#caretaker julius
faterunes · 1 year
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hellooo, my names julius and my two roomies and i are in a bit of a tight squeeze at the moment. thankfully our landlord is letting us renew the lease but we are in a bad spot financially and arent exactly able to afford the full amount to renew the lease on time.
due to terrible fibromyalgia and ptsd flares as well as lack of transportation, i was making my living drawing digital art for freelance commission work, but recently fell and snapped something in my dominant hand. the hospital kept pushing my x-rays and other imaging back because of healthcare understaffing, but i am finally scheduled for an mri and, despite not knowing the nature of my injury until those results come back, my doctor said not to be hopeful and that this pain will probably stay with me for life. this wrist has required numerous other imaging, tests, and hospital visits before in the past because of serious nerve damage, and im terrified ill have to pay for a painful surgery and long amounts of physical therapy if the mri doesnt come back normal and this doesnt heal. i can't draw anymore and have no other way of making money.
after a month of job searching one of my roomies is dealing with his new job withholding his tips after claiming to have "lost" them, as well as the suicide of his close family member literally last week. on top of this, he contracted covid from the funeral and can no longer work due to how sick he is. the other is working 2 jobs and taking the role as covid caretaker, but can only cover and do so much. the three of us are surviving on a single income at the moment as well as whatever help our families have been able to spare and its been rough, to say the least.
any and all help is super super appreciated. everything we get is going towards emergency funds as well as rent, electric/water bills, medical bills, and whatever other roadblocks we may come across while trying to survive.
thank you all so much for any help and consideration 🫶 all likes and reblogs are super appreciated and any donations even moreso!
c/ashapp: $cmine12 // ve/nmo: cmine12 // paypal: ask
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Masterlists <3
Danse Macabre
Julius and Carter
Capture the moment
Sold to 1D 2WayStreet
Short Stories
About me:
call me Éliás
pronouns: they/them
I'm in my early 20s
my favourite tropes are: pet whump, captivity, kidnapping, nonhuman whumper- human whumpee (vampires hhhhhhhhh), instirutionalised whump/BBU, intimate whumper, sadistic whumper, idk i love a lot of things
my squicks are (and i feel really weird about this): caretaking, recovery arcs, and dynamic changes (whumper-turned-whumpee mostly) but like none of these are hard nos, just not something i go for
my asks are always open <<3
About my writing:
Started writing whump at 13 (without having words for what it was, this was the direct result of searching the tag "torture" on wattpad constantly since I discovered i could lol) with the story danse macabre that im constantly rewriting and adding new things to
later I discovered the whump community in 2020, through Pinterest screenshots of Tumblr posts (a little confused, but i got here), and I haven't left since
I try to write a wide range of tropes, with little success, I always come back to my favourites (like pet whump, captivity and vampires)
i do write and reblog NSFW/18+ stuff occasionally, i try to tag it
I don't read, write or reblog comfort, caretaking and recovery, only in like really special circumstances, sorry about that
I have a writing challenge going on over at @watermelons-whump-game check it out it's fun
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silky-nereid · 5 months
Hi!! I have decided on doing the sfw alphabet and the nsfw alphabet for my yandere ocs to get a better understanding of them!! Also, my requests are open if you want to request any character for the alphabet!!
read more for the character’s names!
His former royal highness, Casimir Dragomir
Cosmic Entity
Farmer and caretaker Ellison Sawyer
Famous driver Richard Temples
Cult Leader Charis
Long time friend Evangeline Abel
Cheater/Unfaithful husband Gerald
Admirer/‘Firework owner’ Ray
Reanimator Clara Alden
Your one true fan Emil Bass
Crime lord Ranvier
Parents, Mae & Julius
Cowboy Dorothea Tracy
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kresnikcest · 9 months
in honour of Bisley being the Xillia 2 representation for the Shittiest Parent Poll, here's his character profile from the 20th anniversary encyclopaedia.
mtl as always, though thank you @lastthroes for suffering with me again and revising for me! (i swear there's something about the way the 20th anniversary stories are written that are just hard to understand…)
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Bisley Karsci Bakur
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Height: 192cm
Weapon: Lance
Fighting style: Unknown
Birthplace: Trigleph (Elympios)
Profession: Spirius Corporation Leader
First-person pronoun: "watashi"/"ore"
Voice Actor: Tsutomu Isobe
Elympios' Great Leader
Surrounded by wealth, fame, and a two-thousand year pedigree, he is a man who has obtained a fearless way of life.
The Strongest Fist
He keeps the strength of his Chromatus hidden from everyone, but it surpasses the powers of his sons'. A trump card of fate must be kept secret to remain a trump card.
The Blade's Edge of the Clan
His coat is decorated with buttons that appear to be a motif of swords or spears. The collar and tiepin feature the same accompanying design.
Leader of the top-most company in Elympios, the massive Spirius Corporation, and Ludger and Julius' father. Behind his immense power and influence in politics and business, he leads the agents of his company to destroy the Fractured Dimensions. His ultimate goal is to sever the fate that has bound the Kresnik clan since the time of their ancestors, for which he will even use his own biological sons, like Ludger, to obtain the Key to reach the Land of Canaan.
A Fist to Break the Rusted Curse of the Spirits
As the heir to the Bakur family name, the founding family of Spirius, the leading company that had free reign over the country, he's a man who was allowed anything since his very birth. The greatest of luxuries. The greatest of indulgences. The greatest of powers. He was surrounded by everything and anything one could want. The sole final cost was shouldering the fate of the world. The man located the "Key of Kresnik", someone who shared in his fate, to free those who inherited the Kresnik title from the unbroken shackles of the spirits that had persisted since their founder's generation.
Many believe that, be it the "Chromatus" bestowed by the Great Spirit Origin, or the "Key of Kresnik" whose power could break through the Great Spirit Chronos' hindrances, they were both privileges passed on by bloodline. For the sake of reward, several generations of blood killing blood ensued, and this foolish infighting only resulted in birth of many Divergence Catalysts and the spread of countless Fractured Dimensions. And for what benefit? They say it was a game for the spirits. As a matter of fact, the man's partner who bore his first-born son was said to have the condition of the Key of Kresnik. Lured in by fate, he involved her in the fight, and lost her as a result. Before he became conscious of that love, he confronted the fate tied to the meaning of his family's name, which was etched into his body like a curse. Offering flowers, tears of grief poured from his eyes, at the same time as curses left his mouth, as sharp as the whetted edge of a blade.
The child left behind by his deceased wife embraced rebellion and left him when he was 13. As long as the child did not neglect his duties as an agent and as a pawn, then entertaining his wishes made no difference to the man, be it to change his surname, or whatever life he spent with a foster parent as caretaker--none of it was of the man's interest. The fate/effort* commanded by blood that pulsated for 2000 years ran strong. Even if it meant sacrificing two sons who fought each other over fate, even if it meant sacrificing a granddaughter from a fractured world, the clan's dearest wish took priority over any emotion, covering up everything like pus flowing from a wound.
Despite crushing even morality and feelings beneath his feet in pursuit of his goal, in the end the man failed. The only way to overcome fate, as he had wanted, was to change the fist that punched at detested spirits into a loving embrace for family.
* = rip if either of us could figure out which definition this uses...
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leojurand · 9 months
absolutely one of the most fascinating things about nicholas as a character is his lack of identity and how he changes himself to fit into whatever mould will get him what he wants or keep the people around him content.
he can be claes, the harmless clown imitating his betters; and he can be that person for years, and then turn into reliable, cunning nicholas, who is intelligent (if not trustworthy) enough to become the face of the business.
in spring of the ram, when their galley is set on fire, nicholas gives a speech worthy of james flint about how no one's going to harm his vessel and his men. because he knows that's the nicholas his crew needs to see so he can get what he wants: the crew working restlessly so the ship can sail as fast as possible.
maybe the sentiment in those words was sincere, but it was also a conscious choice made by nicholas. after that happens, goldscac notices that nicholas has dropped the humility act of the beginning of their trip, and is now a more assertive leader. again, it's because that's the type of person that will get him his goal, which is reaching constantinople/catherine as early as possible. and the slightly more submissive type of leader he was up until that point is the mask his caretakers, specifically tobie and julius, needed to see to not feel threatened by nicholas's intelligence or humiliated by his youth.
there's just an infinite amount of layers to this character. nicholas's true identity, whether or not it exists, what takes him to find out... that's something that keeps being explored in every book until the last one. it's simply masterful characterization. as always, dorothy was insane for that
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xtruss · 9 months
Miracle Plant Used in Ancient Greece Rediscovered After 2,000 Years
— By Giovanni Prete | January 3, 2024
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Ancient Greek Plant Silphium. Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Eckard Wolff-Postler cc By 3.0
The “miracle” plant Silphium consumed by Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, which was thought to have become extinct two thousand years ago, has recently been rediscovered in Turkey by a professor, who thinks he’s found a botanical survivor.
The plant, which the Ancient Greeks called silphion (Silphium), was a golden-flowered plant. It was once the most sought-after product in the Mediterranean even before the rise of Athens and the Roman Empire.
It is believed that the plant with yellow flowers attached to a thick stalk was crushed, roasted, sauteed, and boiled for medicinal purposes, food, and even contraception. During the reign of Julius Caesar, more than a thousand pounds of the plant were stockpiled alongside gold in Rome’s imperial treasures, and silphion saplings were valued at the same price as silver.
However, just seven centuries after the adored plant was first documented growing along the coast of Cyrenaica in what is now modern day Libya, silphion disappeared from the ancient Mediterranean world.
Roman chronicler Pliny the Elder in his Natural History claims that “just one stalk has been found” of the plant in the first century A.D., “and it has been given to Emperor Nero.” This was the last documented account of the silphion.
Inspired by ancient accounts, botanical explorers throughout the Middle Ages perpetually sought the plant across three continents although in vain. Consequently, historians believed the disappearance of silphion to be the first recorded extinction of any species, plant, or animal.
Despite the plant having been perceived to be extinct for centuries and having completely disappeared from the history books, a researcher at Istanbul University, Mahmut Miski, suspects he has re-discovered the ancient plant. He believes the Ferula Drudeana that grows on Mount Hasan is the elusive ancient plant—nearly a thousand miles from where it once grew.
According to a report by National Geographic, the researcher found it has similarities with the silphion plant which line up with old botanical texts and images of the plant on Ancient Greek coins.
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Ancient Silver Coin From Cyrene Depicting Silphium. Credit: Wikimedia Commons
The researcher has noticed that both plants have the same thick branching root and yellow flowers. In addition, both have powerful medicinal purposes. Ferula Drudeana has anticancer compounds and anti-inflammatory properties much like those known to be found in silphium.
Even though Ferula Drudeana is found hundreds of miles from where it originated, according to Miski, it has been found in two locations in Turkey, which were once home to Ancient Greeks thousands of years ago. One of these locations is Cappadocia.
Analysis Shows Similar Medicinal Compounds As The Ancient Plant
Miski, who specializes in pharmacognosy, the study of medicines derived from natural sources, first encountered the modern plant he now believes to be silphion while conducting postdoctoral research. He had received a grant to collect specimens of Ferula, which is in the same family as carrots, fennel, and parsley, and has the reputation for yielding many novel disease-fighting compounds.
While Miski was studying the plants on Mount Hassan, he determined it had thirty secondary metabolites that have medical purposes. Among the compounds are many have cancer-fighting, contraceptive, and anti-inflammatory properties. Miski believes that future analyses of the plant will reveal the existence of dozens of yet-to-be-identified compounds of medical interest.
On Mount Hassan, Miski also encountered caretakers of the plants who informed him sheep and goats are fond of the leaves, as is mentioned in Pliny’s record of the ancient silphion.
According to Pliny’s records, sheep and goats would graze in pastures where silphion grew. The sheep would fall asleep after consuming it, and it caused goats to sneeze. His text reads: “The juice of this plant is called ‘laser’ and it is greatly in vogue for medicinal as well as other purposes, being sold at the same rate as silver. For these many years past, however, it has not been found in Cyrenaica.”
According to a 2021 study published in the journal Plants by Miski and his team, Ferula drudeana had similarities with the silphion as described in ancient text and depicted on Cyrenaican coins: from thick branching roots to celery-like leaves.
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A Coin of Magas of Cyrene c. 300–282/75 BC. The Reverse Side Depicts Silphium. Credit: Wikimedia CommonE
However, similarity in appearance wasn’t the only compelling link. It is said that the first silphion appeared after a “heavy spring downpour,” which, in those days, was called “black rain.”
According to Miski and his team, “We find it stated by the most trustworthy among the Greek writers…that this plant made its appearance near the gardens of the Hesperides and the Greater Syrtis immediately after the earth had been soaked on…by a shower as black as pitch.” This event took place seven years prior to the foundation of the city of Cyrenae.
Miski observed that when rains came to Cappadocia in April, Ferula Drudeana would spring from the ground, growing up to six feet in just a month.
Moreover, as ancient silphion resisted cultivation, it had to be harvested in the wild. It is said that Cyrenaic nobles entrusted its cultivation to desert nomads. Two attempts reported by Hippocrates to transplant it to mainland Greece failed. Similarly, Miski found that Ferula Drudeana is difficult to transplant. He found that the only way it could be done was by using cold stratification, a process of subjecting seeds to both cold and moist conditions. By utilizing this technique, Miski and his team were able to grow Ferula in a greenhouse.
One of the main reasons Ferula had not immediately been identified as silphion is mainly because of its location. However, as Miski had discovered, the region in Turkey where Mount Hasan sits was home to ancient Greeks thousands of years ago, and these people could have easily transported the plant.
Erica Rowan, an associate professor in archaeobotany at Royal Holloway University of London, finds Miski’s speculations plausible. “The ancients were very good at transporting things,” Rowan points out. “There’s no reason why people from Cyrenaica couldn’t have brought the seeds to Cappadocia and planted them. They’re similar enough with a Mediterranean climate. And this Ferula species does look like what’s shown on the coins.”
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mynewshq · 15 days
2027: Labour Party’s presidential ticket no longer reserved for Peter Obi — Abure
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The National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Labour Party (LP), has thrown open the contest for all of its tickets for the 2027 general elections. This was sequel to its decision to nullify a resolution taken at the party’s national convention held in Nnewi, Anambra State, on March 27, 2024. The party had announced that its 2027 Presidential ticket and that of the Abia State Governorship, have been reserved for Mr. Peter Obi, and Alex Otti, respectively. The LP NEC meeting which was chaired by the LP National Chairman, Julius Abure, resolved to jettison the arrangement at a meeting, in Abuja, yesterday. NEC also disowned the Senator Nanedi Usman-led 29 member Interim Committee set up to steer the affairs of the party for 90 days. The NEC resolution read in part: “NEC in session also reviewed the decision of the National Convention to reserve its Presidential and Governorship tickets for Peter Gregory Obi and Alex Otti respectively. “Consequently, all tickets of the party from Presidency to the House of assemblies are open to all qualified Nigerians. “The NEC in session after reviewing the purported Stakeholders meeting held in Umuaiha Abia State condemned the conveners of the meetings and thereafter disassociate itself from the outcome of the so-called stakeholders meeting in Umuaiha Abia State, where the National Working Committee, the National Executive Council, State Council, Local Government and Ward Executives of the party were purportedly dissolved and a so-called Caretaker Committee was set up. “The NEC in session note that the Governor of Abia State His Excellency Alex Otti who convened the meeting do not have the power within the Party’s Constitution as provided in Article 14 (4) (B) gives power to call meetings only to the National Secretary with the approval of National Chairman. “NEC in session further reiterate that Governor of Abia State do not even have the power to call his Ward Executive meeting without the approval and the consent of his Ward Chairman. “The meeting contravenes the provisions of Section 82 (1) (2) (a) of the Electoral Act 2022 which provides as follows: “82 (1) Every registered political party shall give the Commission at least 21 days’ notice of any Convention, Congress, Conference or meeting convened for the purpose of ‘merger’ and electing members of its executive committees, other governing bodies or nominating candidates for any of the elective offices specified under this Act. “(2) The Commission may, with or without prior notice to the political party attend and observe any convention, congress, conference or meeting which is convened by a political party for the purpose of – (a) electing members of its executive committees or other governing bodies “Article 17 of the Labour Party Constitution provides how members of the National Working Committee, State Executive Committee and all other officials of the party can be removed, For the avoidance of doubt, Article 17 of our Party Constitution provides as follows; “I. The National Chairman of the Party may be suspended or removed from office on a vote of No Confidence passed by at last two-thirds majority at a National Convention convened solely for the consideration only of such motion. “II. Any other National officer(s) of the Party may be removed by 2/3 majority of votes cast by members at a Convention or National Executives Council. “III. The State Officer(s) may be removed by 2/3 majority of votes by the State Congress. IV. The Local Government Officer(s) may be removed by 2/3 majority of votes cast by the LGA Congress. The LP NEC equally condemned in strong terms the conveners of the meeting in Abia State whom they alleged dwelt in illegality. It also threatened to take disciplinary action against them. While dissociating itself from the conveners as well as the outcome of the meeting, the NEC in session declared that there is no vacuum in the leadership of the Party. It noted that the national convention held in Nnewi, Anambra State, on March 27, 2024, was convened in accordance with laid down regulations as such the tenure of elected members of the National Working Committee The Party has conducted its National is still valid and that a court of competent jurisdiction has upheld it. The party urged the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, to desist from promoting illegality by claiming that Abure’s tenure had expired. The  NEC Meeting was attended by members of the National Working Committee, National officers of the party, State Chairmen and Secretaries, Stakeholders of the party and other co-opted members of the National Executive Council provided by Article 13 (A) of the Party Constitution. The resolutions were signed and made public by the party’s National Chairman and Secretary, Julius Abure ​​​​​and Alhaji Umar Farouk Ibrahim respectively. Read the full article
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tracknews1 · 20 days
JUST IN: Abure-led Labour Party disowns new caretaker chairman
The Labour Party has been plunged into further turmoil as the Julius Abure-led faction disowned the newly appointed caretaker chairman, Nenadi Usman. Despite a previous Court of Appeal judgment affirming Abure as national chairman, the Labour Party National Convention constituted a caretaker committee, sparking controversy. Earlier, Senator Usman was declared as the chairman of a 29-member…
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1heartfanfics · 4 years
Tayden and Julius sick in the night fluff? Can tayden be the sickie?? Thanks!!
Tayden woke up coughing, he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He sat up, feeling disoriented, dizzy. Amidst his coughing fit, he vaguely registered that Julius had woken up as was saying something to him, but he couldn’t understand him and his eyes were watering too much to really see him.
“Easy love, breathe,” Julius said as the coughing tapered off, rubbing gentle circles between Tayden’s shoulder blades. 
Tayden didn’t say anything, his throat was burning, but he was finally able to stop coughing. He swiped a hand across his eyes, sniffling as he tried to blink away the tears. His skin felt like it was crawling and he was starting to shiver as the cold air from the vent blew across his sweat dampened shirt. 
“This came on pretty suddenly, huh?” Julius asked softly, carding his fingers through the sweaty mess of Tayden’s hair. 
“Mhm,” Tayden hummed, slumping against Julius’s chest. 
“You’ve got a fever,” Julius said, pressing the back of his hand against Tayden’s cheek, then his forehead, and back to his cheek again. His hands were cold, they felt good against his burning skin, even if he did feel cold already. 
Tayden coughed again, groaning after. His throat was killing him and his chest was starting to hurt too. As if reading his mind, Julius reached over to grab a glass of water off of his nightstand, pressing it into Tayden’s hand. He sat up, bringing the glass to his lips with shaky hands to take a few sips. 
“What time is it?” he rasped, slumping back against the headboard of their bed.
“It’s 3:15,” Julius answered, wincing. 
Tayden sighed, “I don’t feel good Juli.”
“I know, you’re pretty sick babe,” Julius answered, leaning towards him to press a kiss to his fevered forehead. Tayden let his eyes slip shut, leaning into his boyfriend’s arms. Julius held him for a few minutes, tracing patterns on his back with his pointer finger, until Tayden started coughing again.
“Alright, we need to get some medicine in you,” Julius said, shifting Tayden so he was resting against the headboard again instead of his chest, then slid off of the bed.
“Mmm don’t go,” Tayden whined, pouting up at him.
“I’ll be right back hon, just try to relax,” Julius said, his heart breaking for his poor boyfriend. His fever must be pretty high. 
Julius padded down the hallway of Tayden’s house to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him before turning on the light to avoid waking up Tayden’s housemates, Alex and Ollie. He rummaged around in the medicine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of ibuprofen and cough medicine. 
“Alright, here we go. These first, they’ll help bring your fever down,” Julius poured out two pills of ibuprofen into Tayden’s hand. He popped them into his mouth, then swallowed them down with the water Julius handed him. “Now for the cough. This one will taste bad but it’ll make you feel better I promise,” Julius said as he poured out a cup of the cough medicine before handing it to Tayden, who knocked it back, making a face at the taste of it.
“Water?” he asked, face scrunched up in disgust. Tayden hated grape flavored anything.
“Yep, here,” Julius handed him the glass of water again so he could get the taste out of his mouth. It was probably good for him to drink a lot and stay hydrated anyway.
“M’tired,” he mumbled as Julius took the glass back from him, setting it next to the bed. 
“Do you want to change out of that shirt before you go back to sleep?” Julius asked.
“No shirt,” Tayden said. 
“Okay, here,” Julius grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling it over Tayden’s head and wrestling it off of him with some difficulty. Tayden was either half asleep already or out of it from the fever. “Better?” he asked, rubbing his knuckles down the side of Tayden’s face gently.
“Mmm,” Tayden replied, leaning into Julius’s touch. 
“Alright sleepyhead, time to go back to bed,” Julius said fondly. He adjusted his pillows to prop him up against the headboard then leaned back, reaching an arm out to pull Tayden towards him. He knew that being less horizontal would help keep his cough under control during the night so he could hopefully get some sleep. 
“Come here Tay,” 
Tayden scooted over sluggishly, slumping against Julius’s chest, an arm draped across his middle and a leg draped over his. Julius wrapped his arms around him, bringing one hand up to toussle Tayden’s hair, hoping to relax him enough to completely fall asleep. 
“Goodnight love,” Julius whispered, pressing a kiss to Tayden’s forehead. 
“G’night,” Tayden mumbled, nuzzling against Julius’s shoulder, already drifting off as Julius carded his fingers through the older boy’s hair. 
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lickstynine · 6 years
Misadventures of Kit: Chapter Twenty-Four
written with @ocsickficsideblog
The rest of the weekend was uneventful but unpleasant. For all the medicine he took, Kit couldn’t stop coughing, and his throat was so sore he refused anything but tea and broth. When Monday rolled around, he was still achy, wheezy, and miserable, and it took ten minutes of prodding for Alistair to even get him out of bed.
“Can’t we reschedule with the doctor? It’s freezing outside, and I feel lousy.” Kit whined.
“You’re not going to be any less sick tomorrow. I want him to check you over anyway,” Alistair said. He’d infuriated Kit by spending only a couple of days sniffling and coughing before bouncing back.
“Well I don’t want that.” Kit huffed. He grabbed his handkerchief just in time to muffle another coughing fit.
“Tough shit. Get your shoes on.”
Kit flinched, but obediently laced up his boots. He tucked the cuffs of his thick black jeans into the boots, and layered a jumper over his long-sleeved shirt before gathering his jackets.
Alistair immediately felt bad. “Kit? You don’t have to do what I say. You can yell at me and tell me I’m an asshole. If you want.”
“I know.” Kit knew he could snap back, but his voice often seemed to disappear when he was barked at. It was different from the good-natured bickering between him and Alistair, where he could fire off a hundred insults a minute. If he felt like someone was actually mad at him, he shut down.
“Don’t…” Alistair looked terrified. He couldn’t help remembering the fight with Toby. What he’d said. “I...am I really like Father?”
Kit shook his head. “Of course you’re not. I’m just an oversensitive priss. Always have been.” He sighed, rubbing his hands over his face before wrapping his scarf around his neck. Alistair didn���t really look convinced. He was quiet and subdued too as he took Kit downstairs. Kit latched onto him on the way down; even the stairwell felt too cold. Alistair clutched him tight, his face falling even more.
Taddy raised his eyebrows when the boys got in his car, still somber. “Are we alright today, sirs?”
“Mnn. Kit just isn’t well,” Alistair mumbled.
“That’s no good. It is that time of year.” Taddy sighed sympathetically. “Hopefully, the doctor will get you straightened out, then.” Kit just nodded. Alistair leaned against him, cuddling close like he had as a little kid. Kit snuggled up, coughing and sniffling the whole drive. Alistair, amazingly, was quiet the whole time, staring straight ahead blankly.
When they got to the hospital, Kit shuffled out of the car, shivering fiercely in the outside wind. He stayed close to Alistair, coughing into his elbow. “Do you think we’ll be out long?” He asked, already sounding more hoarse and congested.
Alistair put an arm around him. “Hopefully not. I don’t want you in the cold.”
“I’m tired. Can I go back to bed when we get home?” As soon as they got into the waiting room, Kit flopped down in a plastic chair. Alistair nodded, picking at his nail varnish.
“Mnn. If you want.”
“Thanks.” Kit snuggled up to his cousin, trying to leech of his warmth. Alistair held Kit tight, keeping his eyes closed because he felt like he wanted to cry and he obviously couldn’t do it here. He used to do that a lot as a kid - keep his emotions bottled up after a fight or a beating, hold onto it for a few days and then howl for hours. It meant Kit could probably tell a few stories about Alistair suddenly starting to bawl in airports or stores for no apparent reason.
Kit could tell his cousin was upset. He scooted closer, looping his arms around Alistair’s neck. He hid his face in Kit’s hair. “I’m not turning into him, am I? Please tell me the truth. I still see him when I look in the mirror sometimes.”
“Of course not, stupid. I wouldn’t have anything to do with you otherwise.” Kit properly squeezed Alistair now.
“But Toby said it…”
“Toby is an idiot and a scumbag.” Kit hissed. “You might as well take advice from our parents.”
Alistair smiled a bit. “You really can’t stand him, can you? It’s weird seeing you so bloodthirsty.”
“He’s done nothing but give me more reasons to hate him.” Kit grumbled, his brows furrowing.
“I know. It’s okay. He’s not my friend anymore.”
“Good.” Kit huffed. “I never felt as safe when he was in the flat.”
“I don’t think he’d have hurt maliciously,” Alistair mumbled, sighing. “It was just when he was drunk. But I don’t want him near Jules ever again.”
“I can think of other people who are ‘only’ violent when they’re drunk.” Kit scowled. He thought about the scars he’d gotten over the years under similar circumstances.
Alistair nodded, gritting his teeth. “Me too. And I won’t ever ever forgive him for hurting Jules. It was Jules. He wouldn’t have been doing anything threatening.”
“Exactly.” Kit sighed, wrapping his arms around himself; he was starting to stress out, though it was entirely his fault this time.
“Sorry. I’m good now. I’ll shut up about it,” Alistair said. “Are you feeling okay?”
“No, I’m getting an awful headache, and I have to keep my mouth open to breathe.” Kit sighed.
“Shit… It’s a good job we’re here.”
“I’d rather just take some cold medicine and lie down. I don’t think it’s serious, just lousy.”
“You might need more specific medicine. It could get worse.”
Kit sighed. “With my luck, I’ll catch some bloody disease while we’re waiting here.”
Alistair smiled weakly. “Try not to.”
“I’ll try.” Kit snuggled up to Alistair, coughing into his handkerchief. “God, I hope this won’t take long.”
Kit’s name was called just as Alistair opened his mouth to answer. He helped Kit up carefully. “Come on.”
It was a slow shuffle down the hall, but the doctor was patient, allowing the boys to get settled in the exam room before he started talking. “We aren’t looking too well today. Have you been doing alright?”
“No.” Kit replied flatly.
The doctor chuckled, “What seems to be the matter, then?”
“A cold, I think. Or maybe the plague. Who knows?”
“He was in the cold for a while. I’m worried about his chest,” Alistair said.
“Does he have a history of chest infections?” The doctor asked.
“Yeah. Lots of pneumonia.”
The doctor scribbled that on his chart, turning to Kit. “I’d like to listen to your chest after I take your vitals. If you could take off your coats?”
“Right. Sorry.” Kit took off his gloves first, so it would be easier to handle the buttons. Even then, it took him a while to peel all his layers off, and he was shivering by the time he got down to his shirt and jumper.
“He won’t be undressed for long, will he?” Alistair asked.
“He can bundle back up in a minute, don't worry.” The doctor was busy checking Kit's blood pressure.
“He’s always very shivery…”
“Gaining weight should help some with that.” The doctor said, jotting down numbers on his chart before moving to check Kit's temperature. “Mm, yes, you need to go home and rest when you leave here. Take paracetamol or something for your fever.”
“So it’s not bad enough for antibiotics?” Alistair said, relieved.
“I wouldn't say so, no. There's obviously some congestion, but I'm not hearing anything worrying in the lungs.”
“Good,” Alistair said, smiling properly.
“Yay,” Kit mumbled, with all the enthusiasm of a zombie. Alistair snorted, helping him back into his many coats. Kit snuggled up to his cousin, letting Alistair answer the rest of the doctor's questions. It was strange, Alistair could speak up for Kit perfectly, though he didn’t know the doctor that well. He just couldn’t ever seem to speak up for himself.
“You seem to be doing well, aside from this cold. We'll run some more blood tests when you're feeling better.” The doctor said.
“Thank you,” Alistair said. “Come on then, Kit.”
“Mm.” Kit shuffled down the hall after Alistair, every step slow and laborious, as if he were climbing a mountain. Alistair sighed, eventually going to carry him. Kit nudged meekly at his cousin. “I can walk. I'm just tired.”
“Exactly. I’ll carry you, since you’re tired.”
“We're in public.” Kit mumbled. Even in illness, he had too much dignity for his own good.
“So? You’ll never see most of these people again.”
“It's still embarrassing.”
“I can literally see the car. It’ll be over in two minutes.”
Kit sighed dramatically. “Fine.”
Alistair deposited him back in the car, climbing in after him. Taddy waved at them. “How was the exam?”
“He’s got a cold, but it’s not in his lungs, thank god,” Alistair said, cuddling Kit fondly. Kit just coughed into his handkerchief.
“That’s progress, at least.” Taddy nodded.
“For Kit it is.”
“Back home, then?”
“Yeah, please. Unless you want to go anywhere, Kit?”
“Home. Hell. Wherever ends my suffering sooner.” Kit mumbled.
“Jesus, I’ve got Edgar Allan Poe in the car…”
“Then leave me on a park bench to die.”
“Obviously not, you dramatic shit,” Alistair said.
“I hear freezing to death is peaceful. Have mercy.” Kit moaned.
“There’s a poem about freezing to death. They made dolls about it. Called Frozen Charlottes.”
“Put one on my grave.” Kit flopped across the backseat, and by extension, Alistair’s lap.
He grinned, messing with Kit’s hair. “Okay. There’s a rumour that they’re haunted, so it’s appropriate,”
“I’m surprised you don’t collect them.”
“I used to have some. But Father wouldn’t let me have dolls. And they unnerve Jules a bit.” Alistair said.
“I’m guessing they’d unnerve most sane people.” Kit mumbled.
“Mnn. They’d have been great when I was, like, fifteen.”
Kit rolled his eyes. “I’m glad I didn’t know you when you were fifteen.”
Alistair laughed. “I’d have annoyed you so much… I might not have ended up that way though if I still had you. I lost you and Pammy in the space of a year.”
Kit nodded somberly; that was around the time he’d started drinking. Or was it? The more he thought, the less he was sure, and the worse his headache got. He groaned in frustration. Alistair glanced at him. “What’s up?”
“Headache.” Kit sighed.
“Not great.”
“I’ll get you some painkillers at home. See if you can doze a bit.”
Kit nodded, resting his head in Alistair’s lap. It was hard for him to relax - he was too congested to breathe easily, and breathing through his mouth was an unpleasant reminder of his sore throat. Alistair stroked his hair gently. Kit stayed in a hazy state of half-awake misery the rest of the ride home. Alistair carried him into to the flat when they arrived, dumping him on the sofa and trying to wrestle him out of his coats.
Kit coughed when jostled, but otherwise didn’t fight, allowing Alistair to deposit him on the couch. “Can I have my good blanket?”
“Yeah,” Alistair said, rolling his eyes - but he fetched it and wrapped Kit up very tenderly. Kit snuggled up, holding his arms out for Alistair to join him on the couch. Alistair grinned, cuddling up beside his cousin. Kit rested his head on Alistair’s chest.
“Is Julie around? I want tea.”
“He’s in the bathroom. I checked. Not using it, cleaning it.”
“Will you call him?” Kit begged, “My throat hurts.”
Alistair didn’t bother getting up, just yelled for Julius. The small boy came running at once. “How’d your appointment go, Kit?”
“I’m not dying, sadly.”
“We’re all very happy you’re not. Do you want a drink? And you’d better eat too.”
Kit sighed. “I just want tea. Swallowing hurts.”
“How about soft porridge with honey? That’s easy to swallow.”
Kit sighed louder, but he nodded. “Fine.”
Julius smiled. “Thanks, sweetheart,” he said, going out to make it. Kit just flopped back against Alistair with a groan.
“Al, my head hurts.”
“I’ll get you painkillers if you want?”
“No, don’t get up.” Kit whined.
Alistair laughed. “I could ask Jules to bring you some?”
Kit nodded. “Please.”
Alistair yelled out the new information, and Julius returned with tea and painkillers a few minutes later. Kit forced a smile, but it came out more like a grimace. “Thank you, Julie.”
“I’m going to make you some food, okay!”
Kit nodded, trying not to sigh too loudly. “Okay.” It took quite a bit of tea for him to swallow the pills, but he managed to keep them down despite the pain in his throat. Alistair glanced at him.
“Is your throat really bad?”
“Hurts.” Kit sighed, coughing into his handkerchief. He had to swallow forcefully, the taste of bitter, half-dissolved pills coating his tongue.
“Drink more tea.”
Kit nodded, sipping obediently. Julius came back with a bowl of warm porridge. He’d made a smiley face in it with honey. Kit smiled again, his hands shaking when he reached for the bowl. Alistair helped him, not wanting everyone to drop it. Kit slumped back against his cousin to eat, taking slow, tiny bites. Though it was sweet and mild, he struggled to swallow the porridge, his throat tightening painfully every time. Julius smiled at him. “Thank you, Kit. We’re proud of you.”
Kit sighed, stirring his porridge unenthusiastically. “You don’t have to blow smoke up my arse. I know I’m pathetic.”
“We don’t have to what?” Julius said, blinking. Alistair burst out laughing.
Kit jumped a little when his cousin started cackling. “Good lord, it’s just a turn of phrase. Don’t look at me like I grew a second head. You don’t have to lie, that’s all I’m saying.”
“Oh. I’ve never heard that before…”
“It’s an American phrase, I think.” Kit was trying to remember where he’d picked it up, but his headache made it difficult to rifle through memories.
“Jules never knows any creative rude shit,” Alistair said. “When we first met he barely knew any swearwords either. Not any of the fun ones.”
Kit rolled his eyes. “I’m sure you remedied that.”
“He did,” Julius confirmed.
“Heathen.” Kit mumbled, taking a tiny bite of porridge.
Alistair grinned. “Snob.”
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astrumocs · 2 years
slides in,
every odd ask not answered for julius pls, <3
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1. Talk about your muse’s birth. Was it usual or complicated? Where were they born? Who was there when they were born?
Fairly standard stuff, he was born in some caverns like any other troll. He was actually gonna be put on the chopping block for his mutant status and difficult-to-trace lineage, but his lusus poofed in and snagged him before he could be unalived.
3. What were they like as a baby? How much did they cry?
Not necessarily a cry baby, but was always easily startled which then could cause him to cry, at least when he was a grub/toddler.
5. When did they start walking?
On two legs? probably pretty quickly once he had them, he was always pretty determined. His wings also probably helped him a touch when he was smaller.
7. Did they ever use a pacifier? If so, when did they stop using it? Did they give it up willingly or did it have to be taken?
I don't think so tbh? Never was much for biting or teething on anything either really.
11. What kind of activities did they like to do? Did they ever play pretend?
Jules probably doodled and read a lot, really just classic 'shy weird kid' stuff in general. He was also really into astrology and space stuff, too. used to make star charts in his observatory. Defo played pretend, most likely with his lusus, Basili.
13. What kinds of foods did they eat as a kid?
Jewel was never a very adventurous eater and bagels and croissants have always been something he enjoyed. His lusus being the way it is also taught him how to make a lot of Italian pasta dishes, so noodles were a frequent thing for him.
15. Did they have nightmares as a kid? What were they about? How did they get back to sleep?
Sometimes yeah, but I wouldn't say any more or less than other kids. He frequently has violent nightmares and also the kinds where you're being chased but suddenly you've never run a moment in your life.
If he got/gets awoken by a nightmare he wouldn't be going back to sleep, he would just wake up and try to calm/distract himself from the anxiety they give.
17. What kinds of toys did they like?
When he was old enough to he probably liked playing board games with his lusus and he liked puzzles too for sure. Jules also used to have a beanie baby butterfly (and still does, somewhere).
19. What kind of discipline were they subjected to? Was it lenient or strict?
Basili, his lusus, raised Jules ancestor and seeing how Reshaper turned out he felt he'd been too lax and so tried to find a happy middle ground with Jules. He grew up with more of a scheduled upbringing as a result and things tended to have a more serious approach-- not that he was without lax days and fun ofc, it's just notably different from Reshaper.
21. What was their favorite childhood memory? Their least favorite?
Favorite would probably be when he finished his first really big puzzle and his lusus was so proud of him that he asked to keep it.
And Least Fav would likely be the first time he went out without his lusus, it was extremely nerve wracking for him and he refused to go anywhere alone for a while after that lol,
23. What was their relationship like with their parents? How different is it from currently?
It was pretty good overall, Juli was a well behaved kid for the most part and practiced his magic and with his wings when he was very little. Although he never really took to the mischievous or carefree attitudes that his lusus somewhat tried to impart in him. Jules never had any relationship with his ancestor though. Presently he values Basili's opinion on things, but not more than his own. At the end of the day though he knows his lusus is a capricious Fae who doesn't value his science as much as it does magic.
25. Did they have any pets growing up?
He used to raise caterpillars into butterflies sometimes when he was young, but otherwise nah.
27. Did they have any caretakers besides their parents?
Nah, like I said before he never knew his ancestor and didn't go out enough to meet anyone else who'd wanna take care of him or anything. Just him and the ol' lusus.
29. What was their first major loss?
Loss in the traditional sense of death? The only thing that might apply is the first butterfly he successfully raised to adulthood. He was pretty heartbroken when it died bc he didn't really understand why it happened. If you mean like.. in general, probably the day he realized his wings were never gonna come in properly. He genuinely grieved the loss very deeply at the time, bc of the immense value his lusus had attributed to them.
31. Did your muse have any nicknames as a child? If so, what were they? Did they give nicknames to others?
Juli was his most common nickname when he was little and/or being teased. His lusus called him 'Little Fae' sometimes too, but that nickname got dropped after he uhhh failed to fill those shoes, so to speak.
When he was very little maybe, but he's always called things by full names or whatever they asked to be called.
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loosesodamarble · 3 years
"Need to be bothered more eh?" 😏 What are your thoughts about Nacht, and Yami and Morgen, in the latest chapters. Especially with Nacht going "I don't deserve to be saves because I'm the reason why Morgen died"
Yes! Visitation in the inbox!
Hello Laura! And thank you for answering my plea for attention my call to action!
Before we get into the real meat of this answer, I have to get something out of the way.
William coming in with the mistletoe for the mistlebro to fight the mistlefoe.
That is all. Moving on.
Spoilers ahead.
Nacht, Yami, and Morgen.
The short version is that the most recent leaks/chapter re-establishes stuff about these three that was either directly told or heavily implied.
Nacht sees Morgen as everything he never was and never can be. Meanwhile, he sees/projects his shameful past onto Yami.
Yami was friends with both the twins. With Nacht, he could run wild. With Morgen, he seemed to mellow out and find his sense of justice.
And the way I see/understand it, Morgen teaming up with Yami is what he wanted with Nacht.
If you think about it, Yami's position in the trio's dynamic is sad as he acts as a stand-in brother for Morgen and Nacht because the twins couldn't understand each other. Nacht chose to distance himself from Morgen and thus never saw that Morgen cared about him. And even if Morgen wanted to be close, he didn't know how to approach Nacht.
(Side tangent: Morgen, I love you but... You really couldn't think of anything to bond over but work? You thought harassing Nacht time and time again would convince him? You are aware enough to know that Yami vibes with Nacht more than you can but you aren't aware enough to think that maybe it has something to do with their common ground of the stuff they like to get up to? Ask to hang out with Nacht just as brothers. Work up to a big ask like joining the Magic Knights.)
But, again, that's stuff we were able to gather from previous chapters.
The new stuff is what Nacht and Yami truly think regarding each other.
With Nacht, it's not that he wants to get away from Yami. He wants Yami to stay away from him. Nacht sees himself as someone who hurts others and thus doesn't want to cause Yami more grief after what happened to Morgen. He really is weighing himself with a lot of unnecessary guilt. And with this in mind, Nacht being a Black Bull makes sense. If Nacht really wanted to get away from Yami, he could've just teleported away and not looked back. But instead Yami is actively keeping Nacht close. I imagine Nacht might've tried to avoid joining the squad but Yami hunted him down.
And although Nacht said he hated Yami, now that Yami's back in front of him, they're able to chat like they probably used to. Nacht can't deny it that Yami is still his friend. And he's probably relieved about it.
As for Yami, he's looking to out-stubborn Nacht. He sees Nacht as a dear friend, probably because he was Yami's first friend in Clover. Julius was a friendly figure but would've been more a mentor/caretaker. Nacht was a peer with who Yami could casually hang out with. Yami surely wouldn't forget someone who didn't immediately push him away. So Yami won't push Nacht away either. Even if Yami doesn't know the full story behind Morgen's death, seeing Nacht's remorse, he would be able to tell that Nacht doesn't deserve any more blame than what he puts on himself.
And now, when Nacht is throwing his life away, Yami steps in. Yami says he doesn't need a reason to save a friend but I would say that Nacht being Yami's friend is the reason to save him. He lost one friend before and won't lose another.
Beautiful stuff right there. The character who wants to be hated and then the person who refuses to do so.
Can I say that the whole "I don't deserve to be saved because I'm the reason why Morgen died" is basically the idea I had for Nacht and Josele's drama. Nacht's actions led to Morgen's death and Josele's curse, thus Nacht thinks himself unworthy of the love Josele still has for him. I cannot believe Tabata stole my idea!/j
I basically predicted Nacht's big hang up! That being: Nacht sees Morgen's death not only as a sign that he's evil and unforgivable but also as a crime against the people that cared about Morgen. He can't forgive himself and believes he shouldn't be forgiven by anyone.
I'm partly filled with utter glee that my understanding and portrayal of Nacht is kinda basically canon. Tabata could've gone the route of having Nacht claim that Morgen's death isn't Yami's problem and should stay out of Nacht's business. But no, Nacht considers the other people in Morgen's life and thus burdens himself with more guilt.
However, another part of me is pissed about how Tabata is going about it. It looks like Yami's little pep talk is all it takes to get Nacht out of his funk. Like, shut up Tabata! Don't take away Nacht's self-loathing, that's one of the things that makes him pathetically endearing!/lh
Then again, I can drag out the guilt and pain and self-loathing myself.
Yami is basically the third Faust brother. Nacht and Yami rekindle their friendship and it's all beautiful.
Oh, and Tabata plagiarized me./j
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silky-nereid · 24 days
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— 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 !
Hi, it’s Silky! I decided to make an event since I have enough time to make an event like this! :D
There is no cut off date and I will try to take 20 requests! I will accept requests from my inbox (I’ll make sure anonymous requests are available!), comments and in my dms!
what do you get at the candy store?
romantic : candy bars, caramel candy, bubblegum, gummy rings, taffy, lollipops, candy canes.
platonic : gummy sharks, soft taffy candy, nougat chocolate, milk chocolate, toffee, jelly beans, cotton candy.
explicit : jawbreakers, hard candy, king-size bars, licorice, sour strips, rock candy, pixy stix/powered candy, and chocolate covered nuts.
why did you come to the candy store?
insert your small plot when requesting and reminder for a just a two rules which is no scat/bodily fluid related kinks & no step-siblings/step-parent kinks.
who was behind you when you were buying your things?
Yandere crumbled king/Casimir
Yandere cosmic entity
Yandere caretaker/ Ellison
Yandere race car driver/Richard
Yandere cult leader/Charis
Yandere friend/Evangeline
Yandere cheater/Gerald
Yandere admirer/Ray
Yandere Reanimator/ Clara
Yandere fan/Emil
Yandere crime lord/Ranvier
Yandere parents/Mae and Julius
Yandere Cowboy/Dorothea
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talesofourworlds · 2 years
1 6 7 9 10 12 14 18 19 21 24
1. which of your muses is the pickiest eater?
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Guy, Jade, and Asch are the only ones of my muses that canonically have any disliked foods, but I don't think either of them are the pickiest out of all of my muses.
I'd tend to lean toward Rita probably being the pickiest, since she canonically likes to read while she eats and I remember there being a skit where this was brought up. She tends to prefer food that she can eat one handed so she can read while she eats. I honestly also could see Jay being a tiny bit pickier than the others, if only due to having the Oresoren as family and thus probably preferring seafood like they do.
6. which of your muses has the most unique comfort food?
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Probably Ludger! Pasta margherita is 100% a comfort food for him.
7. do any of your muses have issues remembering things?
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Ludger has the worst of it when it comes to memory issues. He has no memories from before he started permanently living with Julius as his caretaker due to trauma and shock of events that happened prior to that. Guy has some to a lesser extent, but only of a specific memory and that stops being an issue after a certain point in the timeline when he does remember. Chloe and Rinwell kind of do? But not really to the same extent as Ludger and Guy because Rinwell does basically immediately recognize her family's killer as soon as she hears their laugh, and Chloe only really didn't remember the exact face of her family's killer prior to her character quest.
9. which of your muses tends to be the group “mom friend”?
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Probably Jude. Except when he isn't, because while he's good at taking care of everyone else's needs he's terrible at taking care of his own needs.
10. have any of your muses ever experienced sleep paralysis? 
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No, I don't think any of them have! Fortunately!
12. which of your muses has the most unsteady sleep schedule?
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Probably Jude! This is both due to having been a medical student and just... generally not taking care of himself.
14. which of your muses second guesses themselves the most? why?
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For the most part they're all pretty sure of themselves when they make decisions! I'd probably say Ludger is a little more likely to second guess himself, though.
18. which of your muses has had the weirdest dream? what was it about?
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Okay, hear me out when I say Jay. I imagine when he first started really getting used to living with the Oresoren, and it started getting colder, he didn't expect that Pippo, Poppo, and Quppo would all start cuddle puddling him to make sure he was warm. So I imagine the first night it happened, he had this dream where he got surrounded by big, fluffy clouds. Except the clouds were really thick, and after a bit he found he couldn't breathe. And when he woke up, he found himself right underneath a pile of three Oresoren brothers all trying to keep him warm. He had a talk with them the next day about appreciating the cuddle puddle, but mentioning that they should make sure he was able to breathe next time.
19. which of your muses has the funniest story from childhood? what is it?
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Probably Repede! It was after Yuri left the knights. Repede was still getting used to living with Yuri in the lower quarter, and he was running around to try and see how fast he was. One thing led to another and he wound up skidding while trying to round a corner and falling right into the river. Yuri happened to be nearby, so was able to fish him out, but Repede did get laughed at a bit after because he looked ridiculous all sopping wet. Repede likes to pretend it didn't happen, but is kind of amused looking back on it.
21. which of your muses tends to get attached to people / things the fastest?
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Ion, for sure! He loves his friends dearly, especially Anise, and got attached to her in particular pretty quickly after she became his Fon Master guard. You might even say she's his most cherished. It helps that he has a tendency to see the best in people.
24. which of your muses would be most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse? 
Not a huge fan of zombie apocalypse scenarios, but here we go!
Jade, Hubert, Chloe, Asch, Sync, and Aegis all probably have the best chances due to their backgrounds in knighthood/soldier training. Jude and Jay stand a pretty good chance as well, both being very tactical minded and logical. Jude probably would need someone keeping an eye out for him, though, if self care still isn't his highest priority. Guy and Repede all also stand pretty good chances, I think. Edna probably could handle herself just fine on her own too.
Rinwell probably wouldn't last very long unless she were to group up with other survivors. She can hold her own, don't get me wrong, but unless she was in a super good groove of casting her artes she probably would get overwhelmed, especially on her own.
Same applies to Rita. She's more than capable of fighting and is an excellent spell caster, but even with her best artes I don't think she'd survive for very long completely on her own unless she got really lucky.
Magilou also probably would need a group's help to survive, assuming they can put up with her.
Ion... sorry, baby boy, but he wouldn't last long at all even with his Daathic fonic artes. Especially with his Daathic fonic artes since they tend to take a lot out of him.
Ivar probably would get himself into a terrible situation pretty quickly and either die heroically or like an idiot.
Ludger and Eizen are both in the tragic fate train. They both could put up a fight and last for a good while, but sooner or later the Reaper's Curse would catch up to Eizen and he'd meet a tragic end. And Ludger probably would go out protecting Elle.
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Hello there, welcome to the official page of the Mt Clydesdale Pokemon Sanctuary, located in the lush Yeretten forests at the base of the Dorcan mountain range. We’re a nature reserve/pokemon park/historical site dedicated to protecting both the history of the area and the pokemon that inhabit it. We specialise in the care of Dark, Ghost and Fairy types, both those native to the region and otherwise. 
Our Team: 
In order to care for the pokemon in the area, the Mt Clydesdale Sanctuary has a varied team of researchers and caretakers who are specialised in different pokemon types, species, and behaviours. We have seasonal teams, partnered researchers, hired out security, and of course, our permanent onsite supervisors. These supervisors are;
Dr Mal Poui:
Dr Mal is our senior onsite supervisor and a Yerette native. He was on the initial team that founded the Sanctuary and is our permanent Ghost & Dark type specialist. They ensure the proper maintenance of the area, protection of the pokemon, and create educational outreach programs. Dr Mal is also well versed in the history of the region, the land on which the Sanctuary sits, and the native pokemon of the region. They’re always happy to talk about pokemon, history, or the day-to-day life at the sanctuary.
Dr Julius Espula:
Dr Julius is our other onsite supervisor and a immigrant from Unova who now permanently resides in Yerette. Dr Julius was brought onto the project as one of the foremost Fairy type experts and has stayed on the project after growing to love his place at our sanctuary. He’s still learning about the region’s history and specific customs but he’s always happy to answer questions about the sanctuary and the fairy types who live here. 
Both Drs live permanently onsite and have onsite quarters while other employees operate on a typical 9-5 with security teams rotating around the clock. These employees include:
Moni: The landscaping head and grass type specialist with their partners Bulbasaur, Oddish, and Wooper. 
Harli: Our PR officer and their poke partner, an Arcanine named Mewtwo
Montgomery: Our educational outreach co-ordinator and their poke partner Ninetails
E.Lated: Head Tour Guide and junior fairy type specialist with their partner Togekiss
Svaha & Cable: Our Joint Security Supervisors and their respective partner pokemon; Fennekin & Pikachu. Svaha often acts as our Fighting specialist and Cable will tend to fire types.
Ani: Our water type specialist with their partner Vaporeon. They also do routine maintenance of our waterways and the two major ponds on the property.
If you’ve got any questions about the site, our staff, or the pokemon you can find here, feel free to shoot us a ask!
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
Hi, can i have a hc of julius as a caretaker while all of the childern is the magic knight captains. they all turn into kids, including mereoleona, Please? i wanted to know what would the captains and julius would be doing. Also It's my first time requesting a Hc about julius :)
YES YES OML okay I'm gonna go character by character
Literally a little shit. Doesn't give Julius a break
"Yami please you and Jack are going to destroy this place"
Julius has grey hair after dealing with him
Same as Yami but harder to catch
Julius is NOT agile enough to chase after Jack, who jumps around and slices everything in sight
Calls him Jackie Poo on accident, it's the dad instinct
Jack has to be restrained in a bubble
Immediately starts crying
Julius panics. Crying child?! What do!!
Finds him a stuffed bird to hold
Tries singing a lullaby too
Jack and Yami tease him saying he looks weird without the braid
Julius has to isolate him from the bullies
"You look fine with or without the braid"
Fuego and Mereo
Try to get Rill and William to fight
Julius gives them food to shut them up and it surprisingly does the trick.
"Mereoleona! Stop hitting your brother!"
At first, Julius thinks he's a genius "I'll just give him paints, hehe"
Two seconds later and his robe is covered with paint
Rill is HYPERR. He got into the sugar somehow...
Literally Hell on earth for Julius
The easiest to deal with bc she's asleep
Constantly trying to hide from Yami
Latches onto Julius's leg and doesn't let go.
Peeks out from under his robe to survey the scene
Julius handed him off to his wife.
Still policing Julius
Having a panic attack.
Yami and Jack keep trying to give him a haircut.
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