#elrielllll one shots
elrielllll · 4 years
14.“If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.” Fluffy?? Maybe??
Fluff?? Or angst?? How’s about BOTH
Also here is the link for the prompt list, keep them coming, I’m looking forward to writing them, (in between school work so bare with me lol)
Elain felt sorry for the bread dough. She really did. When she said that it was taking a beating, she meant it.
She had just come back from checking up on Nesta. Elain knew that she didn’t want to see her, she’d made that abundantly clear, but she couldn’t leave her alone.
Even so, Nesta’s outright refusal to see her had hurt, more than she’d ever admit, everyone already thought that she was fragile enough already.
This bread would not see her as weak though, not with the way she was slapping it onto the counter top. She was boss here.
The twins were busy, she didn’t know what they were doing but they had taken one look at her face and scarpered, rambling on about something they had to do. Elain was thankful for those two, but right now she wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone.
They knew when she wanted to be alone, but the only issue was when she had no one distracting her was that all her thoughts bubbled to the front of her mind and tended to overflow.
She needed something to take it out on, to channel it, and unfortunately the bread was the victim today. Last week it was the weeds.
Elain grabbed a bag of flour, ready to abuse the dough some more, when her hand slipped and it went everywhere. Everywhere.
She groaned, looking at the dusting that covered the counter, the bread, the floor and the table, how on earth did it manage to get there? She stomped her foot in anger, fists clenched, huffing through her gritted teeth and rubbing at her eyes- this was not her day.
She needed a brush. That was it, to sweep it up. She took one step and went flying, landing on her back with a squeal as all the air was knocked out of her. She lay there, eyes closed.
Just take deep breaths Elain. Then you won’t want to kill cooking ingredients.
She was sure the whole world was against her today. She sat up slowly, letting her head drop into her hands as she felt all the emotions from the last day fizzle up. She blinked back the sting of tears, crying wouldn’t solve anything.
Elain quickly wiped away any tears that managed to escape and forced a smile onto her face before letting Azriel know where she was, “I’m here.”
He rounded the table to see her sitting in a pile of flour, it was all over her dress and it seemed to flock to her face. Her hair was covered in a dusting of white, she was sure that he thought she looked like an absolute mess. He wasn’t wrong.
He’d been home for a while by the looks of it, still in his leathers as usual, but his hair wasn’t tousled by the wind and his cheeks weren’t red from the cold. His eyebrows drew together slightly as he looked her over before stepping towards her, hand outstretched to help her up.
She waved him off, grabbing the counter to pull herself to her feet, “I’m fine, thank you.” He nodded, putting his hands in his pockets and stepping back, leaning his hip against the counter. His face betrayed nothing, as usual and Elain could feel herself flushing, why did he have to turn up just then?
She smoothed her hands over her apron, trying to regain a bit of dignity and turned around to get the brush, when she walked straight into the cupboard door.
She let out a yelp and  brought her hand up to her head, the other gripping a chair. She heard Azriel move towards her again, “are you-”
“I’m fine,” she hissed and then mastered herself, she didn’t mean to talk to him like that. “I’m fine.” Her voice was lighter this time, but her face was like thunder and she made sure to keep her back towards Azriel.
She reached up to slam the door shut and narrowly avoided slamming her fingers in the door as well. She let out a slow breath, she didn’t want to have a meltdown in front of Azriel.
Elain faced the bread that she was making again and got back to work, she had plenty of flower now she scoffed. Azriel was still stood there, and she could feel his gaze on her, watching her as he might do a frightened animal.
She ignored him, she wasn’t in the mood to talk, or be polite even, and Azriel was the only person she was comfortable enough with to ignore, so she just carried on and tried not to let the feeling of his eyes on her take over.
It felt like hours later when he finally spoke, “What’s wrong Elain?” He asked, and Elain thought that she’d never heard his voice so soft.
She chuckled a little, “that’s a loaded question isn’t it?”
He shifted and she just knew that he was cocking his head at her. “Well that depends, what’s on your mind?”
Maybe it was because someone was showing interest, or maybe it was that she was still covered in flower, or even maybe what had happened earlier, but Elain found that it all just came spilling out, “I’m alone!” She threw down her rolling pin, glaring at it when it glanced off her foot. “I’m alone,” she said again, quieter this time.
“Nesta doesn’t want me near her and Feyre’s too busy with her new family, which is great!” Elain threw her arms up and then stopped for a second. Azriel didn’t even move, if she thought he was being careful with her before, then she had no clue what to call this. 
“No, it is great.” Elain admitted, placing a hand on her forehead and the other on her hip. “I’m happy for her, she deserves it, and this,” she gestured around, “this is what I’ve always wanted for her, but I always just assumed that I’d be part of it too.” She looked down, hands gripping the fabric of her dress as the reality came crushing down on her.
She really was alone.
“And then to top it all off, I dropped my flour.” Elain gave a little laugh and her eyes welled up inhumanly fast. She blinked and looked up at Azriel through watery eyes. He was chewing the inside of his cheek, half looking like he wanted to go to her and half like he wanted to run very very far away. Maybe for the first time, Azriel had no clue what to do.
Elain sniffled, “if you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.”
That got rid of any hesitation on his part and he was across the room in seconds, even managing to avoid slipping on the flour, was flour actually slippy or was she just clumsy? Elain didn’t know and did care when she closed her eyes and let herself be pulled into his arms. He wrapped one around her back, the other coming to cup the back of her head. She sighed as she was enveloped in his warmth, and was bombarded  by this overwhelming sense of safety. Elain couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a hug.
Elain looked at his shirt, seeing the flour attaching onto him. She rubbed at it, trying to get it off. “It’s fine,” he hummed.
Elain just pressed her face into his chest, inhaling deeply.
“You’re not alone Elain.”
Elain smiled against his shirt, “neither are you.”
Yes I know it’s cheesy IM SORRY
@sleeping-and-books @meowsekai @awkward-avocado-s @superspiritfestival @abraxos-is-toothless @stars-falling @thesirenwashere @queen-of-glass @nite0wl29 @negativenesta @illyrian-bookworm @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @b00kworm @tswaney17 @qoingcrazy @lovemollywho @tyheronthorn @gorl-power  @fucking-winchester-trash @keshavomit @a-happybird @mysweetvilllain @captainthefangirlofhp @rhiannonn22 @maastrash @azriel-archeronn @empress-ofbloodshed @judexcardanxgreenbriar @dreamerforever-5
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Coming Home
Elriel Fic- One shot
This is my first ever fic so I hope you’ll all forgive me if it’s absolutely terrible but I did the best that I could:))
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Azriel had been gone for nearly a month on his latest task given to him by Rhysand. It’s the longest he had been gone in a while and his heart had never ached so much in his very long existence. Not until her. Not until the tiny little being she gave him. Azriel always thought she was the greatest miracle in his life, yet she always had to surprise him and gave him one more.
Gods he needed to be home now. He needed to be home weeks ago.
He was still flying back over to Velaris from the Continent and wasn’t close enough to winnow yet. Just thinking of them caused that achingly happy flutter in the pit of his stomach. All of the pain, torture and misery he was handed in his life made feel like this would never happen, that he’d never get what he’d always wanted. Longed for.
Finally the Illyrian mountains were in his line of sight and he could do what he’d been wanting to do since he first left them. Home. He could go home. Winnowing back to their little cottage drained him slightly after the long flight but Azriel found he didn’t care once he was close enough to catch her scent. Gods that wonderful scent that made him think of roses and sweet cakes. Walking through the archway to the door made his heart rate pick up in a way that excited yet scared him, he would never understand how they managed to turn him-a male who nearly all feared with the exception of her- into a big pile of mush.
Azriel had only just closed the door to the cottage when there was a flurry of long golden brown hair and then he was being squeezed tight around his torso, that enticing scent engulfing him. He curved his arms around her waist, tucking his head into the crook of her neck and said “I missed you too El, so much”. She pulled back to look at him with one of the brightest smiles he had ever seen and simply told him, “As I you, but I have a surprise for you”. Taking his hand, linking their fingers together, she started to lead them upstairs where he knew their son, Luka’s, nursery to be. As they walked through the house he took every inch of her beautiful figure in, noting a few small different things since the last time they were together.
Elain was wearing a pale pink sweater that was given to her last year for winter solstice by Mor -the devilish female noticed how much he got flustered when she was wearing anything pink- that was slightly baggy, covering those luscious curves he loved to so much. He thought about them more than he should have while he was gone. Azriel then realised she was wearing pants that were very clearly not hers, he knew this from how extremely tight they were as he ran his eyes over her behind. Mother above Feyre. She may be his High Lady but she was definitely paying for this in the training ring later.
He focused on the sound of her bare feet padding across the wood floor towards Luka’s room to try and distract himself. Not that it was working very well. Once they reached the door she turned back to him and seemed to vibrating with the excitement that was clearly written on her face and asked him “Are you ready?” He gave her a small nod of his head and they walked in together. Luka, the spitting image of his mother except for his nose and mouth was sitting up in his crib as they came through the door, his little black wings spread wide, and he gave his father the most joyous squeal once he caught sight of him. There were beginnings of small faded shadows that had not been there before hinting maybe he’d also have his father’s gifts, making him chuckle because Uncle Cass was about to have his hands full in a few years when training began. Azriel was still laughing when he moved forward to pick the boy up, but his wife beat him to it. He looked at her with what you could clearly see was confusion on his face. “Ellie? Is there a reason I’m not allowed to hold my son after being gone for a month?” He didn’t mean for there to be a bite to his words but he’d missed them both more than he thought possible and just wanted, no he needed the confirmation that this was actually real. That he wasn’t dreaming from his bed a thousand miles away.
Her smile dropped slightly and there was a small flicker of emotion before she explained “We have something to show you first. Isn’t that right little grub?” Luka giggled in her arms as Elain tickled his sides. It was a sound Azriel wanted to commit to memory. She moved away from him to put a few feet between them and told him to crouch down, so he did as she asked but had no idea what going on until she crouched also and plopped Luka on the floor in front of her. “Put your arms out like you would for a hug and call his name. Trust me you’ll see.” Doing as she said he watched as Luka looked to his father with what he would call a very dopey grin and pushed one foot forward. Azriel’s breath caught in his throat when he finally understood what her surprise for him was. Luka kept putting one chubby leg in front of the other trying his hardest to get to him, and he was struggling to keep back the tears that threatened to spill at the sight.
His High Lord would also have a debt to pay in the ring for making him miss so much.
His son was only a few steps away from him when he got unsteady and started to fall, so without thought or hesitation, one of his wings shot out to prop him back up right. Luka laughed at that as shadows surrounded him and he seemed to move slightly quicker to get past those few steps to his father, and once he was close enough Azriel finally took him into his arms and stood, putting his head to his son’s neck like he had to his mother, breathing in that intoxicating baby smell. He pulled back as he felt Elain approach looking at her with such awe he could see an adorable flush begin on her cheeks. He had no idea he’d been crying until he felt her hands on his face, her thumbs just under his eyes brushing away the last few tears. Drawing her into his arms also and holding his family tight he whispered “Thank you El for giving me this life, for loving me unconditionally and for bestowing on me the greatest present a male could ever ask for. I am so so lucky to be your husband and even luckier still to be his father.”
He placed kisses to both their foreheads and watched as Luka brought his hands up to squeeze his cheeks with another beautiful squeal, then turned his face to the female who gave him everything and more. Once their eyes locked together, hers lined with silver, she whispered back to him “Forever Az, Forever. I will love you always.”
Forever sounded good to him.
all your feedback will be appreciated
@verifiefangirl @cirieael @stars-falling @elrielllll @bryaxisthefaceofnightmares @starsauroras @starlitfangirl @drunken-starz @slightly-sane-fangirl @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @thesirenwashere
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Surprises (13)
I think this is actually set up as 16 chapters, maybe an extra one so we’re not that far off of the end wow! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed writing this and I hoped you’ve all liked reading it:))
Warnings: There will be swearing, mature themes, mentions of alcohol at times, and mentions of sex. I will update warnings as I go if needed.
Full Masterlist.
Surprises Masterlist.
Enjoy my Noorhelm gif because it’s the best that suited:)
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Azriel could not stop smiling. Afterwards, he’d left with a kiss to her forehead, going to the bathroom to clean up and when he came back, she was already asleep. He’d expected her to be fully dressed, but nope, not his Ellie. She was laying fully nude still on top of the sheets, and so he’d simply grabbed a blanket before joining her and covering them both.
It had been around three hours since then and sleep had still not pulled him under, he was just watching Elain’s face while she slept and occasionally letting himself run his eyes over the expanse of such beautiful naked skin. She was amazing in every way and now he knew what he’d been missing. Whenever he was with other girls, it was quick and to the point and if he was being really honest, not much fun at all. It had only ever been about getting off with them, but with Elain, he’d wanted it to last, he’d wanted to make it good. He thought that he might have only been able to give her something quick and mildly pleasurable, but it was far from it. The way she’d touched him was like nothing he’d ever felt and gods, did he want her hands everywhere all of the time. The inexperience of it made it better, made it real. She didn’t fake her moans or breathy pleas; she didn’t pretend to know what she was doing. The way she’d looked at him, as if he was the most precious thing in her world, made him want to live up to that.
He wanted a whole lifetime of this, not just the sex. But to be able to hold her, to fall asleep with her, knowing she’d be right by his side the next day. People would say he was naive and a fool for thinking such things at eighteen years old, but he knew what he wanted. He wanted that life with the girl he loved, with their baby, and thought of it made his heart feel full to bursting.
Looking down at her now, Azriel knew he would never find another girl as perfect as she was. Never find anyone who came close to this thing they shared between them and he was going to hold onto this for as long as he could.
He let the tiredness set in as he settled next to her, watching as she turned to adjust to the movement, her back against his chest and her skin warming his where they touched. His arm wrapped around her waist, hand cradling his baby, and finally allowed the darkness to swallow him.
Elain woke to a tickling sensation running across her skin, starting at the top of her spine and down over her ass, where little circles were traced on her thighs before it retraced its path. Her eyes opened slowly and she was met with familiar hazel ones gazing back and she realised the tickling was Azriel and his gentle fingers.  He smiled when he noticed she was awake but didn’t stop the movement of his fingers and gave her kiss, that when she tried to deepen it, he groaned and pulled away from her.
“Not so fast, sunshine, we have things to do today.” She huffed before burying her face back into her pillow.
“But I want to stay here, in bed, with you.”
“You have no idea how much I wished we could, but my mother text saying she managed to get you and the girls the day off of school, but I have to go.”
Her head shot up then, completely forgetting about school over the weekend they’d had and noticed the clock only read 7:00am. Why the hell had he woke her up so early?
“You have two hours, why in the gods are we awake Az?”
His expression turned sheepish as the tickling stopped and he layed back down beside her, “I wanted to know you were alright and I have to take you back to mine before Nesta kills me.”
“Why wouldn’t I be alright?” He not so subtly glanced down low before meeting her eyes once more. Oh. Oh.
“Are we going to have this conversation every time we have sex?”
“Every fucking time, Elain. I won’t hurt you again. I won’t.”
Elain couldn’t help but watch as he took his hands away and rolled onto his back, baring all that tanned skin. Her mouth dried up at the sight because gods, he was beautiful.
Shut up, stupid hormones.
She reached out to him, to touch, to hold, to do anything but before she could, he took hold of her hand and brought it to his face, placing little kisses to her palm and then held it against his cheek, closing his eyes. His fears would always be there, she knew, but she didn’t want him to feel that way. To be scared of himself. And so she told him what he needed just then;
“I’m alright, truly alright. Last night was perfect. You were perfect, Az.”
When he opened his eyes again, she could see the tears forming but he didn’t let them fall as he said, “Come on, love, time to get dressed so I can drop you off with Feyre and Nes. The boys will shoot me if I’m late and I don’t feel like listening to Cassian’s ridiculous jokes today.”
Elain rolled her eyes, knowing that she’d soothed that worry enough for now and slid out of bed to take a quick shower. Once she stood there was another groan, but this time it was much similar to the night before, and it was then she remembered she was naked. Turning her head over her shoulder she saw Azriel biting his lip and a pillow strategically placed in front of him. She smirked as she said in a voice she thought was quite sultry, “If you hurry up we can share but the offer only stands for so long.” She gave a wink before continuing over to the bathroom and let out a squeal when she was lifted and was slapped lightly on her ass.
“I’ll have no teasing from you, Miss Archeron.” He said it with a growl and she felt it everywhere and couldn’t help but laugh.
Life was good, especially with him by her side.
When he pulled up outside of the house, the others were already stood outside waiting, Cassian whispering in Nesta’s ear which made her smack him over the back of his head and Rhysand was placing little kisses all over Feyre’s face, who he could see was trying very hard not to laugh. Azriel was out of the car and around the other side within seconds after cutting the engine off in order to open Elain’s door for her. She rolled her eyes at him and swatted his hand away when he offered to help her out of the car. “Go away, you mother hen. I’m perfectly capable of getting out of the car.”
He let out a small laugh at his new title and said, “I know you can do it El, I just like to help, that's all. And also I just like the excuse to touch you.”
She pressed onto her tiptoes and gave him one, two and a final chaste kiss to his lips before pulling back a pressing one to his nose. “I know.”
He could only watch as she walked away from him and both of his brothers came down to the car, Rhys standing next to him as he had called shotgun and Cass grumpily walking around the other side to sit in the back. Before walking back to the driver’s seat he shouted over to Elain, who was now sandwiched between her sisters, “I love you, both of you!”
Nesta smirked as she retorted, “Come on Az, I know I’m not your favourite but it’s not fair that Fey gets love and I don’t!”
“Fuck you, Nes!” He flipped her off as Cass laughed while getting into the car and Rhys blew a couple of kisses before doing the same. Just as Azriel was about to drive off he turned his head to the window just in time to see Elain blow a kiss into her hand and throw it. Leaning his arm out, he pretended to catch it, bringing his hand to his chest before leaving.
Not even ten minutes into the drive to school and Cassian couldn’t hold himself back any longer. “So, how was last night, dearest brother?”
“Eat shit Cass, I’m not telling you anything.”
Rhys laughed at that as he changed the station on the radio and replied before Cass could cry about not getting answers, “Leave him be you big buffoon, we never as-”
The words were cut off by Cassian yelling from the backseat. “Azriel, there’s a goddamn truck. Move!”
All of his instincts screamed protect, protect, protect, and so he spun the car to the right, taking the impact away from his brothers.
His last view was Rhys’ panicked face and the sound of Cass yelling before everything was swallowed by darkness.
*jumps into the void* you can’t find me here so therefore I cannot be killed😏
Bolded tags have not worked:((
Tags: @bryaxisthefaceofnightmares @starlitfangirl @starsauroras @drunken-starz @myfriendscallmeraba  @thesirenwashere @empress-sei @elrielllll  @stars-falling @cirieael @verifiefangirl  @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @fancyclodpaintercookie @acourtofterrasenandvelaris @silver-flames @queen-of-glass @bamchickawowow @empress-ofbloodshed @sleeping-and-books @b00kworm @kvi-arts @rhysandhlcor @tswaney17 @awkward-avocado-s @courtofjurdan @junkiejosten10 @mu-si-ca-l @agem10 @harmonyindark245 @slightly-sane-fangirl @tanaquilpriscilla @starrynightsbooks @maastrash @kendarbahr
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Surprises- Elriel Multi Chapter
So yes Elriel again, I’m sorry but I’m trash for them:)
This is going to be a fic about teenage pregnancy, I will try my hardest to get everything as accurate as I can during this but if something isn’t right or I need to change anything do let me know!
Warnings: There will be swearing, mature themes, mentions of alcohol at times, and mentions of sex. I will updates warnings as I go if needed.
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Chapter 1
Gods above, he had barely even opened his eyes and he just knew that last night was definitely a mistake. Azriel was not, under any circumstances, going to allow Rhysand and Cassian to throw that big of a party again. Ever. Idiots.
Pain killers. Those would help, with a large dose of caffeine and a side of bacon. Lots of it. Walking across to the bathroom was harder than he thought it would be as everything seemed to be spinning. Az cranked the heat of the shower up high just the way he liked and began stripping while he waited. Only then did he realise that all he was wearing was a pair of boxers, yet these were not the ones he originally had on. The brute he called a brother was so very dead. He never forgot the events of a party ever, because he never got that drunk, but Rhys just had to bet him that he couldn’t do more shots that he could. He’d ask what happened when he could function as a normal human being again.
Azriel decided to clean himself up quicker than he usually would, still feeling too drunk to stand. Reaching up for his shampoo on one of the higher shelves had him letting out a hiss as pain radiated from his shoulders and back. Christ, what the hell had he been doing? Ignoring whatever it was he got back to the task at hand, and after about ten minutes he was stepping out of the shower, wrapping his towel around his waist. Waking over to the mirror by the sink, he turned his back towards it trying to get a look at what damage could have been infl—
Shit. Fuck.
Scratch marks. Stretching from the top of his shoulder blades, down towards the small of his back. It was there he found the crescent moon shapes that were dug into his hips. Mother above, what the hell had he done? Quickly finishing up in the bathroom he went back to his room to dress so he could go ask his shithead brothers some much needed questions. But as he walked past his unmade bed that’s when he spotted it; the spotting of blood on the sheet of his bed. Oh, this was not good. Not good at all.
Azriel pulled of the sheets as fast as his body would allow, stopping off to put them in the washer as he made his way to the kitchen. His mind was still whirling with explanations for the already suggestive evidence as he walked through the door into the kitchen. Cass had his head down on the marble counter making small mumbling sounds while Rhys, the smug bastard, was just stood at the counter sipping from his coffee as if he hadn’t pushed himself to a near blackout the night before. Nesta Archeron, Cassian’s girlfriend and older sister to Feyre, the love of Rhysand’s life- or so he said -stood over the stove cooking eggs and bacon. God bless the scariest woman alive.
“Where did you wander off to last night, brother?” Rhys said as Nesta handed him an over flowing plate of food he would no doubt demolish in seconds. “Yeah,” this time a mumble from Cass “one minute you were all smushed up and chatting with Lainy in the corner, the next you were both walking up the stairs.” He remembered someone trying to start up a game of spin the bottle but having always hated that game, he decided he’d disappear upstairs for a while but as he turned to leave- yes, he was with Elain. She had looked uncomfortable at the thought of having to interact so he offered if she’d like to ditch and they could go hang out in his room or something. They knew each other because their siblings were dating but didn’t get the chance to ever speak really, this was his chance to learn more about her and hopefully make her feel a bit less awkward. Az recalled making it to his room, taking several different bottles of alcohol along the way. They spoke for a little bit knocking drinks back as they went. He was vaguely aware of them going to the bed to watch TV, a head on his shoulder and the very strong sent of roses. Hands were moving and there was a gasp as he turned his face towards hers.
And that’s when a memory hit him.
Panting breaths in his ear. Warm lips on his. Hands on his shoulders, his back, and then a sharp stinging sensation followed by overwhelming pleasure. Everything felt warm and soft and so gods damn good he didn’t want it to end. There were small whimpers to which he asked with a heavy strain in his voice, “Are you alright?” He got a small nod and then a small soft voice breathed “Yes. I promise. Just go slow.”
Someone waving their hand in front of his face, clicking their fingers, brought him out of his memories and he looked to see Nesta glaring at him. “I’ve been trying to ask you how you want your eggs for at least five minutes an answer would be good now, or I’ll let you starve.” He swallowed, trying not to get on her bad side and replied with “Sorry Nes, uh scrambled please?” She just nodded and turned back to the stove while Cassian just seemed to watch her with a dreamy smile on his face. He could still feel all of the sensations from that memory as if it was happening now. Azriel already thought he knew what had happened but he tried to push it to the back of his mind. This could not be happening. He tried to make his brain work and tell him how that situation could have even happened but he came up with nothing, absolutely nothing. Rhys was still watching him, waiting for an answer to his previous question so Az pushed back against the raging thoughts of his mind and replied “Elain needed to use the bathroom, but she mentioned that idiot Graysen had been watching her all night and didn’t want to walk up there alone, so I walked her there to keep him away if he tried to follow.” The lie was easy enough and it stopped the death glare he was being given by Nesta at the idea of him taking her sister to bed. He’d overheard Feyre and Nesta talking about the stupid twerp a few times and that he’d always had this fascination with Elain. He was screwed if Nesta found out the mess he was slowly coming to terms with. So fucking screwed.
Wait. What if she remembered and had left a note or a message or something? Making up an excuse of thinking he was going to be sick, he raced back up to his room, closing the door and started walking over to his bedside table. Picking up his phone, Azriel unlocked it to find no new messages. Sighing, he dragged his hand through his hair and let the thoughts take over. What if she didn’t remember? Or even want it? They had both been drinking and all of his memories were still so hazy. This brought another question into mind. Condoms. He didn’t remember any of the fumbling of using protection that usually occurred with previous hook ups either. Maybe they hadn’t gone that far then, and there was just a bit of fooling around, but that contradicted the bloody sheet. He never forgot to use protection. Not once.
He kept telling himself nothing happened, that he was imagining it because there was no way he could have just possibly fucked up his life, Elain’s life, right?
Fuck who was he kidding, he’d taken something that wasn’t his to take from a girl he rarely talked to unless it was something social, and he’d quite possibly had unprotected sex that could lead to a very messy situation. God fucking damn it.
Love it? Hate it? Please do let me know, your feedback is greatly appreciated. If you’d like to be added to the tag list just say and I’ll make sure you’re in there for the next chapter😁 Chapter 2 will be Elain’s messy morning and discoveries😏
Tag list:
@bryaxisthefaceofnightmares (thank you for the beta read!)
@starlitfangirl @starsauroras @drunken-starz @myfriendscallmeraba @thesirenwashere @empress-sei @elrielllll @stars-falling @cirieael @verifiefangirl @verifiefangirl-mainblog @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @mirainthedark05 @marveil @fancyclodpaintercookie @slightly-sane-fangirl @empress-ofbloodshed @sleeping-and-books @b00kworm @kvi-arts @rhysandhlcor
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