#embercottage 🥀
embercottage · 7 months
Mortal Kombat 11 ⚠️ Gore Warning, Spoilers Ahead ⚠️ You are responsible for what you consume!
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Tumblr won't let me add more than ten images so there's going to be a lot more posts about Mortal Kombat 11. If you have any requests, comments, concerns, or questions please put them in my ask box! Some may be low quality. I am not a professional photographer, these were taken on a cell phone off of a TV. I can't really help it.
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valentinomoth-xoxo · 7 months
I'd prefer not to say it to your face. - Ember 🥀 (@EmberCottage)
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embercottage · 7 months
Mortal Kombat 11 ⚠️ Gore Warning, Spoilers Ahead ⚠️ You are responsible for what you consume!
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Tumblr won't let me add more than ten images so there's going to be a lot more posts about Mortal Kombat 11. If you have any requests, comments, concerns, or questions please put them in my ask box! Some may be low quality. I am not a professional photographer, these were taken on a cell phone off of a TV. I can't really help it.
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embercottage · 7 months
Stardew Screenshots 🫀 ⚠️ Emily 10 heart event spoilers ahead ⚠️
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embercottage · 7 months
In The Void
Prologue, Isabella's POV, Unknown Time.
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The world was dark. Cold. A void. People tried to live, but it barely worked. Monsters invading the closed-off area. We don’t know how to survive but all we can do is try. No resources, nothing. Starving kids and animals. We don’t prioritize our health here, we care for the kids. Not the adults. We know it sounds selfish, the kids can’t fend for themselves the adults can. People felt like it was a war, but it was much more than a war. It was the end. The end of us. The end of the human species. Dying off one by one. We couldn’t do anything to stop it. The world wasn’t going to end, the world would thrive until the monsters ran out of food and ate each other. Till they starved. There was no way we were going to survive this. I don’t understand why we even try at this point. We’d be in a lot less pain and we would suffer a lot less if we just gave up. I’d still try though. For her. I’d try for her.
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Do not translate my work anywhere else. Do not post my work anywhere else. All rights belong to EmberCottage.
Tag list: @breakmyh3art. Please let me know in my ask box, DMs, or in the comments if you would like to be on my tag list.
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embercottage · 7 months
Hey! Follow me on Spotify. I don't make music I just make cool playlists (Account shared with @breakmyh3art). If you want a custom playlist let me or @breakmyh3art know and we'll work on it for free 😨. Idk I'm bored and wanna make playlists.
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embercottage · 7 months
I've done a lot of remodeling to my house so here's an update of it. I still have to find a good place to put the catalogs.
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I still haven't married Emily sadly.
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embercottage · 7 months
Stardew valley house. Haven't gotten close to marrying Emily in my new game so I haven't done the main upgrade. I'm absolutely so rich (I use so many exploits). More Stardew Valley coming later!
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It's not that well decorated but I like how it looks so far.
Asks open for anything Stardew Valley, Fable, Elder Scrolls, and Pokemon!
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embercottage · 6 months
Stardew Valley Screenshots ⚠️ Spoilers ⚠️
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embercottage · 7 months
⚠️ Blood Ahead Please View With Caution ⚠️
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embercottage · 7 months
In The Void
Sneak Peek Into Chapter 1, Isabella's POV. Dark Content A Head.
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February 8th 2045, 8:45 am.
The weather was cold as usual. Clouds covering the sky. It was quite besides some growling in the distance. I knew I’d probably have to go kill it later but I don’t want to right now. I want to enjoy the 5 minutes of peace before I go out in the horror story that is the world right now. My eyes dully stared up at the ceiling of the rotting house. Our ‘safe house’ is what Emerald calls it. It’s not very safe if someone has to defend the door 24/7 in my opinion. It’s crowded here when everyone is in. It was nice to be alone. No one is bugging me to help them. Clean their wounds. I don’t mind helping them but sometimes I just need alone time. As much as I can get. No one knows we exist. Everyone thinks we’re dead. I can’t blame them, I’d think we’d be dead too. I’m shocked we’ve lived this long. We’re all shocked. We shouldn’t be alive, we should be one of those things or dead. We’ve lost everyone we’ve ever loved. We watched them turn into monsters. Flesh tearing monsters. We have no connection to the outside world, only this small area where we are. How could we escape? A boat would be our best option but we have no idea where we would even get one. We can’t go anywhere near the ocean or near the docks. It’s the monsters ‘safe place’. We can’t risk going there, we barely survive when they come here. We have weapons for Christ's sake yet we are dying off one by one. I can’t live like this anymore. I can’t live with myself anymore, I’ve let people-
“Bella?” Ella’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I stared at her. Her raggy blonde hair. Her blue eyes are still filled with innocence. If only she knew what was out there.
“Yes El?” I respond back trying my best to look somewhat happy for her. I didn’t want her to feel bad. I know it’s wrong to hide the truth from her but she’s 8, she doesn’t deserve to live in a world like this. She doesn’t deserve to have her childhood stripped from her in this twisted game of survival. She doesn’t deserve to live in a world were it’s kill or get killed.
“Do you think Beck will ever come back?” She asks. Of course I didn’t. She left 1 month ago. She’s either dead or one of the monsters. She went to get supplies. She shouldn’t have gone alone but she was to goddamn studdorn to let us go with her. Atleast one of us. We knew she didn’t have the skills to fight off even one of those things. She told us we were selfish for thinking she needed our help. Now look where that has gotten her.
“Maybe hun” I respond after a couple of minutes. Ella smiled at me. So innocent. So.. naive. She shouldn’t stay naive. I need to tell her. I shouldn’t shelter her from this nightmare. She needs to know the truth. You can't blame me for wanting to shelter her. I'm her older sister, her mother in a way. I want, need, to protect her. I’d die before I let her turn into one of those monsters. I can't fail her. I made a promise to my father on his deathbed and I refuse to break it. Ella walked out of the cabin door and started talking to Nali. I sighed and laid my head back down on the pillow. I wish I didn't live in this world. I, Ella, and my love could be happy together. Somewhere that wasn't here….
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Tag List: @breakmyh3art. Please let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list either in my asks, comments, or DMs.
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embercottage · 7 months
Look at this MASTERPIECE my little sister made. I might redraw it but probably not. Base used!
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The shading, the coloring skills, the outfit choices the colors! Future artist right here and she's only 7! Shout out Gabby!
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embercottage · 6 months
Hey hey! Sorry for not posting lately! I've been waiting for Stardew Valley 1.6 to come out to post again but it's unknown when I will come out on mobile so I'll be posting a little more!
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embercottage · 6 months
A very fast video of Unpacking. I just think it sounds neat lol.
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embercottage · 7 months
Go white they/them! Go white they/them!
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embercottage · 7 months
New house! Not the best work I've ever done but I like it!
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