#elsword solace
Elsword: I'm an idiot... Solace: Don't be so hard on yourself. Elsword: I'm an idiot! Solace: Well don't be so proud of it either.
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ethaneldritch · 2 months
Part 1 - The LoK Brainrot is Still Going VERY Strong
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The most barebones rundown for those unaware is that the guy on the right's beloved fiance is in danger of being sacrificed to the El (big life force gem thing that keeps the entire world of Elrios alive). Obviously, he doesn't want that to happen, so he's trying to find a different solution to restoring the El that doesn't involve a continuous feed of human sacrifices. If he fails in this endeavor, there's a high likelihood of the world falling into total decay.
On the other hand, Elsword has come all this way with the sole intention of "righting all the wrongs" - that is, putting the system back together so the world doesn't break apart at the seams any more than it already has. The human sacrifices would still be necessary, but it's only one person every decade or so, and the position and authority that comes with such a role arguably provides an incredible amount of good. It's proportionally a lot safer than risking the lives of, well, the entire world.
Hm. Gee.
Where have we heard something like this before?
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"...Thirty years hence, I am presented with a dilemma – let’s call it a two-sided coin. If the coin falls one way, I sacrifice myself and thus restore the Pillars... If the coin lands on the reverse, I refuse the sacrifice and thus doom the Pillars to an eternity of collapse. Either way, the game is rigged."
(obviously it's not a one-to-one comparison 'cause there's no immediate extinction on the line, but, y'know, close enough)
The interesting thing is, uh
how Elsword decides to solve this.
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nynaxim · 2 years
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ainchase · 2 years
reminder to self to post that youtube shorts from elsword youtube channel of solace receiving new year greeting from elesis and chung and there being two pairs of ducks in colors of harnier and solace signifying LOVE -- this is the only canon representation of them being in a romantic love and not some sibling bullshit
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Anyway, they're the kind of ducks you see in Korean traditional wedding and in newly wed's home because it signifies lasting love (something about some ducks mating for life)
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I plan to do translations of all the new year special shorts from them cuz it was actually really hilarious -- in fact I might translate all of the shorts from them
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I have a theory, that is for Lithia's.
Supposed Support or next Path.
the Skill Obelisk is a base class skill.
"An Ancient Artifact Obelisk grants the user Special Active Damage increase and attacks nearby enemies for a set duration."
What if say the "support" version of Lithia is her becoming an "Earth-Priestess" in a sense, but her skills are in reference to Egyptian mythos. But Obelisk get's a beneficial passive where it grants all alies the "Immune to debuff" for 20s, and grants allies the 15% Special Skill Damage increase with Obelisk mp requirement going from 200mp to 140mp it still may be a lot but for the support it would be useful for a passive that aids in the beginning of her support.
Plus in iirc, Egyptian history they had believed Certain Gems and Crystals were meant for healing.
And no she's not going to pull 5 body parts to make an ultimate attack, much as I love Yu-Gi-Oh!, I don't think Lithia is going to summon a Dragon or a giant man to destroy her enemies.
Although what if she has a passive relating to Osiris? Wonder how that system will work.
Like for every certain skills gives a certain buff?
the necklace that Lithia was given has a fragment of the Sun El.
What if her class in 3rd Job references Horakhty. Maybe a passive? perhaps a light nod to Egyptian Gods.
Someone can add onto this, I'm just throwing these ideas because it looked and sounded interesting.
But come on again iirc, Noah has part of the Sun's power? is meshing with the mutated power of the moon? Someone correct me please as I don't remember much of Noah's story arc about that.
So really it's not "breaking" the rules of Elsword's masterroad is still Solace.
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elsjobproject · 2 years
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1/5 -  Clear Forgotten Elrian Sanctum [0/1]
He thought he heard voices. They called out a... name...
But he could not remember what it was.
Elrian Sanctum was before him. He knew this place. This sanctum used to be a training ground for ancient Elrians due to its unique quality of attracting El energy.
...There's something strangely compelling about this site.
2/5 - Collect Trace of Primordial Chaos (Chrysalis, Forgotten Elrian Sanctum) [0/5]
Due to Elrianode not being fully restored, the Elrian sanctum also looked incomplete. He thought that somehow resembled him.
...He could hear voices. However when he listened in, he was already at the entrance.
Is he being rejected by this place that's full of El energy?
Or is it him that refuses to resonate with the El.
Wondering, Elsword headed back inside. Again and again.
3/5 - Collect Grand Compass Pieces (Skin Splitter, Elrianode) [0/20]
As he continued to swing his sword as enemies endlessly approached him, Elsword began to think. Why did I pick up my sword? Why did I come to this place? Who... am I?
I thought I accomplished my goal, yet I...
He sees enemies approaching through his eye lashes. Ah... Is it because you're still here?
4/5 -  Defeat Henir Mutated Monsters (Elrianode City/Debrian Laboratory) [0/2000]
He wanted to protect the El.
And... He wanted to protect everyone.
That's why he decided on the easiest answer that would accomplish both.
One sacrifice. Such a small price compared to the El and everyone else...
Did something go wrong? Did the voice he heard know the answer? He headed deeper inside the sanctum as he cut through any enemy that got in his way.
5/5 - Clear El Tower Defense 5 times [0/5]
Though it was blind faith from his subconscious mind, fighting for the continuation of the El was indisputable for him.
That's why there were always questions he asked himself that was never resolved.
Thoughts that haunted his mind whenever he resonated with the El made him waver.
A fixation to the El that he could not explain. The blind faith that did not question his fixation. The reason why he resonates with the El, and his feeling that allowed him to answer so easily to Solace's question. And...
The great destiny he felt at the center of the El.
In the end, he had to be separated from the El. If he was born to become one with the El, there most be some other mission he must complete. And the one who can give him that answer was somewhere inside the sanctum.
When humans can learn that everything was destiny and nothing can be changed, what do they feel? ...He knew the answer, but no longer remembers.
??? headed towards the sanctum. It was time to hear his answer from 'destiny'.
(recorded; 10/08/2022)
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pitxroxas · 2 years
may i ask what server you play elsword on please?
I play on NA, So i believe thats Solace!
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regina-rps · 2 years
Buenas. Soy el anon que hace días preguntó por el nombre de un físico con máscara, y solamente vengo a decir que lo encontré. Para aquellos que estuvieran con el pendiente y no podían dormir(?) les cuento que se trataba de Solace de Elsword. Y ahora viéndolo bien, no sé de dónde le vi la gabardina o máscara porque parece más un antifaz(?). En fin, gracias por la ayuda.
not funny
didn't laugh
Mentira, anon. (?) Me alegra que lo hayas podido localizar. :]
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void-dreaming · 3 years
Random Elsword headcannons:
Eve can sow and tailor clothing thanks to it being part of her code (something like self reliance??? Or maybe self suffiency that goes into designing things. I couldn't find anything on where Ferdinand came from so I'm assuming he was designed and built by Eve? I may be wrong.)
Sometimes Ignia tries to make shapes out of flames (though she typically fails as she's used her fire for more offensive uses instead of personal uses)
Ignia still has her spear, and tries to spar with Rosso sometimes...a lot. She's still trying to find some common ground with him.
Noah and Darkmoon have a semi sibling type relationship, and Noah can and will throw hands with anyone that upsets Darkmoon.
Elsword is surprisingly good at sowing, though it's moreso with repairing damaged cloth.
Laby may have tried adopting cute creatures in the Demon realm a few times. She may have also caused some of Aisha's hairs to go prematurely gray.
Solace sometimes invites Gloria for tea, he hasn't seen any sun priestesses since the explosion (aside from the sun priestess at that time). He feels bad that all the sun priestesses had to live in seclusion.
Gloria is my late grandmother's name!
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chrryace · 4 years
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Ventus: you have got to try living . its ugly but theres no other option Solace: don't wanna Ventus: didnt ask dont care surrender to the tide of life and allow it to wash over you in all its imperfect and profound beauty
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ethaneldritch · 2 months
Part 2 - In Which Monty Refuses to Stop Spouting Nonsense at Roughly 2am
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^ so there's your "edge of the coin" moment XD
Elsword waffles there for a couple minutes over his decision, but then
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- "i'm special, right" - Solace: "yeah?" - "And that means i have special El-resonating powers and whatnot, right" - "…yeah?" - "okay then the big magic rock will probably definitely listen to me if i'm the one dying about it" - *cue Solace flipping out as a literal child jumps into the El portal thing without waiting for a freaking answer*
which like
i remember reading this plot point for the first time and realizing that Characterization was finally starting to happen! holy cow!! But it still seemed like such a wild direction to take this kind of character XD
Elsword isn't overtly suicidal, but there's multiple times where he wants to be the leader just so he can be the one at the fore of a fight. There's a least two other times (iirc) down the road where the party has to basically drag him away kicking and screaming from a fight they definitely could not have won without multiple casualties.
Yeah, he's stupid, but for as altruistically "everyone deserves to live and be friends!!" as he is, all that seems to go out the window when it comes to self preservation. Especially later on, there's just no way it's sheer childishness anymore.
I noticed some references to an inferiority complex surrounding his sister on the wiki, too. As his canon path progresses, there's multiple details he picks up from mimicking the others in the group, from styling his hair after Raven's to his occupation being in close relation to his sister's (though not above hers, of course).
I might be way off (and if I had the courage to take this to the official Discord server's lore chat, I can almost guarantee that I am) and I'm not trying to be the whole thing's secretly edgyyyy!!1!!1 or anything, but I'm fascinated by how the writers have taken such a "flat" archetype ("overly energetic shonen protagonist kid") and grown an actual, nuanced character out of it.
Feel free to sound off if I got something wrong; Elsword lore is a mess and I love getting lost in the weeds of it XD
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faces-and-morefaces · 5 years
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paradokkusuart · 4 years
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To go with my new cosplay, my new enamel pin, Solace~
Also would have showed this pin at Anime Expo, but 😭
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Just a joke but I would like to say as I said to friends by mistake that Noah's adoptive parents might as well be Solace and Harnier.
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cobo-robo · 6 years
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