#elizabeth should have stayed a pirate
I know the context and purpose of this deleted scene ("Her" from AWE) but dang, in screencap form it gives off a totally different vibe 🧐😂. Especially before it cuts to the close up. It looks like wounded pride, regret, embarrassment, and unresolved feelings flashing in micro succession. I understand why they took it out-even though it was helpful in understanding Jack's intricate maneuvering- because it brings sparrabeth to the forefront again... unintentionally it seems. Verbinski confirms this, stating that the scene took away from Will and Elizabeth (easily done because they are so freaking boring, strained and forced at this point in the trilogy. #sorrynotsorry) and resurfaced the buried "concluded" love triangle.
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Keira... Gosh I wonder what she was going for here because she looks soooo upset through this whole exchange!
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I'm just a nerd over here, nitpicking and over analyzing but I'm fascinated by stuff like this 😂. Especially with Keira 's reactions and expressions when it comes to Jack. I think in her head canon, Elizabeth actually did have feelings for Jack. It's not what she says but how she reacts to him over and over again throughout the trilogy.
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quillofspirit · 8 months
Elizabeth Bennet, Elizabeth Swann, Mr. Darcy, James Norrington and Will Turner as pets
maybe this will become a Pride and Prejudice/Pirates of the Caribbeans blog, who knows it most definetly is
The POTC people are dogs, friendly loyal and outgoing for the most part.
The P&P are cats, loving but more reserved.
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Elizabeth Swann is an English Cocker Spaniel
responds more to respect than fear,
very friendly
The hair, the looks
If you've ever met a Cocker Spaniel, you'll know that they are playful, loyal and stubborn.
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Will Turner is a Jack Russell x Border Collie Mix
Energetic (who trains three hours in one single skill????)
Both breeds are athletic, loyal and highly sought after work dogs
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James Norrington is an English Foxhound
Work dog,
hunts fox (or pirates),
but loves to work
Also looks like he has a coat on
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Elizabeth Bennet is a Burmilla
Loves people and socializing
Pretty but will bite you if you don't listen
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Mr. Darcy is a British Shorthair
Can look grumpy but has a cute personality
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These are my dividers, please do not use them.
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random-of-random · 20 days
The Pirate Queen
Chapter 3 - The Ball
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If anyone ever said pirates weren’t efficient, they should be told the tale of Alice and her crew getting ready to host a ball for a new Commodore.
Hiding anything suspicious was the easy part. The locked extra pantry was plenty enough to stow away any of the papers they needed to keep from prying eyes. Their gear was locked into trunks in their personal rooms.
What wasn’t easy was shelling out the money for caterers and extra servants to make the night perfect. While they had the money, Alice had made a fortune sailing with Sam Bellamy and then even more in her exploits, they all hated spending it on posh pricks who would more likely give them a bullet than the time of day under normal circumstances.
Most pirates on ships had duel roles. Everyone chipped in, and just like on a ship, the men dove head first into getting ready.
By the time the night arrived everything was absolutely perfect.
Three of the men would be carefully and quietly sneaking into the Fort while the rest of the town partied at the mansion, courtesy of Vicountess Somers. Their goal was it make it seem like no one have ever been there. They didn’t want to get captured, and they didn’t want to have to kill. Alice and her crew took a page from Sam Bellamy - they didn’t kill if they didn’t have to.
The men left before the extra servants arrived for the night, and Alice went upstairs to get ready. Edward stayed at the mansion, her even present bodyguard.
When he knocked at the door to her room to let her know guests arrived, he couldn’t help but smile.
“You may not be a noble, but you wear the outfits quite well.” She turned to look at him with a smile on her face.
“Let’s be honest, I look better in trousers and my jacket.”
He motioned to her dress. “I see you’ve picked your signature color.” The red dress was her most fashionable. Bright red, matching the bow weaved intricately through her hair. Instead of an updo, she wore her hair down. The black hair fanned across the red dress she had commissioned to match that bow. The dress itself was more old fashioned than she had been wearing and the corset fit just perfectly. There were no color accents except around the sleeves and chest, and was intricately woven with gold and red fabric.
“Well, I wanted to stay partly me.”
“I wish Sam could see this.” Edward said and Alice took a calming breath.
“Me too.”
“Where should I wait during dinner?”
“You’ll be next to me.” Alice said simply and Edward raised his eyebrows.
“I don’t think it’s proper to have your bodyguard sitting at dinner. Robert would faint.”
Alice laughed. “Tonight is our last night with these people. I don’t particularly care what they think and they’re not going to question a noble.”
“Sounds good, Captain.” Edward was dressed in mostly black, fine quality that most would expect of a bodyguard. “People are going to be arriving soon.”
“Alright, let’s get ready to play our parts.” She effortlessly switched into her posh accent.
There were murmurs throughout the party. The red was certainly making some heads turn. When Governor Swann and Elizabeth arrived Alice was there to greet them.
“Lady Frances, you look marvelous!” Elizabeth said with a smile. They two women held hands for a moment.
“As do you, Elizabeth.” Her dress was a light blue which paired with her quite well. Her hair had been curled delicately and put in an updo worthy of a coronation, she was sure of it.
“That is such a stunning color.” Governor Swann started. “You stand out, in the best way.”
“Thank you, Governor.” Alice replied, trying her best not to smirk. “I felt it was appropriate since the ball is on behalf of a member of the Navy. Navy blues seemed a bit too pompous, don’t you agree?”
Governor Swann searched for something to say as Elizabeth politely held her laugh behind her fan. “You look absolutely wonderful, Lady Frances.” He finally said. Safe, complimentary.
“Thank you, Governor.” From behind him she caught the eyes of James. “Please excuse me, sir. I want to wish the man of the night my congratulations.” As she made her way over, James couldn’t seem to even think. She was beautiful. James was in his Navy dress. An outfit that should send Alice’s anxiety shooting upward. Yet, she was sure she had never seen a man so handsome.
“Captain Norrington.” She curtsied and he bowed back. Alice knew that there couldn’t be a repeat of the night of the dinner. The best thing would be to treat James Norrington with civility and step away as quickly as she could.
“Thank you for your generosity with this night.” He started. “And, if I may say, you look absolutely beautiful, Lady Frances.”
“Thank you, Captain. It is a pleasure to celebrate you.” James could tell she was being more formal, putting more of a guard up. He had no right to wish for something different. To wish anything different was downright improper. “Please, enjoy yourself.” She curtsied again and turned to greet her other guests. The bow going through her raven hair caught his eye and something stirred in his memory. Just for one second a moment of fear crept into his mind, but he couldn’t, for the life of him, understand why.
As everyone made their way into the dining room, there were whispers at the fact that while Lady Frances sat at the head of the table, her own bodyguard was to her right. To her left was Governor Swann, beside him Elizabeth, and James was surprised to find himself placed next to her.
Once everyone was seated Lady Frances stood.
“Good evening. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves.” There was some murmurs of approval. “Tonight we are here to celebrate Captain James Norrington, who will not be called Captain in twenty-four hours. Now, I have only known Captain Norrington for a few short days. I could regale you all with the kindness and character he has shown me. However, I wanted someone who knows him more, who served with him, to speak here tonight. Lieutenant Groves, if you would please?”
A few seats down from Edward, Groves stood, and Alice took her seat. She knew her brain would betray her if she was forced to give a speech about James. She could hardly talk about how handsome he looks in the moonlight. She was supposed to be married. More than that, it was about to be James’ job to be in charge of hunting her and the people she cared about. The thought soured her mood considerably. More so when she realized she shouldn’t even be thinking about James Norrington. She should be wondering how we men were doing at the fort. By the time she came back into focus, Groves had finished his speech and she held up her glass in a toast before the first course.
Once the food was cleared and the band had begun to play, Alice whispered to Edward to go and be on the lookout for the returning men. The hope was they would be back quickly and efficiently. One of her men named Simon had offered to help in the kitchen. He had been a chef back in Ireland and then became the chef for her crew, and he would be waiting to move any papers to the locked pantry.
“My dear Lady Frances.” Governor Swann said as he walked up to her. “Would you honor me with a dance?” He held out his hand and she took it immediately.
“It would be a pleasure.” They danced to a lively tune. The laughter around the floor told her everyone seemed to be having a great time. She made sure they had enough stock of wine to last them, and making sure everyone was good and drunk could only help her in the long run.
As the Governor turned her she caught a glimpse of James who was dancing with Elizabeth. He was smiling, she was laughing. Alice felt a pang of jealousy go through her, but she quickly pushed that away. Any thoughts about her and James Norrington needed to stop at that moment. And, more than that, she knew he would make a great husband to Elizabeth. He was kind and gentle. When he showed emotion it was sincere. In the first night she had watched his eyes flicker to Elizabeth which such adoration. Alice knew she would be taken care of and loved. She couldn’t ask for more than that from two wonderful people.
The dance came to a close and there was a small round of applause. “Thank you for the wonderful dance, Governor.” He bowed. “If you would excuse me?”
“Of course.” He beamed. His cheeks were red from several glasses of wine and Alice found herself thinking that wasn’t a bad idea. Find a servant with the wine she took a glass for herself. When she turned back to the party she was surprised to see James walking toward her.
“Lady Frances.”
“Captain Norrington.” She acknowledged. “Are you having a good time?”
“I am, thank you.” He promised. “I came to ask if you would honor me with a dance.” She couldn’t say no. Maybe it was knowing that after tomorrow she would, hopefully, never see him again.
“I would be delighted-“ She was interrupted by Edward.
“I am terribly sorry, my Lady.” He bowed.
“What is it, Edward?” She asked.
“May I speak with you, privately?”
Her eyes turned to James. “My apologies, Captain.” She and Edward turned, heading for another room. James couldn’t pretend he wasn’t disappointed.
The study was a place she had wanted to spend more time in, if they had the time. It was dark wood with books lining the walls. Giles stood outside on guard to make sure no one came within earshot as Edward closed the door behind them.
“Is everyone alright?” Was her first question.
“Yes, everyone made it back safely.” Alice let out a sigh of relief. “They were in and out quickly, no one saw them. It’s what they found that’s concerning.”
“What did they find?” Alice asked.
“A list of spies for the Royal Navy and where they are located. Some are on Tortuga.” Her jaw clenched. “There’s also a few pirate havens that they know about. I think your Captain Norrington intends to go raid them after his promotion is made official.”
“Go, get Robert, will you?” She asked and Edward gave a quick nod before leaving. They would have a head start on anything Norrington had planned, which was key. She sat in silence for a few moments. If her mind wandered too far, she could almost feel tears threatening to spill. So, she pushed them down. Edward and Robert came back in a few minutes.
“Captain.” Robert acknowledged.
“I need you to get to the docs and get first passage that you can. You have to get to Tortuga as quickly as possible.” She put her hand on his shoulder. “Hopefully those pirate havens can be cleared out before the Royal Navy gets their hands on anyone. And make sure the right people in Tortuga know the names of the spies.”
“You can count on me Captain.”
“When you get to Tortuga send someone for us. We’ll want to leave late tomorrow night.”
“I will.”
“The winds be with you, Robert.” She shook his hand and he headed back out the door.
“What’s the plan?” Edward asked.
“Tomorrow, after the ceremony,” Alice started. “We will spend the day carefully packing, not drawing any attention. Once night falls we will gather everything up. We can’t leave a trace of us behind. Not a single piece of clothing.”
“Understood, Captain.”
“We will leave an urgent note with the Swann’s. My husband has taken ill and we were quickly recalled to England.”
“Will they believe it?” Edward asked.
Alice shrugged. “Once we’re back on the seas, it won’t matter.”
“I’ll start telling the men.” He said and she let out a soft sigh. “You should get back out there. The hostess will be missed.”
Alice seemed to clench her jaw. “I can do this for one more day.” He nodded before opening the door for her.
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feysandfeels · 1 month
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Right fam, time for some dragon riding (non sexual… from what I have been able to gather)
Ngl, but reading (listening) the "a dragon without its rider is a tragedy, a rider without its dragon is dead" after seeing so many tiktoks about it and them being all epic, has me giddy, has me excited. Here we go.
So far we have a cunty yet caring elder sister, a dead dad, a rude as fuck mum, a dead brother (who apparently was beloved above all) and a girl severely lacking in calcium.
"you won't get any special treatment just for being my daughter" my sister in christ, what special treatment? so far you have been nothing like an ass.
I cannot judge Violet for wanting to take her books with her....but babygirl from what I have seen you truly have no strength.. so like..sugar.. either develop some muscle or like let it go.
What's so wrong about being a scribe? like what do you all have against academia?
Okay no wait... what are they prepping her for? What the fuck is this subscription day? isn't it like just first day of uni?? Is she fighting? is it a race? to like the first dragon they can find? the first tunnel of their respective career?
aaaaaaaand here comes the childhood friend with soft brown eyes that laughs with his whole body.
Seems like extremely poor parenting to send your extremly untrained daughter into such a challenge... like she has to climb some rocks... and like run a lot, there's going to be wind. Like no. And for what? for the glory of your name? SHE CAN'T EVEN LIFT HER OWN BOOKS!
Gotta love a "This isn't America's TOP BEST FRIEND" moment.
I'm sorry but how is conscribing (?) all children from the traitors to the best school in the kingdom/republic/empire/country and give them a solid ass chance of becoming riders, and therefore climb to the top of the social and military pyramid a fitting punishment? They should have ended their respective bloodlines. You rebel you and your entire bloodline die.
Colombian brain translating Xaden to Xavier.
I should have asked... can dragons talk in this world?
What is the parapit?? Is that how it is written?
Mira (?) is a badass. Queen behaviour.
Mira being like "don't die Violet, I'd hate to be an only child." And having seen her mother? Honestly same. Like no. Hard Pass.
Wait is the blonde guy she is befriending the one with the scar from the betrayal?? Dylan? yes? no?
Oh and they get to marry after graduating. Why do I feel I am walking straight into another early 20s marriage.
Most riders are legacies... good to see nepotism is alive and well. Neporiders.
Oh so Xaden has tattoos from his wrist up to his jaw.. okay, okay.
My girl really went "He is #SoTall and #HandsomeAsHell"
I don't get what this challenge is about and apparently Dylan is not making it, he liked slipped or smth and is like hanging...
yeah no he fell to his death. RIP Dylan.
My girl is like screaming history facts to distract herself while she [insert the challenge.... I think it's walking a very slippery bridge]
Okay so Jack is an asshole... it's giving Cato.
Kinda want to bet that he will try to eventually fight Violet and Xaden will defend her.
Got confirmation, it is in fact a bridge.
Rihannon made it. Which is a personal win because she seems sweet.
Oh my god Jack focus on your own thing, you are being and asshole, no one cares. Fuck off, fall to your death, shut up. Like why are you so pressed about this random ass calcium lacking girl. GET A JOB. STAY AWAY FROM HER.
Not her reciting the codex lol it is giving Elizabeth Swann citing The Pirate Code to Captain Barbossa. Babygirl, bless you, but he clearly does not give a fuck.
Violet truly made that crossing out of delulu energy and history facts and honestly? respect.
Wait, hold the fuck on... this audiobook is 21h long? what on god's green earth is going to happen in this book? oh my god this thread is going to be huge. Apologies to all.
omg Jack why are you still talking? either shut up or jump infront of a dragon and die. LIKE WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH HER? He is giving blonde guy energy (but not the one you gave Dylan. RIP Dylan. You will never be forgotten)
aaaaaahhh there we go Jack threatened her and when he makes the move to kill her Xaden will be like "the fuck bro" and kill him instead.
Here comes the childhood best friend. I feel he is hot. Dane? Dane Atos?? Kinda hot of him. Wait he is Squad Leader? that's hot.
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ha1taniwh0re · 1 year
She doesn't like a captain
Requested by: @blueberrycoffee19
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I was on my adventure to go save Jack from Davy Jones's Locker. Sao Feng gave Barbossa a ship and a crew so we can go and save Jack, here are we going to the end of the World. I was standing with Barbossa talking when my younger sister Elizabeth came to us.
"Stay! Away! From! Her!"
Barbossa looked at her with questionable face and I looked at her shocked.
"Elizabeth what is wrong with you?"
Barbossa looked at ne now shocked. He didn't knew that I have a feelings for him. I started to panic.
"ELIZABETH!!! First!! Will is pirate as well!!! Second!!! You can't say who I can or can't date!!!"
Whit that I saw Barbossa getting into captain's cabin or should I say his cabin. I looked at him while he was getting away and started feeling angry.
Those words hurted like hell. Maybe she was right but maybe she wasn't.
"Wow Elizabeth.... You decided that you can tell me that I can't be with pirate but you can??"
She looked at me a little bit sad and I just walked away from her. I was sitting and watching stars when Pintel and Ragetti came to me.
"Hey (name), captain wants to see you"
Oh no... I thanked them and went to Barbossa's cabin when I came in he was nowhere to be found. I looked at room to see if he is somewhere else but I didn't see him.
"Captain?? You wanted to see me??"
And after that I felt another body pressed on mine from behind. He took my waist and could feel his breath on my neck.
"Captain..." I moaned.
He pulled my waist closer to his and could feel his member starting to be hard.
"So you have a crush on your captain (name)??" He asked while kissing my neck
I couldn't answer because I was enjoying in this moment. He slapped my ass and grabbed it, and I moaned.
"Answer your captain young lass"
"Yes... I have a crush on my captain"
He rolled me to see his face.
"And what shall I do to you for that??"
"You can do whatever you want captain, Im all yours"
He started walking towards bed and sat there looking at me.
"Strip for me lass"
And I did what he said. I took off my corset and white dress along with my boots. He looked at me like he saw a goddess. He put his hand on his lap and I knew already what to do. I sat on his lap trying not to sit on his member but he pulled me to sit on it.
"Don't run from him, you can't run from him now"
I looked at him and put my hand on his cheek.
"Can I kiss you captain?"
He smiled at me and kissed me. He took my waist into his hands and started to move me up and down, I moaned into his lips and Im sure he liked that. To be honest I started to feel so close and Barbossa could see it, he let go of my waist and let me do this how I want. Hw as laying on his hand looking and smiling at me. I started to go faster and after a few minutes I came in his lap.
"I hope you know thatwe are not done here, m'lady"
He said and slapped my ass a little. He rolled us so i was laying on bed and he was on top of me.
"Don't you think it's unfair that Im naked and you are full clothed??" I asked.
He stood up from bed and I looked confused, did I said something wrong?
"Than undress me lass" he said and smiled.
I stood up and took his clothes off. He pushed me on bed again and entered me, the pain was huge and he saw me crying.
"Have you ever had sex (name)??"
He looked shocked a little and than he waited for me to give him signal that he can move. I started to move and than he started also to move in and out. As the time was passing he started to go faster and faster and after some time we both came. He pulled out and went to get some water he gave me to drink it first but than he spilt it on his hand and cleaned blood from my thighs. I stood up and took his shirt and dressed myself in it and got back to bed. He smiled and got back to bed too.
"Did you just use me?"
He looked at me shocked and stood up a little to see my face.
"Who told you that??"
"I know that I don't have great backstory with yo sister m'love but I would never use a lass if she isn't a Tortuga whore"
I smiled at him and we kissed. We were cuddling and talking a little more but than we both fall asleep. In the morning when I woke up I saw that Barbossa wasn't in bed so i dressed myself and found him talking with Elizabeth. I went a little bit more closer so I can hear them.
"I know I didn't have a good start with you Miss Swann but I would never use your sister for my pleasure. I know it sounds weard to you to hear this from pirate but I need you to trust me in this that I love your sister".
Elizabeth looked at him, trying to see if he is lying bht she saw he was telling the truth.
"Just don't break her heart she is good person"
"I can promise you that"
They smiled at each other, and I came out from my spot.
"Wow you two maybe will get a good second start"
Elizabeth looked at me and laughed.
"We are good just because of you, I still hate him for kidnapping"
"You shouldn't lie miss Turner" he said and laughed.
I hugged my now boyfriend and Elizabeth left us alone.
"I love you captain"
"hmm don't call me that outside of my cabin or I will fuck you Infront of everyone" he said and smiled.
I laughed and kissed him.
"I love you too (name) Swann"
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gayemeralds · 9 months
people have beef with both will and elizabeth's ending in potc and say they should be switched but frankly i think will's ending was correct. i don't think they should be switched i think elizabeth just needed a different ending. like the irony of will, who never wanted to be a pirate, who literally trained three hours a day to be able to kill them, becomes a ferryman of the sea, forced to stay on a pirate ship forever and every, is so very good. will was the only person who was steadfast enough for the role. elizabeth could not have handled that role, she wasn't selfless enough for it, that's her whole thing- she's utterly ruthless, an absolute pirate. thats the irony about them, too- that elizabeth chose to be a pirate at the end of the day, that she actively sought out pirate stories and will's cursed pirate treasure, but will was bound by blood by his father before him to become a pirate. which then becomes another irony- that will is stuck on the dutchman set to sail forever and ever but he isn't an actual pirate, at the end of the day. he's the keeper of the dead but he isn't a pirate, he doesn't sail the seas looking for treasure or adventure or violence. he's the keeper of the dead.
i just think they should have kept elizabeth as a pirate instead of implying her to be a stay at home wife. will was fine as the ferryman elizabeth just should have stayed as a pirate so they could forever be the two ships sailing near, never to cross paths, never to meet, doomed to be separated forever.
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imaginepirates · 1 year
Norrington should have become captain of the Dutchman, and they could keep his simp character arc by having him sacrifice himself for Will, for Elizabeth’s sake. Then he could finish his redemption by standing with them against Beckett in the end. This is a hill I will die on lol.
Fair enough hill to die on, but I will never stop loving the James gets to fucking retire idea. Like...he's exhausted, let him rest. AU where he just doesn't fucking die. Maybe he follows Elizabeth, maybe he chooses to hang onto life a little longer as a servant on the Dutchman to make sure she lives and Will eventually frees him. Whatever the case, he lives, and he moves past his feelings for Elizabeth. They become a more brother/sister duo. He stays near Lizzie so whenever she needs to do Pirate King shit, he's right there to care for Henry and play uncle while she's away. Just...domestic James brings me joy.
Also, ngl, @everythingispirates has a good take on the whole James as captain of the Dutchman idea here, which is much more analytical than the pure vibes I presented.
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lighthouseborn · 5 months
who is shabira?
!!!!!! Shabira is part of the (blog canon!) future-plotting me and @/dolhood have done:
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Shabira is a girl from Singapore. Her parents, Teratai and Jebat, were a young, newly married couple who opened shop in the wharf-town where the pirates were known to gather and do business. (Why there? ... I wobble on, but it stands to reason they were somewhat outcast, or breaking free of circumstances they didn't enjoy.) They quickly became close contacts of Elizabeth's, working with her to manage the re-sellable goods that came in off the ships of her fleet and waters. Growing up, Henry was left with them a few times, when he was younger and Elizabeth needed him looked after for one reason or another, so the families became close. Allies, but also friends. This, naturally, leads to Teratai and Jebat's shop becoming a regular landing place for Henry and Carina once they set out on their own.
Enter- Shabira! She is born in this era, closely post-canon, when Henry & Carina are newly set out to explore the world. So Bira grows up knowing Henry & Rina all her life, coming with the wind and tide to stay awhile -seemingly, by her perspective, just to see her!- and they get to watch her go from wiggly little bean to a brilliant kid. And probably Henry teaches her at least one really horrible trick she absolutely should not have been taught, but what can you do.
Some a few years into this general state of things, Shabira's parents are killed. I have a couple concepts of the who and why but nothing concrete, right now, but. Bira's parents (and many of their neighbors, the community of the town at large) die, and... either she was already with Henry & Carina for some reason, or when they get there they finds her, but either way she really just. Latches on. They're the last people she really knows.
Initially Henry & Carina plan to find her other family. She's got an uncle and cousins -her father's family- in theory, but finding them proves to be a nightmare endeavor. And you know, days turn to weeks. A couple months. They, admittedly, kind of stop looking. And it gets to a point where it seems more cruel than anything else to send her away to a new place nothing like the life she's known where she'd have to start all over with nothing and no one familiar. (Which is ...debatable, in terms of if it was the "right" thing to do, and really kids are generally very adaptable and she probably would have been fine if they committed and sent her to live elsewhere, but it comes from a place of love and good intentions (and also Henry's inability to let go.)) Bira, who has always been dear to them, really just gets... shuffled into the strange little family of the Lighthouse Island. And this is really what shifts gears for Henry & Carina, pulling them from their wilds and grounding them a little more firmly to Shipwreck. Transitioning event from arc iv. -> arc v. (so if you write with me in Henry's Shipwreck-bound verse, Bira is there!)
Primarily, Rina & Henry look after her. And it settles into... they both are, and aren't, her parents? She had parents, and she remembers them, and Henry & Carina do all they can to keep Shabira's memory of her parents alive and maintain that tie to who she is. And also, that's her parents. That's her family, anyway. She's known them all her life and Henry was always her favorite for silly games and Carina understands completely what it means to be a little girl who got left behind and they just. Cling to each other. Family!!
And all of this prompts Henry & Carina to kind of realize.. family. And settling a bit (not all the way, they're all still pirates living among pirates on untamed seas!) actually sounds... Nice. And wouldn't you know it before very long at all Bira has a (yet unnamed, we're working on it) little sister--
uhhh additional details I know but didn't make it into the paragraphs:
Bira & her mother, Teratai, were born in Singapore, but Bira's father, Jebat, moved there as a young man; this is why they're so cut off from her only other (living) family
Bira is around 5 or maybe 6 years old when her parents die
She is a little bit shy. She might outgrow it, who can say! but she's a little bit shy and quiet, it takes her a little time to open up
a natural bookworm, who spends a lot of time in the company of grownups, and her language skills are crazy impressive
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Jack and Elizabeth mirroring each other at the end of AWE. 🥺
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The Princess Caraboo Hoax
On 3 April 1817, a cobbler in Almondsbury in Gloucestershire, England, met an apparently disoriented young woman wearing exotic clothes who was speaking an incomprehensible language. The cobbler's wife took this stranger to the Overseer of the Poor, who placed her in the hands of the local county magistrate, Samuel Worrall, who lived in Knole Park on the estate where Tower House is located. Worrall and his American-born wife Elizabeth could not understand her either; what they did determine was that she called herself Caraboo and that she was interested in Chinese imagery. They sent her to the local inn, where she identified a drawing of a pineapple with the word 'nanas', meaning pineapple in Indonesian languages, and insisted on sleeping on the floor. Samuel Worrall declared she was a beggar and should be taken to Bristol and tried for vagrancy.
During her imprisonment, a Portuguese sailor named Manuel Eynesso (or Enes) said he spoke her language and translated her story. According to Enes, she was Princess Caraboo from the island of Javasu in the Indian Ocean. She had been captured by pirates and after a long voyage she had jumped overboard in the Bristol Channel and swum ashore. The Worralls took Caraboo to their home. For ten weeks, this representative of exotic royalty was a favourite of the local dignitaries. She used a bow and arrow, fenced, swam naked and prayed to a god, whom she named Allah-Talla (a spelling variation of الله تعالى Allāh taʿālā, "Allah the Exalted," one of the formal names for God in Islam). She acquired exotic clothing and her portrait was painted and reproduced in local newspapers. 
Her authenticity was attested to by a Dr. Wilkinson, who identified her language using Edmund Fry's Pantographia and stated that marks on the back of her head were the work of oriental surgeons. Newspapers published stories about Princess Caraboo's adventures bringing her national acclaim.
Eventually the truth surfaced. A boarding-house keeper, Mrs. Neale, recognised her from the picture in the Bristol Journal and informed her hosts. This would-be princess was in truth Mary Willcocks, a cobbler's daughter from Witheridge, Devon. She had been a servant girl around England but had found no place to stay. She invented her fictitious language from imaginary and Romani words and created an exotic character and story. The odd marks on her head were scars from a crude cupping operation in a poorhouse hospital in London. The British press made much of the hoax at the expense of the duped rustic middle-class. Mrs. Worrall took pity on her and arranged for her to travel to Philadelphia, for which she departed on 28 June 1817.
On 13 September 1817 a letter was printed in the Bristol Journal, allegedly from Sir Hudson Lowe, the official in charge of the exiled Emperor Napoleon on St. Helena. It claimed that after the Philadelphia-bound ship bearing the beautiful Caraboo had been driven close to the island by a tempest, the intrepid princess impulsively cut herself adrift in a small boat, rowed ashore and so fascinated the emperor that he was applying to the Pope for a dispensation to marry her. That story is unverified. 
In the USA, she briefly continued her role, appearing on-stage at the Washington Hall, Philadelphia, as 'Princess Caraboo', with little success. Her last contact with the Worralls was in a letter from New York in November 1817, in which she complained of her notoriety. She appears to have returned to Philadelphia until she left America in 1824, returning to England. In 1824 she returned to Britain and exhibited herself for a short time in New Bond Street, London, as Princess Caraboo but her act was not successful. She may have briefly travelled to France and Spain in her guise, but soon returned to England. 
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random-of-random · 24 days
The Pirate Queen
Chapter 2 - About the Topic of Pirates.
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This time in a gold dress that fit her like a glove, Alice made her way out of her temporary home with Edward in tow. Both wanted to walk, so she gave Charlie the night off.
“Have fun and don’t get into too much trouble.” She had told him with a wink. She needed a break from being nobility, and would rather have spent the couple precious minutes walking with Edward than the thirty seconds it would take to ride in a carriage. The sun setting did nothing to stifle the heat and humidity. Alice found herself, once again, wondering how her fellow women survived in clothes like this while in the islands.
“Remind me, Edward, when we get back to the ship?”
“Yes, Captain?”
“We’re burning this corset in particular.” It seemed to be slightly tighter than rest.
“Will do, ma’am.”
As they were almost to the door, Alice slipped into her posh accent. “You don’t have to stay here, Edward.”
“Are you sure?”
“It will be a quick walk home and anyone who dares try to mess with me well-“
“At their own peril.” Edward agreed with a chuckle.
“Go get drunk, have some fun for both of us.”
“Is that an order, Captain?” He whispered and she gave him a soft smile before walking toward the servant at the door.
When the servant announced her, the first one to greet her was Elizabeth.
“I am so happy you came.” She said with a bright smile. The lights flickered behind her, casting a glow of gold over the room. Alice could feel the eyes of the guests on her, but she tried to ignore the sensation.
“I was delighted to get your invitation. Thank you.” They both curtsied. “The invitation said a small guest list?” Alice joked.
“I know compared to the parties you have probably seen back home this is not grand. There will be dancing after dinner though.”
“My dear Elizabeth,” she said with a smile, “I am happy to be here with you. That is enough in itself.” Elizabeth smiled and walked arm in arm with her into the dining room. Alice got a sense about Elizabeth. That, despite her upbringing, the pomp and circumstance didn’t sit well with her. She seemed to go along with it for her father, but she was clever and funny. Though, she tried her best to conceal it around Alice. No doubt thinking she should impress Lady Frances, the noble, with being as mild mannered as she could be.
Norrington had already arrived, dressed in his Navy blues, and Alice couldn’t deny that she was happy to see him. He gave her a polite bow as the two women walked up to him.
“I want to thank you again for the tour today.”
“As I said before, the honor was mine.” His green eyes took in her dress. “You look lovely, Lady Frances.”
“Thank you, Captain. You look quite handsome yourself.”
“Lady Frances!” Governor Swann’s voice caused her to break eye contact. “A delight to see you.”
“You as well, Governor. Thank you for the invitation.”
“Of course. Come, you will be sitting next to me.” He led her to the end of the table. Governor Swann sat at the head. With Alice to his right, his daughter to his left, and Norrington beside Elizabeth. To her surprise, on the other side of Norrington was a man she recognized as Lieutenant Gillette, one of Norrington’s men.
As everyone took their seats Governor Swann stayed standing. “I am delighted to see all of you here this evening. To be dining with friends old and new, on this joyous night. I have wonderful news.” He took a beat to let the tension build. “The ceremony to promote Captain James Norrington to Commodore James Norrington is to take place in three days time!” There was a round of applause and several people immediately congratulated James. “Now, don’t you all worry, the plans for the ceremony have been carefully kept quiet for some time.” Alice stifled a laugh. “I could think of no one better to keep Port Royal safe than our dear James Norrington.”
“It is truly an honor, thank you so much.” There was a tinge of red to James’ cheeks and he looked to Alice who mouthed “Congratulations” before standing herself.
“Governor Swann, if I may?”
“Of course, Lady Frances.”
Alice took a steadying breath. “I did not know what to expect when coming to Port Royal. But, I can say for certain just how warm and inviting the people here are. I have been welcomed with open arms and I couldn’t be more grateful. Particularly by Governor Swann and dear Elizabeth who are the embodiment of kindness. Captain Norrington, you as well have gone above and beyond in your kindness to me. So, in your honor I would like to have a ball at my home.” A delighted murmur ran through the people gathered. “You are to be celebrated. As you should be.” Her eyes seemed to burn as she said it. James didn’t miss a moment. “So, the night before your ceremony we shall have a ball.”
“Can you get everything together that quickly?” Governor Swann asked.
“Watch me work miracles, Governor.” She said with a smile and the group laughed. “I shall invite the whole Navy stationed at Port Royal, it will be a grand event.” She grabbed her wine glass. “So, let’s raise a toast to Captain Norrington.” The group followed her lead. “To a good man, who has earned this.”
“To a good man.” The crowd echoed before she sat down. James just smiled at her.
“Of course, Governor,” Alice said as she leaned toward him. “I shall need your recommendations for the best caterers.”
“And you shall have them.” He replied back with a smile as the first course was brought out.
The conversation flowed with the wine. Some smaller groups broke into different topics. By the third course the topic had shifted… to pirates.
Alice tried not to let his discomfort show as she carefully ate her food and drank her wine.
“Well, I just don’t understand why the Navy can’t catch more of them.” A woman at the end of the table was saying. “They deserve to all be put in prison.” Alice was determined to never learn her name.
“They have no respectability to them.” A man beside her said. “Can you imagine a pirate sitting down to a nice dinner such as this?” The group laughed. “They would be eating with their fingers like barbarians!” The sudden urge to eat with her fingers just to see that man scandalized crept into her brain and she pushed it away.
“The Navy has been doing quite a good job at successfully getting rid of Pirates.” Norrington asserted. “Most of the pirates of any renown have been killed or captured.”
“As they should!” Governor Swann proclaimed. Alice took a steadying breath in. She knew some of those pirates, and sailed with some of those pirates. She looked up and to her surprised Elizabeth seemed as annoyed and frustrated as she felt. “Let them come to Port Royal.” Governor Swann joked. “Any pirate. They will be strung up and put on display.” Elizabeth actively stopped eating.
“Have you at all considered,” Alice started before taking a sip of her wine. “what could make someone turn to a life of piracy?”
Governor Swann laughed. “Because in their heart every pirate knows they are hell bound.”
“It’s simple Lady Frances,” James started. “Pirates are not decent people. They could choose another way, but they don’t. Which means, they do not deserve any sympathy from good people like you and me. Trust me, I know. I have met my fair share of pirates and they’re… they’re not like those gathered here.” Alice took in a deep breath as the conversation continued down the table. She could feel the anger coursing through her. The rage threatening to burst, mixed with an urge to laugh. Pirates weren’t barbarians. Little did they know who sat amongst them, portraying a noble no less. She knew pirates that were worth ten Navy sailors for their courage and loyalty alone. She stood slowly and carefully.
“Please excuse me, I would like to get some air.”
“The back balcony has a beautiful view of the garden.” Elizabeth recommended.
“Thank you, Elizabeth.” She had a feeling Elizabeth had used this escape more than once. Alice put on the best fake smile she could and forced herself to walk slowly toward the back of the house. The small breeze in the air carried the scent of the ocean and Alice breathed it in as deeply as she could. She missed her ships, she missed her crew. The group in that dining room, wishing death on her and her friends, would think it backward, but she missed the more caring and happier atmosphere on the ship. The music playing at night and stories being told. The men playing cards and telling jokes. How everyone was equal. It didn’t matter their background or who their parents were.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a set of boots and James Norrington’s voice. “Lady Frances, are you alright?”
“Yes.” She said turning to face him with a smile. “I am quite fine.”
“Is it the heat?”
“The heat?” She asked.
“Most, when they come to the Islands from England, find the heat hard to contend with.” Alice gave him a genuine smile. He was right. When she was first in the Caribbean at a younger age, the heat had been hard to deal with.
“I am sure that plays a part.” She replied with a nod.
“About the topic of pirates-“
Alice held up her hand. “If we could not continue that line of conversation, I would be grateful. I don’t expect a man of the Royal Navy to have a differing opinion.”
“Nor do I expect a Viscountess to have a differing opinion.”
“I wasn’t always a Viscountess, Captain.”
He looked at her carefully. He couldn’t be sure what made his next sentence tumble from his lips. “But you have always been a Craven… haven’t you?” Her stomach sank to her toes. In letting her mouth run away with her, she had forgotten she was supposed to be the daughter of Baron Craven. For a moment her mind raced until she let out a small laugh.
“I am going to let you in on a secret, Captain, that most nobles don’t want you to know.” She took a few steps closer to him and he almost seemed to hold his breath. “The children of nobility aren’t all angels.” She whispered and he let out a laugh, the tension seeping from the situation.
“No, I should hope not.” He couldn’t stop the smile on his face. While James had his suspicions, he found Frances so charming and lovely. They did say every noble had their secrets. Alice’s mind was still racing. He came dangerously close to putting two and two together. Music began to play from the ballroom and he held out his arm.
“May I have the first dance, Lady Frances?”
“You may.” She took his arm as they walked back into the grand home. The scariest part of that interaction for her was how much she wanted to tell him. How much she wanted him to know her. The same man who just said she had no decency and he had no sympathy for her… if he knew.
Several couples were already dancing when the two came in and they joined. The tension of the previous situation all seemed forgotten as they moved about the room together. Their eyes not parting for a moment. It was as if they were made to dance together. It couldn’t have been more than a minute before Norrington felt a tap on his shoulder. Lieutenant Gillette stood with a strained smile. “May I cut in?”
“Of course.” Norrington said and Gillette leaned in to whisper to his Captain.
“Governor Swann wishes to speak with you.”
Gillette then bowed to Alice who curtsied back before they begun dancing. Alice caught the tension in the conversation between Governor Swann and James.
“That doesn’t look good.”
“I dared not ask.” Gillette said carefully. “But I can promise Governor Swann was not happy when he demanded me to ask for this dance.” His face flushed. “Not that I am not honored to be dancing with you, Lady Frances.”
“It is quite alright, Lieutenant.” She absolved him of his worry. “You, so far, are a marvelous dance partner.” He let out a small breath of air as they continued to dance.
“Do you have any idea what that looked like, James?” Governor Swann was saying. “You followed a married woman outside in the dark, where you proceeded to stay for some minutes. Then the two of you come back arm and arm and share a first dance!” He was trying to keep his voice low.
“There was nothing improper, Governor, I assure you.” James was saying carefully. “I was asking the Viscountess if she was alright. That is all, and then I escorted her back in.”
“Might I remind you, Captain, that you have made it know to me your intentions with my daughter?”
“Yes, sir. I apologize, sir.”
“I suggest you go ask my daughter to dance and ignore the pretty eyes of Lady Frances for one night.” James clenched his jaw and gave a strict nod before making a bee-line for Elizabeth. He hadn’t realized his transparency. He would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t feel something for Frances. How could he not? Still, the Governor was right. He needed to focus on his priorities.
As the night wore on, Alice found herself increasingly in need of a pair of trousers and to be out of a corset. Since his quiet argument with Governor Swann, Norrington had been avoiding her, and she was pretty sure he had already made his exit.
When Elizabeth was between dances, she pulled her carefully to the side.
“You have to forgive me Elizabeth, but I must away.”
“Are you alright?”
Alice smiled. “Yes. I just would like to be rid of this dress and comfortably in bed.”
Elizabeth laughed. “I understand completely.”
“Think you can help me sneak out of here so I can avoid the long goodbyes?”
“Say no more.” She carefully and slowly led Alice toward the kitchen and out the side door.
“Thank you. I shall see you soon, Elizabeth.”
“Good night, Frances!” Elizabeth whispered excitedly.
“I knew I would get you to call me Frances.” Alice said with a small laugh as she walked into the darkness. Her home was on the other side of the Swann residence so she took the path slowly.
“Lady Frances?” Norrington’s voice startled her.
“Captain, you gave me a fright.” Alice had taken a few steadying breaths. Despite what she told Edward, she wasn’t exactly sure how to fight in this kind of dress.
“My apologies. Are you heading home?”
“I am.”
“Where is your bodyguard?”
Alice smiled. “I gave him the night off.” Norrington looked scandalized in the light of the outside lamps.
“I must insist that I accompany you on your walk home.”
“It’s only a minute’s walk. Plus, I fear I have gotten you in trouble enough with your future father-in-law.”
“How did you know?” He asked.
Alice smiled softly. “Governor Swann is not a subtle man. I take it Elizabeth has not been made formally aware. Though, she is smart as anyone I have met, so I’m sure she knows as well.”
James looked troubled for just a moment. “Still, I insist, please let me walk you back. It would be ungentlemanly if I didn’t.”
Alice couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “Well, if it would call into question how much of a gentleman you are, I see no other choice than allow you to accompany me.” He held out his arm. His other priorities be damned, so it seemed.
“May I ask you something, Lady Frances?” He asked as they began to walk.
“You may.”
“Why did your husband send you here alone?” The question had been plaguing him. What husband would? If he were honest with himself, if he was married to Frances he would never want to be parted from her.
“I’m not alone.” She responded. “And I promise you, I am more than capable of taking care of myself.”
“I am noticing that.” He chuckled.
“Congratulations again, on Commodore.”
“Thank you.” He responded, and she felt a bit of sadness go through her. Soon he would be hunting her. As they got closer to her house he noticed it was dark, no servants to greet her. From a small, well designed, bag hanging around her waist she pulled a key.
He smiled, torn between impressed and concerned. “Your servants aren’t here to do this for you?”
“Captain, my servants are my friends. They are my family. They deserve the night off too.”
“You continue to surprise me, Frances.”
“I make that a goal when I meet people.” She jested. He took a step forward, crossing into her space. Instantly she wanted to kiss him. He was close enough. He was right there. In the darkness, with just moonlight, they seemed to feel emboldened. She knew he felt it too, the way his eyes flickered down to her lips and back up. Instead, she took a small step back which he mimicked.
“Thank you for walking me home, Captain Norrington. Your status as a gentleman is no longer in danger.” They both took in the double meaning of that sentence.
He let out a breath of air and tried not to laugh. “Good night, Lady Frances.”
“Goodnight, Captain. I will see you at the ball.”
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M here! Here are the AU’s I have come up with today!
The Princess Bride
When Jake Met Ronnie aka When Harry Met Sally
Pirates AU- spin-off of Pirates of the Caribbean: Jake is Will, Ronnie is Elizabeth
Indiana Jones
Kim Possible (maybe)???
Childhood pen pals
Strong Disney Princess: Ronnie saves herself; Jake is there for moral support
The Holiday
While You Were Sleeping
new aus hot off the presses folks let's get it
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1 The Princess Bride AU
like fuck dude that movie slaps so hard
and Jake as the Westley type with the ripped-open shirt after the ROUS attack?? that's some good stuff right there
i feel like this may be an au though where a lot of the original characters stay the same cause they really are just so classic and i just can't bring myself to replace them. as much as i love the other pilots.
the other daggers can just be friends within the castle or something
2 When Jake Met Ronnie AU
i've never seen when harry met sally, but you explained the general plot to me M and honestly it works
i feel like i don't have much to say since i haven't seen the movie lol but you know what's up M
3 Pirate AU
this another one of my weird ass hyperfixactions, i own so many books on pirates
am I allowed to take this idea I had for a different fandom and change the characters? I mean it's my idea I should be able to right??
So Ronnie as a pirate captain, the other daggers besides maybe Javy, being her crew
Jake as the Commodore with the British royal navy who gets captured by her
something something adventure something something falling in love
but i also could see working JAKE being the pirate captain with the dagger crew and Ronnie is just a passenger on another ship that he takes and he takes her captive for ransom from her wealthy brother
i could see, and enjoy, it going either way
which do people like better??
4 Indiana Jones AU
mmm mmm Professor Jake Seresin in the anthropology department with the glasses and the tweed vests and the escaping out his window to avoid office hours
like of course he's the stud of the whole campus just look at him
i don't know if i would want to follow a movie plot exactly
so maybe he could go on a different adventure (perhaps looking for The Hand of Midas? or Excalibur?)
and maybe ronnie is the one who goes to Jake for help because her brother was tasked with looking for one of these things, finding it before the Nazi's do or whatever, but he's gone missing
they fall in love along the way, get into danger, she probably gets captured or something, they find brad, find and lose the treasure all the span of twenty minutes and bada bing bada boom
5 Kim Possible AU
yeah.....not sure how I feel about this one either lol
by design jake is too cocky to play a ron stoppable type, it just doesn't fit him at all
can see it as a couples costume though lol
6 Childhood Pen Pals AU
oh now this is interesting
everything is basically the same, so regular au but just like a bit to the left
maybe they started being pen pals through the navy when they were kids, a way to connect kids who have a parent who died in service
they sent their first letters and replies begrudgingly, at the insistence of their mothers
but pretty soon their back and forth was natural and consistent throughout the rest of their childhoods and even into their teenage years
they definitely developed crushes on one another, sent pictures back and forth. but they were too scared to exchange phone numbers or anything like that. this, with the letters, felt sacred.
but then jake went off to the academy and his replies took longer and longer, and suddenly they just stopped
ronnie knew it was going to happen eventually. but it still hurt. she moved on, but kept every letter and picture he sent in a box she moved from house to house because she just couldn't find it in her to throw them out
but then she finds herself in fighter town, working at a crusty bar, and some young aviator walks in and he looks vaguely familiar. she sees the last name Seresin pinned to his khaki uniform and her stomach drops
no fuckin way
oh my god this concept is making me lose my whole mind. cause they know so much about each other!! in such an intimate way!! in a way that a lot of people probably didn't. they grew up together in a way, within those letters.
excuse me as pace around my apartment thinking about this good lord
7 Disney Princess AU
this kinda already feels like the Fantasy AU i've already established
so i don't really know what to add to this lol
8 The Holiday
okay ive never seen the holiday, but i looked at the wiki plot synopsis so here is my best attempt
Ronnie and Jake's sister swap houses for the holidays
I'm not gonna focus on what happens to Jake's sister...she also finds a boo while staying in Ronnie's house it's chill idk
but i love the idea of Jake coming to his sister's house drunk off his ass to find some other woman there and they both decide to just fuck. that's so funny to me. and so on brand for those two horn dogs
but other than that i am unsure on anything else
like should jake be a widower with two daughters like the movie? should they get snowed in after the drunk sex and fall in love with some sweet forced proximity? do they just keep running into each other during her stay?
it's cute but ya know how it is
9 While You Were Sleeping AU
while you were sleeping is such a weird ass movie but i love it
i guess Jake's gotta have a brother in order for this to work (Jensen Ackles anybody?)
i still want this set in Cali, just because that is where Ronnie belongs in all honesty lol, so maybe she works at a surf shop/surfing instructor place and Jake's brother frequents
he gets into some accident and Ronnie takes him to the hospital, musing to herself about marrying him one day
according to movie jake's family shows up, they think she's his fiance, yadda yadda she falls in love with jake instead
her and brother almost get married but she can't go through with it
she ends up with jake instead
in this jake would come from a big family, and it's something that ronnie has always wanted since she only has brad
Thank you so much for sending this in my sweet M 💕
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itismissswann · 1 year
@conjurerandking || Continued from here
Sometime during the night, Loki had drifted asleep. Against his original thought of staying up all night. The fire had burnt out just as the sun began to rose, he knew it would be time to go soon. Her voice coaxed him awake, and he stretched on his back, yawning hugly before closing his eyes again and laid there for a moment. “Mmm.. you’re right.” He muttered.
Loki eventually opened his eyes again, sitting up to see her next to him, and he smiled warmly at her. Oh to wake up to her in a sunlit room, white linens that just felt like clouds upon their skin. What did she look like under all of that heavy cotton and leather? He bent his leg before thinking too long about it, and moved to stand, offering a hand down to her. “Come, we should go, now. And hopefully the crew made it through the night…” He said softly, helping her to her feet. “My magic will hide us, so long as you stay by my side. They still have sight of the other illusions I created, right now that is using all of the energy I can muster. They are a far ways from us.”
Loki began to climb over the rocks, getting them out from behind the waterfall, first and back onto the trails leading through the jungle.
Elizabeth trailed behind Loki, following his footsteps like a lost puppy, her mind clearly in far-off places. One minute she was thinking about her past and the other minute praying they would be fast enough. But what seemed to trouble her even more was the fact that the arrow had pointed towards the man before her, now carefully taking calculated steps through the jungle with such elegance. Was she starting to develop feelings for him, or did she, just like he suggested, needed to see it as a fleeting thing. Her fingers traced the veins of the wooden exterior of Jack’s compass, contemplating if she misread its directions and perhaps, if she took another look, it would lead her towards the tribe’s prisoners. That got her wondering, did she actually need to rely on the compass? The God of Mischief seemed to know perfectly well which path to follow.
“You seem pretty confident about where we should go.” She finally stated in a hushed voice. Though, after last night she was certain more surprises would follow.  She released a deep breath then sucked in the humid air.
The heat today was tempered by a cool breeze, an unworldly rain most likely approaching. The rest of their walk she was alert. Focused eyes observed her surrounding, like a deer looking out for predators. She almost didn’t noticed how the tall man had halted his steps so abruptly. She followed his gaze. There they were. The pirates captured in a cage and not too far away a huge campfire was blazing brightly, lighting up the nearby branches of trees, painting them in shades of orange and yellows. Horror crossed her features when she realized what the cage was made of. Skulls and bones, human bones. Instinctively she held on to the back of Loki’s shirt, either to maintain her cool or her balance. How many of them were gone? Who was sitting on that throne? Jack, Jack was sitting on the throne. Why was he sitting there? His face painted in a peculiar way, but that wasn’t what managed to capture her attention. The necklace with six different colored stones did. They were mesmerizing. 
She took a few deep breaths, trying to understand the situation. “I think, they worship him?” she whispered in disbelieve. Nobody, besides Loki, the remaining crew, Jack and herself were present. Was this a trap or should they consider it cheer luck? However, nobody made an attempt to run away, not even Jack, the master of escaping unfortunate situations. Her gaze shifted towards Loki. “Please, do tell me, you have been planning a miraculous rescue plan.” Ow, they were treading on dangerous ground. They barely survived last time, if they didn’t move with caution, this entire situation could change for the worst.
Elizabeth turned around when she heard leaves rustle. She caught her breath and pressed her back against his when she took a step backwards. The same people from last night stared at them so intently. “I do recall, you telling me, nobody could see us... correct?” She whispered barely audible. “We’re not going to be overly fond of what follows” She said while unsheathing her sword. “I suggest you focus on setting free the crew while I keep them at bay.” 
She prepared herself for battle, but unlike their first encounter, this time they showed no aggression. They simply walked closer and closer until there was no distance left between them. They started to communicate in a language she couldn’t understand, exchanging looks and after that they started to touch their hair, their skin, inspect their clothes, the weapons they were holding, like they needed some kind of confirmation that they were really there. They showed special interest in the half god. It was almost like they could sense that he was different from the rest of them. “Loki?” Elizabeth whispered hesitantly, silent enough so the others couldn’t hear her pronounce his actual name. She tried to meet his eyes, hoping to read some kind of approval to start a fight. 
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uglypastels · 1 year
I can tell you took a bit of inspo from pirates of the Caribbean for your Pirate!Eddie fic (which I love so much omg) and so bc you now have me obsess w everything pirate Eddie I’m gonna share some Jack sparrow quotes that I personally think Eddie would (obviously you can agree or not but I love having silly fun)
“Do us a favor, I know it’s difficult for you..but please, stay here. And try not to do anything stupid”
(I’ve got a jar of dirt) “look what I’ve got😌!🎶I’ve got a lady on boooard, I’ve got a lady on boaaardd and guess who’s her fatherrrr??!”🎶
“You are Eddie Munson?” “…there should be a captain in there somewhere”
“The rum is gone.” “WHY IS THE RUM GONE?” “ONE, because it’s a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels and TWO that signal is over 1000ft high. The entire royal navy is out looking for me and did you really think that there was even the slightest chance that they won’t see it??” “But why is the rum gone? :(“
I'm obsessed haha
I definitely took some inspo from PotC - qnd of course it being the dynamic of elizabeth and the pirates. I mean, how can you not, right? That series is so iconic and i feel like deffinitely has shaped peoples idea of pirates in contemporary media
I might use that first quote in something that i already have in my drafts, or at least spin it a bit. But all of them are so eddie coded 🙏 thank you so much for taking the time to send these quotes it means so much
> pirate eddie / come chat about it
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Hi Morri! I'm sorry that your mom was positive, I hope she gets the least symptoms possible (I passed covid as well, so I hope her and my experience are close, since I was almost asymptomatic)
I've seen that one of your comfort movies is The Princess Bride!! It's my mom's favorite, and we even have it on DvD so that she can watch it as many times as she'd like. (Honestly, I watch it a lot cause...It's a great movie ngl)
Since we are all talking about Six of Crows (as well, awesome book, great taste), have you read or heard about The Gilded Wolves?? It has definitely similar vibes in terms of heist and characters, but it's on an alternate 19th Paris. I'd say is sort of steampunk with magic<3
Also I am very much on board with your book recommendations, you know I'm always looking for new books to read and since you have such a great taste, I'd love it if you could tell me a couple of your favorites...
Right now I'm reading When Women Were Dragons by Kelly Barnhil, a novel about women in the 1950's who turn into dragons when they feel opressed (so basically feminism with a layer of metahpor, which is cool, cause who wouldn't want to turn into a dragon and unleash anger??)
I'm here if you need someone to talk to, no matter what it is, I'm sure we can figure out a topic of conversation to distract you from everything that's going on
take care, my love<3
Hi Carmen!!!
The Princess Bride is one of my all-time favorite movies! If you like it, you should definitely watch Stardust. It's kind of similar (goofy fantasy romance movie), and I love it dearly. Magic, flying pirates, romance, and comedy. And lots and lots of ghosts. I highly recommend it!
Funnily enough I heard of The Gilded Wolves for the first time a few minutes ago, from @nicola-writes. It's most definitely going on my "books to buy" list.
Some of my favorite books:
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein a woman pilot and a woman spy (who are best friends) accidentally end up in each other's places during WWII.
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel the before, during, and after of a world-ending illness, and the story of how one person's passion project connected many, many lives.
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir Science based science fiction, with the best take on extraterrestrial life I've ever seen in media. (it actually makes fucking sense!!)
The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones a fairytale-esque story based on welsh mythology. the dead won't stay dead, and a gravedigger and a mapmaker are going to fix it.
Vicious by V.E. Schwab a super-powers story where no one is "good" or "evil". also the only piece of media I've ever seen that has a logical explanation for not only who gets powers, but also why they get what powers.
The Illuminae Files by Aimee Kaufman and Jay Kristoff a sci-fi trilogy told entirely via collected documents. (message logs, transcript of security videos, etc.) sarcasm, lovable characters, and some found family in a way.
If you plan to read any of these, please look up the trigger warnings!! All of these have some pretty dark themes.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
I love love love Between Devil and Desire!! Do you have any other similar books to recommend?
I'd saaaay:
Duchess By Day, Mistress By Night by Stacy Reid--Also an interclass romance between a self made man and a widowed duchess with a young son. The duchess hires the hero to track down her son's governess when she goes missing. It's a very hot book, with a big emphasis on the class divide between the hero and heroine.
Lady Derring Takes A Lover by Julie Anne Long--A bit lighter, but has that interclass vibe again with a widowed heroine who begins running a boarding house with her dead husband's mistress. The hero is a boarder, who's a lot coarser and rougher than she's used to (he's a military/spy type who's undercover on a MISSION.). Has that "prim and proper lady meets rough and tumble man" vibe.
To Taste Temptation by Elizabeth Hoyt--Another "widowed noblewoman with young son meets lower class man" book, though this heroine is a baroness. She's also engaged to another man, and the hero is an American who gets under her skin. They embark on an affair, because Elizabeth Hoyt is not afraid of your god.
Scandalous Desires by Elizabeth Hoyt--Another widow book, though this heroine is not upper class and runs an orphanage. When her favorite orphan gets stolen, she realizes the baby's father is this pirate king guy she had a run in with years ago, and he's basically like "there's danger afoot so I took my kid back but also!!! You should stay on my pirate ship". She makes a deal with the devil, etc. One of my favorite books ever, definitely gives you plenty of the "omg this man is doing shit my husband never did" factor.
I'd recommend checking those out!
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