444names · 9 months
Names generated from American, French, German and Dutch forenames, excluding the letter "I"
Aachry Aafan Aaldradran Aaltorg Aance Aanda Aarcorsus Aarlexanny Aarma Aberrya Abretje Aderry Adewaron Adjean Adjes Adradelord Agandy Agnel Agneth Albeanel Alberl Alberth Aldance Almatter Alphana Alvalrann Alynda Ameloth Andor Andsa Angobby Angotte Anoît Anpatsy Anyane Areth Argert Arnatte Arnda Aärollyne...
Beandordt Beandy Beanna Belva Bermared Bermarvé Berne Betch Betjenra Bette Betteffer Beugla Blancy Bober Bobyne Bodne Bonney Borgreter Bradrene Brannonne Brathann Brenn Brené Calber Calen Calfreen Carace Cared Carle Carloderes Carndren Carnekke Carry Casta Catsy Channem Chantone Charnekke Chary Chele Chery Chlora Clacon Claurégo Cléme Colger Colly Colte Coltje Conel Coredua Coresebet Corethaël Corgud Corna Corne Curaquel Cédrah Daalmune Daand Daary Dagdam Dagnès Dagtjean Dalevenjas Dance Dancecco Danevey Danger Danne Darnez Deannola Debashawna Debesty Delent Delma Delsa Derno Deterle Dolaume Dolernouk Duart Eandy Eanmarnes Eanne Ebert Edwallyn Elhane Ellanny Elotterre Emeloreda Erhald Esevalfra Ettyrolk Everenez Faber Fanean Fanes Fanna Faymo Fernda Ferta Floudua Fonna Frace Fracout Frada Freenjach Frelyne Frence Frentjet Fretterne Genny Geona Geonrya Geore Gerada Geran Geraurosel Gerce Gerry Gharkolyd Glaud Godoren Goeleeley Goren Gorostald Gotharl Gotheredem Gotthanto Gredd Green Grena Grenn Grenne Gretta Grettesl Guely Gunda Gunekkee Guste Gwenn Günth Haemaula Harachal Hareghaël Hellexanne Heody Hernouke Herreste Herryleen Hersha Holeonarry Holke Honne Honyaane Hopath Hugerme Hugorgen Hunda Hundy Hérès Jaandrenda Jaane Jaarma Jaccal Jacech Jacey Jacha Jachowanda Jacquelle Janatrane Jancenrany Jancent Jandy Jealen Jeandt Jeane Jeank Jeanlettha Jeart Jeathera Jefael Jentope Jerbas Jerren Jeryssam Jesmutz Jesta Joana Joanfra Joanoue Jodellmar Joelse Johanne Joharle Johartopha Johawn Johawrenja Jonne Jorace Joren Joret Jorobby Jorys Josan Josetchan Josetterna Josham Joshel Jossa Jostacha Joycey Juady Juanda Juang Juanna Julanor Jularady Jérane Jérola Jérèse Karace Karlee Karley Karlys Karmarmas Karryle Katha Kathemmy Kaymotte Keene Keharrya Kelle Kendy Kenrad Kento Keret Kryne Laneke Lareda Lascard Lauston Leesusto Lenry Leorna Lethannale Lorah Loredge Lorel Loren Lorgel Lorgeo Loscath Lotherno Loudy Louthendy Ludebke Luppe Luttace Lutto Lynnes Maggy Magje Magnèse Malken Manclah Marald Maranne Maraus Marayl Marebasto Mared Margarsus Marger Marla Marlessa Marley Marne Marnonny Marnoît Maroley Marom Marranneal Marryanne Marte Marton Maryl Mathes Matondse Mattera Maxen Maxene Medel Melauk Melleon Mesleen Monal Mored Morew Nadrenth Nonnya Ocheltony Olaurt Olker Olley Orader Ostéph Otheatra Otthéo Pamue Patheane Patrane Paura Pedert Penzo Pertanlore Pharce Phazel Poldel Polenethan Racquel Radle Rafje Rance Rannelf Ranton Redar Redus Remman Rencele Renthy Reste Rette Rocham Roeloen Rolaus Romadrene Ronne Rosett Rosetta Rothela Rotte Royce Rudol Rudon Rémen Sabrus Sadal Sannet Sanny Saymonsgar Scatton Shanna Shanne Shany Sharce Shelon Sheloyced Shlenney Sjaafjea Sopaud Stertando Suely Susta Sévenz Séver Sévertan Tabepha Talder Talenkel Tallee Tamarette Tellencely Tellyn Telyne Tendonne Tevernda Torryne Trana Tyrack Udets Urenjan Urette Uwenzo Valeert Valentz Valmand Valmanne Vetchella Vérès Waldelle Waytooke Werek Xandy Xeldele Yanue Yvolger Zablaurt Zabra Éloyann Élène Élèney Érèse
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martxoa · 7 years
Why Yes, I Have Written a Fanfic of a Fanfic: The Fanfic.
Okay, a bit of background: @ariabauer wrote The Ultimate Coffee Shop AU, which I highly recommend. It is literally a coffee shop AU of Laura as a barista playing matchmaker by manufacturing various coffee shop AU tropes for its patrons. Which is as fluffy as it sounds. 
There’s a brief cameo of Elle/Danny (my personal favorite crackship) because, and I’m paraphrasing, ‘you spent so long working on it that when I needed ships I thought ‘yes, this amuses me let’s do it.’ xD Which I appreciated. 
I mentioned in the comments that I was half tempted to write a little spinoff of it and I kind of...well here ya go. A brief telling of the Coffee Shop AU from Elle’s POV. 
(For the record, none of this is canon to the fic it was inspired by. This was something I wrote last night because I had writer’s block.) 
Lastly, thanks again to Aria for the cameo who like...I hope won’t find me writing this...too weird...? :P Fic under the cut: 
Elle liked the coffee and it was on her way to study group in the library.
That was the only reason she still went to her ex girlfriend’s coffee shop.
Her roommates liked to tease her. Well, Charlotte--Emily was too nice to continue after the first time Elle pushed them away with a grumpy, “quit it guys.”
“Oh come on, Elle, it’s funny,” Charlotte caught back up with her again and gently bumped her hip. “You broke up with Carmilla and you still show up every month to flirt with her.”
“I do not flirt with her,” Elle huffed.
“Then why do you always talk to her and not the other girl?”
“Who, Laura?” Elle stopped and started laughing. “Guys, she’s terrible at making coffee. It’s kind of funny. I don’t know why she works there. Once Carmilla wasn’t at the counter and Laura made my coffee and I’m pretty sure that she didn’t even know what I ordered. She just threw a bunch of stuff in a cup and then threw sprinkles on it. The only thing she understood was ‘sprinkles.’”
“I don’t know, maybe they just don’t have enough people to work there?” Emily suggested. “She’s really nice. I’ve gone in a few times during her shift.”
Elle nodded. The three girls stopped in front of the shop and Elle turned to face them.
“I like the coffee,” she stated. “That is it. I swear. Besides, I’m pretty sure Laura is like, really into her anyway.”
Of course she was nice to Carmilla at the counter. It made things less awkward for both of them. But that didn’t necessarily mean she was flirting.
“She is?” Emily gasped. “Oh, that would actually be kind of nice, wouldn’t it?”
“Everytime I talk to Carmilla she stares at me like I kicked her puppy.” Elle shrugged and turned away from them. “I’ll meet you guys at the library, unless you want coffee.”
“No, we’re good,” Charlotte answered. “We get ours at Starbucks. See you Elle.”
“You know Starbucks is like, fake hipster now!” Elle called after them. She laughed a little to herself before she walked into Carmilla and Laura’s store.
Elle walked to the counter. There was a little bell and she tapped it, turning around and looking at the store.
She always felt a little...strange being in there. The coffee was great--well, if Carmilla made it--but it was always full of couples. More than any other place she’d ever been to. Everyone was paired up with somebody except for, Elle noticed, one lady sitting near the aisle. Which was new.
She was a girl with long red hair tied up in a braid, swiping away at something on a tablet with a coffee in hand. She looked totally serene, smiling softly at whatever she was reading. Elle found herself watching her for a few moments.
“Hey Elle! What can I get you?”
Elle was startled out of watching Cute Redhead Coffee Girl by Laura. “Oh! Um, hey Laura.”
“Hello, Elle. What can I get ya’?”
She tilted her head a little. “No Carmilla today?”
“Busy,” she answered curtly, still smiling cheerfully. Elle frowned a little.
“Oh. Okay. I’ll have my usual iced chocolate mocha with a shot of espresso topped with whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles.”
“Coming right up!”
She disappeared to make the coffee. Elle waited with some trepidation. Laura finally walked back out, holding the coffee.
“There you go.”
Elle took it. It wasn’t as perfect as when Carmilla made it, but it was definitely not undrinkable. “Thank you,” Elle said politely. She dropped her money into Laura’s hand, turning around and beginning to walk out. She was going to pass right by Redhead Girl, and Elle tried not to look at her. She didn’t want to be weird.
“Oh, Elle, wait! I forgot your sprink--”
She felt Laura hit her, sending Elle flying. Elle felt like she had been tackled from behind in a game of football. She braced herself for hitting the floor.
Except she didn’t.
Because she landed in someone’s lap. The iced coffee fell all over both of them and Elle spluttered, wiping at her face.
“What just happ--”
Elle opened her eyes and completely forgot what she was saying.
The girl was looking down at her. Coffee was staining the front of her baseball jacket, and her face was turning bright red.
“I’ll go get you a new drink,” Laura said, turning around. Elle thought that maybe she heard a hint of smugness in Laura’s voice.
She really, really didn’t care at the moment.
Because the girl was looking at her. Right at her.
“Uh...hi,” she stated.
They stared at each other for another beat before Elle realized what was happening.
“Oh my God I’m so sorry!” Elle scrambled out of her lap, ending up on the floor. She looked up at the girl, smiling sheepishly. “You have coffee all over you. I didn’t get your tablet wet, did I?”
She smiled. “No, you’re good--here.” She held out her hand and Elle took it. Her hand was warm and a little wet from the coffee. Elle stood up.
“My name is Elle, by the way.”
“Danny Lawrence.”
“Sheridan. I mean, my last name is Sheridan. Since you gave me your last name and I didn’t give you mine. My full name is Elle Sheridan.”
Danny unzipped her baseball jacket, revealing a soft cotton flannel. She shrugged the jacket off.
“Did you want to sit?” Danny asked.
“I have a study group,” Elle said, before she could stop herself.
“Oh. Okay…”
Laura wasn’t back with the coffee yet. Elle shifted in place uncomfortably, her throat dry.
“I’m a brit lit major,” Elle added, trying to figure out what to say. Danny’s face lit up.
“Hey, I’m an English major! I’m a TA for Professor Cochrane.”
And the moment she saw Danny’s smile light up, Elle knew she would sacrifice a test grade for this.
“Actually, you know what, I feel good about my next test.” Elle sat down. “So, you come here often?”
It was a terrible line, which Elle realized right after she said it, but Danny leaned in and had no problem with it.
“Elle, I have your coffee!” Laura walked back to the table. “Here you go.”
“Right, thanks,” Elle answered absentmindedly, fumbling with her hand behind her, not even bothering to look back. She finally managed to grab the coffee and put it down on the table. She kept talking to Danny for a few minutes until Danny sighed, looking at her jacket again.
“I should probably get this washed,” she said. “I think there’s a laundromat near here.”
“Yeah, I should do that too,” Elle grabbed her blouse, which was clinging from the wetness. “I can come with you?”
Danny tilted her head and smirked. “Don’t you need clothes to, you know, change into?”
Elle blushed. “Y-yeah, of course--”
“I mean I definitely wouldn’t complain, but I would think you would want to bring some.”
Elle bit her lip. Danny rubbed the back of her neck.
“Sorry. I was joking. Too risque?”
“I think that was just the right amount, to be honest.”
Danny coughed and took a sip of her coffee.
“You know,” Elle added, “I mean...I live with a couple of roommates and we have a washing machine in our apartment. If you don’t want to spend the money.”
Danny’s face turned a shade darker and Elle shook her head.
“I mean you’d literally just be doing your laundry, gosh. You’re cute but you’re not that cute.”
Danny’s eyes widened. She got up, grabbing her tablet.
“That’s really nice of you,” Danny said carefully. “I would...yeah, I guess that wouldn’t hurt.”
Elle grinned. She bit the knuckle of her thumb as Danny turned and started to leave before she followed Danny.
As it turned out, Elle lied. Right before Danny left her apartment, she couldn’t resist slipping her number into the pocket of her now clean jacket before she left. So it was a little more than laundry. But only a little.
It turned into a club that met in the library. The Laura Hollis Matchmaking Club. Elle didn’t really want to join.
“Danny, do you understand how awkward it is to try and get my ex girlfriend together with a new girlfriend?”
“Listen, Elle, you don’t have to do anything.” Danny grabbed Elle’s shoulders and gave her a quick kiss. “But Laura is my friend and I need to do this for her.”
Elle pouted.
“I mean, don’t I owe Laura?” Danny grinned. “If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have the best girlfriend in the world.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Lawrence,” Elle mumbled, trying to look stern even as Danny kept kissing down the side of her face. She finally gave in. “Besides, I still think it's weird. Laura is playing God. That's strange.”
“Mm-hm, and you're complaining?”
“You know what? Hand me my jacket.”
“You're coming?”
“To support my girlfriend? Sure. Besides, maybe playing Cupid will be fun.”
Of course, Elle’s suggestions were not exactly well received at first.
“Alright, operation Hollstein Coffee Shop AU is a go,” LaFontaine said, writing on a whiteboard. “We're going to do a flow chart. Any ideas?”
Elle raised her hand.
“Blow something up,” Elle suggested.
LaFontaine grinned at her, giving her an air high five.
“No, we are not blowing anything up!” Perry gasped.
“I'm not saying anyone should get hurt,” Elle protested. “Just something for them to bond over. Danny?”
Her girlfriend, arm slung around Elle’s shoulders, looked away from her.
“Really, sweetheart?”
“Elle, you just think it'd be funny to have something blow up in Carmilla's face.”
“If you have any better ideas--”
“Lawrence, control your woman,” Mel said. “Seriously.”
“That's sexist,” Elle and Danny answered at the same time.
“I'm just saying the ex girlfriend shouldn’t have a huge say in this, you know?”
“Bros, why don’t we just get them to share a brownie or something?” Kirsch suggested. “It worked for me and SJ!”
Everyone else agreed. Elle rolled her eyes but didn’t argue. It was decided that they would be the ones that would come in at the end of a shift, and get a brownie. Then it was up to them to figure out how to get Laura and Carmilla to split it.
“How do you want to do this, Elle?” Danny whispered at their table.
“Leave it to me. I’ll just pretend to be sick.”
Danny raised an eyebrow. “Alright. Just be careful not to like...make it look too fake.”
Elle looked at Danny. She pushed the coffee away from her and coughed a little.
“I’m fine I just--ack, ack!--suddenly feel a little--” She covered her mouth and kept coughing.
Danny’s eyes widened. She leaned back a little as Elle groaned, clutching her stomach. Her coughing got more and more dramatic until she was practically turning red.
Laura walked back to the table. “Hey, guys, so I have your brown--Elle? Are you okay?”
“Oh God, suddenly my stomach is just--ugh,” she finally slumped over in her chair, still moaning.
“...Elle, isn’t feeling well,” Danny said. “I think I’m going to help get her home.”
“Oh,” Laura frowned. “Feel better, Elle.”
“Thank--ack--you Laura,” Elle wheezed.
“Do you want me to wrap up--”
“Don’t even bother,” Danny interrupted, getting up and helping Elle to her feet. “Why don’t you split it with Carmilla?”
Laura looked back at the counter, where Carmilla was watching events unfold with a perplexed expression.  
“Great cool see you Hollis!”
Danny dragged Elle out as she continued pretending to be on the verge of projectile vomiting. People were starting to look. Someone stared at them both, and Danny responded with a sheepish smile.
“Uh...don’t have what she’s having,” Danny advised, before pulling her straight out of the shop.
As soon as they were outside Elle straightened up, flipped her hair back into place, and smiled sweetly.
“And done.”
“You are unbelievable.”
“In a good way though, right? Hold on, I want to see if it worked--I think it did.”
Laura and Carmilla were standing at the counter together, sharing the brownie. But it didn’t look like they were doing anything else.
“Great,” Elle said. “Now can we try blowing something up?”
Danny put her arm around Elle. “Can we just go home now?”
“Depends which one you’re talking about.”
Danny leaned in, kissing Elle quickly. Elle leaned in after Danny when she pulled back.
“My place is closer,” Danny answered. “You want to see who can get there faster?”
Elle grinned. She pushed Danny as she ran past her, and Danny laughed before chasing after her.
The brownie didn’t work.
Kirsch and SJ tried the music thing, which also didn’t end up working, mostly because none of them could, no matter how hard they tried, find a genre of music Carmilla and Laura both liked. Although they did see Laura force Carmilla into a quick, goofy waltz behind the counter before Carmilla stopped, which they considered a win.
After months of work, everyone had come up with a plan. Everyone except--
“Seriously, blow something up.”
“Will you stop suggesting explosions?!” Perry exclaimed.
Everyone else shushed her. It was a library, after all.
“Well, nothing else we’re doing has worked,” Elle answered, pouting. “Laura doesn’t take this long to get a couple together. This calls for drastic measures.”
“I still think you just want to drench your ex girlfriend in coffee or something,” Elsie pointed out.
“And if you guys have any more ideas you’re free to try those instead.”
Everyone looked at each other. LaFontaine sighed.
“Alright, Sheridan, if you want to give it a shot feel free.”
Elle looked at everyone. She jumped out of her seat, grabbed the marker from LaFontaine, and started writing on the whiteboard.
“Okay, I call this Operation Coffee Machine Blow Up. LaFontaine, you’ve seemed onboard with the plan from the beginning and I appreciate it, so you get to sabotage the machine…”
Elle planned everything that particular time, so she stayed away from its actual execution. Still, she couldn’t stand not seeing it happen, so she stayed at a table near the front, away from the counter, keeping her head bowed.
Danny distracting Laura: Check.
Perry keeping Carmilla preoccupied: Check.
LaFontaine gleefully messing with the coffee machine: Check. All according to plan.
When Carmilla and Laura head back to the counter, Carmilla pulled Laura in by the apron, Laura brushed some cocoa powder on her shoulder, and for a moment all of the people for Operation Hollstein held their breath at the thought that maybe they wouldn’t need to blow anything up after all. Elle rolled her eyes when they broke apart.
Elle caught the eye of the others and they all shared a really? Look of annoyance. Elle caught Laura trying to give Danny a thumbs up, almost catching LaFontaine waving their arms.
Then all Hell broke loose.
“Carmilla! Laura’s going to blow us all up!”
Elle had to admit this about her ex girlfriend; she’d broken up with her because she didn’t seem to care about anything. She’d never seen Carmilla care more than when she jumped to Laura’s side, furiously pressing buttons and trying to stop the machine. When it didn’t work, Carmilla grabbed Laura and heroically saved her from the scalding hot steam as they both landed on the ground.
She couldn’t help herself; Elle jumped up, running to Danny’s side to try and see what was happening on the ground.
Carmilla and Laura were kissing, covered head to toe with lukewarm coffee. Elle had expected to feel a sense of elation, a sort of revenge joy in seeing her ex girlfriend drenched.
Instead she felt something different. The same happy feeling she’d expected but...not because Carmilla had to deal with a broken coffee machine.
She was happy for her.
Happy that Carmilla managed to get her own coffee shop AU. Happy that the girl she’d been helping make other people fall in love for months had finally realized she wanted to make Carmilla love her too.
She was so stunned at the revelation that she didn’t even say anything as everyone else started cheering when they got up. She said nothing as LaFontaine explained their plan and nothing as Danny talked about wanting to return the favor. Elle didn’t say anything as Carmilla pulled Laura in again and everyone started congratulating each other with high fives and friendly pats on the back.
“Hey, Elle!”
She was snapped out of it by Perry, shaking her hand. “I want to say that well...that turned out to be a good plan, after all. Sorry for dismissing it every time it came up.”
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Carmilla was watching. Elle swallowed.
“Yeah, well, thank you. What can I say? Maybe I should find my own coffee shop to play Cupid in.”
Perry laughed, going back to talk to LaFontaine. Danny looked back to Elle, taking her hand.
“Hey, Cupid in training,” Danny said teasingly, kissing her on the cheek, “want to head out and celebrate?”
“Uh, I’ll meet you outside.”
Danny looked confused, but she agreed. Elle looked back at Carmilla, walking up to the counter.
She turned away from Laura. “Elle. Should have guessed you’d have the world’s most extra  plan.”
“Look, I just wanted to say...congratulations, okay?” She looked at Laura. “And, um, thank you. You guys deserve this. Really.”
Laura smiled. “Thanks, Elle. I was especially happy with your match.”
Elle nodded quickly before she turned and was about to go.
“Hey, Elle,” Carmilla called after her. Elle looked back.
“You deserve this too.”
Elle smiled.
“But also, fuck you for coming up with blowing up the coffee machine.”
Laura hit Carmilla lightly and scolded her for the language. Elle laughed. She gave Carmilla a joking salute and went back to find Danny.
“What was that?” Danny asked.
“Just basking in the glory of my own success,” Elle grabbed Danny’s hand. “You know when I become famous and start setting up millionaires with my patented ‘explosion’ technique, I want you to know you’ll always come first.”
Danny snorted. “You are always so extra.”
“Hey, be nice,” Elle answered, pouting. “If I think we’re starting to have problems, who knows what will happen to the washing machine next time you use it.”
“You are lucky you’re cute.”
“Yes. Yes I am. But I’m more lucky to be dating you.”
“It wasn’t luck, it was Laura Hollis,” Danny pointed out.
Elle shook her head fondly, sighing as she pulled Danny away.
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thehappiestgolucky · 2 years
Tumblr media
Me: Hollow Knight and Elden Ring have fun crossover potential. They’re both such interesting dark universes with the little gleam of hope. Both have such varied and interesting characters. I can already think of the ones who’d get along!
Also Me: So the baby lesbian asks for the older moon lesbian’s wisdom (goes just how you think it will)
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maureen-corpse · 7 years
I am publicly joining the fandom.  I wrote this a while ago and posted it here on Tumbr, but now I have ventured to AO3 and am inflicting this EXTREMELY NICHE fanfic on the poor souls there.
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heyhaughtstuff · 7 years
I find it so amazing that the crackship of ell(e)/danny aka ellanny is now a legit ship that people are on board with
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marzotodusk · 8 years
The Final Chapter of Everybody’s Talkin’ Bout That New Sound!
Read it here. 
Dusk and I would just like to take a moment to thank every person who has read and commented on this fic. Doing a fic for a crack pairing, and especially one from the POV of a character that has only been mentioned, was definitely a huge risk. We’re really glad that it paid off and so many of you enjoyed Ell’s story as much as we enjoyed writing it. :D
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i-am-not-carrot · 9 years
why work on chapter two of ellanny band!au when i can procrastinate with allydia???
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your-reference-here · 9 years
Possible happy ending for Danny in the afterlife?
So imagine Danny as a ghost. She misses her family, her sisters, even Kirsch. And of course she misses Laura. She lingers around her to make sure she’s okay, but when she sees her back and happy with Carmilla she still can’t help but wonder how things could have been different. Sure the longing is somewhat assuaged by knowing she died fighting for Laura, but it still hurts watching her go on with her life with someone else.
But then, one night when she’s checking up on Laura again, a voice startles her.
“What are you doing here?”
She turns and finds herself face to face with another ghost. A young woman with blonde curls and a soft face, wearing a flowing white gown from a time gone by.
And that’s how Danny met Ell.
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figurativelycaring · 9 years
marzo2theletter the old post kept making the app crash lol so I'm starting a new thread. But yeah and that's their first Real Date and at the end Ell's like "So uh...do you want to do this again some time? Like.... A date?" And Danny's kind of shocked but really excited because /It's Ell/ asking her, so she agrees enthusiastically
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martxoa · 7 years
Seriously though guys Ell and Danny are two bitter and jaded supernaturals who get to be salty af for eternity, like this is a Good Ship. 
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duskendreams · 9 years
Ellanny: who proposes?
“Do you ever think about marriage?”
Danny and Ell were lying side by side in a grassy field, soaking in the sun, their hands tangled together.
Ell slowly turned to look at Danny.
“Not really.  Why?”
Danny bit her lip, carefully avoiding Ell’s eyes and letting her head droop down.
“No reason.”
A soft touch, nothing more than a whisper, pulled Danny’s face back towards Ell.  Ell kept her hand in place, carefully stroking Danny’s cheek.
Danny took a breath.
“It’s stupid I guess.  I just… always wanted to get married.  I always wanted kids.  That sort of thing.  And I don’t know.  We love each other.  And I don’t see that changing.  So I thought it might be...nice?”
Ell continued absentmindedly stroking Danny’s cheek with her thumb.  When she spoke, her voice was measured.
“Danny.  It’s not that I don’t love you.  Like at all.  I don’t think about marriage because it wasn’t something I ever imagined I’d choose.  I grew up believing I was going to have an arranged marriage.  To a man.  It’s not something you forget overnight.”
Danny managed a weak smile.  
“Yeah.  I understand.  Of course.”
Ell frowned a little.
“Danny.  I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  It’s just the marriage bit that my brain hasn’t quite processed.  Okay?”
Danny looked up at her through bashful eyes.
Ell looked at her seriously and then extended her pinky finger.
“I promise.”
Danny cracked a grin at that and hooked her pinky around Ell’s.
Ell smiled back at her, shifting closer to nuzzle her nose against Danny’s.
“Give me a while to get used to the idea?” she murmured across Danny’s skin.
Danny felt her smile grow more genuine and she whispered back a soft, “take all the time you need,” before leaning in to capture Ell’s lips with her own.
Ell wrung her hands.
It had been a few months since their conversation.  And true to her word, Danny hadn’t brought it up again.  She was the same perfect girlfriend as always.  Just waiting for Ell to make the first move.
And Ell felt like, okay.  The ball was in her court.  
And Danny had always been the one that was good with the big, romantic gestures.  
And she wanted to do one of her own.
She just couldn’t believe how many different ways there were of doing this now.
Back in her day it was all about getting the father to agree to give her away.  Somehow she doubted Danny would appreciate that.
Ell went back to fruitlessly scouring the web.  This was hopeless.
“Ell?  Ell I was going to make some brownies, do you want to help?”
Ell turned around to see Perry in the doorway.  She whimpered.
“Ell?”  The look on Perry’s face grew concerned.  “What is it honey?  Should I get Danny?”
“No!”  The strangled cry that left her lips, startled Perry.  And then the look of worry intensified.
“Oh no.  Are you two having any issues?  I saw Danny earlier, but she seemed fine.”
Ell exhaled.
“No.  We’re fine.  We’re perfect.”  Ell paused and thought of Danny.  Beautiful, perfect Danny.  An involuntary smile crossed her features.  “Better than perfect really.”
The look of worry left Perry’s face, but her forehead remained creased in confusion.
“Okay.  But then what--?”  Perry took a few steps forward and peered over Ell’s shoulder at the computer screen.  “Oh.  Oh!”
“Yes.  Would you believe me if I said I’m stressed about it, even though I know she’s going to say yes?”
Perry pursed her lips, but laid a comforting hand on Ell’s shoulder, eyes softening.
“Of course dear.  It’s still nerve-wracking.  But that does seem to be the hardest part, right?”
Ell nodded.  
“I know.  I just want it to be perfect.”
Perry smiled.
“It will be.  Because it will be the two perfect people.”
Ell looked up at her in wonder.
“Perry you’re the best friend a girl could ask for.”
Perry blushed under her gaze.  
“Thank you.  Now.  About those brownies.”
Ell took a deep breath.
She had drafted all of their friends to come to dinner with them.  So that she could propose.  To Danny.
It was going to be perfect.
It had to be perfect.
Oh god she was going to throw up.
It didn’t help that everyone kept shooting her sly looks all through dinner.  Perry and Laura couldn’t stop grinning at her.  Laf kept wiggling their eyebrows at her.  Even Carmilla was smirking.
All eyes were on her.
She fiddled with the ring in her pocket, feeling the sweat bead on her forehead.
And Danny.  Bless her soul.  Could clearly tell something was up, and that something was bothering her.  Because Danny kept rubbing these really soft soothing circles into her skin.  
Unfortunately, unlike usually, it kept making her tense up instead of calming her down.
Danny leaned in to her space to whisper into her ear.
“Hey.  Do you need some fresh air?  I can make some excuses.  We can go.”
Ell wanted to say no.  But she was freaking out and starting to feel very claustrophobic.  Oh god.  She just wanted this to be perfect.  Why was this so hard?
She heard Danny make some vague excuses to the others who were all now looking at her in concern, before Danny tugged her up and away.
“Babe?  Can you walk?  Ell.”
Danny led them to a small abandoned park and sat them down on a bench.
“Ell are you okay?”
Ell threw herself into Danny’s shoulder and let out a shuddering breath.
Danny seemed to have picked up on the fact that she was incapable of speech at the moment and settled into rubbing her back soothingly.  
When Ell finally calmed down, Danny reached out a hand to nudge Ell’s chin up and looked her straight in the eyes.
“Hey Ell.  Whatever it is.  We’ll get through it okay?  I love you.  Forever.”
And Danny extended her pinky finger.
Ell stared at it tremulously, blinking hard.
Danny’s brow creased.  
Ell didn’t move.
“...wait.  Ell, you’re not breaking up with me are you?”
“What?!”  Ell’s eyes snapped back into focus and she all but lunged at Danny in her efforts to lock pinkies with her.
Danny let out a breathless chuckle.
“Okay.  Okay.  We’re okay then.”
“No it’s really not okay.  Because you’re perfect and I wanted tonight to be perfect.  And I was going to ask you to marry me.  But then I freaked out.  And--”
“You were going to propose?”
Danny is staring at her hard now.  Ell squirms a little, uncomfortable.
“Well yes.  I was hoping to.  But I messed it up--”
“I didn’t even realize you’d finished thinking about it.”  Danny said quietly, seemingly speaking out loud to herself.
“Well I did.  A while ago.  But I wanted to propose.  And I wanted it to be perfect.  And I invited all of our friends because I wanted them to be part of it and--”
Danny pulled them both off the bench, pulling Ell’s face to hers and kissing her.  She let out a breathless laugh, before picking Ell up to twirl her around.
“God Ell.  Of course I’ll marry you.”
“But--I didn’t even get to ask!”
Danny kissed her again, soundly.
“So ask.”
Ell let out a shaky breath.  Danny smiled at her and Ell felt her insides warm just by looking at her.  
This was Danny.  Danny.  Danny the sweetest person on earth.  Danny who once drove three hours out of her way to find a cookbook to bake a pie she’d missed from home.  Danny who learned German for her.  Danny who dealt with learning from Carmilla for her.  
Danny who loved her.
And Ell felt a smile overtake her face.
Slowly, she pulled the ring she’d been fiddling with all night out of her pocket.
“Danny.  You were--are everything I never knew I was missing.  I always thought that dying and being trapped in an anglerfish god was the worst thing that could have ever happened to me.  But Danny you were worth every minute.  I would do it all over again if it meant I would get a single second with you.  We have the rest of our lives.  And I want to spend every last moment of it with you.   Danny Lawrence I am so in love with you.  Will you marry me?”
Danny’s eyes had started glistening about halfway through her speech, and she gave a jerky nod.  Smiling, Ell slid the ring on her finger.
“Still with me?”
Danny gave her a watery grin.
“I’m with you.  Always.”
“Pinky swear.”
They both laughed, mouths colliding in a messy, happy kiss.  Their pinky fingers stayed entangled for the rest of the night.
“Danny?  What time is it?”
“Umm…” Danny’s voice sounded sheepish.  “Too early?”
Ell laughed.
“Danny we’re going to see each other pretty much all day tomorrow.  What couldn’t wait?”
“I know, I know.  I just… I’m really excited.”
Ell smiled and went to open the door.  Danny was leaning on the doorway, eyes bright, mouth stretched into a warm smile.
“I am too.  We’re getting married!”
“We’re getting married.”  Danny’s grin grew larger.  “We’re getting married,” she repeated.
Ell laughed.
“We’ve been engaged for a while.  This is only now starting to sink in?”
Danny gave her a half pout that quickly gave way to her smile again.
“We haven’t been engaged that long.”
“Well I don’t know about you, but in my head we were pretty much engaged from that first conversation we had in the meadow.  My proposal was just a formality.”
Danny laughed too.
“You mean the conversation we sealed with a pinky promise?  That was our engagement?”
“You think that’s worse than my panic attack?”  But Ell was giggling as she pulled Danny down for a quick kiss.  “It doesn’t matter Dan.  Cause any way you look at it, it was perfect.”
Danny gave her another dopey smile.
“Yeah.  It really was.”
Ell stepped back and pushed Danny lightly away.
“Ok now shoo!  You need to leave because the faster you leave, the faster we can get married.”
Danny merely smiled at her.
Ell found herself returning the smile and held out her pinky.
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areadingturtle · 9 years
I need more fanfic on this fucking tag
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marzotodusk · 8 years
Everybody’s Talkin’ Bout That New Sound
Chapter 18
aka Ell tries to apologize and Hollstein is gross
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captainchristen · 9 years
when did this sin aka ellanny start??? educate me on it i wanna be on it too i'm trash
well my friend you are in for a ride
it all started when marzo2theletter got this ask. they are basically the founder of this ship, and i was just minding my own business when suddenly this appeared on my dash and the combined angst made me ellanny trash
now fast forward a couple hours and with the combined efforts of what I am hereby dubbing the ellanny squad, ellanny is now the ship of all ships. here’s the current thread
welcome to the squad buddy
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i-am-not-carrot · 9 years
@marzo2theletter when Ell calls her parents to tell them she has a girlfriend she never even gets to say Danny’s name before they hang u
but when Ell and Danny get married Ell sends her parents a wedding invite just to spite them. Of course when they see Danny’s name, they assume sh’es a guy, and they actually show up.
Awkwardness and angst ensue.
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martxoa · 7 years
Ellanny! (obviously) 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42
Ooooooh boy I’m gonna go with Superhollis Ellanny for this one. Assume that this is after the events of the fic, so Laura and Carmilla are also together at this point (I mean is it a spoiler that they’re endgame, really?) 
What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could?
For Ell I’d say what bothers her about Danny is her single minded focus. When she gets stuck on a case she gets stuuuuuuck. And Ell does too but like...Danny won’t eat, won’t sleep, gets really frustrated, just generally doesn’t take care of herself at all. Which on one hand Ell would probably want to change Danny not taking care of herself but...on the other hand, Ell loved how dedicated Danny was in the first place, so she wouldn’t want to change it if it meant Danny didn’t care as much as she does. 
For Danny, she doesn’t like Ell’s insecurity, especially when it comes to Laura (because come on, Danny finds out Laura is Supergirl at some point). She would definitely change that if she could--I mean, how could Danny not want Ell to think she’s just as amazing as her sister? 
Anything they both dread?
Double dating with Laura and Carmilla. Not because Ell doesn’t like Carmilla (she does, like a sister by then), but because Danny and Carmilla Do Not Get Along--although after awhile, like a long while, Danny finally gets over Carmilla’s last name enough for it to turn into most good natured ribbing rather than thinly veiled animosity toward each other. 
Do they share any interests or hobbies?
Ell and Danny like to watch crime shows together and laugh at all of the inaccuracies. They also actually are big fans of refurbishing old stuff so they’ll go to flea markets together. (Thanks @duskendreams for that weirdly specific headcanon. xD) 
What are their vacations like?
Mostly focused on doing absolutely nothing together. They don’t really like vacations with lots of stuff to do on a schedule because they have to deal with that enough in their daily lives. Their first vacation together was Danny taking her up to her parents’ cabin for the winter. Lots of sitting together on the steps drinking hot chocolate and admiring the way the snow glistened on the tree branches.  
Do they bring out the best in each other, or the worst? Do they have a fatal flaw?
They absolutely bring out the best in each other. Danny makes Ell feel more confident in herself and Ell helps Danny stay calm when she might normally let her temper get the best of her. 
Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?
Danny usually like, /hates/ the nickname ‘Dan’ or even just being called ‘Danielle’, but Ell is allowed to use Dan whenever she wants and ‘Danielle’ is acceptable on special occasions. Ell kind of loves the name, okay? It’s pretty.
Send me a ship and a number!
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