#elliot stabler using his words (or at least trying to)? we really are in a parallel universe
causewhywouldnti · 1 year
My thoughts as I’m watching 24 seasons of law & order svu:
Season 8
Starting the season off strong with Dana Star. Poor Elliot at the end of the episode, when Olivia is just gone. And I love how much he is insisting that he will only get a temporary new partner.
Becks french in 8x03 is actually really good. Most times when French is spoken in an American TV show, the accent is really strong, not the case here. After looking up the actress, it makes sense that her French would be good.
On 8x05, I miss Benson and Benson/Stabler. That dynamic is a huge part of my interest in this series. So it will be interesting to see how it’ll go from season 13-22…
8x06 Benson is back, finally!
8x07, well, that mother is a lot of things, but mother is not a word i‘d use. Her no reaction to one of her kids almost being run over and picking the boyfriend over her daughter is just wow. I do like Stablers more informal clothes. Benson, seeing Beck and Stabler together and deciding to not come back yet, is just sad. And that kiss came way out of left field. Not a fan.
8x08 Dang. Stabler is ruthless. Starts something with Beck, and then introduces Kathy to her as his wife. Like, I have no idea if Beck even knows he’s getting a divorce or not. I would have liked him to answer why he has to keep doing this job though. And the relationship ended as fast as it began…
8x09, yeah, that coffee shop scene with Benson and Stabler was not awkward at alllll… showing their reflection whilst the couple was talking about love vs controlling someone was … a choice? The two of them passive aggressively pointing out each other's flaws during the whole episode, but when Casey attacks them, they immediately have each other's back, seems to describe their friendship quite well. And then of course there is the kidney scene.
8x10 was just sad, really well done, but still sad.
8x11, well, I’m glad that Kathy didn’t go the “sexual assault” route that one divorce lawyer suggested. Interesting how they show Fin and Stabler supporting the husband and Benson supporting the wife. Not sure how I feel about the talk between Kathy and Olivia, but I do like that Stabler signed the divorce papers on his own. Loved the talk between Benson and Stabler on the steps. Him actually voicing what he is afraid of especially. The whole episode showed that 8x10 was shot earlier, because they had tension in 8x09, none whatsoever in 8x10, and then it’s there again in 8x11.
8x13 made me realize just how often Stabler gets injured. Also, Cragen giving the EMT’s the order to restrain Benson if she doesn’t go to the hospital. Why do we get so many Benson at Stabler’s bedside, yet none of him at hers? And is she wearing his hoodie after her hospital stay? Stabler encouraging Benson to do something illegal is just great. As well as Benson being annoyed that the hacking has to be done in the men’s bathroom.
Am a bit annoyed that Warner decided the perp died cause of a lacerated spleen in 8x14 and therefore bled out. That would have meant the dude bled out in a matter of a minute or less (which I do not believe is possible, but I could be wrong). Add to that, she would have found a significant amount of blood in his abdominal cavity, blood that would not be there (at least not in the quantities) if, as said, he died of an arrhythmia and the spleen ruptured postmortem. The like 10 chest compressions Stabler did would not account for a blood loss of 30% that would be required to kill someone. Also, let’s not talk about the fact that Stabler got like 5 chest compressions in, before Benson declared him dead. I’m not even sure if cops can call a death, or if they are required to keep doing CPR until an EMT arrives at the scene. But definitely try longer, especially if the victim was up and running/fighting not 2 minutes before (maybe I’m more than just a bit annoyed…). I did like Benson standing up for Stabler in the IAB investigation though. And though I am aware that what Tucker does is right and called for, it does not make me like him, not even a little bit.
Well, I have been wondering when this episode would come up. 8x16, already starting great with Stabler going along with Benson, getting arrested and all. Seriously, Stabler was great this whole episode, had her back the whole time. And poor Cragen having to deal with them. I would have liked to see more of the evaluation, cause it tends to give you an in-depth look into the characters, but I’ll gladly take what we got.
8x17, I’m surprised they went with the episode that way. I mean, I figured out that the reverend was covering for someone pretty early on. But what surprised me, was that they showed an evangelist, changing his mind about Gay people and also forgiving his wife that fast. Really appreciate it though.
8x19 Olivia absolutely losing it in interrogation was something. Not sure why it took Cragen and Stabler so long to intervene. Stabler has been very supportive the last few episodes.
The kid in 8x20 is the best. Aaaand that took a dark turn real fast! Kathleen is probably my favorite Stabler kid. Might be because she got the most airtime at this point… we have Benson beating and kicking a perp last episode and now Stabler nearly killing one in this…
The Stabler divorce saga makes no sense to me. Did Kathy file the divorce papers that she desperately wanted Elliot to sign? He gave them to her. An episode later, he wants to try again. In a later episode, they talk about him moving back in. We hear nothing of it, until he has a one-night stand with her and Kathleen calls him out on it. Then we see him playing poker with all the kids in his apartment. Next episode, Kathy tells him she is pregnant and that he wanted to try, and she believed him, but he didn’t? I get that they only showed some aspects, but a little more context would have been nice. No wonder fans read whatever they want into it…
Well, the finale was depressing, it was fair (no matter how much I dislike it), they were held accountable. It is a little funny that Munch is the only one who did not face any repercussions out of all of them. All in all, a solid season. Personally, I think I prefer the first half of season 6, but this is a close second.
Familiar faces: Stephen McKinley Henderson (The Newsroom), Connie Nielsen (Gladiator), Charles Shaughnessy (The Nanny), Lily Rabe (Shrinking), Debra Jo Rupp (That ‚70s Show), Elle Fanning (House), Margo Martindale (Hannah Montana: The Movie), Bob Saget (Full House), Catherine Bell (Good Witch), Bernadette Peters (Grey‘s), Michael Michele (House), Kelli Giddish AKA Rollins (SVU), Kal Penn (House), Pablo Schreiber AKA Lewis (SVU), Ashley Williams (HIMYM), Kali Rocha (Sydney from Grey‘s), Michael Weston (Lucas from House), Tim Daly (with the worst haircut), Sarah Drew (Grey‘s), Leven Rambin (The Hunger Games), Chance Kelly (Fringe), Dylan Walsh (Whiskey Cavalier), Kelly Deadmon (Manifest), Clark Middleton (Fringe), Michael Welch (Twilight) and Jack McGee (NCIS).
Favorite episodes: 8x01, 8x09, 8x11, 8x13 and 8x16
Favorite lines:
“Elliot told me to tell you, you’re nuts.” “That’s just the concussion talking.” - Benson and Star 8x01
(On where Benson is) “Word in the conspiracy mill is she’s having my love child.” - Munch 8x06
“The van tried to take a shortcut to Brooklyn. The river got in the way.” - Munch 8x08
“I’d give you a kidney.” “Not if I gave you mine first.” - Stabler and Benson 8x09
“It’s just nice to see someone else with an anger issue.” - Stabler 8x11
“When love warps into hate, there’s nothing you won’t do.” - Stabler 8x11
(On who called the press) “It could have been anyone. This place had more leaks than a 100-year-old water main.” - Munch 8x13
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milquetoast-on-acid · 3 years
Benson and stabler are on the cusp of a romance! I'm so excited!
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So I don't know about you all but I'm feeling pretty positive about EO from this episode. I of course, am always going to want to see more but I loved what we got. They are in such a good place, the best place they have been since he's gotten back. They're relationship is finally on solid ground!
I loved the fake out between three of them! Love how they have been using Elliot's well known temper to fool people. First in Wheatley's trial when Elliot 'went off' in order to rattle Wheatley's cage. And here now with this fake fight between them all.
Subverting expectations by flipping the script on everyone. Everyone expects Elliot to get angry about stuff including us and they used it their advantage. And how they use it, is so important because it really shows some great character growth for him.
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I also love how Elliot's ties on his sweater, Ayanna's sweater and Olivia's coat are all the same color! Signifying that they are all together on this! I love how they are using color and costumes to tell the story. Reminds me of the shandy purple days.
Olivia and Elliot acknowledging how they both hated having to fight the other. Mariska has said in interviews that so much of EO is really M&C. This is definitely one of those instances that blur the lines. Chris has said before how his least favorite scenes to shoot with Mariska are the ones where they fight. So I really appreciate them adding that in there because not only does it definitively tell us that the flighting was fake. But that EO are clearly getting along behind the scenes.
This UC arc is already established as different from the Albanian arc. Particularly when it comes to EO. They are in a completely different place than before. Olivia didn't even know Elliot went UC last time. All he does is text her that he will be off the grid but not to worry. He gives her the least amount of information about what he's doing. So of course it causes issues between them, one of them being that him doing it is triggering for Olivia.
Last time Elliot took the UC job because he was trying to run away from his life and emotions. It's why the presence of Olivia and their relationship is so heavily featured in that arc. The things he was trying to run away from followed him when he went UC. Because you can't run away from yourself even if you change your name or your job. This time he's not running away but doing his job. I know that he'll struggle with the UC like last time but it's not about hiding anymore.
Also not only is Olivia is aware that he's going UC but that she's in on the ruse. Guys! This is huge because it means they are communicating as partners like they used to! Then of course we get the amazing wonderful scene in the hallway.
I love how soft they are with each other in these scenes!
First of all I love how Elliot is talking about his dad so very easily with Olivia. What we already knew about Elliot's dad is that he was a cop, him and Elliot did not have a good relationship. He cheated on Bernie and was abusive. So I'm very curious if we are going to get more information on his dad and their relationship. Since Bernie is a major recurring character now, maybe we'll get more insight into their marriage from her.
Olivia is the person that Elliot can be the most vulnerable with. She has been since season 1 even above Kathy. So I love love love him talking about his dad so freely with Olivia.
I love how the dialogue isn't romantic or emotional at all between them. But it's 100% how the scene is played by them that gives us the intention. It's the body language that really gives them away!
They are so flirty here! I love how they throw around the word "friend". Olivia's need to give their relationship a definition but one that doesn't actually define what they are. Still gets me because it's her throwing up that wall that still surrounds her heart. I don't blame her for still being cautious. But I see real progress here! Neither of them wants to screw this up and Olivia knows that once they take this step that there's no going back.
They both know they are and have always been way more than friends. Him asking her to come to Christmas and inviting her and Noah to lunch is not an invitation from one friend to another. But a romantic overchur. It's why she's so hesitant, why she was so nervous last time he asked her to Christmas.
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The look on Elliots face and in his eyes after she says "Elliot, my friend". He drops his smile and gets so serious! His eyes sparkle! He's got it so bad for her! And then his face falls a bit when she tells him let's wait because he really wants to move things forward.
I can see that by the end of this arc Elliot will ask Olivia out again and she will say yes. That is where they are going with this storyline. In the meantime I want to see more flirty moments.
I know we only got a few minutes between them this episode but I'm really really happy with what we got. Things feel balanced between them for the first time since he's gotten back. They are finally on solid ground. That angst that permeated their relationship is gone and the only tension that's left is sexual. He's talking to her and isn't lying to her about what he's doing. Telling her that it's not any of her business or to back off. Instead he's keeping her in the loop and she's actually a part of what he's doing.
Guys this is the EO that we've all missed! They are back and they are on the cusp of a romance!
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themillsdaughter · 3 years
Okay, so I have thoughts on the bensler reunion and feel like if I don’t write it somewhere, it’ll just become one of those subjects one ruminates over for the rest of their lives until they become bitter and old and shake their fist in silent rage.
Twitter is filled with people who haven’t watched it yet, hence me posting about this here after years of being inactive in this fandom. if anyone’s interested, I’d love to chat about this too, but in case it isn’t clear by now, major spoilers and unhappy ranting ahead.
Alright, first off, I feel like I should put a few disclaimers from the get-go: one, i have not watched the Organized Crime episode past the letter part bc who even has the energy, two, despite everything I say here, I do genuinely love the characters, and three, I was never, ever, ever fully on board with Stabler coming back. I thought it was a stupid idea since I first found out about it.
I mean, come on. It’s literally been ten years. Ten freaking years without any contact (do not get me started on that semper fidelis thing) and NOW they wanna bring him back? Now that Olivia is settled as the captain, now that she has moved on with her life and is finally as happy as she can? Are you kidding me? And not only that, I had a feeling the show wouldn’t handle all the emotional bagage as it should. SVU is one of my favorite shows, I’ve quite literally watched it for half of my life (even before I was even fluent in English). I love this show with a ferocity I can’t quite put into words, but it has, without a shadow of a doubt, been losing it’s power for at least a couple of seasons now, if not more.
As I said, I haven’t been participating in the fandom for some years, so I can’t speak as to why it’s been going a bit downhill, though I do have a suspicion that it has something to do with the fact that it’s been going on for, hahah, literally over two decades.
But anyways, that’s beside the point. What I’m trying to say here is that I thought it was stupid to bring Elliot back. The show doesn’t need him. It might need the drama, but absolutely not him.
Either way, since what I think has no actual implication in the serious world of tv dramas, it was happening anyway and the thirteen-year-old bensler shipper in me could not help herself. I had to watch it.
I expected to be angry, I expected Olivia to go against her better judgement at least once because he asked pretty please. I expected them to share at least one kiss.
Only one of those expectations wasn't met (to my delight).
Two minutes into the episode, I was already yelling at the TV because I swore she was going to hug him when she first saw him. Thankfully, that didn’t happen, but the eye contact was already too much.
But nothing, and I mean nothing, could have prepared me for Kathy’s part in this episode. She was hurt. Someone tried to kill her. Uh-uh.
Thinking from a creative point of view, it does make sense. She’s been his wife for god knows how many years now, he’s involved with some pretty big crimes, someone wanted to kill him, she was colateral. Beautiful, classic, awesome.
What does not make sense is how the episode was set up. WHY should we feel this anguish, this great sadness over Kathy? Sure, we’ve known about her for as long as Elliot was on the show, that is, since the very beginning. But, and I’m sorry to repeat this again, IT HAS BEEN TEN YEARS. The viewers attachment to Kathy is a very very thin thread.
And yes, I do understand that the point was to focus on Elliot’s loss, on his pain, his fear of losing his wife, the mother of his children. However, that wasn’t even properly done, either. Were they in love again? He said they were happy, but how so? Where were they at in their love story? Were they a family again, were they facing problems? Were they distant, but still married? The show didn’t answer any of that, so, when she passes (which, to be honest, was predictable), that’s that. She’s dead. Elliot cries, Liv’s in shock. Okay.
Granted, it was the very first episode of his return, I cannot speak over what will be revealed in later episodes of either shows, but I personally feel that we weren’t given enough to feel. It was all based on the expectation that we would remember everything that happened and that we would still have the same attachment to everything.
And now we get to the duo of the hour: Olivia still-in-love-with-the-same-man-who-abandoned-her-a-decade-later Bensler and Elliot agressive-man-but-with-a-tinsy-bit-of-more-control Stabler.
Here I do admit that part of my frustration is my own fault. I wished, prayed, hoped and desperately wanted Liv to get angry. To give him some sort of verbal smack-down for what he did. Yes, it makes perfect sense for her to just shut it out as best she can. It’s Liv we’re talking about, so that’s very in character for her, but it still didn’t give me the satisfaction I feel we deserved to see her tell him to go to hell. (Furthermore, I think it would have been a fantastic way to showcase how much she’s grown without him. Yes, she used to be soft with him, but now she’s assertive, she wants more for herself, she knows she deserved more than what he did).
The tears, the apology, the hug in the hospital.... it was all....fine. It was fine. It was them. It just lacked something more. It lacked some sort of spark.
Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to love their reunion despite myself. I wanted to be wrong and watch a beautifully executed, messy, sweet reunion of the ship which literally made me join fandom life, learn about fanfiction and learn English. I wanted that more than anything, but I didn’t expect it.
What I expected was exactly what I got. I smelled that scene of Elliot begging her to let him in the interrogation room, giving her those Puss In Boots eyes and Olivia just folding from the minute they announced his return. And it made me angry, because the whole message they’ve been sending us through all these seasons, of Liv growing into the main character, into someone who wasn’t El’s partner anymore, into a f***ing Captain was backpaddled real quick.
And yeah, there is something to be said about the effect he will always have on her, no matter how many years. But is that really what she, as a character, deserves? Is that even healthy?
I probably have more thoughts, but this is far, far too long already.
In general, the episode was fine. It wasn’t awful. it was also not great. Do I wanna watch the rest? No. Will I? Probably.
Oh, and just before I go: WHAT THE F*** WAS UP WITH FIN???? HELPING HIM OUT??? TELLING ELLIOT UNSOLICITED INFORMATION ABOUT LIV’S LIFE??? ABOUT HER LOVE LIFE??? Yeah, sure, he was a bensler shipper, whatever, but excuse me??? You’ve actively participated in her life for twenty years and think it’s healthy to try and make her patch up with a man who just, in her own words, DISAPPEARED?
Love the dude, wanted Olivia to yell at him too.
Anyways, if anyone made it this far and feels like talking about it, I am absolutely open to that.
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trueromantic1 · 3 years
The Myth of Me and You Is Fiction Turned To Truth
Summary: After the events of both seasons (SVU 22x16 and OC 1x08), Olivia and Elliot find themselves in the unique position of knowing where there love story will end up, but having no idea what exactly will transpire to get them there. One thing they do know? Their love can only grow deeper, and that they’re bound to enjoy the journey.
Author’s Note: For the purposes of this story, SVU 22x16 ended on May 28 (canon) and OC 1x08 ended on June 4 (not canon). This picks up on June 7.
Title comes from Great Ones by Maren Morris. It’s definitely an EO song.
Rating: M, possibly Explicit eventually
ff.net: here
AO3: here
Her phone beeped, drawing her distracted gaze away from the paperwork in front of her. Seeing the text message notification lighting up the screen, Olivia took off her glasses and put her pen down, picked up the phone, and leaned back in her chair with a sigh as she unlocked it.
Can I buy you dinner? There’s news.
She frowned, trying to tell his mood from those few words. Realizing it would be impossible, she glanced out at the nearly empty squad room before hitting the call button instead.
“You didn’t have to call. I know you’re at work still Liv.” Judging by the voices she could hear in the background, he was still at work as well. She knew they’d been dealing with the lawyers and IAB ever since Morales turned out to be a mole and decided suicide by cop was the best way out.
“It’s fine El. I needed a break from the paperwork for a minute anyway. The one thing they never prepare you for is just how much paperwork you do when you’re in charge of a squad. So, what’s going on?”
He chuckled, and she could hear the creak as he leaned back in his own chair. “That’s what dinner is supposed to be for Liv. If I tell you now, what would be the point of dinner?”
She smiled, recognizing his tone as the slightly flirty one she’d been hearing more of ever since what was supposed to be Fin’s wedding. Neither one of them was ready to jump into a relationship, but they’d come to a silent understanding that night by the water. “I don’t know Elliot. We’ve never needed a reason for dinner before. Why don’t you just tell me the news now, and then you can come over to my place later and we’ll get Chinese. Noah’s taking advantage of it being summer vacation and is at a sleepover so his friend’s mom can take them to an early show of a ballet she worked on costumes for. Apparently, they allow friends and family to come for free on Tuesdays, but it’s normally during the school day.”
“Oh, I bet he’s excited. Sleepover during the week and going to a professional ballet performance?”
“Yes, he’s thrilled. It’s all he talked about all weekend. Now quit stalling Elliot. What’s going on?”
“I never could get one by you, could I? Okay. Well, Angela Wheatley woke up earlier today, and is expected to make a full recovery. Bell and Washburn went over to the hospital once they cleared her for visitors. And we’re finally supposed to be done dealing with IAB and the lawyers over this. We still have to wait for IAB’s official report, but I got the feeling none of us were going to get in trouble for what happened. They told Bell they’d already spoken to you as well, so you should be done with them for now too. And then on a more personal note, you remember I told you I was looking at apartments in the city? At Fin’s not-wedding and then that I had some more appointments the rest of that weekend? Well, I found one, and I went down and signed the lease today during lunch.”
“El, I’m glad things are working out with the case, and that IAB will be out of all of our hair. It’s still bothering me what exactly Richard Wheatley was planning with that fake text sending me to the hospital. But I guess we won’t know unless he decided to tell us. But way to bury the lead! El, that’s great! I can’t believe you found a place in just a week. You didn’t just settle for something did you? You need a good place for you and Eli to make a home.” She knew he’d been anxious about getting out of the one bedroom short-term he’d rented after Kathy’s death, so she hoped he’d taken his time to find something he really liked.
“It’s nice, knowing you worry about us. And thanks. Don’t worry, it’s actually a great place. Rent’s a little higher than I’d planned, but I can make it work. It’s about halfway between here and the one six actually. About two blocks from the school Eli will be going to, assuming they’re back to in person by then. And it’s a three bedroom two and a half bath, which I figure will come in handy if any of the kids decide to visit and don’t want to drive home ever. And it’s near a park, in case anyone else wanted to visit. I take possession this Sunday, and Bell gave me Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday off so I can get some stuff moved in. I’ve got some furniture scheduled for delivery on Monday.” The calm she’d been hearing more and more in the last few weeks shone through, which she knew was at least in part because he’d finally started talking to someone. But she thought a lot of it had to do with settling back into the city, since he’d confided that as much as they’d been happy in Italy, the energy had just never been exactly right to him.
“I’ll always worry El, you know that. I’m glad though. Now you and Eli have all summer to get settled in. Hopefully he’ll meet some of his future classmates, so he won’t fell so new when school starts back up. And you know, it just so happens, I might know someone who could come help you get things set up. You know, if you were interested.” She made sure to infuse her voice with a hint of suggestion, upping the playful flirting they’d been indulging in just a bit. She mentally patted herself on the back when she heard the hitch in his breath followed him clearing his throat. His next words, voice lowered and with a hint of a growl, proved he hadn’t lost a step either, as she felt herself flush with arousal and a corresponding dampness between her thighs that she was fast becoming reacquainted with that caused her to cross her legs and shift in her seat to try to alleviate the pressure.
“Is that so? Well, far be it from me to turn down someone willing to work up a sweat with me. Why don’t we discuss it more over dinner? I should be able to be to your place by 7, if that works for you.”
She checked the time, then the stack of papers she needed to finish, then glanced into the squad room. Seeing her people were now at their desks, folders open in front of them, she quickly calculated it’d be at least another hour before she could even think of leaving, especially if she planned to take three days off next week. “Make it 8?”
“8 it is. Want me to pick up our usual on my way over, or are we having it delivered?”
“Hmm, better pick it up. You know how busy they get. If you call it in when you leave, it’ll probably be just about ready by the time you get there.”
“Sound good. I’ll let you go so you can finish up all that paperwork. See you in a few hours Liv.”
“Alright. Bye El.” Hanging up, she pressed the phone against her chest a moment, savoring the warm feeling she always seemed to get when she talked to Elliot these days, before standing up and walking out into the squad room.
“Anything you guys haven’t finished by 7, you can leave until tomorrow. Short of a new case, you can all clock out then, since we’re currently between cases.” She turned to head back to her office and the stack of paperwork, but turned back around when Amanda spoke.
“Are you clocking out then too Cap? I know Noah’s at that sleepover. You shouldn’t stay late finishing paperwork anymore if we aren’t.” Her detective’s voice was concerned, and she realized just how much her stress and worry over the last three months must have shown, despite how hard she tried to hide it.
“Yes, he’s already called me to say goodnight, because apparently they will be too busy the rest of the night with sleepover stuff to worry about me. But don’t worry, I’m clocking out then too. Even if that pile of paperwork is only going to grow when you all turn in your paperwork.” She turned again, hoping to make it into her office before anyone thought too hard about her clocking out when she didn’t have to, but Fin’s teasing voice told her she was too late.
“You? Clock out early when you don’t have Noah waiting at home? What’s up? You got yourself a hot date or something?”
She was a Captain. Had been a police officer for over twenty years. She’d had to keep her cool when being questioned on the stand by lawyers all the time. But she knew, she knew, that she couldn’t hide the hitch in her step or the slight wince as he asked his question. Even as she turned back around, her face carefully blank, she knew he’d caught her. “Date? No, I don’t have a date. Who would I even have a date with?” Internally, she winced again as she heard a voice that sounded suspiciously like Elliot Stabler tell her that asking that many questions just made her sound defensive, and therefore all the more suspicious. Registering the varying degrees of shock on the three’s faces, she smirked to herself for surprising them at least.
“Oh, I don’t know. A certain Detective, maybe? I saw you two together at the ceremony, off in your own little world by the water. Almost like old times, ‘cept the flirting was a little too obvious.”
Trying to control the embarrassed flush she could feel, she internally cursed. She’d hoped everyone had been too preoccupied to pay attention to her and Elliot, but knew that had probably been too much to hope for. She knew the rumor mill had picked right back up when he’d returned, and people realized they were talking again. “Alright, yes, I’m meeting Elliot for dinner. But it’s not a date. We’re just going to do some catching up over Chinese. We haven’t really had much time to just talk since he came back.” She ignored the pointed look he shot her, and appreciated that Amanda and Kat at least pretended not to be interested, as she finally made it back into her office. She heard his footsteps though, saw him shut the door behind him as she sat down behind her desk.
“You sure about this? I just don’t want you getting hurt. Don’t forget, I was here when he left.” She could see the worry clouding his face, and resigned to give him the truth. After all, he’d been there for it all.
“I’m sure. We’re…Taking things slow. We’ve talked, and while neither one of us is ready to just jump straight into a relationship, we’ve discussed it, and have agreed that’s where we’re heading. So we flirt some, and we spend time together, and we talk. We’re not defining it yet. I know it sounds like dating, and maybe in a way it is. But what’s important to us is rekindling our friendship, first and foremost. We’ve already talked about why he left, how he left. And I’ve told him not only what it did to me, but I’ve told him what he missed. He was…Devastated. It turns out the whole family was in France at the time, and by the time the kids came back, it had already become old news. He swore he would have come back had he known, and I believe him. I’d always wondered if he’d just stopped caring, but if you’d seen how he looked, you’d have had to believe him too. So yes, I’m sure about this. We’re going to take things slow for now, but we know where we’re going to end up, even if we aren’t sure when that will happen. Speaking of Elliot though, I’m going to take a few personal days next week to help him get moved into his new place. He gets the keys on Sunday, and his furniture comes Monday.”
He still looked a little worried, but she could tell he would take her at her word. “If you say so. I have to say, I’m surprised you guys already talked about that. But I’m glad. You deserve to be happy Liv, and I think he’ll make you happy. And don’t worry, I’ll cover next week for you. And I’ll let the others know you’ll be taking some time, and make sure they don’t ask you any questions.” He turned and left the office, leaving the door open behind him as he went back to his desk, stopping to talk to Amanda and Kat on his way.
Putting her glasses on and picking up her pen, she smiled to herself as she went back to her paperwork. She still had a lot to work through before it was time to head out, though she was hoping the anticipation would make the time pass faster. Afterall, it wasn’t every day she got to head home to a hot meal and an even hotter man, not that she’d tell him that. His ego was already inflated enough.
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userarchive · 4 years
Unexpected Circumstances Ch 11
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Warnings: Language, talk of the job/sex trafficking. A/N: Y’all this took a fcking WEEK to work through cause there was so much detailing to pay attention to. Sue me if things aren’t accurate/canon/whatever. I think it turned out okay enough?!
To say you were practically exhausted would nearly be an understatement at this point. Living undercover was never easy, but with it being the Christmas season simply made things worse, parties were larger, filled with more people you needed to document, the drugs and alcohol moved freely through them, you dealt with more suppliers than any other time of year. You’d finally made your way past Christmas day, relishing in a couple of days of relaxation. Alejandro ordered a feast of delicacies, mimosa’s with breakfast and far too expensive wine with dinner, gifting you with the diamond bracelet you so ‘obviously deserved’ over lunch. While you had to admit, living the high life was something you did sometimes miss from your childhood, you were more than happy knowing there were only six days until SVU would make the bust, only six bullshit parties until you’d finally be free from this specific hell.
It was the evening of the 26th, you’d wrapped up Christmas, the penthouse returning to its normal decoration, prepping for the New Years Eve party. You’d set up a number of rooms for clients and girls, the top wing where your and Alejandro’s rooms were clearly off limits, but you had security placed at the top of that staircase. You traipsed down the stairs, heels in your hand, hair curled loosely around your shoulders, blue dress hugging every inch of your body like no tomorrow. The log book tucked under your arm, a smirk on your lips as you met Alejandro’s gaze.
“You ready?” You asked at the base of the stairs, slipping your feet into the heels, “Should be an easy night.”
“I’m just waiting for the 31st Chiquita.” He replied. You gave him a soft smile, happily indulging into the food he’d ordered for the two of you, gratefully accepting the glass of champagne he poured for you.
Slowly over the next couple of hours the girls started to arrive, escorted by their pimps/madams, you were quick to baby them, reminding them that when they were in your house, they didn’t need to do anything they didn’t want to. Anything unacceptable happens, they were to call you, and you’d fix the situation. You were quick to remind the pimps that it was, your house, your rules, you knew most of the girls that came through your parties were of age and willingly doing this, but there was always a limit of no. If they didn’t want it, you didn’t allow it and you were definitely going to kick a customer out and red list him from as many parties as possible.
A few hours later and the party was in full swing, you had a good handful of perps throughout the suite, everything was going smoothly, the money, booze and drugs were flowing smoothly. Alejandro kept a protective eye while you finished up the books, handing you a fresh glass of champagne when you flipped the book shut, letting out a hefty sigh. You passed it off to one of the nearby security guards, insisting he put it upstairs where you kept the others. 
“You okay Mija?” He questioned as you moved from the island, facing the extravagant living room.
“Yeah.” You ran a hand through your hair as you took a hefty gulp of the alcohol “I just have a bad feeling about tonight…” You glanced up at him,  “I think you should get out of here.”
“And what? Leave you to deal with the blow out on your own?” You tossed him a wicked grin,
“We both know all I have to do is shed a few tears and flip on a few of these idiots and I’ll be walking away with a misdemeanour. That last bust…wasn’t vice, sex crimes is onto us now. The target on our back is getting bigger.” Your words were quietly muttered into the rim of your champagne flute, eyes watching the room. 
“Well it sounds like you know the drill, do exactly that, and we run. How do you feel about the French Polynesia? Sure beats the New York winter.” You rolled your eyes at his comment. Sure, a tropical getaway of a vacation sounded fucking wonderful right about now, but the last thing you wanted was another year under. You took a swig of champagne, leaving the glass on the counter, muttering that you were going to do a quick round of the house, not that you would find any trouble upstairs. Oh no, the trouble was walking in the door while you made your way back down the staircase.
“You really think you can throw a party on my turf without me darlin’?” Fucking Declan.
“Last I checked you weren’t invited O’Rourke.” You strode towards him, hands settling on your hips, “Not to mention this isn’t your turf.”
“C’mon sweetheart, you forget what I have to offer?” You scoffed at that, noticing Alejandro cautiously moving towards the two of you.
“Oh, what!? Strung out sixteen year olds?!” A hand wildly gestured to the four girls behind him, obviously under age and obviously not sober. “You’re just here to pretend you’re fancy when you are in fact, a piece of trash. Get the fuck out of here.”  Your personal rage towards the man, knowing that he still had his bosses convinced that he was undercover when he was in fact a criminal, blinded you from noticing him pulling the gun from inside his coat. You yelped as he crashed the butt of it into the side of your head, yelling something about how you were no better than a stupid whore.
“HEY!” The shout came from Alejandro, he moved to push Declan against a wall but you were a hot second faster, a heel to the balls, you had the gun out of his hand and unloaded in a matter of seconds, tossing the magazine to the floor in the direction of the nearest security. Nonetheless he shoved his shoulders hard enough to send the other man stumbling in the direction of the elevator. You heard the all too familiar ‘gun!’ shout with just enough time to look up at Alejandro.
“Run!” Grasping your hand he tugged you towards the back entrance, you were halfway through the door when ESU caught you, coming from that entrance. The cops behind them were more than quick to wrench you and Alejandro apart, no doubt knowing exactly who you were, and catching the big fish was more important than trying to gather up minnows.
‘You have got to be fucking kidding me…’
You knew hours had passed, you’d been taken down to the 2-4 and very unceremoniously tossed into an interrogation room, at least they’d been generous enough to un-cuff you and give you an ice pack for the pistol whipping you’d taken. Whenever a bust happened with you and Alejandro they were always going to send in the big guns, and they usually let you wait it out while they started with him. You’d collapsed yourself against the cold metal table, legs dangling off the edge, you couldn’t believe this, five days, five fucking days until SVU was supposed to make the bust. You were livid with whatever dumb ass Captain approved the bust without communicating to other units, and on the 26th of all days?! It was your smallest party, aside from the added bonus of Declan in cuffs, there was no upside to this whatsoever.
With the sound of the door opening, you lolled your head to the side, annoyed expression on your face matching the one on man who walked in, clearly Alejandro wasn’t talking.
“Get up.” Shooting a glare at the way he kicked the leg of the table, you rolled your eyes. Stereotypical, send in the big burly guy to play bad cop with the Queen. You knew who he was, and if Elliot Stabler was questioning you, Organized Crime seemed to also be on your tail.
“Make me.” It slipped out before you stop yourself. It was late, way too late for you to be strapped into a too tight dress and stilettos, you knew you were either spending the night in a holding cell or heading back to your precinct to work the case, your attitude wasn’t exactly ideal. Stabler sighed heavily, grabbing the leg of the table by your head and giving it a hefty tug, pulling it out from under you causing you to nearly topple over as your heels met the floor. He moved back in front of you, a tilt of the head, smirk on his lips, sizing you up as he moved in closer.
“Your King’s not talking, figured maybe you’d be more up for it.”
“Am I supposed to be afraid of you?” You cocked a brow, “Cause it certainly isn’t working, this whole, bad cop thing? Hasn’t aged well.”
“Sit down.” 
“And I suppose you want me to not shut up this time.” The only reason you even considered obeying the order was the aching in your feet from being in heels all night, “What does Organized Crime want with us anyways. It’s usually Vice.” He stalled slightly at that, making you smirk, you loved having the upper hand on men like him.
“Someone let it slip on the way in?”
“Oh…no. Sergeant Stabler, you know who I am, why shouldn’t I know who you are?” Yeah…this was definitely Organized Crime’s first time dealing with the royalty of Manhattan. “Shame you didn’t run your little op past the other departments, would’ve heard New Year’s was the night to go in.”
“What, you got cops working for you? Letting you know the little secrets so you can evade arrest?”
“Am I under arrest Sergeant?” You gave a smirk at the sigh he released in response.
“Technically, we don’t have anything on you…yet.”
“That’s what I thought.” You stood from the table, eager to get the fuck out of the unfamiliar precinct and back to the confines of your own. You barely noticed Stabler moving faster than you could imagine behind you. The door never made it open, you were jerked backwards, his hand closed around your wrist, 
“I said yet.” You felt the cement of the wall hit your body, head ricocheting off it, his forearm pressing into your collarbone. Your hand shot up, fingers hitting his parotid, the reaction causing his elbow to slam into you mouth, you felt your lip split as he stumbled from you. You were done playing, and you were certainly done playing the good girl role.
“You touch me again and I’ll have IAB so fucking far up your ass you won’t be able to shit for a month. Do I make myself clear?”
“Playing the cop angle now? You just assaulted a police officer.” He shot back, still right up in your face, rubbing the spot behind his ear you’d hit.
“Oh wow, I’m so scared! A class C felony, mark yourself down for the same offence. I’m undercover you moron.” You growled at him, if there were this many different departments on your ass there was no way you were going to be able to hide for six months, much less restart the ring afterwards.
“Yeah, right.” He scoffed, “Colour of the day?”
“Gold.” You shot back. Your heart immediately dropping into your stomach when you saw the laugh on his lips. Fuck. Gold was the 31st, you’d been so focussed on the SVU bust you’d forgotten today’s.
“Nice try.” He smirked, “Now you can either sit your ass down in that chair and tell us everything you know about Alejandro Martinez, or you can go to jail for solicitation and that assault collar.”
“I don’t make deals with cops. I make deals with A.D.A’s.” You crossed your arms over your chest, “And you’ll never find the evidence you need in the penthouse even if I do flip on Alejandro.”
“What exactly is it you want then?”
“Take me back to the apartment, I’ll get you what you want, but you take me to A.D.A. Carisi at the 16th. And in the meantime you can call Rita Calhoun ‘cause I’m not saying another word without my lawyer.” He gave out a huff at that, 
“Fine.” You rolled your eyes when he pulled the cuffs from his belt, thankful at the very least that he cuffed your hands in the front, giving you a little bit more movement ability.
All you could do on the way to the 1-6 was pray that some amount of the squad was there, preferably Olivia or Fin, you knew Sonny would’ve been called, and honestly felt horrible for dragging Rita out of bed in the middle of the night for literally nothing. No matter what kind of facts you relayed to Stabler he wasn’t about to believe the fact that you were a cop. You’d spewed off your badge number so fast you’d accidentally swapped the last two numbers, the exhaustion and multiple glasses of champagne wearing on you by then. Thankfully you’d been able to retrieve what you needed from the penthouse, before being not so gently shoved into the back of the cop car on the way to your own workplace. 
The desk sergeant was nearly asleep as the three of you made your way into the precinct, not noticing that their apparent perp was someone he saw nearly every day. Elliot’s partner was carrying the books you’d grabbed from the house. It was when you finally made your way into the bullpen that he dropped the heavy books down onto an open desk, gaining the attention of the minimal people in the room.
“Doll..Oh ma god.” Sonny took one look at you before nearly freaking out, “Imma grab some ice.” His lips hit the unbruised side of your head lightning fast before Rita spoke up.
“Un cuff her now!” The outburst brought Olivia out of her office, and exhausted look on her face that mirrored yours.
“Why should I?” Stabler shot back,
“Because she’s one of mine! Jesus El.”
“She had the wrong colour of the day.” You rolled your eyes, thankful at the release of the metal on your wrists, rubbing at the reddened skin of your wrists.
“Montgomery, you okay?” Olivia asked softly, noticing the marks on your face.
“Yeah,” You murmured, “No thanks to your old partner.” You accepted the bag of ice from Sonny, alternating it between your lip and purpling eye, “Murphy showed up at the party, fucking pistol whipped me.” You turned back to Stabler, “Keep him in fucking custody, guy’s dirty, has been for years.” You felt Sonny’s arms wrap around you, the shaky exhale of his breath making you realize just how relived he was to have you in his arms again, how happy he was you were okay. You gave him a gentle squeeze with your free arm before pulling away, turning to Rita. “Sorry to drag you out at this hour, but you know how these guys won’t stop until they hear the word lawyer.”
“You sure you’re okay?” She asked, giving your arm a gentle squeeze as you nodded.
“Yeah, get outta here.” Rita was an old family friend, she was always your go to when you needed a lawyer over the years of undercover work, even if she never actually had to defend, you were always quick to buy her dinner for waking her up. You turned to Benson, “Cap, I’ve got the books, call in Kat and Fin if you wanna start working on the case.” You shot a glare back to Stabler, “And for the love of God, keep Martinez in custody this time, but do not mention anything about me being a cop, understand? On the rare chance he gets off or doesn’t have a reason for arrest, I don’t need him knowing I’m a UC.” He glanced up to Olivia for confirmation, who simply gave him the very obvious nod, 
“She’s been working this ring for nearly 8 years, I’d trust her if I were you.”
“Okay.” He held up his hands in defeat, “I’ll send the case your way.”
“Thank you.” You practically groaned, your eyes back on your Captain, “Please tell me I can at least power nap before the others get here?”
“Yes.” She gave you a soft smile, noticing how you grabbed Sonny’s hand, “Hey! No funny business.”
“Liv I’m too tired to even think about that right now.” You called over your shoulder as you dragged him into the bunk room. Even if it was only going to be twenty minutes, twenty minutes curled in your husbands arms was the only way you wanted to end today. 
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iamknicole · 4 years
Familiar Face (3)
A month had flown by and Olivia had yet to have the talk Elliot wanted to have. The flurry of cases they both had made that even easier for her.
"Hey, Cap. You busy?" Peach asked knocking lightly on the door.
Olivia waved her in, waiting for her to close the door and have a seat. "What can I do for you, Peach?"
"Just wanted to check on you. You've seemed out of it the last couple of weeks. You okay?"
"You're very observant," Olivia chuckled, "I'm alright, I promise."
Peach smiled, "You're not but it's okay, I know you don't know me yet. Whatever it is that's bothering you will work out."
"What about you? How do you like being here? Settled in okay?"
"I like it, its different from what I'm used to but a good different." Peach explained nodding her head. "I'm still getting use to Rollins though."
Olivia pushed her glasses up on her face to look at her phone, "Rollins is not fond of change at all. Its not you, its that. She'll come around though."
"I'll remember that. I'll leave you to whatever or whoever is on your phone." Peach left the office going to her desk looking through some paperwork.
"Busy tonight Rollins?" Fin asked twisting in his chair.
She looked away from her computer and shook her head. "Besides hanging with my two at home, no. Why?"
"Dinner tonight to celebrate Peach's first month with us and Nick's first month at violent crimes. You in?"
"Nick's at violent crimes?" She asked giving him her full attention. "I didn't know that."
Fin shrugged smiling, "Either way, we're celebrating. You comin?"
Rollins nodded, "Yeah, I'll go celebrate with him. I just gotta let the babysitter know I'll be later."
Peach chuckled under her breath at Rollins choice of words. The other detective had been making little remarks and doing little things to piss Peach off but it hadn't worked thus far.
"Who's all coming?" Kat asked
"Us four of course, Nick, Phoebe and Carisi. It'll be like a family reunion." Fin joked before picking up his ringing desk phone.
Rollins went back to her computer and rolled her eyes, "A family reunion with extras."
"What was that, Amanda?" Peach asked smiling.
"Nothing, nothing, just talking to myself. I hope you don't feel any way that you have to share your celebratory dinner with our old coworker."
"Nope, I don't. I actually suggested that Nick and I have our dinners together. Wouldn't make sense to have two separate ones."
Rollins glanced at her, "You suggested to share a dinner with a stranger? Southern hospitality at its finest."
Peach chuckled shaking her head. "He's not a stranger. Me and Nick are friends and we used to be partners. We were undercover together as well."
"Huh, is that so? He never mentioned you while he was here."
"There was no need for him to mention me while he was at work. But trust me we're close friends."
Kat watched and listened to the conversation closely, she knew Peach and she knew when her friend started to get agitated and wanted to intervene when she noticed it was getting close to that moment. As much as Rollins worked Peach's nerves, Peach had never said anything out of the way to Rollins or about Rollins. However, Rollins complained about Peach whenever she could and to whoever she could.
Olivia stood in her kitchen fixing dinner for her and Noah. Her son came running from the back of the apartment from his room when he heard a knock at the door. Olivia laughed hearing his feet.
"Ask who it is before you open it, Noah."
"Who is it?" He yelled standing at the door.
"Elliot! Open up, Noah." He yelled with a hint of laughter in his voice.
Before she could stop him, Noah snatched the door open with a wide smile on his face. He launched himself at Elliot as soon as the older man stepped in, hugging him tight.
"Whats going on, buddy? I take it you missed me?" Elliot laughed hugging him back.
"Yeah! Mom said you've been busy with work."
Elliot nodded glancing over at Olivia, who still had her back to them. "Yeah, work's been busy but I'm here now. Why don't you go play for a bit while your mom and me talk."
Watching him run off, Elliot went to the kitchen area sitting on the stool at her breakfast bar. He let her move around in silence for a few minutes.
"I've been calling you, Liv."
"I know but between work and Noah I've been so busy. I'm sorry, El."
Elliot nodded rubbing his hands together. "At least turn around and look at me while you lie to me. You've been avoiding me."
Turning the stove down, Olivia moved to lean against the counter finally looking at Elliot. She couldn't help the small smile that started to spread on her face.
"You could've just not asked, El. We could've just let it be."
Elliot shrugged, "I could've but if we're really moving past everything then this needs to be discussed. So let's discuss."
"Not with Noah here."
"If we don't talk tonight, right now then you're gonna avoid me again," Elliot replied shaking his head, "You said it yourself when he's in his room playing he doesn't hear anything. Now let's talk."
Olivia sighed wiping a hand down her face. "What do you want to talk about?"
"Let's start with why you didn't tell me about Noah?"
"You left, El. It was three months before I even realized and how was I supposed to tell you?"
"That was something that was important to tell, Liv. It's not easy but you say it," he sighed. "The night that you and I spent together ... did you regret it?"
"No of course not. No." She replied immediately.
"Then you should've told me. I wanna hear you say it, tell me."
Olivia stared at him trying to make herself say it. She never said it out loud to anyone not even aloud to herself. And here she was having to say it to the very person that helped her into this situation.
"Well, well, look at what the wind blew in," Fin laughed standing up to greet Nick. "And with a beard at that."
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Nick laughed hugging Fin then Phoebe. "Had to start looking my age. Got tired of everyone calling me choir boy."
"You'll always be chior boy to me, man," Fin replied sitting back down. "Everybody else said they're on their way. How's the job treating you?"
"Actually pretty good. Captain and me get along pretty well so do me and my partner so that's all I can ask for. You used to work with him, right? Stabler."
Fin nodded, "Sure did. For years. He can be an ass and a hot head but a good dude. Kinda like you."
Nick chuckled, "I'll take that as a compliment. How's Peach doing with you guys? Yall taking care of her?"
"She fits in pretty good, Rollins hadn't come around yet. Wait, why? You got a thing for your ex- partner?"
"No, not that. We're friends. We go back to my vice undercover days. What's Rollins deal with her?" Nick asked getting comfortable.
Fin shrugged. "You know Amanda, she's real finicky sometimes. I ain't figured out what the deal is but I'm sure she'll tell us eventually."
"Speak of the devil," Nick joked under his breath seeing Rollins walk in with Carisi behind her. He smiled, "Long time no see Amanda. What's going on, Carisi? You two a thing now? Finally."
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Carisi shook his head quickly sitting across from the others. "No, not at all. We both just got here at the same time is all. Look at you with this beard, man."
Rollins shot Carisi a look then hugged Nick. "Well don't say it like it's such a bad thing. Hey, Nick. How ya doing?"
"I'm good, I'm good. What about your girls? How are they?"
She got comfortable in the seat beside Nick. "They're good, a handful but good. How's Zara and Maria?"
"Good," Nick nodded, "Zara's happy to be back in New York, wasn't too fond of LA."
"And Maria? She happy to be back?"
"I guess she would be if she was here," Nick shrugged with a small smile on his face. "So, Carisi, DA's office treating you good?"
Carisi laughed, "If good means giving me ulcers then yeah. I don't enjoy it everyday but I don't regret my decision."
"You wouldn't have ulcers if you stayed a cop." Rollins rolled her eyes trying to sound as playful as possible
Nick looked between the two of them, thankful he didn't have to deal with her snide remarks anymore. "He had to do what was best for him, Amanda. You can't fault him for that."
"I'm just saying," she shrugged, "He could've waited."
"Waited for what?" Carisi asked with a frown.
Before Rollins could respond, Kat and Peach approached the table laughing and talking loudly. Kat started to hug everyone.
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"The second guest of honor is here so the celebrating can begin," Peach announced excitedly.
"I promise she hasn't started drinking yet," Kat joked sitting to the right of Carisi, "This is just how she talks off the clock and when she's excited."
Fin laughed pulling away from hugging Peach. "Loudest I've heard you talk this whole month."
"There was no reason to talk that loud at work," she responded playfully.
Smiling, Nick got up going around the table with his arms open wide. "Get over here and gimmie a hug, girl!" The two friends embraced tightly for a minute or so before letting go. "Haven't seen your mug in a while, munchkin."
Peach laughed pushing him playfully. "I told you about the name, Nick. And you act like you don't talk to me at least two or three times a week."
"So what? I can't miss your mean ass face?" Nick joked. "These people get to see it every day just about."
"Oh whatever, Nick. Move," she laughed going to sit to the left of Carisi, "Is this you dressing down?"
Nick went back to his seat laughing but noticed the look on Rollins face. He leaned in close to her to keep his voice down. "What's with your face?"
"Nothing, nothing. You and her close, huh?"
"Yeah we are. That's my friend."
Carisi laughed fixing his shirt, "I didn't wanna be overdressed in my suits but this was still a celebration. Does it not look nice?"
Peach raised a brow playfully. "No, no, it looks nice. You look good, Carisi."
"I see you dressed up as well. Showin' leg, huh?"
"I don't get to dress up that often so I figured I'd show out a little. Too much?" She asked looking over at him.
Carisi looked down then back at her face, "Na, not too much. You look beautiful. Did you drive?"
"Thank you," she shook her head, "Nope. Me and Kat wanted to drink tonight so we're gonna get a Uber."
"You know how I feel about that."
Peach shrugged playfully. "I know but we're gonna be together and we love in the same building." Carisi stared over at her making her roll her eyes. "Fine, fine. You can take us home, Dominic."
"Thank you very much, Bianca."
Rollins squinted at the two, "What's so funny you two?"
"Shhh," Peach laughed, "Yall hear that?"
Fin frowned a little and chuckled. "Hear what?"
"The sound of somebody minding my business again."
Olivia sighed softly fixing the three dinner plates, she had yet to say what Elliot wanted to hear. She knew she was going to have to say it before Noah came out to eat but she was buying time. Taking the plates over to the breakfast bar, Olivia sat them down then grabbed Elliot's hands.
"The night we spent together after that case with that boy Hunter was the night I got pregnant," Olivia explained softly, "I didn't find out until a few months later, by that time you were already gone. Cragen let me stay as long as I could then I went out on leave until Noah was about six months. I never told anybody but Fin and Cragen figured it out when they say him."
Elliot squeezed her hands smiling, "Thank you for finally telling me. Thank you."
"Wait," Noah called out, "You had a baby before me, Mom?"
Olivia and Elliot stared at each other then at Noah speechless.
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infiniteoddball · 4 years
Whiskey and Blazers
I know that I haven’t posted any OC in a long time and I hope you can forgive me for that. I was recently inspired by a good buddy of mine, plus the return of Elliot Stabler to SVU. This is a one-shot and I hope that you enjoy!  If you would like to read it on A03, the link is here! 
The lighting was dimmer than she would have liked, but this was better than being in a club with a guy that wouldn’t take no for an answer. The last thing that she wanted to do was have to flash her badge in order to get a creep to leave her alone. So, instead, she sat quietly in the corner of this unknown bar, drinking her wine slowly. She knew she needed to talk to someone, but the person that she wanted to talk to wouldn’t even answer her phone call. Olivia sighed deeply into her glass of wine, before finishing it off.
“Would you like another?” The bartender asked as he flashed a smile at her.
Olivia bit her lip, truly debating her answer before nodding, “Yes please. Instead of wine, I would like a whiskey neat.”
He nodded wordlessly before walking to get her request. Olivia closed her eyes, dropping her head into her hands. Cragen’s words ran through her head over and over. Elliot, her best friend and partner, was gone. Just like that. She felt her stomach clench with anger. Olivia wanted to hate him, admittedly, a small part of her did. He just left! After seven years together with no explanation. How could he?
She thought that their friendship was more than a job. She knew that there were times where their friendship was stronger than their job. She knew that could have been detrimental, but neither one of them let it become that way. Mainly because she respected Cathy and his family too much.
Olivia heard the muffled sound of glass against wood before she looked up, giving a tight smile,”Thanks.” She lifted the glass before taking a sip. Olivia enjoyed the burn of the alcohol replacing the anger that was burning in her belly.
“Long day?” He quipped, leaning against the bar as he polished an already clean glass.
She felt her nostrils flare as she nodded, “The hardest that I have had in a really long time,” She felt tears spring to her eyes as she looked downwards again. She didn’t think it was affecting her this much.
“This isn’t something that I normally do, but my shift is over in twenty minutes. Would you like to grab a bite to eat with me?”
Olivia looked up, shocked by his kindness. This was not something that she was expecting, “Excuse me?”
“You just look like you need a stranger to talk to and the next guy that comes in behind me uses the same line all the time only to get people, that aren’t regulars, into his bed. I figured I might be a better option for a conversation cause I don’t have a motive.” He set his glass down, waiting patiently for her answer.
Olivia found his honesty refreshing, but also felt angry that she was getting more honesty from a stranger versus her own partner...well, ex-partner,”I don’t even know your name.”
“Ben,” He held out his hand with a barely there smile.
Olivia accepted his hand, “If you try anything on me, I will arrest you.”
Ben nodded, holding three fingers up, “Scout’s honor. I will not try any funny business.” He solemnly nodded. The last thing he wanted was to be arrested.
“Can I have my tab?”
Olivia had never had a better tasting hot dog in her life. She took another big bite, wiping the mustard from her mouth before looking at Ben enjoying his own hot dog, “What made you want to talk to me when you could go home and do whatever it is that you do?” She quipped. She was grateful the bun was soaking up the alcohol.
Ben swallowed his bite, seemingly contemplating his answer, “Well, you looked like you just needed a friend, so I thought why not? Would you like to tell me what happened?”
If she was being honest, she felt like a child as she stared at the anonymous faces surrounding them, “Honestly, I feel like if I say it out loud, then it is real.”
“It already is real. You’re feeling the emotions.” He held his hand out for her trash, pausing to throw their garbage out before falling back in stride with her.
“Yeah...Okay.” Olivia took a deep breath, glancing at Ben, before pushing on, “Today...when I went into work, I found out that my partner, and best friend, quit. He just left. He didn’t call me, and he didn’t leave a note...nothing.” Olivia swallowed thickly, as she realized that her cheeks were wet, “I...I thought we were closer than that. We always swore that we would retire together if we were still partners. Instead my Captain came and told me that he was gone. I felt-” Her words broke as she came over racked with sobs.
“Is it okay if I hug you?” Ben asked gently.
Olivia felt her sobs tightening her throat as she just nodded. She knew she couldn’t talk anymore. She was exhausted already. Every item that she had taken off of his desk felt like a thousand pounds as she had dropped it into a box. She was grateful that Cragen said that he would handle the rest because she didn’t think that she would have made it through the paperwork.
She felt this stranger's arms engulf her and she just melted into him. She knew how abnormal this was for herself let alone if someone she knew would have seen this. Then again, today had been anything but normal.
Ben gently hummed a song his mother would sing for him when he was distressed as he soothingly rubbed her back, “I can’t say I understand what you are going through, but I understand what heartbreak looks like. Friendship breakups will always be worse than romantic relationships,” He said soothingly.
Olivia didn’t know how long they stood there as she listened to his baritone voice before finally stepping back, “Oh shit. I am so sorry. I got makeup and snot on your shirt. I didn’t even pay for dinner.”
Ben threw his head back in laughter, “You’re the one having a mental breakdown after a hard day and you are worried about my shirt? This isn’t anything that a washer and some shout can’t fix. What kind of cop are you?” He grinned.
“The one that cares too much.” She looked down at her feet, momentarily staring at their feet before looking back up, “What kind of bartender takes a customer for a hot dog and a walk and talks to them as if they are best friends and didn’t meet an hour ago?”
“The one that cares too much,” He grinned, “Enough about me. How are you feeling?”
Olivia inhaled deeply, feeling extremely sober as she wiped the running makeup from her face, “Honestly? Like shit.” She turned, walking with him again as she walked towards her apartment, walking in a comfortable silence.
“Sometimes talking to strangers is the best relief that a person can get because there is no history or judgement.” Ben stated, stuffing his hands into his pockets, “If I help one person, then at least I know someone out there is going to make it to the next day.”
Olivia felt the corners of her mouth turn upwards slightly, “You’re a good person Ben.”
“I learned from the best.”
“Which is?”
“My Mom,” He answered with a smile as he glanced at her.
“A lot more people should be like you.” She said honestly.
“A lot more cops should be like you.” Ben shot back.
Olivia smiled to herself as they settled into another comfortable silence as they got closer to her apartment. Briefly, she thought about inviting him up, but decided against the better of that. The last thing that she wanted was to hurt such a kind soul because she was hurting. She dug her keys out of her pocket before turning to him, “Can I take you out for a cup of coffee sometime? As a thank you?”
Ben smiled, “I would like that.”
Olivia dug out one of her cards before handing it to him, “I will see you later Ben,” She silently admired the way his thumb careessed over her knuckles as she admired his rich brown skin against her pale white skin.
“Until later,” Ben promised.
Olivia gave him a real smile before climbing up the three flights of stairs to her apartment. She let herself in,hanging her keys before looking at herself in the hallway mirror. She looked extremely tired with smeared mascara all over her face, and red rimmed eyes that looked exhausted.
She felt her sadness hit her with another massive wave as she slid down her door, crying into her palms, How could you Elliot?! Was her last thought as she sank into the darkness of sleep.
*Fifteen Years Later*
“Noah! Go get dressed, Lucy will be here soon to take you to school!” She said firmly, clearing their dishes from the table before she padded into her bedroom. Olivia pulled on black socks before smoothing out her black shirt. She thumbed through her blazers, knowing she had a court date today as well as a meeting with 1PP for the new training to give to her team.
She thumbed her way through her blazers before finally deciding on a richly colored maroon blazer. She finished getting ready with a swipe of lipstick before she decided to tie her hair up, “Are you ready Noah?” Her shoes dangled from her fingers as he came out of the bathroom with toothpaste in the corner of his mouth.
“Yes mom! I just finished brushing my teeth!” He smiled brightly, “Is Uncle Ben still coming over for dinner?”
“Yes sweet boy,” She grinned as she dropped her shoes, wiping the toothpaste as there was a knock at the door.
“I will get it!” He smiled, running before she heard him excitedly saying hi to Lucy. She quickly slipped her shoes on before grabbing her travel mug, and heading towards the front door.
“Hi Olivia,” Lucy smiled as she took her jean jacket off.
“Hey Lucy,” She grinned before she pulled her own jacket on, “His lunch is packed and good to go in the fridge. Your check is on the counter. I will see you later, and have a wonderful day!” She smiled.
She turned, opening her arms to Noah before kissing his cheek multiple times, “Have a great day at school and learn a lot.” She murmured before standing again.
Olivia smiled, greeting everyone as she walked into the precinct. Olivia felt as though she was frozen, mid step, as she looked at the figure leaning against the frame of her door. She felt her throat constricting as she struggled to breathe. She knew that figure anywhere. She didn’t need an introduction.
“Hey Liv,” Fin said gently as he gently touched her elbow, “I tried to get him to leave, but he refused to leave without talking to you.”
“Now he wants to talk?” She questioned bitterly as she squared her shoulders, pulling her bag higher on her shoulder.
“Hey, I-”
“Don’t worry Fin, I will handle it.” Olivia cut him off before he had the chance to say how he wanted to kill him.
Fin stood, silently, in the middle of the floor with his arms crossed over his chest as his eyes followed her. He remembered how hard this was for her the last time and he couldn’t imagine how it would be for her this time.
Olivia walked past him, silently, into her office.
Elliot ran his hand over his thinning hair as he looked at her, leaving his hand resting on the back of his neck as he tried to give a relaxed smile, “Hey Liv, so you’re a Lieutenant now?” He quipped.
Olivia stayed silent as she placed her bag on her desk, next to her mug. She hung her coat before turning to him, crossing her arms over his chest to hide her shaking hands, “You lost the right to call me Liv the moment you left me in your dust. It’s Olivia.” She said calmly.
Elliot looked down at the floor, he couldn’t help but think how he missed the carpet that was in here, “I deserve that...actually I deserve a lot worse. Look, I know you’re angry and-”
“No,” Olivia cut him off, “I am no longer angry. I was broken. My best friend  disappeared off the face of the planet. Actively choosing not to return my calls or e-mails. Nothing! I got no explanation from you. Just Cragen telling me that you wouldn’t be returning to work ever again.” Olivia stopped as she realized how loud she was talking. She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply before and exhaling before she looked at him. She stepped forward, nodding at Fin before she closed the door behind him. Olivia stared at the picture of Noah on her desk before she sat down.
“You weren’t the only one who lost something that day. Sister Peg died in my arms. I lost two good friends in the span of weeks.” Olivia could feel her nose getting itchy. She knew she was going to end up crying sometime today, “Instead of facing things head on, by my side, you chose to, instead, leave me to pick up your pieces as I struggled to pick up my own.”
She watched as Elliot sat in the chair across from her desk, “I can say I am sorry, because I truly am, but I know that will never make a difference for the time and trust that was lost. I owe you so much more than what I can ever give you. I knew you would be hurt, and I am so sorry that I hurt you so badly. But I-I had to leave.” Elliot stared at his hands, unable to look at her.
Olivia felt the nerves clench in her stomach as she asked the simplest question, “Why?”
Elliot sat silently for a moment before finally taking a deep breath, “I couldn’t do it anymore. I knew that I would always choose you. I would choose to save your life over anyone’s and when I killed Jenna. I would have done that again in a heartbeat, but it also broke something inside of me.”
Olivia felt herself wanting to soften with his confession, but the first night she ever met Ben popped into her head, “You come in here, after fifteen years? If you would have just talked to me, you could have saved us a lot of pain.”
Elliot looked up, staring at her in the eyes, “I wanted to confess everything, but I knew I was in love with you. I couldn’t do that to Cathy any more.”
Olivia swallowed thickly. After all these years, he finally admits that the feeling was mutual. This was not how she planned to spend her day. She glanced at her clock, already knowing it was going to be a late night, “I don’t know what kind of answer you are expecting from me, but I picked myself up. I dusted myself off and moved on. My life moved on when you left.”
“Is it bad to say a part of me wishes that you hadn’t?” He quipped.
“Yes. You didn’t give me a decision the moment you decided to leave.” Olivia grabbed a pen rolling it between her fingers.
“I deserve that.” Elliot nodded.
“There is a lot I want to say,” Olivia could feel her initial anger dissipating with every word she said, “I no longer care to say it. I worked my way up the ranks, adopted my son, and I am now in a loving relationship. I missed you. I missed your family. I missed Cathy. You chose to take it all from me, so I built my own family and moved on. I don’t owe you an explanation. Initially, I planned to say so much to you. I planned to punch you actually,” She admitted with a shrug as she stood, pulling her blazer straighter before she looked at him, “At this point, I realize I don’t owe you anything and I don’t want anything from you. I think you should go.” Olivia squared her shoulders as she watched him stand.
Elliot opened and closed his mouth. Cathy had been right. He should have known she would be right. He rubbed the back of his neck before making eye contact, “I really am sorry, look here is my number if you would like to talk anymore.” He said gently, dropping his private investigator card on her desk before he turned to leave.
“Elliot?” Olivia stared at his card on her desk before watching him turn, “I forgave you a long time ago because I learned that anger does nothing to fix anything. I hope you understand that.”
Elliot looked at her, hoping that they might get a chance to repair their friendship as he nodded, “I don’t deserve that, but thank you. Also, congratulations Olivia. Your son is beautiful.”
Olivia responded with a gentle smile before she watched him walk away. At least, this time, she realized how strong she was even with his answer.
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katmstanton · 6 years
Oceans - Ch. 9
Tags: @mrsrafaelbarba @obfuscateyummy @sweetsummertime99 @madpanda75
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Chapter 9:
As Olivia finished up for the day she heard her phone go of on her desk.
“30 minutes. My place. Dinner.” She read as she smiled at the screen.
Barba had a way of knowing when she needed him and earlier that afternoon was just another example of why she cared for him so much.
“I have to get Noah.” She replied as another message came through the phone.
“Already done.” She read as a picture of her little boy arrived. She laughed at the photo on the screen. Noah was sitting on the kitchen floor with some of Barba’s pots and pans and two wooden spoons.
As she put on her coat to leave she heard a knock at the door.
“Fin I thought you had left with everyone else.” She said as she smiled at him.
“Naw.. I wanted to make sure you were good before I did.” He stated as he watched her get her things together. She really cared for Fin and knew he was doing his big brother routine for her today.
“I am good Fin.” She stated as he gave her a knowing look.
“Look, Liv, it may not be my place but Barba is a good guy. I don’t know what is going on with Stabler and frankly I would love 5 minutes alone with the guy but Barba.. He’s a good one.” He said as she gave him a curt look.
“I just wanted you to know. Plus you know if anyone tries anything I’ll kick their ass. Munch too!” He stated and they both laughed.
“You called Munch already?” She asked. She knew the pair were close and often met for drinks or dinner to catch up.
“Briefly. We are going to grab a beer tomorrow.” He replied as they both walked out of the office and saw that Elliot was still at his desk.
“Elliot. Go home.” She said to him and knew it came out a bit more angrier than she meant to.
“Liv. I just want to talk to you.. explain what is going on here.” He went to say before she held her hand up.
“Don’t. There’s nothing to talk about tonight. You are back and now you work here again. That’s it.” She stated as she and Fin turned to leave.
“Fin am I being too hard on him?” She asked as they stepped onto the street.
“No. I do think he has a lot to explain but today is not the day. I got your back when you guys do talk.. just warn me so i can remove the valuables from the Precinct and make sure 1PP isn’t around” Fin stated as they parted ways.
Olivia arrived at Barba’s apartment 20 minutes later and she could hear giggles and banging on pots when she knocked.
“Thank God you are here..” Barba stated as he opened the door and she had to hold back a laugh when she saw him. He had his tie tucked into his dress shirt, his sleeves rolled up, and what appeared to be flour and small handprints on his shirt, suspenders, hair, and pants.
“Umm.. what happened here?” She asked as he let her walk past him into the kitchen. As she crossed into the kitchen she heard the shreak of her son.
“Mama!!” He stated as he ran up to her. She laughed when she picked him up and sat him on the counter.
“What did you do Noah? Did you help Raf with cooking?” She asked as she started to wipe flour off his face and arms.
“Yep!” He stated as he tried to stop her from wiping his face.
“Noah. We have to wash your face.” She stated to him and he stopped squirming long enough for her to finish.
“Mama I pway dums!” He said as she put him back on the floor and ran to the pots and spoons. She smiled and laughed as he started to “play” again.
“Liv, I don’t know how you do it. How do you cook, watch him, and stay clean?!” Barba stated.
“Raf… you did not need to get him. I would have picked him up on my way.” She stated as she handed him the rag to wipe his face and hair. She laughed as he realized to extent of the mess and gave up with a grin.
“Well.. i thought i would try to help and i know you were having a rough Monday already. Plus i did not think Noah would be this hard.” He stated as he poured himself a scotch.
“Raf.. he’s 18 months old. He’s in his toddler years and everything has to be about him or involve him.” She stated laughed as he grunted and grinned at the laughing boy on the floor.
They ate dinner and Raf realized the extent of Noah’s messes when he eats.
“I guess homemade pasta was not the best for him tonight?” He asked as he helped Olivia attempt to clean Noah up from the spaghetti sauce.
“Actually it's his favorite food. It’s just really messy for him since he hasn’t yet mastered the use of a fork thoroughly. But he did eat more than I expected him to so that is a plus. He’s usually messier than this.” Olivia stated.
“Well at least he likes my cooking.” Raf stated as they stood to clean up.
Olivia just smiled at him comically as he held Noah away from him while she attempted to clean him up the best she could.
“Counselor, are you afraid of a toddler with spaghetti sauce on him?” She asked playfully.
“Liv.. I still have flour and dough stuck in places it shouldn’t be..” He stated as he eyed Noah. It was that moment Noah decided his new buddy Raf needed a spaghetti sauce handprint on his chest. Olivia laughed as Raf looked horrified.
“Eso no es divertido amigo.” He said to Noah with a humored sparkle in his eye.
“Well boys.. looks like both of you are going to need a bath.” She stated as she took Noah from Rafael and he started to cry and reach for Raf.  
“Raf I am going to clean him up in the spare bath if that’s okay. He should have a change of clothes in his bag.” She stated as she turned away to go to his diaper bag.
“Umm.. Liv. I don’t mind taking him with me. I mean he is a boy.. umm.. If he can go into the shower It might be easier for both of you.” He stated to her.
His words caught her of guard and she turned back to him.
“Why would you want to do that? Have you bathed a baby before?” She asked
“No but if you show me what soap to use it shouldn’t be too hard right? I mean Noah and I did make homemade pasta earlier so this shouldn’t be too hard..” he replied trailing off. “Plus it will allow you time to relax a bit.” He stated as he took a crying Noah into his arms not caring if the remaining sauce got on him.
“Umm.. Okay. I guess I can clean up a bit and..”
“Liv. No cleaning. Relax. We will be back in a minute then we can talk about Elliot and this morning.” He said as he turned away with a giggling little boy in on arm and the diaper bag in another.
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