, and please find out the designer of President Keane’s dress. I want to get a similar one for the Christmas dinner. I don’t want to wear red this year.” 
Leslie nodded, putting a note in her phone before she started to eat the first course. The one thing you loved about working for the White House, was even though this was considered a rubber chicken dinner, the food was always excellent. 
Unfortunately, in your opinion, the courses moved too fast for your liking. You looked up as President De Leon held his hand out for you. “Shall we?” He questioned. 
You glanced at Leslie, setting your napkin atop your plate, wishing you hadn’t finished your chocolate strawberry cheesecake so fast, “Yes Sir,” You accepted his hand before he swept you onto the dance floor. 
“Y/N, I don’t think I have ever met another woman like you,”  He smiled at you, his brown eyes crinkling in the corners. 
“Is that what you told your wife?” You quipped with a smile. The last thing you wanted to do was piss off a sitting president as you two moved along to the orchestra. You felt his hand creeping down your spine slowly. You quickly caught his hand, moving it back up to just below your shoulder blade. 
“Not quite Miss. Y/L/N. She found me and after our first kiss, that was when I knew when I found the person I wanted to marry.” 
“Mm, I am happy to hear that. How are your children? Well, I hope?” 
“Ah yes, Sofia is now eight! I can hardly believe it! Kids grow too fast. Do you have any of your own?” His hand started to creep back down your spine. 
You barely held in your sigh as you caught his hand, holding it just above your bum, “No kids for me. I love my job. That is what I am married to.” 
“Hmm,” He bowed as the song ended before holding on to you as he continued into the next song, “What an unfortunate situation.” 
“That is not what President Keane says,” You smile, glancing over his shoulder, cursing in your head as you noticed that Leslie was stuck in a conversation with one of the assistants from Brazil. Something told you that she was going to get laid tonight. 
“She is very lucky to have someone like you to work for her. If you worked for me? Well, you wouldn’t be standing very often.” He smirked, licking his lips. 
You took a step back, interrupting the dance, “Excuse me President De Leon-” 
“Antonio,” He corrected, sliding a hand into his pocket. 
“President De Leon,” You stated firmly, holding his eye contact, “I appreciate the gifts you have sent as well as the nice gestures. Excuse me for speaking frankly, but I am not interested in you sexually or any other way for that matter. I only see you as a professional college. Now, please, I ask nicely, do not send me any more gifts or cards. I am not interested in a personal relationship with you. Pardon me, I must go touch up my lipstick.” You bowed slightly. 
Antonio reached out, grabbing your arm before you could leave, “You only think that you do not want a personal relationship with me, but you are wrong in that thinking.” He said as he stepped closer to you. 
You could smell the scotch on his breath and felt your stomach churn, “Please, let go of my arm, you are hurting me,” You wince before he finally lets you go. 
“We will talk later. I do not find no as an acceptable answer. Ever.” He growled. 
You definitely understood how a lot of women could find him attractive, but in this instant, you found him terrifying and ugly, “You are in America where no is a complete sentence. Excuse me, sir.” 
You turn, walking away before he could stop you again. You walk quickly to your table, grabbing your clutch before walking to the bathroom as fast as your heels would allow you. You walk away from the room, grateful as the sound gets quieter the further you get. You cut through the kitchen, heading towards the bathroom. You find yourself grateful that there isn’t anyone else in the bathroom. 
You cover your mouth, squeezing your eyes as you take rapid breaths. You felt disgusted and you couldn’t even get enough air into your lungs to help yourself calm down. Your throat feels constricted even though you feel the bile coming up your throat. You loved your job but you also hated how powerful men treated women in general. You hated even more the way that they reacted when you declined their sexual advances. 
Once you feel yourself start to become calm, you turn to face the mirror, “Jesus,” You mumble as you stare at your reflection. Your panic attacks were not something that you made public because that is not something that anyone needed to know. You take one more deep breath, before you sweep your straightened hair over your shoulder and start to reapply your lipstick. 
You glance up, nodding at a faceless guest and watch them disappear into a stall before you bring yourself to your full height, thinking about how much of a strong woman you are. This is not the first time you have had to deal with someone like this and it won’t be your last. You give yourself a curt not, checking your messages on your phone as you walk out of the bathroom. You quickly respond to easy ones, knowing that you could give fuller answers later. You stumble back a couple steps as you feel yourself collide with another body  before looking up, suddenly realizing how empty the hall is, “President De Leon.” 
“Back home, women throw themselves at me. I can have anyone I wish. Did you know that?” He stepped closer to you, causing you to step back. 
“I can only imagine sir. Some women go crazy for men who are in a position of power.” You state calmly. 
“Yet, here you are, telling me no,” He shook his head, taking another step forward. 
You suddenly felt as though he was a cheetah that was eyeing a gazelle. You swallowed hard as you felt your back hit the wall behind you. You knew you were the gazelle, “I keep my work life and home life separate sir.” 
“So, you do have a...lover then?” He questioned as he put a hand on either side of your head. 
You felt as though your lungs were collapsing. You smelt the scotch from his breath again and wanted to vomit, “Yes,” You whispered a blatant lie. 
“Do not lie to me!” He snarled, slapping his palm against the wall next to your head. The sound vibrated in your ear loudly as you flinched into the wall, “I can always tell when someone is lying to me! I do not like it when people are lying to me.” He snapped. 
“Sir, you could have anyone in that room. If you would like I could arrange to have someone brought to you.” The moment the last sentence left your mouth, you knew that you said the wrong thing. 
He gripped your lower jaw, so hard your cheeks were getting squashed as he craned your neck upwards, “Please let go!” You pant. You push against his chest, instead  you feel him pinching your cheeks tighter, “You are hurting me!”  
“Why would I need a whore delivered when you are standing right in front of me? Look at this whoreish lipstick! A deep red. You crave sex. Tell me, have you ever had a man fuck you so good that you can’t walk the next day?” He ran the pad of his thumb over your lips, smearing your lipstick beyond your mouth. 
You feel tears begin to well in your eyes as your vision begins to swim. You can taste the bile in the back of your throat as he presses his hips against yours, “Please stop!” You beg, “I don’t want this!” 
“Yes you do,” He hissed, “All lesbians need to learn what it is like to have a real man!” He released your jaw, only to kiss you hard, pinning your body to the wall with his.  
You take the opportunity to bite his lip, making him step away from you as your chest heaves, “I said no!” You snap. 
“I don’t care what you said! I am so sick of you teasing me Y/N. Now you wear this dress? What did you expect that I would do?!” He slapped you so hard that you saw stars swim into your vision. 
You scream as you collapse to the floor, cradling your cheek. You feel yourself forced to look up as he grabs your hair, “Please stop,” You whimper. 
“I am only beginning,” He smirks darkly, lifting you up by your throat, “No one is coming to save you,” He whispers in your ear, “My security is handling that.” 
You feel the tears slip down your cheeks as you desperately try to shove him off of you, only to see even more stars as you feel his hand connect with your face again. You silently pray that someone, anyone, comes down this hall as you claw at his hand wrapped around your throat. 
“Your security is handling nothing,” Elizabeth hissed. 
You feel yourself falling to the ground again, coughing for air, as you grasp at your throat rubbing gently, trying to soothe the irritated skin around your throat. You breath deeply, grateful that your lungs can get air again. 
“Elizabeth,” He suavely smiles, “This is not what it looks like.” He held his hand out to her. 
You watch as Elizabeth looks at his hand without taking it, before making eye contact with him again, her jaw twitching before you look away, “From what I can see, you just tried to rape my Chief of Staff. You are going to apologize to Y/N, go back to the ball, and dance with only your wife unless a woman approaches you. Tomorrow, we will be renegotiating our contract with you about the tariff taxes. Unless you want me to make it so that you cannot afford business with America, I suggest you go. Now.” 
Antonio is quiet for a while before you hear a barely audible apology. You watch as he walks away silently, running his hand over his lips, before you look at Elizabeth, “Thank you,” You whisper, wiping away the tears. You watch as she crouches down to your level. You feel electricity run through your veins as she gently tilts your chin up, “Come on, let’s go get you cleaned up.” 
“What about the party?” You question. 
“A president can be pulled away at any time for any reason.  I don’t have to return, and neither do you.” 
You nod, accepting her hand as she helped you to your feet. You walked with her, in a comfortable silence, following her before you realize you are going to the residence. You took a deep breath as you both stepped through the open door and into the kitchen. 
“Sit down,” Elizabeth said as she grabbed a towel, wetting it with water. 
She didn’t have to tell you twice. You felt your adrenaline waning and you were exhausted from what just happened moments ago. You watched her moving fluidly around the kitchen as she poured both of you a glass of bourbon and grabbed a bag of ice. You gladly accepted the drink before she sat in front of you. 
“When Andrew was a child, he was small for his age. There was this time where he would come home, everyday, with a new bruise, cut or scrape. I would ask him, everyday, how he got hurt. Every time, he told me a lie. I didn’t understand why he would lie to me at first. I never got mad,” She said gently as she gently touched the warm towel to your face, washing away, what you assumed, was your running mascara and smeared lipstick.
“Ouch!” You hiss as she ran the towel over your lip. 
“Sorry,” She said gently, “He busted your lip, that fucker.” You saw the anger flicker through her face before she continued, “So finally, one day, Andrew finally told me the truth. He told me he was getting beaten up because he wouldn’t let some kids bully this little girl named Ava. Ever since that happened, I knew that he was going to grow up to be a person who always stood up for someone. I loved that so much about him.” 
You watched as she leaned back, in awe. It was rare for her to talk about her son in such a tender way and you felt grateful that she wanted to talk to you about her son, “Thank you,” You murmur. 
“Here,” She placed the bag of ice against your cheek. She held your eye contact as she gently placed your hand atop hers before she tilted your chin upwards, “Your neck looks irritated but it won’t bruise. That’s good. Less questions.” 
You miss her touch the moment her hand leaves your chin, “How did you know what was going on?” 
“Leslie alerted me after she saw Antonio follow you out after you had finished your dance. What happened between the two of you?” 
“He made very forward advances and I thanked him for the intention but declined anything besides a professional relationship.” You grab your bourbon, drinking the entire glass in two gulps, enjoying the warming sensation all the way down to your belly. You place the ice atop the table before looking at her, “You didn’t have to do this. Thank you,” You said softly. 
“I know I don’t have to do half the things I do, but you are invaluable to me. The last thing I want is something to happen where I lose you,” She looks at you over the rim of her glass, before leaning forward, placing the glass atop the table, “Am I going to lose you after tonight?” 
You shake your head, “No. It’s going to take a lot more than a homophobic asshole to scare me out of my job.” 
Elizabeth stood, smirking, as she stepped closer to you, tilting your chin up, “I always knew you were a fighter. You have the same fierceness in your eyes that Andrew had.” 
You can’t help but smile at her praise, “Thank you.” You murmur.  You can feel your breath hitch as you look into her honey brown eyes. You feel yourself getting lost in her eyes as you feel her thumb stroking your jawline gently. 
“You’re welcome,” She purred, “I know this is bad timing, but can I kiss you?” 
You feel as though the entire room has flipped. You dig your nails into your palm, making sure this isn’t a dream, “I’m sorry?” You were sure you had misheard her. 
“Can I kiss you?” Elizabeth asked again, waiting patiently for your answer. 
“Y-Yes,” You stammer. Before you can even comprehend reality, you feel her lips, pillow soft, on yours. You inhale deeply, moving your hand to her lower back, guiding you closer. 
You feel her hand slip to the back of your neck, effectively deepening the kiss as you feel her slide her tongue along her lower lip. You were never expecting her to be this soft. If anything, you imagined her being dominant. You could only picture her being firm with you. This was better than anything you could have ever thought up. 
You moan lowly as you feel her fingers slip into hair, as you taste a hint of sweetness off her tongue. You want this to last forever as you feel her step closer to you before you suddenly pull away, “Sorry,” You wince, holding the frozen vegetable back to your cheek. 
You stare at each other wordlessly as the sound of your combined breathing fills the room. You can’t help but smile at her, “That was better than anything I have ever fantasized.” You feel your eyes widen as you realize what you say. 
“So you do fantasize about me.” She smirked stepping away to pour herself another bourbon. 
You stay silent, only shaking your head to decline another drink before shaking your head, “I should get going,” You stand, placing the ice atop the table again. 
“You are going to work from home the next two days until Antonio is gone. I won’t take no for an answer.” 
You nod, “Yes ma’am.” 
“I believe we are on a first name basis now,” She smirked before taking a sip of her drink. 
“Yes Elizabeth,” You smirk back. Even though tonight had been a scandal waiting to happen, especially with what he had done. 
“I am going to send a doctor over to your home tomorrow.” 
“You don’t have to do that.” 
“This is something I will not accept politeness on.” She states firmly. 
You fall quiet before nodding, “Okay. Elizabeth? What are we going to do when he does come back for further events?” 
You watch her set the empty glass down before looking up at you, “If he tries to lay another hand on you, I will not hesitate to show his wife the video. I promise you, that will be abundantly clear by the time he leaves.”
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