emetogirl · 2 years
community college anon again (just call me cc anon now lol)
not *really* true emeto, but I used to work with a Deaf boy at my old store before I quit retail. one day he came in, talking about he was really nauseous, and did like the “finger in mouth gag to show disgust” type thing. and ASL is a very visual language. at one point on our break, he said he was going to throw up, and he did the sign for “throw up” but did the sign like splattering and spraying all over everyone. ofc I never saw him throw up cause he left early; but it was super cute/hot and expressive lol
I’m loving all your stories!! Haha I think this one definitely still counts as an emeto story. Thanks for sharing!
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1heartfanfics · 4 years
Best Friend Ever
This is an idea I got from a video I saw. I’ve been meaning to write it for a couple weeks but it hasn’t happened. It also took me forever to decide who to write it about. I knew I wanted the sickee to be Zayn but I wanted to do a friend fic and I couldn’t decide who I wanted to put with him as the caretaker. Anyway, here it is!
“You ready for this man?” Zayn asked, nudging Julius with his elbow as they were strapped into the slingshot ride he’d been talked into doing. For as frail and panicky as Julius was he sure was an adrenaline junky, which always surprised everyone. 
“Yeah dude, this is gonna be awesome!” Julius said. 
Although it had taken a little convincing, Zayn had decided he was pretty excited about this. He enjoyed being up high and was a bit of a thrill person himself, although less so than Julius was. 
“You two ready to go?” the guy who’d strapped them in asked, heading back down to the control booth. “Once it starts you can’t get off so I need a verbal yes from both of you.”
“Yes!” Julius laughed.
“Yes,” Zayn agreed. 
“Alright, you’ll hear a whirring sound and then it’ll be about five seconds before you shoot out,” the guy hollered at us as he descended the stairs. 
Sure enough there was a whirring sound. Zayn and Julius looked at each other, a mix of excitement and fear in both of their eyes. And then the contraption shot up into the sky, air whizzing past them and making their hair fly back and and their breath catch. 
“OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!” Julius yelled into the wind, laughing almost hysterically while Zayn just screamed his ass off. Hey, everyone has a different reaction to theme park rides. 
Eventually they reached the peak and started to fall back down, which was somehow even worse. Zayn felt like his stomach was still at the top, hundreds of feet above them. He swallowed hard as they shot upwards again. 
“OH SHIT!” Julius was busy yelling curse words beside him, his reaction to the thrill apparently. 
After the first few bounces, they started to slow down a little bit, which was when Zayn realized that his stomach was flipping inside of him, making him feel nauseous. His mouth started to water. 
“YOU OKAY?” Julius asked, yelling to be heard over the air rushing past them as they flew through the sky.
“I might puke,” Zayn said, staring straight forwards.
“What?” Julius asked, quiet than before. “You feeling sick?”
Zayn nodded miserably, clamping his mouth shut as the nausea grew. 
“Shit, just hold on okay? We’ll be back down soon I think so just try to wait until it’s over,” Julius panted, out of breath from the exhilaration and all of the shouting he’d done. 
Zayn nodded again, although he was pretty sure he couldn’t wait until they got back down. They reached the end of the rope again, bouncing to rebound back towards the ground. Both boys were jarred forwards, making Zayn’s stomach press harshly against the harness, which forced a wet belch up. He fought back a gag, clamping a hand over his mouth.
“Oh fuck, you’re about to puke aren’t you?” Julius gasped as they bounced up and down, slowing. 
Zayn closed his eyes, tipping his head back and attempting to breathe through his nose. He wanted off of this damn ride. Right. Now.
“Hey, just breathe dude, you’re alright. We’ll be off in a minute,” Julius said softly, grabbing Zayn’s hand to give him something to squeeze. 
Zayn gripped his hand tightly, his other hand still clamped over his mouth. 
One last bounce was what it took to push Zayn’s stomach over the edge. He pitched forwards as much as he could within the harness, bringing up the contents of his stomach all down his shirt and his lap, some splashing onto Julius’ pants and arm. 
“Oh shit!” Julius gasped. Zayn squeezed his hand harder as he gagged again, vomit spilling over both of them again. “Alright, you’re okay Z, let it out,” Julius sighed. 
“Oh man, that sucks. Don’t worry, it happens a lot dude,” the technician guy appeared at the top of the stairs to dock them back in so they could get out. He moved to get Julius’ harness so he could get out but Julius shook his head. 
“Get him out first, he needs off this thing,” Julius insisted. 
Zayn retched again, this time projectile vomiting across the platform and on both of their shoes. 
“I’m afraid to get in the splash zone,” the guy cringed, wincing in disgust.
“Alright fine get me out and I’ll get him,” Julius said, removing his vomit covered hand from Zayn’s, trying not to think about it.
“J-Jules,” Zayn coughed, sounding absolutely pitiful. 
“Just a second Z, we’ll get you out here real quick,” Julius said as the guy removed his harness. 
He quickly got up and pulled the straps and harness off of Zayn, praying he could wait a few more moments to be sick again. “Come here buddy,” he said, grabbing him by the cleaner arm and hauling him up out of the seat to drag him off the contraption and onto the platform. 
“J-Jules,” Zayn’s voice wavered, one hand over his mouth, the other clutching his stomach as Julius dragged him quickly down the stairs by his elbow.
“Just hold on,” he said urgently, pulling him as fast as he could, navigating through the crowd that was gathered in line at the bottom and over to the bench where Tayden and Andrew were waiting. “Oh shit,” he muttered to himself. Tayden. He hadn’t thought this through. 
“Drew!” he yelled, just as Zayn started gagging into his hand. The poor kid was fighting it so hard. 
The pair looked up at them, eyes widening as they quickly realized what was going on. Drew got up, running over to stand on Zayn’s other side, one arm wrapped around his waist, the other comfortingly on his shoulder.
“Tay, cover your ears and turn around,” I said, which he did, just in time for Zayn to pitch forwards, coughing up another wave of vomit onto the ground. I heard Tayden whimper, looking up to see him start shaking. He wanted nothing more than to go comfort his boyfriend, but he was covered in vomit himself. 
“Will you go sit with him please? I’ll stay with Zayn,” Julius said, wrapping his arm more tightly around Zayn to hold him up. 
Anddrew nodded, quickly moving to sit beside the crying boy on the bench. He wrapped an arm around Tayden, rubbing a hand up and down Tayden’s arms as he shook. He had a hand pressed to each ear, eyes squeezed shut tight, breath coming out in quick puffs. 
“You’re okay. Zayn just got a little shook up from the ride, he’s okay. He’s done now. You’re okay,” Andrew leaned close so Tayden could hear him and focus on his voice. Eventually, he managed to coax him into removing his hands from his ears and opening his eyes. 
Julius had helped Zayn over to the bench and sat him down on the opposite end, sitting himself between them to get as much distance between Zayn and Tayden, since he knew that would freak him out. 
“I think it’s time to head home,” Julius said. 
“Agreed,” Andrew laughed. 
“I’ve got an extra shirt in the car he can change into when we get there, and maybe we can use some napkins and water bottles to get cleaned up,” Julius suggested.
“J-Juli? Tayden asked, looking over at him. 
“I know sweetie, I’m sorry. I’m covered in sick though, I don’t want to scare you even more. Just stay with Andrew until we get back to the car and get cleaned up okay” Julius said, his heart breaking for his poor boy. He should’ve just let Zayn finish being sick near the ride. He really hadn’t thought this through. 
“Let’s get out of here,” Andrew said, helping Tayden up, as Julius did the same for Zayn. The boys began to trudge their way to the exit, all of them silently wishing they’d decided to go to the beach today instead. 
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