#emerald green pill millipede
doomstonee · 2 years
Just realized that Thrillipede is a Madagascar Emerald Pill Millipede
These mfs look adorable
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Thrillipede’s family photo right here
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I see many similarities no doubt that he’s a tropical millipede
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God may be real but he is also cruel bc tell me why I cannot go out and hug a giant emerald pill millipede rn. Tell me why I can’t hug the friend sized green pillbug with too many leggies. Explain urself. What was your thought process here. I am going to bite you.
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adragonsoulants · 2 years
I feel like there is a sub genre on YouTube of bug videos claiming the bug to be an isopod but it's actually a pill millipede and there is almost certainly the name "Rolly Polly" in the title.
Saw one with people genuinely arguing in the comments on whether or not it was an isopod or a pill millipede (spoiler, it was a bright emerald green pill millipede)
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firelord-frowny · 3 years
lmao i was talkin about bugs with my mamma and i managed to name over 100 bugs/arthropods that i’ve seen with my own eyes. i’m so proud of my bug-seeing. <3
big dipper firefly
brown chafer
japanese beetle
cucumber beetle
seven spotted ladybug
rove beetle
eastern hercules beetle
six spotted neolema beetle
brown marmorated stink bug
eastern leaf-footed bug
leaf hopper
dog day cicada
periodical cicada
wheel bug
thread-legged assassin bug
pselliopus assassin bug
polyphemus moth
pandora sphinx moth
luna moth
tiger moth
snowy urola moth
hummingbird moth
nessus sphinx moth
somber carpet moth
wavy lined emerald moth (caterpillar)
eastern tent moth
eastern tent moth caterpillar
snowberry clearwing moth
monarch butterfly
tiger swallowtail butterfly
black swallowtail butterfly
zebra swallowtail butterfly
zebra wing butterfly
fiery skipper butterfly
silver spotted skipper butterfly
peck’s skipper butterfly
red admiral butterfly
red spotted purple admiral butterfly
cabbage white butterfly
common buckeye butterfly
chinese mantis
carolina mantis
field cricket
camel cricket
bush cricket/katydid
giant lubber grasshopper
american cockroach
german cockroach
oriental cockroach
carpenter ants
widow skimmer dragonfly
red saddlebags dragonfly
black saddlebags dragonfly
autumn meadowhawk dragonfly
blue dasher dragonfly
ebony jewelwing damselfly
whitetail skimmer dragonfly
green darner dragonfly
earwig :(
pill millipede 
wood louse
house centipede 
mosquitos, duh
fruit flies, duh
robber flies
crane flies
picture-winged flies
cicada killer wasp
european hornet
bald faced hornet 
eastern paper wasp
european paper wasp
eastern yellowjacket
european yellowjacket
southern yellowjacket
red paper wasp 
common paper wasp
black and yellow mud dauber wasp 
common thread waisted wasp
cuckoo wasp
spider wasp
mason bee
european honey bee 
sweat bee 
eastern bumblebee
american bumblebee
carpenter bee 
four toothed mason wasp
carolina wolf spider gotDAMN those motherfuckers are ENORMOUS
crab spider
marbled orb weaver
black widow spider
cobweb spiders
cellar spiders
three spotted jumping spider
american giant millipede
northern walkingstick
tiger bee fly
box elder bug
large milkweed bug
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redrockbluerock · 5 years
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i’ve been wanting to draw Thrillipede looking more like what he “allegedly” is
he’s got 3 sets of limbs that are really big and the rest are all real small and are hidden by his coat. clearly.
hes sorta based off the Madagascar Green Emerald Pill Millipede (Z. neptunus) which are green and not super long.
millipede antennae are actually under their eyes
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doomstonee · 3 years
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He is voiced by Patrick Seitz, the same guy who voiced Dio in JJBA English dub
This is about Thrillipede, but I may add in the Buzz Wing
All gameplay screenshots are my friend’s images from Amino
Thrillipede is a military pilot millipede that is a Skylander, he used to serve in the Great Greeble War.
His bio:
Thrillipede served in the Millipede Military in the outer regions of Skylands. As the top pilot in his unit, Thrillipede was responsible for single-handedly blasting over 300 Greeble warships out of the sky! When the Great Greeble War came to an end, he returned to his hometown of Flutter Bay as a celebrated hero. He was the talk of the town and everyone wanted to shake the many hands of the famous young pilot. News of his heroics eventually made their way to Captain Flynn at the Skylander Academy, who set out to determine if the stories were true. In a series of friendly challenges, the two pilots raced, soared through obstacles, and performed incredible stunts in front of a cheering Flutter Bay crowd. In each event, Thrillipede stood victorious, and was asked to join the Skylanders shortly after. Of course, Flynn later admitted that he “let him win” so that Thrillipede wouldn’t be embarrassed in front of his hometown.
He’s also described as very modest and very reserved, and either makes it better or worse because he’s very close friends with Buzz and Buzz likes to talk about their adventures. He’s fearless and loves to fly in the sky without a care but is also highly observant both on land and in air. Interestingly enough, on the fandom wiki page, it says he loves to “wow the crowds”.
In terms of abilities, he mainly uses grenades and sometimes flies around with a pair of wings that he gets from cocooning. He is also incredibly skilled in combat, and will win a fight. He has a vast knowledge on machinery and flight mechanics.
He is very good friends with Buzz, as they both went on many missions together. Also speaking of Buzz please marry me-
Nothing else is stated much, he’s not in any of the comics or even in RoH, which is really weird because he’s the ONLY supercharger that’s left out.
Going onto his Easter variant, it’s a giant cursed Easter bunny.
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As you can see, he’s plastered white, literally. His eyes are also black like bruh. It unsettles me but get it bestie 🐛
In the flavor text of his Eggcited outfit is:
Thrillipede is all suited up and is ready to defend his title as the reigning Dragon Egg Toss champion. After last year’s controversy, when Kaos wrongly accused him of costing several Dragon Eggs in sticky tape, Thrillipede is eager to show everyone that his egg tossing supremacy was no fluke. And to prove his point, he agreed to enter the competition with one hand tied behind his back!
I’m sorry this shit is funny-
There’s no other info I got on him and that’s really sad, because I love him so much and he’s a great character if you think about it. I love his concept art too they kept his overall body shape and-
Dad energy 100%
Some headcanons:
He’s Bi and Poly, most likely in a relationship with Buzz, hints at it but hasn’t told anyone
He’s a great cook, it takes a lot off his mind and keeps it from going into the darker pits of his mind
He’s a good listener and gives good advice, would def help you with anything
Pretty strong, he can carry the entire team in his arms if chose so. Tying into that he’s the tallest and the largest, and technically can punt the shorter ones but is terrified
He’s great friends with Fiesta, they vibe really hard
Tired, hasn’t gotten proper sleep in a while because he physically and mentally can’t relax
Doesn’t help because Buzz also doesn’t sleep for some god forsaken reason
He knows what’s going on, caught on many things
He gives some really good hugs, full on embrace you with his four arms and lifts you in the air
He’s super sweet and polite, it’s hard to get him angry
Has been asked many times by kids to adopt them
Be friends with him, he’s just really nice
Don’t fight him if you value your life and dignity, he’ll 『Za Worldo』 your ass
Relationship wise, he loves you dearly and is highly protective, is also a big cuddle-bug and loves to cook for you and Buzz
In all, he’s handsome and cute. Despite the lack of spin-off appearances and his flaws I still love him. He was one of my first fictional crushes, next to Charge Man, if not the first.
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firelord-frowny · 4 years
!!! i got bored and decided to make a list of all the wild bugs/arthropods ive ever seen with my own eyes and been able to identify annnnd here it is! i’m up to 85 and imma go through old pics to find more bc i KNOW there are more.
White tailed skimmer dragonfly
Widow skimmer dragonfly
Red saddlebags dragonfly
Double banded scoliid wasp
European yellowjacket wasp
Four toothed mason wasp
American bumblebee
Eastern bumblebee
European Honeybee*
Carpenter bee
European hornet*
Eastern yellowjacket
European paper wasp*
Eastern paper wasp
Red paper wasp
Common paper wasp
Cicada killer wasp
Spider wasp
17 year cicada
Metallic green sweat bee
Anormenis chloris leafhopper
Common meadow katydid
Fork-tailed bush katydid
Black and yellow mud dauber wasp
Marbled orb weaver spider
Silver spotted skipper butterfly
Snowy urola moth
Wavy lined emerald moth caterpillar
Common buckeye butterfly
Monarch butterfly
Tiger swallowtail
Black swallowtail
Zebra swallowtail
Red spotted purple butterfly
Red admiral butterfly
Fiery skipper butterfly
Cabbage white butterfly
Hummingbird hawkmoth
Pandora sphinx moth
Bald faced hornet
Wheel bug
Leaf footed bug
Eastern firefly
Marmorated stink bug*
Carolina mantis
Chinese mantis*
Periodical cicada
Common looper moth
Velvet ant wasp
Army worm caterpillar
Eastern tent caterpillar
Eastern tent moth
Wheel bug nymph
Box elder bug
Wood louse
Pill millipede
House centipede
Peck’s skipper butterfly
Black widow spider
Robber fly
Crane fly
Dogbane leaf beetle
Earwig (idek wtf an earwig actually is. Is it a beetle?? Is it in the termite family?? Who are you, earwig? Imma look it up. Ok i just looked it up and MOTHER OF GOD they’re in the COCKROACH family and i will explain in the post after this one why i find that to be HORRIBLE news for me)
Japanese beetle*
Cucumber beetle
Northern walkingstick
Cabbage worm
European chafer beetle (I HATE!!!)*
Polyphemus moth
Luna moth
American cockroach
Oriental cockroach
German cockroach
Wolf spider
Nursery web spider
Crowned orb weaver
Garden spider 
Funnel web spider
(eastern?) harvestman
White spotted jumping spider
American green crab spider
Florida lubber grasshopper
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