#elriel als
hopelesslyhopeful11 · 5 months
Monty Python and the Holy Grail: SJM vs Elriel, the Black Knight
{enjoy this rewriting of the infamous scene but as our favorite fated mates author taking on people who are against fated mates}
SJM simply existing in the world doing interviews and writing.
Elriels: Who dares to challenge the Black Knight?
SJM: I do not challenge you. I am Sarah Janet Maas, author of ACOTAR. I seek to write about fated mates with happily ever afters!
SJM: As you can tell, I intend to write two more books featuring one couple per book with one story following Azriel and Gwyn where the other follows Elain and Lucien. Would you like to read it?
Elriels: Never.
SJM: You make me sad. But so be it. Come Gwynriels, Eluciens, and casual readers.
Elriels: None. Shall. Pass.
SJM: I have no quarrel with you, brave Elriels, but I must get writing with the rest of the series.
Elriels: Then I will threaten to kill you, your child, and your dearest friends until you confirm Elriel.
SJM: So be it!
SJM writes ACOSF and approaches Elriels. Elriels throw their argument that Elain is perfectly suited for the night court and fits right in. SJM fires back with Cassian and Nesta stating Elain in Night Court black is ridiculous.
SJM: Now stand aside worthy adversary.
Elriel: ‘Tis but a scratch. What does Cassian know about fashion?
SJM: A scratch? It was an entire paragraph and Nesta said the same thing!
Elriel: I’ve had worse. Come on you pansy!
Elriels lob the theory about how Azriel will help Elain with her powers and he respects her. SJM counters by writing that Elain wants to use her powers and Azriel shuts her down to the point where Amren scolds him for it.
SJM, sinking to her knees: Victory is mine. I will thank thee readers by giving you the bonus chapter showing Gwynriel is endgame…
Elriels, kicking her in the head: that’s a red herring.
SJM: You are indeed brave, but the fight is mine. You haven’t gotten any theories left!
Elriels: Course I have, it’s just a flesh wound.
Elriels throw out the theory that Gwyn is an evil lightsinger, luring Azriel with her singing and that’s why his shadows responded to her. SJM writes the HOFAS bonus chapter where Azriels shadows dance for his singing too.
Elriels: I’ll do you for that. Come here.
SJM: what are you going to do? Threaten me again?
Elriels: I’m invincible. You wore a Bambi shirt and gave Elriel five books of build up!
SJM: You’re a looney!
SJM talks in an interview with the today show that sometimes she might plan to have two characters get together and will get them to kiss and then they just won’t and then another character comes along and it’s *snap* which was verbatim what happens in the bonus chapter.
Elriels: We’ll call it a draw.
SJM: come on, Gwynriels, Eluciens, and Casual Readers.
SJM et. al. continue on knowing they are right and Elriels are a lost cause.
Elriels: Running away huh? You Gleeriels, come back and take what’s coming for you. Elains book is next and Guilty as sin is Elriel coded!
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elrielllll · 4 years
14.“If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.” Fluffy?? Maybe??
Fluff?? Or angst?? How’s about BOTH
Also here is the link for the prompt list, keep them coming, I’m looking forward to writing them, (in between school work so bare with me lol)
Elain felt sorry for the bread dough. She really did. When she said that it was taking a beating, she meant it.
She had just come back from checking up on Nesta. Elain knew that she didn’t want to see her, she’d made that abundantly clear, but she couldn’t leave her alone.
Even so, Nesta’s outright refusal to see her had hurt, more than she’d ever admit, everyone already thought that she was fragile enough already.
This bread would not see her as weak though, not with the way she was slapping it onto the counter top. She was boss here.
The twins were busy, she didn’t know what they were doing but they had taken one look at her face and scarpered, rambling on about something they had to do. Elain was thankful for those two, but right now she wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone.
They knew when she wanted to be alone, but the only issue was when she had no one distracting her was that all her thoughts bubbled to the front of her mind and tended to overflow.
She needed something to take it out on, to channel it, and unfortunately the bread was the victim today. Last week it was the weeds.
Elain grabbed a bag of flour, ready to abuse the dough some more, when her hand slipped and it went everywhere. Everywhere.
She groaned, looking at the dusting that covered the counter, the bread, the floor and the table, how on earth did it manage to get there? She stomped her foot in anger, fists clenched, huffing through her gritted teeth and rubbing at her eyes- this was not her day.
She needed a brush. That was it, to sweep it up. She took one step and went flying, landing on her back with a squeal as all the air was knocked out of her. She lay there, eyes closed.
Just take deep breaths Elain. Then you won’t want to kill cooking ingredients.
She was sure the whole world was against her today. She sat up slowly, letting her head drop into her hands as she felt all the emotions from the last day fizzle up. She blinked back the sting of tears, crying wouldn’t solve anything.
Elain quickly wiped away any tears that managed to escape and forced a smile onto her face before letting Azriel know where she was, “I’m here.”
He rounded the table to see her sitting in a pile of flour, it was all over her dress and it seemed to flock to her face. Her hair was covered in a dusting of white, she was sure that he thought she looked like an absolute mess. He wasn’t wrong.
He’d been home for a while by the looks of it, still in his leathers as usual, but his hair wasn’t tousled by the wind and his cheeks weren’t red from the cold. His eyebrows drew together slightly as he looked her over before stepping towards her, hand outstretched to help her up.
She waved him off, grabbing the counter to pull herself to her feet, “I’m fine, thank you.” He nodded, putting his hands in his pockets and stepping back, leaning his hip against the counter. His face betrayed nothing, as usual and Elain could feel herself flushing, why did he have to turn up just then?
She smoothed her hands over her apron, trying to regain a bit of dignity and turned around to get the brush, when she walked straight into the cupboard door.
She let out a yelp and  brought her hand up to her head, the other gripping a chair. She heard Azriel move towards her again, “are you-”
“I’m fine,” she hissed and then mastered herself, she didn’t mean to talk to him like that. “I’m fine.” Her voice was lighter this time, but her face was like thunder and she made sure to keep her back towards Azriel.
She reached up to slam the door shut and narrowly avoided slamming her fingers in the door as well. She let out a slow breath, she didn’t want to have a meltdown in front of Azriel.
Elain faced the bread that she was making again and got back to work, she had plenty of flower now she scoffed. Azriel was still stood there, and she could feel his gaze on her, watching her as he might do a frightened animal.
She ignored him, she wasn’t in the mood to talk, or be polite even, and Azriel was the only person she was comfortable enough with to ignore, so she just carried on and tried not to let the feeling of his eyes on her take over.
It felt like hours later when he finally spoke, “What’s wrong Elain?” He asked, and Elain thought that she’d never heard his voice so soft.
She chuckled a little, “that’s a loaded question isn’t it?”
He shifted and she just knew that he was cocking his head at her. “Well that depends, what’s on your mind?”
Maybe it was because someone was showing interest, or maybe it was that she was still covered in flower, or even maybe what had happened earlier, but Elain found that it all just came spilling out, “I’m alone!” She threw down her rolling pin, glaring at it when it glanced off her foot. “I’m alone,” she said again, quieter this time.
“Nesta doesn’t want me near her and Feyre’s too busy with her new family, which is great!” Elain threw her arms up and then stopped for a second. Azriel didn’t even move, if she thought he was being careful with her before, then she had no clue what to call this. 
“No, it is great.” Elain admitted, placing a hand on her forehead and the other on her hip. “I’m happy for her, she deserves it, and this,” she gestured around, “this is what I’ve always wanted for her, but I always just assumed that I’d be part of it too.” She looked down, hands gripping the fabric of her dress as the reality came crushing down on her.
She really was alone.
“And then to top it all off, I dropped my flour.” Elain gave a little laugh and her eyes welled up inhumanly fast. She blinked and looked up at Azriel through watery eyes. He was chewing the inside of his cheek, half looking like he wanted to go to her and half like he wanted to run very very far away. Maybe for the first time, Azriel had no clue what to do.
Elain sniffled, “if you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.”
That got rid of any hesitation on his part and he was across the room in seconds, even managing to avoid slipping on the flour, was flour actually slippy or was she just clumsy? Elain didn’t know and did care when she closed her eyes and let herself be pulled into his arms. He wrapped one around her back, the other coming to cup the back of her head. She sighed as she was enveloped in his warmth, and was bombarded  by this overwhelming sense of safety. Elain couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a hug.
Elain looked at his shirt, seeing the flour attaching onto him. She rubbed at it, trying to get it off. “It’s fine,” he hummed.
Elain just pressed her face into his chest, inhaling deeply.
“You’re not alone Elain.”
Elain smiled against his shirt, “neither are you.”
Yes I know it’s cheesy IM SORRY
@sleeping-and-books @meowsekai @awkward-avocado-s @superspiritfestival @abraxos-is-toothless @stars-falling @thesirenwashere @queen-of-glass @nite0wl29 @negativenesta @illyrian-bookworm @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @b00kworm @tswaney17 @qoingcrazy @lovemollywho @tyheronthorn @gorl-power  @fucking-winchester-trash @keshavomit @a-happybird @mysweetvilllain @captainthefangirlofhp @rhiannonn22 @maastrash @azriel-archeronn @empress-ofbloodshed @judexcardanxgreenbriar @dreamerforever-5
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casuallivi · 2 years
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A Sea of Fire - elriel AU
Captain Elain had no interest in perpetuating the cruel and destructive ways of a common pirate. All she wanted was to travel the world and pile enough gold to give herself and her crew a full belly, a pint of ale and the ability to do whatever the fuck they wanted. Her easygoing life is threatened when she accidentally sets a man free. Azriel is a dragon shifter who has been imprisoned for centuries and is thirsty for vengeance. The only problem is by a trick of the stars, the magic which bounded him to the cave, now has him bounded to the one who set him free. The lazy captain and the prissy dragon embark on a journey to break the mystical shackles. The only problem is the more they try to separate, the more they yearn to be together.
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bookofmirth · 3 years
You know what? Just let Elriels believe their ship is happening, the harder the fall. It didn’t make sense before the spoilers and it still doesn’t make sense after them. Sarah wouldn’t confirm either ship in a whole different series. I’m just gonna sit and wait until she announces the obvious, which is that Azriel’s book is next, and watch their ship crash and burn. There are hints about him being next in both ACOSF and the spoilers, but you know who’s not been hinted at because she’s barely in ACOSF and not at all in the spoilers? Elain
I'm just sitting here with popcorn, anon. They keep pulling the most random crap out of this book and making it point towards e*riel. It's amazing, really, how they make literally everything about themselves.
I feel bad for CC fans who just want to read about Bryce and Hunt and Ruhn and Fury and Hypaxia et al. and keep getting sidetracked by all this bullcrap.
Az is ~heavily featured~ in the last chapter of hosab but he's not the next MC? Okay. We'll see. :)
I think I'm going to keep my ask box off until I've read the book. Perhaps. It just feels pointless to keep speculating on random details without the full text.
You're the new ribbon, Az. 😌
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nikethestatue · 3 years
Meet Me in the Silence
Elriel Month - Day 5
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 Continuation of ‘Forbidden’
Honestly, tooth-rotting fluff, some Nyx, stabbing Cassian with fork, Azriel singing and relationship stuff
Azriel loved Nyx. He didn’t love him because Nyx was cute and pudgy, or because he was his nephew, or because he was a fun, if demanding baby, and not even because spending time with him was a private relief for Azriel. A time to let go, a time where he could spend rolling around on the carpet, helping Nyx with blocks, rattles and the construction of pillow forts, watching Nyx sneeze little whiffs of starry night.
Nyx, unbenounced to him, showed Azriel some truths that Azriel couldn’t face before. The thing with Nyx was that he was a baby and he didn’t care—he didn’t care about Azriel’s scars and his ugly hands, he didn’t care about Azriel’s cruel ways, or the services that he provided to the High Lord. Nyx didn’t care about how many people fell under Truth-Teller’s deadly edge, or what Azriel had to do on the battlefields or during the Blood Rite. Nyx didn’t judge. As an infant, he wanted the same thing from Azriel as he wanted from everyone—warmth and comfort, kindness and love. He wanted to be rocked to sleep, fed, changed and played with. He didn’t care that the bottle was held by the same hand that tortured the Night Court’s enemies, or that the man who held him to his chest did some unforgivable things in his life.
As the last nine months rolled by, Azriel had to do some re-evaluations of his life. He had time on his hand, to be sure. Instead of courting Elain, like he wanted to, he thought. There was nothing much else left for him to do.
He thought that perhaps, despite his internal denials, Elain was much like Nyx—she accepted Azriel for what he was. Scars and all. Her acceptance did not stem from naiveite, though, but love. The realization hit Azriel like a sledgehammer. He crawled towards it, slowly, but surely, rethinking every touch and every smile, recalling every smirk and sparkle of the caramel-brown eyes, all the jokes and jabs, and gentle touches and finger brushes. Recalled the worry on Elain’s face when she knew that he went on his missions—even if they weren’t particularly dangerous. The pain that was etched on her features, when he returned in a particularly foul mood, and she knew that it was because he did things that marred his soul. He remembered her casually handing him a whiskey, which he’d gulped down in one go. Or a cup of tea, with honey and lemon, just like he liked. The gooey caramel cakes that she made—they were his favourite—and they began making a frequent appearance on the dessert menu. The past nine months of their forbidden love—is that what it was?—were the time when Azriel finally felt loved. For the first time in his life. Mor never really loved him, not like he needed to be loved. His brothers—well, they were his brothers, so that was that. Elain loved him. Of that, he was now certain. Elain loved him without touching. Without kissing. Without romance. Without courtship. Without gifts or presents or flowers. Without promises. Without expectations. It’s like she couldn’t help herself, even if she tried. She needed to love him, as much as he needed to be loved by her. All her tiny gestures of comfort and care created a glittering mosaic of love and devotion, which he only now began to piece together. And it pained him that she was not free to express herself as she wanted to, because loving him came with a hefty, unreasonable price.
For her, he’d fight. For her, he’d be the person she deserved. When she began choosing him, it was the first time in his life when someone actively chose him, despite all his shortcoming. And he wanted her to continue choosing him, every day, making the decision to love him.
Azriel had a lot of time to think about it, in silence.
 Azriel was a good cook. One of his may hidden talents. He spent much of his time alone, or in places that were foreign and unfamiliar, or in the army, and necessity being the mother of invention, he had to learn how to cook. And then, he became quite good at it. He had to draw the line at baking, but he could make a steak like nobody’s business, and eggs every way were his specialty. Tonight though, he was tired and distracted. It was the first time in a very, very long time when he and Elain were alone, so he didn’t particularly want to waste it on cooking. What’s more, with Nyx being the raging little monster that he was today, Azriel wanted to put the kid to bed as soon as possible and just relax. For a meticulous planner, tonight, he had no plans at all…and it both excited and frightened him, because it would just be the two of them and they’ll have to figure it out.
“Breakfast for dinner?” he offered, while Elain set Nyx’s food in front of him. He was too quick for her and immediately jammed his whole fist into the vegetable mash, soliciting a groan from her, as he began licking his palm and fingers with gusto.
“Whatever you want to make,” she agreed, as she began wiping the mess that Nyx made, while Azriel smirked, shaking his head. He tossed two slices of ham in the skillet, and allowed it to crisp up and caramelize.
He came behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, burying his face in her hair. She smiled, momentarily lost in the sensation of closeness and comfort that he always offered her, so effortlessly too.
“You know,” warned Azriel, using his ‘stern’ voice, looking at Nyx, “for your behavior, you should be sent to an Illyrian training camp. Just so you know what’s what. There, there won’t be 10 people looking for Brute for you, or uncle Cassian swimming with you in the pool, or Elain feeding you lemon cakes, or aunt Nesta reading to you the same book over, and over, and over, and over again. No aunt Mor taking you on a pony, and no Varian building sandcastles with you, only to watch you destroy them.”
Elain, tucked against his chest, was laughing. Especially because Nyx was glaring at Aziel unhappily and suspiciously.
Then, she said, softly, almost to herself, “I am happy that he is happy. That we can give him the childhood that none of us had. Let him be a little bit spoilt, because he is so loved.”
There was longing in her tone. Longing for something that she probably desired for herself. Those conversations have never been had between the two of them. Gods, they’ve never even been together in public, let alone had conversations about the future, and a future that included children. It was never something Azriel even thought of, considering his ‘luck’ in love, and his line of work. But he heard her. So he gave her a little kiss on the cheek and returned to his cooking.
Elain was feeding Nyx the last of his food, when Azriel placed two plates on the table, and poured both of them a glass of ale.
“Beer with breakfast,” she giggled. “I like the way you think, shadowsinger.”
He laughed, loving how easy it all was. How easy the banter came, how relaxed they were together, how there were no pressures at all when it was just the two of them. Well, three.
“Alright, you’ve taken enough of everybody’s time today,” he decided, as he fished Nyx out of the highchair and went to wash his face and hands again. Elain remained seated, watching the two of them, with her chin propped on her hand.
Was it normal to be that enamoured with a man? When he did mundane things? She had to admit—Azriel was indescribably beautiful. That alone would attract anyone. The gargantuan wings, ticked tightly, but not tensely against his back didn’t hurt either. The span of his enormous shoulders, the movement of those thick muscles around the arms, over his back, which moved and bulged as he wrestled with Nyx, who was refusing to get his hands washed, were mesmerizing. She knew that she shouldn’t be so dazzled by his looks, but she couldn’t help herself. But it was more than just admiring the elegant cut of his body, the well-fitted trousers that did very nice things to his thighs and his long legs, or the enticing forearms that were exposed from his haphazardly rolled up sleeves. The tattoos, in fact, snaked lower than she anticipated. She’d never seen him undressed—Cassian, strong, beefy and powerful, and the leaner, thinner Rhysand—plenty of times. But not Azriel. He’s been annoyingly timid. All three were tattooed, but apparently, Azriel’s reached all the way to his scars. She smiled to herself, amazed and bemused. Who would’ve thought that she, Elain, would be so attracted to a winged and tattooed male? What a far cry from the ordinary, plain Greyson.
Azriel plopped Nyx down on the floor, tossed him Brute and some toys and then quickly threw a shield around them, so Nyx was contained and didn’t attempt to wander from the kitchen.
“You should’ve started,” he nodded to her untouched plate, as he sat down.
“Not without you,” she said. “Looks very good!”
“I try,” he said bashfully and they tucked into to the scrambled eggs, ham and vegetables.
“Oh, gods, it’s really good,” she almost moaned.
“Baby, it’s just eggs,” he reminded her, secretly very pleased with her reaction.
“Well, baby likes them!” she giggled, cutting into the ham. Azriel watched her, watched the movement of her hands and she asked, “What?”
He chuckled and said, sipping his ale,
“I recall when you were planning to kill Cassian with a fork.”
Her brow furrowed.
“Oh, you don’t remember?” he was laughing softly.
“I don’t think it’s even possible to kill Cassian,” she noted.
“I’d agree. But you were ready and eager.”
“When was I planning to kill Cassian?” she demanded.
“First time we met—at dinner. I remember Nesta…well, being Nesta. And Cassian—Mother save me, the moment he had her eyes on her, he was just dripping with this hideous arousal,”
Elain almost choked, eyes wide.
“It was horrible,” he gave an exaggerated shudder. “Rhys and I were traumatized. Those two were going at it, as usual, fighting, sniping…whatever they do, and all we could smell was him getting hotter and hotter. That dinner,” he shook his head at the memory. “It was something else.”
She was laughing, nodding.
“And you?” she asked, at last.
He gave her a long thoughtful look. A tender, loving look that made her throat bob, and suddenly she was hot…much like Cassian.
“Honestly?” he asked quietly, not taking his eyes off her.
“I thought that I saw the most human and the most beautiful girl in the world. Utterly unattainable. Engaged to another man. But surprisingly unafraid of us,”
“I was very afraid of you!” she argued. Azriel smiled.
“You three were huge!” she cried. “With these enormous wings,”
He raised his brow suggestively and she smacked his arm,
“Oh, shut up,”
“I didn’t even say anything,” he shrugged, “but please, tell me more about our huge wings, and our generally superior size,”
“I am not telling you anything,” she snapped, her cheeks red, and he was delighted.
“But you do admit that you tried to kill Cassian?”
“I didn’t try to kill him. Just defend myself, if there was need,”
“Pretty sure Nesta would’ve unmanned him with her bare hands,”
“Of that, I have no doubt.”
“And me?” he pressed, “you didn’t want to stab me with a fork?”
She gave him a cool look of nonchalance and recalled,
“You suddenly turned into a poet!”
“Did I?” it was his turn to be confused.
“Something about hearing the wind song, or something,”
“I don’t even remember that,” he confessed, a slow blush spreading over his cheeks.
“I do. I guess we remember different things about that evening.” She glanced at him from under her lashes and added, “I just remember thinking that you were the most handsome man—male—I’d ever seen. I didn’t even think that people could be that beautiful,”
Azriel’s blush deepened and Elain secretly enjoyed watching him squirm a little. She was well aware of the fact that he was always uncomfortable when people mentioned his appearance. He knew that he was handsome, almost unnaturally so, but whatever horrible words and deeds he’d experienced in his childhood warped his perception of himself. At times, she wanted to assure him that no one paid much attention to his hands…she certainly didn’t. She always found his hands, the scars on them just as attractive as the rest of him. They were simply a part of him, just as his beauty was. But he struggled. She knew it.
And as she always did, when she wanted to reassure him, she took his hand and brought it to her lips. He stilled. She kissed. Kissed the inside and outside of his palm. Watched him. Watched him tense, but not pull away his hand. Kissed each long, strong finger. Kissed the rough skin. Kissed the pain and the doubt. Not away, but at least temporarily.
Bored and tired, Nyx fell asleep on the floor, sprawled on the rug, clutching Brute.
“We have to take him upstairs,” muttered Elain, releasing Azriel’s hand.
She didn’t know how to deal with the intimacy of their relationship. Her feelings were raw and exposed, and she was painfully aware of her own inexperience. She didn’t know how to be seductive. Had no idea how to play games—wasn’t really looking to learn either. But she wasn’t dazzling or mysterious, and had no inkling of what Azriel expected, of what he wanted. He was so unbearably difficult to read, while she was stupidly, obviously in love with him. She was the Cassian to his Nesta. She was the one dripping with arousal, unable to stifle her need, or dampen her desire. He probably saw her as the fool that she was.
Frustrated, she made to get up from the table, but he caught her wrist and clasped it gently, as always reigning in his terrifying strength.
“Come here,” he murmured and pulled her to him, until she settled on his lap, feeling both awkward and happy. “Lainey,”
“I like baby,” she blurted.
He nodded, and said, “Baby, you don’t need to pretend with me…I…” he swallowed, thinking how to continue. “You might be surprised, but it’s new for me as well. I’ve had,” ugh, he really didn’t want to discuss his past lovers with her, not right now. “I am not inexperienced,” he said diplomatically. No, he wasn’t. “But this,” and he waved his hand between them, “this is new for me as well. I’ve never felt this much…for anyone. Ever,”
“What becomes of us, Az?” she asked softly.
“Whatever you want,” he stated simply.
He shrugged, “there will always be obstacles,”
“Rhysand is more than just an ‘obstacle,’” she reminded him.
“Rhysand, frankly, can go and fuck himself,” Azriel said flatly.
The new, Fae Elain wasn’t scandalized by the coarse language. The three brothers, Nesta and Mor cursed like sailors, and Elain found herself throwing an occasional ‘shit’ and ‘dick’ in her speech. So it made her smile when the usually controlled, polite Azriel unleashed his mouth.
“He is your High Lord,” she reminded him.
“He is technically everyone’s High Lord, but it doesn’t mean that he gets free reign on doing whatever he wants. If I am not asking him to give up Feyre—remember how he snuck her out from Tamlin’s clutches—then he doesn’t get to tell us what we ought to do.”
The thing that he’s been carrying in his pocket was burning through him, a constant reminder. He shifted and then looked straight at her and tucked an errant strand of her hair behind her ear. For someone who didn’t crave or enjoy touch, the desire to touch her was constant. He didn’t even need anything sexual at this point, but feeling her skin against him, in whatever way, was beyond satisfying.
“Did you promise him anything?” she inquired, moving even closer to him, loving the heavy warmth of his arms around her.
“Absolutely not!” he spat. “He is completely overstepping, and I’ve been humouring him up until now, but it seems to be that he is a little too comfortable with the status quo,” he looked at her, his voice grave, “I hope you didn’t promise him anything either?”
She shook her head,
“No. I didn’t say anything.”
A whoosh of breath escaped him. “Thank the Cauldron.”
Elain stroked his cheek with the backs of her fingers and said, sharply this time, “Everything’s been taken away from me once already. I wasn’t prepared to give you up. You are the only thing that I want, and Rhysand wasn’t going to take that away from me. From us…” she glanced at him, “if you feel the same…”
“Do you need to ask?”
She smiled.
Azriel exhaled deeply and then cupped her face between his hands. He was going to do it. He needed to do it. She devoured his gaze, the look of intent in his forest-green golden eyes, the determined set of his jaw. He left her, once, waiting…Waiting for him to take the next step, waiting for him to act and he didn’t. Not today.
“Elain,” he swallowed audibly, and she felt that he was nervous. “Will you permit me to court you?”
Azriel wanted to do this properly. Elain deserved it—deserved to be treated with kindness and respect, but he deserved it as well—he wanted to do what so many others took for granted. It never came naturally to him, the normal things, and for once, despite everything, he was going to make this one thing happen.
Nyx moved on the floor, woke up and let out a scream. Confused, he looked around and began babbling tearfully ‘ma, ma, ma’.
Elain slipped off his lap and gently cooed “Shhhh, come…come, my sweet boy,” and picked him up. Azriel watched them, not even upset at the interruption.
Nyx was crying in earnest now, and not even Brute was enough to console him.
“I am going to try to put him to bed,” she whispered, rocking the baby against her chest.
Azriel opened his arms and said, “hand him over.”
He carefully took Nyx from her and the move did not result in silence or calm, and Nyx cried just as sadly, looking for his mom. As Azriel made his way down the hall and towards the stairway, with Elain trailing him, he began to sing. In a language that Elain did not know, but understood innately to be Illyrian. The way the sounds rolled off Azriel’s tongue was natural, the melody lulling and sweet. His voice was soothing and pleasant, with a gravelly note that came from the back of his throat. Nyx stilled, blinking at him. As they slowly went up the stairs, Azriel rocked and cuddled Nyx, stretching his wings so they covered them in a dark canopy, the words of the lullaby muffled, but just as beautiful. Elain wished that it didn’t end…There were just a words that she picked up ‘warrior’ and ‘sleep’—something she learned from Cassian, who was teaching Nesta some Illyrain phrases, now that they spent a decent amount of time in their Illyrian bungalow.
In Nyx’s nursery, Azriel put the baby down in the crib and covered him with a blanket, rocking the crib lightly, as he continued his song, quieter now, seeing that Nyx’s eyelids drooped.
Wordlessly, he lifted his arm and Elain slipped to his side, and wrapped her arm around his torso. They never needed words.
Sleep, warrior heart
Sleep and know that you are loved
Sleep, warrior heart and meet me in silence
Find dreams and peaceful slumber, my little warrior heart
 Azriel quietly translated the song, without her prompting. He knew that she’d want to know what the words meant. He, however, did not explain the history of the song and where and how he’d learned it.
He looked down at her, a silent question on his face.
“The answer is ‘yes’,” she repeated. “You may court me.”
“Thank you,” was all he said.
They left the nursery and stopped in the hallway.
He put his hand on the back of her neck and stroked.
“Then I’d like for you to have this,” he said at last. He took something from his pocket and laid it in her palm. It was a key.
“We will have to meet in silence.”
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So excited to share this WIP for a piece that I commissioned from Te al latte 💙💗💙💗
I love it SO MUCH and can’t wait to see the finished piece.
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wroteathingtoday · 3 years
Absolute favorite ship, ship you hate most, your first ship, the ship you don’t ship anymore and WHY 👀, the ship you hate that most people like, I don’t know all your ships so list your top 10 ships then rank them from fave to least fave 👀
Absolute favorite ship- Dasey! Ship you hate most- atm.... Da*klina (Shadow and Bone)  Your first ship- Dasey baby! First one I read ff for. First one I wrote for. Still my OTP of all OTP’s. the ship you don’t ship anymore and WHY - idt I’ve let any ships go. My taste is immaculate I guess??? the ship you hate that most people like- ugh. a few. R*ylo (StarWars). Jo*sa (Game Of Thrones) and a couple from A Court Of Thorns And Roses. Top 10 ships then rank them from fave to least fave -i My latest infatuations in semi order: 1.Dasey (Life With Derek) 2.Covinsky (To Al The Boys)) 3.Kanej (Six Of Crows/ Shadow And Bone) 4.Malina (Shadow and bone) 5.Jurdan (The Cruel Prince) 6.Nessian (A Court Of Thorns And Roses)  7.Elriel ((A Court Of Thorns And Roses) 8.Everlark (Hunger Games) 9.Sterek (Teen wolf) 10.Juke (Julie and The Phantoms)
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featherymalignancy · 4 years
Hey so I'm really curious to hear your thoughts on the issues in the ACOTAR series. You mentioned in a past ask that you had some problems with canon and some of the romantic relationships there and I'd love to hear more! You have such a great grasp on the characters and their psychology and motivations so I'd love to understand more about your perspective on the issues in the series.
Hooooooo boy, loaded question for sure. I know there is a lot of contention in the fandom at the moment so I will try and keep it relatively positive/fact-based. Having said that, I would like to remind everyone that this is just how *I* feel based on my biased view of the story, so you don’t have to agree with them for us to still get along! ♥️
So my first thing is Illyria, because holy hell, problematic. So while there are number of fairly prominent characters of color in the story starting in ACOMAF (Tarquin, Helion, Thesan, etc) Illyria (which is generally accepted to be non-white) is the culture we get the greatest insight into, and it’s unfavorable to say the least. That is not to say that non-white cultures have to all be utopias, but I find Illyria to play into some sort of stereotypical tropes that are harmful. Aside from Cassian and Azriel, Illyrians are generally portrayed as misogynistic, superstitious, and brutal with a taste for violence. I just—-maybe the development is coming, I don’t know. But to be honest, the relationship between The Night Court (aka Rhys et al) and Illyria feels...imperialistic. Why does Illyria have to bend the knee to the Hewn City, and why is the Inner Circle not more obliging of Illyrians’ discontent over their role in the war and their desire of more autonomy?
My next is... *bites back a gag* mates. I just...I generally find the concept to be misogynistic and heteronormative (though someone pointed out that Thesan’s mate is a male, in which case the concept is slightly more inclusive but no less muddy in its parameters). And I know what you’re thinking “Cara, you literally have mates (include a queer mated couple) in Like a Lonely House”. Okay, you’re not wrong, so I’m sorry if this makes me a hypocrite, but the issue with mates (for me) is that the true beauty of romance is the choosing. Listen, there isn’t one person for you; if there were, the chances you’d ever meet them would be almost absolute zero. The reality is that there are THOUSANDS of potential partners for those seeking such a thing. What makes loving someone lovely to me is the idea that you COULD have had any number of people, but you chose your partner, and you continue to choose them over other people who continue to come into your life.
So for Feyre and Rhys (for example) to fall in love with the person who was chosen for them (even if SJM does try and make the bond more complicated than just that) ISN’T romantic to me!! As Elain points out in Tender Jar “What great honor is there in loving as you’re told?” I can see a younger me being enamored by the idea of falling in love with the person chosen for me by the sands of fate, but as an adult I am moved by the the sacrifice of the choosing. So for me mates is a big FUCK NO. Also, if after all the Elriel hints Elucien is endgame I will be furious because a) that’s lazy writing to just add a bunch of red herrings just to try and trick your audience b) frankly Lucien (and Elain, to a lesser extent) deserve BETTER than to end up with the person they were ONLY with because of the stupid bond. The whole thing about Jesminda is that she saw a Lucien for who he was as a person; he deserves better than to end up with his *gags* mate just because of the bond.
I’m gonna stop there because I don’t want to a negative Nancy, but I would just say it general that I am occasionally disappointed in SJM’s development process. It sometimes feels as if that she is going back to hastily patch or alter storylines and it can be clumsy and leave the characters looking bad or acting OOC. But also she’s a millionaire NYT bestselling novelist and I’m a loser who may never get published, so perhaps this is all just jealousy!
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maastrash · 6 years
Hi! Could you do the first neighbors prompt for Elriel?
Hi nonnie!! Thank you for the request :) I hope you enjoy 💗💗💗
Holiday HC Request List
Is it Christmas without an ER trip?
Elain was flustered
No, that was an understatement
She was going full-on insane
She had a pie baking in the oven, pasta boiling in a pot, and she still needed to make more dishes
Feyre’s boyfriend Rhysand was hosting Christmas this year and of course, Elain wanted to make a good impression
She had never cooked for Feyre’s friends or been to Rhys’s house which just made this situation all the more stressful
After hours of prepping Elain knows she has to go or she’ll be late
And she does not want to be late
Elain goes outside to open her car trunk because she won’t be able to simultaneously carry the dishes and open the car
Precariously balancing 5 dishes on her arms and chest she slowly makes her out of the house
“Hey, do you need a hand with that?”
Elain turns “Thank you, but I think I’m al-
She slips, falling right on her ankle, the dishes crashing down around her
Before she can even process what just happened, the most beautiful man she has ever seen is leaning over her, looking very concerned
“Oh my god, I am so sorry that I distracted you, are you ok?” he asks
Elain tries to move “Yea I think I’m go-” she winces
“Ok never mind I’m not good”
“That ankle looks like it could be broken and you look pretty scraped up,” he says evaluating her, “I think we need to go to the ER”
“Oh man, I had to bring all these dishes to my sister’s Christmas celebration!” Elain groans  “Although it doesn’t look like there’s a point now” 
The man looks at her sympathetically “I’m really sorry about all your hard work, but you really should let me take you to the hospital.”
“Usually I would say no to strangers” she chuckles “But it looks like I don’t really have any other option.”
He laughs “Well if it makes you feel better, I live like two houses down so technically I’m your neighbor and not a complete stranger.”
That actually does make me feel better” she smiles “I’m Elain, and you are?”
“Azriel,” he says shaking her hand “Here let me try and get you in my car”
Elain tries to not squeal in pain as he lifts her off the icy ground 
Although she’s in pain she can’t help but notice how muscular he is
Her heart begins beating faster and her cheeks begin to redden
Elain sighs in relief once she’s in the car glad that her breathing has finally returned back to normal, not from the pain ;)
“Hey Azriel I’m really sorry if I’m ruining your Christmas plans. Feel free to drop me off at the hospital. You are in no way obligated to stay with me”
He chuckles “Elain honestly don’t worry at all. I was just on my way to my brother’s house and he’s going to be with his girlfriend all night. Plus, I am for sure not leaving you alone on Christmas with a possible broken ankle.”
She can’t help but smile
How did she get lucky enough to end up with the most handsome and caring male on Christmas?
“Ok” she replies, “Only if you’re sure”
“ I am 100% sure and good thing too because we’re here”
Azriel parks the car, grabs a wheelchair, and brings Elain to the ER desk
“Hi there, my neighbor here slipped in the snow and we think she may have broken her ankle”
The women look concerned, “Has she been drinking? It’s only 4 pm”
Elain’s cheeks flush “No ma’am I’m sober,  just a total klutz”
The receptionist doesn’t look convinced, but proceeds “Ok go ahead and wheel her to room 5, a nurse will be in shortly to take x rays”
They thank the woman and head towards the room
“I can’t believe I am actually stupid enough to end up in the ER on Christmas, completely sober”
Azriel laughs “Hey is it really Christmas without an ER trip?”
Elain smilies “ I guess not”
As they’re waiting, they realize they have a lot more in common than they originally thought
In fact, they enjoy each other’s company so much that Elain is disappointed when the nurse finally takes her away to do x rays
When she comes back in a cast, Az wants to be the first to sign it
As he’s signing Elain looks up at the clock
“Oh my goodness it’s almost 9! I’m sorry I made you so late to your brother’s party Azriel”
“Don’t worry!” he laughs “I don’t even think Rhysand noticed”
“Wait did you say Rhysand?” she asks
“Yea why?”
“Because I was supposed to meet my sister’s boyfriend, Rhysand, at his house for a Christmas party”
Wait are you Elain, Feyre’s sister?”
“Yea that’s me, Elain Archeron”
“Wow, I can’t believe I didn’t put this together! Usually, people say I’m super observant”
“I guess not observant enough” Elain giggles  “But this is perfect then, we can go together”
Azriel grins “That is perfect”
Elain never thought she would be happy to have a broken leg, but leaving the hospital and looking up at Azriel, she couldn’t be any more thankful for her clumsiness 
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