#elmike fight
gayofthefae · 2 months
You know how I know Mike is queer?
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These are the same person. Mike is an inherently caring, loving, and protective person. It's what Will called out in 4x08 and reminded us of with Mike's desire and practice in attempt to be a "hero" and be able to help the ones he loves.
But when El tells him she feels unloved by him, he doesn't comfort her. At all. He defends himself. He doesn't even say "yes I do". He says "I say it". Even when he's arguing that he loves her, he is defending himself, not comforting her. If he was comforting her he would have reacted to her crying at all. He doesn't. He just becomes increasingly desperate and escalates the tactics that are making her cry more.
Because the accusation is that important to him. Not many things could be so important to him that he would deprioritize her or taking care and protecting and comforting those he loves. He even does quite well at it at the start of the scene. We have PROOF that he is pretty stable these days with any sort of accusation or invalidation with how well he takes "you don't understand" and simply asks questions without any sort of offense. So he CAN take it. He takes it IN THIS CONVERSATION.
But when she says he doesn't love him, he stops the "they just don't know you". He stops the "don't say that about yourself, you're lovable," which is what this is really about for her. If he had said that even if he couldn't say it himself, it might have still helped a little bit: frame it as his own fault if he can't. But he couldn't do that. Instead, he went with how it reflected on HIM that he couldn't say it and defended himself AGAINST her. FOUGHT her on it.
There are few things that can make him fight a person. And they've all actually been pretty similar. They're all El:
"You're prioritizing El over Will"
"There is something off about your relationship with El"
"You're prioritizing El over [Will]"
"He's right that your and [El's] relationship wasn't a good one"
"Your and El's relationship wasn't a good one"
"You're prioritizing El over [Will]"
"You don't love [El]"
He is comforting. He is kind. He prioritizes others' comfort and safety consistently. He takes other accusations fairly lightly and focuses back onto the person making them and their emotions. And yet, what does he say in those instances and only those instances?
"You lying piece of shit. You're crazy!"
"It's not my fault you don't like girls!"
"He's just some crazy old man"
"You're conspiring against me!"
"We're friends! We're friends!"
"You're being ridiculous. What is this?"
People who say his character has gotten worse are stating it under the idea that he is always like this. The entire discovery so many people, including myself, had that he's queer was because we noticed that his outbursts were consistent. People think he's random and angry because they think the situations are random: Lucas, Hopper, Will, Max, El. But they're forgetting to note what each of those people questioned about him right before.
The biggest proof is that he doesn't ever talk like this outside of these situations. It's lighthearted debates and empathetic conversations.
Mike Wheeler is a kind person. If he said "You're being ridiculous. What is this?" it is not just because he's scared of vulnerability or commitment.
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will80sbyers · 4 months
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STRANGER THINGS 4x03 El & Mike's fight | back
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emblazons · 4 months
Forewarning: Gay Mike talk skip if you want
Not to be that person in 2024 that pride gifset did it to me but I still genuinely do not understand how the "girls being girls was never a problem for Mike" argument came to be, considering THIS the show's Mike talking about, learning about, confessing to and just being around spaces re: girls:
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note: this isn't even touching any of the moments we see hints that he's into boys—JUST the moments where we see his displeasure with/disinterest in engaging with girls (or commentary by other guys who are interested in them). Will, a confirmed gay character, doesn't even have this many reminders of his lack of interest in girls.
Once is a coincidence. Twice is a pattern. Twelve times without real effort to pull every example? and I didn't even include him taking a girls hands off him while kissing or the four other times they kissed eyes open or hidden? Iet's be so serious lmao
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demadogs · 2 years
its so fucking sad that el wanted angela to tell mike that it was just a joke and that theyre really friends. both mike and el are trying so hard to be someone else to keep their relationship alive.
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upsidedownlurker · 8 months
Crazed Byler ramblings from 1:54 am
If Mike Wazowski actually end up together I will laugh so hard
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YOU’RE TELLINJG ME THIS WAS THE MAIN COUPLE’S ACTUAL LOVD CONFESSION??? (eyes stay open to view that luscious forehead ig)
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Imagine accidentally writing one of the most enticing queer stories in your genre, amassing an audience who are incredibly enthusiastic about it, and ignoring that because… uh… because… ummm…
Hey man, I won’t deny that Mickey Mouse and Earache have an important bond. But they truly have some of the most awkward, wack, fall-flat face-planting “romantic” chemistry of any couple on the show, and if their relationship succeeds it will just be so funny
The people working on this show are capable of creating genuinely beautiful scenes that have brought me to tears multiple times. I have been utterly enraptured in their worlds, their characters and their stories
So if they wrote Medicine Cabinet and thought, “Another enticing romance story well done”?
If they wrote Byler and thought, “CLASSIC BFF MOMENT LADS LADS LADS”?
I would laugh so hard that I travel back in time to save myself from this nightmare
Us silly queer people don’t know shit about shit dude
Ok bye time to escape this hell
And by hell I mean a fun and wholesome time
and by a fun and wholesome time I mean HELL🔥🔥🔥🔥🥩😏
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
listen. listen closely. i need you to understand that el doesn’t hate mike and everything he does. her rejections of him and his interests when they were twelve were not out of disliking what mike was doing but rather it was the first time she was ever out of a lab and she was exploring. she had no fucking clue what mike was talking about. when she stopped him from singing, it wasn’t necessarily because she hated mike singing but she wanted them to continue doing the things she learned from TV were couple-esque, and that didn’t include doing fun things. tv romance was all drama and obsession and el was copying that because she had been envisioning that for her and mike for the entire year she was in hopper’s cabin.
el isn’t perfect, and she does dismiss mike’s experience with bullying and she doesn’t consider his interests when planning their day in california. her planning their day is her attempt at maintaining that normalcy she’s desperate for by having the perfect relationship she believes herself to have with mike and going and doing the things she’s likely seen other couples doing. el dismissing mike’s experience with bullying is charged by a lot of emotional frustration and feeling like mike is rejecting (not as a girlfriend but as a normal person because he was angry with her for hitting angela) her and views her as a monster. neither of those things are okay, but there is an explanation outside of mike himself
i feel like there’s been this viewpoint that’s been built up that el actually doesn’t like mike or his interests and i think that erases the complexity of el’s perspective on this situation. part of the reason we see el enjoying things with max she never did with mike says more about el learning to enjoy things on her own because she doesn’t feel pressured to act heteronormatively than it does about her opinion of mike. el doesn’t hate mike and his talking about things, but her view of what both of them are supposed to act like removes both of their personalities being involved.
when we see el at sbp after coming into a much better understanding of herself and who she wants to be, she says she misses mike. she knows she doesn’t love him romantically but she still wants him in her life. i know i’ve said mike wants to be friends with el, but it goes the other way. el wants to be friends with mike too!! she doesn’t hate him or his interests, we actively see her enjoying those things with max, but she doesn’t think either of them are supposed to express that stuff in their relationship. it’s unfair to say el doesn’t like when mike talks about things and does stuff like singing because it gets rid of the effects heteronormativity has had on her too
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jazz-penguin · 2 years
OK, so tell me how do we pronounce Miwi?
I'm not a native speaker, so I'm confused :D
BTW I don't know if that's just me or it's a common thing, but to me Miwi is like a pre-byler stage. A really smol Byler :3
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strangersynth · 1 year
reducing mike and el's love for each other to something that'll make their relationship stumble and fall if not evaporate when they break up will never not be like emptying a room and then walking in and wondering why its empty.
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strangeswift · 2 years
Elmike fight be like
"What about me making you feel like you're not a mistake?"
"I am not a mistake."
"No! I- I know that! But I thought you said- Will said that I made you feel better for being different."
"You made me feel like a monster."
"But he said- I thought you needed me."
"I don't."
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
when season five comes out and we get an amicable mlvn breakup and mike and el are instant best friends i Will throw a tantrum
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elekinetic · 2 years
thinking abt how el signed her note “from el” which indicates she’s done trying to get mike to love her which like. ok. breakup probably but at the very least that means they are actively fighting and yk like. why wouldn’t they bring that energy back in their reunion at sbp. like yeah at the end of the season el is a little closed off and she’s not really talking to mike but that’s bc she’s upset about max/the way ep 9 shakes out, not mike and el’s fight. why was el warm to mike again at sbp when we saw no progress in their relationship up to that point? after the dust of the nina project had settled, wouldn’t she still be upset? if she’s reigniting their relationship, it would have to be her forgiving mike and we haven’t seen anything that indicates she’s processed that or that mike has done anything adjacent to an apology. so why was el warm?
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gayofthefae · 2 months
Never over "I say it" and the subtext of the way he affirms it almost to himself. The subtext of "Godddamnit, I have not worked this hard to slip up on one word or the way I sign a fucking letter".
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will80sbyers · 4 months
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STRANGER THINGS 4x03 El & Mike's fight | next
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evil-ontheinside · 2 years
Wouldn't it be hilarious if we had a scene in s5e1 where Mike clearly tells El that he loves her and then it cuts away to another scene only to reveal one or two ep later (or maybe in the same ep, I don't want a repeat of august) that it was followed by a but and actually the moment they broke up?
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pinksmonkey · 2 months
The Ultimate Byler Evidence/Analysis List (Part 3)
If you missed parts 1 or 2, here they are: Part 1 and Part 2
198. Bi Mike Masterpost
199. Byler Parallels Masterpost
200. The Choices The Writers Made
201. The Significance Of Mileven Not Getting Each Other
202. The Importance Of Byler Getting Each Other
203. The Importance Of Byler Getting Each Other - Part 2
204. Moments I've Been Thinking About
205. The Painting Ensures Byler Endgame
206. Byler Canon-Comforts
207. Will's Season 5 Arc
208. Elmike's Transition
209. Mike, Will, And El's Individual Arcs Each Season
210. Mike Wheeler's Playlist
211. I Ship It Because It's Endgame
212. I Love You On Your Bad Days
213. Mike Wasn't Lying When He Said "I Love You" And It Doesn't Rule Out Byler Endgame
214. Mike Was Thinking About Will When He Jumped Off The Cliff
215. Will Needs Mike
216. So Many Things Wrong With This Post
217. Why Byler Is Endgame
218. Amount Of Byler Scenes Compared To Mileven
219. Mike's Choice Of Words
220. Fundamentally A Story About Queer Themes
221. We Should Talk About This Way More
222. The Gay Beautician/Hairdresser Trope
223. If Byler Doesn't Happen
224. You Only Need To Understand Five Things
225. Who's Getting Books And Who Isn't?
226. Crafting A Confession
227. You're The Heart
228. Pocketgate Details You Might Have Missed
229. The Piggyback Drawing
230. Green Socks
231. Byler Fights VS Mileven Fights
232. I Didn't Say It, You Didn't Have To
233. Heroes
234. The Difference Between The Monologues Is Obvious
235. "Something I Never Stop Thinking About"
236. The Importance of Tiger Pride
237. Why Heroes Will Be Back
If you have anything else you think should be added to the list, let me know, leave a link in the comments or a repost. I will continue updating this list with any new awesome analyses. Happy Byler-ing! ☺️
238. Season 1 Mike Queercoding
239. Fandom's Reaction To The Will Is Gay Theory Repeating With Mike
240. Tropes and Byler
241. The Superman Reference
242. Milevens Are Insane
243. Mileven's Season
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qulizalfos · 8 months
!! just in case we have any byler doubt over elmike bts pics:
we haven't had Any will bts (to my knowledge??) so who knows!!! but let's not assume anything!! maybe ross duffers gonna post a grainy photo of mike and will on insta tomorrow
el's s4 arc was realizing who she was and developing outside of her relationships
narratively it makes the most sense for byler to happen because of All the reasons we've established but especially regarding character arcs
mileven breakup being fun and bright and pop music and high fives and that day becoming one of maxs lifesaving memories vs byler fight being shot like an actual breakup scene
gayass road trip (im talking abt the lip glances PLURAL btw)
we have no context for the photo (maybe it's post breakup)
We Haven't Even Seen Will Yet
are u gonna look me in the eye and tell me that shawn levy will let them disregard byler endgame that man has been on our team since day one
will's queer storyline (and mike's Heavy queercoding) have to be resolved SOMEHOW and the only realistic option is byler endgame atp
we have yet to see william byers
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