#elza edits
julieemarine · 7 months
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Dresses strengthen her, for Elza Forte is perfect!
She’s Afro-Monacan in this.
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oldman-murdock · 2 years
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Bloodshot (2020)
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anzuchansims · 1 year
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[ TS4 to TS3 ]  Child Outfits #14(CM / CU)
Happy October holidays! Here is the second set of autumn outfits for kids, mainly from TS4 Grunge Revival kit.
Actually, EA's models are great! It's just that the textures can be messy at times. Editing the texture for that button up shirt really exhausted me. This outfit was definitely the most time-consuming to convert in the entire set, I almost gave up.(;´д`)
歡慶十月連假!孩子的秋季套裝第二彈。 這次主要是模四物品包轉換而來的衣服,其實 EA 的模型都很棒!只是貼圖有時很糟糕。
. Buttonup (CU) . Jacket (CM)  . Jeans (CM) . Shorts (CM) . Vans Old Skool (CU)
Credit ( some contents are for personal use )
Hair:Kijiko / Elza Glasses:Puchi House Outfits:Sforzinda Shoes:Darte77
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Leon Kennedy’s wiki page is filled with lies and bullshit
And whoever is running the wiki is so afraid of being told that they’re wrong that editing on it is currently disabled -- so I figured I’d just compile a list of errors on my own.
This isn’t fully comprehensive, because my eyes started to glaze over at a certain point, but. It is color coordinated and fully explained.
If you need to reference Leon’s wiki for any reason, please make sure that you have this post up also as well, so that you’re not pulling bad information. Most of the wiki is fine, but there are some things in here, man. People really do just be going on the internet and telling lies.
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Notice how there's no citation for this. The source that's actually being pulled from is an offhanded comment the RE2 concept artist made in an art book that Capcom released called Capcom Design Works. It was only ever released in Japan.
Concept artists don't have access to the script and aren't involved with the actual creation of the character. Concept artists are given a general description of what a character should look like and what their general demeanor is. The devs told this artist specifically to make Leon look tanned, so the artist wondered if maybe Leon's heritage was from somewhere in southern Europe — maybe Italy?
It is important to know that Leon's character was conceived and had art drawn of him back when Resident Evil 2 had a completely different story. A different version of RE2 reached 80% completion before being scrapped and completely redone from the ground up. The story changed dramatically. Claire Redfield wasn't even in this original version of RE2; it was a different character entirely named Elza Walker. (source one, source two)
Ergo, even if the intention was to give Leon an Italian background originally, that story no longer exists and has nothing to do with the version of Resident Evil 2 that actually released.
This isn't a big deal, but "offered" is a really funny way of saying "threatened into."
Leon also was never in USSTRATCOM. That's a bullshit lie based on an old build of RE4 that never got released and was, in fact, turned into the game Haunting Ground instead. The wiki says that the proof of this is in a file in Darkside Chronicles. No such file exists -- and, even if it did, Yoshiaki Hirabayashi (who's been a producer and writer for RE since the original REmake) said recently that Darkside Chronicles is no longer canon anyway.
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None of this is ever stated in the games. This is pulled from a promotional marketing interview from 1997 — so, before RE2 was even finished or released. There's a decent chance that this interview was done right after 1.5 got thrown out and 2's final story wasn't even fully realized yet.
Capcom has actually given Leon several different backgrounds throughout the years, and none of them have ever made it into the games.
The official Resident Evil 2 novelization has Leon fresh out of college and moving to Raccoon City from New York.
Welcome to Raccoon City wrote that Leon's dad was a cop, and that's how he got into the force, too.
But there's no indication of any of them being true for Leon as he exists in the games. There's no reason to think of the crime background as any more or less canon than the other two, except maybe that someone just likes it better?
In fact, part of that crime backstory is outwardly and explicitly contradicted in Resident Evil 2 itself:
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So take that for what you will.
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The wiki cites "Official GuideBook" as the source for this. No book with that title exists.
What they're actually referring to is The Resident Evil Archives, which is a book that is filled to bursting with factually incorrect information about the games. Here's the full excerpt of the passage containing that backstory:
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Is this really what we're taking as canon fact now? Claire and Sherry being Leon's "single focus" in RE2, with absolutely no mention of Ada at all? Leon being mad about Claire "making her own decisions"?
Here's something else fun from the RE Archives:
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I don't see anything on this wiki page about how Leon willingly gave Sherry up to the US Army, nor anything about him reaching out to the federal government himself in order to willingly join their ranks. It's very interesting how only the "drunk at a motel" part made it in.
Citation needed???? The citation is the Resident Evil 2 Remake. This is something that's actually stated in a game — and the wiki is treating it as fanfiction, listing it as secondary to whatever bullshit the RE Archives book is spouting.
This is also the single only glimpse we have ever gotten into anything Leon was doing prior to the intro of RE2. The games do not go any further back in time to explain anything further about where he's from or what his life was like.
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This is straight-up not true. It's just an out-and-out lie.
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So, Leon and Benford only started working together ten years prior to Benford's death in June of 2013 — making the genesis of that partnership land in 2003. 2002 at the earliest. Neither of those years are 1998, which is the year that Leon was coerced into government custody.
It also makes no sense as to why Leon would like, trust, and respect Benford so much if he was the man responsible for threatening Sherry and ruining his life. It also makes no sense for Benford to be a child-threatening piece of garbage and then also be described as having integrity and being a man of his word.
The only thing that RE6 actually says about who Benford was prior to becoming President was that he was "in the military." 2002 makes sense for Leon and Benford to have met, then, since 2002 was the year of Operation Javier. Leon's status in the government isn't exactly clear during the events of Operation Javier — Leon isn't sent in as a federal LEO; he's sent in with military special forces.
The likeliest explanation is that Adam Benford was the lead commanding officer overseeing Operation Javier — who, upon suspecting he might be dealing with B.O.W.'s, went "Hey, get me the Raccoon City guy. I want him going on this one."
And the rest, as they say, is history.
This is all purely conjecture on my part and cannot be proven or disproven either way — but it, at the very least, makes more sense than just assuming that this one particular file in RE6 got the year of the Raccoon City incident wrong. It also makes more sense than assuming that Leon has some sort of weird Stockholm Syndrome concerning Adam Benford, when he (Leon) is so angry and cynical and jaded in literally every single title after RE4 about his career and about being shackled to the government.
Adam Benford being the guy behind Leon's kidnapping is so beyond the pale and absurd, and the only real basis for it is an advertisement for an airsoft gun, and I'm not joking. I don't know how anyone tries to argue that that ad is more canon than what's both stated and shown in the actual series, but here we are.
This is something that is only true in Resident Evil 4 Remake. Originally, Operation Javier was the first time that Leon and Krauser ever met, per Darkside Chronicles. It is very weird that this detail exists in the wiki, but then the wiki goes on to only describe the DSC version of Operation Javier, with no mention given to the complete overhaul that that story got in RE4make. You wouldn't be able to even asspull a "Krauser only started training Leon after Operation Javier" explanation, either, because in OG RE4, Leon is under the impression that Krauser actually died almost immediately after returning home.
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There's no citation for this, but the source is the box art for the Wii version of RE4. However, no other version of RE4 ever makes mention of what school Ashley was going to. The only hint we have ever gotten in a game as to where Ashley was going to school is actually in RE4make, because the sorority stickers on her phone correspond with a sorority out of New York.
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There's no citation for this, because the source is RE: Umbrella Corps, which has no provable basis in canon.
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This isn't true. Here's the citation that the wiki uses:
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There's no year given there, and there's no indication that this happened at some sort of TerraSave reunion. In fact, them meeting in 2010 makes no sense, because this file establishes that there were no open lines of communication between the US government and the BSAA prior to this moment — so how the fuck would Chris have gotten his hands on Leon's report outlining the events of RE4 back in 2009?
Considering the fact that Lost in Nightmares took place in 2006, and that explicitly involved remnants of Umbrella via Oswell Spencer, chances are that that's probably closer to the time that this meeting between Leon and Chris actually happened.
Or, if you wanted to be cheeky about it, you could say that this happened in 2008 so that Hunnigan's "hadn't seen each other in ten years" thing is actually at least a little bit true — since Leon and Chris actually first spoke back in either late 1998 or early 1999, per Code Veronica and Darkside Chronicles.
But there's really no canonical indication of it either way. You can't even use Benford as a benchmark, because Hunnigan could've been reporting to him as POTUS or as a military officer. There's really no way to know.
So, that’s that. I hope we all learned something today. For future reference, don’t look outside of the actual games or movies for information about the series, because it is constantly being contradicted by either other supplementary material or actual game canon. This is the formula you should be following:
numbered game entries are the most canon. numbered game entries will always have the final say. period.
spinoff games starring the recurring cast* (Revelations, Code Veronica, etc) are the second highest tier canon.
CGI movies starring the main cast are the third highest tier canon.
spinoff games not starring the main cast (Outbreak, Dead Aim, etc) are the fourth highest tier canon.
anything else should be ignored.
*spinoff games that have a story, that is. things like The Mercenaries 3D and RE:Verse clearly don’t count and are there for fun gameplay purposes only.
In an instance where things on the same tier contradict each other, the most recent installment wins out.
So, Sherry’s age in RE2 is 10 because RE6 said so – even though OG RE2’s manual had her age listed as 12. Her age of 10 years was then also reaffirmed in RE2make. So, she was 10.
And Gaiden’s not canon, despite it starring Leon and Barry, because RE4, RE6, and Revelations 2 do not acknowledge it as such.
It is very easy to follow this canon if you follow that recipe. 
I also have an essential canon list already typed up and ready to go. These are the only titles you should ever have to even think about committing to your brainspace.
Please don’t let bad faith actors lead you astray, and stop leaning so hard on the wiki until it fixes its problems.
My inbox is always open for questions.
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daily-rayless · 6 months
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Finishing old artwork: There's always more Elza.
One neat element of her design is that she uses two guns, but generally only one holster is ever visible. So she's probably wearing the other at the small of her back. (Though this isn't shown in her artwork. But there's literally nowhere else for the gun to go.) People in the Suikoverse don't expect guns in general, but if they do know about guns, they definitely don't expect you to have two.
Edit: Actually, sometimes the official art does show it.
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rebelwhodoesntknow · 1 year
aikatsu playlists link? 👀
since you wanted to talk/questions.....
favorite characters so far? and how many episodes hsve you seen yet? any favorite songs or outfits?
So I seriously cannot count the episodes I’ve watched because there are so. Fucking. Many. And I watch them all out of order because my attention span is absolute shit. I’ve watched the most episodes of OG Aikatsu, some of Stars, and a few of Friends. I have, however, seen nearly all of the performances at least once because that’s my favorite part! I do have favorite characters, too! Yurika is the best gothic idol, I adore her character and lowkey ship her with Kaede, I mean they almost fed us a confession scene come on.
I think my favorite mc would probably be Akari, because I liked seeing her journey in season two and her rise to fame in seasons 3 and 4 felt a lot more organic than Ichigo’s imo (though I don’t hate Ichigo at all), especially with Fever Appeals. Yume is an interesting character… I think her voice would have been much more suited to a pop idol so that fact shakes her likability for me. I do think the final showdown between her and Elza is the best showdown in the series though.
In terms of outfits, I obviously tend to like the gothic outfits, but I also can definitely appreciate all of the other types of outfits they have on the damn show! My biggest problem in the Aikatsu universe would be picking an idol type, I seriously cannot decide what I like the best. Aoi’s Constellation Dress comes to mind right now when thinking of cords I like, but if you ask me in five minutes it will be different!
Now for music… dear god I should just link the playlists because they’re full of my favorites. While I’m in love with the goth-rock stuff, it is really nice to branch out into cuter songs, I haven’t been this happy when singing in ages. If I were to do a top 3 right now, it would probably go Lovely Bomb, Dreaming Bird, and maybe Diamond Happy or one of Yurika’s songs. The song I know the most words to, however, is Happy Punch of all things! Like ???
Oh my god I have been talking for way too long tl:dr I have a lot of feelings
And here are the playlists of my favorites!
They’re mostly similar, but the sweet edition has less cool and sexy type songs because it’s basically my Get Ready To Work With Kids playlist
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Ballad of a Soldier (Grigoriy Chukhray, 1959)
Cast: Vladimir Ivashov, Zhanna Prokhorenko, Antonina Maksimova, Nikolay Kryuchkov, Evgeniy Urbanskiy, Elza Lezhdey, Aleksandr Kuznetsov, Evgeniy Teterin. Screenplay: Grigoriy Chukhray, Valentin Ezhov. Cinematography: Vladimir Nikolayev, Era Savelyeva. Production design: Boris Nemechek. Film editing: Mariya Timofeyeva. Music: Mikhail Ziv. 
Before the collapse of the Soviet Union there used to be jokes about how Russians claimed to have invented everything from the light bulb to baseball. During a thaw in the Cold War that led to an exchange of films between the Soviets and the Americans, American audiences learned that the Russians had at least improved on a familiar Hollywood genre: the glossy, sentimental wartime romance. Even Hollywood was impressed, giving director Grigoriy Chukhray and his co-screenwriter Valentin Ezhov an Oscar nomination for best original screenplay. Ballad of a Soldier was a substantial hit, thanks in large part to its appealing leads, Vladimir Ivashov and Zhanna Prokhorenko. Ivashov plays Alyosha, a private serving at the Front who single-handedly cripples two German tanks and is rewarded with a leave to return home and see his mother. But it's not easy making it cross-country in Russia during wartime, and he is forced to bribe his way onto a freight car carrying bales of hay. At a stop, he is joined by another stowaway, a young girl named Shura (Prokhorenko). She initially takes fright at discovering she has a traveling companion, but they begin to fall in love, only to face an inevitable separation. The two young leads -- they were both untried actors still in their teens when they were cast -- are touchingly fresh and innocent, making the contrast with the harshness that surrounds them more poignant. It's a road movie as well as a love story, with some fine character bits by people they meet along the way, especially Evgeniy Urbanskiy as a soldier embittered by the loss of a leg and fearful of how he will be received by his wife. Although the core of the film focuses on Alyosha and Shura, their story is framed by some spectacularly filmed battle scenes at the beginning and Alyosha's painfully brief return home at the end, sequences that surround the love story with scenes of urgency. Chukray has a real gift for pacing and rhythm, aided by his editor, Mariya Timofeeva, though he sometimes allows his cinematographers, Vladimir Nikolayev and Era Savalyeva, to indulge in camera tricks: At one point when Alyosha is being pursued by a tank, the camera does a head-over-heels rollover shot that ends with Alyosha and the tank upside-down on the screen, a giddy, gratuitous bit of fancy photography. Ballad of a Soldier certainly didn't break any new ground, but it managed to make its genre clichés feel fresh.
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shadowkat678 · 2 years
Tell me your secrets~!
No but what's one secret about Jin that you feel comfortable telling me that would have blown my mind
Fuck I'll just tell you about Jin since you didn't get to find out in the campaign.
First, Jin's a changeling, that part was obvious by the time you had to go ooc. The only changeling in their family and was somehow either changed or switched at birth. They're actually part of triplets and Jin and their sister Elza became a bit of a duo pulling scams and thefts, meanwhile their brother Callas sort of took on the eldest sibling mantel for their mom who was constantly working with the noble family they were employed by.
Eventually Callas joined the guards. His constant need to correct Jin's mistakes (of which to be fair there was more than one) and constantly driving home the dangers of the changeling situation being found out did not...make for the best sibling relationship.
When Jin and Elza got had pulling a scam that was supposed to be their last big one before moving out and leaving the city, they left earlier on the first ship they had connections to before saying anything to their family. Two years later Elza died and Jin came back, spilling the news to their brother, and was basically told in no uncertain terms it was directly their fault for dragging her into things, that Callas did not consider Jin family, and that if Jin ever contacted Callas or their mother again after what they've put the family through that Callas would personally kill them.
And then Jin had a mental breakdown about it and ever since has been searching for a way to bring Elza back to life, basically feeling like they should have died instead and that Elza only went along with things to try and support Jin as the family problem child.
Anyway that's why Jin constantly reacted badly to Kesimer's ribbings about Jin fucking up and talking about how perfect he is. He has alcoholism about it. The entire family needs major therapy.
Anyway if you were curious about other details this is Jin's backstory sheet with the personality section, npc list, and background info that has more details. They also have a playlist. It is the Forgotten Realms version of Jin though but pretty much everything is the same with just name substitutions for the setting difference.
Did I make Jin a very literal metaphor for masking? Yes, I did. He is not doing much better now that Avalia is gone.
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msamba · 4 months
Brasil, Brasil - Samba to Bossa Nova (1of4)
BBC Four Documentary Quote Comprehensive review of Brazilian music in a three-part series which tells the story of the styles and the artists that have captured the world’s imagination for decades. This edition covers the history of samba, from the early days of slavery to flamboyant stars like Carmen Miranda and Elza Soares, and shows how samba’s off-shoot bossa nova went global back in the…
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agonycrossbow · 7 months
Leon Kennedy’s wiki page is filled with lies and bullshit
And whoever is running the wiki is so afraid of being told that they’re wrong that editing on it is currently disabled -- so I figured I’d just compile a list of errors on my own.
This isn’t fully comprehensive, because my eyes started to glaze over at a certain point, but. It is color coordinated and fully explained.
If you need to reference Leon’s wiki for any reason, please make sure that you have this post up also as well, so that you’re not pulling bad information. Most of the wiki is fine, but there are some things in here, man. People really do just be going on the internet and telling lies.
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Notice how there's no citation for this. The source that's actually being pulled from is an offhanded comment the RE2 concept artist made in an art book that Capcom released called Capcom Design Works. It was only ever released in Japan.
Concept artists don't have access to the script and aren't involved with the actual creation of the character. Concept artists are given a general description of what a character should look like and what their general demeanor is. The devs told this artist specifically to make Leon look tanned, so the artist wondered if maybe Leon's heritage was from somewhere in southern Europe — maybe Italy?
It is important to know that Leon's character was conceived and had art drawn of him back when Resident Evil 2 had a completely different story. A different version of RE2 reached 80% completion before being scrapped and completely redone from the ground up. The story changed dramatically. Claire Redfield wasn't even in this original version of RE2; it was a different character entirely named Elza Walker. (source one, source two)
Ergo, even if the intention was to give Leon an Italian background originally, that story no longer exists and has nothing to do with the version of Resident Evil 2 that actually released.
This isn't a big deal, but "offered" is a really funny way of saying "threatened into."
Leon also was never in USSTRATCOM. That's a bullshit lie based on an old build of RE4 that never got released and was, in fact, turned into the game Haunting Ground instead.
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None of this is ever stated in the games. This is pulled from a promotional marketing interview from 1997 — so, before RE2 was even finished or released. There's a decent chance that this interview was done right after 1.5 got thrown out and 2's final story wasn't even fully realized yet.
Capcom has actually given Leon several different backgrounds throughout the years, and none of them have ever made it into the games.
The official Resident Evil 2 novelization has Leon fresh out of college and moving to Raccoon City from New York.
Welcome to Raccoon City wrote that Leon's dad was a cop, and that's how he got into the force, too.
But there's no indication of any of them being true for Leon as he exists in the games. There's no reason to think of the crime background as any more or less canon than the other two, except maybe that someone just likes it better?
In fact, part of that crime backstory is outwardly and explicitly contradicted in Resident Evil 2 itself:
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So take that for what you will.
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The wiki cites "Official GuideBook" as the source for this. No book with that title exists.
What they're actually referring to is The Resident Evil Archives, which is a book that is filled to bursting with factually incorrect information about the games. Here's the full excerpt of the passage containing that backstory:
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Is this really what we're taking as canon fact now? Claire and Sherry being Leon's "single focus" in RE2, with absolutely no mention of Ada at all? Leon being mad about Claire "making her own decisions"?
Here's something else fun from the RE Archives:
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I don't see anything on this wiki page about how Leon willingly gave Sherry up to the US Army, nor anything about him reaching out to the federal government himself in order to willingly join their ranks. It's very interesting how only the "drunk at a motel" part made it in.
Citation needed???? The citation is the Resident Evil 2 Remake. This is something that's actually stated in a game — and the wiki is treating it as fanfiction, listing it as secondary to whatever bullshit the RE Archives book is spouting.
This is also the single only glimpse we have ever gotten into anything Leon was doing prior to the intro of RE2. The games do not go any further back in time to explain anything further about where he's from or what his life was like.
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This is straight-up not true. It's just an out-and-out lie.
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So, Leon and Benford only started working together ten years prior to Benford's death in June of 2013 — making the genesis of that partnership land in 2003. 2002 at the earliest. Neither of those years are 1998, which is the year that Leon was coerced into government custody.
It also makes no sense as to why Leon would like, trust, and respect Benford so much if he was the man responsible for threatening Sherry and ruining his life. It also makes no sense for Benford to be a child-threatening piece of garbage and then also be described as having integrity and being a man of his word.
The only thing that RE6 actually says about who Benford was prior to becoming President was that he was "in the military." 2002 makes sense for Leon and Benford to have met, then, since 2002 was the year of Operation Javier. Leon's status in the government isn't exactly clear during the events of Operation Javier — Leon isn't sent in as a federal LEO; he's sent in with military special forces.
The likeliest explanation is that Adam Benford was the lead commanding officer overseeing Operation Javier — who, upon suspecting he might be dealing with B.O.W.'s, went "Hey, get me the Raccoon City guy. I want him going on this one."
And the rest, as they say, is history.
This is all purely conjecture on my part and cannot be proven or disproven either way — but it, at the very least, makes more sense than just assuming that this one particular file in RE6 got the year of the Raccoon City incident wrong. It also makes more sense than assuming that Leon has some sort of weird Stockholm Syndrome concerning Adam Benford, when he (Leon) is so angry and cynical and jaded in literally every single title after RE4 about his career and about being shackled to the government.
Adam Benford being the guy behind Leon's kidnapping is so beyond the pale and absurd, and the only real basis for it is an advertisement for an airsoft gun, and I'm not joking. I don't know how anyone tries to argue that that ad is more canon than what's both stated and shown in the actual series, but here we are.
This is something that is only true in Resident Evil 4 Remake. Originally, Operation Javier was the first time that Leon and Krauser ever met, per Darkside Chronicles. It is very weird that this detail exists in the wiki, but then the wiki goes on to only describe the DSC version of Operation Javier, with no mention given to the complete overhaul that that story got in RE4make. You wouldn't be able to even asspull a "Krauser only started training Leon after Operation Javier" explanation, either, because in OG RE4, Leon is under the impression that Krauser actually died almost immediately after returning home.
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There's no citation for this, but the source is the box art for the Wii version of RE4. However, no other version of RE4 ever makes mention of what school Ashley was going to. The only hint we have ever gotten in a game as to where Ashley was going to school is actually in RE4make, because the sorority stickers on her phone correspond with a sorority out of New York.
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There's no citation for this, because the source is RE: Umbrella Corps, which has no provable basis in canon.
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This isn't true. Here's the citation that the wiki uses:
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There's no year given there, and there's no indication that this happened at some sort of TerraSave reunion. In fact, them meeting in 2010 makes no sense, because this file establishes that there were no open lines of communication between the US government and the BSAA prior to this moment — so how the fuck would Chris have gotten his hands on Leon's report outlining the events of RE4 back in 2009?
Considering the fact that Lost in Nightmares took place in 2006, and that explicitly involved remnants of Umbrella via Oswell Spencer, chances are that that's probably closer to the time that this meeting between Leon and Chris actually happened.
Or, if you wanted to be cheeky about it, you could say that this happened in 2008 so that Hunnigan's "hadn't seen each other in ten years" thing is actually at least a little bit true — since Leon and Chris actually first spoke back in either late 1998 or early 1999, per Code Veronica and Darkside Chronicles.
But there's really no canonical indication of it either way. You can't even use Benford as a benchmark, because Hunnigan could've been reporting to him as POTUS or as a military officer. There's really no way to know.
So, that’s that. I hope we all learned something today. For future reference, don’t look outside of the actual games or movies for information about the series, because it is constantly being contradicted by either other supplementary material or actual game canon. This is the formula you should be following:
numbered game entries are the most canon. numbered game entries will always have the final say. period.
spinoff games starring the recurring cast* (Revelations, Code Veronica, etc) are the second highest tier canon.
CGI movies starring the main cast are the third highest tier canon.
spinoff games not starring the main cast (Outbreak, Dead Aim, etc) are the fourth highest tier canon.
anything else should be ignored.
*spinoff games that have a story, that is. things like The Mercenaries 3D and RE:Verse clearly don’t count and are there for fun gameplay purposes only.
In an instance where things on the same tier contradict each other, the most recent installment wins out.
So, Sherry’s age in RE2 is 10 because RE6 said so – even though OG RE2’s manual had her age listed as 12. Her age of 10 years was then also reaffirmed in RE2make. So, she was 10.
And Gaiden’s not canon, despite it starring Leon and Barry, because RE4, RE6, and Revelations 2 do not acknowledge it as such.
It is very easy to follow this canon if you follow that recipe. 
Please don’t let bad faith actors lead you astray, and stop leaning so hard on the wiki until it fixes its problems.
My inbox is always open for questions.
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y2sims · 1 year
Can I ask for this M+F hair please? And thanks! digitalangelsblog wordpress com/2017/02/19/elza-party-mouseyblue-leftover24-eyes-edit/
hi! yeah, i can put this on my to do -list 😊
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yumefuwa · 2 years
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Elza Forte icons 🔥
Plain text: [Elza Forte icons]
Requested by anon
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magistera · 4 years
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Resident Evil 2 early concepts by Isao Oishi
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beaumontbash · 3 years
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The Rockerboy | The Neon Dream
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thecodeisveronica · 4 years
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Made some more wallpapers :D
(Pictures used are not mine)
Like if you use (●’◡’●)ノ
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vtmbbot · 4 years
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