#elliana’s 400 followers fanciful fluff challenge
67-chevy-baby · 5 years
I’ll Show You
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Rating: 18+ ONLY!!!!
Tags: Angst, Arguments, Bondage, BDSM, Praise Kink, Fingering (female receiving), Oral (male receiving), Throat-fucking, Unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP KIDS!), Begging (obviously), Fluffy ending, Language, and I think that’s it. HEED THE WARNINGS PLEASE!
Betas: @winecatsandpizza
Word Count: 3.6k
Fic Aesthetic: Yours Truly
Written for: @thehoneybeecastielfollows Elliana’s 400 Followers Fanciful Fluff Challenge and it also fills my Begging Square for @spnkinkbingo​ 2018
Prompt - #7: “You couldn’t handle me if I came with a user manual!”
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From the moment you met Sam and Dean Winchester, you’d known your life was about to change. Be it bad or good was hard to determine, mainly because of what they did for a living, but a little part of it had to do with the fact that the elder of the two brothers didn’t seem to like you. You couldn’t put your finger on it. Anytime he exchanged words with you, it was always cold and dismissive. Sam assured you that his brother would come around, but you weren’t born yesterday. Dean had something against you, and you, being the stubborn woman you were, aimed to figure it out.
The three of you were sitting in the library sifting through lore for a case. There had apparently been reports of a Djinn hybrid in the midwest, and you knew it had to be the work of Michael. Dean had his feet propped up on the table, a rather large dusty book in his hands. Sam was typing away on his laptop, the clicking of the keys being the only audible sound other than the occasional page turn. You knew that finding a way to kill the latest and greatest monster of the week was what you should be doing, but you couldn’t focus. Not when this whole thing with Dean was eating at you.
“I can’t do this anymore!” The book you’d been holding was thrown carelessly onto the table, the sound reverberating off the walls making both brothers jump.
Dean removed his boot-covered feet off the tabletop and planted them on the floor. You didn’t miss how his eyebrows knitted into a scowl or his signature eyeroll. “Giving up already, Y/N? You know, if the huntin’ life isn’t cut out for you, then you can see yourself out anytime.”
Sam sighed and gave Dean his best bitch face. “Dean! Whatever is going on with Y/N, I can assure you that you’re not helping!” He turned his gaze to you, his hazel eyes looking at you sympathetically. You’d normally just keep your anger bottled up inside, but something inside you snapped. Being a hunter meant everything to you after a demon killed your kid sister, and for Dean to question your loyalty like that had crossed a line. Your anger started to rise within you, like a sea of molten lava until you were no longer in control of your emotions.
Instead of storming off to your room and slamming the door for good measure like you normally would do, you stood and yanked the book Dean was reading out of his hand. You were gnashing your teeth together in such a snarl that it was a miracle they didn’t break. “You think you’re so fucking smug, don’t you Winchester? You think you’re this big badass and that nothing can touch you. Well, let me tell you something.” Your small hand grabbed onto the front of his shirt, bunching it up between your fingers as you got dangerously close to his face. “You don’t fucking scare me in the least bit!” The venom in your tone was palpable and with a hard push of your free hand, he and the chair went crashing to the floor.
Without giving him a chance to fire an insult back, you headed into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge. You could hear Dean’s muffled voice as he spat angrily in response to his brother’s laughs. It only made the smirk on your face wider. Maybe now Dean will show you some respect.
The rest of the night was pretty quiet. You stayed in your room, scouring the internet for a way to kill the monster in question, and munched on some popcorn. The research came easily to you, your eyes scanning effortlessly through article after article. Even though you still hadn’t found a weapon to kill this Djinn on steroids, you knew your efforts would make Sam proud.
You felt his presence before he knew you did. He loomed in the doorway, leaning against it like it was the only thing keeping him from falling. “Can I help you, Dean?” You didn’t even bother to stop reading the article you’d found. He was probably just here to start something with you, and you had neither the time nor the energy to fight. Instead of replying, he pushed off the doorframe and stalked towards you, his shadow spreading across you and your keyboard.
You knew he was waiting for you to look at him, but you honestly didn’t feel like giving him the satisfaction. Why should you? He’d been nothing but an ass to you since you moved in. So instead of giving him what he wanted, you continued to read.
Apparently, Dean got tired of not having your attention because the next thing you knew, he’d taken your laptop and tossed it on your pile of dirty laundry in the corner. He crossed his arms over his chest, his jaw clenching as he looked down at you. “What the hell do you want, Dean? I’m trying to find a way to kill that fucking Djinn. You’re not still pissed about me putting you on your ass, are you? I mean, you kind o-HEY! LET ME GO!”
In one swift motion, he’d pulled you to your feet and shoved you against the wall. Dean’s chest heaved and his nostrils flared as he towered over you with his full height. “You don’t fucking get it, do you Y/N?” His forearm pressed into your chest, not hard enough to hurt you, but firmly enough to hold you in place.
Even at your disadvantage you still stood your ground. Your eyes narrowed perilously, certain that if looks could kill then Dean would have been done for. “Oh, you think I don’t get it?! Trust me, Dean. I think I get exactly what you’re doing. Ever since I came here, you’ve been nothing but hostile to me! It’s because I’m a woman, isn’t it? You think just because I’m a woman that I can’t hold my own. Well, I’ve got news for you, Dean Winchester. I can do the job just as good as you any day of the fucking year!”
You were so caught up in getting your point across that you hadn’t noticed the amused look on his face. His laugh filled the small room as he let go of you. Tears streamed down his face as he hunched over, and it pissed you off that he thought this was amusing.
Finally, he swiped his sleeve over his eyes and took a few deep breaths to regain his composure. “Is that what you think? You really think I’m a dick to you because you’re a woman? Oh my God… I thought you of all people would at least get it.” He sighed and ran a hand across his face. “Look, Y/N, It’s not because you’re a woman. Hell, some of the greatest hunters I know are women. I’m trying to protect you! I don’t want you to go through what Sammy and I have gone through. You’ve already lost one family member, and I’ll be damned if you lose your life, too. Just… Let Sammy and I handle the hunts okay? You can hold down the fort here in the Bunker and be our research guru. That I know you can handle.”
It was your turn to laugh. “What do you know about handling anything? You could barely handle that case with the nest of nearly invincible vampires. What makes you think you can just walk in here and tell me what I can and can’t deal with? I mean, as long as we are on the topic, Let’s just be honest with ourselves, shall we? You couldn’t handle me if I came with a user manual!”
The look on Dean’s face darkened. It sent heat straight to your core, something that you could almost always control when it came to the elder brother. Normally, his asshole demeanor outweighed him being the sexiest man you’d ever laid eyes on. You swallowed thickly as he invaded your space again. His once sparkling green eyes now clouded with something new, something you’d only seen him offer to the occasional stripper or hooker that he brought back to the hotel. “Are you challenging me, Y/N?”
You tried to hide the fact that he was having an effect on you, but your flushed skin and rapid heartbeat betrayed you. Your answer came easily, and the submissive part of you that lay dormant for so long surfaced like a rekindled flame. “Yes.”
Dean brought one of his hands up to your face and cradled your cheek in it, the touch alone sent sparks through your veins. His freckles were so easy to see this close. Constellations mapped the entirety of his cheeks, and you briefly wondered if he had them elsewhere. Your eyes flicked from his intense gaze down to his lips, silently willing him to close the small gap between you and devour your mouth. “Now now, Y/N, is that any way to talk to me? I think you know better. Yes what, sweetheart?”
You looked down at your bare feet, Y/E/C eyes focusing on the remnants of the chipped polish on some of your toenails. Your mind contemplated what was about to happen. You could still back out of this, push him out of the way and run. That wouldn’t solve anything though. Running from your deepest desires, from Dean, was what you’d essentially been doing for months. It was now or never and quite frankly you wanted to give in. You wanted him to have full control over you, and you’d dreamed about it more than you’d like to admit. “Y-Yes, Sir.”
Two of his fingers rested underneath your chin, raising it so you were looking up at him. “Good girl.” His praise was the first nice thing he’d ever said to you, and you’d be lying if it didn’t make your heart sing. His lips closed the distance and pressed against your own hungrily. His tongue slid into your awaiting mouth and you moaned sinfully. He tasted of cinnamon and whiskey, just like you’d always imagined. Dean broke the kiss and touched his forehead against yours, his hands coming to rest in the curvature of your waist. “Go to my room, Y/N. I want you to be stripped and kneeling on the floor at the foot of the bed before I get back. Do you understand?” Your response was immediate. Almost like a reflex, as it left your lips in a whisper. “Yes, Sir.”
He watched you leave the confines of your room before heading the opposite way. Your feet padded down the hallway and came to a stop outside the closed door of Dean’s room. It had been years since you’d been a sub, and even then they hadn’t exuded as much dominance as Dean had just moments ago. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you entered his room and closed the door behind you. The smell of his cologne wrapped itself around you like a hug. The familiar scent calmed your nerves instantly and soon you found yourself naked and kneeling at the foot of the bed just as you had been told to do.
Dean came in a few minutes later and set what sounded like something heavy on top of his dresser. You didn’t dare look up though. He hadn’t given you permission, and you wanted to show him that you could be good and obey him. “Look at you, doing what you’re told like a good little girl. See? I knew you could do this. I bet you’re soaking wet already, and I haven’t even touched you yet.”
Once again his fingers came to rest under your chin, tilting your head so you were looking up at him through your lashes. “Get on the bed.” He wasn’t mean about it, but his tone was firm and laced with an underlying warning of consequence if you disobeyed. Swifty and quietly you climbed onto the comforter and resumed your kneeling position. Dean walked around to the other side of you and sat down. He was still fully clothed, but you could clearly see his erection tenting his slacks. “Alright, sweetheart, let’s talk about the rules. You are to address me as sir, and only sir. Don’t cum until I tell you to, and if you ever feel uncomfortable with something that I am doing, then please use the safeword ‘cake’. Do you understand?
Hearing that your safeword was cake confused you at first, but when you thought about it for a moment it made sense. Dean was a pie fanatic. Especially if it was pecan pie, but you’d never seen him eat cake. Let alone mention it. So you could see how he’d come up with it in the end. “Yes, sir. I understand, sir.” Dean seemed convinced by your response so you stayed still and waited for his next command. You could hear him pick whatever he had brought with him off the dresser, and your pulse quickened at the thought of what he was about to do to you.
The bed dipped behind you, his hot breath fanned across the back of your neck making you shiver. “Clasp your hands behind your back for me, baby. I’m going to restrain you now so you stay still for me.” You brought your hands behind your back, interlacing your fingers together so your wrists rested against your tailbone. The feeling of the nylon rope being looped around your wrists made you impossibly wetter. The thought of being restrained and letting none other than Dean Winchester worship your body was enough to make you cum, but you couldn’t do that. Not when he’d specifically told you not to.
Dean made quick work of the black rope. He maneuvered around your torso, wrapping it around each elbow and tying a knot in the middle to lock your arms in place. The rest of it was placed expertly around your chest and tied off, the final knot resting against your shoulder blades. He let you fall headfirst into the mattress, your head turning to the side so you could breathe. He stepped back to admire his work. “A damn good job if I do say so myself. It’s not too tight, is it, darlin’?
You took a moment to tug at your binds and unclasp and reclasp your fingers. Everything still had circulation, but you still couldn’t break free if you tried. “No, everything feels fine, sir.” You heard him walk behind you, no doubt enjoying the view of you on display to him. “God, you look so fucking beautiful like this. Look at you… showing me that perfect round ass and that tight little pussy of yours.” He ran one of his fingers through your folds, and it took everything in you not to moan.
Your teeth clamped down on your bottom lip to keep yourself from making any noise. “Mmmm just as I thought, soaking wet just for me.” The thick digit left you and you looked into his lust-blown eyes as his lips closed around it. “So good, Y/N. Now, are you ready for me to test you? Gonna show me what a good girl you are?” You shook your ass at him for good measure and replied without hesitation. “I’m ready, sir.”
Dean grabbed onto your hips and pulled you to the edge of the bed, his clothed erection applying slight friction to your needy cunt. He ran his middle and index fingers through your juices a few times before sliding them into you. “Be as loud as you want, Princess. Sam isn’t here to hear you scream. It’s just you and me.” Ever so slowly, he moved his fingers in and out of you, making you moan loudly. “F-Fuck!”
His pace increased, and you felt the coil of heat tighten. You were so close already and he’d barely gotten started. You felt your walls tighten slightly and you squeezed your eyes shut, willing yourself to control yourself. Dean knew how hard you were trying and you also knew he was competing with you. Using his skills to his advantage to see how much you could take. “Oh shit… shit shit shit… I don’t know if I can…. FUCK!” Dean curled his fingers so they hit that spot inside you with each thrust. Soon you couldn’t hold back any longer. With a cry of his name, you came hard, squirting all over his hand and the bed.
The white-hot orgasm nearly made you pass out, and by the time your climax was over you knew you were in trouble. You couldn’t see his face, but you were sure Dean wasn’t happy. “Tsk tsk tsk … Y/N/N, you knew the rules. I seem to remember you agreeing to them, and look what you’ve done. You’ve made a mess, sweetheart.” Just as you were about to apologize, he picked you up and set you gracefully on your knees. “Are you ready to show me how sorry you are?”
Balancing on your knees while you were tied up like this was difficult, but being this close to Dean’s cock made your mouth water. “Yes, sir. I’m sorry for disobeying you, sir. May I make it up to you by having you fuck my throat?” The groan that left his lips was downright the most sinful thing you’d ever heard, and you definitely wanted to hear him make that noise again. “Fuck… you read my mind, sweetheart.”
Dean began to circle you, watching you like a hawk would its prey. His tie was the first thing to go. Seeing him reach his right hand up and rip it off shouldn’t be as sexy as it was, but at this moment anything Dean did was sexy. He stopped in front of you and undid his belt and the top button on his pants, letting them pool carelessly at his ankles. Finally, he freed his cock and you watched as he pumped it a few times. A bead of precum seeped from the tip, and you leaned forward to catch it on your tongue. Your mouth closed around the head and Dean let you set the pace at first, more praises flying from his mouth as you took him in as deep as you could.
“That’s it, Princess… suck that cock. Mmmmm, you’re so fucking good at that. Taking my cock so well.”  His hand fisted in your hair and you let him take over. You relaxed your throat as he took what he wanted from you, your eyes watering more and more every time he hit the back of your throat. “Jesus… you have one helluva mouth, Y/N.” He began to pant and his thrusts began to falter. His grip loosened on your hair and you whined as he pulled himself from your mouth. “Now, Princess, don’t you want me to cum in that pretty pussy of yours?” As much as you wanted to make him come apart with your mouth, having him buried inside you was more appealing at the moment. “Please, sir. Please fuck me.”
Once again he picked you up, moving you back onto the bed with ease. Dean crawled behind you again, placing a hand on each of your hips. Without warning, he sheathed himself all the way to hilt, both of you crying out in pleasure. Dean set a harsh pace, his fingertips surely leaving bruises on your skin. You knew you would be sore. He was not, by any means, lacking in size. Not to mention the fact that he didn’t allow you to adjust to him.
His thrusts began to falter, and you felt that familiar feeling come back. You tightened yourself around him, and he growled, fucking you harder into the bed. “S-Sir!… please sir!!! Please, may I cum? … F-Fuck!” You were so close to the peak of pure bliss that you could almost taste it. You just needed a little more. Dean grabbed onto the knotted rope in the middle of your back and pulled you so your back was to his chest. His other hand snaked around your body and circled your clit vigorously. “Fuck, Y/N… C’mon, Princess… Cum all over my cock. Let go, baby.”
A few more seconds of him fucking up into you and you fell over the edge taking him with you. Your walls milking Dean for all he was worth. He held you there for a few minutes, your heavy breathing in sync as you both came down from your high. Dean placed a chaste kiss to your back and pulled out of you. He took his time untying you, being careful not to irritate your skin further. Once you were free you stretched your arms and popped your knuckles.
Dean sat with his back to the headboard and pulled you into his lap, his hands rubbing your back gingerly. “You did so well, Y/N. I’m so proud of you. You’re amazing.” He kissed you sweetly and you melted against his chest, your eyes fluttering shut from exhaustion.
You listened to the steady beat of his heart and somehow made your brain form a coherent thought. “I’m glad we were able to settle things, Dean. I was beginning to think you really did hate me. I understand everything now.” He kissed the top of your head and held you protectively. “I could never hate you, Y/N. Not when you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you, Princess.” His words shocked you, but you were too tired to respond. Sleep came easy for you in Dean’s arms, and you couldn’t wait to wake up tomorrow to see what this new life with Dean brought you.
‘Pala’s Taglist - @maddiepants @kittenofdoomage @giraffe1994
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dontshootmespence · 5 years
For Tonight
A/N: This is my entry into Eliana’s 400 Followers Fanciful Fluff Challenge! You are a friend of the Winchesters and Castiel’s lover/gf/wife with this taking place after he returns from The Empty. Angsty fluff if you will.
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Desperate to never let him go again, you started to shiver in the freezing rain. “We need to get back to the bunker,” he stated.
The car ride back was traveled in silence and you clung to him. There’d been a hole in your heart when the light left his eyes that night, but seeing him again, having him here to cling only partially filled that hole again. How had he come back? What if he disappeared again? Having this hope only to have it ripped away again is something you wouldn’t live through.
You fell asleep against his trench coat and must’ve passed out for at least 12 hours because before you knew it your eyes opened to your angel’s face standing outside the Impala with his hand reaching toward yours. “We should go inside.”
Within the warmth of the bunkers walls, you felt a bit safer, finally bringing your gaze up from the floor to look at him again. Despite the angel within, his face bore the effects of his ordeal - exhaustion plagued his features.  He greeted Jack, the boy’s voice having pulled him out of the darkness of The Empty. In an instant, you knew he’d do anything for the boy.
“It’s good to have you back, Cas,” Dean said, his hand resting on the angel’s shoulders. He had more to say, more to ask, but the hunter knew you needed him right now.
When he...when he died, you’d collapsed in Dean’s arms. The light that had ripped through him ripped through you and tore you to shreds. 
Following Cas, you stepped into your room and sighed into his chest. “I’m okay,” he whispered as he kissed your forehead. “I’m home.”
“But how?”
He swallowed hard against the lump in his throat, not really sure of the answer. “I don’t know. Jack called to me and I woke up. I wasn’t supposed. The Empty is where angels and demons go when we die. It’s eternal sleep. But he woke me.”
“So you woke up in darkness?” You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes. 
Nodding, he held you against him, rocking slowly back and forth as he continued to try and explain what happened. “There was a physical manifestation of The Empty...when Jack woke me, he woke it and I refused to shut up. It told me to go back to sleep and I refused.”
“Still pig-headed in death I see,” you replied, the faintest ghost of a smile painting your face. 
Cas huffed, “Yes. Always. It said it would throw me into the farthest reaches of The Empty so I could never be heard again, but I called it’s bluff and said the only way to get rid of me was to send me back...and then I woke up.”
After everything Cas had done for you and the boys, the idea of him waking up to anything but the colorful garden he deserved made you sick. “My head hurts when I think about you being there.” 
Cas went to touch your forehead, to take the pain away, but he was weakened after his return. “I’ll be okay,” you whispered, hoping you were right. You didn’t bother to hold back the tears anymore. “Just don’t leave again.”
“I won’t.” He lifted your chin up to meet his lips, the softness whispering against your own. You sunk into his kiss, your fingers skimming the sides of his neck just as his hand covered your own.
“What are you doing?” You asked
He grasped your hand and twirled you around before bringing you back into his embrace. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
“It looks like you’re dancing with me in the middle of our bedroom after you’ve barely escaped the darkness of death.”
“So a typical Tuesday for us?”
“How can you be smiling at a time like this?” You asked in astonishment, your smile wide despite yourself.                              
With his hand at your back, Cas guided you in delicate steps near the foot of the bed. “I have to. If I don’t, I’ll succumb to all the thoughts in my head. Instead I’ll just focus on you.”
Warmth spread through you and you realized he was calming you through his grace. “Cas, you-”
“There is nowhere else I’d rather be and nothing else I’d rather be doing. If I only had one ounce of grace left, this is what I’d do with it.”
Leaning up on you tiptoes, you pressed a tear-stained kiss to his lips. “Just for tonight.”
“For tonight.”
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casseythebee · 5 years
“You look so sexy when you’re ignoring me.”  Destiel one shot
Prompt: “You look so sexy when you’re ignoring me.” Summary: After Castiel catches Dean flirting with a, quite frankly gorgeous, girl at a bar he tries to give him the silent treatment, for the first time. Pairing: Dean x Castiel (Destiel) Words: 1.2k-ish Warning: language, mostly fluff, and my shitty writing like usual A/N: I kind of added myself into the story, but with a bit of a name change, whoops. This is a prompt for “Elliana’s 400 Followers Fanciful Fluff Challenge” @thehoneybeecastielfollows hope I win *crosses fingers* 
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(this is not my gif) 
Dean whistles walking up to a gorgeous brunette. “Somebody call the cops because it’s got to be illegal to look that good!” he proclaims. 
She lets out an adorable giggle. “Dude this must suck for you!” 
Dean leans onto the bar lifting an eyebrow. “What?” 
“Because if I were looking for someone tonight, that totally would have worked!” 
Dean drops his head so it hangs low in defeat and lets out an overdramatic, yet pretty funny, sigh. “Well, I guess tonight isn’t my lucky night, huh?” He looks up his eyes lighten up. “Can I at least buy you a drink?” 
“Oh, I don’t drink.” She holds up her glass of water. “Designated driver and all.” She shrugs happiness twinkling in her large, blue eyes.
“What’s wrong Cas?” Sam asks. He had just gotten back from the bathroom, Dean was gone, and Castiel was staring daggers at the bar. 
All Sam got as an answer from Cas is a grunt. So Sam tries to investigate by following his line of vision. He is staring at Dean and girl. She is totally Dean’s type, she had long brown hair, large blue eyes, a pair ripped black jeans, and- if he could see right from here- a form-flattering Black Sabbath shirt. “Just go up there, plant a big kiss on his cheek, and put an arm around his shoulders. Stake a claim. Make sure she knows that ‘This is my man and you need to step the fuck off.’” 
Cas goes over there with the intentions to be subtle about ‘staking a claim’ but when he sees her touching his arm, Dean subtly moving in closer, them laughing it up over some private joke, it doesn't really work out the way he wants it to. He lets those blasted human emotions get the best of him. 
“Dean? What are you doing? I thought you were going to get the drinks and come right back,” Castiel demanded, a little more aggressive then he intended it to be. 
Dean looks up not noticing the pure rage in his Angel’s eyes. “Just talking to Athena over here. She is really nice. I think-” 
He was cut off by Castiel throws Dean’s drink in his face. 
“I hope you two are fucking happy together!” Cas exploded before stomping off toward Sam sitting at a table gawking at the whole ordeal. 
“Come on he can get a cab home,” Cas fumed grabbing Baby’s keys and stomping out the door - Sam following close behind not sparing a glance for his brother - and leaving Dean sitting drenched in beer with a dumbfounded look on his face. 
“I uh don’t really know what in the hell that was about,” Dean sputters trying to dry himself off.  
“Hey it’s okay, I overstepped my bounds. It’s clear he likes you, you should go after him,” Athena adds insightfully.  
“I… I guess so. He did take away my only way home though.” Dean chuckles under his breath imagining Sam driving them home with a grumpy little Cas sulking next to him. “I’m just going to call a cab.”
“Son of a bitch!” Cas exploded slamming the passenger seat door. “Just go straight home, no stops!” 
Sam got into the 1967 Chevy Impala and started it without a word to the fuming angel sitting next to him. As soon as the car started Castiel turned the music up as loud as he dared without breaking the speakers. Once again, though Sam hated having loud music playing, he knew how angry Castiel was.
After a few minutes of no talking just blaring music and Cas staring out the window, Castiel finally turned down the music and said, “Look I know I’m overreacting, but I’m just pissed. Your brother is a jackass who makes me melt every time I look at him. And… I just don’t want to have to share him with anyone else. Do you know what I mean?” 
“Yeah, when it came to… to Jess, I could get a little paranoid that she was trying to leave me for other people.” There was a pause as Sam remembered Jess and all the heartbreak that came with it. “I guess growing up in the situation I did, Dean was the only person who would love me no matter what, so when Jess showed me love from a person who wasn’t part of my family it was new. I wasn’t used to it, Dean and I were always together so I had no one else to compare our relationship too. So if we weren’t together thing just felt… odd, I guess.”  
Cas took a few moments to contemplate this before answering, “Yeah, I guess I have no other romantic relationship to compare this to as well. Not many relationships to period. ” 
They spent the rest of the car ride listening to the music in a much quieter manner, each lost in thought about the roller coaster that is their pasts.
Cas’s stomps echoed off of the bunker's walls as he stormed to his room. 
Sighing, Sam realized that he hadn’t eaten anything at the bar and he was quite hungry. Grabbing a glass from the cabinet in the kitchen he pours himself some water and takes a leftover slice of pizza from the fridge, not bothering to heat it up. As he climbs up on the counter he sees Dean rush by holding something brightly colored. 
“Cas! Come on, my Angel Love. Let me in,”  Dean begs rapid-fire banging his fists on their bedroom door. 
Without an answer, Dean defeatedly trudges to the kitchen. “You’ve been in a semi-healthy relationship, right? Tell me what to do, please, Sammy I need you.” 
It’s not every day that you see the Dean Winchester begging for help. It’s also not very common that you see Dean with a sad look on his face holding the most colorful bouquet of flowers in one hand and a Kit Kat, Reese’s, and a Snickers in the other. 
“I don’t know man. I’ve never been in a situation like this. Just try him one more time, and if he still won’t budge just go to bed and hope for the best in the morning,” Sam offered. “Sorry man.” Sam halfheartedly pats Dean’s shoulder on the way out. 
The sound of Dean rummaging through the kitchen drawer is the only thing to be heard in the giant lonely bunker. Dean scribbles out a note to put next to the flowers and candy so Cas would see it in the morning. Dean decides to sleep on the couch tonight, despite the fact that there are so many other bedrooms he could have fallen asleep in.
“Pancakes, Sam?” Cas asks a groggy Sam with messy bedhead. 
“Sure,” Sam runs a hand through his hair, instantly smoothing it out, “what about Dean?” 
“I guess I forgot to make him some, oh well. There’s always next time,” Castiel deadpans with an unamused shrug. 
“Ooo! Cas are those your pancakes I smell?” Dean asks with a twinkle. 
“No,” Cas snarled bumping Dean’s shoulder on his way out of the kitchen.
“By the way,” Dean calls out, “You look so sexy when you’re ignoring me.”
With a sigh, Dean looks over to see that the chocolates are moved and the flowers are in a more interactive vase than what Dean chose last night. 
Dean walks into the library of the bunker to see Cas curled up in one of Dean’s flannels reading a book Charlie had recommended, it was Fault In Our Stars. 
Without another word Dean turns on one of the old twenties records turns it down low sits down in the chair opposite of the couch Castiel is sitting at and picks up where he left off in the third Divergent book, also courtesy of Charlie.  
Every few minutes Dean looks up from his book - checking to see if Castiel is still okay with him being there - only see the angel engrossed in his own book.
Eventually, on the next check, Castiel is crying softly.
Padding over Dean asks, “May I sit?” 
With only a sniffle in response, Dean takes it as a yes and plops down, wrapping his arms around his angel. Castiel is now sobbing into the crook of the hunter’s neck. 
“Cancer! Really? Of all things! Look at all he accomplished! Oh, Augustus!” Castiel wails. 
“Shhh, it will be okay.” Dean is stroking the angel’s tousled hair. “It will end soon, my Angel Love.” 
“I love you, Mr. Cutiepie.”
Edited by @justluciferr
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winchester19-67 · 5 years
Never Walk Away
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x Nurse!Reader
Warnings: Mention of accident, small panic attack, angst, fluff
Word Count: 4,134
Square Filled: Nurse AU (Fluff Bingo)
Square Filled: Mechanic!Dean (AU Bingo)
A/N: This was written for @spnfluffbingo, @spnaubingo, and @thehoneybeecastielfollows using the prompt "I'm slowly but surely losing my sanity because of you."
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"Are you alright?" Dean asks as he reaches across the car to take your hand.
"Yeah," you reply as you look over at him. "Why?"
"No reason," Dean says as he shakes his head. "It's just... You look like something's bothering you."
"I just have a feeling that today's going to be one of those tough days," you reply. "Just one of those days where you see a lot that you just want to forget about."
"Yeah," Dean sighs. He pulls up to the hospital and turns to look at you.
"Try not to think about it right now," he says. "Look at it this way. After today, you and I both have the next week off for our anniversary. For the next week, you're all mine and I plan to pamper you. You aren't going to lift a finger, Mrs. Winchester."
You can't help but to giggle at that.
"I love you, (Y/N)," Dean says as he leans over to kiss you.
You take a deep breath and smile. "I love you too, Dean."
"I'll be right here at exactly five-thirty to pick you up," he tells you.
You bite your bottom lip. "Actually," you say slowly. Dean raises an eyebrow at you, and you immediately know that this won't go over too well. "Someone else called in..."
"So you took a double shift," Dean finishes, knowing you all too well. He looks out the front window and rolls his eyes.
"No," Dean says as he shakes his head. "Just go."
"Dean, I still have a few minutes before I have to clock in," you tell him. "Please talk to me."
He finally looks back over at you and shakes his head again. "You're going to work yourself to death, (Y/N). You're always picking up extra shifts, and it's not like we need the money."
"Well, somebody has to do it," you reply.
"But that somebody doesn't always have to be you!" Dean says, his voice rising a bit. "There's other nurses that could step up!"
"I'm usually the first person they ask, Dean. I hate to say no."
"It would be okay if it was just once every now and then," Dean tells you. "But anymore, it seems like you work two shifts at least every other night. Sometimes more."
You shrug your shoulders. "I guess I just love my job."
"Thought you loved me," Dean mutters under his breath. Your mouth drops open, and your eyes widen.
"I do love you, Dean."
"Then act like it!" he snaps, causing you to jump a bit. Instead of saying anything, you turn to open your door.
"(Y/N), hang on a second, sweetheart," Dean says as he gently grabs your wrist, causing you to look back at him.
"I'm sorry," Dean tells you. "I just feel like I don't get to see you much anymore."
You frown and nod your head. "I know," you say softly. You've thought about it a lot recently, and it breaks your heart that the two of you don't spend as much time together as you used to. "But, hey, that's why we both took off for next week, isn't it?"
"Yeah," Dean replies. "But what about the rest of the time?"
You take a deep breath. "Dean, you're a self-employed mechanic. Can't you change your schedule around the times I'm working?"
Dean gives you a funny look. "It's not that easy for me to do, (Y/N)."
"Oh, and it's supposed to be easy for me?"
"I'm not asking you to change your entire schedule," Dean replies. "I'm just asking that you don't work so much when you don't have to."
"And what about you?" you ask him, your anger suddenly rising.
"What about me?"
"Dean, whenever we're at home, it doesn't matter what time of day it is, or what we're doing. Sleeping, eating, getting ready to go somehwere. If one of your buddies stop by the house asking you to check out the weird noise their car is making, you'll drop everything to help them out that second instead of asking them to wait until the garage is open."
Dean scoffs. "I do not."
"Everytime, Dean!" you say as you throw your hands up in the air. "And I've never said anything because I thought 'this is his job. This is what he's supposed to do,' but I expected the same respect in return."
Before either of you can say anything else and make it worse, you open your door and step out of the car, slamming the door shut behind you. Dean watches you walk towards the hospital and he shakes his head before yelling out, slamming his hands down onto the steering wheel. All he wants is to go after you and make everything right, but he figures you both need time to cool off.
I'll talk to her tonight, Dean thinks before driving away.
You turn around when you hear the car pull away. You think about calling Dean and telling him to stop the car so you can fix this, but you decide to give yourself some time.
I'll talk to him tonight. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Twenty more minutes. You repeat that over in your head a few times. Today wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be, but you're ready to go home.
Fifteen more minutes. Watching the clock, you hope nothing happens before your shift is over with. That rarely happens, but it looks like today might be your lucky day.
Five more minutes.
You get excited at the thought of finally going home, of finally getting things worked out with Dean. That's when you hear loud, hurried talking followed by the sound of running.
You sigh, knowing that it can only mean one thing. You're going to be even later tonight.
You take off in the direction of the others, turning around the corner and... stopping in your tracks when you see your brother-in-law standing there with his hands clasped behind his head.
"Sam?" you say loudly as you quickly make your way over to him. When you see the fear written across Sam's face, your heart drops to your stomach. "What's going on?" Before Sam can reply, you look into the room and your whole world stops.
The patient laying in the hospital bed is Dean.
You make your way into the room, despite the orders for you to stay out. From the looks of it, you'd say that Dean was in a car wreck. A bad one.
Your knees give out, and you can hear someone telling you to get out of the room. You feel a hand on your shoulder, and you look up to see Sam standing over you.
"Come on," Sam says as he tries to coax you out of the room.
"No," you say as you shake your head. "No. I can't... I can't leave him."
"(Y/N), you can't do anything for him except to get out of the way and let them work," Sam tells you. You know this. You've dealt with people like this many times.
You just never pictured yourself on the other end of things.
You feel numb as Sam helps you up off the floor and out into the hallway. You watch as your lead farther away from Dean until the door shuts. The panic truly sets in, and you collapse in Sam's arms. ~~~~~
You stare ahead at the empty waiting room as you listen to Sam explain to you what happened.
"Dean called me to see if I could come pick you up from work," Sam begins. "He said he started working on a car, and it turned out to be a bigger project than he thought. The next thing I know, I hear a loud crash, and Dean stops talking. I rushed over to the garage. He was..."
Sam stops to look at you, and you nod your head, letting him know that you're okay for him to go on.
"Dean was working underneath a car, and the jack gave out," Sam continues. "He was pinned under the car, and he wasn't moving..."
"Stop," you choke out as you hide your face in your hands. Your breathing speeds up, and you start feeling light-headed. You feel Sam's hand on your shoulder, and you let a sob go. "I can't lose him. I can't... Not before I get a chance to apologize to him."
"(Y/N), this wasn't your fault."
"No, you don't understand!" you say, your voice rising in panic as you bring your head back up. "We... The last thing we did was fight! I can't... I can't lose him like that, Sam."
"You're not going to lose him," Sam tells you as his grip on your shoulder tightens. "Look at me." You turn your head to look at Sam, and he gives you a sad smile. "We're not going to lose him."
You take a deep breath and shake your head. "I'm sorry, Sam. You're Dean's brother, and here you are trying to keep me calm."
"Don't apologize," Sam tells you. "You know Dean would disown me if I didn't look out for you."
You laugh a bit as you try to wipe your tears away, but without any luck. There's a tightness in your chest that just won't go away, and every tear is replaced with two more.
"I'll be right back," you tell Sam as you stand up, quickly making your way out of the room and down numerous hallways. Once you find one that's not used often, you rest your head back against the wall and let the tears go.
It's not long until your legs give out, and you slide down to the floor with your knees bent up by your head. You rest your arms on your knees, and lay your forehead onto your arm, pinching your lips between your teeth to muffle your screams. Dean's always been your rock through situations like this, and even though Sam's trying, it's just not the same.
You jump when you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder, and Sam steps back a bit.
"Sorry," he says. "I didn't mean to startle you. I just... We can go see him now."
"Really?" you ask as you quickly stand up from off the floor. "Did they say how he's doing?"
"He's stable, but unconscious still," Sam replies. "It's just..."
"A waiting game," you interrupt, having repeated those words quiet a few times to other people. "Come on," Sam says as he throws an arm over your shoulder and starts leading you away. "We should be there when he wakes up." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The beeping of the machines is nothing new to you, except now you feel like they're taunting you. Reminding you that so much more is on the line than losing a patient.
The tube running into Dean's mouth is something you see on a daily basis. The cuts and bruises all over his body are nothing out of the ordinary for you. But now, they only add to the heartbreak you feel as you watch your husband's lifeless body fight to stay alive.
You carefully take Dean's hand in yours before leaning forward a bit in your chair.
"You can't leave me now," you tell Dean softly as you place your free hand on his cheek. "We're just getting started, Dean. Our anniversary is next week. We've almost made it a whole year, but you gotta hang in a little while longer. Can you do that for me?"
You don't get a response, but you knew you wouldn't.
"Last week we were talking about adding to our little family, remember?" You stop to take a deep breath and blink back the tears. "We had the nursery all planned out, and we discussed names. I shot you down when you suggested we name our son Dean Junior."
You can't help the quiet laugh that escapes your lips. "You made fun of the look on my face when I realized you weren't joking."
You hear the door behind you open, so you turn a bit in your chair to see Sam walking through the door with a coffee cup in his hand.
"Here," Sam says as he holds the cup out for you to take.
"Thanks," you say as you take the cup from him.
"Any change?"
"No," you reply as you shake your head. "He's still the same."
"Hey," Sam says as he nudges Dean's arm a bit. "You need to wake up now, alright. Dean?"
"Sam," you say softly as you look up at him. "What if Dean doesn't..."
"Don't," Sam says as he sits down in the seat beside of you and wraps an arm around your shoulders.
Feeling a twitch against your hand, you quickly look over at Dean, but he's laying still. You let out an annoyed breath, knowing it was probably just nerves.
You look back over at Sam with tears in your eyes. "I don't know what I'd do without him."
"(Y/N), listen to me," Sam tells you. "I don't know how much this is going to help, but if anything does happen you will be taken care of."
Dean's finger move again, but this time he squeezes your hand. You quickly look over at Dean to see him struggling to open his eyes.
"Dean?" you say as you quickly sit up straighter in your chair. His hand moves again, and Sam stands up out of his chair.
"I'll go find the doctor," Sam says before leaving the room.
"Dean, look at me," you say softly as you lay a hand on his cheek. His eyes meet yours, and you smile widely at him. "Hi, baby," you practically whisper as you lean over to kiss his cheek.
Dean starts trying to pull the tube out of his throat, but you grab his hand.
"Not yet," you tell him. "Let the doctor do that, okay?"
You feel a hand on your shoulder, and you look over to see Sam standing there. You know you'll have to leave the room for a minute, but the thought of leaving Dean for even a second hurts.
You look back down at Dean and smile at him. "I'll be right back," you tell him softly. He squeezes your hand once before letting it go. Once you're out in the hallway, you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding and lean up against the wall.
"Hey," Sam says when he sees the look on your face. "Dean's okay."
"Yeah," you croak out as a small smile appears on your face. "It's just... I'm used to helping out the patient and not just standing by and watching everybody else..."
"(Y/N), right now, you're job isn't to be Dean's nurse," Sam tells you. "It's to be his wife, and you're doing that."
You nod your head before looking back at the door. It seems like forever before you're finally able to go back into the room. You can't help but to feel relieved when you see the tubes and wires are mostly gone.
The bed is propped up so Dean is in a sitting position, but it looks like it's taking all of his energy just to hold his head up. When he sees you walk through the door, he smiles at you and holds his arms out for you.
"Come here, sweetheart," Dean croaks out. You let out a sob as you quickly make your way over to his bed.
You gently lay your head onto Dean's shoulder, and you feel his arms wrap around you as tight as he can. His body shakes, and it just about breaks you. You're used to him being the strong one, so you're not used to seeing him so weak.
"I... I thought we... I thought we lost you," you cry into Dean's neck.
"It's going to take more than a car falling on me to get rid of me, baby."
"That's not even funny," you say while unsuccessfully holding back a quiet laugh. Dean looks over your shoulder at Sam and smiles at him. You pull away and wipe the tears from your eyes as Sam steps closer, leaning over to hug his brother.
"How long was I out?" Dean asks when Sam steps away.
"Almost three days," you answer.
Dean looks over at you and frowns. "Did you stay here the entire time?"
You nod your head. "I'm not going anywhere. Not without you."
"Honestly, I didn't think you'd want anything to do with me," Dean says. You expect to hear hate or anger in his voice, but it sounds more like regret.
You hang your head, suddenly not able to look Dean in the eyes. Sam clears his throat before starting over towards the door.
"I'll... uh... give you two some time." When the door closes behind Sam, you flinch a bit.
The tears start rolling down your cheeks, but you don't look up. After a few minutes of sitting in heavy silence, you finally decide it's too much. The sobs start, and you wrap your arms around yourself.
"I'm sorry." Your voice comes out muffled and high-pitched, and it breaks Dean's heart.
You feel Dean's fingers under your chin, slowly lifting your head up. When you're finally looking at him, you see there's tears in his eyes as well.
"Please don't apologize, sweetheart," Dean tells you as he shakes his head.
"I was so scared you were going to die without knowing that I love you."
Dean sighs before shaking his head. "(Y/N), I shouldn't have said what I did. I shouldn't have lost my temper. I just... Gosh, sweetheart, this is going to sound stupid, but I've been so scared that you were trying to get away from me."
"No. No, Dean," you reply quickly as you shake your head. "Baby, it has nothing to do with you. Well, it kind of does, but not like that."
Dean raises an eyebrow at you. "What do you mean by 'kind of?'"
You cast your eyes down to the floor. "I was trying to make more money so I could get you something nice for our anniversary."
"Look at me." You slowly bring your eyes back up to meet Dean's, and he slowly shakes his head at you. "I just need you," Dean says, his voice cracking a bit. You swallow hard as Dean uses his thumb to wipe away a stray tear from your cheek.
"Come here," Dean says as he moves back on the bed as far as he can.
You shake your head. "Dean, I..."
"You're not going to hurt me," he tells you. "Come here."
You stand up out of your seat and sit down on the mattress beside of Dean. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you back until you're laying with your head on Dean's chest.
"I just need you," Dean repeats as he presses a kiss to your temple. "Don't you ever think that you're not enough." Dean holds you closer to his shaking body as he rests his chin onto your head.
"I'm sorry. I should've told you what I was..."
"Stop," Dean says softly. "Can we just agree that it was a stupid arguement, and put it behind us?"
"Deal," you say as you smile a bit. Dean moves his head again to kiss your cheek. "I love you."
You smile and turn your head more to kiss his lips. "I love you too." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"It's so good to be home," Dean sighs as he eases himself down onto the couch.
"And just in time for our anniversary," you tell him. "I know you have to be tired of that hospital food, so why don't I go fix you a nice, homecooked meal?"
"No," Dean argues as he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you down to sit beside of him. "As good as that sounds, I just want to hold you for right now."
"Sounds good to me," you laugh as you rest your head over onto his shoulder. "Don't forget to take your pain meds later."
Dean chuckles and shakes his head. "I left the hospital, and now I've got my own personal nurse looking after me." Dean gives you an innocent smile. " At least you're the best nurse ever. Just don't tell my wife I said that."
You giggle and nod your head. "Don't worry. I'll keep it between us."
"Good," Dean smiles. "Because my wife gets really jealous."
You raise an eyebrow at him. "Oh she does, does she?"
"Yeah," Dean answers, staying as serious a she can. "She knows she hit the jackpot, and she's afraid she'll lose me."
"Dean," you laugh as you shake your head. "You're such a liar."
"Hey!" Dean protests as he squeezes you a bit. "You know it's true."
You shake your head. "I don't get that jealous."
"Really?" Dean laughs. "What about that time..."
"Hush! You said you'd never bring that up again," you tell him. "That waitress was staring at your wedding band the entire time. I was sitting right there, she knew we were married. And you weren't helping anything by flirting back with her."
"I did not."
"You so did!" you argue.
"Okay, maybe I flirted a little," Dean concedes. "I still can't believe you tripped her," Dean says as he starts laughing.
"I didn't trip her," you defend. "I simply stretched my leg out at the wrong time."
"Okay," Dean says as he starts laughing that much harder, wincing and bringing a hand up to his side.
"I'm okay," Dean tells you as he holds up a hand. "I'm just sore."
"I'll get your medicine," you say as you get ready to stand up.
"Nope," Dean says as he holds you back. "I'm fine. Just let me hold you."
Dean reaches down and grabs ahold of your hand, brushing his thumb against your knuckles. You close your eyes and relax in Dean's touch. Every now and then, Dean presses a light kiss to your temple, and whispers sweet nothings in your ear.
"Hm?" you reply as you fight to keep your eyes open.
"About what happened..."
"Dean, I thought we said we'd put that behind us."
"We did," he says quickly. "I just feel like I need to say this though." Dean takes a deep breath before continuing. "I know I said a lot of stupid things, but my worst mistake was when you were walking away. I thought 'I'll talk to her tonight' and I just let you go on."
"I thought that too," you admit. "And after you got hurt, Dean, I was so scared I was going to lose you without being able to say how sorry..."
"Shh," Dean says as he brushes some hair out of your face. "I didn't mean to upset you. I just... I could hear most of what you and Sam were saying. It was distant and unclear, but there was one thing I could hear plainly, and that was the hope in your voice. I knew I had to fight. I had to fight for you.
"And then when Sam promised that you'd be taken care of if I didn't make it, I knew I had to fight even harder because..."
"Did you get jealous?" you tease him.
"I did," Dean whispers as he nods his head, causing you to giggle. "Seriously though," Dean continues. "It's not that I don't trust Sam, but I'm your husband and I knew I couldn't let you down. I couldn't let that hope in your voice go to waste, and... And I'm rambling."
You smile at Dean and shake your head. "That's okay."
"My point is, I didn't go after you and I should have. It took me almost dying to realize how stupid that was. I almost didn't get a chance to make it up to you. Just promise me that we'll never do that again," Dean tells you. "Promise me that... Don't... Never walk away."
"Never," you reply as you shake your head. Dean picks your hand up before pressing your knuckles to his lips.
"There was something that you said that kind of bothered me."
Your heart starts pounding, trying to figure out what you said that was wrong. "What's that?"
"We really can't name our son Dean Junior?"
You laugh and shake your head. "Dean, I love you, but I'm slowly but surely losing my sanity because of you. I couldn't handle two of you."
"Fair enough," Dean chuckles. You smile as you relax into Dean's arms again, feeling for the first time in a week that everything is going to be okay after all.
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67-chevy-baby · 5 years
Fic Challenges Masterlist
Below you will find all of the challenges I’ve participated in. I will make the fic titles links once they are written and posted. :) 
Ugly Sweaters and Traditions - Dean x Reader - For kittenofdoomage’s Kitten Canon Christmas Challenge
I’ll Show You - Dean x Reader - For thehoneybeecastielfollows’ Elliana’s 400 Followers Fanciful Fluff Challenge
Take Away My Heartache - Destiel - For rockhoochie’s 1k Followers Writing Challenge
Remedy - Jared x Reader - For saxxxology’s Vol 1 Writing Challenge
Cradle Our Desire - Jensen x Reader - For saxxxology’s Vol 1 Writing Challenge
Hand Of A Hopeful Stranger - Jensen x Reader - For atc74′s Angelina’s Duets Reboot Challenge
You Knew The Rules... - Misha x Reader - For there-must-be-a-lock’s Lou’s 2K(inky) Celebration
Challenge Accepted - Dean x Beka - For impala-dreamer’s End of the Year Quickie Challenge
Pieces Of Us - Dean x Cas - For impala-dreamer’s Make Me Feel It Challenge
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